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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7508131 No.7508131 [Reply] [Original]

All cosplay/Jfashion feels welcome.

>> No.7508144

>that feel when you're not motivated to cosplay anything

Just lately I've been more in the mood to do original designs. Maybe it's because I'm so out of touch with the new series coming out.

>> No.7508148

Thinking of leaving Lolita. Even though I wear my clothes everyday, there's really not many chances for me to interact with other Lolita. I wish I could go to meetups. Tired of being a lone loli.

>> No.7508158

>friend is really looking forward to a jrock concert at a con
>reluctantly agrees and tries to be hyped up to make her happy
>as weeks go by, slowly realize that I do not give a single shit about the concert
>totally regret agreeing to go with her just to make her happy
>finally break it to her
>hey S, I don't think I'll go to the concert
>friend gets really mad
>"it's not always about you"
>"i'll go alone. it's not like it matters"
>"i'm disappointed in you"
>"you're always selfishly thinking about yourself"
>"you ditched me for the event i was most looking forward to"
>feel guilty as hell
>i'm such a shitty friend
>I can't even take it back and tell her "okay I'll go now" because she'll know I'm forcing myself

I'm so sorry, S. I just really didn't want go, I would rather spend more time at the con than wait 1.5 hours in line & spend 3 hours in a concert + signing & merch.
I'm so sorry for being selfish.

>> No.7508178
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As always,

that feeling when no cutie pie cosplay girlfriend.

>> No.7508182
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>new meds
>causes rash on knees
>rash is gone but discoloration remains, doctor says it'll probably stay there unless I put some cream and shit on it constantly for like a year
>cosplay meet this weekend
>cosplay has skirt

>> No.7508184

Don't feel that guilty. If she's your friend, she should understand that you were only doing it to be a friend. You probably should have gone since you agreed to go but you not going isn't the end of the world.

Maybe you could visit her in line? You don't have to attend the whole thing but just come check up on her every now and then and bring her water?

>> No.7508191

Wear nude tights? Or you can use concealer/makeup or those canned spray tights?

>> No.7508214

>that feel when you're just getting into cosplay and doing everything mediocre at best
>that feel when no credit/debit card so you can't order anything online
>that feel when you're thinking of cosplaying in a couple months at a local con along with some friends (not as a group) and you'll probably make a fool of yourself
>that feel when your crush is really experienced at cosplay and you'll probably make a fool of yourself in front of her

Preplanning is not a forte of mine. Ugh.
At least I can play the part of the fool well and make people laugh, while also using my blatant inexperience to strike up conversations.

Fuck that. It's your life, if you don't want to waste your time doing something you don't find interesting, you shouldn't have to.
Your friend should be happy to be going to a concert, not going WITH YOU to a concert. Furthermore, your friend should understand you don't care for the concert. She shouldn't make you feel bad about doing something you don't want to do.

>Hey, let's go to this pizza shop!
>>Eh, sure, I'll go
>>Actually, I don't feel like pizza anymore, I'd rather go for sushi
>OMG, why'd you bail on me?
>It's not always about you
>I'll go alone, it's not like it matters
>I'm disappointer in you
>you're always selfishly thinking about yourself
>you ditched me for the restaurant I was most looking forward to

See how silly that sounds? Your friend is overreacting, yo

>> No.7508237

>purchase a cute pair of shoes online
>given a 15 day waiting period to make shoes
>today I receive a notice that I'm being refunded after 3 weeks of waiting

What the hell. Has anyone ever experience this with Golden Ponies? They didn't give me an explanation or anything.

>> No.7508265
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>plan to do jfashion for an upcoming convention
>it's a fashion I've been into for years and just now actively getting into
>"Anon, when you do it please dress nice. Don't do this type of makeup because it looks terrible! Oh by the way I'm doing lolita! I got the dress off ebay!"
>that fucking feel when someone has no right to lecture you on a fashion when they do worse shit

>> No.7508287

> my friends are all cute and cosplaying chars in seifuku
> I want to make seifukus and cosplay those type of characters too
> am white

inb4 "you want to be asian" -- I just know that I won't be able to look as cute as my friends and pull off the "seifuku characters" cosplay types. sigh.

>> No.7508288
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Thanks anons.
I don't know what I should say to her now though, advice please?

The last things she said were:
"but honestly. how do you want me to respond? you just ditched me for the event i was looking forward to the most. read other people's emotions for once. its not always about you. oh and fyi, I DONT WISH I CAN BE ALONE. I WISH I CAN BE ENJOYING THINGS WITH MY FRIEND. but nope. too much to ask for?"
this was two days ago, I was too much of a pussy to reply and just appeared offline.

>> No.7508295

>tfw winter will just not end
>winter weather causes fibro to flare up so much I can barely work, let alone have a social life
>tfw I just want to have energy to get all dolled up in my lolita for the first time in ages

>> No.7508309

uh. seifukus design came from sailors, it's not wanting to be asian, cosplay who you like even if they're canonically a differen't race.

>> No.7508313

>be me
>still confused about what to cosplay this year
>no motivation to do anything again.
I just might sell my con ticket.

>> No.7508317
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same. i wish i had a cutie gf that would cosplay and motivate me to. ugh

>> No.7508345
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>have been a japanophile for 13 years
>finally made the decision to move to Japan and teach English
>have been cosplaying for 7 years, want to continue while living there
>naturally curvy and slightly overweight, lost 10 lbs since January but still have 20 to go
>tfw even if I meet my goal weight I will still be "fat" by Japanese standards
>worried I'll be too intimidated to take part in my favorite hobby in the country ive been dreaming of living in for half my life

Eh, am I being stupid about this? Probably. There's just a lot of scary stuff involved in moving halfway across to world, and this is part of it.

>> No.7508357
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Good luck in your dreamland.

>> No.7508363
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>out on the con scene dressed as a cosplay character
>see somebody cosplaying the same character
>go and compliment them on their costume and stuff and get to talking
>end up hanging out and getting on really well / take cosplay pictures together
>part ways
>see them later at another con and they remember you
>that feeling when you have a new con buddy

>> No.7508373

Why are you a Japanophile? I mean, I love Japanese food, anime and their music is pretty sweet, but my grandmother left for a reason, their society is way too overbearing.

>> No.7508376


Wow, she is a total drama queen

>> No.7508405

>almost everyone at school is at least 5 years older than me
>two closest acquaintances there are 36 and 55 years old
>knew that I wouldn't really find anyone my age when I decided to go there
>these older people are cool but they're only acquaintances
>boyfriend is my only friend
>the loneliness has been really getting to me lately
>aimlessly stare at the computer for hours
>not even lolita gets me excited anymore

>> No.7508411

I know their society has ample problems, and I don't expect living to be there to be like a fantasy world. I'm a woman, I'm American, I know I won't want to live there forever.

But, I still call myself a Japanophile because I've studied the history, culture, arts and language of that country for years and still find it fascinating. I just want to experience it firsthand.

>> No.7508422

Living there isn't going to be like you think, even if you've studied it. History is one thing and reality is another thing entirely. Unless you're a weeb it will be fun for a few months and then you'll regret it.

>> No.7508424

You're not the selfish one. She seems really irrational, clingy, and insecure. Like she doesn't understand that friends usually don't spend every moment with each other, even at a con.

A normal person would say 'ok' and go alone to the concert without dragging you along to something you don't want to do. Sounds like she's trying to manipulate you emotionally (even if she doesn't know it) and it's working, has she acted like this or done things like this before?

>> No.7508435

>Sounds like she's trying to manipulate you emotionally (even if she doesn't know it)
You really need to work on your wording. If she was trying to she's know it. She might be trying to or doing it accidentally, it's one or the other.

>> No.7508443

Maybe I'll end up hating it. Its a very possible situation. I feel like I'm going into this with pretty realistic expectations and an open mind, as much as I can anyway. And I'd rather do something interesting with my life than stay in the same job for 15 years like some people I work with now. Out of curiosity, anon, have you ever lived in a foreign country as an adult?

Also, looking at this as a way to test out a possible career in teaching.

>> No.7508445
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A couple of weeks ago we were going cosplay together from Senbonzakura and she ordered her cosplay way too late, even though I constantly reminded her months in advance to get it.
Then she said basically the same thing ("stop thinking about yourself, i'm disappointed in you for caring about something so petty, don't let something like this ruin our fun") when I got upset that her cosplay never came in time. I was really looking forward to it.

What she said:
"the costume people just took a long time to ship it to the agent. but you know, thats all irrelevent. i just dont like how you can be so hateful towards something that really is just a 'too bad' situation. you know, if our situations were reversed i would never have made you feel bad about the costume, or say things like the cosplay is ruined. honestly, im not angry. im just disappointed at how selfish your intentions are at times."

The thing is, I don't want to cause drama with her.
We've been really close friends for 4 years and honestly I don't care about her once we leave school because I know I won't see her again. I'm just really tired of her bullshit. But we're both in the same circle of friends and I feel like this might turn everyone against me.

>> No.7508455

she sounds like a really shitty friend. I'd saw draw the line and start making some distance, abusive friendships are a waste of time.

>> No.7508466
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>have an essay to write
>trying to focus on it but I'm having a brainstorm at the same time about a costume piece
>can't focus but can't quit either because essay is due tomorrow
>dammit, anon, get your heard in that essay

>> No.7508473


Eh, you seem to have your head mostly on your shoulders.

Long as you remember this is a temporary gig, have a long-term game plan and don't over-idealize the culture (which you don't seem to be doing too badly) you'll probably get a lot out of it and there will be loads to do.

I've enjoyed and grown a lot from my various extended jaunts (first for school then work) overseas, to places much more difficult on a daily level than JP. Just, take any failures in stride and don't sweat the little stuff.

In particular, though you may grow to dislike certain things don't be that expat that bitches about everything constantly, they just make themselves miserable by a refusal to adapt. Always be adaptin'.

That and don't go full weeb and bring shame to your home country anon, and don't be that person who assumes erryone in Japan is gonna wanna talk about animu.

>> No.7508478
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>dated cosplay boyfriend for over 2 years
>things deteriorated and ended badly
>kept tentative friendship for the sake of friends group
>tfw hating him for how he treated me, but still doing group cosplays with him b/c he's the only good male cosplayer I know

>> No.7508480

I personally haven't but I'm speaking from my friend's experience with Japan specifically. I'm not saying that everyone is the same, but consider going on a vacation first. If you go through JET then you're likely to end up in a shitty rural area where people hate you just for being white.

>> No.7508483

>going to convention as volunteer in a different city
>possible no crash space
>literally all i want is a place to shower

>> No.7508487


Try https://www.couchsurfing.org/ maybe?

