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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7487552 No.7487552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I really do not see myself posting this in /tv since it will get shot down pretty quickly, but I remember a last season and the season before there were a few discussions here.

So RPDR discussion maybe?

>> No.7487565

Ho man, I could talk about this show forever. I've been watching since season one, and these men still impress me. My favorite queens have been winning so far, except for season one and two. This year I'm rooting for Ben de la Creme. As much shit as the judges give 'her' for not being 'real', I think her style and mannerisms are just lovely.

>> No.7487568
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Ben is absolutely adorable out of drag. I really want to see him place top three with Bianca and Adore.

>> No.7487569
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For season 6, I'm loving Bianca Del Rio and Ben de la creme.
I can't wait for Adora to go.

But best bitch of all time: Latrice 'muthafuken' Royal

>> No.7487576

Bianca is just a riot. He's one of the only queens I've seen so far who doesn't try to hide the fact that he's a bitch, and always speaks his mind. Those would actually be my top three as well. Adore, albeit young, has an awesome personality and pretty damn good style.

>> No.7487577
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I love Latrice. Her and Sharon were my two favorites from that season. I actually wish Darienne Lake would put half the amount of oomph that Latrice had into her drag because it is really hard for big girls to stay relevant without being either boring, or a gimmick. Latrice proved that she needed neither, unlike other big girls like Mimi Imfurst or Penny Traition.

>> No.7487580

This, though. Latrice was amazing, and whenever I think of her, I just remember the sitcom challenge where she was the guard.
>That ghetto head bob.
And then when her beads broke? Holy shit. I felt bad for laughing but they just kinda feel.

>> No.7487585
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I am so fucking glad Laganja is gone. I mean, do not get me wrong, having an "act" is cool when you are on stage, but basically living your act whenever the camera is on you is just fucking annoying. I guess you could say Sharon, and Alaska, and possibly Jynxx did the same thing, but Laganja just took Allyssa Edwards act and just rammed it into the ground.

>> No.7488519

Fucking yes, that was in my top 5 memorable DR challenges for sure

Curious, with that opinion, what did you think of Willam?

>> No.7488525
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Boring show with everyone trying to act as catty as possible when they're really unsexy men in women's clothing, desperately trying to feel attractive in the eyes of somebody.

Yeah, no. I don't see why there's a tv show just because Mommy let her son play with her lipstick when he was five.

>> No.7488535

I'm really enjoying this season, it's been way better than season 5 so far. I love Bianca but I also like Adore, Ben, Joslyn and Courtney. I'm so happy that Lasagna finally got the boot but I wish April hadn't been eliminated.

My favourite queens are probably Raven and Manila, but I also love Jujubee, Latrice, Nina Flowers, Raja, etc.

I love this show and I wish that I had friends IRL who watched it regularly.

>> No.7488541
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Nice b8

You wish you looked half as flawless as the likes of them

>> No.7488556
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I love how whenever someone has an opposing view on this board, the immediate response is to dub them jealous and cry baiting. Are you so closed minded that you don't understand that people have different opinions on things?

>> No.7488557
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I have been in love with the show since season 1. It's just so awesome watching these dudes transform into larger than life personalities.

As for right now i'm rooting for Adore, Bianca, and De La.

Personally the only problems I've had with past winners were Tyra and Jynx. Tyra was just rude and Jynx got the pity vote. Alaska and Raven should've won.

Also does anyone else miss the old layout for the reunion shows? I don't like these long draw out crownings. Before each queen got a couple minutes to say something and close the door on a lot of things that happened during and after the show. Shit got resolved too. Now its just a quick two seconds per person with a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.7488560

it's all that cgl is capable of doing when someone doesn't agree with them

>> No.7488581

I'm so glad that Adore got on this season. I love her character so much, but I'm torn between her and Bianca for faves.

>> No.7488585

Anyone knows where I can watch these online?
I love Adore.

>> No.7488591

I think the dynamic between her and Bianca is so cute. They're like mother and daughter.

>> No.7488593


>> No.7488602

I need to catch up on seasons 4, 5, and All-Stars. Especially All-Stars.

>> No.7488607

Thinking the show is boring is fine, but saying that they are "really unsexy men in women's clothing, desperately trying to feel attractive in the eyes of somebody" is inaccurate and sounds baity. It's a lot more than drawing on lipstick too.

