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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 1280x720, Kill la Kill - 14 - Large 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7507824 No.7507824 [Reply] [Original]

continued from >>7496714

>> No.7507829
File: 366 KB, 1082x1920, tumblr_n4coulhZml1r8ououo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mako's wig tho

>> No.7507845

Hey, I was hoping maybe someone could help me out here...
I ordered a Ryuko cosplay (her regular Senketsu uniform) and it just arrived today. Long story short, it's a piece of crap, and I need to have a new one by around this time next month. Anyone bought a good one, or just know of any quality stores with fast shipping? Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.7507849

can we see a pic of the one you got? you might be able to alter it

>> No.7507859

Can we see it? Or is it completely beyond repair?

I'm also selling mine, if you're interested from buying from a fellow seagull. What are your measurements? Even if not from me, I'd encourage you to seek out not factory-made costumes in the future. Perhaps a commissioner would be willing to take a rush order?

>> No.7507862

I'm not at home right now, but I might post one later. For now, I'll just describe it.
Top and skirt were decent, but skirt was too long, the eye patch was made for the wrong side, Senketsu's eye was literally a yellow triangle of ribbon sewed on, not even filled in, the belt had this weird buckle in the front, the holsters were crap tier and awkwardly huge, and the glove - made for the wrong hand i might add - was literally a regular satin glove with the fingertips messily cut off. It came with a velcro thing to put around your wrist that wasn't even the same color.
I don't think it's even worth trying to alter. I'm in the process of returning it. (sorry it's so long)

>> No.7507874

I'd love to take a look.
And that's definitely a good idea, but I'm terrified of the rush order fees...

>> No.7507879

ah, that sucks man. what did the pic on the website look like? did it look decent on there?also where did you order it from? it sounds like it could be altered, but I'm guessing sewing/altering is really your thing. I'll see if I can find any good ones for you though

>> No.7507885

isn't* gdi

>> No.7507889

The pic looked great... I even looked up some reviews/feedback and they were all great...? And not only would I not want to alter it; I would rather just get a refund and get something for about the same price (waayyy overpriced for the trash I received) and not have to alter it.
I ordered it from a decent-seeming Ebay store. And thank you, I'd really appreciate it!

>> No.7507919

My email's in the field, and we might just make this work based on your measurements. Good luck as the same--a commissioner will be expensive, but not nearly as risky as another eBay seller.

>> No.7507922

http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Cos-Cosplay-KILL-la-KILL-Ryuko-Matoi-Cosplay-Costume-Girl-Daily-School-Uniform/635681_1693987983.html posted last thread, it looks good and feedback is okay. but if things work out with other anon, you should probably buy it off them. good luck!

>> No.7507923
File: 182 KB, 913x1024, zbTOcyKh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7507930

Okay, I'll send you a message!
Looks pretty nice. Cheap, too. I'll keep this one in mind, thanks!

>> No.7507948


I bought this one, and it's pretty good but I'm still making a lot of adjustments myself. The top is fine, but the skirt is made like a waist-skirt, so it's really really small around the waistband and a bit longer in length. I'm trying to find a way to widen the waistband and shorten the skirt without too much compromise.

The "armor" bits are just cheap thin material, so I'm also looking to reinforce those pieces somehow. But I'm pretty sure that's unavoidable with any bought cosplay.

Lastly, the glove is just made out of lycra and is missing most of the details so those need to be added in too.

So yeah it's not perfect for a cosplay, but from what I've seen on eBay it's the nicest store-bought version of Ryuko you can find, and this Aliexpress seems to be the cheapest. It normally goes for at least $90 from eBay stores. Definitely something to consider anon, but keep in mind it's not perfect of course!

>> No.7507960

Thanks so much for letting me know! Does it overall look like the picture? The picture looks very nice.

>> No.7507980

I love how you posted "progress" of your bought costume in the progress thread. Super classy.

>> No.7507982

I admit it really does look close to the picture. The only deceiving thing is the material of the chest piece and hip guards/belt, which are both thin fabrics that don't really hold too much shape. Not hard to alter though.

One thing I would mention is that at first I was obviously very skeptical about the seller due to his low feedback and the fact that the two pictures of the cosplay were clearly different costumes. I asked him about that, and he was pretty quick to reply saying I had a "good eye", but also that he was selling a specific one, but also had in stock the one in the other picture, and he told me to let him know which one I wanted. I told him I wanted the one in the first picture.

So if you are considering ordering, it would be a good idea to mention this aswell to the seller, or ask in advance to make sure he has the specific one you want.

>> No.7507985

I said I was just adjusting the sleeves.

>> No.7508008

Alright, I just sent him a message. Thanks so much for the help!

>> No.7508115

No problem! I'm also curious to see how the costume you ordered turned out too, cause I did a lot of research before ordering mine so I probably looked the listing for yours at some point. When you have time it would be cool if you posted a photo and a link to the original seller. I enjoy seeing expectations vs. reality comparisons

>> No.7508161

Sure, I'll take pictures in just a minute. Prepare yourself, though...
One more question, what do you all think of this one -> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hot-New-Ryuko-Matoi-KILL-la-KILL-Cosplay-Costume-Full-Set-/111322726599?pt=US_Costumes&var=&hash=item19eb5a00c7
I want to have an alternative in case the aliexpress one wouldn't show up on time.

>> No.7508168

Please don't cosplay Nonon-chan. Thank you.

