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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 1704x500, amazon-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7500962 No.7500962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Amazon Thread?

>> No.7500964


Found a cute macaron coin purse

>> No.7500997
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 415rgaZAkKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7501003
File: 1.27 MB, 2678x4000, wonderwoman17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7501005

This is really cute, but every time I see something like this I think it would be cheaper and easier to make. sage for no contriboot.

>> No.7501016

for every item not posted by me in this thread I will post an item


summer short kigurumi-choose your style.

>> No.7501019
File: 13 KB, 278x300, $T2eC16NHJIIE9qTYI192BRZQoEkGQQ~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7501026
File: 798 KB, 1023x676, bearhoodie_zps0a1177f8_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7501027

I actually just ordered one of these last week. How are you supposed to wash kigus? Is it okay to throw them in the washer or will that mess with the softness of the fabric?

>> No.7501037

Seller Taobaopit is kind of shady. I left a 2 star review for one of their $11 wigs (which had pretty ok fibers but the cap was sparse with wefts, tiny, and netted like a party store wig) and though they refunded me $8 and let me keep the wig, they email pressured me to take down the review after the fact. I expected as much, but still...

>> No.7501040

Has anybody actually bought any of the kigurumis off of Amazon? I want to buy a skeleton one, but not sure which one would be best to go with.

>> No.7501046

Goddamn that is adorable, if expensive.

>> No.7501258

That's a bootleg, why would you even link that.. It looks terrible

>> No.7501265
File: 278 KB, 610x582, providecontent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link better then.

>> No.7501310

Shit, I just bought something from them after hearing they were a good seller too. Good thing the wig I got was pretty cheap.

>> No.7501327

You think $13 is expensive?

>> No.7501337

Depends on the fabric. Mine is fleece and I thrown mine in the washer just fine.

>> No.7501366

Including shipping that's like 16 bucks for something for with so little in both review, size and quantity (1). I can't really justify buying something that should really be around $5 each. That's not to say I wouldn't cross it off my list completely, I just won't feel good about it afterwards. I'd feel like I was cheated or something.
So no, I don't think $13 (minus shipping) is expensive but paying $13 just for a cute design and the novelty aspect is a little weird to me. (I don't use coin purses on a daily basis so it would be pretty much useless.)
I'm not a lolita or anything if that's where you're getting at.

>> No.7502445

Ugh, can we not? Why would anyone ever buy from there. You can get anything you can get on Amazon from Ebay much cheaper.

>> No.7502457
File: 12 KB, 251x273, eurgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon has a review system for each item rather than for just the seller, allowing you to look through quality
>Amazon in general is wayyy more reliable in buying straight from the seller, like if you need electronics, books, DVDs, etc
>It's far less sketchy to buy branded items on Amazon

eBay is better for cheap non-branded Chinese items and secondhand. Amazon is better for literally everything else.

>> No.7502467

This made me want to try finding one of those scented macaron coin purses an anon posted earlier in the thread for less on eBay, and I succeeded, but by only like $3-6, depending on shipping.
I agree with >>7501366.
Even at $13, it's still a bit much for a small novelty coin purse. Though the longer I stare at them, the more I want one. I wonder why they're so expensive.

>> No.7502477

I'm not why you're mentioning items like DVDs, electronics and books when this is /cgl/ and the thread has more to do with cheap chinese offbrand clothing and accessories than those things.

>> No.7502481

Wow ok yes but why the fuck would we need a thread on /cgl/ for a shopping site that is good for DVDs/electronics/books. It's /cgl/, and Amazon is shit at anything related to lolita or cosplay, and eBay is a thousand times better for anything Asian fashion.

>> No.7503330
File: 220 KB, 908x730, 1388092254804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read that in a valley girl voice
God damn

>> No.7503339

one problem amazon does have is that "identical" sku items are put under the same set of reviews. there are many a case where something that was good gets copied and the shitty copy is under the same reviews as the originally good item.

>> No.7503365

I like amazon due to its wishlist function

>> No.7504650
File: 187 KB, 350x563, -font-b-rilakkuma-b-font-easily-bear-Bear-cute-Japanese-relaxation-font-b-toweling-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these off of amazon, they have the texture of a towel.

you can choose other character shorts too.