I've never used it myself so grain of salt I guess, but some of my friends have had positive experiences with it.

>> No.7508503

Yowch, you got a bad one. She's just turning around all her mistakes onto you, wants you to instantly forgive her screwups while never forgetting anything you do, and pretending that all of those decisions were made specifically to hurt her.
My response to someone like this would be to deal her own bullshit right back to her in her own words, but that doesn't sound like an option for you. You said you just went offline a couple days ago, I would suggest dropping her - cut off online contact, if/when she talks to you in person end the conversation very quickly and get out of there. If you can't drop her instantly, do it over a period of time - start talking to her less and less until you're just not talking to her at all.
How much longer do you have to put up with her? Do you know if she's pulled the same shit with anyone else in your friend circle, or has she singled you out?

>> No.7508510

Try the forums or Facebook page for the con you're going to? Or couchsurfing. There are plenty of people who are willing to let you crash on their couch.

>> No.7508517

I hate today's youth. At a lolita meetup, there was this sixteen year old girl trying to impress me with how she drank illegally and other shit, then tried to tell me about how some girl doing a Thai dance was "cultural appropriation", compiled with other SJW bullshit.

Then there's this train wreck
I really wish tumblr would shut itself down. Seriously, fuck that site and the misguided teenagers it produces. I wasn't even this bad in my weeb phase.

>> No.7508526

thank you so much but it's not really that but more like i want to crash at the hotel because i don't want to pay 15 dollars of transportation for that weekend

>> No.7508538

Been trying to distance myself. I'm still in high school so once university comes around I'll have completely new friends.
We don't have any classes together this year though, so I rarely see her in school, which is nice I guess.
We basically only have this con and prom left to get through.

Ironically, she hates the living shit out of my boyfriend and refuses to see him, and does not like me with him at all.
She was completely against going to the con with him this year. But suddenly she said "I don't have anyone to go to the con with, X is going to summer school and Y will be with her friends" and latched on to us, even asking for a ride... which is the most awkward part I think, since she'll be bitter about this entire thing now.

I don't really know if she has this drama with our other friends, although she does bitch about them sometimes to me.

>> No.7508539

Time to start focusing on the friends you do want to keep anon.
Start the slow fade-out and try expanding your social group, even if it's just having a stronger online presence

>> No.7508542
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what the fuck is this child doing with her life

>> No.7508548

Wait, what? So you don't want to pay for a hotel but you also don't want to compromise and spend a perfectly reasonable price for transportation?

I'm confused.

>> No.7508560

What I don't get is what the shit is even wrong with sharing cultural shit? I mean, I always feel that the only thing SJWs know about history is during the time of english imperialism. And they bitch and moan about appropriation of things that are no longer culturally relevant just due to imperialism, even though they disregard anything else that ever happened at any other point in history to anyone. I just don't get it.

>> No.7508574

no im fine paying for shared room the transportation cost isnt really that bad but from my experience trying to work wonky shifts as a volunteer and taking the bus is kind of difficult [pretty much midnight- 4/5 am shifts and bus routes]
usually this convetion has space provided for volunteers that work so many hours but it seems they may have run out

>> No.7508609

Not so ironic, though, because the way she acts about your boyfriend is exactly how someone like her would act - she wants you to only pay attention to her, so she's probably in an angry frenzy because she thinks he'll steal you away or he'll (of course) be a better person to be around than her.
This part is just speculation, but the friends of yours that she bitched about might be people she tried to play but couldn't. You may want to try sticking with them in school. It could work to shield you from her or drive her away, or they could give you a little support.
(As far as that awkward ride, play the radio loud, I guess.)

>> No.7508643

what am i looking at?
i'm scrolling through her blog and i'm just confused.

>> No.7508670
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I started getting into/dressing lolita when I was 17. From lolita I got interested in fairy-kei, generally cute pastel j-fashion. Decided I had outgrown it at around 21 and I had a professional job anyway, no time to kawaii. Sold all my burando. Wardrobe turns black and grey.

Now I am 25, kind of want to get back into the fashion, but tbh I feel like I am just too old to be wearing most of it. The girls I follow on tumblr are at the oldest 17 and I just feel weird.

I am not sure I want to be lolita anymore, but just wearing pastel blouses under my blazer to work isn't cutting it anymore.

>sorry not greentext

>> No.7508680

Why don't you try otome or classic then, anon?

>> No.7508681

Have you tried otome, anon?
I'm 24 and I still wear lolita but I understand that it can feel strange. My compromise has been more otome outfits lately, and it works.

>> No.7508690
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Hivemind nice.

Pretty sure all my friends like her a lot, though.
And I think her bond with over half of them is stronger than my bond with them.

Kind of glad that university is rolling around.
I don't really feel that guilty about it anymore either.

Thanks anons!

>> No.7508700

Similar feels, anon.
>mfw when I love rokku
>mfw I also love lolita
>I can't afford both
>I feel uncomfortable switching between the two too often anyways

>> No.7508896
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I'm so furious right now. I just came back from a fantastic convention weekend, and upon returning practically immediately my boyfriend and I were kicked out of our house by one of our roommates. He is a compulsive liar and told us it was because we failed an inspection because of a mess we made (if I told the full story, the levels of bullshit would read off the charts). Of course not true, but what IS true is someone moved into his room recently and he hated him being there, so he had been looking for an excuse to kick us out ever since to provide him with our room. And us going away for the weekend provided said excuse.

He won't provide us proof of this so called inspection, and we have until Thursday to be out. My boyfriend has an option he direly wants to take to move three hours away with a friend of his, but I can't take that option until winter at least because of uni. He suggested a LDR, but he hates them so that's probably going to end up ruining our relationship.

Great way to end the convention weekend basically. I wish I had something hard and strong to drink.

>> No.7508959

Ok, first off, are your names on the lease? If you are not on the lease, have you been living there for at least 30 (may be 60) days? If you have mail with your name on it and the address, this is all the proof you need. You cannot get evicted like this. It takes at minimum 30 days to be evicted (may be 60, but 30 I believe is the 'legal' minimum and that's if everything is followed to the letter legally and the accusing party doesn't stall on anything in terms of paper work). There is literally nothing legally he can do to kick you out in something like 3 days. he can even call the police, but all they will do is begin the eviction paper work and let you know you have been served papers to be evicted, which is the start of the 30 day process. Get a lawyer involved, or simply do not move out, there is NOTHING he can do to kick you out legally in that short amount of time. The cops will only come and toss your shit in the street once all the paperwork has been filled out (min 30 days).

now, you have absolutely no proof of residence (no mail) then he can call the cops to have you removed, but I really doubt that's the case here.

>> No.7508964

my father is a landlord with property in several states. I'm assuming this is the US, if it's not, my apologies, no clue how eviction laws work in other countries.

>> No.7508969

Holy fuck anon. This shit happened to me before! Where are you located? Do you have anywhere to stay?

>> No.7508973

It works different state to state, anon. I just moved and the laws in the new place are way diffrent from where I was living.

>> No.7508981

also, adding onto this. He cannot legally evict you BEFORE the last day of your current rent is paid. Example: you're paid up until April 30th. There is no legal way for him to give you notice of eviction before this date if you are paid (I assume you have receipts). Also, he cannot evict you without a notice, a notice which explains that you can fight the eviction via court order.

If you have proof of residence, proof of rent paid, etc, do not let this asshole walk all over you by trying to play off your ignorance of the law. Ask him for a legal notice of eviction, and make him aware that it is illegal for him to provide notice before the last day of your paid rent.

>> No.7508987

I've ammended my comment with more information. yes it appears that some states can have as little as 7 day notice of eviction, however, if they are paid up through the end of the month (I believe this is a national law) then they cannot be evicted before that time. And no matter where you live, he MUST provide a legal notice of eviction. he cannot kick someone out without notice, that is illegal and easily can be won in small claims court.

>> No.7509032

We aren't on the lease. We were SUPPOSED to be, but. Being the compulsive liar that he is, he only put his own name down and claimed he put all of ours there. It only came out a month or so ago that we weren't.

And thinking on this further I'm angry at my boyfriend too. He's been crazy neglectful lately and wanting to move three hours away on such short notice just takes the cake. He doesn't seem to want to spend time with me anymore, and is always canceling what few plans we do make to hang out with his friends. I know one of the main reasons he wants to move too is because some of his most lived friends live in that town, so again, I'm being left behind for them. I feel so lonely and miserable and we still love each other but now I feel like I'm not only losing my house but him too.

I'm probably going to stay with my parents until I can afford another option... if he really does move I'll probably move away with him in winter. Our plan originally was to move there together in winter, but. Well.

>capcha: completed tipsyl

Not tonight capcha. Unfortunately not.

>> No.7509038

Oh, and we have been living there for more than two months so we could legally stay longer, but really leaving sooner was not something we hated the thought of. This isn't the first time he's tried to kick us out, and we can't pretend we don't hate each other now. The sooner we leave the better it is for everyone involved.

>> No.7509045

Ok, so you have no proof that you've been living there for longer than 30 days ('squatters rights' is what we call this) like mail with your name on it and the address. Well yep, you're shit out of luck, sorry friend, tried to help.

I have no idea what to say to your relationship problems. When I was younger I made the decision to move into my SO's place after a year of dating and it was a bad move, so now I'm happy to have my own place, and only after two years of being in my own place and not living with anyone am I considering looking for a place with my current BF. I have made the mistake of just 'moving in' with someone instead of actually 'looking for a place together' several times, and it's never turned out well in my experience.

>> No.7509054

That doesn't work in quite a few places, technically if they're not on the lease the landlord can claim unapproved subletting if that's outside his leasing terms.

Shit sucks, I think they're SOL anyways.

>> No.7509058

ok I guess I mistook your original post that you were at a loss of what to do, not that this is a chance to just get out, well nevermind, if you are just wanting to leave anyway, I guess that's fine. I thought you didn't realize that it's illegal for him to do that.

>> No.7509062

Yeah sorry for unleashing all of my baggage onto cgl tonight. Feels thread venting doesn't really help much in the end, the problems are still there, huh? Oh well, thanks for listening guys.

>> No.7509065

if they have proof that they have been there for longer than X days (I'm saying X since I know laws change between states) such as mail in their name coming to the house, they still have to be provided a notice of eviction with the option to go to court to fight it. But yes, if they have no proof whatsoever it's pretty simple to have them removed.

>> No.7509067

here's a blurb I found on people not on a lease.

