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File: 73 KB, 720x960, 1397154874996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7488021 No.7488021 [Reply] [Original]

I really love that some lolitas can make hijabs work with lolita, but why does this girl keep wearing jeans with lolita? it's fugly as hell.

>> No.7488024

the whole modesty thing, but she could just wear thick tights.

>> No.7488027

A lot of muslims go with the interpretation of hijab that it isn''t only covering your hair, but the form of a female body should not be visible. So tights are not an option. Even skinny jeans are stretching it for many.

Some believe that hijab should also be modest in colour and pattern, so anyone believing that could not be a sweet lolita.

>> No.7488026

There are a lot of girls in my area who wear the hijab, and a lot of them wear leggings. she ould easily wear leggings and then wear socks over them.
i really liked this girls dream sky (I think, i don't remember which print it was), but this one doesn't look good at all.

>> No.7488041

I love the idea of lolita and hijabs, specifically because of the modesty thing, it fits so well
but why, for the love of god, is this girl so popular?
her coords are so samey and boring and she does the stupid jeans thing under them.

>> No.7488047

Did you read the previous post? I don't know this girl but I assume she wear the jeans because they are a part of her hijab.

>> No.7488051

who is she?

>> No.7488055

Fuck these ragheads.

>> No.7488057

are we serious with this shit b8 again?

>> No.7488172
File: 32 KB, 279x215, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her response when asked why she does it.

>> No.7488257

I am the only one who think this lolita self posts/starts all these threads? Don't get me wrong she is beautiful but almost every single thread on here that starts about hijabs there is a photo of her with the same topic or her ALWAYS in the topics.

>> No.7488266

Why doesn't she just wear longer under skirts and tealength dresses...the jeans look terrible. I also wish she did something a bit more stylish with her hijab rather than having it so slick against her head

>> No.7488269

ITT: I care deeply about this girl's personal decisions for some reason

>> No.7488298

She could probably pick much nicer white trousers than actual white denim, so her argument is still stupid.

>> No.7488306


I can read, anon
I also know that jeans are not the only way to get around the modesty thing

>> No.7488308

It might just be because there aren't that many Muslim lolitas and she's the only one as far as I know that sort-of recognizable. I dunno, at this point the hijab-and-jeans debate feels like beating a dead horse. People voice their admiration for their expression of faith, others denounce the ruining of the lolita aesthetic, someone suggests alternate styling, someone screams sandnigger and we rinse and repeat.

Noor hasn't improved much over the years and jeans or no, her coords are kind of bleh

>> No.7488410

That entire fucking coord is ugly, especially with the hijab. If your religion prevents you from wearing lolita, then don't fucking wear it. It does not work with lolita, and you obviously don't care about your religion that much if your wearing loli. You are not allowed to put on a dazzling display, throwing a hijab over your costume does not make it modest. Stop trying to be sneaky, obey your dress code or don't. Seriously, fuck this girl. Watch me get banned.

>> No.7488413

She acts like a fucking fashion expert when she can't even get the basics right. This bitch and her ego drives me insane, especially how so many people eat her shit up because she's so ~oppressed~ :(

>> No.7488418 [DELETED] 

This thread is going too result in everyone getting banned because of janitor chans personal views. remember last time, when she banned a shit ton of people for saying how they feel about hijabs after being asked by the OP? Janitor is too big of a sensitive cunt to handle things like this. Prolly Scandinavian. God, how I hope they all burn.

>> No.7488442

Non-lolita passerby, what's that skirt she's wearing? So cute!

>> No.7488453

AP's Melty Cream Doughnut in pink.

>> No.7488465

Thank you, anon!

>> No.7488475

I agree anon. All the sumptuous fabrics used in lolita and then jeans...Really?

>> No.7488513

The styles clash no matter how hard you look at it. Putting religion aside, even if both lolita and hijabs center in modesty, the styles clash.

She could go for long skirts and wear thick thighs or boots underneath, because otherwise she looks cluttered and the coord doesn't stand out in any way.

I've always seen her getting posted on tumblr and the only reason why she's famous is precisely because of this, because she's a ~ minority ^.^ ~ and this often prevents people from seeing how bad it looks. She'd look great if she picked classic instead of sweet, because then the whole "being modest" thing would make more sense imo.

>> No.7488571

Wearing Lolita and wearing a hijab doesn't work.
It can't work.
Not only because it doesn't look good, but also because if you believe that wearing a hijab is right, you can't like Lolita.
Believing in hiding the female frame and look modest and stuff totally contradicts dressing up to look pretty and cute.
So if you wear hijab and think Lolita is cute you should start to question your religious views.

