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7516458 No.7516458 [Reply] [Original]

Iron Gate has popped up on ebay, is anyone insane enough to buy it?

>> No.7516460

You're the one trying to sell it, aren't you?

>> No.7516463

Nice try, but no.

>> No.7516465

I'm more interested in the bag that's up really http://www.ebay.com/itm/Moi-meme-Moitie-Iron-Gate-Print-Boston-Bag-Black-x-Silver-/281315995394?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Backpacks&hash=item417fbd6f02

>> No.7516514

Both the Iron Gate jsk and OP are so fucking bland.
>The fabric also seems quite 'dull' and mediocre at best.

How did it actually get so popular?

>> No.7516524

Shut your whore mouth, you heathen. How dare you insult Lord Mana-sama.

>> No.7516527

It definitely hasn't aged well in terms of style, honestly if it got released now I think a lot of people would consider it to be amateur/plain/a little ita.

But if I remember correctly when it was released it was one of the first prints to take on a more mature and intricate theme, as well as the fact that it was MMM definitely helped. Also when it was released, getting the dresses from Japan was a lot more difficult, so there's that exclusivity factor as well.

>> No.7516532
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>> No.7516533

I-I'm sorry, anon-senpai~ ;~;

So it is pretty much just a status item at this point?
I definitely understood the hype when it came out, it just baffles me that it consistently grew in both popularity and worth when the piece itself has aged so terribly; Most popular prints, even much nicer ones, seem to die down after a certain point.

>> No.7516541

my iron gate jsk is the pride of my wardrobe. it feels so nice and has an awesome hidden side pocket.

>> No.7516556


$50 for a notepad haha lel.

>> No.7516577

Isn't it one of those dresses that you just can't judge until you see it in person? I've always heard people say they think it's pretty bland looking in pictures but completely change their opion once they get to actually touch and see it in person.

>> No.7516691

Why do I get the feeling that you're that Aus loli who has been talking about buying Moitie stuff lately?

The material of the OP is actually one of the worst Moitie has ever used. The JSK is the same quality as most of their other older printed pieces, but more underwhelming than some such as Candelabra.

>> No.7516754

Did they make things out of 100% poly back then too? The quality on polyester is such a huge range I can def see certain dresses being crap compared to others of the same time period

>> No.7516800

Yeah but to get those you had to spend something like $2000 at the store. You needed a full stamp card and one stamp was 10,000 yen

>> No.7517006


yeh it is one of those kind of dresses. the print up close is gorgeous

i am an aus lolita but i havent been talking about buying moitie lately because i've taken a small break from buying lolita.