>A person is considered a tenant of an apartment if she signs the lease. A person may also be considered a legal tenant if she has lived in the apartment more than 30 days, paid rent directly to the landlord or had her name put on the mailbox.

>> No.7509107

I just think that being, for lack of a better word, edgy, is what's in and is a popular thing for youth now. Think of it like a "scene phase", this is an "edge phase", where the goal is to hate everything that isn't them. Hopefully they'll snap out of it soon.

>> No.7509123

Hahaha that fuckface. I got accused of bullying her because I called out her friend who was going around being transphobic as shit. Death to all teenage transtrenders.

>> No.7509146

>finally bare-legged skirts and dresses season
>horrible chafing begins

I'm not even fat but this is the only reason I'd want a thigh gap. What a pain in the ass. I even pluck all my pube/inner thigh hair one by one and i still get an inch of uncomfortable, annoying red chafing. Anybody got any advice on what to do about this...?

It's no problem when it's colder because tights.

>> No.7509176

>Finally get a job
>Looking forward to all that brand
>After 4 weeks get let go
>tfw back to being a poorfag

>> No.7509179
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>have best friend of two years
>decide we should start cosplaying together, sister included
>we all join a local cosplay comm
>3 of us work on costumes together attending events
>most fun in ages
>finally make good friends with a group of girls in the comm
>do stuff together all the time
>ff a year
>have a massive fall out with bestfriend
>the group of girls we made friends with stop inviting me to do fun things with them because losing one friend is better than two (sisters were inseparable)
>tfw all alone in the comm, shy af
>try and rekindle friendship with one of the girls
>"let's do a pair cosplay for upcoming event!"
>"sounds great anon, I'm excited!"
>ff month before con
>"sorry anon, I can't afford to make my costume"
>"th-that's okay"
>see she's doing a different cosplay for a different group

Since it's such a small comm and everyone's already got their groups I feel really left out and can't fit in. I've kinda lost motivation to cosplay as it's just not fun anymore.

>> No.7509181

Solid deodorant on the inner thighs helps me. I learned this from Juno.

>> No.7509183
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I should never taken a grad level course...

>writing final paper on Harajuku's and Lolita's history (separate topics)

>tfw I've procrastinated long enough to see myself become the enemy

>> No.7509185

>The girls I follow on tumblr are at the oldest 17 and I just feel weird.

What, really? The girls I follow at tumblr are mostly 20+. It is an expensive fashion, so people who are older and have a job have adavantages because they can easily build a bigger wardrobe in a shorter time and can afford more expensive pieces.

Try classic Lolita and/or otome, Anon. Almost all Classic Lolitas I follow are 21+, and many famous Classic Lolitas like Fann Rosie are 25+ with a job and a life.

>> No.7509233

I'm going through the exact same thing. (Got into lolita when I was 14-15, transitioned to vkei and other j-fashion, then started working and went completely monochrome, now 21 and interest in lolita is rekindled). I've decided to start buying lolita again, but in darker colours and less girly prints. But I'm worried about getting too into the fashion in case I decide to just ditch it all again; it's not like I have time to dress up much anyway. I'm also worried about joiningy local comm because I already know some girls who are in it and how much they bitch and they would recognise me if they saw me in lolita and I feel like they would secretly bitch about me too. ):

>> No.7509257

These days I want to go to cons more and maybe also start selling art.
But my problem is that I don't know if it's worth it, because my last con ended with me spending most of my time walking around alone awkwardly, and when it comes to selling stuff I have zero idea how much I'd need of everything.

That and the cons here are at shit dates always, at least for me.

Maybe I'll just save up a bunch of money and go abroad to a big con or something.

>> No.7509263

I finally got qt Bunny ear clips, white cat ears and cute cat paw gloves and a sailor fuku. But I'm afraid to wear it at a con because "it's not a real cosplay"
Hell, I just want to look cute mang.

>> No.7509274

You're a whore.

>> No.7509276

Let me be a cute looking whore

>> No.7509278

Cuteness and whorishness are two distinct concepts.

>> No.7509279

I saw some scene kids in Lidl the other day, couldn't believe they still existed. Then I thought back on my myspace days and kooter being a scene queen with her sister, and sigh in relief.

>> No.7509330


>> No.7509344


>But I'm worried about getting too into the fashion in case I decide to just ditch it all again; it's not like I have time to dress up much anyway.

Thanks anon...you get it. I have bought a few solid pieces but I haven't really found the time or place to wear them. Who knows if I even will.

I joined my comm when I was a lolita (obv) only to just kinda bail because there was drama and cattiness I wasn't into. At this age, if I went back to lolita, I don't even think. I would bother and would just be a lone lolita, ha.


I follow other people who are over 20 but still most of the people I follow or the people who I...I guess like the most, are under 20. I also feel like the difference between a 22 or so year old who is in college and a 25 year old who is out of college/working is vast enough to not be relatable, though others may not agree.

For me, it isn't even just sweet lolita that feels too young...even classic does. And otome doesn't really appeal to me although I have tried it. It just isn't the same.

But anyway, thanks anons. I don't know what I am going to do in the end but I needed to let my egl feels out.

>> No.7509345
File: 212 KB, 324x244, 1393402695168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ pls go

>tfw looking everywhere for an inexpensive necklace with the appropriate length/color/bead size
>consider making it myself but can't find the right materials without spending a gorirrion dollars on a small part of the ensemble
>go get groceries later, find the perfect necklace there somehow for like $8

>> No.7509347
File: 79 KB, 250x250, 1359898797984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend always makes fun of me for finding enjoyment in watching /cgl/ dramu
>tells me he just doesn't "get" how people could find that entertaining, its just stupid to him
>goes on to mock in valley girl tone "omg Sandra said this about Jessica but then Jessica lied about it-omg gotta make a post about it" etc
and then, just a bit ago
>pulls me off of my computer so he can show me vidya game developer drama and how lolworthy and stupid some of them are
>thinks its the most amusing thing ever
>mfw I called him out on it

>> No.7509350

Dated a well-known cosplayer for years and broke up almost a year ago. Despite how fucked up it was I can't stop myself from wanting to date another cosplayer or loli and have kind of been shutting down every other option. Doesn't help that I'm almost 30 and it feels like everybody in the scene that I meet is either like 20 or is nuts.

>> No.7509351
File: 636 KB, 250x150, saddante.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hobbit-cosplay group all working on new costumes/new versions of their character
>really want to improve my own cosplay
>broke as fuck
>fabric for the coat/wrap/plaid thing are over 100€

>> No.7509356

This is my boyfriend and I except both of us understand the other's dramu and also enjoy it.

>> No.7509360

I love OTT sweet and I am building up my wardrobe. Saving money for brand and the whatnots. Love how cute my closet is becoming.
I'm 21 years old and a mom.
Everyone thinks its childplay and I am some perverted rapist of a person.
I feel like I should do the responsible thing and just wear classic but my love for sweet is too much.
I mean do you know how weird it looks to be decked out in OTT sweet while pushing a stroller?

>> No.7509366

he's just starting to understand. we made a great breakthrough.

>> No.7509371

Yeah, but being a lone lolita also seems kind of .. lonely. I'm thinking that I'll probably just dress up for conventions, there's no other occasion I have really. I don't know, I just want to be able to look cute and enjoy nice things with other people without drama.

>> No.7509372

Also I know a lolita who is around 30 (or slightly older?) who can still rock all the styles, so don't feel too discouraged about feeling too old for lolita.

>> No.7509374
File: 1.35 MB, 200x200, oie_0_0_21134856uG13FgRj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to deal with out-of-rehab husband for the past months.
He acts like an apathetic jerk when I allow him to visit.
Going to cosplay and vend at a convention in less than a month.
Even when he's not over, his bullshit is stressing me out and interrupting my work.

>mfw he keeps bringing over shit food and offering it to me as gifts
>mfw I have no willpower
>mfw I want to lose weight before the con
>mfw I don't want to break it off until after the convention so I don't have to deal with the dramatic aftermath
>mfw I am a spineless lil shit

I am so angry at this situation.
I am super chill and he took/takes advantage of it completely. I want to be with someone awesome who actually likes me instead of this degrading jerk!!

>> No.7509375

You won't make it if you're overly conscious of what people think. The mental image I have of a sweet lolita pushing a stroller is pretty damn cute.

>> No.7509379
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, 1329512398513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my life changed today.

I don't have a social life.
I've never had a girlfriend.
I don't have many friends.
I don't have a car or a license.
I still live with my parents.

But after over a year of very hard work and study I got my dream job and I'll be making 6 digits.
I'm gonna have my own apartment, my own car, I'm gonna eat the best food and I'm gonna travel to the places I've always wanted(JP first ofc).

I just ordered a figma of my lovely waifu to celebrate.

>> No.7509380

Congratulations, anon. Very happy for you!

>> No.7509381

Congrats anon, it makes me feel happy to hear you got something great, also are you the one who posted in the other thread? Since you both used a Morgiana image

also is it the dancing Morgiana figure?

>> No.7509384

Thanks anon. My mom could barely control herself.

Thank you! But that wasn't me.

And yeah it's that one. I like her normal clothes better though.

>> No.7509403

Ty for that confidence boost anon. You are right. I got this shit

>> No.7509412

Do you realize how bad a divorce would be?

>> No.7509419

> Win ultimate dream dress on mbok
> SS sends it back to the mbok auctioner because it's unwearable and full of horrible stains, and refunds me
> Feel horrible
> Get "one last dress" to help myself feel better after
> Not allowing myself to buy any main pieces at all right now.
> Ask boyfriend to help me enforce this. I reallly need accessories in my wardrobe.
> Suddenly on mbok
> Several wild AP parts of set of dreamdress appear
> Bag, KC, JSK, socks, all in perfect condition and preferred cut and colorway
> Not. allowed. to. buy. any. main. pieces. Also, cannot sell anything because studying abroad and too far away from wardrobe
> Look at it, sigh, maybe next time

>> No.7509421

> and jewelry full set
> double-sigh.

>> No.7509435

The first thing you should have gotten is an escort to take your virginity, not some anime doll.

>> No.7509446
File: 132 KB, 1280x826, karuta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con is in a few days
>tries on cosplay for the first time
>look in mirror
>ego goes into hyperdrive

I'm going to be the kawaiiest girl at the con. Thank you based Asian genes.

>> No.7509491

>apostrophes used for plurals
Gurl, no.

Talc on the inside of your thighs stops the rubbing!