>> No.7508194
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Best cosplay ever made part 1

>> No.7508199
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And part 2
(senketsu's eye belongs in a musem)

>> No.7508205


>> No.7508209


>> No.7508226

Oh dear. I don't understand how they could even think that eye was passable. Do you have the link to where you bought it from?

as for the eBay link you posted in >>7508161, it seems alright, but you know these Chinese sellers are absolute experts at taking nice pictures of shitty products so it's really tough to tell sometimes until you receive the product.

You can see from the pictures showing the back of the costume that they've left some pins visible trying to scrunch the sleeves down, so it looks like the sleeves won't be as fitted when you get it.
They've also curiously removed the chest piece for the pictures of the back of the costume. Maybe it made it look funky at the back, who knows. The skirt doesn't seem to have much flair to it at all, which would have to be entirely remade vs just altered like for the other parts. The rest seems alright though

>> No.7508246

Yeah it's right here... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Anime-Kill-LA-Kill-Ryuko-Matoi-Uniform-Cosplay-Costume-Any-Size-/261423116211?var=560312122160&_trksid=p2056016.m2516.l5255
I know; I see a lot of red flags now... I didn't think much of it because I've never had any problem like this...
And wow, you do have a good eye! I didn't even notice those... I need to be a lot more sceptical.

>> No.7508279

Haha, yeah I'm always pretty sceptical which these things, especially since there's so many sellers reusing the same stock photos between each other. It's a real shame what you got was such a shit-show compared to what they were advertising (which was a completely different costume entirely!) I'm surprised they haven't received any other bad feedback for that costume, it seems like with 22 sold already, somebody would've spoken up about it.

The good thing about most Chinese eBay sellers is that good feedback is key. Most of them state that if you ever have any issues, contact them first before leaving bad feedback. Most of the time if there's any issue, they'll refund your money without question. I've had a few cases where I never received a product in the mail, or I received it broken and I contacted the seller and they just gave me a full refund. Then again it was nothing valued over $10, so it may be a bit harder for you, who knows. But definitely bring it up to the seller. I hope everything works out for you! What convention are you planning on wearing it to?

>> No.7508281



but fuck, i'm so sorry thsi happened to you. hope you get a refund, because you fucking deserve man holy shit

>> No.7508297

Yeah, I opened a refund case earlier today; no response yet. I think I will receive one because their return policy clearly says that anything that does not come looking like the pictures shown can be refunded. Fingers crossed, though!
Fanime, if I can get the actual costume in order in time. I really hope I can; I have the shoes, wig, and have been working on the sword for quite a while, so I'd really rather not wait until another con to debut it.
What about yours; what con are to wearing her to?

>> No.7508300

I hope so too!
And for real. I should post a picture of it on in one of these threads just for giggles.

>> No.7508306

Nah, I'm just thinking, it took 21 days for the costume to ship to me, so hopefully that's just enough time for it to arrive by Fanime for you. Order asap if you can~

>> No.7508312

That should be plenty of time... Do you live in the US?

>> No.7508315

Canada. I'd imagine shipping to the US wouldn't be too different

>> No.7508324
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>> No.7508327

Yeah, I wouldn't think so.
Did you buy one of the listed sizes, or custom?

>> No.7508335

It's so disproportionately misshapen, it looks like a bad home made BJD outfit.

>> No.7508337

I can't get over that eye it's just too funny how do you fuck up that bad

I can't sew or make shit to save my life but i'm sure I could do way better than that

oh, China

>> No.7508349

I bought one of the listed sizes. Definitely remember to go by their chart though since their sizes are often smaller than American sizes

You may also want to size-up to solve the skirt-issue I mentioned earlier. You can even see when the model wears it in the eBay listing here >>7508246 that the skirt is sitting just on her bellybutton, when Ryuko really wears it an inch or two below it. This is because they seem to have designed the skirt to act as a waist-skirt rather than a normal one, which is probably my biggest issue with the costume.

Anyways anon I wish you luck with your return and new order~

>> No.7508360

Thanks so much for the help. Sorry about all the questions!

>> No.7508369

Because she's cute & sexy and you're not.

>> No.7508399

What fabric should I use to make post-Honnouji Ryuko's skirt? And what color is it exactly? It look kinda navy to me, but then again, I'm pretty blind.

>> No.7508410

PRE* not post, fuck

>> No.7508530

anything new from recent cons? I feel like there should be a steadily increasing amount of cosplays as con season gets underway

>> No.7508550

There were a few meh-tier Ryukos, a couple skinnyfat Aikuros as per usual, a pretty good Mako, and a Takarada at Nashi this weekend. Not a very big turnout.

>> No.7508581
File: 3.88 MB, 3264x2448, 20140418_145745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a few pkay ones at sakuracon

>> No.7508590

only good ones are back left of middle satsuki and the two middle sewing dudes (sorry, forget his name)

>> No.7508644

I like the Nui

>> No.7508671

do you have a picture of the saturday meetup? this is the friday one I believe

>> No.7508990

KLK cosplay is trash. How did it get so popular to be so trash?

>> No.7509053

so mad

>> No.7509130


Being angry at it doesn't change the fact that KLK cosplay is trash.

>> No.7509133
File: 266 KB, 1024x682, 13932014595_00a23055b3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found online looks pretty recent.

>> No.7509136

that was from Sakura con, I saw them today.

>> No.7509474


Yeah, that one was my favorite Satsuki at the convention.


