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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7503854 No.7503854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so popular /cgl/?

Cosplay of Frozen is growing at exponential rates.

>> No.7503863

Good movie. Unashamed white too and let's face it, us white people generally relate more to our own kind on the big screen in the same way non-whites will relate more to their own race being depicted.

>> No.7503865

It's the lastest thing disney shat.

The movie wasn't anything great.

>> No.7503868

heres a video in hopes of cheering you up

>> No.7503869
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Why is it so popular /cgl/?

Cosplay of CIA is growing too big for me at exponential rates.

>> No.7503870

No idea. Personally I didn't like it at all. Like Tangled, the characters were annoying (I'm sorry, "quirky") and the songs were half-assed. I suppose the story was decent but not enough to make it enjoyable for me.

>> No.7503881

These two are why.

Frozen's okay, but it's just an hour-and-a-half long music video for Let It Go. Plus it's by Disney, and you know how people worship Disney because muh childhood
I personally really like Elsa's design, but I'm getting sick of seeing cosplays of her.

>> No.7503882

This. Maybe Disney will get the message now.

Qt white princesses sell, shitskins do not.

>> No.7503901

Go away racist.

PoC pride.

>> No.7503903
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>actually using "PoC"

>> No.7503904

I'm not sure when Disney Channel starlets started seeping into the animated Disney movies but I don't like it. Imagine if Britney Spears ever got to voice a princess.
...That hasn't happened, right? Ugh, Disney.

>> No.7503905

The princesses should be voiced by pure, cute girls.

>> No.7503907

well "minority" is just incorrect and "colored" is awkwardly 50s, there's nothing inherently tumblr or sjw about the word poc for non-white.

Post you're replying to is hella bait tho.

>> No.7503909

Only white people can produce red/blonde hair and blue/green eyes in large numbers, we are the true "people of color".

The rest of the world are the "people of black/brown color".

>> No.7503924

Wildly popular Disney movie with cute, distinctive costume design? Yeah, it's popularity for cosplay is shocking.

>> No.7503925


men (disney creators) create

women (/cgl/) leech

>> No.7503952

In what universe is Jennifer Lee a man?

>> No.7503956

The one where you respond to shitty bait, oh wait no, the one where the bait actually trolls anyone.

>> No.7503957

oh because person of colour is so much better than coloured person lol silly me

>> No.7503962

If you want to sound like a Pepperidge Farms commercial be my guest but literally everyone I've met who says "colored person" unironically is really old...

>> No.7503965

Poc is a stupid term though. There are "poc" who are as pasty or close to it as white people, and white people who have medium to slightly dark skin tones.
Even if it's not literal, it's a term that will only cause issue within the "community" because someone isn't dark enough.

>> No.7503966

Why can't you just say 'non-white' and move on

>> No.7503967

I don't know. Why can't we call them niggers like the rest of 4chan?

>> No.7503968

Because sjws patrol this place

>> No.7503974

Because it implies that white is the norm, which is fair enough when talking about American animated movies I guess but is problematic in a broader context.

>> No.7503975


what about we do something radical and use their ethnicity/heritage (eg. pakistani, white briton, nigerian)

>> No.7503980

Then you end up with terms life African-American, but for everyone.

>> No.7503981

PoC implies that whites are separated from everyone else and widens the racial gap. It also segregates people of non-white heritage with white features.

>> No.7503985

For you.

>> No.7503994

tumblr please go back where you belong.
or preferably in a ditch somewhere cold.

>> No.7504003
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Somewhere........ frozen?

>> No.7504012

white-passing PoC are still PoC?

>> No.7504015

They aren't white, and that retarded term is supposed to refer to non whites.

>> No.7504018

Why wouldn't they be? People discriminate names too, anon. Just because I look white doesn't mean people aren't going to think Anon Hernandez is a cute white girl if they see my name and not my face.

>> No.7504019

The only song good was "Let It Go".Pacing was really weird. The songs were all squashed together. Movie wasn't bad overall. It was fun to watch but I don't get all the attention it's deserving

>> No.7504020

I knew you people were dense but this is ridiculous. Are you so racist to think it's okay to classify someone a different race just because they may look outside of their race? Seriously.

>> No.7504025

oh no, i didn't mean as in I'm questioning the term, but I was questioning the anon saying white passing PoC aren't called PoCs.

>> No.7504032

I thought build a snow man and first time reprise were the better songs. I thought let it go was kind of boring. It's just a straight power song and that's it. I also felt it was weakened by the fact that we don't really see what Elsa was thinking during her "free" time. The next time we do see her, she quickly freaks out again because of her insecurity.

