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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 540x960, SJShitApology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7512793 No.7512793 [Reply] [Original]

So I guess this thing blew up over night as I kept seeing it posted by friends.

What's everyone's take on it? Reading the posts on the SJ Facebook are entertaining.

>> No.7513077

I had to look up the Facebook stuff. That Kit person is hilarious.

Though I would say someone should take caps, otherwise SJ will eventually just delete everything. They don't do well when it comes to anything bad PR. They just delete it and pretend it never happened.

I also noticed the chair made his Twitter closed to public when it wasn't before. Interesting.

>> No.7513083

>Texas con drama
>On a public board about cosplay

fuck off Texasfags

>> No.7513091

Oh dear, it's out in the open already, you can't stop it.

>> No.7513095

You can though. Stop samefagging your thread.

>> No.7513103


Which rep are you?

>> No.7513110

>con drama on a cosplay board
>fuck off!

Isn't this where it goes?

>> No.7513113


>> No.7513114

What happened?

>> No.7513121



Basically SJ stole someone's work, wouldn't give credit after multiple attempts at contact them.

>> No.7513135

Fucker deserved to get ripped off. Shouldn't have kept a rough draft of an already finished product on your channel.

>> No.7513157


Doesn't change the fact SJ stole it and never gave credit.

I know SJ staff watches cgl so I expect we will see a few of them post here.

>> No.7513174

Meh, I feel like its not a big deal.
No1Curr, nobody's going to pretend like this affects our con experience. There are worse things SJ could screw up.


>> No.7513180


People are still going to go to SJ, their con attendance will probably be around the same as last year. This is only affecting a very small minority. Just the friends of this dude mostly. I feel like by the time the con rolls around it's all going to be forgotten anyway.

Ayriath you're a cool gal and I respect you, but please stop samefagging this thread

>> No.7513184


I always found it funny how attendees can be so apathetic. Unless it happened to screw them over and then they would be up in arms and raising hell. I'm looking at you lolita community..

>> No.7513192

Just look at the people who still pay for DragonCon when their money goes to a literal child molester.

>> No.7513235

It doesn't affect the con experience, right?

So why not just own up to it, apologize, and give him the credit he asked for? If it's really that redundant, then why is everyone being so stubborn over it?

>> No.7513249

oh no someone didnt put my name whent they used muh videya, cry me a fucking river. Not like theres a legal case, shits free to use once you put it on the internet anyways.
Its not just the lolita community that doesnt care, nobody cares. ugh.
They did clearly in OPs post. And yes, it doesnt affect wether panels run on time or anything relating to the con itself, its just whoever runs the facebook page. Whatever.

>> No.7513263


They might have finally booted him recently I think? They've been trying to for years, but there's been a lot of legal hassles from what I know.

>> No.7513265

Oh, they apologized? Kay, cool. Why the fuck is this thread up then? People just wanting to dish drama about the lolita comms?

Haha, go ahead, guys. Don't let this thread go to waste.

Was the Houston comm there? I hate that comm in particular. Let's get some drama on them. Other comm hate is appreciated, too, though. Seriously, guys, go nuts.

>> No.7513305

I am so sick of this shit. It was everywhere last night.

Dude blew the situation way out of hand. Why did he not address the issue at ikkicon when he saw them playing it? He decided to wait 5 months and then whine about it on the internet? He never once mentions trying to contact them after he saw the vid in use. He also gave them credit to use it, but requested the use an updated version. It probably just slipped through the cracks.

I also have no idea why people are now angry at san Japan for making a policy to no longer use CMVs as marketing. Ya'll bitched and mined about it do they fixed the issue.

>> No.7513326

Tumblr a shit.
San Japan a shit.
Jerry Caldwell a shit.

Get this crap off of /cgl/ and go back to your little fagbook circle jerk drama

>> No.7513337

if you're sick of it stop talking about it you moron
obviously he tried contacting them and they ignored him so that's why people finally pressured them in to responding. if you're gonna obsesses over something you're "sick of" at least know what you're talking about

>> No.7513343

This thread is cancer why is it here why are people bitching about this still

>> No.7513350

go back to your fap thread f8ggot

>> No.7513355

tumblr white-knighting on facebook. I wish these bitches would shut up because some of it gets to my feed. Like I almost want to say fuck this guy just because I'm tired of these girls who think they're some mighty do-gooders because they're riding a bandwagon that requires little effort to get onboard. SJ handled the situation okay, get the fuck over it.