>My opinions, they matter.

No, they don't.

>> No.7509825

That Nonon looks really cute.
Also Satsuki looks great too, not too sure what to feel about the inumuta.
The only thing I can say about the Satsuki is the camera angle is a bit unfortunate since it makes her nose look weird, and also Junketsus eyes look at bit weird in this pic?
Are there other photos of this cosplayer?

>> No.7509852

That Satsuki really needs to work on her bitch face

>> No.7509969

My opinions matter more than your because you're probably a shitty cosplayer yourself, so you have been accustomed to shit so much that you think your shit is actually good.

>> No.7510132

That Satsuki didn't bother to iron her pleats, the body of the dress looks boxy, and the boots are messy. It's just all right.

>> No.7510150

Oh and the crooked, shiny satin on the collar is distracting.

>> No.7510216
File: 208 KB, 1500x1000, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to god this chick makes the same ugly ass face in every one of her pictures

>> No.7510264

what... what the fuck is that

>> No.7510347

her stomach looks a little weird.

>> No.7510386
File: 60 KB, 640x960, wondercon ryuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wondercon Ryuko..

>> No.7510406

I think the word you're looking for is fat.
So many thig wrong with this I don't even know where to start...
>That wig
>Shitty drawn on "trim"
>All those unfinished edges
>Hot glue strings everywhere
>Poor senketsu
At least the blade looks nice? It's a shame because she's got a nice body for the cosplay and her boobs don't sag.

>> No.7510425
File: 354 KB, 624x624, tumblr_n1vl7nqZBu1qdk3kko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 10k notes on this. Ryuko and Mako are cute but the Satsuki bothers me.

>> No.7510427

It looks like someone jizzed all over her

>> No.7510462


Shit like this is why I don't like the breast covers being made out of fabric.

>> No.7511039
File: 78 KB, 374x252, 1230709049938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord

>> No.7511046
File: 142 KB, 640x960, 10273425_138281879675889_6132909495429726256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meepy gal

>> No.7511054

I was about to post this for the cute Satsuki!

>> No.7511078

What a very unfortunate body.

>> No.7511084

thoughts on these cosplays?: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-2584876723.18.qC930C&id=36306163520


not a fan of senketsu's eye or the shiny bias they use for ryuuko though

>> No.7511130

I'm working on kamui Satsuki right now but I don't know how to keep her giant shoulder armor things from falling off. Juketsu's eyes(?) will be made with an insulation foam base. I was thinking maybe I could attach them together with elastic but I don't know how.
What's a good way to attach elastic or some other kind of strap to insulation foam, seeing how just about every glue will melt the foam and I don't think glue will hold anyways. The final thing might weigh up to 10~ pounds, so it's got to be pretty sturdy.
Any seagulls have some advice?

>> No.7511153

Anyone have pics of any of the Nuis from Sakuracon? I saw two really cute ones but I didn't get any pics and I missed the shoot.

>> No.7511297

So there's been cosplayers who've gotten Satsuki and Mako's expressions right... Are there any Ryuko cosplayers who've gotten her attitude right?

>> No.7511400

Yeah, really! I'll be debuting her soon and I don't know what expressions to do for pictures. I haven't really liked anything I've seen so let me know if anyone has ideas.

>> No.7511405

I envy the fuck out of her.

>> No.7511414

That Inumuta reminds me of Asian kid from Kid's React

>> No.7511430


I'd think having a natural bitchface would help. I'm sort of banking on mine but I guess it'd seem like a cop out.

>> No.7511448
File: 969 KB, 450x253, tumblr_inline_n4ca2pxvFE1rgrnsi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she has a bitchface though. That's more Satsuki.

Ryuko has kind of a shit eating grin, or that kind of cocky and smug pick-a-fight attitude. Cosplayers seem to make her more of the "cool guy"/not giving a fuck character which leads to her looking too condescending.

>> No.7511456

>dat Nonon
10/10 cutie
0/10 boot covers

>> No.7511463
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>> No.7511491

Would rape hard/10.

>> No.7511559
File: 2.62 MB, 1280x720, Aroused Hisoka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god yes.

>> No.7511688

My only qualm is the shitty cut on the wig.

>> No.7511696

Saw this at wondercon, can confirm she looked this good irl.

I didnt notice until i saw her sitting down that she was wearing tights. i'm impressed she hid it so well.

>> No.7511699

>not bothering making the shoes right

>> No.7511725

Why does she make everything so fucking HUGE in proportion? The eye armor is a little too big but I'm mostly talking about her blade. It's so ugly.

>> No.7511781

what fabric did she use? looks so wrinkly

>> No.7511834

She's also super tiny IRL, so maybe it's of normal size. I met her at Sak and she can't be more than like 80-90lbs

>> No.7511842

I saw a few post about scissor blade help. Not sure if anyone uses pepakura or wants to but I found some files on there of both the blades

>> No.7511851

the satsuki looks really good in this. what's bothering you about her?

>> No.7511853


>> No.7511876
File: 163 KB, 500x701, tumblr_n4f3gkzm3r1qathrmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this one of the Nuis?

>> No.7511964


>> No.7511981

I think I found more but I don't want it anymore

>> No.7511990
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>> No.7512000


>> No.7512008

Yes! That's one, thanks!

>> No.7512022
File: 385 KB, 1280x1044, tumblr_n4f6dcrbbi1t6i5aoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some from the Sakuracon tag on tumblr.