Also the movie ends on the fucking troll song. And the fact that Elsa was'born' with the power. How did they figure that out? If people can be born with weird powers why is it such a big deal no one find out? Her parents literally get told that hiding it and fear will just make it worse.

I have bigger issues than those, but after having to watch the movie 5 times now, you really start to see all of the issues it has.

Elsa really needed her own softer song that involved her reflecting on her situation and her sister

>> No.7504033

That anon was just illustrating the point that there are infact people who are of certain racial heritage that look completely white. Many hispanics for instance, and that people read. tumblrtards will discriminate against them over not being a PoC enough for the term. It's sort of like how some blacks are racist towards other blacks for being too black. Only it's white girls being racist to pale people for not being dark enough but still choosing to associate with their race/heritage.

>> No.7504054

It is the norm in relation to us, as white people, in the same way "non-black" is perfectly acceptable for a black person used to a black environment to use.

You do realize that the implicit assumption in expecting whites to play altruistic universalists is that we're vastly morally superior to you, right? I mean you can dress it up as some kind of psychological redression of past wrongs or whatever, but ultimately you think we're better and you expect better behavior from us than you do from chinks and niggers.

>> No.7504056

Yeaaah I only watched it once. I was a little confused on why Elsa wasn't shown how she was spending her years. Even scenes where she was trying to wander the halls and avoid people would be ok or something. She just popped out of nowhere.

Let it Go is an overall good song,for me. It's pretty memorable. The scenes that accompany it didn't make sense. Like how did she know she was going to be able to do it? Did she practice? If she was afraid of her powers, how did she know how to control it that way to make such a huge castle but can't control what she touched ?

The whole movie is pretty overrated but just... good.. because it was a Disney movie and peope are going to like it anyway

there's a whole lot more but i don't really care for it. I just tumblr savior the tags cause its too much. Too many terrible covers. Ugh

>> No.7504058

Of course you'd say that, you're a chink. You probably thought Mulan was the best disney princess ever.

>> No.7504070

I can't bring myself to watch it, I hate that fucking snowman's ugly face so much, it's visceral. I would melt the everloving shit out of that snowman. Hideous fucking freak.

I didn't think Tangled was very good, though, and Brave was better, but didn't live up to the hype. Disney just doesn't have the sparkle that it used to for me.

>> No.7504073

I agree, anon. I actually legit hate their 3D stuff. It's gross.

>> No.7504076

Nawh. Snow White is my preference. Even though I don't like the color yellow too much. Her designer doll is super pretty! Ariel was pretty cool too

>> No.7504080

She was. She was interesting and a strong female character who didn't bitch about how much being a girl sucks. I.e a female character who is smart, able, but is still feminine and not written like a make character with fits.

I would like Ariel more if her reasonings weren't so stupid and belle if she had a bit more to do.

>> No.7504083

Male with tits*

>> No.7504087

I guess I dislike Mulan primarily because she wasn't as cute and Chinese aesthetics and design (muh red and gold) bore the ever loving fuck out of me.

>who didn't bitch about how much being a girl sucks.

I agree with that. That was annoying.

>> No.7504092

Brave wasn't Disney, Pixar made it, Disney just distributed it.

>> No.7504095

If it has a face character at Disney World, it counts to me.

>> No.7504117
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OP, stop being a gigantic faggot and your problem is solved.

>> No.7504125
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>I also felt it was weakened by the fact that we don't really see what Elsa was thinking during her "free" time. The next time we do see her, she quickly freaks out again because of her insecurity.
>Also the movie ends on the fucking troll song. And the fact that Elsa was'born' with the power. How did they figure that out? If people can be born with weird powers why is it such a big deal no one find out? Her parents literally get told that hiding it and fear will just make it worse.

There is so much wrong with the movie anyway. i could not bear to watch it a second time because it just drives me MAD.

>Why does she have these powers?!
>Why is no one allowed to see them?
>So, Anna gets hurt, and the consequence is not "Hm, maybe we should tell her about the danger of the powers, teach everyone to be responsible and how to handle it so that an accident will not happen again" but "HURR DUR let's hide Elsa's Power and never tell anyone I am sure this will solve the problem right?!?!"
>What is Elsa doing all these years??
>WHY does Elsa not have a better control over her power? She hurt her sister, and felt so bad about it, but still, she does not seem to be more trained in her skills, like, not even a little bit??

Seriously, I felt like when I was watching "Merida" - so many good ideas so poorly executed (and also like two entirely different movies smashed together. I know this was not the case with "Frozen", but still).
I loved the character design, and the sister-relationship, and the storyline with Hans, but everything else...

