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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7511752 No.7511752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New releases thread?

Kind of in love with this IW print coming out. I know it's coming in navy too, but I couldn't find the picture on tumblr.

>> No.7511757
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I just want to punch this stupid squirrel in the face it's so cute

>> No.7511761
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What the shit that's pretty ugly

Genuinely sorry for thinking that, anon.

>> No.7511766

See here's the problem, I know it looks tacky but I can't help myself. I don't even usually like IW, what's wrong with me?

>> No.7511775
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curious what ChineseGossip has to say about souffle song. All their stock photos just look off and there's always something wrong with the piece they are taking a picture of. Either wonky straps or off center/tiled bows... it seems Mucha prints are cursed.

>> No.7511859
File: 93 KB, 1000x717, hhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard snippets here and there, but seriously guys don't buy from them. That skirt is fug. They were the ones who had the knock-off Jellyfish dress, which they claimed to have been inspired by pic related, but we can all tell. The owner or one of the artists also used to work for Milanoo, and had a rash of problems with art and image theft. They then went on a deleting spree, I'll see what I can dig up.

>> No.7511875


>> No.7511885


Well that's disappointing. I was just looking them up earlier today to buy the blue mucha print but the ordering process is so fucking confusing I left their facebook disappointed.

>> No.7511894
File: 52 KB, 480x320, 1352737052188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw really like jellyfish dress
>didn't manage to get first release
>really excited that I reserved one this time around
>everyone hates it now

G - gonna wear my dress with pride anyways!

>> No.7511910
File: 89 KB, 488x516, NoFunAllowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ just hates them now that they're popular.

You get my respect for wanting to wear something that you genuinely like, instead of what everybody else tells you you should like.

>> No.7511914

what? it's just a cart system and checkout on their site http://www.soufflesong.com/

>> No.7511984

shit dropped trip

Also fuck you because I have one in the best cut/color.

Good for you anon. It's gorgeous, all the silver detailing is the best. I had the wristcuffs and headdress but I sold them at reserve, now I wish I'd kept them.

>> No.7512035

Too late, can't resist the Mucha. If it sucks I'll let you guys know in June, apparently.

It's... a typical online shopping cart?

This, lol. Though I feel that way about all of KL's prints, screenprints excluded.

>> No.7512156

What ordering process are you looking at? I have been looking at their website trying to decide if I want the JSK1 or not. The "the picture is a sample. Some detail of the item might become a partial modification" statement and the wonky bodice on the prototype are putting me off.

>> No.7512764

looks like taxidermy

>> No.7513871

I was trying to figure out how to order directly from their facebook. Didn't find their site until now, thanks to other anon for the link.

The messy back of the time goddess dresses worry me though.

>> No.7513953

Yeah, I'd stick to the simple skirt personally. Less chance of it being weird and screwed up... I don't trust indie brands with bodices very often.

>> No.7515944
File: 154 KB, 541x873, 10306992_10101315580777978_1803275453_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RRL and Sucre Princess sets were released yesterday to anyone who ordered.

>> No.7518606

Hmm, I'm on the fence about this one.

>> No.7518671
File: 159 KB, 500x725, tumblr_n44i9tRnp31qj1wzpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone excited for the new constellation print from AP? I love it, maybe not for lolita but for other fashions for sure

>> No.7518698


I've been trying to figure out if the dress is cut like a muumuu or if it has some shaping to it. I can sort of see it go in a little towards her waist, which gives me hope, but I don't see any seam lines, which makes me think it's a muumuu cut that they pinned back to make it look good on the model.

>> No.7518704
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1014016_566759336698940_1692473334_n_400sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone reserving CDC through Truly Darling? Looks like she closed her service. Someone was harassing her because she didn't get a spot.

>> No.7518712

I want it but all the SS seem to be already taken, ugh.

>> No.7518908

It looks like a high waist cut, like the same one on Misty Sky 2nd release and last spring's Cherry JSKs.

>> No.7518931

How do I Sweetie Violet? I'm not an AP girl, I know it sold out on the jp/int website. So what's next? I'm so lost when it comes to AP, I'm not good at all this ninja madness.

>> No.7519014

It's gone on AP USA too except for some socks and skirts.

>> No.7519015

You're a little too late. Sweetie Violet is now mostly sold out from the US shop today. They still have skirts and socks, just as the jp/intl online store does too. OPs, jsks, and hair clips were gone in minutes. If suggest you to sign up for an account on AP's jp/intl store and they will email you when releases will be. Also follow AP US's FB page as they announce releases too. Right now the only way to get a Sweetie Violet dress is through auctions.

>> No.7519016

I saw one on auction for currently 60 000 Yen, so good luck.

>> No.7519057


I'm hoping it is, but on the front, the fabric seems to come down on either side of the chest tie without any seams, apparently from right under the collar, and the chest tie itself seems too high up to be underbust. That's what has been confusing me. Maybe there's a waist tie on the back that's giving the dress some shape.

