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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 158 KB, 550x367, chubbycosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7510593 No.7510593 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 5'7", US 12-14. I have 36A cup. Slightly overweight, but not hugely obese. Pic semi-related, had to badly photoshop them to have smaller boobs.

I'm trying to get /fit/ so I can cosplay a larger variety of characters but can't seem to find any characters that will work "well" with my body type in the meantime. Are there options or do I have to suck it up and not cosplay?

I imagine I will be able to cosplay cutesy characters once I get thinner, since I already have dfc. Height is "eh" for me, not really concerned about being "too tall" for a character, but probably wouldn't cosplay a kid.

General "chubby/plus-size" cosplay thread

>> No.7510607

Do that high fat diet that burns everything.

My roommate lost like 10lbs in a week.

Mostly water weight but holy shit in a month he looks way diff.

>> No.7510608

Look for characters that have full skirts (peticoats, ect) that can kind of disguise your hips. You can also pad out on top. Get a VS bombshell knockoff. There are tons of tutorials on adding clevage and boob.

Also don't be afraid of spanks and other shapewear to smooth yourself out.

>> No.7510612
File: 48 KB, 421x249, 1395193771726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a western body-type but want to cosplay characters drawn by Asians

Frankly I wouldn't fucking worry about it lady. Get /fit/ for the sake of getting /fit,/ don't go full-retard by trying to look like some kawaii desu desu schoolgirl, seriously.

>oh no small bewbz

legs + hips + ass is superior anyways prove me wrong

>> No.7510617
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1363343983812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7510618

No thanks, don't want to lose 10lbs in a week. Saggy skin bro. Losing weight takes a while, 1-2 lbs per week is good and that's what I've been doing for the past couple months.

I like my dfc though, but that's a personal preference. Oh yeah, shapewear is a good idea!

>> No.7510632
File: 42 KB, 450x432, 1350911511509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear some padded bras and do pic related
or Flame Princess from Adventure Time
Midna from Twilight Princess is also pretty popular

>> No.7510636

My only problem with being chubby and cosplaying is that I hear people all the time being like

>this fatty ruined my waifu
>good god cosplay to your body type
>fatties shouldn't cosplay period
Also lots of threads here with people hating on overweight cosplayers

I'm a pussy, it's scary thinking about this kind of feedback. I haven't gotten it to my face or online yet but I worry ya know?

>> No.7510643
File: 758 KB, 1280x720, flame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this character? I've seen her before, just don't know the name.

Flame Princess and Midna could be options, I fucking love her Flame Princess. Even she is more average than chubby though but I wonder if anyone would really care

>> No.7510647

w-who is that cutie? i have the perfect facial shape for her.

>> No.7510650

I'm not quite as fat as her but... yeah could work?

>> No.7510656

Kurumi from Hachi Koi, a dating sim that never got produced

>> No.7510682

Oh, then I can't learn who she is. I'm one of those people that will only cosplay characters they know. No chance for me to get to that point here but I'll still think about it...

>> No.7510704
File: 32 KB, 512x512, pokemongijinka_ivysaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar problem, OP. I'm losing weight but it's hard to find cosplays to do in the "in between" period. My boobs are gigantic though >_< I kinda wish they weren't.

As for getting /fit/ my most successful attempt at weight loss has simply been cutting calories. At my best I restricted my diet to about 1000 calories per day and lost 10 lbs in about a month. Let myself go a little bit since then and gained 2lbs back, meh. MyFitnessPal is an awesome app/website for calorie counting, I love it.

My coworker also uses an app called Couch to 5K (or something like that) to get herself into running more. She's doing it about 3x a week and losing weight steadily.

As for costume suggestions, if you're a fan of Pokemon or Animal Crossing a lot of those characters can be cosplayed with a larger body type and still look great, esp. original designs of gijinka like pic related.

Good luck, anon! If you want a fellow cosplay weight loss buddy I'm totally game. Need some motivation myself.

>> No.7510713


Holy shit I'd look that fat as animu

>> No.7510731

Well she's also short, you have to think of the proportions. If you're that short, though, then yes lol

>> No.7510749

He doesn't have saggy skin.

>> No.7510768
File: 23 KB, 184x314, tumblr_md67lbTdja1qgbz0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I forget Cherry from Studio Killers

She has a million outfits, I can't remember her character-blog, but here's Studio Killers'

>> No.7510796

Why don't you like big boobs? Unless you're trying to cosplay loli characters I don't see how it's a problem. ):

1000 calories is way too little if you're exercising too, imo. Even without exercise 1200 calories is about as low as you want to go is what I've heard. I'm definitely cutting the calories though, just to a point where I am not always hungry (1200 - 1500 calories per day). I need to exercise more as well!

I've heard of the couch to 5k challenge, I'll have to look into that more. I just have TERRIBLE knees ha. I mostly workout at home and in the gym, no running.

I love Animal Crossing, that's a good suggestion! I have a bunch of favorite characters from that. And thank you for the good luck, you as well! That would be cool to have a weight loss buddy, where do you suggest connecting?

