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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7507369 No.7507369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's baaaaack...

>> No.7507372
File: 43 KB, 500x298, howaboutnobear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me now

>> No.7507376

How do we fill out applications?

I wanna be on the show and just hang out and place orders for costumes while they're doing shit and just make snide comments about them.

>> No.7507378

you guys make me feel bad for liking this show

>> No.7507379

We all like this show.. in a dramawhore sort of way.

>> No.7507382


>We're in Argentina!!!

>> No.7507392

I'm soooo ready for this season. I feel like HoC resembles a train-wreck, it's awful but you can't look away.

>> No.7508206

So ready for this.

>> No.7508221


I'm happy it'll be airing while i'm not busy studying, etc in college..

>> No.7508429
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at our local con there was a big sign that said
>by entering this area you agree to be recorded and have those recordings shown on television' or some shit

I read the whole fine print poster but it never fucking said what show or station or anything was actually recording this. I'm so worried it was 'Heroes' like you have no idea...

I hope this next season is either way better or gets canceled fast then you can say 'big tittied drama whore'

>> No.7508551

reality tv doesn't work like that. Season 2 is completely finished and it will air. What you are hoping is that they don't order a season 3

>> No.7508562

I'm crazy excited for the delicious dramus.

They have some new girl(s?) now too!

>> No.7508579

it's a viscious cycle of "we don't want another season, but it's lulzy so we're feeding into their ratings, which will prompt them to make more seasons".

>> No.7508585


Come on, updates!

>> No.7508619

Pretty much. I want to watch season 2 because it's a trainwreck and I can't look away.

But I don't want to bump up their ratings.

>> No.7508656

even though it's an awful show, i kinda love the fuck out of it...gets me motivated to make awesome shit.

>> No.7508736

I love seeing the costumes, and I can't say I hate knowing about their lives. It's not as bad as some reality shows.

>> No.7508787

>promotional image of a woman of like 30 dressed as a highschooler
yes this is what i want to see

>> No.7508806

Some people I know are going to be on it and I'm seriously concerned for them and their reputations.... (but also I'm excited I guess)

>> No.7508833

I'm just looking forward to having people on 4chan breaking down what is actually happening like with last season's "Go home out of towners!" or that one chick who kept claiming to make her costumes one week before con when they really were made years ago?

Can we talk about that? Why were they always lying and saying they were making cosutmes in one week? Is that even possible?

I enjoy HoC just to tear apart all the ridiculous fakeness of it. Then I watch Face Off and delight in how absolutely drama free it is beyond "omg my mold cracked don't know if I can get this done in time."

>> No.7508843

>being this hypocritical
Face Off is fake too, fuck off.

>> No.7508849

Wait what's fake about Face Off?

I haven't seen the last couple seasons, have I missed something?

>> No.7508861


>> No.7508876

How? Maybe they fudge how much time they actually give them to finish stuff but they aren't talking smack about each other and creating weird drama. Like when that one chick from last season said she was dropping out, they just spent a minute saying oh that's too bad and moved on, never mentioning her again. They could've milked that for drama for ages if that's what they were going for.

>> No.7508919

>that one chick who kept claiming to make her costumes one week before con when they really were made years ago?

Which one? because they all seemed that way but one or two girls always had somewhat incomplete or faulty costumes

>> No.7508933

I've watched since the first season and its fantastic
yeah some choices made by the judges dont give the best ring, and sometimes the people play/are put into scripted situations to show relationships between them while in the house
ie. Ooh, im so sad so-and-so left, -insert friendly conversation here-
but the skill is real, and so is the competition
boo you

>> No.7509071

Victoria I think? Besides Chloe, Yaya and Crabcunts I can't tell them apart.

>> No.7509132

Oh don't worry anon we have already been breaking down stuff in a couple of other threads because they have been filming across North America and stories from the cons have been popping up. I can't wait for the ep where the crabcunts and Chloe enter with Dragon Age costume they only partly made themselves. I really hope they claim all the craftsmanship on those so I can laugh. All Holly did was boil the wool and had someone pattern and sew all of it together. Suddenly getting materials and having someone else do all the work is a 'collaboration.'

Also the ep in New Orleans where they made the other contestant wait in line for hours only too tell them that most of them couldn't do their skits but the 'heroes' could.

So excited for this seasons bullshit.

>> No.7509142

Thats cos Face Off contestants know that they're in a dying profession. So if they cause drama with anyone around them they could be fucking a potential industry connection and job opportunity. They aren't stupid.

>> No.7509152

This, I always feel so pumped after watching it.

The only other reason is Chloe Dykstra, I have the biggest lesbian crush on her.

>> No.7509197

I wish there is a theme song for this show that would be similar to this otherwise this show would be so much interesting.


>> No.7509205

I competed in the New Orleans contest. We waited for about six hours in a hallway. No one told us anything. When it finally time for us to go on stage around midnight, the group in front of us asked the producer about them doing their skit and he flitted around an answer. So they played really loud music and just told us to walk on and off the stage. When we realized that after making us wait that long that they were not going to let us do our skits, we decided that we didn't care and danced like idiots when it was time to on. The producers were pissed and it was totally worth it to see their mad faces. The only good thing I got out of the experience was all the friends I made waiting in line.

