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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 124 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3ty44cMwb1rdirhlo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7489596 No.7489596 [Reply] [Original]

Last one's autosaging.

>> No.7489598
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>> No.7489603
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>my cute outfit came in today from milanoo~ u wu

>> No.7489610
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>> No.7489613
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>> No.7489618

I hope for her own sake that going outside shoeless has damaged those tights beyond repair.

>> No.7489617
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>> No.7489621
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>> No.7489623
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>> No.7489627
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>> No.7489630
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>> No.7489632
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>> No.7489634
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>> No.7489638
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>> No.7489641
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>> No.7489642


>> No.7489639

jew nose smell money clips

>> No.7489645
File: 292 KB, 956x1280, 1397225645821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is so much shit in this tag

>> No.7489648
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>> No.7489649
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>> No.7489654


Too bad; if the dress fitted her (and the petticaot) right and she wore blck shoes, this would have been a nice outfit.

>> No.7489655
File: 138 KB, 680x680, 1396842613482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate this fucking Bodyline dress. It is so ugly, every inexperienced newbie and ita will buy this as babbys first Bodyline order, and most coords I have seen with this are horrible.

>> No.7489656

What gets me is that from the neck up this looks like a genuine juvenile fedorafag who's just too young to grow a neckbeard. It almost looks like someone shopped some dude's face onto a newbie lolita's body.

>> No.7489658
File: 94 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mxiejucKwp1stlk3to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outfit...

>> No.7489660
File: 102 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mxiejucKwp1stlk3to3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the headpiece/wig to go with it.

>> No.7489664
File: 15 KB, 250x221, 9765432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Outfits, not Lolita at all.

I was almost going to defend her because it looks like she just tried on this dress. but dat hair man, dat hair. All the emo scene kids in my town wear that too, it is so cringe-worthy.

Cute Outfit, not Lolita.

Cute csual outfit, has a lolita item (probably a replica?), still not Lolita.

This would be sooo cute with another bolero and a better haistyle! Does not look too 100% ita to me, more like babby's first coord. She could have potential.

Would improve 100% without the head part.

>> No.7489663

Wow, I can't say I was expecting the Santa hat.

>> No.7489667

Everything was tagged "Lolita Coord" on tumblr. Sure some may make cute non-lita outfits, but they're tagged as lolita, so ita it is.

>> No.7489668
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>> No.7489670
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>> No.7489672
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>> No.7489671


I know, otherwise they would not have been posted here; just as a random argument (because I don't have the nerve to tell the people posted here their outfits are nit Lolita)...

This is why I never browse the Lolita tag, too much shit in it. I follow blogs and use the Lolita Fashion or specific style tags to filter out the crap posted here.

>> No.7489673
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>> No.7489674
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>> No.7489678
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>> No.7489680
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>> No.7489682
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obligatory hildekitten

>> No.7489685
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>> No.7489692


>> No.7489694

Her face is adorable, with some eyeliner, eyebrow makeup, lipgloss and a decent outfit she would be really kawaii

>> No.7489696

I actually don't hate this as a casual coord.

>> No.7489700

what the actual fuck

>> No.7489703

she went to a christmas meet in it. she actually put it on, looked at herself and said "yes. this is how I want to advertise myself to the world."

>> No.7489705

get rid of the lace thing, get a decent petti, some blonde ponytail clips and a headbow and this would be really cute.

She has the right concept down but completely the wrong JSK. Like switch this with milky planet, add some stuff in the hair and it'd be good to go.

What tag are you guys going through anyway? Tagging on tumblr confuses me

>> No.7489706
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>> No.7489707
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#plus size lolita, #lolita coord and #lolita fashion are my main haunts. stuff like that. the main tag is too cluttered to get a good stream of content from.

>> No.7489708

I'm dying. It's like she actually tried really hard, but manage to miss the mark on every single piece

>> No.7489710

Oh okay. Do people really utilize the spaces in tumblr tags?
I always tag my stuff like #dailylolita and the brand tags, so I was feeling good abut not showing up here, but I don't know if I should.

>> No.7489712
File: 89 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mwi4nzd4ML1s3f3i1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have spaces in your tags and most people do, but I assure you you probably have a way to go before you're tumblr-shit.

Pic isnt specifically ita it just made me laugh really hard.

>> No.7489714
File: 109 KB, 284x750, tumblr_mwbwrrv7bF1sl686oo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classic.

>> No.7489722

cant unsee the period blood t-shirt around her waist

>> No.7489729

I like it quite a bit actually. I have a similar casual coord with a moto jacket. I wear it with my Fantastic Dolly skirt. What makes this outfit ita?

>> No.7489735

Her head looks huge...

>> No.7489743

Personally, I see no point in "trying on" photos as well as defending them.
It's like "oh I just got this amazing beautiful dress, here is a blurry grainy pic of it looking crumpled and frumpy with no coord"
I understand being excited about a new purchase, but Jesus, just lay it on well lit bed or something.

Not to mention, girls who do that NEVER EVER clean their rooms before taking the pic. Disgusting.