>> No.7510835

I can't figure out what this is for

>> No.7510847

Different anon. I love big tits on other women, but I would hate to have them and am really glad mine are smaller-average. They seem like they'd bring a lot of unwanted attention, would not age well, would be uncomfortable, and would probably make me feel fat when I'm not. Just my unsolicited two cents on why someone wouldn't want huge boobs.

>> No.7510848

She's a character made by the band Studio Killers


>> No.7510862

Why are there people here actually trying to convince OP to not get /fit/?

There really isn't any wrong reason to get yourself into shape, because in the end it benefits your completely. If OP looks like those pics, then when she gets into shape she'll have dem hips and thighs with a small chest which is the best.

>> No.7510877

I really like my small breasts, too. They'll stay perky for years haha, plus I do actually want to cosplay some cute characters. A lot of girls want big boobs, never heard that big boobs make someone fat though.

I think just one person kind of said to not worry about it, everyone else encouraged it. I'm gonna keep doing it!

>> No.7510919
File: 2.29 MB, 2281x3251, Osono1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, since it's kind of in the same vein. I really don't feel like making a thread asking for pregnant characters. I'm 5'4" and I was on the pudgy side to begin my measurements were prior to pregnancy were "40-30-42" I've got Osono on my list for AX since I'll be about 7 months along then. I was also possibly thinking Pandy from dead leaves but I think I may be to pudgy to begin with to do Pandy. I figure I could probably do one more costume and concentrate the rest of my energy on my husband's costumes.

>> No.7510933

Yeah, staying perky longer is a big plus for me. And I didn't say big boobs will make a girl fat, just that they'd make me feel fat. I've struggled with an eating disorder, so I think having a bigger chest and seeing that "thickness" in the mirror would make me perceive myself to be fatter, even if it's just tits, know what I mean?

>> No.7510981

That recent anime movie with the lady that fuck a werewolf and they have wolf kids. It's a really cute movie as furry as it sounds. The mom is pregnant for half the movie so it's possible.
Maybe pregnant Nagisa

>> No.7511008
File: 46 KB, 600x405, Ame and Yuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf children Ame and Yuki. I've seen the movie and recently read a manga adaption of it. It's a sweet movie. My husband might be up for doing the human version of the wolf man since he's a bit taller then me, average build(though the character's kind of lanky) and pretty simple clothing..

>> No.7511105

A virtual band character, like 2D, Noodles etc from Gorilla. Music video featuring her:

>> No.7511192

just start counting your calories. Just judging from pic, I'd say you would need to take in ~2000 - ~2300 calories to sustain yourself.

Take it down to 1800 or so. Nothing too drastic.

If you want to "accelerate" your fat loss, try doing a calorie deficit while getting low-fat foods. This is so your body uses your fats rather than the food's first.

>> No.7511194

>I like my dfc though

Thats cool too, I'm not saying you shouldn't but you don't have to limit yourself in choices because you can always pad out. I'm just saying, if you want to cosplay someone with a big rack you can still achieve that.

>> No.7511203

To maintain my weight, I went to a calculator and it said ~2000 calories. 2300 would be me gaining weight. I haven't gained weight in a while though, which is good. Apparently to lose about 1.8lbs per week, I need to eat 1550 calories per day, based on the same character.

Are you sure about low-fat? I heard that getting more fats than carbs is a good thing.

>> No.7511207

*calculator* not character haha

>> No.7511217

Your body needs carbs for energy. Low carb diets aren't very good. Eat carbs like oats, sweet potatoe, veggies, and quinoa

>> No.7511230

You can do low carb, but you will be very tired and most likely burn out.

Do some light exercise (15 minutes of power walking or maybe a treadmill, but actually sweat) and just get the low-fat stuff at the store. Trust me, stick to the deficit and you will lose weight.

>> No.7511235

Whenever I think "carb" I think "bread" and "pasta." Haha, definitely need to change that.

Thank you both for the advice as well, I will definitely keep it in mind!

>> No.7511420

How the fuck are you tall and fat with A cups? LOL WTF is it just titty fat literaly up tehre like saggy shit lol

>> No.7511455

You do realize where the fat deposits is genetic, right? That fat doesn't automatically accumulate in T&A? That there are things called 'different body types'?

Kids these days and not having taken basic anatomy classes...

>> No.7511474
File: 47 KB, 600x540, jabba-the-hutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7511494

Fuck off samefag.

>> No.7511495

My breasts are nice and perky, thanks!

I'm not really fat, I'm chubby. The girl I look like most is the one in black. If that's obese then I guess that's me.

>> No.7511518

You're overweight and protecting you have perky little tits.

I don't even understand you're fat as fuck and all the fats in your stomach

>> No.7511531

Protecting my breasts, what?

I don't care, anon.