>> No.7488615

***Spoiler-ish up to Episode 8***

So far on the queens that are left

Ben de la creme and Bianca del Rio are already experienced so they're part of my top ones. Ben has a nice personality and know what he's doing with his costumes and already developed a lot into his character. Bianca is just funny overall. The makeup is.. a lot but she's a gown girl and I think its fitting. She looks great in them

Trinity K Bonet and Adore Delano have far more potential then other girls and can go far if they work on their flaws a little more. I think Trinity's style is really nice and she looks gorgeous but that confidence problem is really dragging (no pun intended) her down as the episodes go on. She tries but she needs to get her shit together. She has a quiet personality and that's ok. She needs to perform but not ever drag queen needs to be extremely over the top and loud in personality. Adore is *almost* there but those ankle length dresses and not cinching is something that's somewhat basic and if she works on these very little things that she can easily change, she'll be perfect. I'm rooting for her as well

Courtney Act and Darienne Lake I'm on the fence about. Courtney is already really experienced overseas and she has a great voice but I feel like she is already set on a natural toned down look. She's very believable as a woman and she already has her own singing and shows. I feel like it's mainly for exposure. I still think shes great but ... ehh. Darienne doesn't have anything that stands out to me. Her dresses are nice but some are so plain. She doesn't perform exceptionally well like in that rap battle. I think think she's that funny. Both are so iffy for me.

>> No.7488619

logotv website has all the episodes and untucked. From all the seasons

>> No.7488628

And, guess what? That's YOUR opinion and what I posted is mine. You don't have to agree with it and I don't expect you to do so, but you need to get over the fact that anyone can post in these threads and express their enjoyment or disdain for something. I said my piece and it's not "inaccurate" just because you don't agree. If I don't think someone or something is sexy, that's my view. If you think it is, that is your view.

I can't believe that I have to explain how opinions work and how they aren't invalidated just because you don't agree with them.

>> No.7488639

Um, it wasn't about the sexy part, it was about them trying desperately to be attractive to others. That's not what drag is about. Most people do drag for themselves and find it quite liberating. That is not an opinion, that's just being ignorant.

>> No.7488643

Different Anon, but
You are allowed your own opinion, but this is a thread for people who enjoy the show. We really don't care that you don't like it, it's obviously not for you.
Just hide the thread and go do things you enjoy.

>> No.7488658

I can't believe everyone is getting twatty about someone not liking a show. I can only imagine what it would be like if someone didn't like lolita. God help that poor fucker. So everyone here can be cunty about other cosplayers, lolitas and their coords, cons, but someone can't not like a shitty reality show? Lol.

>> No.7488666

As the post above you says, you're allowed to dislike a thing, just keep in mind that people who do like that thing don't give a fuck.

It's like going to a concert and whining that you hate this band.

What's so hard abut hiding a thread and moving on?

>> No.7488671

Learn to read please. Who cares if someone doesn't like something, it's when they share it with people who don't care/shitpost and when they're rambling ignorant crap about it that it's annoying.

>> No.7488680

I'm getting samefag vibes. Congrats, you've hijacked the thread. Now go talk about something that you do like where people actually care.

You must have the sandiest of vaginas to talk so much about something you supposedly hate.

>> No.7488684

Not that anon, but Willam and Laganja fall into two completely different categories. Willam had a full character, much like De La. Laganja's character is nothing but annoying catchphrases and mannerisms without any content behind them, that's why she seems so much fake, specially compared to Willam.

Getting on your comment about Adore and Trinity, it's just been so nice to watch them evolve. I didn't like either of them at the beginning, but oh, I've become such a fan since!

My favorites are Adore, De La and Bianca (who's probably going to win). I can't wait to get rid of Darienne. She has a terrible personality. Besides improving her boring wardrobe, she really needs to learn how to work in a group. She was a cunt to both Gia and De La while they were working together.

>> No.7488701
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**I think shes not that funny (Darienne) I can't type

Adore really grew on me. She's charming and with more mentoring she'll be so great. At first Courtney was a favorite actually but right now shes just cruising by. She has a great body but her drag is really for appeal for singing and everyday. Shes still a great queen though.

I agree. Darienne really is just cruising by right now. She needs to go next.

>> No.7488714
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Courtney has been such a disappointment! I can't stand any more bikinis. She is really resting on pretty, her runways are boring as hell. Also, the way she treated Joslyn made me like her a little less. Great singer, great actress, meh everything else.

Which leads me to Joslyn. I love her as a person, but I think she might go before Darienne.

>> No.7488720

Oh my God that picture is amazing. I need to start calling them the Del Taco Trio.

>> No.7488734

shit i forgot Joselyn was still there! yeah shes going to go then Darienne. One of them. I think she is great herself but her outfits themselves need work like that layered on swimsuits or that mess of a wig when they were doing red carpet looks
I didn't think Courtney was that mean to her.. I just think that it's advice and it was true! Compared to the wide shot of her and everyone else's look in the Silver Lounge you can see that she IS not as polished (except Laganja cause that outfit was a little odd)

>> No.7488738
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>Laganja's outfit
Everyone was thinking it

My problem with Courtney wasn't so much the polished part, but before. She was very patronizing, and when she said "No one would ever believe you're the after!" it sounded more bitchy than a joke. She actually seemed more arrogant than Darienne claims De La to be!