>> No.7513363

it's standard Tumblr-shilling. San Japan may be douchebags, but at least they aren't continuing to fan the flames.

>> No.7513373

this is the first thing I've posted at all about it anywhere. I watched his video. He never says he tried to contact them after ikkicon and then he rants for 4 minutes about how a con playing his vid and not profiting off of it is exactly the same as someone stealing a painting from a museum. He has no idea what he is talking about and he sounds like a whiny little bitch.

>> No.7513388

Nice dubs.

This retard literally ruined it for the rest of us who want to shoot the con. His video was shit and he is shit. He said he gave them permission to use it after he saw it at Ikki, then he failed to finish editing it in time so they ran with the draft. They did nothing wrong and he decided to make Tumblr his personal army for a cause that literally does not exist. None of these idiots shilling his post will listen to logic either.

>> No.7513390
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haha oh wow, I just jumped into this thread to ask: do you even know what site this is?

>> No.7513398

Well then don't start nobody gives a shit this is retarded

>> No.7513404
File: 227 KB, 890x1108, 1382410016956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hueheuheuehueheu maybe

>> No.7513548

wow anon, what crawled up your ass? You must suck the guys dick or something, why do you give such a shit?

>> No.7513897
File: 64 KB, 590x462, DOGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually not posted in this thread, I just knew it existed. I can see how it can kinda seem like me though. :D
Sorry y'all. If I was samefagging a thread, I'd try to make it more interesting.
*Slinks back to lurk*

>> No.7514064
File: 48 KB, 500x306, Screenshot_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Guy complains about not getting credit for a CMV he made that San Japan uses to promote their con*
*Same guy doesn't even credit the song/musician he used in that very same CMV*


>> No.7514100

>shits free to use once you put it on the internet anyways.
it's actually not but most people can't pay for lawyers and shit to do anything about it. it's more like hard to stop, not so much free.

>> No.7514110

He may not have explicitly said it in the video, but he actually did mention else where that he did in fact attempt to contact SJ in private about the video, which they didn't respond to (which San Japan did in fact confirm in their official statement.) The thing is, it seems like the statement contradicts dates. They said they quit using his video as of February 22, but if the video creator is in fact right, they actually kept using it as recently as Mizuumi Con. Dunno whether that's true or not, but you know, something worth mentioning.

Also, aren't you guys the least bit concerned that San Japan's response was to just cease using CMVs altogether and basically claim ownership on all videos filmed there? Like, I get it if you think the guy blew it out of proportion (which actually he says he was coaxed by friends to do, otherwise he wouldn't have done it), but you really don't think San Japan also handled the situation poorly? Can you really blame one videographer for San Japan's damage control?

>> No.7514238

He said someone told him they thought they were still using it at Mizumicon, he wasn't even actually there to know so it's all hearsay.

Why should anyone be concerned SJ has decided to just stop using CMV for promotion? It blew up in their faces because some kid thinks he's hot shit and spewed a bunch o false information about copyright all over tumblr. What is the easiest way to make sure it doesn't happen again? To just stop the practice all together. As far as the press pass is concerned, every con that issues press passes has a similar policy. This is nothing new. Why should a con give you free access and privileges at their event if they don't benefit from it?

>> No.7514242


I'm inclined to believe you might just
be that Kit person. She was going on and on and on about OMG KEIRAN! all night on the Facebook thread.


I question your reading comprehension. What I was saying was if say SJ slighted the lolita community in some way, you would all be up in arms ready to go to battle online. But because it's not about you, you don't give two shits.

And I think some people care otherwise people wouldn't be talking about it.

I don't do CMV or videography or whatever. It's not related to me in the slightest. However, even I have to sit back and say wait, that shit isn't really cool. And I'm not talking crazy social justice tumblr shit either. I mean as a general convention attendee, I'm not really cool with it. What's to stop SJ from doing shady shit to someone else?

>> No.7514247


I don't think that's true at all. I have done press at a few cons. They have things to sign, but it's usually just rules agreeing not to photograph bands and such. Nothing like they can flat out steal your shit and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.7514249
File: 85 KB, 343x360, moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can see the moment when I realize that one of my videos was being used as promotion (and considered good enough quality for such!)