>> No.7509224

I heard about this and still want to see a video, are there any? Maaaaaan

>> No.7509231

I can't find any video of it anywhere but I do have some photos I can post.

>> No.7509234
File: 1.07 MB, 1365x2048, 12494021605_a7fd3087dc_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peggy Carter was dancing on The Cap.

>> No.7509235
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Peter Pan making it rain fairy dust on Ariel. These two were hilarious to talk to while our six hour hell wait.

>> No.7509237
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Quidditch players getting funky on their brooms. At this point Yaya asks if we all planned this or not.

>> No.7509239
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And last but not least Batman villians moving it like Bernie. After we left the stage they gave us stale, cold beignets. We threw those right in the trash.

>> No.7509273

You guys are my heroes!!!!

>> No.7509422

I don't know about you guys but at this point I think cons should ban yaya from attending since she's pretty much causing mayhem with all these camera crew and pretty much most cosplayers are starting to see right through her and is getting tired of her glory. I know this may never happen but it's a thought.

>> No.7509427

Yes we should ban all this publicity for our con. Brilliant. I have no problem with Yaya. In fact to me she is the person on the show I have the least of a problem with. I want to actually light Chloe, Holly, and Jessica on fire

>> No.7509428

Yeah, I saw one of those at Kami-con this year, and even at the con, I said, "Shit. I bet it's HoC." Oh boy.

>> No.7509437

It's so beautiful.

>> No.7509448

I was at a con with Yaya, and when she was where cameras weren't recording she did nothing but spew venom about this show. They made her cut her con stay short by a whole day for filming at the last minute, and she let slip that she is under contract for 6 seasons, and refuses to sign another for any more time after that.

Apparently everyone under contract with HoC is at their complete beck and call, when they say jump you say how high, then jump higher. Why anyone signed on for that shit I'll never know.

>> No.7509476

>Why anyone signed on for that shit I'll never know.

A lot of them have cosplay businesses or businesses that are related to geekyness/congoing in some way. This is huge exposure for them, and so they benefit financially from the publicity. Whether or not they are paid by the show itself.

They likely realized there would be some focus on drama, but probably not to the degree that is is. They probably didn't realize how much it would disrupt the conventions they attend or their congoing either.

>> No.7509480

Watched one show, and that was enough for me. What a fucking retarded way to portray cosplay conventions. Stop watching this crap, because if you don't this is what people who have never been to a con will think you're all like the retards in this show. Yaya can eat a fat bag of dicks.

>> No.7509620

>people who have never been to a con will think
>implying people who have never been to a con don't already think this or costumed sex orgies

>> No.7509630
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for real? holly shit why?
Did it get good ratings? I find that really hard to believe.

>> No.7509640

Ahh! After 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

>> No.7509646

>A lot of them have cosplay businesses or businesses that are related to geekyness/congoing in some way.

Besides Yaya who else? Crabcunts? They have yet to do a single damn thing outside of one skit for The Nerdist. They go on and fucking on about their company but if you visit their site they have absolutely nothing to show for it beyond the bioware costumes they made for themselves. The bitches piss me off (sorry anon I mad. But at them not you.) They are given amazing opportunities and do shit all with it. Holly wants to work in the movie industry and knows Chloe who's daddy dearest worked on Star Wars and yet she does nothing with those connection. How can you have a company if you dont do anything? I dont get the Crabcunts. Also it really doesnt show them in a good light if they brag about making costumes last min. Oh ya I really want to hire people who cant do proper time management even if it is put on by the show.

>> No.7509687


>> No.7509757

It's board related, pull that stick our of your arse

>> No.7509813

The true Heroes of Cosplay.

>> No.7509832


I'd never hire those idiots after seeing how fucking incompetent they are on pretty much every level on that show.

>> No.7509834

You'd think that but people are stupid, don't forget, someone paid Witchblade girl $4k for a costume she never made well in the first place and then lost

>> No.7509842

>Why anyone signed on for that shit I'll never know.

Because they're stupid and obviously either didn't read the contracts fully or thought being reality TV stars is all unicorns and rainbows or some shit. Basically all of the 'stars' of the show are naive attention whores. It doesn't surprise me at all that they'd thoughtlessly sign a contract without reading all the terms or throw a fit once they realized that there was actual work involved.

>> No.7509856

So how much money is Yaya Han getting paid for this?

>> No.7509867

I was in the New Orleans contest too. Luckily I was in singles, and stood at the front with the 'heroes'.
From what I heard the woman as few people in front of me dressed as the riddler ( She and I were in the early numbers) was told to talk to Jesse, and tell him that she was number '46' and he was number '47' ( He was really in the 60's) And he then went on about how nervous he was about competing, and started to talk about how much work he put into his cosplay. She was a mom who's kids made her compete so she had no fucking idea what was going on.

After I got off pretty much MOST of the heroes who competed won prizes. I then had to wait four hours for my friends who where in the groups to compete.

I also heard about the Doctor who group that was really sad especially about the kid.

>> No.7509914

Wow, I am so glad that I've skipped the New Orleans cons the last few years. Are they still overrun with teens who wear shit cosplays?

>> No.7509917


Pirate it, stupid.

>> No.7509925


I saw Jesse's costume, they did a great job on it. The couple who makes his cosplay go to unique lengths that are pretty cool

>> No.7509958

It's funny because Bioware actually did hire Jessica to be a PR/Community Manager.