>> No.7488737

I really love Trinity's look, but I'm so sick of her excuses. She seems to have finally figured how how to take advice, though, so I'm hoping she keeps going.

I liked Darienne at the beginning, but she turned really bitchy in the last few episodes. I can get that being in the bottom 2 is scary, but it should give you incentive to improve yourself, not put down everyone else.
Also can't stand her runway style. It looks like flashy business-casual, not stage-performing drag. I'm really surprised Ru hasn't gotten at her about it.

I don't really like Courtney at all.. She's more of a glamour-queen, and she doesn't seem interested in expanding past that. That being said, she doesn't have much reason to be here, I think. She's not really improving, she seems to just want television-coverage outside of Australia. I really don't think a competition is the place for that, it's unfair to the others and generally a waste of everyone else's time.
I think she'll make it far, but she won't win.

I still don't understand how Jynx won, last season. Pity points are just pathetic, this is a competition. I would've been fine with Alaska or Roxxxy winning, they were both good queens.
Jynx was just scattered and annoying.

>> No.7488751

Joslyn's adorable, especially out of drag, but I really didn't notice her until recently.
I felt really bad for her with all that crap with Courtney, but she really needed to remember that this is a competition, not a "meet your idol" party.
She seems to be stepping it up, though.
Did not like her makeup in the comedy routine, last episode though. Her face was so contoured but her body looked flat as a board.

>> No.7488755

Courtney is there for the exposure. She's already experienced and good at whatever she does now. There have been more than one queen in each season who's kind of like that.

I kinda of liked Jynx. Alaska was really good . I think the final three were great and unique in their own way.

hahah gdi no wonder the makeup looked so familiar.
ah i get what you mean. ehhh i dont think she'll win.. shes believable and pretty but she doesnt.. pop out

>> No.7488767

I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't like adore and I'm just hoping she gets sent home so Bianca can win. I feel like they are rigging it for adore to win because she was doing bad in the first few episodes and they kept giving her free passes. I'm just not impressed with her and all I ever see is praise for her.

Bianca is amazing I hope she wins

>> No.7488769

Please, if Bianca doesn't win, there'll be a riot. They have absolutely no grounds to ever let her sashay, there's nothing that woman can't do!
Adore is the season's sweetheart, that's all.

>> No.7488772

Bianca and De La are the only two who are being pretty silent on social media. Which is usually the tell of who the winner is.

>> No.7488771

shits gay

>> No.7488777

Do we know that they're having the thing where everyone can vote for the winner again? Because if that's how it goes, I think we all know that Adore would win.

>> No.7488788
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Careful, Anon! An angry, SJW may come here and say that you're oppressing them for thinking differently!~

>> No.7488799

You guys do know the winner is chosen before the show is aired right?

>> No.7488802

It's possible. It's been made clear Ru's been losing more and more power when making decisions, in order to make the show more appealing to different audiences, and these audiences did enjoy the interaction offered last season.
But I hope to god they don't repeat it.

>> No.7488807

You do know that you're wrong. The first three seasons, yes, but not the last two, and maybe not this one.

>> No.7488816

Jade Jolie ran her mouth about Jynx winning when she got back from filming. I didn't want to believe it because Jynx was such an abomination but the more you watch that season the more you can tell it was tailored for her to win the audience affection.

>> No.7488824

I had not heard of that. Do you have links or a screecap? Google is being no help!

>> No.7488825

Did she really? Source How's that $2mil fee?

>> No.7488831

Nah we knew her personally. I'm pretty sure if she had said anything public they would've sued her ass.

>> No.7488834

Cool lie, then.

>> No.7488835

Considering Jynx's growth, it's just absurd to think it was all planned. It must be a really long and complicated plan. Is drag race just another scripted reality show then?

>> No.7488836

True or not, it's insanely hard to believe.
Do you know why they chose Jynk to win?

>> No.7488846

Sorry for not replying earlier, was at work all day. Willam was fine, he had a full character that was pretty much his own. Laganjas character was pretty much a spot on imitation and an annoying imitation at that, of Alyssa Edwards, straight down to the OKKKURRR and the tounge pop, it was very forced, and everyone knew it was a horrible act based off of another horrible act, the difference is, Alyssa is good at the act and Laganja wasn't.

>> No.7488850

I don't wanna think it is. Jade might've just been running her mouth out her ass.
Pity vote.

But, that's what Jade told me and when the show aired and she won I assumed she was right.

>> No.7488848


Because as annoying as she was, she had everything everyone wanted. Alaska was amazing, but it would have been REALLY suspicious if she had won right after her boyfriend won the previous season, and really we all know Alaska was the "favorite"

>> No.7488857


In all honesty at the end of the day I began to really like jinx and I was rooting for her to win. I liked her personality though she may not have been as polished as some of the other queens looks wise.