>> No.7488605

Aristocrat + Hijab is much better than lolita, because the silhouette and long skirt works better with the headpiece, compared to shorter lolita skirts + ugly jeans.

>> No.7488660

>Believing in hiding the female frame and look modest and stuff totally contradicts dressing up to look pretty and cute.

Huh? This sentence makes no sense. You don't have to show off your frame to look pretty and cute.

I'm not muslim but I wouldn't mind seeing some Lolita that has a hijab minus the skinny jeans.

>> No.7488670


Kinda hate how she's the one popularising the hijab when she isn't even that great at it and makes questionable fashion choices because of her interpretation of the religion. I know many muslims have no problem with wearing tights. Just get one who's okay with that, has a nicely styled hijab instead of a slicked back one, and I think we could have something going on here.

>> No.7488679

Ever noticed that in very strict Islamic countries the hijabs/burquas are always black with no adornment? That's because it's immodest and vain to wear flashy things, not just to show of your body. Showing off your material wealth is equally bad. Men in Islam are barred from wearing silk and gold because they're deemed too vain, women are permitted to because women are intrinsically vain.

>> No.7488693

The hijab shit looks terrible, doesn't go with sweet lolita, and makes you look like a moron for trying to hamfist your retarded religion into a fashion statement.

People who try to defend this shit also look retarded because you're clearly only doing so because you feel bad for her. The same exact defense force bullshit is done with fat and black lolitas.

>> No.7488698

I came here just to post that I agree with your sentiment and that you summed it up nicely.

>> No.7488705

>tfw I used to cover my hair with a headscarf by choice before my cancer relapsed
>tfw I have been bald for the past 9 months and refused to cover my head
>tfw I wear dresses, skirts, wedges, heels and proudly present my hairless scalp to the world, all in one interesting look
>meanwhile some of you here are arguing over whether a girl should wear a hijab or jeans with Lolita

The point of the whole fashion is that you make it your own. Perhaps some of you think she looks awful and sloppy, but I personally think her hijab is gorgeous and I am happy she can wear Lolita AND follow her moral choice of modesty.

>> No.7488730

>The point of the whole fashion is that you make it your own.

No. The whole point of any fashion is to dress according to the rules of that fashion, there comes a point when it's no longer that fashion any more if you don't. You can dress however the fuck you want but you can't call it lolita if it's not. Hijabs are not lolita. They will never be lolita and lolita and hijabs look fucking stupid together.

>> No.7488731
File: 182 KB, 960x748, 1397177928790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. And along with that, the style of the hijab is awful. It needs volume, or else it looks awkward compared to the rest of the outfit, particularly the puffy skirt. Doesn't look right. And it isn't like styling your hijab differently is much of a demand. Pic related, it's a legitimate thing that's allowed.

>The point of the whole fashion is that you make it your own
If that was true, itas wouldn't be mocked for their terrible screw-ups.

>> No.7488742

While I may agree with your rules for fashion, it evolves. I remember when I started Lolita black+white was THE color combo to do and small hats on a headband were the preferred headgear choice.

Perhaps headscarves might be the accessory of choice in a few years and this girl will be regarded as a pioneer.

To you and me, most itas look like garbage. But an Ita thinks she looks good, and that is what matters.

We can all judge in silence or anonymously, but it won't change the way these people think about the way they look.

>> No.7488750

The problem with the hijab discussion is that it never ends. But really, the people who don't like it could just step back from the thread because the hijabs aren't going away and your opinions aren't dissuading anyone from wearing them along with lolita. The argument is just very pointless.

>> No.7488760

You're not cut out for this fashion. Not at all.

>But an Ita thinks she looks good, and that is what matters.

No, it's not. Fashion is as much about peer approval as it is about self-expression. If you're trying to be part of the fashion and not looking the part, you're not really part of the fashion. You can just dress how you want and stop trying to be part of it.

I don't get this mentality at all. If you want to join a fashion, but not accept that it has a specific look to it why join in the first place? People like that seem to only care about being part of a group and get mad when they're rejected from it. It's just a really stupid concept to me.

>> No.7488762

Fashion doesn't equate to style, though.
Fashion has rules that you have to follow, the style in which you present the fashion is what makes it "yours".

However, she's not adding her own style to the fashion but more like trying to mix her religious beliefs into a category of lolita that simply doesn't match with them.