>> No.7512026
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>> No.7512029
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>> No.7512031
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 10256215_4042340433562_2760681219213518702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand one more that I found of fb from the Saturday shoot.

>> No.7512049

does anyone even try to put effort into her wig or

>> No.7512052
File: 998 KB, 1280x720, satsuki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.7512107

Better to purchase a pre-made Ryuko wig or grab one from a real wig site and color and style it yourself?

>> No.7512123

>can confirm she looked this good irl.

LOL, you fucking salty jealous cunt. Not everyone uses photoshop like you do.

>> No.7512127

woah, she did hide them really well. I wonder how she did that...

>> No.7512408


Her skin tone looks to be really close to the color of the tights, and an ample amount of make-up

Or just shoop'd due to this being a picture

>> No.7512768
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 5862f350c89e11e38f690002c9dd0428_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my waifu!

>> No.7512779

That wig looks like shit and she has a very unfortunate jaw, but I really like the material she used for the costume. I like that sort-of shiny but not PVC look.

>> No.7512786

>those hearts
>that cheap lace
As a lolita I know I'm going to cringe over 99% of Nuis.. she's the master tailor guys, her outfit better damn well be crafted properly, not look like she ordered it from Milanoo

>> No.7512789
File: 79 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted a test of their finale Satsuki

>> No.7512808

her face is ugly as shit but man I would still hit it.

>> No.7512813

I don't like the way the eye is lined at the inside color and underneath

>> No.7513136
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>> No.7513191
File: 650 KB, 1680x1050, oh..+was+not+expecting+to+find+this+here+_db5fed9d4b0021f3c96d98676db839c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really seeing "ugly as shit" here.

She looks fine. I don't really agree with her choice in eye makeup, but there's nothing wrong with her face.

>> No.7513198

It's like they're lined up in order of best to worst made costumes.

>> No.7513213

>says something nice
>gets called a salty jealous cunt

grow up child

>> No.7513267

You're definitely a 6/10, female, dyke.

>> No.7513270

>everything is a selfpost I must dump my vagina sand all over

>> No.7513291


No, I said that about you. The girl in the photo is also a 6/10, but she's probably not a lesbo.

>> No.7513376
File: 51 KB, 480x720, lookatit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "treasure" trail...

>> No.7513382


>> No.7513387

Ah, that's me

Yea, I fucked up when cutting and my replacement wig apparently didn't pass china's mail security or something like that, so it didn't' arrive on time. Definitely will fix it if I rewear this

I pinned the top of the tights to the belt, so it kept it mostly hidden throughout the day. This pic has a bit of shoop, though where the top of the tights were just barely visible

>> No.7513393

Super cute. And perfect Nonon body. I also really love her hat.

>> No.7513396


>> No.7513397

that costume looks terrible. When will we move away from trashbag fabric?

>> No.7513406

Satsuki's would've been great if the boots didn't suck.

>> No.7513416
File: 126 KB, 332x318, unnamed_qq_screenshot20131021114130_6686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been looking everywhere but i cant find a white coat/lab coat long enough to use for Iori. Can someone help me find one or should i just sew one together myself?

>> No.7513441

Canadian sandnigger cunt.

>> No.7513454
File: 43 KB, 512x384, 2Fu9KkvNnA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good jerb, it turned out well.

>> No.7513461
File: 1.03 MB, 1696x2280, DSC_0103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw accidental hometown in the background

>> No.7513468

Anyone have a picture of that super short Nonon at Sak?

>> No.7513474

>Ah, that's me
Important cosplay related question:
Do you have a boyfriend?

>> No.7513475

Labcoats that long don't exist. Are you serious? Yes, just make it yourself. It's a very simple pattern. Just takes a bit of fabric to make longer.

>> No.7513478

Mmm that Satsuki. Her Junketsu looks great.
(Also, that ass)

>> No.7513496

i know actual lab grade lab-coats aren't that long, i was talking about cosplay grade or style made.

>> No.7513523

Oh no, don't wolly, my kock is lady for you bigboi!

>> No.7513524

Word of advice from someone who spend hours searching for a long labcoat for an Okabe cosplay, just make it. It was super easy with a pattern.

Also, unlike real labcoats which are designed as safety wear and therefore not exactly super loose or flowy, I was able to make mine look really badass in the wind.

>> No.7513539

Alright i think ill do that, but my final question for now is.... Should i make it as long as it is canonically or should i have it ankle height to avoid trips and such.

>> No.7513542
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>> No.7513555

If you can make it float around your ankles, it'd work.

>> No.7513563
File: 69 KB, 621x410, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like this Ryuko

>> No.7513568

Please die. For posting that alone.

>> No.7513573
File: 719 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mgr16sHWH91qi8xj6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Ryouko is the best out of them all though.

>> No.7513589

I liek the Idea his Nui had for her scallops. If only it were made better...

>> No.7513704

You didn't say that about me because I didn't post it, I just responded because I'm sick of everything being called a selfpost. I guess I misunderstood you though.

>> No.7513707

The Ryuko is cute, but that god damn piercing. She could of just flipped it into her nose or taken it out completely. I dont understand

>> No.7513718

No, she's not cute and your white guilt don't make her cute neither.

>> No.7513745

That's not hair, it's the line that forms on your belly when you get pregnant. Sometimes it doesn't go away.

That costume is more heinous though. Did she just stick red extensions in her hair???