>making smart decisions

Pick one.


Marry me. I'm serious.

>> No.7509964

I really wouldn't brag about this photography.

>> No.7509989
File: 60 KB, 531x473, 1367212205524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beautiful as fuck Chloe dying her hair disgusting shit red

Can't believe they had that little bitch Jessie come back.

>> No.7509995


Are you on drugs?

>> No.7510006

I thought she was pretty good looking, especially compared to the other girls on there.

>> No.7510021

Anon, drug use is a very serious matter. Here's a link that will provide you with a list of Methadone Clinics in your area. I really hope you get clean soon.


>> No.7510037
File: 959 KB, 500x215, 1372460856950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this
>get up
>go downstairs
>grab soda
>come upstairs
>drink soda
>read again
>spit soda everywhere

>> No.7510072
File: 29 KB, 481x720, 10294376_10152597383962262_2634355179684538709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare yourselves for Miggy

>> No.7510082
File: 97 KB, 508x557, femshepwahhhh01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's funny because Bioware actually did hire Jessica to be a PR/Community Manager.

Bioware hired Jessica after their comic con skit but before all this HoC shit/them really getting any 'attention'. I dont think they really hired her for her 'cosplay' skills but because they needed someone in CA and she applied. With her bestie in Bioware Holly pushed herself into becoming their 'official' cosplayer or booth babe. (but babe is a stretch) What a waste of money. I wonder if the crabcunts feel shame when people show up to the conventions with better Bioware game costumes then them. I am assuming they are going to be using the show as a vehicle to promote Dragon Age 3 because before they really didnt talk about their connections to Bioware and with the game coming out in the Fall its great free press. I imagine they will also bring up the whole "ZOMG! The developers who totes arent my friends had me work with them to create the jacket design of the Inquisitor." Gag.

>Marry me. I'm serious.

Lets have come classic Holly who claimed femshep was styled after her and was upset when the original blonde character image was chosen.

>> No.7510097

Is there gonna be any new cast members this season? I remember SyFy holding auditions for the 2nd season. I feel like the only people who would want to audition are people who haven't seen the show or people trying to promote themselves.

>> No.7510111
File: 27 KB, 620x320, Captain-America-2-Sebastian-Stan-Winter-Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica "I get my makeup tips from The Winter Soldier" Nigri.

>> No.7510115

Oh dear.

>> No.7510118

Why would Jessica join after Yaya shit talked her last season?

>> No.7510126

From what I have seen the cast members are:


Maybe Riddle?

I dont think that Victoria is returning and Monika came out and said she was no longer involved in the show. I think we will see cameos of past cast members since they were filming at cons they also attended. We will also be treated to a lot of the Atlanta girls like Katie trying to ride the coat tails of Riddle. Its going to be golden.

>> No.7510142
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Who hasn't shit talked the miserable pile of philistine drivel that is Jessica Nigri though?

Her cosplay has the same merit as a work by Marcel Duchamp.

>> No.7510152
File: 169 KB, 572x900, ROCKET RACCOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not loving her rocket racoon cosplay

>> No.7510153
File: 60 KB, 685x385, cast_becky___CC___685x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least no Becky then, I couldn't handle how talentless and shitty that girl was, though that Elizabeth cosplay did give me a good laugh, that fucking wig man.

I actually liked Monika, she was kind of weird and cold but when she told Becky she wasn't interested in cosplaying with her because she's shit I loved her.

>> No.7510154

Eh. I like Jessica more than Yaya because at least Jessica is honest about what she does while Yaya does the exact same thing and puts Yaya down for it and acts like she's above all that.

>> No.7510160

Shes not on the show next season. She might be in a shot or two because a lot of those 'famous' cosplayers are bff but beyond that shes not a cast member.

>> No.7510161

Because honesty and likability are such important traits to have when dressing up like a Korean Beyblade cartoon character.

>> No.7510168

I disliked Becky in the show after it I started to like her. She was the only cast member not to act like a crying child when it came to the backlash. Or at least what I saw from her online responses she was very adult about it. Unlike Yaya who was on constant damage control and Holly and Chloe's big tumblr blowouts.

>> No.7510169

I agree with you completely.

>> No.7510179

It was just the fact that she made these shitty costumes, was annoying, and put all the tough shit on her roommate, being a bit more mature when it comes to being online compared to the other retards doesn't make up for it. I'm sure it's not that difficult to be more adult than the rest of them.

They were all annoying, but she just took the cake for me.

>> No.7510219

My favorite bullshit HoC moment

Gonna Cosplay Taffyta Muttonfudge but there's no way I can compete without her car

Never see the car being made

See then haul a big cardboard box into hotel room and they rifle through it without pulling out any pink car parts.

Oh no TSA went through our box and now a teeny tiny piece that goes on the back is missing. Guess I can't compete with the car.




>> No.7510240


>Has roommate make her this prop that will shoot out rose petals
>Dude is struggling and struggling trying to figure it out
>She makes a garbage, lazy as fuck cosplay
>Works all night to get it done
>Presents it to her proudly
>"That's it?!"

>> No.7510292

That "muscle shading" is awful

>> No.7510338

>the thumbnail doesn't look that bad
>oh no

>> No.7510569

he's also a certified egotistical douchebag

>> No.7510573
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>> No.7510575

I've never heard of him before. Do you know any stories?