>> No.7509498
File: 3 KB, 116x90, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My meds for alcohol addiction are out for delivery today. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but I can't help it, I really, truly believe this is going to help me, finally.
I just hope they actually deliver it, if I get a missed delivery slip I'm going to cry for real

>> No.7509500

Diff anon, I thought so at first but she wasn't pluralizing them, they are possessive (their history, the history of lolitas and harajuku = lolita's history, harajuku's history)

>> No.7509505
File: 59 KB, 521x521, Shinji_Ikari_crying_in_chair_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion-4116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I fucked up.
>tfw terrible reading comprehension

>> No.7509507

Asian girls aren't cute at all, I've asked my boyfriend and he said most guys, especially white guys, don't like asian girls.

>> No.7509508

Don't feel bad anon, it was a wonky sentence
>the hard life of a grammar nazi

>> No.7509511
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1393447080247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you 12 or just retarded

>> No.7509529

What kind of job did you get, anon?
Also, congrats

>> No.7509549

I don't really know what that means.
I won't be stoned and killed for divorcing my husband, so I'm not really all that worried about it.

>> No.7509558

I don't think that's what they meant.
They meant that it would have even more of an effect on your husband, and may put your life in danger, and his.

>> No.7509561


Thanks anon.

>> No.7509566

I don't think a divorce is something you should think about even if he snaps and hits you. Try to come to some other kind of arrangement. I'm guessing you're young.

>> No.7509569

> and may put your life in danger, and his.
Another reason why anon should just divorce her husband.
Why are you shoving down an unhappy marriage down her throat?

>> No.7509572

>I don't think a divorce is something you should think about even if he snaps and hits you

>> No.7509574

yeah, anon should just accept her unhappiness for the rest of her life!

jfc your advice is shit anons.
If she doesnt have kids and isnt happy she should divorce, its not rocket science. Her hubby sounds like a shitty person.

>> No.7509575
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 1397860771589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my husband's entire family threw me a huge party yesterday in a restaurant, got lots of easter eggs and presents
>today my parents who have been feuding ever since their divorce when I was 5 came in the same car from three states over, along with my uncle and aunt and their kids
>our dog had puppies a week ago and they're the cutest
>I got an awesome job offer and my current boss is being so encouraging and telling me I should go for it, she's also throwing me a going away party and we're gonna have a huge group photoshoot

oooooh I'm so happy!

>> No.7509577

I never said she shouldn't, I said that that's probably what the other anon meant

>> No.7509579

Oh I see. Thanks for the concern, but I've got it. I can't/won't put off a divorce out of fear of retaliation. If anything, that's MORE incentive for a divorce. You shouldn't stay in a relationship out of fear, and I ain't that worried anyhow.
If/when it goes through, I have no one to be concerned about but myself. If he wants to put his life in danger, it will no longer be my problem.
Heartless as it sounds, he's threatened his life before to manipulate me, and it no longer has any effect on me. If he wants to end it, fine. I'll call the police and have him put in ward and on watch. again. But he's a grown man who can be responsible for himself.

Even if he snaps and hits me, don't think about divorce?
I'm guessing you're young.

>> No.7509587
File: 17 KB, 280x302, house1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if he snaps and hits you
Never give life advice again, anon.

>> No.7509590

I think your advice should be said like this

don't think of divorce as an 'oh well, time to divorce' situation

worst case scenario after you've tried to work it out

>> No.7509601

Which it seriously is.
I've tried everything. We've gotten counselling, meds, he's gone to rehab, churches, hospitals...
He just can't control his addictions and his anger, and I've come to accept that I can only change myself. So. It's time to move on.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

>> No.7509609

Just be careful anon. Either go stay with friends/family or have someone stay with you. If he's already threatened his life once, if he realizes it won't work again, he might try something worse. I'd hate to turn on ID and see a fellow seagull in a documentary.

>> No.7509619

I don't know I think you have the right idea. Good luck anon.

>> No.7509631


You guys are awesome.
I'll stay safe and stay off the news, I can promise you that much!

>> No.7509663
File: 35 KB, 499x451, tumblr_m26nvnNG5o1qkk10ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFFUUUUUU they left a missed slip. I can't get it until tomorrow. I want them now so, so badly. literally I'm thinking about chasing down the USPS truck.
I also got a missed delivery slip for a victoriangirlsdress petticoat. Just.. why? They leave stuff all the time. victoriangirlsdress didn't put fucking signature confirmation on it.
Is going up to the USPS truck a bad idea, they're probably still around my neighborhood...

>> No.7509675
File: 54 KB, 300x265, 1354104395752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your attitude, anon.
The way you're desperate for them shows that you're really going to make an effort to change your alcohol addiction.
You can wait until tomorrow. I believe in you.

>> No.7509682
File: 182 KB, 400x374, tumblr_inline_mz0ud81Xhh1rcc0nq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, thank you. That really means a lot to me.

>> No.7509700


Dunno what kind of art you do, but start off just commissioning? Bring a few pieces to set up and give an idea of your style and skills.

That way you don't have to worry about how much to bring, other than your art supplies

>> No.7509703

Omg congrats anon. I'm very happy for you

>> No.7509706
File: 494 KB, 500x226, tumblr_lg9uym8L8z1qab9hro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear my name called at a convention
>it's my ex and the girl he left me for
>they are cosplaying Howl and Sophie
>we had planned to cosplay that together
>try not to show how bitter I feel and be polite
>friend lies to save me
>"Anon, hurry up, I don't want to miss that panel."
>"Oh, what panel are you going to?"
>sounds like he's interested in tagging along
>actually went to the bathroom and cried

>> No.7509723

>dating cosplayer
>mention doing couples cosplay
>she agrees but no time soon because she can't fit it into her schedule
>next con shes couples cosplaying with her new bf
>costumes are nothing she had scheduled

I mean, that was a bad excuse, I easily could have matched what she already had planned...

>> No.7509728

And you'll still be alone.

>> No.7509735


purityfag ho home

>> No.7509790
File: 318 KB, 650x488, 1366159115225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, anon, I forgive you. It was about 3 am or 4 am when I typed this. I'm sure you were as sleep deprived as I was.

I can't believe I slept through my alarm clock...

I've got until Wednesday to present...

>tfw, I left my English G&LBs at my parents house

On a happier note, I won an auction. Now I've got one more item to wait for in the mail. Someone in the Mr. Yan thread mentioned something about a "Mr. Yan So Stoned Sale" and it's starting to feel like it because it's taking weeks for my things to finally leave Japan. Anyone else having this issue?

>> No.7509803
File: 2.40 MB, 500x281, go_fuck_yourself_disney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh gosh anon, I'm sorry that happened to you. He's a real douche, there's no way he couldn't have known that seeing her in your cosplay would hurt you.
>pic related, to your ex

>> No.7509822

Thanks. To be honest, he is fairly oblivious. He doesn't seem to understand why I don't want to still be friends after he cheated on me. So maybe it didn't occur to him.

But still, it hurts so badly to be discarded.

>> No.7509828


But your friend seems really sweet.
I don't think any of my friends understand social cues enough to save me in a situation like that.

>> No.7509859

How old are you?

>> No.7509866

Isn't the other girl the one at fault here?

>> No.7509872

not sure if bait or just sad

>> No.7509876
File: 774 KB, 276x220, IT KEEPS HAPPENING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck, I meant to say the ex is the douchebag. Not anon.

>> No.7509877

How so? Takes two to tango.

>> No.7509879

I understood what you meant, anon, no worries!

>> No.7509972

They're both at fault but she went after and tried to tempt a taken guy.

>> No.7509975


>> No.7510320
File: 8 KB, 208x210, 1311639016497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt3.14 cosplay gf
being gay in a small town sucks. (Though I'm moving to a larger city in four months! Yay!)

In other news;
>Start taking green coffee bean extract 8 days ago
>Replace cow milk with almond milk
>Lower calorie intake to 1300 (Went to 1500 5 days in, because I was eating lower than my "coma" BMR and I felt fucking awful and had no energy.)
>Limit bread consumption
>Up protein intake
>Add lifting to every single work out
>Lost nearly an inch off waist in less than a week

Holy shit. I'm so happy that I'm finally seeing results after being at a plateau for MONTHS, but I'm also terrified I might gain it back. Suddenly I don't want to eat junk food at all. The best part is that I don't miss the bread or cow milk at all, and I think they were a big reason as to why I wasn't losing anything.

>> No.7511085

>tfw planning a big cosplay undertaking later this year
>so excited for it
>never had the guts to do it before
>thinking about how much fun it's going to be, obsessing over details
>obsessing over details leads to fixating on my flaws
>tfw slipping back into old ED habits
>giving exactly zero fucks

it's going to be perfect

>> No.7511101

High five anon. I gave up cow milk too . If I can't find almond, I'll drink organic on emergency. Hormones are just scary. Congrats on the weight.

>> No.7511116

how do you know she did
>he left me for her
>she stole him from me

>> No.7511126


>> No.7511134

>that feel when you're finally not being a lazy piece of shit anymore and go to /fit/ for some advice, and they shit all over you for not making progress fast enough

I should have known, though.

>> No.7511140

>what are tights

Anon, stock up. I have KP all over my legs, dance tights are the best shit on the planet. They're thick, make your legs look bomb as fuck, and they're durable as hell.

>> No.7511154

Anon says he cheated on her.

>> No.7511162

"I'm sorry, but it's not interesting to me. I'm paying all of this money for the convention, I want to go do things that I enjoy. I'd like to spend time with you, but I just do not want to go to the concert. We have the whole rest of the con to enjoy our time together, just this one event should be fine to split up for, right? I'm sorry if you can't understand that, but it's how I feel, and I don't think that me not wanting to spend time doing something I won't enjoy at all is selfish.

If you're so excited about the concert, you should enjoy it without me. I don't want you to have a bad time, but I don't want to have a bad time either. I hope you can understand what I mean.

>> No.7511167

This is why we need fit threads on cgl. Screw them

>> No.7511168

I don't know why I am here, I found this thread on the front page and clicked it to save the OP image. Your friend sounds like she has some sort of dependency issues and it seems like you both need to man the fuck up. She needs to accept that everything isn't about her (notice how she projected this upon you), and you need to not feel guilty about the drama your dramaqueen creates.

>> No.7511169


Sounds just like a "friend" of mine, but now I work with her, so I still can't get away.

Drop her as soon as possible, and don't EVER feel bad when she says things like that to you. She wants the attention, and she wants you to feel like shit so she can feel good.

I was friends with mine for 9 years now. It only gets harder the longer you let them hang around.

>> No.7511179

>Ironically, she hates the living shit out of my boyfriend and refuses to see him, and does not like me with him at all.

Oh lord anon, your friend has to be a clone of >>7511169 mine.

