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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7513296 No.7513296 [Reply] [Original]

Race-playing and Cross-playing general

Yup. I'm black so I'm going as Afro Samurai to Akaicon. Partially because lelaccuracy, and because I love the character.

>On another similar note
People seem to take offense to someone cosplaying a character of different racial backgrounds. Even more so the people cross-playing. This is weird to me. Is it so bad of a black guy wants to go as Sword of the Stranger or Spike? Why must we have a costume that's either of a black guy, or of a masked/painted character?

>> No.7513303

People can dress as characters of whatever race they want but painting yourself a different skin color will always, always look like shit so just, don't do that

>> No.7513333

>tfw black friend wants to go as piccolo.
>tfw other friend jokingly says he should go as Mr.Popo
>other friend gets told off
>doesn't understand what the problem is

Idc what anyone goes as as long as the costume looks good. I don't think people get upset at all, atleast not in Boston. Now, let's say a black guy goes as Mako...well, people might look at that differently. White guys or non-black guys can't really go as black characters, but vice-versa is ok. No one would think a white guy going as Afro would look good at all. But I've seen a black guy go as Archer (FSN) and he looked fucking amazing.

>> No.7513358

Nice dubs.
I think it's because of the lack of black characters who aren't a joke/some stupid stereotype .
I personally can't see a non black person wearing a 'fro and being Afro Samurai.

A bit unrelated, but I remember reading that the creator of Soul Eater made that Kirik dude black since there aren't many black characters in manga/anime.

>> No.7513359

Well, is your friend fat? because Mr. Popo sure is.

>> No.7513364

I meant quads.

>> No.7513365

>Afro samurai
sorry for your shit taste

>> No.7513367

well what else can a blaack guy go as?

>> No.7513368

I know what you mean, it's kinda like so you ignored the 1000's of non poc characters and then decided to go for one of the poc, which make up a tiny minority of the characters available, really? It's almost impossible not to get all 'derp derp, white privilege' when observing those kinda decisions. It's like, dude, maybe, just maybe on this one occasion you should have chosen someone else.

>> No.7513371

If you actually watched real anime and not this shit, lots of characters.

>> No.7513379

Name a few that aren't background characters.
I'm not OP, but there are very little characters.
Someone mentioned Kirik from Soul Eater, but that's all I can think of right now.

>> No.7513386

go as whatever the hell you like, safe in the knowledge that you will never look like a knob in the way that the white guy who chooses to cosplay afro samurai looks like a knob.

>> No.7513403
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>Why must we have a costume that's either of a black guy, or of a masked/painted character?
Some people are just petty. I think you should cosplay whatever you want as long as it can work for you. A shame 90% of them have white/blonde hair since not everyone with milk chocolate and darker skin can really wear it. I go for dark skinned characters only because I like said character. Pic related. Michiko's awesome, and I actually like her outfits since I could easily dress in them by shopping around the neighborhood.

>> No.7513512
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Dutch from Black Lagoon and Mugen from Samurai Champloo always struck me as well-rounded characters that were neither stereotypical nor incidental. In terms of their costuming and styling though, they're pretty low-key, although Mugen's outfits are still pretty cool, even if they don't scream 'magical anime hero' or whatever.

Full Metal Panic!, Wolf's Rain and Samurai 7 also spring to mind as featuring a number of poc characters that just kinda happen to be poc, I don't know much about these series though and the characters in them.

>> No.7513556

Don't just narrow your scope with anime. Tons of video games allow players to customize their character and change gender and race. That is the ultimate solution in my opinion

>> No.7513574

So if it's a race thing, why doesn't anyone call out all the white girls cosplaying characters like Madoka? She's very much Japanese last I checked.

Inb4 anime characters are white, etc. that is always a fun debate to have though.

Cosplaying whatever you want guys, it's cartoons for crying out loud.