>> No.7506375

I've surprisingly never had bad luck with amazon. I've gotten the greatest wigs.

>> No.7506392

Any sellers/wigs you would recommend?

>> No.7506394

>towel texture
dont know if want

>> No.7506398

Does anyone know a good place to obtain a USA address? Like Tenso but for USA? I need to buy this MP3 but I can't coz I'm location blocked (Australia). Nothing will get delivered of course coz its digital but I still don't have any US friends.

At this rate Id give someone like $5 or a postcard or something coz I just need this song because of reasons

>> No.7506415

anon should have called it "terrycloth" to make it sound more attractive

>> No.7506417

whenever I need a fake address I use ZOOM's address (It was a PBS show when I was a kid.)
Z double O M box 350. Boston Mass. 02134. Send it to ZOOM!

>> No.7506484

was thinking of saying "bath shorts"

>> No.7506729

Mostly you just through it into the washing machine because mostly all Kigus are make from polyester fleece if not that its sometimes made from minky and if your very concerned about thoughting it in with other cloths put the kigu in a pillow case tie the top and toss it in and it will be find. for drying make sure to do a low tumble dry or if you like you can air dry it.

>> No.7506742

>ddress (It was a PBS show when I was a kid.)
>Z double O M box 350. Boston Mass. 02134. Send it to ZOOM!

This is fucking brilliant and amazing.
>tfw watched this shit pretty mcuh every fucking day even in like highschool

>> No.7506757
File: 1.49 MB, 978x1072, Undvdvdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't really trust amazon any more when i wish to purchase a kigu because i bought this purple dragon kigu for about $50 and it looked cute on the picture but when i got it in the mail it looked like bootleg version later on i fixed it to make it look more dragon like i also fixed the front button up hem on it as well.

>> No.7506769

nigga thats spyro the dragon

>> No.7506773

>got amazon prime for 6 months free for having a student account
>full prime account will forever be half price as long as email account stays up

Finally being a student pays off

>> No.7506790

top kek

>> No.7506791
File: 255 KB, 675x900, my_spyro_onesie_by_iplaydead45-d5sbcqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kigu is listed as "royal dragon" on a bunch of sites, kind of like the Godzilla one is a generic "dragon" or "dinosaur"
I really want a legit one too but I'm afraid of getting the uggo bootleg.
Not my pic, but it's a non-stock photo so they do exist, somewhere.

>> No.7506841

can some one please tell me if this is legit i am afraid it is not. http://www.amazon.com/Huimani-Japanese-Kimono-Lolita-Cosplay/dp/B00J28M36K/ref=sr_1_37?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1397981283&sr=1-37&keywords=lolita

>> No.7506851

I hope this works buddy coz I figured putting a fake address would be too easy

>TFW used to and still use 123 Sesame St

>> No.7506881

Come on broooo

>> No.7506887

Why would you WANT it to be legit?

>> No.7506897

the cheap-o kigus are only like 13 bucks it's not that big of a risk guyz

>> No.7507573

>buying a spyro the dragon kigu without knowing who spyro is

its a good thing they fucked up your order.

>> No.7507575

not legit. most "lolita" things aren't.

>> No.7507580


Is that even... possible? I mean, it's obviously not officially licensed merch, but I don't think it's possible to be a bootleg kigu.

>> No.7507582

You paid $11 for a wig, what did you expect?

>> No.7507585

They make officially licensed kigu there are also Japanese companies that make them and are able to make licensed characters. Chinese made kigu are bootleg technically.

>> No.7507588

>paying $50 for a kigu
>buying a spyro kiguwithout knowing spyro
>not recognizing that generic picture that shows up on all kinds of listings

gurl, you fucked up.

>> No.7507640

Amazon isn't a good idea for clothing and anime-related items though, there's too much guesswork and bootlegs. Half the time stock images don't match up with the item, and I don't mean in the way of them turning out to be knock-offs. The last clothing item I bought from them was a pair of Onitsuka Tiger sneakers and not only was the color different but the page had the wrong shoe sizing information so the ones I received were two sizes off. I can understand using them for some beauty-related items or licensed media but everything else is a big no. Not to mention they don't pad their boxes with paper or foam for shipment.