She hates him so much she won't even go to large group gatherings if she knows he'll be there because she's "afraid he'll say something wrong and she'll lose her shit," even though he probably wouldn't say two god damn words to her.

sage for two post

>> No.7511180

White guy here.

Asian girls are more than all right with me and most of the white guys I know agree. Not a yellow fever guy either, I've actually only ever dated white and latina girls but I think Asians are just as attractive.

>> No.7511184

Pretty much.

Progress has been slow thanks to a combination of Ehler's-Danlos, me being a lazy cunt, asthma, and chronic migraines. But now I'm finally up and at 'em and now I might have a tear in my shoulder which is bad and will have me out of commission for quite some time.

>> No.7511185

Doesn't mean he started it!

>> No.7511191

Are you fucking serious?

The sad thing is I know you are. This board is so damn immature.

>> No.7511210

yes, that's the message I have been trying to convey

>> No.7511249

Is this really a "who flirted with whom first" sort of thing?

>> No.7511263

Bought a dream dress that popped up. The bodice was too short.
Traded for super cute OP. The damn bodice is too short.

I really like it too and it's going to be near impossible sell. I might just wear it anyways, at least it comfortable.

>> No.7511304

I always look like a hot mess in photos.

>> No.7511312
File: 270 KB, 804x964, i just cant hold it in anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even though I think hella gorgeous in the mirror.
Let's cry together, anon.

>> No.7511396
File: 20 KB, 400x400, icame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel at the end of the day when you take off your pinchy boots, sweaty armor, itchy wig, caked-on makeup, and dry-as-fuck contacts, get naked, and jump in the shower

>> No.7511526
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, 1396859903006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on the cosplay scene for about... a year and a half now.

I've only made a handful of friends, and even then, I'm worried they're getting tired of me. People get tired of me.

Am I just that awful of a human being? Am I just being too paranoid again?

>> No.7511554

I have the same problem, anon. I just want to make lots of friends and have fun but it's so hard to get really involved. What makes you think your friends are getting tired of you, though? I'm sure you may just be feeling paranoid maybe because of previous experiences.

>> No.7511567

One of them seems to respond less often to my messages, and it seems to be a general thing among anyone I talk to now. I would send messages and I hardly ever get immediate responses.

Then again, that makes me sound a bit impatient. But still.

>> No.7511668

im ellie, a girl, she her pronouns only
im 15
im gay
i am a lesbian
im asexual
im white

What the fuck?

>> No.7511694
File: 574 KB, 5000x5000, 1395550611887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend follows and respects this Tumblr user.

All I can think: but why?

>> No.7511746


Uhh.. pretty sure you can't be a lesbian and an asexual because lesbian is a sexual preference.

>> No.7511993

Maybe they mean homo-romantic, but don't know the term?

>> No.7512016


Haha. So glad I'm not having kids. The ones born after 1997 are screwed.

>> No.7512208
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 67587984654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad feel
i got glutened a couple of days ago and i still feel like pic related

>good feel
i've lost 6.5 lbs in those couple of days

>> No.7512219

>have hard time making friends
>always rely on one friend to cosplay with and hang out with at cons
>said friend is kind of a bitch
>always has to be better, always gives shit attitude if you ask her for help on costumes, even if in the same group
>she is fairly popular
>always is called out to at cons, but kind of leaves me out of the conversation when we're both there
>i end up standing awkwardly to the side because it feels too rude to intrude when she obviously doesn't want to introduce or anything
>finally make a cosplay that gets attention
>friend is in shitty cosplay that day
>for some reason doesn't want to hang out with me at all
>kind of snubs me the entire day, even when hanging out with mutual friends
>well fuck you too
>end up getting more photos taken of me than i ever did when cosplaying with her
>also end up making a few friends (or at least associates)
>tfw all this will be for nothing anyways because i'm moving across the country in a few months

>> No.7512222
File: 38 KB, 500x318, 1391310211291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a good friend who finally got into cosplay after being into anime for a long time. He's really fit, friendly and gets along with people well at cons but
>keeps picking tight outfits
>shitty bought-online costumes
>his crotch looks really weird in every single one
>junk flopping around everywhere
It constantly weirds me out whenever we hang out in cosplay. Sometimes when he chats to girls, I see them eyeing his package apprehensively.

>mfw he genuinely has no idea

>> No.7512225


Can I ask for advice about how to not be this person?
I love my friend to death but sometimes I feel I'm manipulative
I'm so scared of losing her I'm stuck in a bubble. We live together and do everything together and we almost never fight about anything. But I'm worried I'm being an awfully selfish person.

>> No.7512227

Well you are obviously extremely insecure. I would just sit her down and ask her, directly, if you ever make her feel uncomfortable/manipulated. Tell her you're trying to feel more confident and you'd really appreciate an honest answer so you can be aware of the issue and work on it. In reality you're probably fine, but if you're really worried just ask her.

>> No.7512229

Dude. You really need to convince him to wear a cup or dancers belt. My hubby wears a cup when he's in spandex. Protect dat shit ya know.

Also I'm kind of sad since I had to drop my friend's groups for AX since I'll be heavily pregnant by then. We even picked up the fabric back when my friend was in town from Boston back in December and was going to make my dress.

>TFW nobody wants to see a Takane from Idolmaster with a giant pregnant belly.

>> No.7512235

That's a good idea, I'll see if I can bring it up before the next event, I'm not sure if we're close enough for me to bring it up and not have him feel uncomfortable but it'd be worth it. Also Takane, you have amazing taste! I hope you go through with it at a later time, and congratulations on your baby.

If you're worried about being selfish with your friend's time or dedication, try giving them space and a way to opt out of your time together. Don't be too enthusiastic or pressuring when you're asking them to go somewhere with you and make it clear that they have a choice.
If you're already living together and don't fight, then it's unlikely you'll drift apart or anything.

>> No.7512241

Well you could mention how you've caught people staring at his junk for starters. I'm hoping I can do it maybe next year after I've had the baby and dropped the extra baby weight. My friend is really understanding about it.

This year will just have to be the year I cosplay pregnant ladies and loose clothing. I'll just put the energy towards making my husband's stuff.

>> No.7512245

I think I just lost my best friend because he is jealous.
He literally started shit and ruined our two year friendship over literally nothing. I was stupid and overextended myself making stuff for him for free, yet he charged me for a commission he magically couldn't get done in time for con. Then he couldn't pay for the room besides having an extra 300 dollars. He gets home and starts insulting me for no reason, I tell him I don't want to argue (which is what he was starting to do) and he says that I am a bad friend for 'not supporting him'
I just threw up from stress, I am too nice for my own good so that when I finally put my foot down or have some standards or obligations my so called 'besties' insult me and leave me behind, I am so ready to give up on my favorite hobby just because of this.

>> No.7512274

Haven't had sex in 6 months and haven't had good sex in almost 2 years. I wish I had appreciated it more then, I am going crazy right now.

>> No.7512496

They're 15, I don't think they know any of that shit yet.

>> No.7512499

If only this were true.

>> No.7512599

Don't you know? No one can resist a woman's charms. There was literally nothing he could do to stop the cheating from happening. He is not at fault, since this random woman should have been a better person.
It is so terrible for a woman to sleep with a man who she may or may not know is taken. Shouldn't she consider the feelings of this other woman that she doesn't know personally? This other woman who, if she even knows she exists, she has only heard through shit talk at the mouth of the boyfriend?
Her inconsideration for this woman's relationship is so much worse than the man being inconsiderate to the woman who relies on him, who he knows more than anyone, who has trusted him in her most vulnerable state, who may have planned a life with him, who is emotionally invested in his actions, and who would be the woman he'd need to speak to when his cheating comes to light.
I mean, how could she do this? She might have the girlfriend come up to her in a screaming fit once or twice! That's so much worse than having to figure out a breakup and stop seeing the person who you spent the most time with out of everyone!
What a bitch. Homewrecker.

>> No.7512606

I want to cosplay
but I have skills to make costume
or money to buy materials or premade costume.

>trollface cursor

>> No.7512654
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>> No.7512817
File: 77 KB, 603x720, 41401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feeling when no bf who will cosplay and go to cons with me. Seriously, people always act like it's so easy for girls to get a bf but I'm way too awkward to actually talk to male human beings irl even at cons

>> No.7512838
File: 21 KB, 300x215, artworks-000056548667-ukpbks-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>started posting coords to tumblr this year
>Just started lolita a year ago, so coords are in safe mode
>getting a few notes, got a handful followers, nice
>suddenly, notes go up
>one outift reached 100+ notes
>got a few more followers
>seems like someone important reblogged my outfit?
>happy because people like me, and afraid because small closet and inexperienced Lolita here, so I might not be able to hold up to people's expectations, also prepared to be disappointed that future coords won't get much attention
>what am I even feeling

I know it is just a small step with babby's first tumblr notes, but I feel happy, excited and anxious at the same time. I-i will try my best not to disappoint people and improve my coords!

>> No.7512868
File: 388 KB, 500x375, 268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best friend always cosplays same series as me at cons
>kawaii cosplaying duo
>she gets a bf
>suddenly starts complaining how cosplay is pointless & bashes my animu interests

>> No.7512878
File: 18 KB, 250x200, 4520819+_c1909408f40f915ae088e6cf7cd2ea9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, people always act like it's so easy for girls to get a bf but I'm way too awkward to actually talk to male human beings irl even at cons

Dont you worry anon, same here. I cannot even talk to guys sitting next to me during classes, haha

I never understood how it seems to be so easy for other girls to get a man.

I realised the problem is within myself. I think it is a combination of deep self hate and insecurities. During my teenage years, I was fat, ugly, hated myself, and of course there was no boy interested in me. I thought the problem was me (it was, partitially), and became deeply afraid of how boys might judge me; because I ws ugly, a bitch, because I was unworthy to be loved by anyone.

I am now a little older, but these insecurities are still there. I had one boyfriend (who left me for being fat and not managing to entertain him anymore), and dated two other guys; I only managed to talk to them because eacht time I met them first I was drunk. I am way too shy to talk to people, especially male human beings. I just cannot. The thought that they might judge me, that they think I am fat and/or ugly or boring, therefore I must be a worthless human being, nearly makes me cry. I know it is so stupid to think like that, but I just cannot help myself.
I don't know if it is just my age and inexperience (19 years, had one bf, the men I actually talked to more than 10 minutes can be counted on one hand) or some serious issues, haha.