>> No.7489745

this might be the worst i've ever seen a lolita dress make someone look

>> No.7489751

I think it's the combination of themes as well as not having a hair piece, being overweight, short hair and lack of makeup/personal styling. Like if this were on a cute japanese girl, it'd probably end up in KERA

>> No.7489760

The cat shirt just doesn't make any fucking sense at all.

>> No.7489788

Trap detected. The Jaw does not lie.
Also a man. Guys doing lolita crossdressing is damn weird.

>> No.7489794

you fucking fatassed bitch
kill yourself

>> No.7489795
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>> No.7489800
File: 73 KB, 500x669, 1397233413598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a 5 year old boy from ye olden times whose sisters dolled up.

>> No.7489802

I'm fairly sure, but not 100%, that the last one is a female and the last time I saw them being posted they came here to defend those fucking awful tights.

>> No.7489805

This is cute. More otome than anything, though

>> No.7489807

The jaw hiding looks suspicious to me.

>> No.7489816
File: 536 KB, 620x822, 1397233899309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inspirational lolitas
>following in the footsteps of this hambeast

Tumblr literally makes me sick.

>> No.7489820

LMAO y lol'd so hard she (she?) looks just like Daniel Radcliffe.
No seriously now, from neck down this actually looks pretty much OK to me.

>> No.7489822

I personally think she's really cute and I love her outfits even if she's a hambeast. But I don't think she considers herself a lolita? Well I haven't seen her call herself on in her blog. Tumblr's just so fucking deluded and will consider anyone wearing a pastel dress a fucking lolita.

>> No.7489821


>> No.7489825

>stop liking what I don't like
She's easily ignorable. You're just pissed because she's getting attention you think she doesn't deserve. Who are you?

>> No.7489827

This is just oall sorts of wrong, but what really gets me is... omfg why would you use that fraying scarf thingie and use it as a bow tie. Why.

>> No.7489829

it's still extremly fun to browse that tag for teh luls

>> No.7489834

Yes she does are you stupid?

>> No.7489833

she doesn't call herself lolita, just dresses in lots of pink and skirts and whatnot. she has outfits that look way more lolita than this though, gj on picture selection i guess

>> No.7489838
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>> No.7489842
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>> No.7489850

from her about page
"Hobbies include, art, crafts & anything inbetween."

"My style is very unique, I love to mix & match key trends with my own cute/quirky twist. Not everyone will like it, but it is inherently me & I love dressing only for myself! I love lace, bows, velvet & fur. My wardrobe is a rainbow of colours, I love most things from neutrals to brights!"

so uh where does she say she's a lolita? she just likes cute shit, anon.

>> No.7489853

You can't see even an inch of her outfit. Why is this shit in the ita thread?

>> No.7489857

:< I know them. Saaaad

>> No.7489856

ok ok i searched some more and did find this "I originally intended to make a Lolita dress with it, but since I don't often wear full on Lolita much anymore, I made it shorter, with less skirt volume & put a heart cut-out in the bodice."

Which matches with my perception - she likes cute shit, lolita is cute. there's a lot of overlap. But I mean if you're going to post her to the ita thread for being fat, at least use an outfit that she called a lolita outfit full stop.

>> No.7489865
File: 243 KB, 340x679, tumblr_n3txvyfeks1sfdyhpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ why. Also the hat is the same fucking fisherman hat my dad always used to make me wear on sunny days to avoid sunburn. Bad memories. Classier hats exist. Seriously.

>> No.7489869

this looks like she was trying the dress for the first time, not a coord.
this is super cute, maybe the gloves are tacky, but the coord is great
this is alright
this is a super cute coord, don't see the problem a all
You post her on the ita thread just cause you don't like the t shirt? That sounds bananas. I think that it's a casual coord but not bad all except for the replica obviously.
she have a hair piece, those eyebows, creepy cute style. But I think you are right that combo it's immediately taking as ita
She is cute, but the extreme weight takes away a lot of her style.
whats wrong with this?

>> No.7489874

Yeah that's what I mean. I like the outfit because it looks like something you'd see in a KERA street snap. I agree that it's lacking a few things, but they amount to minor styling details IMO. I guess I can also ignore who is wearing an outfit and just see the outfit.

>> No.7489882

U ok, anon?

gloves, ugly blouse, the fucking mini hat

toned down ivory jsk with black belt part matched with bubblegum accessories, hair unstyled, no shoes.

I do like this though, the fit is off and it would be nicer with black elegant shoes but she looks well groomed and fairly coordinated.

>> No.7489881

kind of a dick move because while she tagged this picture set "lolita fashion", it was only referring to the third photo in this photoset where she was actually wearing lolita. She also tagged it mori girl to refer to these 2 photos.

your trap radar is definitely broken

>> No.7489894

I'm guessing for that god awful makeup, horrid wig and terrible choice of accessories

>> No.7489931

I actually quite like this from the décolletage downwards, excluding the bag also

>> No.7489949

>that print
i love it omfg

>> No.7490061

If the cut was better and the print matched up, this would be the best dress ever.

