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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7492556 No.7492556 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7492566

Anyone know where I can get a brown tricorn hat, preferrably in a suede material, that won't break the bank?

It can be plain, I'll deco it myself, but damn, I have this dress sitting around that I've just been waiting to turn into a pirate coord.

>> No.7492577

Have you tried taobao or etsy?

>> No.7492615

Does anyone have any images of a dark sailor coord?
Besides Nightmare Rising coords.

>> No.7492614

Well, I don't want to bother with taobao for one item. And etsy didn't have anything that suited me that wasn't like $200.

>> No.7492622

A different indie brand did one a while back that had embroidery on the collar, but I can't find photos of it. I think the embroidery said "here there be monsters" and had a sea serpent?

>> No.7492625

Thank you anon I'll have a look.

>> No.7492630
File: 57 KB, 540x960, 1397365063898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this coord to a recent convention and I was wondering if I could have some concrit.

I'm thinking about trying pirate lolita in the future but I'm not sure if I'll suit it.

>> No.7492637

Those bangs are not your friend.

Aside from that, I really like your coord. Maybe a little more with the eye makeup, and a hat with a more structured brim?

>> No.7492645
File: 112 KB, 299x425, tumblr_ls3c0lp13g1qg3m3do1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I'm glad you like my coord. What hairstyle would you recommend?

I'm looking at improving my makeup skills and will lookout for a witch hat that will suit better. I'm considering getting pic related next time Antique Beast takes reservations again.

>> No.7492659

I think if you just have your bangs longer it would look better. Shorter bangs tend to look off on everyone.

>> No.7492667

That hat looks lovely.

And as >>7492659 said, just longer bangs. Having the bangs and then your eyebrows (and your eyebrows are sort of intense, so even more) just looks awkward.

>> No.7492669

I'm glad it will soon be much better. I'll just have to wait for them to grow out. Thank you.

>> No.7492675

I think I will get it.

It's actually my own fault they are so short (hairdressing mistake), I normally have them just past my eyebrows so it's good to hear that will work better.

>> No.7492676

I tend to have mine just at or below my eyebrows, then curl them a bit to give them a more girly look! It's not you, it's just that shorter bangs rarely flatter anyone but they are easier to keep out of your eyes so...

Also, the Antique Beast hat looks really nice for the price.

>> No.7492692

Thank you anon, I think I will do the same, when my fringe is longer it normally curls but I will try to maintain it.

I do agree, the price is a lot cheaper than other brand witch hats and I really like the look of it.

Has anyone ordered from Antique Beast before? How was the quality?

>> No.7492701

I have. Their quality is great. I have that same hat and it has really lovely trimming.

>> No.7492707

That's excellent to hear anon! I have my first order coming in sadly without the witch hat but I'm looking forward to it. I'm really glad to hear that the witch hat's details are as nice as they seem.

>> No.7492735
File: 137 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3y70syvX31s0yaqco4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think lilith did a pretty good job at a witch coord.

>> No.7492743
File: 142 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3rvy0Vcpt1qcrkr7o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492754

that gold in those socks really throws the whole thing look off imo

>> No.7492755

**really makes the whole thing look off imo

>> No.7492757

I think so too but compared to her usual coords it looked pretty good imo.

>> No.7492759

yeah the coord is good it's just those socks that really bother me unfortunately

>> No.7492762
File: 108 KB, 346x500, 1397368731168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame as those socks are used in a lot of witch coords both by brand models and normal lolitas.

>> No.7492815
File: 123 KB, 716x323, suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lipstick isn't doing you any favours, I'd go for a very dark maroon/purpley lipstick. You should try a stronger make up style with your eyes, learn good lipstick application (youtube!), style your hair a bit more with uniform curls/waves.

A more elegant head piece, some tights/socks with a pattern or something more to it, experiment with accessories, and different shoes. I find the jacket is really overpowering with the hat as well.

>> No.7492841

It was actually a purple lipstick the photo just doesn't show it as it was taken on a phone.

I will look into these suggestions and improving my makeup.

It's a witch coord anon and there is no jacket it's an op (Black Cat Witch and The Apple Tree), this is a thread about lolita sub styles (Pirate, Sailor, Witch etc) and your coord suggestions would not make it look like a witch coordinate which was the purpose of it. So I can't really take that advice.

>> No.7492855

Also may I ask why the sash? I just don't really understand how the pictures you linked translates to witch coord.

>> No.7496137

Who is that? I love that outfit!

>> No.7496146

An Australian girl who is also a cospalyer. I forgot her name sadly.

>> No.7496180

Have you tried the keywords "Jack sparrow hat"? I managed to find some reasonably priced ones on ebay, but I live in the UK

>> No.7496192


>> No.7496250

the outfit sucks, its just brand mitchmatched together with good photography and shop.