>> No.7513592

Cosplay whomever you want, regardless of race/gender/body type as long as it's a character that you love and you have fun when cosplaying them. People get suck on the "cos" part of cosplay and totally forget the "play". So what if a character doesn't have your skin tone? Do it anyway! Unless your character is red, green, blue, purple, etc., there's no reason to get all bent out of shape over it.

>> No.7513640

Mmf. My anime husbando from 2005. Oh man, i miss Samurai Champloo

>> No.7513646

All though this thread has been pretty positive usually the internet is more negative on poc cosplaying or dressing as non-poc characters.

Usually at convention people still get picture whether they are of the actual race or not. I think as long as the costume is very well-done accurate for the most part people will still admire your skill.

There' a black guy in m com who ALWAYS goes as Cloud. it's a bit tiring to see every con but he's not shitty.

Also at least most people won't say antyhing to your face.

>> No.7513672

It's unfortunate, but there aren't many poc in anime/video games as main characters. Any RPG could work because you make your own character. Or just go as whatever you want. Fuck it, it's your costume and your choice.

>going as Shepard (mass effect)

>> No.7513693
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>coolest of the cast
>comedic relief
It's always comic relief with he black guy.

Captcha: inequalities ikesnig

>> No.7513698

Sazh is 11/10.

>> No.7513702

Sazh is a really well rounded dude and the only character I actually liked from FF13.
I'd be psyched to run across someone cosplaying him.

>> No.7513705

dude, Sazh is amazing. And actually, Snow is comedic relief, isn't he? Sazh actually has a touching backstory with his son.

>and choco in his afro yessss

>> No.7513729

>Snow is comedic relief, isn't he?
I wish. He's the bishie of the group and gets to hog all the cutscenes with his waifu Serah. If anything the game revolves 85% Lightning, 5% Snow, and the rest to everyone else despite Vanille being the narrator. Even though Hope got a big focus too, it still revolves around Snow which in turn revolves around Lightning.

>> No.7514257

There's not many black people in anime. It's unfortunate, but true. So, that really means you can dress as whatever you want.

>anime characters are mostly japanese anyway
>even blonde haired blue eyed ones are japanese, not white

>> No.7514447

I actually had a discussion with my boyfriend about cosplaying for ones skin tone since I wanted to cosplay Anna from frozen but he said she was way "whiter" than me. My skin isn't even that dark (pic related) and it surprised me at first when he said it cause it's the first time I've ever heard him say anything against my cosplay plans.

I personally think you should cosplay whatever black -> white characters and reversed. It's like when tumblr got crazy over white Korra cosplayers because they were "racist".
I mean, they just wanted to show their love for the character not start a racial debate. I already saw someone else write it on 4chan but I agree with the point that you can cosplay who you like, but a black Simon (from DRRR) will be more accurate than a white Simon.

But yeah if people start the whole "cosplay for your race/skintype" there's a lot of shit people can't cosplay obviously.

>> No.7514470

I'm hispanic, so there's literally no character in anime or mango that exists that is my race. I don't care, because i've been cosplaying for 10 years now and I never had an issue with skin tone. I might tan a bit if the character is darker than me like Aomine from Kuroko no basket, but seriously-- do whatever you like! It's all for fun anyway. It's suppose to be fans showing their appreciation by making a costume and meeting other fans.

>> No.7514506

>I'm hispanic, so there's literally no character in anime or mango that exists that is my race

Antonio Lopez - Tiger & Bunny
Jose Rodriguez - Kyou Kara Maou
Yasutora Sado/Chad - Bleach
Ricardo Martinez, Alfredo Gonzalez, Jose Ramirez - Hajime no Ippo
Chico Rodriguez - G Gundam
Pedro - Excel Saga

Come again?

>> No.7514511

Aaaah, Pedro.
How I loved Pedro.

>> No.7514571

Gintama - Tonari no Pedro

>> No.7514573
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>really want to cosplay as Berg Katse

Does this count as crossplay?