From a point of view that only focuses on how she looks like, it looks bad. You can be happy about it all you want, it still doesn't mean you get a free pass and get excused for how shitty your coord happens to be.

And yes, fashion evolves as well as rules, but, the basics are still there.

>> No.7488764

Actually the shape of the hijab means that hijabi lolis have a rare opportunity to put nice things on their head -- bows and headdresses which could be owerpowering on other girls would be appropriate on their silhouette. Only a few of them take this opportunity though

>> No.7488782

The jeans with a short skirt is such a bad combo. It's a shame because long underskirts are really in right now, and she could wear those with knee boots and still have her legs completely covered.

>> No.7488787

Keep the hate on, girls! Shit talk every single Ita out there! Destroy all those Lolitas who incorporate their modesty principles into their outfits! Bitch at the girls who DARE to have ugly hair/wigs!

I am sure you live and breathe Lolita, and that is fantastic, but at the same time I wish you could stop shunning all of those who try the fashion and fail, no matter how bad and how many times they fail.

This discussion reminds me of when I was a massive weeb and started Lolita (age 13) and I got into elevated shit for my standards.
They watched Naruto, I watched Evangelion.I wore Lolita while they were still wearing Children's mall clothes, etc. I was hot shit, they were mere hobby peasants.

They will not stop their attempts, and you cannot stop them. If you want peace of mind, let me tell you that if you consider you are doing Lolita at a much better/consistent/elevated level than these girls you should be able to enjoy doing so at a much higher level than them

>> No.7488789

I agree. She could do the whole Chinese trend of using super long underskirts.

>> No.7488792

A lot of the good coords with hijabs I've seen do a lot more with the headscarf--usually, the ones that are more loosely draped (to match the silhouette a wig would usually fill) look much more beautiful than the tightly wrapped one Noor is doing.

Still not digging the jeans under skirt combo. She would look much nicer with tea length dresses (and like another anon said, hijabs can work really well with classical--then again, I'm just biased against sweet in general).

>> No.7488794

would it be possible to wear large, wide-brimmed hats on top of the hijab, or even wigs?

>> No.7488797

Must we have this same fucking "debate" every single time she posts a new coord?

>> No.7488821

>Keep the hate on, girls! Shit talk every single Ita out there! Destroy all those Lolitas who incorporate their modesty principles into their outfits! Bitch at the girls who DARE to have ugly hair/wigs!

Lol stop being so passive-aggressive.
It's not hate, it's criticism. Sorry if you grew up in a land of ponies and rainbows where everyone pats you on the shoulder for your mediocre efforts and tells you that every failed attempt you make is "okay!".

>I am sure you live and breathe Lolita, and that is fantastic, but at the same time I wish you could stop shunning all of those who try the fashion and fail, no matter how bad and how many times they fail.

I don't live and breathe Lolita, since I also look and appreciate other fashion styles.

> but at the same time I wish you could stop shunning all of those who try the fashion and fail, no matter how bad and how many times they fail.

You're being too idealistic here.
No one is saying -anything- about not failing, you can fail, but if you keep on failing every single time then it means you aren't really understanding the fashion and what you're doing. I'm not gonna give you a golden star at the end of the day and celebrate your effort because "you tried"; this is what makes itas stay itas to begin with.

When you keep on trying to force something that simply does not work with the fashion because it clashes with the aesthetics or rules of it, you need to take a step back and re-evaluate if what you're doing is right.

>They will not stop their attempts, and you cannot stop them...[etc]

Who told you I wanna stop them? I don't. A person can say you look like shit and move on with their lives. You word it as if we were dead set on criticizing every single ita coord we see or else we wouldn't get "peace of mind". It also doesn't stop us from enjoying the fashion on a "better/consistent/elevated" level.

>> No.7488827

Is investing your time on something more positive an option for you?

>> No.7488830

>Is investing your time on something more positive an option for you?
Absolutely. It's a fact, actually, and I have plenty of positive activities I can invest my time on.
I know where you're going with this, and this still won't make me not criticize something if it looks bad.

>> No.7488840

this bitch >>7488821
is cray cray

thanks for posting a great answer in 1 line, she will keep responding because she believes she is right

which was the whole idea of my initial post lol

>> No.7488877

Some not only wear a hijab but abstain from form-fitting clothing that may create an outline of the body. She's doing what she can.

>> No.7489410

It looks shitty, it don't work & will never work.

>> No.7489417

>she is beautiful

Well no. Not in OP pic at least.