>> No.7510673

They have people go backstage and finish their molds and shit for them l0l

>> No.7511630
File: 88 KB, 960x661, Fl6XFoN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw these in the commercial during Creature Shop, apparently these will be on the show. It must've been so hard to buy Leg Avenue tights and glue rhinestones to cheap corsets.

Unrelated but Creature Shop is fucking awesome.

>> No.7511635

Really? where exactly is your source for that info, random internet anon with no credibility

>> No.7511639

I like Wiki and Reddit. Still store bought and cheap, but better than the others.

>that ugly red head on the right

>> No.7511641

I don't know about that (diff anon) but the fact that almost all the costumes shown 'being made' for the first season were actually made several years previous was really stupid to me. Hellgirl and Lulu were made several years before, so all the scenes of them 'working' on them are BS. And they said Yaya debuted some costume at one con, but she had obviously made it several months previous and worn it to a con way before the 'debut'. Little things like that are really stupid to lie about I think.

>> No.7511644

Oh and the tron dress had been made the previous year as well. I don't think you care enough for me to dig around for all the pictures (I actually took a picture of Riddle's Hellgirl <or whatever she called it> the year she did it at Dragoncon first, which was something like 4 years ago)

>> No.7511646

If you guys haven't heard about the "Indie game Gameshow" deal a few weeks back, whether or not you are videogame fans or whatever, I suggest you look up the article on Kotaku or another source.
The story of that shit-wreck and how the cast reacted when they saw how their friends/coworkers where being treated makes me believe that yaya and her parade are stupid cunts that would rather be payed to look like a slutty bitch than be legitimate and decent people.

>> No.7511650

You're so cute. You think reality tv isn't completely scripted .

>> No.7511654
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Plus this. Still had it saved.

>> No.7511655

Oh no, those poor girls broke their faces.

>> No.7511661

dumbass, im talking about FaceOff
that isnt making me believe you any more than i did before
until you can prove something to me, ill keep my 'blind hope' I suppose

>> No.7511667

Oh, my bad dude, reading comprehension fail, sorry.

>> No.7511675

Wiki is the only decent one.

>> No.7511676
File: 135 KB, 1280x848, tumblr_mvrjweINl91smavh0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duuude your missing the other HoC fails in this group.

>> No.7511680

Aren't Jessica and Holly married to programmers at Bioware in the first place which got them their token jobs?

>> No.7511690

you're all good

>> No.7511691
File: 81 KB, 513x344, wah02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holly used to go on rants about 'sexy' cosplayers on her twitter all the time but now she is 'ok' with it I guess because shes move past bioware basement dweller to sexy?

>> No.7511695

Wow, as if last year wasn't bad enough

>> No.7511700

Can someone upload all of the proof HoC is bullshit? kind of like

I'll compile an album to post around if I can get enough.

>> No.7511711

No. Holly's husband is an animator and does freelance work for different sites. Jessica's husband is a lawyer according to their site. Also Holly isnt employed by bioware its just Jessica. Community manager is a job that is fairly new. When she got it there wasnt much requirements for the position. Jessica has a BA in Anthropology and MA in in Material and Visual Culture so it was probably her communication and writing skills that got her the job. I can imagine Holly probably applied too but she only has a degree in Medieval History which really isnt that impressive compared to Jessica. I know Bioware was looking for another CM in Edmonton a while back and I almost applied until I found out Jessica would be my boss. LOL nope.

>> No.7511714

I believe heroesofcosplayconfessions.tumblr.com/ has been documenting the bullshit for a while. Might wanna search through it.

>> No.7511715

That hypocrisy.

>> No.7511737
File: 21 KB, 513x95, foamtweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one last hypocrisy for you if you like. I used to follow her on twitter but dropped her after the baw femshep doesnt look like me fiasco because bitch was too crazy and dug this up a while back for lolz.

She made this post around the time that Volpin was making his Shepard armor bitching about how people who construct costumes out of eva foam suck. Probably because he was getting so much attention for his build. Even funnier now that she creates most of her crap costumes on HoC out of foam. Hypocrisy just never ends with her.

>> No.7511773

Becky didn't even make the Elizabeth corset. She commissioned if from Firefly Path and FP called her out on it on Facebook.

>> No.7511780

Whoa hey, face off is legit. The contestants almost always help each other if something goes wrong. There's only been a few episodes with a touch of forced drama, but nothing like HoC
This is fantastic
>Yaya asks if we all planned this or not
I love it
>causing mayhem with all these camera crews
Story time:
Katsu 2013 I wanted a picture of her Granado Espada cosplay (because hey it actually looked nice) but she was surrounded by a ton of cameras, so I stepped off to the side to take it. This woman next to one of the cameras grabs my shoulder, motion towards yaya, and starts shoving me towards her without saying a word.
Not nearly as juicy as some of the skit dramus but it was really weird and uncomfortable

Anyway, adding JNigs to the show is literally just for drama. They know neckbeards will watch for fap material, and they know her haters will watch so they can seethe in their anger and come back here and post shit about her and how slutty/vapid they think she is.
I always feel bad for the people who talk about this, and cosplay, and JNigs and Yaya and like their pages on Facebook, but have no clue what they're talking about. They're like the people who think shows like Breaking Amish are real