>> No.7490064


Okay, I'm the one who posted that picture and although she didn't call it lolita, someone else did. Its in the plus size lolita tag under the title of 'Inspirational lolita's' and there are a ton of pics of her, none of which are lolita which is why I said 'following in this girls footsteps, ever?'. Not even necessarily because she's fat but because she's just point blank not a lolita.

>> No.7490067
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>> No.7490069
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>> No.7490070

lol i hate when people reblog things mindlessly

...lol i hate tumblr

>> No.7490076

Honestly for being Milanoo, she seems to be one of the lucky ones who didn't get something as shitty as the rest of the trainwrecks I've seen.

>> No.7490080


fat =/= ita

>> No.7490079

Not ita, just fat.

>> No.7490083

This, for some reason she keeps being referenced for great plus size style with lolita when she's had like, 2 outfits max before.
Mostly the fault of stupid tumblr than her.

>> No.7490086
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>> No.7490088
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>> No.7490093
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>> No.7490094
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>> No.7490096
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>> No.7490098
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>> No.7490099
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>> No.7490100
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>> No.7490102
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>> No.7490103
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>> No.7490106
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>> No.7490109
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>> No.7490111
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>> No.7490112

oh, i don't like this at all.

>> No.7490114
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>> No.7490116
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>> No.7490117

Can I get a critique on this please?

Yes, I am aware that the shoes are horrid. I was walking around Epcot and I can't deal with heels for extended periods.

>> No.7490118
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>> No.7490120
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>> No.7490123
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>> No.7490125
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>> No.7490129
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>> No.7490131


I'm not a gothic lolita myself but I feel like the way you paired the green with the black is off. Its the only bit of green and so it stands out and seems random, I'd think you should incorporate more of that color in little accents in the form of socks with a green pattern or even a green flower or something in your hair. Which is another thing, I know black people can't just hop out of bed and style their hair into a bouffant but thats what wigs are for! I'd definitely say to do something with the hair and add some kind of hair ornament. And while I like the sleeves on the blouse, I don't think they really go with a skirt like that unless you were to wear a waistcoat of some kind, really glam it up to match the fancy detail on the blouse because the skirt and everything else seems really plain in comparison. Also better stockings.

>> No.7490135

I don't think the shoes are that bad. Mostly I think it's your unstyled hair and how you kind of have pudding head (not sure what to call it in English, but it's basically when your roots grow out enough that the crown of your head is much darker than the rest of your hair). The jewelry/accessories you have on seem kind of inconsistent (silver AND gold?) and your blouse looks kind of shabby imo.

I personally wouldn't quite call it ita, but it's not great.

>> No.7490134
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>> No.7490138
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According to her, this is sailor lolita.

>> No.7490137
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>> No.7490142
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>> No.7490144


Personally, I think its a good blouse for a gothic coordinate but the issue I see is how mismatched everything is. A fancy blouse like that should be paired with a fancy outfit, whereas imo the skirt and all else strike me as more old school and should therefor be paired with a relatively plain blouse.

>> No.7490145
File: 246 KB, 325x750, tumblr_mj1mcoW79E1rztdgoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7490149

I know that this is wa and /cgl/ has a hate-on for wa-loli, but I think she looks darling. The only thing I'd change are the RHS.

>> No.7490147
File: 129 KB, 541x960, 1397247616480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm done for now.

>> No.7490157

glad to see she got worse

>> No.7490161

I personally like the idea of RHS with wa 'cause they kind of look like okobo if you squint, but since 99.99% of wa is ita this preference is stupid and pointless.

Also her skirt is too short, that metal chain thing looks stupid, her boobs look like they're about to burst, her hair is unstyled and vaguely greasy-looking, and that choker exists.

>> No.7490164

Not that anon, but wearing a wig outside in Florida heat for long periods of time is absolutely terrible.

>> No.7490172

fix your hair better and needs a hairpiece

>> No.7490178

I don’t think I could find a green flower, but I’ll certainly try to find a nice green head piece to tie the look together! I have no problem making another purchase from SockDreams, haha! But thank you for your insight because now that you mention it… it really is a green skirt with a bunch of black. So I might consider more deep greens for accessories.
I typically wear wigs but I was at an amusement park that day so it wasn’t reasonable when going on rides and such. But I’ll start messing with my hair to style it better. I also noted your comments on my selection of stockings and pairing a fancy blouse with a plain skirt. Thank you again for your input!

Yes, I’m really embarrassed because my ‘pudding head’ is from my own indecision. I’m unsure if I want to dye my hair black or try for a deep chocolate brown (and obviously keep up with consistent dying from then on). I’m sorry to ask, but which do you think might be better, color wise? Black or brown?
But you are right, I need to pick a color and make it match because what I’m rocking now, isn’t cute. Thank you for mentioning my gold/silver. I’ve seen some people make it work in their outfits but I couldn’t replicate it, unfortunately. Thanks for taking the time to critique me!

I'm going to give this skirt another go with a simple black or white blouse and implement the advice offered. I think I have a better vision for it, now.

Amen to that. I only wear wigs to indoor meetups or conventions.

Definitely an overall conscious to pay a visit to a hairstylist and finally start styling my hair!