>> No.7512904

You make me want to give you a big hug ;_;

I feel like it's the same problem with me, I have my insecurities (always had them, for no real reason aside from mild bullying in middle school) and I'm rather inexperienced with men. All of my female friends have a lot of male friends too, I've never had any (aside from online friends), so that might be a reason why I'm so awkward with guys too.

>> No.7512932

Thanks! Here's to losing more!

>> No.7512937
File: 69 KB, 640x784, I Can't Deal With This Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You make me want to give you a big hug ;_;

Th-Thank you, Anon!

>I feel like it's the same problem with me, I have my insecurities (always had them, for no real reason aside from mild bullying in middle school) and I'm rather inexperienced with men.

I don't even know why I am so damn insecure. I was never bullied, no boy was ever really mean to me, I did not even had an unrequited crush on anyone, so no one had a chance to reject me. I WAS an ugly teenager, but I lost some weight (even though I am still a bit chubby), learned how to style and dress myself, and I can be a fun and entertaining person. I look okay, I have the confidence to wear Lolita in public and not to give a fuck what people think, I am smart, educated, well-read, but still the thought of a (random) male's negative judgement reduces me to the little insecure self hating teenager I was a few years ago. I do not know why I let myself depend on male opinions so much.

>All of my female friends have a lot of male friends too, I've never had any (aside from online friends), so that might be a reason why I'm so awkward with guys too.

Yep, same here. Only guy I was close to was the steretypicl closeted gay guy who was more one of the girls than an actual guy. As I have said, the numbers of men I actually really talked to for more than 15 minutes and more than small talk can be counted on one hand.

Dear god, this is even only the tip of the iceberg. I could fill an entire thread with these feels alone. I am pathetic...

>> No.7512989
File: 348 KB, 384x288, 1395930825046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cutie cosplay bf
>tfw super motivated to lose weight to fit better in lolita and pull off more cosplays
>tfw i'll be getting quite a bit of money soon

last year was horrible for me and i'm happy things are finally looking up. i can practically taste the huge taobao haul

oh my god anon, I've had this exact thing happen to me. it felt pretty great.

drop him from your life, he sounds awful. friends don't make you feel like shit, he's not a good friend, he's just sapping the life out of you.

>> No.7513015

He half-heartedly apologized. Said that I gave him a panic attack because he had FIVE costume changes in ONE DAY and wanted to be babysat every time he had to change. I told him "I am going to be late for the panel I am performing in I have to go" and he took insult to that. I just. I feel sick to my stomach.

>> No.7513022

>tfw four costumes to finish in seven weeks
>tfw zero motivation
>tfw would rather cry under the covers
I hate myself. Just get up and work on something, god damn it.

>> No.7513054

You can get rid of kp though. It took a few months but my is pretty much unnoticeable now and that's only because I've been too lazy to exfoliate

>> No.7513071
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, k-on-s2-ep12-scr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't let him pull that shit on you and try and make you feel guilty, he sounds absolutely toxic. just cut him out, believe me. i know people make excuses when it comes to friends because people don't like the idea of change or having one less person to talk to, but it will be so refreshing to rid this shit from your life. this isn't a friendship anon, honestly, do yourself a favour and rid your life of this selfish shitbag.

>> No.7513081

I just won't ever room with him again either. It is just so.. STRANGE this is out of left field he has been extremely understanding up until this point but the whole con was fucked up beyond recall I just. Ugh. I have had worse luck with friends before and I was throwing up last night from the stress of losing yet ANOTHER friend for having standards. I am a really giving person and apparently it's never enough.

>> No.7513101
File: 32 KB, 640x360, k-on_ep23_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to be so forgiving anon, you deserve better. don't settle for being treated like shit just so you have a friend. you sound incredibly sweet, you just have bad luck with people like this asshole. if he's making you go as far as to throw up with how shitty he's being, you don't have to deal with that. ultimately its your choice, you seem like you're far too accomodating and nice to cut someone out even if it'd be for your own good and i'd say its for the best in this situation, but just because someone can be nice, doesn't mean its worth it when they also make you feel like shit.

>> No.7513111

I know I am normally a hardass for forgiving people but I am just so sick of losing people. I had my previous best friend last year tell me I "manipulate people into feeling sorry for me" when I confided my personal shit to her because she said she had trouble opening up. I just... really bad luck with people I am apparently easy to scapegoat and I HATE it.

>> No.7513145
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1306865642349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been through something fairly similar to this anon, i know what it feels like. a so called best friend of mine in the past guilted me into discussing a problem i had with her and then turned around and told me she couldn't deal with my problems and that i was horrible for stressing her out. don't let yourself feel like you're in the wrong or like you have to put up with this shit just to have a friend because you're not gaining anything from crappy friendships like this other than a false security. keep being a hardass for your own sake, don't let people walk all over you, you deserve better than that, you really fuckin do!

>> No.7513149

I know for sure I am NEVER doing commissions for free EVER again.
I just. Ugh the K-On is actually cheering me up thank you anon I was crying pretty hard from all this

>> No.7513170
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 90c20309721159521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you definitely shouldn't, friends who expect free commissions clearly don't respect your hard work and that's just bullshit.
i'm glad i could help even a little bit, i'm slowly running out of related mugi images though!
seriously anon, you don't have to cry over this loser, and you sure as hell don't need someone who upsets you as a friend. you don't have to put up with being trampled on because you're scared of losing them, because you'd be better off without someone who gives you gosh damn panic attacks!
if you ever need to blow off steam my throw away is in the field, i'm pretty bad for checking emails but i know what this shit feels like so!

>> No.7513272


Don't turn into a premature fogey anon, generational circle-jerking is the worst.

>> No.7513325
File: 1.15 MB, 300x200, sb7m2x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want to look super cute at conventions to flirt with other lesbians but you know you can't handle a relationship right now

Just want someone to think I'm kawaii for a weekend and make me feel like I've still got it despite not being in the dating scene for five years.

>> No.7514130

I knew my sexuality when I was like 11. Granted, some people aren't so in tune with their thoughts/etc... But it's not a hard concept. I don't know, they just seem like a weird person overall, so I just say ignore them. Whether their Aspergers story is true or not, it doesn't deserve attention.

>> No.7514163
File: 622 KB, 660x490, 1393306077216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon, get up, have a shower, put on some laundry and pick the either the easiest costume or the most important one and get started.
The more you stay in bed the more it'll eat at you.

>> No.7514555

>im ellie, a girl, she her pronouns only
>im 15
>im gay
>i am a lesbian
>im asexual
>im white

She doesn't know jack shit.

She's probably one of those girls who's ~lel, asexual xD~ because they think it's cool. I knew one of those, and then she actually pulled her panties out of her crack far enough to let her boyfriend touch her, and suddenly she's a sex addict.

When someone is this Tumblrtarded, I can't possibly imagine that they're serious in any way.

>> No.7514572

15 is old enough. I knew i liked girls when i was 11/12. Your sexual identity is known at the age of puberty. For girls, that's usually 11 or 12. There are fake attention whores everywhere though.

I'm 30 now and married. Still love dat puss. My wife is the best and i couldn't be happier. I can't understand people who are closeted and or fake that shit though.

>> No.7514574

That's bullshit, I'm sorry. Sounds like the typical bitch friend who vanishes when they get a bf. I lost a childhood friend of 13 years like that. She just stopped hanging out with me once she got a boyfriend, and moved in with him after only a year. It sucks..

>> No.7514576

Not related at all, but that gif is god damn amazing.

>> No.7514645

Thank you, I like to collect weird EVA gifs and that one always makes me smile.

>> No.7514714

read about 10 pages of that person's blog the other day. it's about 10% content to 90% antfucker saying bs/crying because people making fun of them / saying dumb sjw bullshit/ telling people to kill themselves/ typing like they are having a seizure (why would you post in a situation like that??) etc etc it's really pathetic and I don't know why they are even on tumblr if it causes them that much stress.
Actually I stopped using tumblr a few months ago and it really improved my life.

>> No.7514920

I understand being closeted, especially if you live in a backward ass place and you can't leave just yet so hiding it until you can safely leave is alright. Fakers are dumb as shit.

Will be moving out of this area soon and I hate it, worst timing to move and I won't have money either for a while so all the stuff I had planned to get myself I won't be able to. Some of them are even limited items so they won't be there forever. Ugh I just want pretty dresses.

>> No.7514939

Thought I might add this to the feels thread
Stuck in a dilemma, there's a TLDR at the bottom

I'm at that awkward weight where I'm healthy by BMI/doctor standards but too close to chubby for fashion standards
Been losing weight now, lost 2kg since starting officially a month ago
Thing is while I'm at it my face is getting more and more gaunt. I'm sure I'm one of those people who are like those people with slim normal faces in portraits but you see the rest of their body and they're 400 pounds

So I dunno whats more important. Right now my face is a stage where its relatively round and youthful (I lolita BTW) but my body is like as described. Basically worried I'll reach Cruella de Ville tier before I reach 22

>TLDR Which is better, slim body but angular butterface or sorta chubby but youthful?

>> No.7514944

pretty sure the plucking is increasing the chafing, hence why we have hairs in tight places

>> No.7514946

Chubby is good. Chubby can be cute or sexy if you have the skills. And maybe internet will judge you by your body first, but most people irl will look at your face. Youthful face is charming, you look cheerful, happy and nice.

>> No.7514969

i feel you 3000% anon
but for me it was moving abroad.

>> No.7514995

If you're female then I suspect you're not looking gaunt, you just think you are.
Girls tend to have opinions of their own bodies which have little correlation with reality (though strangely are immune to this effect when looking at other girls)

>sides Japaid

>> No.7515001

>Immediately lose all sympathy when the poster is fat
Anyone else do this?

>> No.7515002

>the loneliness has been really getting to me lately
>aimlessly stare at the computer for hours
Find a chat site. I'd recommend trawling chatango for a decent place.

>> No.7515003

13 years anon? I was a Japanophile 13 years ago and then i realized how shit their country is, how overbearing and abusive they are to their own people, especially women and the elderly. Yeah, have fun.

You're going to be critiqued just for being a foreigner.

>> No.7515006

>And thinking on this further I'm angry at my boyfriend too. He's been crazy neglectful lately and wanting to move three hours away on such short notice just takes the cake. He doesn't seem to want to spend time with me anymore, and is always canceling what few plans we do make to hang out with his friends.
Wow you sound like one hell of a bitch.

>> No.7515010

I know two people who live in Japan. One has been teaching english for 2 years and hates living there but likes teaching.

my other friend has been going to school there and living there for 8 years and loves her annual visits back to the states. She says living there is just kind of boring and tedious and they will never stop asking you 'when are you going home?' even if you tell them you've lived there for years.

have fun, hopefully you've read all the articles from the foreigners who have moved and lived there for years about how it's not some kind of future land with used panty machines on every block. Because it's actually lots of steps back technologically from the rest of the world.