Or, maybe I'll buy it first anyway and sell it off if it turns out to be a muumuu.


Your choice now is between AP USA and secondhand.

AP USA: keep an eye on their fb, or send them a message directly to ask when they will update sweetie violet onto their site. AP USA gets less stock, so be very quick, it'll probably sell out in nanoseconds. Be prepared to pay a hefty shipping fee as well.

secondhand: At this stage it would be yja or mbok, find a shopping service (I'd recommend fromjapan or japonica), go through the Angelic Pretty category until you find some Sweetie Violet stuff, and set a high bid (it's very popular right now, you're basically buying off japanese scalpers).
If you wait another week or two, you could try posting a wtb on the egl comm sales and hope that somebody didn't fit theirs and are willing to sell to you.

>> No.7519068

I really want this, but I've never done a brand reserve before, so I'm not really sure how to go about things... (I'm assuming I'd need a shopping service)

>> No.7519093

>sold out from the US shop today.

GODDAMNIT. I always miss it. I missed it and I'm so upset with myself because all I was doing was watching Jerry Springer and goddamnit I could've gotten Sweetie Violet and it's my current dream print- fuuuuck.

Time to start stalking Mbok, Y!Japan, and LM.

>> No.7519107

I wouldn't be sending AP US messages about releases. They will usually always announce it on their FB page. They get a lot calls and emails but will never tell you privately when things will release. So just keep an eye on public announcements.

>> No.7519108

The prices on Japanese auction look insane.

>> No.7519121

Thanks for the heads up. Jfc. I want it, but I don't want to pay $600 for it. Well, guess I'll wait for the western market, then.

>> No.7519132

I'm feeling pretty down about missing it too, just by a few seconds. I refuse to pay $600 for it though. Good luck to the both of us.

>> No.7519167

Sorry to hear about it. I've been buying from AP for years so I've always been on top of their releases. I have a sweetie violet jsk in lavender coming my way from the jp/intl site. I couldn't get the matching hair clip in time and tried for it again earlier today on US's but it sold out instantly!

If you use tumblr, people will post updates, twitter pics, and magazine scans on the latest series. When AP Japan gets a release, you can expect US to get their share of the stock a week or two after (sometimes later).

It's all about checking for updates. If you don't have the time, maybe ask a Lolita friend to inform you when something you want comes out?

>> No.7520594
File: 206 KB, 500x600, 04251429_5359f2d777cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on... 80cm bust? Why? I usually don't care for cutsews, but this is so lovely.

>> No.7520633

Well, it's a cutsew? It's supposed to stretch above that, I would imagine. Probably not a large cup size though.

>> No.7520712

It just looks stupid when you have a bigger cup, and that makes me sad... I'd wear a JSK over it anyway, but I guess it won't stretch another 12cm.

>> No.7520817

I'm sure the price will drop when the hype dies down. It's cute but there's nothing particularly special about the print or dress designs to make it hold double retail value in the long run.

>> No.7520835
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Thats what they said about MCD nu

>> No.7521081

Not anyone previous in the thread but I was online and had the lav OP in my cart, only to have the final confirmation screen tell me my cart was suddenly empty. You must have some serious good luck (or a better connection than I haha).

Hoping the realses of CDC and the star print knock the value down on auction, but not holding my breath.

To be fair MCD is starting to drop, albeit rather slowly.

>> No.7522069

Man that collar's pretty! The top section of fabric does't look too stretchy which doesn't help.

>> No.7522263

That collar and sleeves are really pretty and I love it... But I also love boobs.

>> No.7522270


I've now realised that when anons say they'll wait and get a dress secondhand for cheaper, the wait time seems to be about an entire year or three, provided the dress does not rocket in popularity.

>> No.7522376

Honestly I don't wait for secondhand because of this. If I want it now, I'm fortunate enough to get it now. Waiting for prices to drop is unpredictable. Misty Sky and Honey Cake were prints that somehow skyrocketed in prices several months to a year after they were released. RRL, MCD, and now Sweetie Violet seems to keep it's value, probably because they are all chiffon pieces which seems pretty popular. I just buy them when they release rather than wait for them to drop.

>> No.7523569

Is "guests from the night sky" the official print name?

>> No.7523575

that's like a weird, slightly disconcerting alien reference

>> No.7523599

It's called Cosmic.

>> No.7523764

i'm not sure whether to make my wallet suffer for it but hnnng that sailor collar is adorable

>> No.7523826
File: 43 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n462xcD2e51qgjjjyo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searched around a bit, looks like it will be a muumuu sort of shape. The OP looks a little mor structured though?

>> No.7524062

The picture on the left almost looks like there are some waist ties at the back of the dress. I hope that's the case instead of just being pinned back.

>> No.7524071

could they not find shoes that fit the girl on the right? haha

>> No.7524077
File: 1.91 MB, 1294x1338, 1389389895942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahha oh my lord I had not noticed that.