>> No.7496269

I remember this girl as being the one who was unanimously called out in a recent nitpick thread and I am disappointed that this level of awful is being used to represent the thread.
this coord is awful. if you think otherwise your lolita game is weak.

>> No.7496273

I wouldn't wear the sash in a 'witch' coordinate but I think it looks really nicely made. Where's this photo from?

>> No.7496311

I agree it does look well made but I'm not quite sure how you would coordinate a black sash. Sashes look very sweet to me and I can't see it working in Kuro or gothic.

>> No.7496316

Vendetta? Or extemly picky anon.

It's by no means a bad coord. I really like the hat.

>> No.7496619

It certainly looks good at a glance, but I think all the nitpicking anons had a point.
The biggest issue was mismatching tones, if I remember correctly.
Especially those ivory shoes, they're not even very elegant.
Anothing thing was mismatching metal accents, gold and silver look bad together.

>> No.7496623

Agreed, it reminds me of a department store christmas tree theme.

>> No.7496630

That's actually a hilarious analogy!

>> No.7496687

The stockings look very old-lady pantyhose. The bag doesn't really go either. I'd wear more eyemake and ditch that shade of lipstick too.

>> No.7496695

It goes more here though as the rest of the outfit has warm colors and a bit of gold already. She mixed gold with silver (wig) too which is iffy.

>> No.7496916

Thank you for the advice anon. I will take it on board. The stockings were more glittery in real life but I was wondering what other legwear would you recommend. I'm aiming to improve my makeup skills, so thank you for the advice.

>> No.7496923

I do understand but it is used in so many witch coords regardless of colour when other options would be just fine.

>> No.7497080

Seconding a need for sauce on dat sash.

>> No.7497107

Does anyone know a good option for witch hats in colors other than black?

>> No.7497114

Imo, I think darker jewel tones would work for witch coords in general.

>> No.7497118

purple, like a dark purple

>> No.7497120

AATP have released a brown. I can also see a burgundy work.

>> No.7497217

Anyone know what these clothes are from of where I can find anything similar?

>> No.7497242

Alice and the Pirates/Innocent World, you casual

>> No.7497258

Oh calm down anon. If someone only followed AP sweet they probably wouldn't be aware.

>> No.7497277

Sash is triple fortune. It is gorgeous!

>> No.7497279

Oops responded to wrong message.

>> No.7497311
File: 1013 KB, 500x355, 1363491889028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I follow is AP, you ass. I can still tell what's what.

>> No.7497313

I've met sweet lolitas who didn't know IW existed sorry.

>> No.7497325

/cgl/, what do you call those puffy pants that kinda look like bloomers but are actually pants? I have no idea what you'd call them, but I gave my girlfriend an awesome idea, we just don't know what the fuck they are.

>> No.7497333

I was thinking of Breeches, specifically Dueling Breeches. My apologies for being temporarially retarded.

>> No.7497337

pumpkin pants?

>> No.7499352


>> No.7499455

Is op anorexic?

>> No.7499459

No, just vegan with a fast metabolism.

>> No.7499467
File: 35 KB, 480x717, 1397645768204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more tofu.

>> No.7499533

Shit her arm/shoulder looks disgustingly unhealthy.

>> No.7499616

Do you know where to buy it? I love Triple Fortune bonnets but I don't understand how to get one.

>> No.7499624

I think you will need a shopping service to buy from triple fortune.

>> No.7500158

What the fuck... This girl needs some meat.

>> No.7501055


I was gonna post something like "lel jelly landwhale go lose some weight fatty"

But wow, you can see her literal shoulder bone that's pretty gross

>> No.7501068

Why is the shoulder shoop'd like that?

>> No.7501075

I don't know the first thing about lolita but this outfit is cute as fuck.

>> No.7501391
File: 183 KB, 628x276, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing shooped is the skin tone, the muscle tone and bone structure is right on par with someone of a low body fat percentage and muscle tone.

Low muscle tone doesn't imply she doesn't work out, it more that her choosen style of working out would be yoga, pilates, and cardio endurance activities (spin class) rather than high impact -high energy output such as weight lifting.

>> No.7501428

ie: every girl in Korean or Japan. It's really gross how those women aren't encouraged to lift weights. Cardio and low impact shit alone isn't cute and neither are your bones jotting out.

>> No.7501430

I read that as

>and neither are your boners jotting out


>> No.7501448

Ok, i lol'd

>> No.7501704

It's not shoop'd I've seen her in real life and she is that thin, it is much too thin.

>> No.7501715

That... is the first time I have EVER looked at someone and thought "too skinny"
As an underweight person I am sensitive about such comments and accusations of eating disorders, but this is a whole other level.

>> No.7501720

Yup, that's what you call an eating disorder.

>> No.7501722

doing pilates/yoga/cardio/whatever isn't going to make your bones jut out. That isn't a common look, you know, and her exercise methods aren't the singular cause for her body shape.