>> No.7511830

Also the Fushigi Yugi skits look like they were ripped off from an older WCS one.
HoC skit:

Original skit:

>> No.7511838

Wait here's the original post


>> No.7511844

What? He said on stage he makes everything. I am confused

>> No.7511874

>remember the MegaCon episode
>shot of the Masquerade followed by a random reaction shot of crowd
>one of them is dressed from Attack on Titan and something's not right about this picture
>research and find out that MegaCon happened in March while the first anime episode of AoT didn't air until April
>SyFy in charge knowing anime in general

>> No.7511883


33:00 Is Crabs and Chloe's entry into the Comikaze 2013 contest which might be shown on HoC this season. I havent really been able to dig up any other footage from their other cons. I know they went to New Orleans Comic Con and Ottawa Fanpop expo but beyond pictures there isnt much. Anyone know of any other cons they were filming at?

>> No.7512001

AoT was published long before it got an anime.
So it is possible for people to have been cosplaying it before it became flavor of the season.

>> No.7512011

i believe they were at megacon again....there was some big dumb "go to china" prize in the anime contest and one of the HoC won it (not surprisingly....they released the entry info really late, you had to have a duo and do a skit. normally the anime contest specifically does not allow skits)

>> No.7512081

>Ottawa Pop Expo

>> No.7512117


Almost all of their stock convention crowd shots and whatnot were from AX anyway.

>> No.7512441

they can do that?

>> No.7512824

People seem to forget that reality TV is in no way obligated to tell the truth.

Show a shot of a crowd without specifying where it's from? They didn't lie to you, you made the assumption.

I love watching these shows and speculate about the scripting, which is why HoC is so fun because for once I'm not an outsider to the community, so you can really call out the producers on bullshit (like the staged wins and modifications to contest procedures).

>> No.7512858

I'm actually kinda excited to see Miggy, I think he'll shake things up a bit

>> No.7512862
File: 36 KB, 747x290, 1978677_10201620138885778_1698537389_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is relevant

>> No.7512927

Hmm, I really hate stickers but this isnt' a bad idea. I might buy one if I saw it at a con or something.

>> No.7512941

Yeah if these are our heroes I'd rather be a villain.
Can you imagine the shit storm of someone bought loads of these and stuck them all over Yaya's con booth?

>> No.7513014

too bad that kid is the biggest douchebag around

>> No.7513294


It's pretty funny at other conventions to see better DA cosplayers than them. There were a lot of cosplayers at paxeast that had much more impressive costumes than Holly's Inquisitor

>> No.7513302


Becky had a cry fest on twitter about how she was kicked out of the show a few months ago. Good stuff.

>> No.7513317

Anyone know if Spencer Doe or Nicole Marie Jean are in it? I remember them talking about filming something a few months ago

>> No.7513385

I do not understand how this show get six seasons as this show barely have 1 million viewers. Take a look at Lindsay Lohan's documentary show on OWN channel. They were supposed to be a second season but It is cancelled due to low ratings of 700,000 people. And with the camera people pestering other cosplayers at the masquerade there are some small cons that probably won't allow them back. Hope yaya enjoy those six seasons and more chances of her reputation going down the trash.

>> No.7513426

Shit really? Now I have to go look that up. I hope your not lying to me Anon.

>> No.7513508

Crabcat got their Nerdist deal because of the show didn't they?

>> No.7513519

Becky being on the show was just weird. It's not that she wasn't likeable it's just... I mean I had never heard of her, no one really was a die-hard for her and she hasn't made any costumes in a long time. I feel like her weird roommate got more from the show than she did.

>> No.7513571
File: 36 KB, 960x642, 10157151_1424654227786790_2706077810770563085_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here have another

>> No.7513611

My favorite staging easily goes to when they add their applause tracks to either the "Heroes" jsut walking down stairs in their costumes like it's a big, anticipated grand entrance, or when it's over a masq audience that clearly isn't as excited as the audio would suggest.

>> No.7513626

No they were doing that before HoC existed.

>> No.7513736

No... Just no.

>> No.7513798


There can't be enough ratings for it to be kept on-air for this long without the money coming from somehwere.

>> No.7513809

ngl I like the webmd one

>> No.7513819

the same people who fund all the shit in the cosplay community, ronery betafag virgins

>> No.7513820
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Hyouka_02_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[851F7EB4].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2014.04.16_00.19.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss webMD is wearing her corset backwards... if you can even call that a corset... I'm not even going to bother with the other ones... is this really what "professional" looks like nowadays?

>> No.7513863

Ugh he's such a d-bag. He'll be perfect for reality tv that way I guess.

>> No.7513893

uhh hate to break it to you anon but that's a DitD corset, it's not backwards:

>> No.7513908
File: 328 KB, 651x596, TheFatController&#039;sBedtimeStory(Issue644)2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, there are MORE of those things lying around?

>> No.7514647

Oh god, the stairway entrance applause was my favourite. It's so ridiculous.

What I'd love to see would be a semi-serious documentary following cosplayers who GENUINELY compete. I live in Europe and in my friendship circle there are a lot of people who just base their cosplay around international competitions and just compete for those, and take the whole deal far too seriously.