Also, I could not bear to listen to one single song, but I always hated it when they started to sing in Disney movies, I am weird anyway... This is why I did not wtch them as a child and do not get this whole OMG Disney muh childhood!!1-nostalgia shit.

>> No.7504127
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w-what about Wreck it Ralph? It was a lot better than Brave in my opinion but received minimal hype...
I even went to disneyworld right after it came out and they barely had any merch whilst the gross cheap Merida wigs/costumes/dolls etc were everywhere. Ugh.

>> No.7504132
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what's /cgl/'s opinion of Disney taking over Star Wars? I mean they did a (mostly) good job with the Marvel films after buying them out.

>> No.7504144

Disney can't possibly make anything worse than Episodes 1-3. They will have actual writers and editors working on it.

>> No.7504145

I haven't seen it yet, but it'll probably the next movie I watch with the kids I look after. I cannot keep watching monsters inc and frozen over and over again

>> No.7504148

hopeful since Lucas only hurts his own ideas, but nervous about how they'll make it "family friendly"(not that it ever wasn't)

>> No.7504159

Ralph didn't have super iconic songs so it didn't strike that much of a cord with disney people who want to belt out showtunes

>> No.7504161

What does the movie have to do with race and when did /pol/ invade

>> No.7504164

>>What is Elsa doing all these years??
Wait, it really was *years*? I don't understand how literally no one aged in that frame of time and just convinced myself it was a day or something.

>> No.7504183

This. It wasn't that great but it gets it's hype from nostalgiafags jerking off to "wow a new disney princess movie, feels like my childhood!" Fuck it's painful to watch 20 year olds act like that.

>> No.7504220

I think anon meant from the time Anna got hurt to Elsa's coronation. On the mountain, it was probably a week at most.

>> No.7504250


>> No.7504253

I think the question was more "Why is the movie so popular?"

I realize all the cosplays are coming out because the movie is mega big.
But I saw it and honestly didn't think it was so great. Left a lot of things unfinished and barely touched upon--why even put it in the movie when it doesn't do anything for the plot?
The characters seemed bland and flat, save for the so obvious transformation of Elsa and Christoph.

I waited a long time before finally seeing Frozen because I had similar feelings on the snow man. After everyone kept saying "No he's so much better than the trailers make him out to be!!" I finally saw it and totally disagreed. Unnecessary, annoying, and ugly.

Initially seeing Elsa's dress, I was absolutely in love with the design. But after seeing it in motion on screen, and seeing so many terrible interpretations of it, I've decided to give up even considering pursuing the design.

>> No.7504481

>the fucking troll song
They should have cut the trolls out entirely they were awful. They tell Elsa to hide her powers and then "her engagement is a flex arrangement" what the fuck

>> No.7504507

I hate new Disney movie's and 3D animation so I refuse to watch this, it looks like bullshit. Cosplaying frozen sis for hipster turds.

>> No.7504514

it's a movie about depression
a lot of people relate to that

>> No.7504664

No it isn't, tumblr just likes to pretend it is and use it to justify all its failings.

>> No.7504667

Frozen is shit for even 3D standards. At least Tangled and Brave actually looked good visually for being CGI.
Frozen is just ugly. They didn't try hard at all, and they even said they used the same face model for Elsa, Anna, and the mom 'because it's hard to animate girls and also make them look pretty.'

>> No.7504745
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because the costume design is fabulous and makes more use of colors and shapes than most other princess movies. besides, the songs are great and the characters are relatable

buttblasted feminist detected

>> No.7504748

Dude, just let it go man.

>> No.7504755

>people don't like my shitty ice movie?!
Brozen in a nutshell

>> No.7504760

That bothered me to no end. Like "hey, it's totes cool you're engaged, but let's set you up anyway cuz there ain't no ring on it."

Like whoa. Just no.

>> No.7504762

The movie was below average. No idea why its so hyped. I really can't stand it. There's absolutely no character development for Elsa.

>> No.7504769
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>Dislike lazy character design

>> No.7504771

It's popular because Disney is making a big comeback with nostalgic people who grow up in the 90s. You know, the generation that saw Aladdin and The Lion King.
Disney has been complete shit for a long, long time. People will lap up any bone thrown to them that isn't fucking Cars 2 or whatever bullshit they've been on the last ~15 years. The only decent things that have come out since then have been since Pixar, but they aren't totally relatable, since they tend to feature (male) animals, or robots, or vehicles or whatever.
It's really not some big mystery.