This season I'm rooting for Bianca and Ben deal creme. They're fabulous. I'm absolutely ecstatic that Gia gunn and laganja are gone. So ... Annoying. Everytime laganja cried about some other bullshit I wanted I punch her lol

>> No.7488865

Yeah. I loved the little curl he had out of drag, but Laganja and Trinity complained far too much.
Gia was just a huge bitch, but on a different level than Bianca.

>> No.7488869

Agreed. Though I kind of liked Gia's bitchyness. It was like even though she was awful nothing phased her. Like that really mean girl in highschool who at the reunion had like 6 kids got really fat but still managed to throw shade at you.

>> No.7488889

I miss Gia's ditziness. Her out of drag personality was sooo much better than her drag persona.
>Don't think that's because it was the 60's?
>... uh... no.

>> No.7488914
File: 138 KB, 500x367, always.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Milk. Don't get me wrong, I know her ideas were never fully polished or put together, but damn was I excited to see her runway each week. No other girl has made me that excited with their looks, since they all seem to be so similar, it's boring. But that's just my aesthetic preference.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Del Taco trio, but god I really hope they're forced to shake it up soon (which they will in next week's episode).

Also, all y'all shady apes talking trash about Jinkx and ya can't even spell her name right, bye. Bitter.

>> No.7488931

I kind of liked Milk, but I agree with the judges that she should've brought more.
Man-dressed-like-a-woman-dressed-somewhat-boyish got old really quickly. I wouldn't have wanted to see her in a huge wig and flashy dress, no, but her style was just different enough to be easy to predict.
It's like how the judges keep criticizing Ben De La Creme for always being an old lady from the 1950s. Different from the other queens, but it's still the same thing over and over.

>> No.7488940

I am a little bitter because I found each of her looks to be very different and I loved all of them. (Then again, I'm a huge Milk stan and I always will be HEH)
I just don't see why people thought her looks were all the same. Her looks were varied and she did work toward what the judges wanted, and Darienne in particular is not being read to filth over her boring repetitive outfits. If I see another sequined trash bag on her my appendix will burst.

>> No.7488943

Yeah, I did like how Milk brought something different, there was just something missing from it.

I'm really not sure how Darienne is still here. Her outfits are incredibly bland.

>> No.7488947


The only thing that got to me about Gia was that Nasel-y voice and that catch phrase of hers


Ughhhhhhh I cringed Everytime she did that. Almost as bad as laganja's "mmmmm yea okkkkk mama. Gurrllll"

>> No.7489093

I've only just started watching this season, but of past seasons:

Season 1: Nina or Shannel should've won. Fuck Rebecca. Bebe was kind of boring.
Season 2: Why did Raven not win? Tyra was one of the worst queens there. And the most annoying. I would've preferred Pandora Boxx to be in the final 3, not Tyra.
Season 3: Second best season overall. Shangela was fucking irritating. Raja deserved that win. Manila is amazing.
Season 4: Latrice and Chad were both amazing, Phi Phi looks like a dog shat under her nose and she's smelling the whiff, and Sharon Needles is brilliant and I'm so glad she won.
Season 5: Jinkx deserved that win. Roxxxy was too gross to win, Alaska had Sharon and was just fairly unpolished. Look at Jinkx's performance through all the challenges. She was never in the bottom three except for the very last challenge.
Although, I do think Detox and Roxxxy should've switched places in the standings.

>> No.7489129

I think Manila should have won, as Raja was a bit immature, but I digress.
I agree with switching out Detox and Roxxxy though, Roxxxy was just kind of rude and constantly bitching. "these girls with their gimmicks" By which she meant, girls with more than one talent, that talent being "looking pretty sometimes".

>> No.7489133

Wait, why is this thread even in /cgl/ ? What does it have to do at all with cosplay/lolita or jfashion?

>> No.7489140

>I really do not see myself posting this in /tv since it will get shot down pretty quickly, but I remember a last season and the season before there were a few discussions here.

l2 do a reed

>> No.7489220

I knew Gia in high school. Her name was Scott Ishikawa and he made everyone's life a living hell.

>> No.7489224

pls more info

>> No.7489231
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Yes please more.

>> No.7489252

Raja was clearly the more experienced one with more talent, I think that helped her win. Manila easily could've taken the crown, though.

Roxxxy's whining was just as bad as the awful Coco VS Alyssa shit.

>> No.7489291

I read that, and yet it still has nothing to do with Cosplay or Lolita.

>> No.7489297

Juju bee will always be my number one. I fucking adore her.

As for this season... Adore is my number one. I know she really can't stand against Bianca but if they are the final two I will be a happy camper.