But any sensible convention isn't going to let you behind the scenes to do something real. I tried a few years back because I wanted to do a backstage photo documentary and conduct interviews with people about their competitive mindset, but every organiser connection I spoke to said there's no way I'd get permissions or cosplayer's agreement. Maybe the climate has changed, but I think over here a show like HoC would never happen.

>> No.7514661

PBS did a pretty decent cosplay doc last year

>> No.7514674 [DELETED] 

PBS did a great cosplay documentary. Just a one off but much better than HoC http://video.pba.org/video/2365060703/

>> No.7515131

For fucks sake

>> No.7515333

Chloe and Holly were the only ones out of these bitches who actually know what cosplay is about and have a good attitude about it.

Trashy sluts who don't even start to enjoy these games and series and such just cosplaying because they aren't even normal hot, only con hot. Makes me fucking sick.

I hope Chloe fucking eats these awful losers alive.

>> No.7515341

Don't be so sour, anon.

>> No.7515382

>>Chloe and Holly were the only ones out of these bitches who actually know what cosplay is about and have a good attitude about it.

Yep cosplay is all about having other people make your costumes and then pretending that you actually did something.

>> No.7515387
File: 56 KB, 960x640, tumblr_n0wli5o7KP1qdi8zuo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some new images from Animate! Miami contest where apparently Chloe and Jessica kiss on stage like a bunch of drunk girls at a party. Cant wait to see this next season.

>> No.7515420

Must be nice to have reference materials to a game that only just released character art two days ago.

Jessica doesnt seem very serious about NDAs why does Bioware keep her employeed?

>> No.7515461

It was probably approved by Bioware considering Holly and Jessica's costumes were made for last PAX Prime for their booth. Also because the show will be airing when Bioware will start kicking off their game promotion its free press that they most likely planned. That aside images of Morrigan in her DA:I outfit have been around since last E3 (including a shot of her from her hips to her head if you have been paying attention to the fandom and are brave enough to go on the forums.)

Images of Sera (Blonde elf Chloe is cosplaying as.) have also been around for a while. She was in some concept art and it wasnt really until recently that she was confirmed as a companion in the game.The shits been out there its just only they would know the roles these characters play.

I understand your frustration Anon but like all people who rush to be the 'first' to make costumes from a series with limited art, they suck in comparison to other cosplayers who make their costumes after. Also do you really want take the risk and cosplay from a DA game before playing it? Maybe its just me but I am so jaded by bioware's quest to suck up to SJW that I am waiting. Cant wait to watch them pat themselves on the back for having /two/ black female characters!! Oh and a gay demon!!

I am curious as to how these won anything. I know Sushimonster was one of the judges and came into a thread before and explained some things but if you look at Chloe's costume its a nightmare! She painted plaid leggings and cut up a premade sweater. What the heck. Terrible construction and then the whole Holly and Jessica's costumes having been partly commissioned jeeze.

>> No.7515971

apparently she wants to do panels at conventions and talk about HoC
dont know how thats gonna go, but someone on the Acen page was already talking about it

>> No.7515977

Would attend only if she would talk about how fake it is and confirm all the BS people already know about.

>> No.7515985

isn't Chloe the one who has all the porn pictures of her floating around where she's in line to suck some guy off and appears to be having the time of her life? yeah, not a trashy slut move at all.

>> No.7516712

I don't care if it is cosplay related, I hate this show so much. Thus, it belongs on >>>/tv/

>> No.7516728

Holy shit get out you have already bitches 3 times about this. We are going to talk about it here and even more when the show comes out so minimize the thread and move the fuck on like a normal person if you don't like it.

>> No.7516818

Why would this belong in /tv/? This show has nothing to do with Bane, crashing a plane with no survivors, or CIA.

Can we talk about how Holly and Jessica pretty much stole money from Rana now? Please? I've been dying to talk about this ever since I saw this thread but 4chan was down. Who knows the full story behind this?

>> No.7516836

poor super girl looks sooo uncomfortable

>> No.7516844

I request details as well

>> No.7516848

You do know that this shit is fake and scripted just like any other reality TV show.

>> No.7516853

Chloe doesn't sew, she usually commissions her costumes. But I guess this time her usual people were unavailable.

I think they all commission costumes because from what I've heard from other cast members, it seems like HoC gives them like 1-2 weeks notice before they send them off to a con and they expect everyone to have a new costume.

It makes sense considering this show is def about the dramu first and the costumes second

>> No.7516894

This is what I know.

-Rana is a cancer survivor and model for Samara from Mass Effect series.
-Wants to have costume made so she can raise money for charity, visit kids in hospital etc.
-Holly suppose to make costume for Comic con.
-Holly procrastinates, doesnt make it. Now I dont know if she took the money or not. If you go on the original Indigogo there is an edit saying that Crabcunts werent associated with it anymore but I dont know when it was posted. It should also be noted that she did however have time to make another Krogen and a Garrus costume for Bioware and Comic Con instead that year.
-Rana manages to find someone else to make the costume for her last min. She and some of the Va and other character models hold events now where they try and raise money for a childrens hospital.

Honestly she was probably better off getting someone else to make everything. I know the last min costume wasnt that great but Holly cant sew for shit and considering the whole thing was a catsuit just imagine the pre bought painted messy they would have made for her after looking at their CATS costumes.