>> No.7504775

I grew up with Aladdin and the lion king. The only people I've met who like frozen are teens and really early 20s. I'm 29, and my age or older just think.the movie is meh. I sense no nostalgia in this shit movie.

>> No.7504778

I grew up with those too, and I strongly disagree. I think you'll find more than a few fans of Frozen, Brave (ugh imo) and Tangled are in their mid to late 20s.

>> No.7504793

The songs were kind of awful. Even 'Let it Go' has mediocre lyrics, more like a broadway/stage or pop song than a disney song. The lyrics for all of them may as well have been narration, or just the characters speaking the lines. Really boring.

>> No.7504792

>Separates Disney from Pixar
>Calls Cars 2 a Disney movie

>> No.7504801

well you can argue that the 3 of them are related and should look alike

>> No.7504807

I hate that argument.
They aren't twins. They're sisters and a mother. They should look similar, but not have THE EXACT SAME FACE MODEL.
It's not that hard of a concept.

>> No.7504819

I can't even bother to name the trash Disney put out in the last 15 years. Brother Bear? Home on the Range? Seriously I don't know, it's that bad.
Yes, Cars 2 is Pixar. It's the shit tier of Pixar. Everything else they've put out has been solid except for Cars and Brave. It's the only stuff that's been decent in the Disney lineup, and even some of it is bad. It's only in the last 3-4 years Disney has put out decent stuff that isn't primarily Pixar studios work.

>> No.7504822

i like frozen
it's about a princess dealing with depression and anxiety
i relate to that
the character designs are pretty shit but the costumes are pretty great imo
YEAH anna is a "quirky awkward" protagonist but for fucks sakes she spends more than a decade just hanging out in a castle by herself of course she has shitty social skills
everyone loves to hate hans
kristoff is continuing the tradition of making disney 'princes' a+ husbando material
the point of the story wasn't kissing some dude to fix everything, it actually articulates that kissing some dude ISN'T going to fix anything, because that's not what love means.

disney could have done a MUCH better job with frozen, yeah. the trolls, olaf, the source material, there are a lot of things they shit the bed with
but it's a pretty disney movie, with pretty songs, and it's pretty good for that

>> No.7504825

...I never thought about it like that.

>> No.7504829

Go back to tumblr.
It's not actually about depression and anxiety, tumblrites just make it out to be.
Anna's 'quirky awkwardness' is stupid in the first place considering she must have had servants and the like and it was only Elsa that actually had to stay inside. There's no reason for her to have been stuck in the castle by herself.
And Kristoff is essentially useless. You could entirely remove him from the series and the plot would not change at all. He was only added because they felt the need to enforce romance in it, even with the '~thats not what love means~' idea behind the series.

It's really overhyped. In every aspect. Even the songs felt broadway-like instead of Disney-like.

>> No.7504831

>kristoff is continuing the tradition of making disney 'princes' a+ husbando material
Yeah, the antisocial guy referred to as "a pungent reindeer king," whose BFFs are literally rocks, is great boyfriend material

>> No.7504832

is anyone in this thread even a regular on /cgl/?

who the fuck invaded? This isn't the normal /co/ crazies

>> No.7504834

I do agree with your other points though. I don't think Kristoff was a great husbando, and that's what makes him good. It's not like Beauty & the Beast where a guy with serious issues is magically transformed into handsome perfect prince-san

>> No.7504839

The problem with a lot of people is they go into the movie wanting to hate it. They will literally nitpick every little thing.
Not only that... everyone seems to forget one important detail.
The movie wasn't MADE for you. It was made to entertain little kids.

>> No.7504842

>it's about a princess dealing with depression and anxiety
Except it's not about that.
It's about a princess who was cursed with a power that ended up hurting her sister, and in consequence she's taught to repress the power instead of controlling and dominating it.
The feeling she has is fear, which makes her isolate herself from Anna and others.

It obviously makes her anxious to be around other people out of fear of hurting them, but those theories about her being depressed and anxious are quite misplaced.

>> No.7504847

>It's not actually about depression and anxiety, tumblrites just make it out to be.
It's pretty obvious that Elsa has these problems though? You can't just say "that's what tumblr believes so it must be untrue!"
Elsa spends most of her life alone, convinced that if she doesn't shove all of her emotions aside she will kill someone, like she almost killed her sister, or someone will kill her, like the trolls told her.
that is a LOT of weight for a little girl to handle, and from what we see her parents just encourage her

>> No.7504852

it was a boring movie for boring white people.

>> No.7504853

>It's pretty obvious that Elsa has these problems though?
And Belle obviously has Stolkholm Syndrome and a thing for furries.
Doesn't make Beauty and the Beast about that, though.