So...the guy would have been ecstatic if any other con had been using his video for promotions but since it was san japan he was disappointed? This guy is so full of himself it hurts.

I guess if SJ had put a disclaimer at their table then we could have avoided this whole mess

>Disclaimer: This video belongs to the guy that made it.

>> No.7514298

Did you even finish reading the sentence you're trying to be buttmad about?

>> No.7514305

It's not that it was San Japan, it's that he specifically said, "Please don't until I give you the HD one with the watermark." So when he saw they went and did it anyway, yeah, he'd be upset. It also sounds like he'd have had the same response if any other con had done the same thing.

>> No.7514323

>basically claim ownership on all videos filmed there
that would not fly in court at all and the only thing that will save their ass is the fact that no fan videographer is going to have the money to do anything about it.

I have never signed a damn thing at a convention while press even for big ones like Anime Expo. Actually, I take that back. AX had something for the Miku concert. That's the only time I've ever signed something.

Shit I don't even sign anything when shooting press for actual concerts.

>> No.7514331

Yes, did you?
He's basically admitting that if he had seen his video being used as promotion by a convention that didn't attempt to contact him he would have been happy because they thought his work was good enough to use, but since SJ bothered to attempt to contact him and he never bothered to send them a new cut in 3 months with his logo now he's pissed.

>> No.7514352

You might want to go back and read the fine print bro. You don't have to sign anything, accepting the pass is agreeing to the terms.

>> No.7514356

I'm really not sure if you're trying to troll by acting like you can't read or have serious brain damage at this point.

>> No.7514372

AX and all the conventions I've been to have never had a "we own anything you make" clause anywhere in their photo/video policies.

>> No.7514379


And unless they sign something, then SJ won't have any legal leg to stand on. Not that they would anyway, but damn.

I don't know if they have a legal team at SJ, but if not, it clearly shows. It all just seems like a hasty thrown together attempt by their shit PR team.

>> No.7514380

At least I'm not white knigting some dick's shitty videos on a convention facebook. Not everyone wants to suck your friends dick anon, I'm really sorry.

>> No.7514382

>I immediately turned from excitement to disappointment when I realized who it was...

He's saying he was ecstatic that his video was good enough to be in a promotion, until he found out it was SJ. He should've been upset instead since he didn't give permission for any of his videos really. His YT only shows the SJ video and Mini-Akon video before December.

>> No.7514390
File: 9 KB, 235x261, 1374186852633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know the guy but you seem pretty upset. I don't recall white knighting him, just pointing out the fact that you're so angry that you can't read.

>> No.7514396

What the fuck are you talking about? The content creator retains all of the rights, the clause only gives SJ the right to use the content created on their social media. It also only applies to people who are issued press passes.

It's pretty much the same policy most con photogs have towards cosplayers. How the fuck are people this stupid?

>> No.7514434

it was started in >>7514110

>> No.7514834

SJ asked to use the video and the guy who made it was like let me put a watermark on it
sj never replied and started using the video without him knowing like at cons to advertise and stuff. He was trying to contact them for months and never got a response until he made the video

>> No.7514837

The apology was probably the most shity half assed apology ever

>> No.7514921

at this point mr.caldfag seems to be just enjoying the attention and is well aware of the thread here.

So mr caldfag shave that pedo stache off your seedy face, get off your fucking texas high horse and get over your shat video and shatty hypocritical opinions

>> No.7515054

he's just being a dick now. Since he "released" his video he has been encouraging people spam it all over the place. He has posted about it 10 times all over his Facebook. He definately loves the attention. This whole issue has been about him not getting enough attention.

>> No.7515117

Seems to be an issue between one man and the SJ heads.

Since this will personally effect no one in this thread, nor the con itself, I don't see much purpose for this thread aside from another dramagossipcirclejerkfest.

Why are Texfags so drama addicted?

>> No.7515140

>Walk around with a video camera
>Throw the clips together

>muh artistic integrity
>muh youtube views
>muh credit

Jesus man, just be proud they like your vid and people are enjoying it. You're video taping nerds at a nerd convention, not painting the mona lisa.

>> No.7515162

Why are we giving attention to CMV makers again? They're as shitty as AMV makers.

>> No.7515172


If someone stole my artistic property, I would probably do the same thing. I would want attention drawn to the people who did wrong. I mean what is he supposed to do? Just ignore it and not try to get the word out?