>> No.7490180

I think you should go with black especially if you like that gothic look. But I really dislike brown hair so I'm biased, I think it's really boring. You look like you could look good with chocolate brown. Also why don't you ask your stylist? They might have useful advice or at least swatches to hold up to your skin.

>> No.7490181

I meant *consensus

>> No.7490189

Yeah, I might be better off asking a stylist. I just like getting people's opinions because I rarely trust my own.

>> No.7490196

Honestly I don' think it's ita at all, the OP is just scraping the bottom of the barrel today and broadened their definition to include "imperfect outfits." The green is a great color on you and the tights are awesome. Maybe try bringing some of that green in with a hair accessory? It might help balance out the look. I'm also not a fan of metal mixing, but everyone has different opinions on that.

>> No.7490201

what be dis?

fat chicks with terrible fashion sense?

>> No.7490253

Is she wearing a Godoka wig for lolita? I feel like we should start raising awareness to newbs that cosplay wigs styled for a character should not be used in lolita. This keeps happening and it's always bad.

>> No.7490264


As a fatty I always want to tell other fatties to never skip tights. Seriously going for tights instead of knee highs minimizes the cottage cheese thighs and cake rising over the pan effect.

>> No.7490273
File: 255 KB, 1280x1280, ita chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7490275

Personally the clothes themselves I don't see anything really wrong with, it's just the combo of dark green and black. Like I have issues with that combo. Also the dark green and lolita don't mix too well... Though that could just be my opinion. Going for a black skirt next time would help with the blouse. That skirt though requires maybe a cream or white blouse. Idk I think that cream/white looks fantastic on medium to dark skin though. Maybe try butting your hair into a chignon or bun or doing something to give it some more volume when down. I wouldn't call this ita myself but would say something more like "nice try"

>> No.7490286

OP don't listen to this person, this opinion is useless
dark green and black go fine together, just because you don't see it or don't personally like it doesn't mean it doesn't work.

>> No.7490285
File: 45 KB, 360x420, 1395363217271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about? dark green doesn't go with lolita? you sound like you don't know what you're talking about.

the outfit was honestly fine, just toned down because it's not like it was a meetup. people make outfits with 2 colors all the time, maybe a little more green could've made it cohesive, but i thought it was fine with just the one color accent. i think the advice that's been given already (overall) is good advice for making it a fancier or more polished looking coord, though.

>> No.7490288

It's their opinion, man, I think they meant dark green with Gothic Lolita anyway.

>> No.7490293
File: 131 KB, 400x591, tumblr_llpd0sxPth1qd31i0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still wrong

>> No.7490298

hurk hurk u have a bad opinion lol it's not like everyone has a different perception of colors hurk hurk

>> No.7490303

i know it was just an opinion, anon, but in a discussion for concrit, i doubt that, "i don't like that color" is particularly helpful.

>> No.7490304

pretty much how I felt.
nothing painful to the eyes here.

>> No.7490311

I think that deep greens go well with black. They go well with gothic. I just think that that skirt was a bad choice. Maybe because it's a bit muddy? Or maybe it just looks like it because of the other greens surrounding. Now I just kind of want to see the coord in a different environment.

>> No.7490314
File: 89 KB, 387x750, 1397247398474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that dress, in pink. I hemmed it so it could fit a small a-line, and it does fit sailor lolita.
she just doesn't know what the heck she's doing with it.
its got a high bust, and if you look clostly, you can find it.

>> No.7490316

How is she always terrible with a of the people always telling her that she's always terrible? Learn.

>> No.7490325

yo chill

>> No.7490330
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 61t00kP2grL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7490345

I like you. You're taking critique very well and actively going to make improvements instead of getting mad and trying to defend yourself.

Personally I liked the outfit even before, but anon's suggestions could make you look even cuter than you already do.

>> No.7490360

>that attempted winged eyeliner

>> No.7490358

such a beautiful jsk, it makes me sad she wore it so awfully
what's the name of this piece?

>> No.7490396

there's something about this outfit. it's really quirky and cute and nowhere suitable for lolita but still kind of charming?

>> No.7490399

there's something about this outfit. it's really quirky and cute and while definitely not suited for lolita, it's still really charming?

>> No.7490402

While I do agree on the whole socks thing, I couldn't be assed to put tights/pantyhose on at 11 pm for a test shot. But I appreciate the advice.

>> No.7490410

What's so awful about this? Besides the scully-esque hair, slightly off headpiece, and not matching (but still okay-looking) jacket, that is.

I smell vendetta.

>> No.7490412

This isn't THAT bad? I mean her dress is pretty cute and that poof is perfect. She just needs to change her accessories and that damn wig.

>> No.7490431

This legitimately terrifies me. Wtf is going on with their proportions???

>> No.7490450

THAT FILENAME. Honestly how would anyone look at this picture/outfit and think "oh, wow, she looks innocent"
Bitch, you're wearing a fucking prostitute costume.

>> No.7490458

Does anybody know what JSK this is?