>> No.7513751

what the fuck. not even white, bitch

>> No.7513754

Unless you're black, you're white.

>> No.7513755
File: 666 KB, 300x340, 1311342334367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes it doesn't go away.
Why the fuck do people get pregnant again, jesus christ

>> No.7513762

Another reason why I shouldn't get pregnant

>> No.7513765
File: 684 KB, 773x829, 1395269643235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.7513770

I should clarify "doesn't go away for a while." It'll eventually fade, it just takes longer in some people than others.

>> No.7513794

Best outfit ive seen tbh.

>> No.7513803
File: 32 KB, 650x365, 6356356536456546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exhibition hall

>> No.7513806
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1986983-jeff_jar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7513811
File: 996 KB, 500x283, tumblr_m8o90d6Zgz1ryrdxjo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's average,I guess.
Inumata and Mikisugi look like shit.

>> No.7513812
File: 66 KB, 540x960, 10155831_826211954074026_1222366768902495162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this Mako? Pretty cute, but inaccurate collar and chub-tier.

>> No.7513844

don't self post. Can't even see face

>> No.7513848

Unless someone's, like, morbidly obese, why does anyone care if they're a little chubby and cosplaying? I just don't get you people.

>> No.7513867
File: 61 KB, 540x960, 1554338_826856634009558_258572529978968079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot to post other pic. And nope; I don't "let myself go." haha
People have their reasons. I just don't like to give cosplay a bad name, I especially have a distaste for chubby/fat American cosplayers (being an American), and I like to make hate on fat cosplayers because it makes me feel even better about myself for being slim.

>> No.7513870

I dont normally go for chubs but she's a qt3.14

>> No.7513875

>that collar
>that eyeliner
>that dead "help me" look

>> No.7513944

I think it all depends on which one you buy, honestly. I was slightly disappointed with the one I bought from Taobao because it was shorter than I expected and her red highlight was placed in an odd place. If you have experience with styling wigs, I don't think it would be a bad idea to style the wig yourself.

>> No.7513979

That unevenly sewed skirt on Nonon

>> No.7514034
File: 543 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4esvow2yY1rxqpmjo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the few pics I found from a con this past weekend.

There was a better Ryuko who did her outfit from episode 1, but I can't find a picture anywhere.

>> No.7514040
File: 505 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4esvow2yY1rxqpmjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514041

That skirt.....

>> No.7514046
File: 72 KB, 532x960, tumblr_n4crtq2lz21svuyhxo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514049
File: 540 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_n4esvow2yY1rxqpmjo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laaast one for now, will post more when I see them floating around again. Most of the KLK cosplayers were more beta Aikuros.

>> No.7514050

she is absolutely fucking cute in general

>> No.7514081

>terribly styled wig
>terrible cosplay
please stop. nobody in this picture looks good

>> No.7514083

Very cute, though she desperately needs to fix the necktie. Also, the colors are too dark; Mako has a light skirt and collar and a darker necktie.
The wig could use a touchup.

>> No.7514090

Thanks for the feedback on my makeup; I'll go lighter on the eyeliner the next time I do Nonon



>> No.7514091

>That unstyled, too-long wig
>Not even bothering to get the actual jacket
1/10 for vaguely resembling the character

>> No.7514162

[ spaghetti dropping intensifies ]

>> No.7514183

No as in, "no don't talk to me creepy neckbeard virgin creeper", dumbass.

>> No.7514198
File: 413 KB, 250x140, fuck everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The video is good for a couple good gifs but Mikisugi's wig is A MESS and the videographer wasn't nice enough to tell Inumuta to close his fucking mouth for the close up.

>> No.7514215

Why is Inumuta even wearing pants? Does he not get the whole point of Nudist Beach?

>> No.7514218

I want a gif of Satsuki running. She's got the best body besides Nonon.

>> No.7514221

the ryuko is pretty nice

put up with my stupid bullshit for a few hours, so she's choice in my book

>> No.7514233

Did you even watch the show?

>> No.7514234

Because not everyone is white.

>> No.7514246


>> No.7514255

more of ass please? cant tell if its actually nice from that pose

>> No.7514266
File: 1.15 MB, 1808x2380, DSC_0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, here's the only other photo I got

>> No.7514277

Please pick up your spaghetti

As long as it's not in real life, I don't really care

>> No.7514304

>letting ugly men talk to her on the Internet
So courageous! And brave!

>> No.7514317

>I can tell someone is ugly from reading their post on the Internet

>> No.7514319

I really hope I will never have a daughter.

>> No.7514349

*unless I can have sex with her, then it's ok.

>> No.7514403

hey thats me haha
only started working out about a month before con so when Fanime rolls around I will have buns of steal

um lol

>> No.7514414

It's not funny. What do you think your grandkids will think about you when they find out you been wearing that? Or your grandma?

>> No.7514441

So what exactly is that giant white lump in the middle of your back?
>Captcha: Kind teenact

>> No.7514467

its the biggest flaw in my costume imo haha
its the pack that holds all the batteries to my costume which is lines with EL tape and wires - you can kind of see some of the wires sticking out.
It's supposed to sit flush on my back using suspension of elastic (hard to explain) but when I put my costume on I forgot to have my friend who was helping me mount it properly - When I wore it the next day it was perfect but I'm still kicking myself for forgetting and letting it hang loose on Friday(when the pictures were taken)

>> No.7514479

I take it back my biggest flaw on the costume was my stupid arm wing floaty things kept falling

>> No.7514485


I would gladly snort crack off of your ass.