Why do guenuinely pretty girls get a lot of shit in cgl/ while borderline uggos are called pretty/beautiful ?

>> No.7489429

I don't mind a hijab with lolita, really I don't. But, I fucking hate that this girl can't coord for shit (as seen by OP's pic where the jeans, shoes, shirt, and hijab all don't go with Melty Cream) and that the girl in OP's pic can't figure out, "Oh! Instead of using jean, which is completely against the fashion, I could use other things, like tea length underskirts with taller boots or style the hijab to match the coord more!"

>> No.7489432

Because women feel threatened

>> No.7489434

I don't understand how lolita is modest. If you think this outfit is modest, then I ask you to reconsider your definition of modesty. I AM RAGING AND I HATE THAT I AM RAGING.
It seems like some bad post post post modern parody of american consumer youth culture through the lens of something blah blah blah.

>> No.7489446

If the only thing a hijab does is cover your hair, why not just wear a wig?

>> No.7489456

Not OP and not muslim, but I think you can't do that because it also looks like hair and people will mistake it for your real hair.

>> No.7489458

I think it's kind of like if you wore fake breasts over your real breasts to them. Yes your boobs are covered but it's still with something immodest.

>> No.7489464

I know a Muslim girl that was into anime/cosplay and used to wear wigs to meets. But they were obviously bright colours like pink and purple. So I guess it could work for sweet?
I guess it also just comes down to personal choice.

>> No.7489517

I have nothing against hijab in lolita, I actually think girls in my area who wear hijab look very elegant. But then they use pretty scarfs, beaded, trimmed or for example, saw a woman with a chantilly lace hijab which look gorgeous in lolita. These girls just need to do a bit more than wear the plainest scarfs they find.

>> No.7489586

Because she is actually pretty? Granted OP pic is not the best but she is very pretty. It kind of annoys me she's Muslim because her showing her natural hair would be stunning.

>> No.7489593

Anyone know where that cutsew is from?

>> No.7489892


I'm debating getting one, they're really ute and only like 30$

>> No.7490056

I've actually met Noor irl at a meet and she's really lovely and isn't actually stuck up at all... she makes a few jokes which i guess could be misinterpreted as egotistical online but irl you KNOW they're jokes

>> No.7490072

If fashion didnt have rules, there wouldnt be subcultures for it like Mori, fairy kei, etc. Hijabs dont work in fucking Japanese fashion, period. Just accept it and stop getting all tumblr defending these religious idiots.

Everytime i hear people saying it's about 'modesty' i want to rage.

>> No.7490160

you sound like my mom at the beginning there

actually...most of looks like the tone my mom would type in.


>> No.7490454

>feminists defending clothing that is part of a literal rape culture

>> No.7490510

Except hijabs don't work with Lolita. They always look terrible, even the model tier ones.

And religions such as Islam that scorn the left hand path are pleb religions for people who can't think for themselves.

These girls are trying to mix shit with chocolate.

>> No.7492324

What's immodest about hair, anyway?

>> No.7492338

Basically this

>> No.7492342

So true, but tumblrtards will continue to defend it.

>> No.7492343

The same think that makes breasts sexual, weird cultural values.

>> No.7492371
File: 111 KB, 400x600, wimple_montage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weird cultural values.

Pic is a collection of Christian wimples, popular over various centuries. They're being worn incorrectly in the photo; They should hide ALL hair.

>are pleb religions for people who can't think for themselves.

You mean like every religion ever?

>> No.7492790 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 340x256, 1265146106596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>expecting feminists to not contradict themselves.

Feminism has been little more than a sockpuppet for left leaning interests for over a decade now. They support Islam as an extension of cultural Marxism, and complain about rape culture only as it exists in western society while completely ignoring the fact that Islamist extremists in Iraq are trying to legalize the sexual slavery of 9 year old girls. I'm not even trolling.


Where is the tumblr feministah outrage? Where is the typical check your privilege parade of SRS Fempire anger? Nowhere. In fact, as I write the the top discussion on srs/feminism is a bawwfest about how daycare is too expensive. Not a single peep from them about what women in countries where women ACTUALLY face discrimination are going through.

This is why intelligent women such as Marissa Mayer ( Yahoo CEO ) are distancing themselves from the label of feminism. They are smart enough to realize that it's a PR nightmare waiting to happen.

