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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7516388 No.7516388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or has the Lolita fashion started to become allot more "Costumey" over the years? I mean, circle lenses, bring colored wigs, millions of hair accessories, ruffles going all over the place, ect. I'm not alone in this, am I? (pic somewhat related.)

>> No.7516394

welcome to fashion
soon enough it'll go "retro" back to its roots

>> No.7516419

>I'm not alone in this, am I
holy shit you've opened my eyes, you were the only one EVER to have these thoughts in your brain anon! WOW!

just do whatever the fuck you want to do, who cares if certain people go way over the top and make you think of a costume, YOU don't have to do that.

>> No.7516451

I feel the same way but i dont care what others wear. I wear lolita conservatively so its very close to normal yet fancy.

>> No.7516525

We gotta keep getting our kicks somehow. First polka dots made everyone lose their lolita shit, then food prints, then crazy wigs, the list goes on and on. You build up an immunity to the crazy and you have to aim even higher to get the same buzz.

>> No.7516562

This has been going on for years. On the one hand it keeps things interesting, but on the other hand even I can't keep telling myself I'm at a "fashion, not costume" meetup when the majority of the girls are wearing unnaturally coloured wigs with random shit glued to them (cupcakes, stuffed animals) and/or carrying costume props. The OTT-ness doesn't bother me in fashion shows or special events like Enchanted, but ffs when we're just going out for tea I don't want to have to hold your fucking scepter while you go to the bathroom.

>> No.7516570

>I don't want to have to hold your fucking scepter while you go to the bathroom
I lol'd, you are glorious.

>> No.7516601


No lies, I feel like I'm in cosplay sometimes when I go OTT. Not to mention it can get hard to move around in with all the accessories after a while. I love OTT, but I much prefer toned down for a regular meetup.

>> No.7516686

I noticed that...

Weeboos/normal fags tend to be LATE on lolita trends. By the time lolitas were over black and white old school all the weeboos had it imprinted in their head that that's what lolita was so while lolitas were moving on in trends all the weeboos were still buying milannoo/ebay black and white dresses.

Then a few years ago the OTT sweet trend started. Pastel colors, split wigs, feirykei pins all over the place. Well that's falling out now and the direction seems (and I might be wrong) to be going to OTT classic/longer skirts. BUT now the weeboos have caught up so now we have a wealth of hand made cupcake shit on etsy and so on.

>> No.7516690

Whenever I wear sweet it is a costume.

I feel differently about gothic and classic, but even I can't take myself seriously when I go out with my lavender DDC.

>> No.7516693

Then maybe it's not the style for you?

>> No.7516701

My BF said the same thing. He'll accept OTT goth but everything else is silly.

>> No.7516707

It's to compensate for 99% of them being short, fat ugly bitches.

Sadly the costumes can't hide that.

>> No.7516708

need her pimp stick

>> No.7516711

cut that bit out and op would sound pretentious and like they were stating a shitstorm causing topic ripe for deletion in the vein of "im making a pure fact"
take your time on 4chan less seriously. and stop frowning.

>> No.7516716

Look, just because I admit sweet is a bit costumey doesn't mean I don't like it or enjoy it.
I think it looks good, but it's probably never going to be accepted as 'fashion' by normalfag standards.
>He'll accept OTT goth but everything else is silly.
Huh, that's strange. Even toned down classic?

>> No.7516717

That outfit and the Queen of Hearts one... whoa, definite costume.
I dont know who would buy them besides just to collect. They're TOOOOO much even for a meet imo. They're better on a hanger, or for the con, or for the photoshoot. There is no reason to be carrying a sceptre (or in OPs pic, a sweet looking pimp stick) or wearing a bonnet or whatever when you're out shopping or anything. Or even going to a restaurant.

Just living childhood fantasies really. Who wouldnt want to be a full out princessy doll and be into lolita just once I wonder?

>> No.7516720

goth fashion is already accepted as something outlandish people wear, so i can see that.