>> No.7516910

I can see this scene now in the show. Chloe is going to be all ,'teehee I kissed a girl!' and then Holly is going to get upset at Jessica for allowing it to happen because Holly is a tomboy and doesnt like things that are 'sexy'. Thats going to be the main drama for that ep for those cast member's.

Same with how this >>7511676 ep will be all about getting Holly to get in touch with expressing her sexuality. She's going to be bitching at Jessica at how she doesnt want do it because its beneath her. You know that typical attitude that frumpy chicks have. Oh shit I bet the mask is to hid her identity too because shes too embarrassed.

Hey HoC producers. Hire me as a writer on this show. I could give you loads of ideas for cosplay drama.

>> No.7516929

Holly definitely did take the money, and never refunded it to Rana. Holly stole like 5 grand from Rana and then got that job for Bioware and just stopped answering Rana's calls and messages and bailed out for the Bioware job.

>> No.7516938
File: 89 KB, 584x600, oh_f05647_593961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holly stole like 5 grand from Rana

What's really funny is that they paraded Rana around PAX East one year bragging about a bunch of shit they never delivered on. Rana in retrospect has been hush hush about the whole thing though, and for whatever reason she never started shit with them.

Why is this?

>> No.7516972

Him and his girlfriend, and sometimes his friends, make all his cosplays.

>> No.7517001


so what the fuck is she doing on the show
been saying that since day one

>> No.7517008

I am sure they have to pay Lindsay Lohan a WHOLE lot more money than these girls. Which they pay literally nothing in comparison. This show is probably super cheap to produce.

>> No.7517033

>> I am curious as to how these won anything

The convention and masq judges are under contract with Mind51 to let HoC cosplayers to win any categories. Should they fail to let them win, convention gets no monetary incentive and HoC can sue the con for contract breach.

Plus the judges are under heavy NDA, so there's that too.

>> No.7517064

A-fucking-men. He'd fit right in with the twats.

>> No.7517132

yaaa I don't really see what the big difference between him and the HOC people are, and isn't he like buddy buddy with Miggy?

>> No.7517158

@2:24 her spine and lack of hips and ass make me want to vomit. she definitely shouldn't have done a sexy cosplay.

>> No.7517216

Is this the guys who does the "HoC Sucked" panels??

>> No.7517231

It's not that she shouldn't, it's just that she should have emphasized her better assets. Long legs but no hips and a flat ass? Wear a short, puffy petticoat to hide it. Flat boobs and bad posture? Wear an Elizabethan-style corset or an underbust with a lacey push up bra. Her bad choices in picking out the most flattering sexy lingerie for her body just reflect what a newb cosplayer she is.

>> No.7517251


Wow, did NOT know about this. That's incredibly shitty of Jessica and Holly

>> No.7517269
File: 802 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mzo37fUrDw1rkr9muo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i can play find the Ross in the background again

>> No.7517408

If you bothered to read anything in this damn thread then you would see, yes, we are all very, very, very aware about how fake it is.

>> No.7517493

all of those designs are such shit wow

>> No.7517542

She has D-list connections

>> No.7517551
File: 495 KB, 500x230, tumblr_lj36nulsg61qeef0n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go look at Miggy Jagger's FB page because I had never heard of the guy
>gems from his page:

"Cosfamous" on his cover image

"[...] featuring YOURS TRULY [...]"

Uses #cosfamous in 80% of posts

Posts images of people holding his prints

Well, you're not getting a like from me, fucker. I don't get how people can like people like him who don't even try to hide their arrogance.

>> No.7517555

I know right?

Why the fuck did Jessica do baby blue skirt with a green corset? Do these women do anything not halfassed? Just because you have a green corset sitting in your closest doesnt mean you should use it. Also why just tape paper with the logos on them to your clothing? If your going to do burlesques websites then put some bloody effort into it. I seen Jnig put more effort in her cosplays.

>> No.7517582

You can pay for likes now.

Really how many fans someone is completely irrelevant. I have 10,000+ followers, and a credit card.#COSUPRAUFAMUSHURR

>> No.7517585
File: 49 KB, 576x440, 10-sexy-halloween-costumes-are-just-wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never understood making cosplays that are basically those halloween store sexy versions.

>> No.7517589


>> No.7517594

If you are "curious" about this show but don't want to support it, go torrent it. Don't turn on your fucking television to watch it. PLEASE. Or it will never die like it needs to.

Also please tell me wtf all his money theft shit is about. I keep hearing "someone stole over 5,000 dollars". That's MAJOR THEFT. Where's the court case if it's the truth?

>> No.7517596

This is the best point raised.

I also own pretty corsets and various underwear. Am I going to wear them outside and pretend it's a costume? No. I'm also not a cock-guzzling whore. :(

>> No.7517614

Pics pls.

>> No.7517617
File: 63 KB, 610x618, heroes of cosplay meets the rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7517682

>and for whatever reason she never started shit with them

I think she tried .. and now she just wants it to go away. The drama really stressed her out (understandably) and she wanted to be the bigger person and not be the one to turn it into a big thing. I suggested Rana take holly to small claims court but she just doesn't want to deal with it anymore/open that can of worms.

I guess I can understand that but yeah, bottom line is Holly is a total piece of shit

>> No.7517714

Also that shit is like 4 years old now. If Rana got over it, /cgl/ can get over it.

>> No.7517723

Somebody stole $5000 from a cancer survivor. No, this is top tier drama too delicious to ignore.