>> No.7489308

A lot of the queens this season turned out way differently than I expected based on their "meet the queens" videos. I didn't expect Bianca to be my favorite and I didn't expect to like Adore AT ALL. I also feel like I had much higher expectations of Vivacious and was really disappointed by her. I also wish Kelly Mantle had her look together, because I think I could have really enjoyed her personality on the show. I'm sure it's really down to editing, but holy shit Courtney and Darienne have been so shady lately and I didn't get that vibe in the beginning at all.

>> No.7489321

Re: LaGanja.

GOD she was annoying and so obviously fake all the damn time. She was always the victim and plagiarized so many styles she couldn't stick to one thing correctly. I also strongly suspect that half of the shit she said she had no idea what it actually meant.

I think the moment her bratiness really shined was in the untucked episodes where she was up for elimination. Every time she had to make herself the victim by pointing fingers and ran away crying when she was called out on it. Plus, one thing I can not stand is when you serve someone but can't take the backlash. Gia probably only comforted her because she wanted to come off as likeable.

Other queens have had schticks, but the likes of Sharon and Bianca have also had moments of vulnerability and compassion for other people.

What ultimately in my eye killed off LaGanja was how much of a tryhard she was. Adore isn't as polished, something she often pointed out, but she is a person with some depth and doesn't let herself fall on the ground when someone isn't paying attention to her.

What also really got to me was LaGanjas constant sob stories. Get your stories straight and yes, it is obvious you have been practicing crying. Some of her reactions to do with her family are so over-dramatized that you could see a script she was ticking through in her mind.

Plus I got the distinct impression she was secretly filled with glee whenever she had to possibility of being a victim.

>> No.7489323

oh please do tell

>> No.7489324

Drag is totally cosplay.

>> No.7489511
File: 1019 KB, 500x280, tumblr_m1iq9awFBF1qbzqexo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that brief moment where everyone was united after Willam was kicked off?

>> No.7490961

So he had corn rows and was all ghetto. Constantly pissed off the history teacher. The best is when this weeaboo did a show and tell of her kimono and her Japanese ancestory (she was not Japanese obviously) and he shouted in the middle of her presentation, Oh my God! Ur not Japanese!" He got kicked out of class but every one else in class all wanted secretly thought he did a heroic deed.

>> No.7490973


I didn't care much for Gia but I'm amused that he has a weeaboo horror story.

>> No.7491264

This was the best moment in the season. Fucking Willam.

>> No.7491294

I just love this show, it looks like sailor moon villains competing each other

>> No.7491339


>> No.7491351
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you've renewed my appreciation for this show, anon

>> No.7491644

Amazing how everyone just forgot about April. Any comments on her?

I know him personally since he went to college with my current boyfriend. the dude doesn't even speak english.

>> No.7491661

Hell no, Tyra was the best queen ever. I loved her bitchiness and she was clearly superior to all the other queens.

>> No.7491667

Tyra was immature and had a bad stage presence, really. She was pretty, but I don't think she deserved the win.

>> No.7491736

I love April, I hope she returns later. Her sense of style was amazing, the Duck Dinasty outfit was superb!
(Also, as a boy, it's the cutest thing when he says "Ai, Dios mio!")

>> No.7491741

Nah dude. Tyra had shit tier personality. She's boring as fuck live too.

>> No.7491869
File: 823 KB, 245x250, willamfun1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Willam was great on the Beatdown.

>> No.7492161

Willam is the dumbest, rudest person on the face of this planet, but I love him.

>> No.7492171
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That's his charm.

>> No.7492441


Willam performed at a club in my town a couple years ago. I was left with a very good impression of her, (great performer, took the time to talk to every fan) other than trying to pull some dude's dick out of his pants.

I saw Pandora Boxx at the same show. She was a great performer as well, but was a fucking snob. I loved her so much until that night. I wound up unliking her page because I got sick of her pitty parties.

>> No.7492779

i'm really glad to see a thread on my favorite show! DeLa is the one i hope wins this season, i think she has really lovely outfits and a great personality. i'm sure Bianca will win, but as long as i never have to see DeLa sashay away i'll be okay.

who does everyone think is going home next week? i wish it would be Darienne (can't stand her boring looks and shitty personality) but i think it will be Joslyn. i agree she's not as polished as the others but she is one of the sweetest queens to ever be on the show. if she pulls the same 3 bikini look as the past runways, the judges will probably be annoyed with her and make her go home.

>> No.7492788



>> No.7493082

Bianca del Rio is team mom and I love her so much
I am SO FUCKING PROUD of Trinity. The last two challenges she pulled it out.
Ru is right, courtney is resting on pretty
why is this not a general on /cgl/?