>> No.7515053
File: 467 KB, 381x271, 57896581436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really REALLY struggling to stick with my diet recently. The cravings are getting to me and I keep eyeing up the frozen pastry in my freezer. I'm downing cup after cup of green tea but its not helping. Feels bad mang.

>> No.7515057

I'm drinking black coffee right now, anon. I know this diet feel. It's hard. Gotta get in shape for summer cosplays though...

>> No.7515075

I sort of snapped and ventured downstairs, but luckily there's a veritable mountain of fruit for me and I have somehow devoured an entire mango and two satsumas. Better than chocolate I guess...

>> No.7515077

coincidentally i've known my 'bitch friend' for like 10 years or something like that too and shes living with her bf right now. i can feel our friendship crumbling away but she doesnt seem to notice or care.

and it sucks because she was the only person who hanged out with me at cons and now i have no one to share my interests with except 4chan unless i miraculously become outgoing enough to meet ppl who also share my interests in my local area, of course without them being complete cringe-worthy weaboos

>> No.7515079

yum mango. I have an apple, Fruit is def better than chocolate.

>> No.7515080

Mango is my favourite fruit hands down - it didn't stand a chance against me. I massacred that thing. Apples are pretty gr9 too, but all the ones I have downstairs are bruised and gross so I'm leaving them for everyone else to eat.

>> No.7515083
File: 39 KB, 800x533, 138629596779568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military Cosplay Feels
>Try to take off leave to go to Con in New Orleans
>Denied because "not a real reason for leave
>Try again to take leave for Con in Dallas
>Denied again for same reason
>Try once again for a Con in San Antonio
>Denied and get a counseling from Team Leader for 'attempting to waste leave time'
>Mfw other people get leave approved to go to concerts
>To go hunting
>To go fishing
>To get drunk in Baton Rouge or New Orleans
>I just want to be around muh people

>Have to go to field in ASV
>Download entire season of GuP and a few seasons of Wakfu on my smart phone
>Sitting in a turret watching GuP
>TC Calls out targets right
>get weird looks the entire week when watching Wakfu
>Only other dude there that likes anime is a weeabo of the highest caliber

Whats worse is that half of the cosplays i want to do i cant do accurately because im all scarred up and cant be skinny, so im stuck with bulkier choices like Armstrong or Jet Black. However i would love to do a lolita spoof with my big ass in some frilly dress. Only problem is that i dont even think they make dressed that large


>> No.7515085

Anon, I have been a japanophile for... 8 years now? And it's a great thing really, but living in Japan and teaching English is not a very good plan, I'm afraid. I know everyone in America who is or has been a weeaboo at some point wants to do that, but the craic from a lot of people who have already been there is that it pays very little, the people aren't that polite to you, and Japan as a country is extremely exhausting. I visited Japan a lot and have friends there myself, but living there? Definitely not worth it.

>> No.7515120

She doesn't care or notice? Good. Take this opportunity to remove yourself from her life. Stop inviting her to hang out, and if she suggests hanging out, tell her you're busy with other things and say "maybe later". And continue.

Meanwhile, look into local meetup groups that are in your interests, like through meetup.com or Facebook. You may be surprised on whom you meet who shares your interests, AND treats you with respect.

>> No.7515213

I do

>> No.7515237
File: 756 KB, 1280x720, 1394341386786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with a photographer who has gotten quite popular and a magazine has bought three pictures of me off him to use as full pages in the next issue. I got sent some pdfs today of what they are going to print and the pages contain credits and information about the cosplay.

Except the photographer has his facebook page after his name and I don't. I just have my cosplay name which is a common fish and therefore useless to google even though we provided my facebook to include. I don't usually stress over things like pages but I'm not getting any money for these photos being used, the photographer is. The deal was that I was going to get some promotion.

On top of that, they went with a photo that I hadn't given permission to use. It's a completely unedited raw that wasn't part of the main selection of edited ones we provided. The magazines are on the stands now so I can't do anything but we thought they were going to use the ones we had cleared for use and were fully edited. The photo isn't so bad but I can see every fault that I could've cleared up in photoshop in seconds and made the image ten times better.

I just feel a bit upset.

>> No.7515287

> tfw your dad has no idea what lolita is and sees tagged pics of you in it on Facebook and leaves weird comments

> tfw I hope he doesn't make the lolitas tagged in the pic with me feel weird even though he's talking about me

> tfw wondering if he and the rest of my family think I'm a freak but never say it

I can't tell what he thinks of it but I don't think it's good.

>> No.7515299

-make 2 accounts
-talk to your dad about how you're going to unfriend him if he keeps embarrassing you
-have no lolita friends

>> No.7515300


No prob, best luck anon.

>> No.7515310

>Having your dad as a friend on Facebook.
You really fucked up. Just unfriend him. Why would you even want close family on your personal facebook?

>> No.7515355


Why not just bullshit them?

You have a sick grandmother to visit in New Orleans, Dallas, and San Antonio now.

Outsmart that greenie weenie

>> No.7515364

I have my parents and pastor on facebook. I don't have a problem with it. The difference is, I don't put anything on facebook that I don't want them to see. They all know about my lolita and really enjoy it. I don't go to parties a lot, and the ones I do are small and aren't filled with idiotic selfie-abusers who will catch me with a pipe or beer in hand. Looking back, I've never seen a camera out. I don't get why people spend so much time documenting their experiences instead of actually experiencing them.
I keep them on there because my dad likes posting pictures of me, and everyone else likes to feel like they're still connected to me. I think it's sweet when my librarian friend from highschool comments on a picture or wishes me happy birthday. I like these people.

>Only problem is that i dont even think they make dressed that large
They do. Trust me, they do.

>> No.7515390

I think someone I live with thew away the box that had my royal creamy chocolate beret in it.
It was sitting on a dresser in a room we don't use for like a week and I think someone decided to clean and threw it away.
It was even open so they could have looked inside and taken it out of asked me about it.
I've looked for it like everywhere and can't find it.
Everyone knows that boxes with address that aren't in English on them are mine.
Sure it wasn't that expense but it was still brand and it was mine.

>> No.7515397

Who the hell just throws out a random box unless it was moldy or empty? Who the fuck do you live with? I hope none of you have anything stored in boxes, since it sounds like you won't have them soon.

>> No.7515399

>job interview this weekend
>so pumped
>if i get it i get to buy more lolita
>downside? the damn place is 45 minutes away
>i don't drive
>i need to overcome my fear of driving and learn

>> No.7515411

Anon, you're me, almost. No job interview, but I'm hoping to get one soon.
Also don't drive, though, and also terrified of it. I've got my behind the wheel test coming up and need to get off my ass and practice.
Good luck on your interview and with driving, anon! I have faith in you.

>> No.7515425

My bf and I rent a room from this lady his mom knows because she lives near our work and school. She's nice and all but occasionally she'll go on like these cleaning binges for no reason despite everything being nice in the house.
I think she just gets bored and lonely so she cleans the house.
Recently she had some old lady friends of hers come over for a while but no one stayed in that room. One of them might have went in thrown it away just because.
Idk anymore, I just can't find it anywhere.
I even checked the garbage shed we have for storing recycling until we go to the dump since the city here makes you pay a lot for pick up.
There's old boxes we haven't taken yet but my box is no where in sight.

>> No.7515428
File: 387 KB, 1347x1000, cNiaYoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They do. Trust me, they do.

If i were to spoof Lolita with a massive beard ( ill be out of the army when i do this ) and a curly mustache, would other lolitas get pissed or like it?

>> No.7515451

Ugh. I definitely want to make sure that when I get an apartment, there will be "Cannot come into the apartment unannounced and absolutely can't mess with any belongings" in the paperwork. People snooping through my shit under the guise of "Cleaning" piss me off. How rude.

>> No.7515464

I don't think she was snooping but yeah living here sucks but thankfully we'll be moving soon.
She's seen all of my other lolita things before and thinks it's pretty so I don't understand.
Nothing chances the fact that my beret has vanished though.

>> No.7515471

>would other lolitas get pissed or like it?
Depends on the lolita. There will be some who find it amusing and others who get annoyed. It's too broad a group to really guarantee that your sense of humour will mesh with everyone involved.

Personally, it would come down to how you did it. If you just threw on a dress, I'd probably ignore you the same as any non-passing-sissy-boy-brolita. But if you put make-up on and had the full coord going, I'd probably be amused at least.

>> No.7515499

if you rent a room from them, as in paying rent, they are definitely not allowed to go in there and just throw stuff away. I would invest in a lock for your door. I don't know why you havent already.

>> No.7515506

That's just... Man.

He's a dick anon. I'm glad you're free of him. You know why? Because he made you cry. Only dicks make people cry like that. You've been saved from being the girlfriend of a dick. I'm glad.

He's no Howl, and I'm sure she's no Sophie. They're just costumes, not who they are. Remember that, anon.

>> No.7515508 [DELETED] 
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>be post high school
>still a virgin, only been kissed
>Do the whole online dating stuff, end up meeting with some chick who happens to be a cosplayer
>Regardless of how mentally unfit and instable she turned out to be and the very deep depression she put me in since she uses people as tools, invites me to a con
>Go for the very first time to a convention as a volunteer
>Meet tons of great people, flirt with this super adorable girl that is cuter with a button and she flirts back (fucking first for me)
>leave the con feeling confident as fuck
>5 months between this and the next con
>Batshit crazy cosplayer girl still at it. Even though we met on a dating website we're not dating. Purposefully plays with my emotions like a toy that doesn't matter
>Not a fun 5 months
>Next con comes along, pretty much same situation again. Meet even more wonderful people in addition to the previous ones i befriended. Have a god damn blast and never enjoy myself more
>End of con batshit crazy lady comes up to me and starts acting like a bitch
>Call her out on it, she suddenly starts breaking down saying how hard it is to be her and how her weekend has been the worst ever (later heard from friends she was fine the whole weekend until she lost the competition)
>say "Fuck ya", have ALL the confidence in the world
>two and a half years later im very happy, tons of new regular friends and a super QT 3.14 girlfriend who is like a god damn princess
>batshit crazy lady hated by the majority of the community since it turns out thats just how she treats everybody

Thank you various convention people who aren't crazy, you've changed my life and finally made me truly happy

>> No.7515528

>put video posted in the distasteful cosplay thread in my watch later list
>something seems off
>look at top corner of screen
>realize I've been logged onto my Cell Bio class's joint google account since Tuesday morning
>go to history and see every last cringe/fanservice video I watched since then

It was so terrifying until I scrolled down and saw someone had watched like five episodes of Inuyasha. Completely cancelled out all the embarassment

>> No.7515529
File: 413 KB, 476x579, 1324327772344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was making dinner
I was cutting the fucking chicken
and the fucking cutting board was too close to the edge
and I fucking hit the side with my hand
and I FUCKING LAUNCHED what was meant to become chicken fajitas all over my floor and kawaii apron like a fucking cartoon.
It is now time to sob like a child and order take out.