>> No.7490488

Dafuq is up with that bow

>> No.7490499

You're awesome, I like how you don't get all butthurt. Also fucking adorable.

>> No.7490528
File: 877 KB, 2048x1536, 1397262461987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7490531

Limp, unstyled hair, no makeup, shitty headpiece jutting out randomly, Mickey Mouse gloves, ugly blazer, frumpy pose.

You need to get your eyes checked.

>> No.7490538

do you think that people ever try to educate itas like these? especially when theyre holding a sign like this?
I mean i know people try to educate itas online or in comms but i wonder if people try to do so at conventions/in public.

>> No.7490664

This screams "joke coord" to me. Not that it isn't horrible, but I think it was meant to be.

That's a... creative use of Chantilly I guess

>> No.7490668

If you have any interest in dolly kei, I think that outfit (especially that blouse) could be a great starting point to build a coordinate. The proportions and the lace seem more dolly/vintage than lolita to me.

>> No.7490671

>"I'm glad I wasn't TOO ita and have sold my ita things."
This girl must be the most delusional person on the planet

>> No.7490684

>You need to get your eyes checked.
that's /cgl/'s token retort for vendetta.

it looks frumpy, but not really "oh god my eyes"
should of made a nitpick thread.

>> No.7490700
File: 102 KB, 720x960, ita desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wig + flower crown, all with that dress? and make up? = disaster

>> No.7490701

This would be fine if she got a better petti and wore the wig properly

>> No.7490737

minus the flower headband thinggy and necklace it wouldn't be so bad. she needs to bet like a plain black headbow, and that would go with a lot of different pieces she owns. Shes a noob. no big deal. we have worse noobs in our community then her, and some aren't even new and are worse so...

>> No.7490735


>what's so awful about this
>lists said awful things

Why even bother?
You're only grinding your nose for the sweet smell of vendetta because she's not particularly unattractive / fat.

>> No.7490782
File: 45 KB, 492x720, 1397272605715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7490804

She is fat as fuck, looks like a man and looks like she is in her 50's. Wearing the wig properly and a better petti won't help this old hag.

>> No.7490805

What's the name of this dress?

>> No.7490830

I don't know if I've just got my cute-girl goggles on but I actually really like this outfit.

Definitely not lolita, and ita if it's supposed to be, but it's actually really well coordinated in its own way?

The shoes are a little off-putting and there are some questionable fabrics, but I kinda like the aesthetic she's got going here.

>> No.7490832

please dont tell me she spent more than $40 on the sheet of baking paper...

>> No.7490849

it's kinda cute in it's own tacky way I guess????

>> No.7490873
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, movingcastlebdcap1_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got my weeb goggles firmly affixed and am fond of that outfit because it looks like a weird crazy mashup of character designs and every colour/fabric from Howl's Moving Castle.

>> No.7490888

BTSSB's jewel tree bouquet i believe

>> No.7491303
File: 74 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n3x2opcht51r2p5f2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those titties are screaming for a better bra, gurl.

>> No.7491305

I'm with
Vaguely cute but way too much going on. Like a flower demon threw up on sailor moon.

>> No.7491306
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>> No.7491308
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>> No.7491310
File: 110 KB, 360x750, tumblr_n3wr4wbPj11qjywx3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I totally look like a hobbit!"

>> No.7491311
File: 76 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n3wnf5wseN1s76k8mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Adorable lolita Pikachu"


>> No.7491312
File: 99 KB, 436x750, tumblr_n3vgbbKRra1tw791lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7491314
File: 115 KB, 642x452, no1curr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does everyone remember that black ita who was writing her college thesis on lolita?

Yeah, now she has a tumblr so that you can watch this train wreck as it happens.

>> No.7491317
File: 280 KB, 480x480, d74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Green is not a creative colour

>> No.7491346

regardless if it's a 'creative' color or not, green is a fucking gorgeous color.

>> No.7491361

why is she making that dumb face?

>> No.7491373

the thing is that I'm pretty sure I read someone's college thesis (or at least a very length and well-written essay) that was quite good and provided interesting information. I tried looking for it again but couldn't find it anywhere...it was from a girl who had worked at Baby and VM while living in Japan? And I think she lives there now, as well.

Anyway, can't wait to witness this mess. What fun!

>> No.7491376

Would look a lot better if it wasn't on a monkey.

>> No.7491382

You seriously can't see anything wrong with fedora-chan and those others? Seriously? Did you just get here?

>> No.7491387

>not knowing the reference

>> No.7491389


>> No.7491392

I don't see this one ita so much as it is "old school"

...she looks like a hobbit alright.

...Eh? Where's the "Pikachu"?

>> No.7491398

>implying coords look bad on people because they're black
>most of the coords in this thread are fugly things on white people
come on now

>> No.7491400

The one on the right looks like rabbit777, but at first I thought she was the other girl's mom. I'm still not sure.

>> No.7491402

I'm not sure if this is it but I found this one and so far I'm impressed: eprints.utas.edu.au/ 15944/2/ whole-staite-thesis-2012.pdf

>> No.7491407

A UTas article? I'm really surprised to see my uni mentioned on here. Also surprised that someone here wrote about lolita for their thesis and that I have no idea who they are. How did you find it may I ask?