>> No.7493085

remember courtney looking pissed at bianca on the main stage when she won this week. bitch

>> No.7493115

both drag queens and amazon trio have taught me that it's ok to drink during working hours

>> No.7493144

>I don't like this thing that you like but ok
is an opinion
>This thing you like sucks and the people in it suck and I'm coming into your thread to tell you this because I have opinionnnsss!!!!!
is bait, in addition to being an opinion. See the distinction?

>> No.7493154

Yeah, I was pretty sad that Vivacious went home. I didn't even know how different older drag was, it was interesting to look at.
But she didn't do well in anything but runway, that's why..

>> No.7493155

Very. And fabulous.

>> No.7493674
File: 488 KB, 245x198, tumblr_n3vp7w7p7S1svst6ro7_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling Jocelyn is going home next, followed by Trinity, then Darrienne. I see Courtney in the top 4 at least, making DelRio, Delano, and DeLa the top 3.

>> No.7493680

He is such a sweetheart in person. I do not think I have met a nicer queen besides him and Latrice, Sharon Needles was nice, but it seemed pretty forced and I missed out meeting Alaska.

>> No.7493690

I know Bianca will probably win, but she's already got a name and a living for herself, and I want either Adore or DeLa to win if she doesn't. Adore has a better stage presence than DeLa, and she's less awkward, too. DeLa is sweet, don't get me wrong, but she's just kind of fucking weird.

>> No.7493706

I didn't really mean I was disappointed to see her leave. I had much higher expectations of how she would represent the kind of drag she does, but she really just dropped the ball.

>> No.7493722

Oh jeezus, I had the same experience with Pandora, only I'm a drag king, and it was through her backstage attitude that just really rubbed me the wrong way. She, Raja and Juju and I were all booked for the same university drag show, they were headlining, I was a local entertainer. Now, I will admit that the backstage area we had was a bit rachet (we were in a catering kitchen behind the university event ballroom), but I've been to my share of clubs, and I've seen far worse in my time. And it's not like her booking fee was insignificant. Raja and Juju were amazing, Juju stepped up to co-emcee the show along with one of the students, they both were so kind to all of the other performers, cracking jokes with us, expressing how grateful they were to the university for hosting them, going out for smoke breaks with us. Pandora was so frigid, you could see her fucking breath, I swear. And it wasn't even shyness, it was this completely haughty, "I'm better than you and I can't be bothered" attitude that really rubbed me the wrong way. Even to the other RuPaul girls, she was just such a snob. You'd think she wasn't even talking to a past fucking winner, and one of the top three from her own season. And I really had liked her up until that point, it was really upsetting, especially since Raja and Juju had both more than lived up to my expectations. Went home and unliked her page immediately. I've met a lot of RuPaul girls since, Bianca, Latrice Royale, Chad Michaels, Alaska, the Princess (who actually is on cast at the club I started out at, I see her a lot)... Not a single one since has been that insufferable.

>> No.7493734

Yeah, that's why I was disappointed. She seemed to have a lot of pride in her style of drag, but she didn't put herself out there very well.

>> No.7493740

Learning about these Pandora experiences don't really come as shock. I loved her when she appeared at first, but then at the All Stars, the way she treated Mimi was just awful. I get it, she's an awful queen but her attitude was totally unnecessary. Ever since, I can't help noticing she has a really terrible personality she can't control neither in or out of drag!

>> No.7493869

that surprises me, Pandora seemed sweet in Drag U ... glad to hear that Juju and Raja were nice though, they're two of my favorites. Juju always struck me as a very down to earth person. has anyone met Raven? i'm really curious how she is in person. i know everyone calls her an ice queen but i want to know if that's just her act.

>> No.7493898


I really felt sorry for Mimi. Logo obviously put her on there for lulz and drama. She tried her best to work with Pandora and was treated like shit.


Oh god I've met Latrice as well. One of the sweetest people I've ever met. She is a huge ball of humility and love. You can't help being happy around her.

Unfortunately I've lost all respect for Sharon. There was a recent festival pic he took with CeeLo and in the comments he was being a catty hateful prick to people who expressed concern over his plastic surgery. I am really disappointed, he had so much potential and threw it out to become another boring damn celebrity.

>> No.7493900

adore de lano and bianca <33333333 im loving this season so much

>> No.7493906


Raven seems intimidating but I'm sure she's a sweetheart.

>> No.7494164

I know right? I'm sure Mimi knew it, but she seemed really motivated to prove herself. I doubt she expected such humiliation.

>> No.7494233

Just like Chad and Shannel said, if they had worked together, their styles meshed together could have been amazing! I felt so embarrassed for Mimi and just sorry for her. Pandora straight up gave up on something that she could have used to her advantage and it's a damn shame. All stars spoiler heads up, but if both of them made it to the episode 2 challenge, imagine how they would have SLAYED it!

>> No.7494242

Check out the movie Paris Is Burning. It's a documentary about the ball scene in the 80's and 90's. It's what Vivacious basically grew up in. Ru also quotes that movie constantly during the show.