>> No.7514582

My dream is to see the perfect Pedro cosplayer.

>> No.7514584

Berg is an alien. Don't let any tumblr genderfluid snowflake deter you.

Unless you're fat. Then don't do it.

>> No.7514587

Yeaaaah, not a big buff man, so none of these matter to me.

Love me some Pedro though.

>> No.7514589

This is cute as fuck. Where is this from?

>> No.7514590
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>Unless you're fat. Then don't do it.

>> No.7514593

Not fat at all, low bf %
>broad shouldered

This character is probably as close to cute as I can ever be

>> No.7514594

Gatchaman Crowds.
You can always google the character's name.

>> No.7514597
File: 2.46 MB, 4969x3507, 1384190928289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gatchaman Crowds

>> No.7514676

Here are the rules for Cosplay
The no one wants to say, but we all know it
Some of us even say it out-loud.

>Race doesn't truly matter when cosplaying
Why? Most of the time, the character is japanese or something anyway, and you won't be "story-accurate" anyway, so fuck it. Go as what you want. However, if you have the skin tone to pull of certain characters (like Afro for instance) take full advantage of it. You'd look 10000x better than a white person trying to pull it off. Don't be ashamed. If you want to go as white as fuck Naruto, be the best one you can be

No one wants to say it, but I will. Unless you're a 5'3> guy who's going through the numbers to becoming a lady soon, then DON'T DO IT. No one wants to see a guy cross-playing a cute chick. You ruin the image of the person. Seriously. I saw a guy go as fucking Mako, and it made me sick. If you're a guy, go as a guy. It's biased, but girls have the choice to go as whatever, because a lot of characters have "feminine" facial features. Though male.

Please...Please...If you're fat (and you know who I'm talking to, you know you're fat if you're fat, even if you don't want to admit it), DO NOT wear revealing clothing such as some character who does so. If you're a chubby, don't go as fucking Misty from pokemon. Find a chubby person to go as. No one wants to see nasty rolls hanging off of your costume. Period. You know you're wrong for wearing whatever you're wearing, so don't do it in public where other people can see. It's almost offensive. Be decent. I don't want to go into a con and see some 280pnd manatee dressed as fucking Witchblade. I just don't, and no one else does either. They are just polite enough to not say anything to you...to your face.

>> No.7514677

I'm on my mobile, and it's been lagging bad lately. Thanks.

thank you very much

>> No.7514686
File: 235 KB, 720x1280, Cynthia (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind anyone cosplaying regardless of Race, or Gender. If you're gonna complain about Race complain about people not being asian.

My own Crossplay. (Cynthia from Pokemon)

>> No.7514719

why are you posting your cynthia everywhere? your own thread for it is literally on the front page.

>> No.7514731


Honestly, because I didn't see this thread at first. And wouldn't have made my own otherwise.

>> No.7514735

that's why you check the catalog first....

>> No.7514773

I still think you look 50.

>> No.7514777


I think that you have not met a 50 year old.

>> No.7514808

That Meiko's blonde wig wtf? is she cosplaying the bootleg petit nendo they sell on eBay?

>> No.7514809

Wait, fuck I fucked up they're supposed to be Len dressed as Meiko forgive my eyesight

>> No.7514822

No you definitely look older than 50.

>> No.7514828


All the 50 year olds you know have some damn good complexion then.

>> No.7514830

dont worry, that's what I thought at first too

>> No.7514835
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Dropped pic, apparently my phone didn't want to

>> No.7514866

No, they really don't, they look like you - coated in a thick layer of cracking foundation that still doesn't hide all the wrinkles.

>> No.7514873

It's because you're caking on the makeup SO thick, it's literally making you look like a cake and highlighting every wrinkle. Just lay low on the cakeface, moisturize and use a good dewy primer and more natural makeup.

>> No.7514881


To be fair, this is after 8 hours of wearing it on a sweaty ass day packed with 6000 people in an all too small hotel.