You want change, you bring it to social media so it spreads. That's how it works. It's a big warning flag to others that SJ might have some shady practices and to watch out.

I realize a lot of you have hard-ons for SJ, but damn


wtf are you talking about. Texas has very little drama compared to the rest of the U.S. cosplay scene.

>> No.7515176

At least AMV makers are having fun. CMV people are just jerks crowding up cons with their camera equiptment and making sub par videos with people spinning to crappy music. It was fun when I first saw it myself at MAGfest two years ago, but now it's just massively irritating.

>> No.7515195

>Texas has very little drama
Do you live under a fucking rock

>> No.7515199

I haven't laughed so hard.
But yeah, I don't understand the whole fucking dramu. You don't see people going crazy when people make AMVs and it's posted everywhere.

>> No.7515216

Enough about this non-drama. What else is going on for this con? Any lolitas planning on going?

>> No.7515228
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>> No.7515230

no, texas is just literally bigger so you hear about it more. We have 4 major cities, but per area we have generally less drama
>Except HLC
>HLC can go suck a dick

>> No.7515235

>muh tumblr army
>muh facebook army

Cracking up here

>> No.7515352

uh, you lawyer up and send a cease and desist. Of course for you to be able to do that the other party needs to have not broken any laws. It also helps if you aren't committing infringement using music you don't have the rights to use.

Using social media to initiate online riots is gross. That is not what it is for and that mindset is causing huge issues. For god sakes, the same type of internet police mob mentality got the CEO of Firefox fired.

>> No.7515357

>needs to have actually broken laws.

This is what I get for trying to post from a mobile

>> No.7516008

I think the most hilarious thing to me about this is all the bitching about being paid.

Yet the cosplayers who are backing him up? Are they gonna get paid? Did they sign waivers? Oh, wait. No. Professionalism only applies when you want to be COSUPRAY VIDYA FAMOUSO

>> No.7516115

Nobody is asking to get paid, though, so... ???

>> No.7516636

Jerry is claiming SJ directly profited off of his work. He probably thinks he's entitled to those "profits"

Protip: cons don't make any money running promos at other cons. They are lucky to even break even after travel and rooming. The entire reason they do it is to get their name out there so people will start looking at them. Absolutely no one saw that vid and thought "yes, this CMV is amazing! I will drop everything Im doing and reg for this con on the spot! I don't need to check my calander or finances, this video is so good that none of that matters!"

>> No.7516684

He thought he was entitled to a handie along with a reach around.

>> No.7516724


What a fucking non-issue.
Yes, refusing to put the watermark and ignoring the author is a scummy issue, but why should I give a fuck? It's not my thing being stolen, it's not anything important that's being stolen, it's not ANYTHING that will affect my con experience this year at SJ.

They should definitely rectify their mistake, but this really shouldn't be a problem for anyone other than the author.

>> No.7516764

There's a lot more shitty things that are done to videos and art all the time. People rip then reup to youtube all the time. People steal art from Deviantart then try to sell it as their own. People get massively pissed when someone takes their art then reups it Tumblr claiming it as their own or doesn't source back.

This ... is just dumb. He stirs up faux nerd rage to get noticed. People believed his sob story then jumped on. They thought this kid was being squished by the big guy. It turns into an ugly mess. Over time they find out this kid is full of half ass truths.

What does he get from this? A half-ass apology then told that because of this incited nerd rage they're only going to work with people who promise to not to shit all over them in exchange of a free badge.

>> No.7517621
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thread confirmed to be filled with Jerry's dick sucking white knights

>> No.7517673

Oh Jeremy is reading this? Thanks for ruining it for other CMV people. Thanks a lot. You're cancer and AIDS. Laugh on that.

>> No.7517765

He should feel bad for even trying to take down San Japan. Maybe next time he'll think twice before taking on the reputation of the best con in Texas.

>> No.7517790

Considering his heart is a blackened dead soul he has no remorse.

>> No.7518032
File: 53 KB, 453x239, Screen Shot 2014-04-25 at 12.06.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw this on facebook...
this douchecopter is so full of himself damn

>> No.7518038

you can watch his ego inflate before your eyes just looking at his posts over the last 72 hours

>> No.7518044

I've been keeping off this thread, because I'm really over this drama and have been since it started being on literally every social media I logged onto, and I wanted this thread to just quietly die so I could have some peace, but this...
What an emotionally manipulative dickbag.
That is some abusive boyfriend level emotional abuse shit. "I'm not telling you to boycott, but the con chair is the scum of the earth and if by any chance after telling me you're not going I find out that you are, you are just as EVIL as him and I will HATE you."