>> No.7494259


I agree with all this. I just kind of hated how All Stars made them work in teams. Kind of cheapened the experience.

>> No.7494341

I heard that it was because they needed to speed up the season because season 5 was about to be filmed?

I'm so jealous hearing about people's experiences meeting the queens (but surprised about Pandora, I guess I don't like her anymore). I'm from a tiny town in Australia that not even Courtney has been to, so sad.

Also really want to hear if anyone has meet Raven. Or Manila or even Ru herself!

>> No.7494573

shitty show hosted by a shitty transphobic asshole.

>> No.7494579

Oh youre from Australia? Is it true that Courtney is a household name? She made it seem like even the most remote places knew her.

>> No.7494698

Nobody knows her. I asked around after I started watching. Not former Ausanon, but my friends are the type who watch shows like that.

Asked adults, friends, asked Facebook in general... nothing. She's an unknown. Forgettable.

>> No.7494880

She was known way back in early 2000, but even then the tabloids dropped her when paris hilton hit the scene and she never recovered

>> No.7494924

Nope, I'd never heard of her before the show. But I don't watch Idol or anything either. She seems to talk herself up a lot. I liked her but I think she's all talk. And her body is actually one of the worst on the show (Joslyn for example has a nicer and more feminine body).

>> No.7494933

I'm assuming she's kinda like that black guy that came second to Kelly Clarkson in American Idol. You know he exists because he was in that movie with her, but you don't remember his name or anything else about him other than he came second like 14 years ago.

I'm all for Del Taco final three. Darienne needs to go next, the attitude is fucking terrible. Every time a winner is announced she pulls the worst faces, even when it is obvious she didn't do well.

>> No.7494996

I'm crossing my fingers that either Darienne or Courtney will go home next. I really don't like them, god I fucking hate them, and their runways suck, too.

>> No.7495031
File: 103 KB, 333x451, Klaus+Nomi+Nomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness, what ep is this precious Klaus Nomi tribute from? I've had to miss a couple eps recently!

Right now, Ben is my absolute favorite. When she first came on the show, the quaint little persona she had reminded me of the Strawberry Shortcut videos from way back in the day. She's always seemed like that cute 60's housewife that you want to go shopping for pumps and have cocktails with.

Second fave is Courtney. She's pro, she's polished, she's fucking fantastic all over. She can get away with wearing so little and working it all around. As a model and a flirt, homegirl's got it.

Thirdly, Bianca. Funny! Knows how to work the ensembles!

I honestly hope they send Darienne home soon. She's always on her guard and making really overly bitchy comments about the girls who mean well. Makes you wonder what crawled up her garters.

>> No.7495205

Season 6, episode 7

>> No.7495477

Thank you so much! Going to be catching up while working today~

>> No.7496902

Episode 9 got some links out now

>> No.7496965

Holy christ, I can never handle talk show episodes. SO MUCH SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT I AM CRINGING LEFT AND RIGHT

>> No.7496978

This episode was kind of boring. The elimination was some what expected. Everyone was pretty terrible except like two people

>> No.7496988

any links to watch ep 9 no downloads?

>> No.7497017


Link is >>7496902 . Just click the first link and click "Continue to Video" . Just exit out the ad

>> No.7497141

Totally agree. It's pretty much a formula on the show at this point that if you're lip syncing for a third time, that's it, you're gone.

>> No.7497364

http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/rupauls_drag_race/season_6.html Whole season here

>> No.7497401


Is this about all that "she-male" drama? I'm sure ru didn't mean any harm in that aspect of the show. Well I hope you're happy now since they've officially taken it out. I, personally, didn't see the harm in it.

"Ouuuu girl, you've got she-mail" ... RIP

>> No.7497402

Man, I don't mean to sound tumblr, but you can't decide who is offended by what. Like, if someone calls me a faggot, it doesn't mean shit to me, but it might go and make someone else feel like shit. I think it's a good thing that they took it out. Whether or not harm was meant, harm was done.

>> No.7497517
File: 935 KB, 500x212, tumblr_n429cwRhnB1qe2gfgo4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are absolutely right.

I think while they are at it, they might as well remove all "mini challenges" because the word "mini" is super offensive to little people.

I think they should remove all of the main challenges that involve singing, dancing, or moving in any way to allow those with disabilities to participate, as it is now, it is way too ableist.

They should totally remove all of the makeup stations because mirrors can trigger people and makeup can trigger people with clown phobias, and we do not want that.

Also, wigs should be banned from being worn as they offend those who are unable to grow hair and it can trigger them.

Maybe while they are at it, all cross dressing should be disallowed as it offends those who believe cross dressing is a sin, and religious freedom. Plus dressing up as a woman, while being a cis gay male is perpetuating the deaths of trans* women everywhere.