>> No.7492794

>implying actual self respecting feminists have or use tumblrs. please don't make that awkward assumption

>> No.7492795

ET phone hoem

>> No.7492820

Wimples didn't necessarily cover all hair. Some styles did, but a lot didn't, especially later on.
And are you arguing that values can't be weird because they're christian? Better go back to strangling witches then.

Anyway, I totally get not wanting to show off your legs and all that. But then don't wear a fashion that does.
Wear aristo, or mori, or otome.
It's like calling yourself punk but refusing to wear anything that anyone would consider out of the norm.

>> No.7492825

she's not pretty, but more like "average"

>> No.7492828

>>feminists defending clothing that is part of a literal rape culture
pretty much sums up everything in here.

the hijab is fucking ugly with lolita, and so are her fucking jeans with her skirt. why the fuck is it being called "lolita"? it's not lolita at all.

>> No.7492882

It's ita. And I'm not sure what its not in that thread. Why is there so much asspatting for this hijab style?

>> No.7492886

Literally the only reason why Islamic shit like this gets a free pass is because Muslims are mostly brown, that's it.

>> No.7492892

The problem with it is that it's basically two completely different styles of modest dress clashing. Much of lolita is a throwback to more modest European fashion styles and Islamic dress is, well, basically 7th century tribally mandated modesty attire. They're the same sort of principle, true, but they're on wildly different sides of both a cultural and a general "modesty" spectrum.

It just comes across as odd and incoherent looking as a result.

>> No.7493296


>> No.7493301

I'm pretty sure if you wore sweet lolita in an arab country, hijab or not, you would get either arrested or beat to death.

>> No.7493309

I feel you, but I feel like dropping my label of feminist and just say I'm an equalist or some shit. I got yelled by tumblr feminists once because I said that fat acceptance is cool, but that doesn't mean that people HAVE to sleep with fat people/ find them attractive.
The amount of people telling me to kill myself was laughable. Fuck tumblr feminism for ruining a good thing.

>> No.7493315

Check Closet of Frills of FB- all the beautiful/perfect coordinates by white people or Asians get only half the likes of shitty coordinates by darker/obese/Muslim people. All of the comments are like "omg perfect" when the coordinates are lacking at best.

>> No.7493320

I can't help myself, but hijab lolitas look like penguins to me. Nothing against the religion, it just looks off.

I'm waiting for the day I see a hijab girl wearing an aristo coord, tailcoat, white blouse and black pants, I can already see the image in my mind.
Are there actually any aristocrat or kodona hijab lolitas, I would be interested in this.

>> No.7493361


breasts are erogenous zones tho

>> No.7493375

Not on everyone. Feet can be as well.

>> No.7493388

Breasts are primarily for feeding babies, they've just been sexualized. Ask any country where breasts aren't sexual.
And ears can be erogenous zones.
And breasts can be erogenous zones on men.

>> No.7493393

Here we go again

>> No.7493396

Female "modesty" in religions revolves around the idea that anything men find attractive is something women need to conceal and be ashamed of.

>> No.7493407

Then explain why it's only primarily western countries that sexualize breasts, oh wait you can't.

>> No.7493410

I wouldn't say that. It's more like, it's primarily African countries that DON'T sexualize breasts. The majority of the world does do it.
And, in that regard, there's cultures and tribes where it's reasonable to not cover genitals.

>> No.7493454
File: 671 KB, 800x1092, 1397413529886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when Islam and J-fashion are combined

>> No.7493465

That is a mediocre drawing of an awful outfit. You need to go away.

>> No.7493464
File: 707 KB, 482x900, 1397413699040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7493478

Non-lolli here. She looks stupid and not like a Lolita. The end.

>> No.7493627
File: 519 KB, 1095x730, come on and slam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7493641


It doesn't matter, the insane howls of the tumblr/SRS feminutjob crowd have grown louder than true equality feminists. Less than 10 years from now, they are what the general public will think of when people hear the word "feminist".

Just do the wise thing and stop calling yourself a feminist, and instead use phrases like "I believe in gender equality". It's already gotten bad enough that a lot of men will refuse to date us because they believe that feminist == crazy leftist, and considering the SJW crowd, can we really blame them?

>> No.7493655

It's a step up from what Muslims usually wear, but it's still bad. It's like a choice between eating pure shit, and a cake made with some shit in it.

>> No.7493659

True 'feminists' call themself equalists these days anyways.

>> No.7493929
File: 51 KB, 200x200, 1306450005345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong thread idiot.
please post actual relevant things here. this is a lolita thread, not some feminist thread.

>> No.7493943

Protip: the word is "egalitarian"