>> No.7491413

Don't be a gross cunt, anon.

>> No.7491414 [DELETED] 

She looks like Angus T. Jones.

>> No.7491416
File: 66 KB, 418x557, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Angus T. Jones.

>> No.7491420

link didn't work, for some reason...

I think it was linked somewhere on egl last month...I might hunt the archives, I really wish I had saved it

>> No.7491430


>> No.7491431

She looks like a bad version of my aunt D:

>> No.7491456
File: 38 KB, 720x479, nekololita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Character: Gothic lolita
Anime: Lolita"


>> No.7491460

Oh hey unrelated question, what's considered +sized?
My waist area on a BTSSB tends to a bit on the tight side, I'm I a fatso in lolita terms?

>> No.7491474

Oh, thanks! It's not the same one, but it does seem pretty good so far. I really gotta find that one, it's driving me crazy now.

>> No.7491479

god idefk. I see things with 90 cm bust measurements marked as plus size sometimes. Personally, I think ~100cm bust or ~90cm waist will probably find it more difficult to find things that fit perfectly, and that's where I tend to define plus size.

>> No.7491484
File: 24 KB, 851x471, 1397319736637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"stop liking what I don't like", AKA phrase in related pic

>> No.7491503
File: 6 KB, 259x194, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shaped like a plank.
85cm Bust / 74.5cm Waist

I guess I'm well within the right measurements, I can't imagine anyone bigger than that fitting into brand. I guess I'm adjusting it wrong.

>> No.7491510

It depends on the lolita piece in question. Some items are really small (by general standards) like unshirred pieces or Angelic Pretty's skirts, while other pieces can fit a huge variety of sizes thanks to shirring. I'm on the plus size of lolita, and I have a closet full of well-fitting brand.

>> No.7491519

all differently body types and proportions! the same thing fits everyone very differently.

>> No.7491520

By any chance was she working with Bevan Chuang to put on a show in Auckland? Other than that, My search hasn't been very fruitful.
Do you have any other clues?

>> No.7491563

whyyyyyyy?????????????????????? she would be so cute with different shoes!!! ]:

>> No.7491572

get out.

>> No.7491587

Generally speaking around a US size 8-10 is where plus size in lolita tends to start. Usually over 30" waist and 36" bust. Which is about a US M/L or L/LL in Japanese sizing generally. At that point you have to be a bit more picky over cuts and rely more on shirring.

I know people who wear about a US size 20-22 and wear brand. So I mean it can go up pretty high, but it's not going to fit them the same way it would on someone who is a Japanese M.

>> No.7491590
File: 93 KB, 640x480, 1397324120393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita, but decora. Still...

>> No.7491601
File: 129 KB, 600x400, 1382469242401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like something from JetJ

>> No.7491611

Thank for the info guys.

so I'm borderline L/LL in japanese clothes?
I feel really fat all of a sudden.

>> No.7491635

I hate their faces

>> No.7491650

That poor woman caught shitty-green-hair-itis from rabbit. Burn it before it spreads!

>> No.7491658
File: 117 KB, 422x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi fixed the color for anyone interested
Still horrid

>> No.7491660

Snape lolita.

>> No.7491670

umm, no she wouldn't. she has a long way to go.

>> No.7491671

Holy.. cannot unsee

>> No.7491930

1) get rid of the shit around your waist (layering skinny belts? no.) and substitute a wide cincher if you feel it's necessary.
ditto for the wrist spike bracelets whatever.
You could also stand to lose the necklace as your neckline is busy enough as it is, what with all the lace.
Although I personally feel best scenario would be to trade the blouse out altogether. I understand it may not be in your budget at the moment, but the cotton on this top looks really thin and low-quality.
2) Style your hair/wear a headdress.
A simple bow or mini-veil would look fine with this.
3) Trade out your footwear. Something with a more defined toe will lengthen your legs, while the pattern on your tights looks really abstact and unfitting for lolita. I would suggest maybe dark florals or vertical-stripes for a gothic coordinate.

>> No.7492014

Except she's not. She's been around for more than a year already. People like you enable her to continue being a rude, egotistical bitch. She bitches and snipes about other newbies while going on and on about how she was pretty much perfect when she first started and DEFINITELY perfect now, and you want to encourage that behavior? Haha, why don't you and any other cuntlickers like you just leave the comm and start your own group for special snowflakes. You can take that furry guy from a few weeks back with you.

>> No.7492059

Honestly it depends. Westerners in general are larger than Japanese bodies. Taller, built differently, and bustier an average. An L/LL might be huge on one person but fine, or even fairly thin on another. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. It is what it is.

>> No.7492095

In this case, it is.

>> No.7492097

Is she blind?

>> No.7492105

with different tights and a bit of tailoring on that jacket this could be decent

>> No.7492112

I'm snorting

>> No.7492224


I'm even more surprised to see a fellow Tasfag replying.

>> No.7492359
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>> No.7492360

Why. Why. Please correct her.