Now the show is perfect and unoffensive!

>> No.7497519

do you really consider the real situation to be on par with all of your examples? seems incredibly hyperbolic

>> No.7497520

Well why don't we just ban the whole show, I'm sure a lot of catholic old ladies find it offensive.

>> No.7497523

Overpolicing is overpolicing, if you are going to overpolice one thing, why not them all?

If you are going to walk on eggshells for one tongue in cheek play on the word "e-mail" then yes, as stupid as all of those examples sound, it is pretty on par with banning said words.

Words are meaningless until, you, the listener, make them mean something. Stop being offended by the words and the problem is solved. If you want to get offended, get offended by people’s actions or inactions instead. It is a shame that sometimes we have to tiptoe on eggshells for something slightly trivial while larger things go unnoticed.

>> No.7497526


Mostly the trannies were butt hurt about the shemale or male mini challenge. Ru just removed SheMail to cover all the bases.

They just took it way too fucking personally since the Shemales they showed were drag queens. Again it had nothing to do with them but they HAD to make it all about them.

I'm all for equality but the Trans community is so obnoxious sometimes it's no fun.

>> No.7497528

Samefagging because I forgot to link this, but when a pretty somewhat famous transwoman writes an article basically saying "get over it and stop making your allies tippy-toe around you" you know it was a stupid and unnecessary thing to do.


>> No.7497530

Counter link to this is Carmen Carrera's response.


>> No.7497532

Carmen Carrera had no problem with "You got she-male" while she was on the show and enjoyed banking on it (way too) long after her season. With no discernible talent, other than nudity, this appears to be a desperate last grasp for "fame".

>> No.7497837

Carmem has actually been super successful since leaving the show, I don't belive that statement makes any sense.

Anyway, I suffered with this last episode. Why Adore? Joslyn's performance was wayyyy worse, Adore's was just forgetful.
The lipsync was amazing, but the result would have broken my heart either way. But the loser was very gracious, which was really nice to see.

>> No.7497847

Agreed, and Joslyn's runway look didn't capture anything. There wasn't any "jungle warrior-princess" whatever the fuck. It was obvious Adore wasn't going home, but Trinity was growing on me, and honestly, I forget Joslyn's even on the show sometimes.

>> No.7497852

I'm just now watching the show. I mean if Trinity ended up in the bottom AGAIN and sent another queen home I would've been kind of pissed. I don't think the winner should be someone who failed at every single challenge but managed to lip sync better.

>> No.7497858

No, I know that. I don't think Adore belonged in the bottom, though. Joslyn really fucked up- You don't just straight up go to talking about someone's abortion on "Live TV". Adore was just a bit mindless, Joslyn is just a dumb asshole. But Trinity did deserve to lipsync, and I think she should have gone home, but I don't think it should have been to Adore.

>> No.7497862

Ah right. Yeah I actually just saw that and I gasped. I feel like Joslyn doesn't even understand how disrespectful that question was. I totally agree that Adore shouldn't be in the bottom but from what I've been reading she apparently slays it.

>> No.7497873
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It made me very sad to see Trinity doing so badly, but her interview was absolutely cringe-worthy. Joslyn was bad all over, I think they only complimented her because she's a sweet person, despite being perfectly clueless.

I just can't wait for Darienne to leave. I mean, this Untucked...

>> No.7498016


Ikr. Haha, that was my favorite part of th episode.

I wanted to like Darienne because she came off as like that fun funny fat queen at first but she's just been such a bitter bitch all season.

>> No.7498154

one question here, what the fuck does this have to o with cgl?

>> No.7498170

Drag and cosplay intersect a lot in terms of the techniques they use. They sew costumes, style wigs, do makeup, bitch at each other. So basically this is the closest we're going to see to a Project Runway style cosplay competition on TV.

>> No.7498172

Wrong, it's the drama.

>> No.7498188

Note I said bitch at each other.

>> No.7499475
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I can't let this thread die. My favourites ever were Pandora, Willam, Sharon, Alaska and Detox. I thought I was gonna hate Willam but she's fucking hilarious and Sharon was my favourite ever, out of drag she was so attractive. Who was the fishiest contestant ever?

>> No.7501303
File: 2.45 MB, 1600x900, HO0PSyq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who was the fishiest contestant ever?

Carmen Carrera...Literally.

>> No.7501773

>saying Carmen Carrera and posting a picture of Joslyn Fox's meaty tuck

>> No.7504293

>Most people do drag for themselves

>> No.7505593
File: 34 KB, 445x536, openpostcarmencarrera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's insulting having Carmem compared with that. Legend has it, Carmem had a lot to hide too.

Fishiest per season:
>Tyra, obv
>Carmem, followed by Manila
>Vivienne Pinay

Overall, Carmen wins.