For lolita related things...I should really be saving for the AP constellations release, but I just snagged a dream head for cheep of DOA. Now I need a body for it and while the head was only 50 the body is going to run me 300+
And it turns out I need to replace all my face-up supplies because they are nowhere to be seen. I must have left them at my old apartment or something...?
So I am ether going to have a blank floating head sitting in my closet for a while or I am going to be out of money.

>> No.7515564

>trans guy
>just want to be qt lolita trap
>everywhere I go online are little teenagers talking about how guys who wear dresses must really be girls
>no one irl takes me seriously as a guy
>can't win either way

I just want a flat chest, a dick, and pretty dresses. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.7515596
File: 105 KB, 283x302, he is dead now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get idea to be Professor Birch because not thin enough to be Elm, and Hoenn is my second favorite region
>have Pokedex somewhere for when my unappreciative little shit of a nephew had his phase before Call of Duty was a thing, which he gave back instead of selling, which is good I guess
>it's gone
>another Pokedex costs about $75

I have the money but god I wish I could just find it again so I could put the money to a better wig or something.

>> No.7515893

>nobody wants to see a Takane from Idolmaster with a giant pregnant belly.

Uh... some people d-do...

>> No.7516076

>tfw i love high heels/flats but they hate me and wearing them make me suffer
anons, pls, what are gr8 shoe inserts for high arches for heels? i need cute shoes in my life without dying

>> No.7516079

>tfw that feel
I find that wedges are easier than heels, anon.

>> No.7516091

Superfeet are expensive but totally worth it if you have fucked up feet like me. I have a pair for pretty much every pair of shoes I have. They make smaller inserts for dress shoes/heels that I haven't tried yet, but if they're anything like the regular blue/green ones, they're a lifesaver.

>> No.7516094

You can't be a trap if you're trans...

>> No.7516123
File: 77 KB, 393x366, heelbootthings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was actually looking at some of those! can you recommend a certain kind for shoes like this?

agreed! i normally wear wedges, but those hurt too :^( i am a huge baby

>> No.7516132

I have such a severe irregular astigmatism I absolutely cannot wear any coloured lenses (even the Torics).

I also wear an 11.5/12 in shoes so even though bootcovers are a thing, I still have trouble finding the right sole/heel/toe to work with.

I'm not cut out for this hobby.

>> No.7516141

I feel your pain anon. Though I can't wear cushioned insoles since I have prescription inserts (yay shitty genetics). So I can't wear flats since my inserts push me away from the back of the shoe and my heel slides out, and heels I have no friction for the same reason and the front of my feet has to take all the beating. Moleskin's a god send for preventing blisters but my feet still hate my by the end of the day. So basically no matter what shoe I wear it hurts like a bitch. I just wanna be cute. . .

>> No.7516218

my feet arent bad enough to have prescription inserts, im sorry anon :( heels just make my back/feet hurt after 15mins.

>> No.7516222

Iiiiii want to cosplay Ryuko really bad. Something simple, like her middle school outfit with the varsity jacket.

But every time I start to buy stuff that mature adult voice in the back of my head chastizes me and I chicken out.

>> No.7516263

Dang, those are cute. For a heel that high I'd probably get these, although I haven't tried them personally.

For most of my shoes I use the green ones because I have flat feet that roll in too much. I've had pretty good luck using the blue ones (which are a bit lower than the green) in my 4" boots, but it depends on how tight the toe box is. If it's a tight toe box, the 3/4 length ones meant for heels or the berry ones would probably work best.

They're stupid expensive, but the good news is that you can switch them between shoes and they're a hell of a lot cheaper than orthotics or surgery.

>> No.7516384
File: 1.59 MB, 1352x1328, 1393993626463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay up all night after getting back from work to win auction on lacemarket
>super excited to win this dress, Its been one of my dream dresses since I started the fashion, never thought I'd be able to have it, yet here it is, not only that, but its built to fit a tall lolita so omg yes I want this
>dreams come true I'm so freaking happy, I win it.
>get message from seller
>"would you be willing to give the dress up? the other bidder really wanted it, she said its her dream dress and she couldn't win the auction in time"

>> No.7516391

where do you live lets be friends I'll punch his shit

>> No.7516402

What did you do? I mean it's your dream dress too, it's be a dick move if they sold it to the other person.

>> No.7516409

Don't give it up. It's YOUR dream dress, and the other girl was probably just too god damn lazy to keep an eye on the auction, so she's trying to play the ~dureamo~ card.

You won, fair and square.

>> No.7516421

I sent an mail back saying how its been my dream dress as well. might of been too cheesy with it tbh.
I'll give it a little bit to see what happens, just waiting for the invoice. it hasn't even been a day yet
the seller probably seems really conflicted with the other girl begging her for the dress--but bottom of the line is, I won the auction. and that's a pretty dick move for the other girl to beg for it like that, and an even bigger dick move to just hand it over to her.

>> No.7516423

The other girl probably offered the seller more for it.

>> No.7516441


What >>7516409 said, you won the auction and so the seller should be prepared to sell it only to you. Sure it sucks that the other girl will miss out but maybe she should have stepped up her game a bit more. Other chances will come for her, this is your time. If she does hand the other girl the dress then what was the point in the auction?

>> No.7516496

If she does sell it to someone else, you really should leave her negative feedback and warn others. If she's just asking, okay, that's fine, but if she ignores your choice then she's a horrific seller.

>> No.7516504
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>workshop this weekend
>got sponsored w so many materials
>got amazing powerpoint
>last time everything went to shit due to organization failing
>tfw so afraid to fuck up, so afraid to forget something important

>> No.7516512
File: 998 KB, 500x375, Kirk2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a compounding list of feels that nearly crippled me last night and it's really dumb

>30lb weight gain so some lolita items and a lot of mainstream and business clothes no longer fit
>spending money on a gym membership and only squeezing the time and energy to go one or twice a week
>barely eat much because no time to cook/clean
>mfw gain more weight anyway

>end of semester crunch-time
>50 pages and a proposal defense remaining, semester ends next friday
>have not had a solid 8 hours of sleep in two weeks
>relationship going to shit

I feel guilty every time I buy something for myself (mostly lolita, but this includes my monthly payments for netflix and the disney pass) and got really close to just liquidating my wardrobe.

>pic related
I think I'm cracking

>> No.7516520

Anons, I had the same problem, my feet were basically turning fucking 90 degrees inside, that's how bad they were. What helped was dr scholl inserts + Swedish Hasbeens. Those clogs are really comfortable, like holy shit.

>> No.7516522

If she sells it to the other person, do leave negative feedback. Even if she got a higher offer after the auction ended, you won it. Once I auctioned off a dress, I got an offer of over €1100 after it ended, and I still sold it to the original highest bidder. Rules are rules.

>> No.7516535

How do you gain that much weight?
Can you have your girlfriend cook for you?

>> No.7516537
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The weight gain has happened before (I gained 60 over 2ish years when I hit 13 or so). I'm still about 25lbs lighter than my heaviest, at least.
I wouldn't be too particularly surprised if there is something going on with the pill or some other medical condition--my immediate family all have some variation of thyroid problems and insulin resistance issues. I just haven't had the time to go through the tests, and was without insurance for a while.

And no--I am the girlfriend?
Boyfriend cooks from time to time, but he's as busy as I am.

I'm hoping over summer I can spend more time with food prep and the gym, but I'm not sure what it's going to be like in reality. (I'll be working as well as gathering the data for my thesis.) On the upside, it's more flexible hours.

The last time I lost any notable amount of weight required that I eat 1000-1200cal/day and lift heavy 6 hours a week.

>mfw just want to be kawaii again

>> No.7516620
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>Taking off the binder after a con

>> No.7516626

I feel the exact opposite way. At the con I'm like,


>> No.7516629
File: 729 KB, 245x155, tumblr_mxrrsevX121s8uzeno6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on diet since start of month
>easter holidays rolls by
>+6 pounds
of course

>> No.7516632

I have big boobs and I hate binding, hate it to infinity and beyond, but alas if I want to cosplay all those bishies I'll do it, even if this means spending a day in pain.

>> No.7516634

whoops pardon my typos

>> No.7516668

Thanks, it's not like I was already aware of this and was posting in this thread because I'm unhappy about it!

>> No.7516804
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>Work really hard on costume for recent con
>Series isn't popular, but it runs in Shonen Jump (it even runs in the English version), so it's not an obscure series
>My job gets crazy busy all of a sudden, so I have to start juggling cosplay work time 14 hour job days
>Get costume about 90% done, missing shin guards, boot covers are terrible, and wig could be better, but pretty proud of how the rest turned out.
>Not one person knew who I was
>Well, okay, I'm a bit sad, but oh well
>See tons of super shitty store bought costumes getting tons and tons of photos
>So much petty jealousy

And I'm no mad at myself for being so jealous! I'm the one who chose my costume, I'm the one who made it, so if no one knows who I am and no one wants me picture, the only one I can blame is me. But I just can't help it, I'M SO JEALOUS.

>> No.7516807

What series?

>> No.7516877
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tell us more about ur feet

>> No.7516899
File: 192 KB, 400x501, Screen Shot 2014-04-24 at 10.55.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World Trigger! I cosplayed as Arashiyama.

>> No.7517009
File: 965 KB, 500x250, 1389229376286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hang out with friends
>one friend keeps talking about her lolita outfit for the upcoming convention
>bought it from Ebay, it's a "lolita wedding dress"
>"It was $200 but I got it for $30! If you want some lolita dresses I can help you! I saw you posting those lolita maid outfits on your blog!"
>"They were maid costumes.."
>"They looked lolita to me. But I can get you some cheap, like mine."
>"No thanks, I've got Bodyline."
>"What's that?"

>tfw friend is ita as fuck and you don't want to tell her because she won't listen and will probably get pissed

>> No.7517232

This is why I "quit". I still kept a few dresses for cons and stuff.

>> No.7517246

>and language of that country for years
Go on, speak some Japanese. Not in romaji either.