>> No.7492378
File: 102 KB, 640x960, 1397358139057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492380

Does this person even wear lolita?

>> No.7492382
File: 141 KB, 449x750, tumblr_n3xpenxUZn1qcgk3oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492385
File: 163 KB, 462x750, tumblr_n3xozjem0t1qcgk3oo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're probably a noob who learned everything the know about lolita from anime - which equals a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.7492383

and stop mean mugging in lolita pics
for god's sake

actually, as I wrote this, I realized that making incredibly pissed off and angry faces in lolita would be hysterical. Like, just imagine if someone asked you for a picture and you very politely said yes, struck your pose, and then just made the angriest face.

>> No.7492386
File: 65 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n3ry26B5Pr1sdu7pro3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to rockabilly, bitch.

>> No.7492389
File: 106 KB, 500x739, tumblr_n3xjnj7DK81shup0lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492395

they think they do but their dream dress list consists of all bodyline.

>> No.7492396
File: 474 KB, 500x341, tumblr_muboh17KQW1sefquto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that a fucking rebuild asuka hat that she glued lace onto

>> No.7492399
File: 158 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3y4nsKhnL1s3mjuxo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for the love of god

>> No.7492401
File: 159 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3y48llBdq1s3mjuxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, where do I even begin?

>> No.7492404
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>> No.7492406
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>> No.7492408

No, anon, that's just a shitty bodyline outfit.

>> No.7492409
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>> No.7492410
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>> No.7492412

everyone has that fuckin skirt man

>> No.7492415
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>> No.7492416
File: 149 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n3y48llBdq1s3mjuxo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this chick would actually be really cute if she dressed for her size better.

>> No.7492420
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>> No.7492423
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>> No.7492424
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>> No.7492425
File: 82 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n3xybm81VB1qh6blyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these kinds of people in an AP shop

Jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.7492432
File: 35 KB, 300x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those jelly sandals?

>> No.7492433


I thought AP didn't allow customers to photos inside?

>> No.7492435


thank god

>> No.7492437

UHHGGGG WHY'D SHE DO THIS i love this jsk it be so pretty if she like...just tried a little more
I dont even understand how anyone came to this conclusion. why does any of this even exist
this is actually so bad....why is she barefoot in a public bathroom????
okay the jsk isnt even THAT bad, i mean its bad but like..the red vest, the yellow, like why
I think she's cute?

>> No.7492440


>> No.7492443
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 1396452503449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats only in the dressing room i think

>> No.7492446
File: 112 KB, 576x600, 1367387754044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them teeth.

>> No.7492447


People who look like this are the reason I always wanted to put together my best coord and try out for the customer showcase just to take away from the ita entries.

>> No.7492448

the actual worst

>> No.7492493

Pretty sure that's AP USA from the painjob. Different rules.

>> No.7492494

Cute, but so fucking far from lolita.

Side note: Anyone going to the Cherry Blossom Festival up in Philly tomorrow? I foresee a shitton of itas...

>> No.7492499

Allowing a replica, nice job GLW. I should wear an L-email wig for their contest next time.

>> No.7492511
File: 132 KB, 720x960, notsure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492525

cute costume but not lolita

>> No.7492530

if I had a nickle for every time someone said this and was informed that it was tagged as lolita, I could quit my day job.

>> No.7492550
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this skirt on the comm sales.

it's ugly as FUCK

>> No.7492553

let me love you, you nice person you! :D

>> No.7492561


No ones going to actually buy this, right?

>> No.7492563

Its a jane marple x disney collab.
Its not meant to be worn as lolita, you twat.

>> No.7492579

Too bad it's in a lolita comm sales group, you twat,

>> No.7492580

Gurl the jacket is ugly as hell. It looks like something my grandpa would wear. And that's only one of the bad things about it. Even if she was super cute/pretty, it'd still be ita.

>> No.7492581

Isn't it a franche lippee collab?
It's otome, but doesn't stop it from being an ugly skirt

>> No.7492586

That's not jane marple. It's franche lippee and a lot of their items are similar in style. Very quirky OTT prints.

>> No.7492588
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its painful to look at, its fucking ita.

this skirt is ugly as shit too

>> No.7492591

That dress is a lace monster anon, and the fabric looks cheap as hell. Old doesn't mean frumpy unstyled hair either.

>> No.7492594
File: 136 KB, 600x750, img64197445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just FYI, it's actually a Franche Lippe collar (You can tell by the apple tag). Franche Lippee releases a lot of Otome things but most aren't very lolita. I think the skirts definitely lolitable but not explicitly lolita (and not a white-list brand) so it would have to fall in with the 25% rule.

Most of their stuff has a sort of a quirky otome-slightly-mori-feel. I know infinteneeya has a lot of their tights and incorporates them into her outfits. Personally I like a lot of their stuff, but there's definitely a reasonable case for it not being on the comm sales.

>> No.7492605

Ita in fashion is a lolita term, you dipstick. If it's not lolita (or posing as lolita) then it doesn't belong here.

>> No.7492606

JFC what disasters. This was at SF today wasn't it? First two are the reason "fandom" lolita never works ever.