>> No.7511553

Go crawl out of the basement, stop fapping to anime girls, and stop sending your mother to do your shopping, and you might encounter various bodies, including pear shapes that carry less fat in their boobs and everything in their hips and thighs. There are even great exaggerations of shapes. Such as apples who would wear size 3x in tops, but have to wear a size 6 in pants because they have no ass to fill 3x pants. I see these everyday.

>> No.7511555

Yup I'm definitely a pear, not an apple.

>> No.7511783

Actually I did Dukan with my mom and sister where you have lots of protein and the only carb yo get is through vegetables. It's hard to stick with but it helps if you have a partner. Your body thinks it won't be getting carbs so it starts burning fat reserves. The little carbs you get from the vegetables keeps you from going into fatal ketoacidosis. We each lost at least 30 lbs in a couple months.

Saggy skin isn't really a huge problem unless you're losing 50+ lbs in a short period of time. As long as you're young your skin is still pretty resilient and can morph with you.

>> No.7511833

>Go crawl out of the basement, stop fapping to anime girls, and stop sending your mother to do your shopping

Sounded more like a mad girl than a basement dweller.

>> No.7511856

WHAT. N o.

>> No.7512201

big boobs are the fucking worst. it doesnt matter if youre young or old, gravity pulls them down so it looks like youre a grandma. forever sagging tits when not in a bra.
>yes i mad

>> No.7512285

>tfw fatty-fat animu still has smaller hips than you

>> No.7512325

I have saggy tits :( I hate this body.

>> No.7512331
File: 27 KB, 420x420, 000305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In danger of sounding like pleb or a noob, what is that High Fat Diet you speak of? I'm interested

>> No.7512359


You can get reductions covered by most insurances if you can bullshit a reason for it to be considered medically necessary- "my neck hurts/I have permanent or semipermanent bra strap grooves or marks on my shoulders/my back hurts", etc.

As long as you go at it determined to get it and can convince a surgeon in a consult that you NEED it, it's easy. You gotta be able to sell that shit though.

>> No.7512413

>recommending Dukan's diet
Girl no, that's one of the worst diets around. You can seriously damage your kindeys.

>> No.7512418

yeah, don't do it

>> No.7512432

Sorry for super slow response anon!

As for boobies, the other anons made good points. They bring a lot of unwanted attention (no matter what I'm wearing there's almost always cleavage) and its hard to find actually nice clothes that are designed for large boobs. If I wear a fitted top they stick out like a sore thumb, if I wear looser tops I look like I weigh 10-20lbs more than I actually do. Even sewing my own clothes is tough because patterns are designed for average sized boobies.

I don't exercise, so 1000 calories/day was working for me and I didn't feel exceptionally hungry all the time, at least once my body got used to small portions. But yeah, if you're running you'll definitely want to take in at least 1500.

I hate running too! I'm actually allergic to both sunlight and my own sweat (no lie) so its hard to find an exercise regimen that doesn't turn me into a red, hive-covered itchy mess. Sigh.

Anyway, left my email her for you to contact me, let's be cosplay weight loss buddies! :D

>> No.7512435
File: 13 KB, 480x360, ThisIsntEvenMyFinalForm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


9/10 people don't like fatties no cosplaying their weight

The 1 who go "FAT PRIDE WORLDWIDE" are the vocal minority. Don't cosplay below your weight

Have a set batch of cosplays you look forward to doing once you get fit to help you along to your goal.

Also I'm 5'7 too! Wazz up

>> No.7512466

But my tits are small and saggy. They don't need a reduction. I'm stuck like this.

>> No.7512470

Eating a diet high in fat and low in carbs is actually more likely to make you pre-diabetic than if you were to eat candy all the time. Don't do it. Eat a balanced, healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

>> No.7512498

Like any other diet you're not supposed to do it forever

>> No.7512502

Hachi Koi is an android dating sim.

Holy fuck it's like we need a disclaimer. It was made. はち恋 Look it up just on google.

>> No.7512522


I'm guessing we're talking about the keto diet. Pretty much atkins for those not familiar.

I did the diet for like 3 months and dropped 30 pounds. Granted I'm a supermcfatty, but it really made a difference in my life. I recommend this diet to anyone who is severely overweight.

Basically you cut out all sugar and all carbs. Eat mostly fat and meats. I like to eat, and I mainly liked to eat shit like burgers so being able to eat the best parts of a burger was really easy. Instead of getting buns you get a lettuce wrap. Grilled chicken instead of fried, salads and veggies , sour cream like you wouldnt fucking imagine.

It's really hard to curb that sweets craving but there are really good keto blogs out there where you can find sweets recopies. Honestly it made me a better baker and chef over all because I learned how to prepare all kinds of foods.

Now if you're looking to drop like 10 pounds, exercising and eating healthier is better. But if you're seriously overweight, like $50+, I recommend looking into keto and maybe discussing it with your doctor if you're super worried.

>> No.7512525

lol fuck. recipes and 50lbs

>> No.7512672

I didn't see your email - where did you leave it?

>> No.7512675

Oh it's in the anonymous part lol, thank you!