>> No.7514505
File: 476 KB, 1090x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this Nonon at anime conji

>> No.7514514

Ahh I see. I was going to make my thing light up by hollowing out junketsu and hiding them in there.
Are you by any chance the same anon that posted in an earlier thread with the LEDs on your outfit lit up?

>> No.7514516

>I was going to make my thing light up by hollowing out junketsu and hiding them in there.

*I was going to hollow out Junketsu and hide the battery packs in there

>> No.7514538

Yeah some of my batteries are hidden in my shoulder piles but it just became unrealistic to have them all in one place so I have most in the pack on my back then a few hidden all over the costume haha
yes that might have been me?
I posted a picture of my costume lit up in the dark yeah

>> No.7514540

Gettin real sick of seeing petticoats showing under Nonons' and Nuis' outfits.

>> No.7514543
File: 179 KB, 1549x1330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514552

Dat yume nikki wig

>> No.7514554

mirai nikki ?

>> No.7514561

Yeah my bad. Always get those two mixed up

>> No.7514562

Well, Nonon's petti does show a little. But not like that. That's horrendus.

>> No.7514970
File: 27 KB, 540x720, 10154261_484101905049554_6833100544946437692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame about that bend, but best wig idea I've seen for Ragyo so far. Probably looks cool under the right lighting (holographic vinyl according to the cosplayer).

>> No.7514977

Yeah, that is a really good looking wig.
(I just wish she used boob tape. I dont understand why people dont understand how important boob tape is in these kind of dresses)

>> No.7514980
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, 1370354346940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your home address for reasons.

>> No.7515019

Ok, this is really creepy. I'm not even her but it's making me feeling creeped out for her.

>> No.7515036
File: 94 KB, 570x618, 1384347246857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine I wasn't going to stalk her

I was going to sell it to people who want to stalk her

>> No.7515049

Just stop posting your piece of shit. Are you seriously one of those guys who doesn't get the signs when a woman is uncomfortable and doesn't want to talk to you?

>> No.7515067

He's a rapist that's what he is.

>> No.7515072
File: 202 KB, 800x800, 1379527333636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm of those guys who finds it incredibly funny to wind up mad jelly bitches on the internet by flirting in a deliberately hyperbolic and ineffective way with a hot piece of ass who, in all likelihood, lives in another country, and whom I have absolutely no desire to actually interact with in any form.
The punchline is your reactions, not hers.

>> No.7515082

>Fedora neckbeard
Ahahahh, my sides.

>> No.7515094
File: 66 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n4hxon61Fz1r7qxhno3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7515155

wig and makeup alright , but the clothing could use some improvement.

>> No.7515156
File: 85 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n4gplrvtvG1qageneo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's a WIP, no word on the wig yet though

>> No.7515163


That angle is not doing her any favors, it looks like she has a tiny girls head on a fat man's body because of the broad shoulders.

I don't like the holo vinyl it's not right at all. I rather rainbow wefts or sharpie dye.

>> No.7515168

that's unfortunate

>> No.7515185

Can we put this wig on a hotter person's body for Ragyo?

>> No.7515187

Why can't people do this with their chest.

>> No.7515189

My god did she hem ANYTHING

>> No.7515194

I don't know. I'm so sick of seeing saggy boobed Ragyos myself...

>> No.7515234

>on a hotter person
I second this
Do you have a hot friend who can wear your wig anon? Or at least photoshop your beer gut, good god.

>> No.7515291

Nigger that fat cunt is nowhere near hot. How can someone be hotter than her when she ain't even that? She is a fugly cowlandwhale.

>> No.7515293

>being this mad for no reason

>> No.7515416
File: 338 KB, 999x572, 3572658-721672-71ofbupulwl._aa1358_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys go about making Satsuki's armband? I was thinking vinyl, but I've also seen people make it rigid like a bracelet. I'm also having trouble finding vinyl or faux leather in the right color. Suggestions?

>> No.7515444

Because that's not how the top is cut? Seriously what other suggestions are there for people who actually HAVE the boobage?

>> No.7515457

>no reason
I had to look at a monster, it burned my eyes.

>> No.7515459

IT should be hard, its used to draw blood so its technically rigid.

>> No.7515485
File: 24 KB, 304x308, tit lift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7515489

Your butt is already beaut, would yuri

>> No.7515502

My boobs are legit too heavy and round for that to hold them in place, would perhaps worbla built into the outfit work?

>> No.7515527

This is insanely bitchy of me, but her ego does not match her skill at all. She probably made the best of a bad fabric, but why did she choose it in the first place?

>> No.7515718

Anyone got any tips/helpful tutorials for cutting and styling a Ryuko wig, particularly the middle V-bangs? Mine has long straight across bangs, if that helps.

>> No.7515736
File: 49 KB, 736x272, Bl6aAQhCAAAbSc9.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7515897

I want to cosplay one of the girls from klk (minus Ragyo. I personally don't think I could pull that off) but I'm really not sure who do go with or what direction to go in. I'm thinking of doing Satsuki but I'm not sure if I have the right look for it. Any suggestions?

>> No.7515911

A photo would help.

>> No.7515925

You should do someone less common, like tennis chick.

>> No.7516036

Tenleid who posts here did that.