>> No.7492612

It's on a fucking lolita sales community, it's "posing" as lolita. The person selling it is trying to pass it off as lolita, so it's ita as fuck. Learn to read please, multiple people have said it, and if you can't process what "it's on the comm sales" means get out of the thread because you clearly have no clue.

>> No.7492613

*old school
Either way, it ain't cute.

>> No.7492618


Let me guess. This is a genderfluid/queer/otherkin from tumblr?

>> No.7492620

Yes and "heim's" otherkin is an ita.

>> No.7492624

It's generally accepted that otome items are sold in the lolita community which does not mean the seller is explicitly passing it off as lolita or loliable. She's trying to appeal to those that are into otome kei. Doesn't mean it is or isn't ita though.

>> No.7492626

The derp face because she knows she bought some shitty Milanoo. I'm so sick of these people.

>> No.7492631

OMG anon. It's a mess.

>> No.7492632

The comm sales accept brands/styles that aren't necessarily lolita. Learn to read the rules and get off your high horse.

Now can we get some more actual ita in this thread?

>> No.7492633

I can't remember which direction she was going with this. Was she trying to say that the fashion causes some kind of culture? Or that the culture made the fashion?

>> No.7492636


>> No.7492639

Where the fuck are her shoes and why is she wear a white JSK? Just damn stupid!

>> No.7492640

Yeah, no. They're supposed to be loliable. You don't see fucking rokkugyaru shit on there to ~appeal to the gyaru crowd~ She's trying to pass it off as loliable. Just admit you're wrong and get out.

>> No.7492651

Every fucking item she owns is on her head. I hope a 5 year old niece of some other small child did this.

>> No.7492656

THen you should also introduce the BUT MINISKIRTS AND SALOPETTES ARENT LOLITA arguement. Like.
You would look like a fool stuffing a petticoat beneath that skirt. Its being sold as otome, not lolita.

>> No.7492654


never seen someone so uppity about an ugly skirt

are you the seller and mad that someone pointed out your shitty taste?

>> No.7492655

Right! Pick that shit up!

>> No.7492661

All aboard the fail train!

>> No.7492663

...Night Vale lolita? I don't even know how to react to that.

>> No.7492666

>THen you should also introduce the BUT MINISKIRTS AND SALOPETTES ARENT LOLITA arguement

With that logic you're saying either that everyone who posts salopettes don't think they're lolita, or that this is lolita.

Did you post the shit skirt, anon? You can tell is, you're getting super defensive over it.

>> No.7492668

salopettes and mini skirts fall under brands accepted in that comm. anyway, that doesn't defend the fact that both of those skirts are hideous and laughable

>> No.7492670

I don't hate it for a casual look for some reason. kinda cute.

>> No.7492673
File: 49 KB, 354x750, tumblr_n3xd6uXglH1r75wj8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7492677

Here's another one that forgot her damn shoes. Only this idiot is in a public restroom. Good job, dummy.

>> No.7492678

Nah. Its not my skirt. just in really pissed off mood and decided to start shit on /cgl/
Laughing at the shitstorm that ensued, wasn't expecting this.

>> No.7492681


>>7492511 here. This wasn't even just tagged as lolita. It was actually posted in a daily lolita coord group on fb.

>> No.7492690

That's a joke, right? Nobody would leave the house looking like this, would they?

>> No.7492691

I-i-i just was b-bored anons! i-it's not my ugly skirt you b-bakas!

>> No.7492698

Is that a dude? Ah hell. It doesn't even matter. It's still wreck. Board that fail train asap!

>> No.7492704

Why is her (or his) head so damn small? That's just weird. And It's the ugliest fucking print. And loo at that ratty ass wig. Ew!!!

>> No.7492705

Do you wanna hear about it? Im pissed because its my two year anniversary and my boyfriend and I had plans and now since he's in a bad mood he's watching a movie by himself. And Im wondering why I even put up with this shit.
Regardless, it isn't my skirt. Pretty sure if it were mine I would have known the actual brand. Genius.

>> No.7492709
File: 88 KB, 247x268, aryaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7492710

Ignorant ass. Die in a car crash or choke on a dick.

>> No.7492711
File: 174 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lyc8kjJxGc1rn95k2o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounding like a massive bitch. I'd watch a movie alone too

>> No.7492723

Still missing shoes. But with monster trucks for feet, I can understand why. Ugh.

>> No.7492985
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1397384082969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#kodona #cute #pirate #blutifulthings #hitsublu #black #blue #french #paris #france #boy #casual #haori #hh #aliceandthepirates #aatp

>> No.7493011

That's a fairly okay basic kodona coord.

>> No.7493026


Only if you think rolled up pants are acceptable in kodona.

>> No.7493030


homestuck scum

>> No.7493074

Looking at this thread gives that "making fun of retarded people is wrong" kind of bad feeling.

>> No.7493225

this makes me sick
it's my dream dress

>> No.7493691
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>> No.7493826
File: 118 KB, 411x600, 1397429203939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not ita just cosplay

>> No.7497580

Someone introduce her to natural-kei. She might do well in that style.