>> No.7514887


I do moisturize, but only started recently. (I pulled this off on about a months worth of time.) You make do with what ya got.

>> No.7514935

Nobody cares, the fact is you do look like a 50 year old in that picture - why is irrelevant.

>> No.7514972


I appreciate you being the only person to give me any real points to work on. And I will use them going forward. Thank you very much, anon.

>> No.7515051
File: 387 KB, 269x270, 1394087585057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this. I actually felt awkward when my supervisor at work asked me about what characters he could cosplay. He's bald, has a thick beard, eyes that slightly bug out, obese, and I can't find a single attractive feature on him. His skin is also mulatto child brown, but not that pretty creamy color. It's more like coffee that's been sitting out too long. He's my supervisor so I had to be careful what I said, and he gets butthurt over the tiniest things.

Just went with "O-oh. W-w-w-ell maybe Eggman from Sonic? I, uh, don't know that many people your... size."

>Proceeds to complain about being a villain.

>> No.7515060

Wow, he sounds hideous. Yeah, there really is not much hope for people who look like that. He could be a Klingon from Star trek if he got in shape, maybe?

>> No.7515071

This, forever. If you're black then just accept it, don't try to paint yourself white.

>> No.7515573
File: 2.09 MB, 773x1033, dark elf larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to cosplay a dark elf
>afraid everyone will take it as blackface

>> No.7515583

I don't think it'll be blackface because the character isn't black.

>> No.7515745


>Most are japanese so you won't be "story-accurate" anyway

>Girls are allowed to cosplay boys, but boys can't cosplay girls cause it won't look accurate


>> No.7515765

No one with half a brain would ever think that. Ever.

>> No.7515774

well there was that tumblr nonsense about the dark link 'blackface' guy and they all went batshit about it. Even though it turned out the guy was... black...

Basically, it's not an issue because you're not doing it to portray a black person in a mocking way. You're doing it to dress up as a fictional, made up character that isn't even human.

will some idiots give you crap? yes, but they will be a minority and you can just ignore them as it'll only happen on tumblr anyway.

>> No.7516456
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I'm going to try cosplaying Rui soon and I was wondering the same thing.

[spoiler]Can't wait to end up in the cringe threads. At least I'm skinny I guess.

>> No.7516469

>actually take photos of cosplay progress
>refuse to post them out of fear of ending up here
>refuse to post them here simply because of the anons
I'm positive I could get some help and advice, but it'd be under layers of bitterness and/or general negativity

>> No.7516480

Yeah, I prefer it to the useless "LOOKS GREAT" kind of comments you'd get from a lot of other websites though.

I've got the cosplay itself down just fine, but I guess I should post my ugly mug on here at some point for makeup advice so I can hopefully look not hideous.

Any general makeup tips for someone who's doing crossplay and has never touched the stuff before? The makeup guide under the mtf crossplay is a bit lacking.

>> No.7516495

what are the specific features on your face which you think might trip you up when you're trying to "pass"?
if it is all about looks who cares what you are actually? looks great? good job passing.

>> No.7516508

Well I guess I kind of look androgynous, but not in the good way, I just have a sort of unfortunate amorphous blob of a face, with a bit of shadow around the facial hair area that it's hard for me to get rid of because my hair is really thick and dark.

>> No.7516536

i read something about orangey concealer to break up the shadow of hair... not sure if I'm getting it right. I just shave really close but I'm lucky I'm not extremely hairy. Could get another helpful anon confirm this?

>> No.7516869

You're mostly right, Coral pink helps combat the grey of five o clock shadow. Get some cheap wet n wild blush, that shit is super pigmented and costs like a dollar, put it on and let it cook before doing foundation and all that fun stuff over it.

>> No.7516880

Woah cool, learnt something new today. I didnt know you could layer foundation over blusher.

>> No.7517140

Thanks anon.

>> No.7517214

You're light enough, quit playin'.