>> No.7517759

Getting over someone stealing from a charity. Nope not gunna happen. She's a shit human being and everyone should know. This isn't lolz tier cosplay drama this is she's scum. If she wants to fix it and get forgiveness then she should pay back the money and apologize.

>> No.7517776

She doesn't seem to be seeking forgiveness from anyone; to be honest, I don't think I've seen any screenshots regarding the debacle anywhere (correct me if I'm wrong). If Rana or the internet wanted any sort of apology or retribution, the Grumps or even just Ross would have been attacked already.

>> No.7517779

Rewatched episode 1 where Becky was bitching about being too fat for Merida but in the end went with a "In the end as long as you are true to character it doesn't matter what size you are."

Anyone think she was trying to win love by going for a positive message that completely fell flat because she isnt even chubby? Also Sharpe dying a Merida wig? That was staged right? Why would you even think that's a good idea? As someone who has hand sharpied wigs I'm calling bullshit that the finished wig was made that way.

>> No.7517782

That came out really strangely -- I meant that Holly's more famous contacts would have been harassed about the situation if anyone really cared about it, and Holly doesn't seem to be losing any sleep over it.

>> No.7517794

True true. I dont think she gives two shits about the incident with Rana and even if it did come out she would probably try to spin some victim BS story.

That said I am still going to choose to judge her by that incident. A shitty person is a shitty person. I'm not going to dwell on it night and day but if someone asks why ppl hate her I will tell them. Besides its way more fun laughing at her for all her cosplay hypocrisy.

>> No.7518448

I completely agree. I wish she'd feel some sort of guilt over it, or try to argue it or something, but that's probably just my preference for delicious dramu.

>> No.7518933


*Edit* Holly Conrad and Crabcat are no longer involved in this project

Holy shit, it's actually true.

>> No.7518937

It was a waste of time to sharpie that wig, the color was awful in the end, and Arda even sells a wig made for Merida in the perfect color and everything.

>> No.7518984

He's very good looking? He's better looking than 90 percent of cosplayers so why's it matter if he has a lot of fans? All Cosplayers are arrogant what's wrong with him?

>> No.7519007

GTFO Miggy

>> No.7519043

At least HoC isn't terrorizing shipped-in captive wildlife like that show about the Kentucky redneck does.

>> No.7519052

...what? What show is that?

>> No.7519182

now that's just scumbag-tier.

>> No.7519277

How are more people not talking about this? I don't understand how Jessica works for Bioware and Bioware employees Rana as a face model. How can they stomach looking at Jessica?

>> No.7519339

Rana doesn't go to the same cons as them for the most part. I remember one year Mark Meer and Rana went to DragonCon the same weekend Holly and Jess went to PAX. Also there really isn't hard core proof about any of this. Just assumptions and heresay based on events that correspond to paint this as true.

I believe it 100% though. This rumor has been going around for years and it has yet to be proven or disproven either way.

>> No.7519348

The hard proof, for me at least, is Rana herself telling me this story and several friends who were involved with the making of her Samara costume corroborating it.

There's no proof anywhere online of this because Rana didn't want to seem like she was starting shit on the internet, so she never posted about it anywhere. I think she thought it would seem unprofessional and maybe reflect badly on her if she publicly brought it up. Makes sense imo

>> No.7519350


It's strange though, that Bioware has no coverage and completely wasn't associate with the Mass Effect Cosplay event where a bunch of the ME voice actors dressed up for charity. Maybe Jessica was steering clear because she has something to be ashamed about

>> No.7519360

If there is Bioware cosplay publicity and it doesn't involve Jessica or Holly themselves or the people who kiss their ass, Jess usually won't put it up on any of the official Bioware social media outlets. I am surprised that other really good Inquisition Morrigan made it to the DA Facebook page.

>> No.7519712

Because jessica doesn't run the fb anymore

>> No.7519727

>equating "got over it" with "too disgusted/stressed to even want to deal with it anymore, so they drop it, and walk away"

>> No.7519846

My favourite thing in HoC probably has to be the whole
"This is the BIGGEST prop I have ever worked on!"
>husband quietly works on prop in the background

>> No.7519997

Spoilers: Holly, Jessica, and Chloe win in the finale of season 2.

>> No.7520010

oh boy, here we go again

>> No.7520029

Isn't the finale the one where they wear the crappy Peter Pan costumes?

>> No.7520262

Ah, no, sorry to worry you!
That was because there was a camera crew filming a young girl and her fried. For a nickelodeon documentary about kids finding their 'niche' (in this case, cosplay)
They filmed pre-judging for the girls and the cosplay contest, but I think that was mainly it. (To my understanding) though they may have filmed them waiting to come into the pre-judging room.

>> No.7520264

*her friend! not fried

>> No.7521756


>> No.7522958

We streaming this tonight at Brettygood? It's never as fun watching it alone then watching with all you gulls.

>> No.7522970

You're a month early, anon. It starts May 27th.

>> No.7523029


OOOOOOOOOO. DAMMIT! I was so looking forward to it. I can't wait.

>> No.7523077

I would watch this show just to see Jessica get mad and stressed at everyone and everything.

>> No.7523077,1 [INTERNAL] 

I want to be Miggy Jaggered all over my face and in my asshole. NGL