>> No.7516059
File: 25 KB, 500x500, IMG_3838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped the pic sorry about that

Hmm doing the tennis chick would def be an interesting character to go with, i'll take that into consideration thank you!

>> No.7516063

tbh I think you would pull off tennis chick the best anyways

>> No.7516070

Your face is too soft for Satsuki, imo.
I really can't think of anyone you'd fit honestly. Your jaw isn't sharp enough for Hakodate, and you look a bit too old to pull off Ryuko, Mako, or Nonon. I'm not trying to be rude, just honest.
Sukuyo maybe?

>> No.7516083

post a picture with nude lips anon - the dark lips, shape of your mouth, the way you lift your brows and the incomplete looking eyemakeup makes you look older than you are

>> No.7516107
File: 319 KB, 500x500, IMG_4043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this one is better!!

>> No.7516129

I guess your face shape is closer to Ryuko

>> No.7516134

better anon! if you learned how to properly fill in your eyebrows and do some makeup tricks you'd make a lovely ryuko

>> No.7516135

woops replied to wrong post I'm a dumb

>> No.7516150


>> No.7516183

jesus christ it looks likes she's wearing a trashbag wig big plastic wings

>> No.7516184

I'm doing Ryuko for a half a day at a con at the end of May, and I got my belly button pierced in February, so it'll probably still be healing by the con. So, should I keep my plain-ish silver one in and not risk irritating it, put in a clear retainer, or get one that'll maybe match the costume?

>> No.7516254
File: 28 KB, 494x358, e496c_ORIG-Let_The_Butt_Hurt_Flow_Through_You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7516324

clear retainer.

>> No.7516714

Seconding this.

>> No.7517014

Ah good so it IS possible, that's a step in the right direction. My boobs are pretty round naturally, I just would rather not have them jiggling uncontrollably all con lol

>> No.7517029
File: 468 KB, 480x608, BestMom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats with fatties wanting to cosplay Ragyo?

I've only seen one good cosplay of her

>> No.7517043

I was thinking of doing something similar! I was going to create a small plate out of Worbla, just to cover the chest area, and create a pocket inside of the top to slip it in. Does that sound feasible, or is it better to just glue the fabric down to the worbla? Trying to figure this out also!

>> No.7517078
File: 177 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n4jvft6FbO1qim4fgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iori anon back again. My glasses came in the mail, though I think they're kind of big. Contemplating getting new ones with smaller ovals but I like the feel of these on my face.

My acrylic also came in the mail so I'll be cutting that into four sections and testing heat molding it within the week and during the weekend. I have Saturday off so expect progress!

Also ignore all my makeup I had a good day. Also that coat's a stand-in.

>> No.7517088

Except for the really cute Nonon (who happens to be wearing a bra, for a nudist), the rest is shit.

>> No.7517089

Should we call you... Iorinon??

>> No.7517143
File: 3.26 MB, 3264x2448, 1398052756720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed more saturation

>> No.7517155

That looks pretty good.

>> No.7517164

I'm doing it for a con labor day weekend so if it would be any help I'll upload pictures of my tests for you, also with the wig

>> No.7517202
File: 856 KB, 1280x1947, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of doing Satsuki wearing Senketsu. Has that been done yet?

>> No.7517207
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, 1394259278657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Has it been done yet

>> No.7517236


Tenleid wanted to be first

her desperation shows


>> No.7517311

I saw a mediocre one at Conji. I don't think it's super popular, but you won't stand out unless you do a really awesome job. And don't forget the Bakuzan knives.

>> No.7517345

She was at MTAC this passed weekend.. It took everything in my power not to cry in her presence.

>> No.7517353

I saw one in Wondercon Anaheim, she was surprised to see that I noticed it. To be fair, Wondercon Anaheim 2014 was KLK con for the anime people. I am scared to see Fanime and Anime Expo later this year.

>> No.7517356

What are you making the wig out of?

>> No.7517365

AX is going to be awesome and horrifying. Not that I can say much, since I'm contributing to it, but yeah.

>> No.7517403

Mostly real fibers but adding LED fibers to the shape, so it will be a nice medium between glowing goddess and actual wig, I might come asking for help on the electronics bit since I mostly sew and do wigwork whoops

>> No.7517416

i am also doing iori, i remember you were talking about some kind of orange material for iori's respirator, if you have a link to that could you please share it with me, because i tried looking for some and all i found were opaque kinds.

>> No.7517423

>Not actually nude

The worst.

>> No.7517483

you just made my day

>> No.7517500

Clear retainer. Also, are you talking about Fanime?

>> No.7517528
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, h47S5gZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to do this version of raygo once i lose more weight and get my body flatter

i want to do something with LEDs though, like a combination of some kind of opaque paper and LEDs for the wig, and the same for the neck ruff and sleeves.
also would one of those boob casts be too much here? she has massive cleavage and i don't think i could get my boobs to look that big even with help
any thoughts would be cool, this is very much in the baby stage right now and i'm trying to come up with some realistic ideas

>> No.7517561

is she anorexic? Because there's 'skinny asian tier' and then there's... that.

>> No.7517632

hun, have you seen a skinny person in your life ever

>> No.7517634

Do it without massive tits?

Just pad a few bras together like in that one tut and you'll be fine

>> No.7517636

She's like skinny-fat at most. I would point you toward the anorexic thread we had not too long ago, but looks like the janitors removed it already

>> No.7517738
File: 26 KB, 499x280, 3387757_1381857224037.79res_500_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any guides/measurements anyone has saved for making the scissor sword? Going through the archives now.