>> No.7516741

It's why I never got into it now that I have the money. 10 years ago I adored lolita fashion because it tended to be closer to a gothic style. I absolutely abhor all these neon pink and blue prints, looks like clipart abd just tacky as fuck. Say all you want about the maxi pad headresses because they were a lot better than split wigs and decora looking clips oh I mean 'OTT'.

>> No.7516742

Why can't you get into it now and buy the older pieces that you like? Now that I have more money I've been buying pieces I wanted that I couldn't afford back in high school.

>> No.7516744

Just wear old school if that's what you like... No one is making you buy pastel vomit messes

>> No.7516751

Ok but do you even lolita because you can definitely find old school stuff on sale as well as classic and gothic pieces that aren't even remotely sweet nevermind OTT sweet??

A lot of the older, non-print dresses are super comfortable and relatively cheap, too.

I've honestly worn old school and people don't even make the connection to the OTT styles unless you're all literally standing together or the person already knows the fashion.

>> No.7516755

Not everyone makes pastel vomit. Secondhand market, plainer Gothic and classic brands do exist. God damn.

>> No.7516911

do people really hate bonnets that much? I kind of enjoy bonnets but that's because I'm pale as fuck and I live in Australia so whatever meagre sun protection I can get is worth it

>> No.7516935

I honestly like how OTT and "costumey" you can be in lolita now. Not saying that I'd do it every day, but the idea that I could be dressed so out there is oddly alluring.

>> No.7516967
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OP is a fashion show outfit though. They're supposed to be really over-the-top and attention-grabbing. Often the fashion show pieces are special blinged-up versions that are way fancier than the ones that actually go up for sale. You rarely see outfits that elaborate at normal meet-ups and I've never seen anyone carrying props around unless there's going to be a themed photoshoot.

Having mental images of OP wearing a fur cape surrounded by a harem of girls in Sugary Carnival.

You do know gothic lolita still exists, right? Even Angelic Pretty makes simple solid color dresses. Also maxi pad headdreses are still sold by brands and split wigs and star clips are going out of style and are kinda noob-tier. You sound like you looked at one GLB a long time ago and really don't know anything about lolita at all.

>> No.7517010
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This was 5 years ago. OTT didn't happen all of a sudden, it's been steadily growing.

>> No.7517013
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>> No.7517017
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>> No.7517019
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>> No.7517021
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>> No.7517024
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>> No.7517026
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>> No.7517031
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>> No.7517082

What's the name of this dress? Reverse image search only gave me uncaptioned pinterest posts.

>> No.7517086

For real, I don't give two shits whether or not it looks costumey. I do what I like.

>> No.7517097

Isn't the point of runway/fashion shows is to be over the top. And streetware is a dulled down version of it.

>> No.7517101


This is a fashion show though. You aren't supposed to mimic runway so thoroughly though.

>> No.7517117

classic garden

>> No.7517122

Get a parasol, sis. No bonnet hate here.

>> No.7517125

Was this version of Milky Chan ever released? I don't remember seeing it.

>> No.7517127

Yew, but it shows that brands such as AP had already started to become more OTT than in earlier years nonetheless.

>> No.7517128

Most of this stuff was never released and was made just for the runway.

>> No.7517244
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To clarify I do have some non print items and a really nice solid black meta jsk. I just didn't end up 'getting into it' in a sense of getting worked up about releases although I really loved that Halloween set from last year that even had a witch hat, I've always wanted a fashionable witch hat to wear. Also I can't see myself going to meetups after seeing all the crazy infighting. I'm way too sensitive and easily hurt to brave a lolita comm.
The GLB comment made me chuckle a bit. My older friend had a subscribtion and would let me read them whenever I was over his house.

Guys I know there is still gothic I'm just really turned off by the direction lolita has been going in for the past few years. You dont need to educate me its my shitty opinion for chrissakes.

>> No.7517248

Most of this was just for the runway though, you're obviously supposed to tone down the outfit in real life. I think a lot of girls especially in the west see these runway coords and magazine coords and carbon copy them without realizing how weird it looks in real life. Regardless of AP heading in a more OTT direction it's still possible to wear any of their full sets in a more toned down way, but OTT is becoming such the norm that it's difficult to wear them toned down without being called boring or underdressed.