>> No.7524636

Pretty sure those are just slippers since the photo shoot was from the knees up

>> No.7524645

It does look like a muumuu shaped dress with waist ties in the back. Cute as fuck.
But even so, anything without a defined shape looks like shit on me. Sigh. At least I have Fairy Marine, but damn, I love me some constellations.
That's hilarious.

>> No.7526246
File: 442 KB, 600x900, N_JSK01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really love Haenuli's new Beauty and the Beast print. But the sizing, I just cannot justify the cost of her stuff with the absurdly long bodices and skirts... I don't want to pay another $50+ on top of the dress cost to get it tailored to not be huge on me.

>> No.7527981

>mein favorite fairytale now has a dress
Fuck me. I'm 5'4", cgl, do I have a chance of this NOT looking stupid on me?

>> No.7528625

At 5'4" you might be okay if you have a long torso especially, but I'm 5' so I'm screwed... I'd get the skirt but I look awful in high waisted skirts so I'd still have to get it tailored to like it. It's just not worth the hassle.

>> No.7530146
File: 37 KB, 612x414, 1373825318982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would be more excited if any SS were open

or at least tell me they're full

>pls respond

>> No.7530157

I can get it for ya if you want.

>> No.7530160
File: 72 KB, 704x960, baroque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baroque has a new sailor dress in the works if that piques anyone's interest.

>> No.7530165

I would purchase this if I wasn't so terrified of AP's site.

>> No.7530171

This concept design is laughable. If your proportions are that bad just use a base drawing.

Also is it too much to ask for a delicious mintxwhitexpink marine style OP?

>> No.7530219

That's exactly what it is- a concept, not a flat, you moron. Have you never looked at a designer's concept sketches before??

>> No.7530228

Die Rosaire.

>> No.7530257

When you're sketching out the initial design, it's not really going to or have to be pretty???????
This literally just looks like the initial sketch they're not even sure of all the details yet judging from the question marks.

>> No.7530262
File: 27 KB, 355x364, 1374417951795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to have to be less vague then this post, man.

>> No.7530268

Seriously, this 3rd grade tier drawing ability is still garbage. Even fashion students draw better concepts.

>> No.7530271


Want the cork wedge sandals.

The ribbons on the collar kind of scare me though, you don't really need so many ribbons, or how big does the collar need to be to hold so many, man.

>> No.7530273

Not rosaire but I will probably just scalp that shit now instead. I was planning on opening an AP only SS because I use tenso regularly and can read katakana fluently enough kanji to read colors/checkout directions. Whatevs though, seagulls gonna sea.

>> No.7530278

>can read katakana fluently enough kanji to read colors/checkout directions
? you mean how google translate can too in less than 2 seconds? You were going to run the SS for the website? loooooool

>> No.7530279
File: 435 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mor941GvyG1rggr7ko8_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat I was asking for more info
I was looking more for an instore SS anyways, don't really see the point of having an SS that's buying from the AP site with tenso like everyone else, especially someone not fluent.

>> No.7530288

No, I'm Japanese American. I didn't bother to learn any kanji other than what I cared about. I usually have my cousin buy stuff for me in-store and she does it for free, but I figured that making money off of her work would be a little cheap.

Like I said, I'll just scalp instead, since you guys can't seem to swallow all your jelly. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who want someone to do the work for them anyways, so it's no big deal.

>> No.7530292
File: 8 KB, 180x135, 174717_130541770347060_5306766_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i...i was just asking for more info...like an email or something...

>> No.7530294

this makes no sense, why would your ability to read katakana slightly fluently to 'read colors/checkout directions' have ANYTHING to do with your cousin buying shit in-store? Or did you just bring that up for no reason whatsoever and you were still planning on being an SS for the website?

Back pedal faster moron, lol

>> No.7530297

Sorry, bitches ruin shit for everyone. I was in a kind of bad mood in the first place. I'll maybe leave my email in the morning, I gotta go to bed.

>> No.7530338
File: 59 KB, 194x186, 1371633770081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-oh well, i should just give up on it i guess...

>> No.7530349

You're grasping really hard for something here, anon. I'm sorry you can't read Japanese, and it seems that you can't really understand english either. Why are you so rustled though? Is it because I'm going to scalp? Sorry.

>> No.7530353

dodging instead of trying to explain, you're confusing people is what is happening. I don't care if you scalp at all, I never even mentioned that. Seems like you're the one who can't read. Lol, go to bed, you're obviously too tired to even defend yourself.

>> No.7530359

From reading the comments it looks like she's offering a service for the website. Don't know why she tossed in the cousin buying in-store, but mentioning Tenso, and Checkout means website. Which I think is a bit silly to pay a service for... but there are tons of girls out there who still don't know how to use the website because they are too stupid. So maybe it will work.

>> No.7530424

Lmao you haven't known that many fashion students if you think most of them can draw remotely well...

>> No.7531435

I was intimidated at first but if you follow the guides people have made it's not that hard. Plus my order, shipping and Tenso fee included, cost like $60 less than it would have from AP USA.
And once you sign up the first time your information is saved so you can just log in the next time for easy ordering.