Her case goes almost up to her shoulders, so I'm assuming the sword should right passed the elbow.

I saw a chart saying Ryuko was 5'2 so if anyone has the exact size of the sword, that'd help since we're the same height.

I think it'd be cool to have her case too if anyone has suggestions on where to buy one since I need a new guitar case anyways.

>> No.7517763

She said she's 80 something pounds and that's in eating disorder territory for someone thats her height. She only eats small portions of junk food and her teeth look damaged from stomach acids so I wouldn't be surprised if shes bulimic.

>> No.7517780
File: 1.29 MB, 569x371, kSb7B[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She doesn't look like it at all

>> No.7517785

not 80 lbs exactly. 80-90 lbs. you overlooked the the >something part.

shes said her weight on twitter before but i dont remember the exact number.

>> No.7517841
File: 158 KB, 672x960, klk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 2 were at my local con

>> No.7517844
File: 126 KB, 960x640, klk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517974

That acne on Ryuko's cheek...

>> No.7517985

Just google transparent orange acrylic and you'll be able to find it.

>> No.7518287

http://chann-bee.tumblr.com/post/82388152318/super-budget-ryuuko-matoi-scissor-blade-tutorial found this a few days ago, i think it looks pretty good.

>> No.7518383

I've seen it done before. I don't see why it wouldn't be done already, especially with all of the "FIRST!" cosplays. I'm betting that when the episode came about, any Satsuki cosplayer would've went, "Okay so now she's worn Senketsu, time to make/buy that" or something.

>> No.7518646

I hate those flesh toned morph suit things. They always look so shitty.

>> No.7518839

The fuck ?? Bulemic how slow are you ? she hounds down on food all the time she s just small w a fast metabolism, and actually eats really well :/

>> No.7518902

actually that sounds a lot like bulimia

>> No.7518911

Bulimia is defined by purging. If she doesn't purge then she isn't bulimic. Having a high metabolism and being a small girl doesn't mean she has an eating disorder, moron.

>> No.7519207

>teeth damaged from stomach acid
Gee I wonder how that could happen

>> No.7519446

I cosplay Satsuki and my friend and I switched wigs during Naka (and then realized we definitely should have switched characters and are now doing so haha) so I suppose it's been done (by many others too) but still more unique than doing her regular outfit I suppose.

>> No.7519477
File: 58 KB, 960x685, killll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who did it

>> No.7519552

I'm getting seriously tired of seeing every single mako doing this pose holy fuck.

>> No.7519772

Satsuki's bangs are completely wrong, her boobpatch is burgundy instead of black, her eyebrows are sad and depressing, and she doesn't look very high or mighty whatsoever.
Mako is making a terrible duckface and is doing a terrible job of the boob pose.
Ryuko is wearing bright red lipstick (???????), her boobpatch is a weird shape and doesn't have Senketsu's eye mark on it, her scarf is tied terribly and unevenly, why is she wearing a belt and why aren't her suspenders attached to the skirt like they should be, her sleeves should be pushed up above her elbow, I can see a clear white stain on her skirt, and WHY is her phone stuck into the skirt where her hipguard/pouch should be??

Your friends need to do a lot of work on these still

>> No.7519778

I didn't say they were good, anon was simply asking if anyone had done it.

>> No.7519824
File: 118 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm so sorry I'm self posting but in the last few threads quite a few anons requested to see my costume when it's finished so here's one of the first photos I got back.
Yeah I know it has flaws and my face is eh but I like how it turned out overall~ but critique is welcome!

>> No.7520039

That looks really great anon! You make a very good Satsuki and that costume looks mad imba.

>> No.7520122

Looks great except the wrinkly boots! And even then, I know how hard it is to make boot covers, so kudos on them being as good as they are.

>> No.7520246
File: 274 KB, 1080x1620, IMG_1145 (Large).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this for Anime Conji.
From >>7506900.
Still gonna fix it up down the road. Gaps on my ribs, upper chest, and back where my suit is visible aren't supposed to be there/straps are not adjusted, but I had to wear it somehow after 2 days of no sleep.

Hope I didn't do too bad.

>> No.7520366
File: 81 KB, 500x667, Ira Gamagoori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me! I wish there were more Elite Four transformation cosplays.

Has anyone done progress on Nonon's final outfit? I'm curious.

>> No.7520737
File: 95 KB, 468x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragyou on my newsfeed

At least she wore a bra or sorts.

>> No.7520859
File: 814 KB, 546x587, sfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gem

>> No.7521400

A lot of bulimics are not as skinny as you might think. It is a binging and purging disorder. It's a spectrum, but it is anorexia that makes people skeletal usually. Even with anorexia the person doesn't have to be skeletal to drop dead from health problems. Sure, there are skinny bulimics, but statistically speaking (according to a textbook that is) most are average weight, some are even overweight.
In b4 white knight, I actually really dislike her.

>> No.7521432

So bulimia is not associated with being skinnier but punishing oneself?

Because I'm 110lbs and my body is similar to hers.

>> No.7521952
File: 42 KB, 493x960, 10151882_653682458020613_6523074336529635425_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arienai Ten

>> No.7522571

The Ultima uniform or the c-string transformation? I'm working on the Ultima for MCM and thinking about the latter if I can lose about ten pounds, but I don't really have the hipspring for Nonon without a corset.