>> No.7517260
File: 368 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mzn9uaVscw1qbuhibo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man
i want to wear this
but uh...
They used to not release crazy cuts like this, but now suddenly its ok or something...? Especially the special teaparty sets, with la sucre and romantic rose letter recently...?

>> No.7517265

Thank you!

>> No.7517273

I also don't like the cut of these OPs, the JSK with the blouse looks good to me. But with the same-color sleeves attached, it feels a bit too much to me.

>> No.7517309

I never said otherwise? But trends are dominated by the brands which is why it is relevant. AP's runway stuff still reflects their aesthetic as it evolves.

>> No.7518611

Agreed, the fashion show pictures I've seen have often been over the top so it's not all that relevant to the fashion as a whole.

>> No.7518622

What shoes are those?

>> No.7518746


You know, I bet that's how it started. I'm looking at all those gorgeous photos, and yes, it's for the runway, but that beautiful rose crown is awesome, and that memorial cake princess dress, I wish so bad that they'd made it, I'd buy that in every colour except black.

which brings us to

Ahhh see? They made that princess dress after all. I think a lot of girls must be like me, they see the OTT runway stuff and want to have it, and somehow there's enough of us that AP can keep putting these kinds of dresses out.

I mean, I already attract stares even going out in gothic lolita, if I'm going to get stared at, I might as well do it in the most gorgeous dress ever.

(As for wigs and contacts, I can't really comment on that. I don't do wigs or contact lenses, but then I like the way my face looks and don't want to change that. I just really want to wear that gorgeous dress.)

>> No.7518787

Am I the only one not really liking the high fashion models wearing lolita? I don't know if it's their height or their ultra angular faces, but it just doesn't look sweet to me. Maybe they'd suit another brand better, but it's such a weird contrast with AP.

>> No.7518810

No, a lot of people don't like it.
It looks strange and they seem uncomfortable and have dead looking facial expressions. They might have looked okay in something like JetJ, but AP doesn't suit them at all. The hairstyling and makeup look really weird with it too (no bangs, etc). I don't know what the stylists were thinking
Part of the appeal of normal lolita fashion shows to me is that they don't feel so cold and high fashion. The models look happy and bring out the image of the brand.


>> No.7519046

High fashion models are horrible in lolita. They're too tall and lanky, so the proportions look totally off. The dresses are too short and look not quite right in the torso. The models also do not smile, they look pissed off.... like they're trying to do the normal weird pouty face so common in high fashion modeling. Not only that, but they do not have the cutesy flattering poses that fit with the lolita look so well. Instead, they jut out their hips, shoulders, and chests in a way that's just off.

>> No.7519062

No that's just japanese models ofr street wear. They like to have the sort of cute genki kinds of girls to model. Everything else is the same as everywhere else.

Models are generally supposed to be "hangers" so you don't want them to stand out, only emphasize the clothing. Hence no smiling and having interesting looks/all of the girls having fairly similar looks.

>> No.7519092

I don't dislike it myself, but I do get what you mean about happy looking models. High fashion models can do happy too, but obviously whoever directed this show when in a cold direction.

>> No.7519124

I understand the model "hangers" look for high end serious and sleek fashions, but it really just doesn't enhance the aesthetic of cuter fashions like lolita. It comes off way too severe, and the contrast really just takes away from the look the designers are trying to present. The clothes are obviously not suited for these models at all. And I LOVE runway models usually, don't get me wrong.

>> No.7519312

Anybody? I assumed they were AP but can't see them on hellolace.

>> No.7519327

yeah they are AP, some kind of glossy triple bow kitty heel

found the stock link http://angelicpretty-onlineshop.com/products/detail.php?product_id=18

>> No.7519349


They're the Chelsea Ribbon heels, I have them in lavender.

>> No.7519399

Thanks, I guess I'm just blind.