Fuck that noise.
(sage because I still want this to die already)

>> No.7518059

You should see the wall of text where he tells you the 6 reasons why SJ's apology wasn't really an apology

>> No.7518079

It was a corporate apology, those never sound genuine, people need to accept this more. Not SJ specific by any means, I see panties in wads over corporate apologies not being "genuine" enough all the time. A business is never going to give you touchy feely crap, because their main motive is damage control. San Japan is, in fact, a bussiness. It's an LLC. Dave Henkin is running a company, he's not in the business of handing out weepy, heartfelt "PLEASE FORGIVE US"-es.

>> No.7518090

You're an idiot. It's not about the apology being heartfelt, or weepy, or touchy-feely or whatever buzzwords you're trying to use.
It's about accepting responsibility for something bad or unexpected that happened. That's what an apology is supposed to be.
See that? That's a genuine fucking apology right there.

>> No.7518091
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>> No.7518096

But they did say it was their fault, and they put policies in place to ensure it isn't going to happen again.
Also, literal quote:
>We dropped the ball at multiple times but we will rectify it in the future.
Who's the idiot now, Jeremy?

>> No.7518103

Hey Jeremy you should apply for Anime Matsuri. They need a more couple douchnozzles to join. You should talk to John. You two will get along like bros.

>> No.7518123
File: 785 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-let-it-go-444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anon please drop this off on Jeremy's page? This douchcopter is going up to stratosfaggotry level.

>> No.7518124

Everybody wants to be the next Acksonl, but nobody wants to innovate because making sub par videos with people spinning to crappy music is good enough to get your video viral
I used to be jealous that I wasn't in a CMV but then I realize that it's the same song and dance everytime especially if you run into one of those "elite" videographers that will only tape good-looking cosplayers or a "funny Deadpool"

>> No.7518144

>but you will be actively supporting thieves and Dave "Proz" Henkin (SJ Con Chair) who does not care about artists or the community he helped build
But that's why I want to go. In face, that's why i'm going.

>> No.7518152

congratulations, you have realized why cosplay videos are never going to evolve

>> No.7518153

Are you going to punch Proz?

>> No.7518154

Get the fuck out. Go cheat on your disabled girlfriend some more or something.

>> No.7518397

that is exactly what they said...

Here is the real problem, he desperately wants SJ to use his vid. That's why he's throwing a hissy fit, because instead of continuing to use it with his new watermarked version they said fuck this massive headache and just stopped using it at all. Now he won't get any attention, because no one will see it, watermarked or not.

>> No.7518454

THIS. AND it should be a dead issue by now but this idiot is still dancing on a soap box going LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME.

Please sage all replies so we can let this DIE.

>> No.7518519


This whole thread smells of SJ staff its not even funny.

If it wasn't a huge deal SJ would just let it go. Instead they are posting to cgl. It's not exactly a secret Proz is on here. He watches cgl like a hawk.

>> No.7518929

san Japan has posted one "response" to this whole ordeal whereas Jeremy is confirmed for being in the thread, keeps posting to fb and tumblr and keeps encouraging people to spam his expose.

>> No.7519031

Believe me, it's not them. A lot of them are actually avoiding the internet right now because of this shitstorm, the mentality seems to be "pay it no mind and it will go away quicker." Though to be honest, the friends I'm basing this opinion off of are people in departments that have nothing to do with this crapfest who are just really tired of getting bombarded with Facebook messages every five seconds about how they are terrible people for working for SJ., even when they literally had nothing to do with any of the decisions in regards to this situation.
Sage because I'm still really tired of this bullshit too, stop bumping this thread, it needs to die.

>> No.7519582

>getting bombarded with Facebook messages every five seconds about how they are terrible people for working for SJ

Is that actually happening? Woooooow. That's pathetic.

>> No.7519591

I dunno, I highly doubt that, it seems it's died down quite a bit over social media.

>> No.7519600

Yes, not so much now, but when this first went down, absolutely yes.

>> No.7519752

Why would I punch a bro?

>> No.7519789

Why are people still talking about this shit?

>> No.7519933

because no one knows how to sage, and therefore this thread isn't being allowed to die the death that it should.