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File: 142 KB, 457x750, tumblr_n3sbtyyTW31qb5bk4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7486636 No.7486636 [Reply] [Original]

It’s almost here! I and Ona are going to be in Myx TV’s first original reality series, “I’m Asian American and…”. Our episode, Living Doll, is on May 7 at 8PM/ 7PM CT. I will also upload the episode in my channel!
Trailer here!

Are you fuckign kidding me.


>> No.7486641

not only are we going to be known as living dolls, were gonna be known as having yellow fever.

>> No.7486646
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oh god

>> No.7486654

Also, they're racist now too apparently.

>> No.7486676

>"And I'm a living doll"



>> No.7486677
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>> No.7486681

Dolldelight is disgusting.

>> No.7486699
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Just fucking kill me now

>> No.7486700

Holy moly

>> No.7486703

This was really painful to watch.
The whole video I was just thinking "Oh no no no no no no no"

>> No.7486705
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>> No.7486761
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please, this is enough

>> No.7486778

It is made by people from TLC so expect the worst.

>> No.7486818


The yellow fever show in that trailer looks pretty good. I'd watch that.

>> No.7486820

bawww I'm human toooo
omg I laughed so hard stop making shit dresses and broadcasting them as lolita dumb cunt

>> No.7486822

I know I cracked up.
If I was asian I would take advantage of that so much

>> No.7486825

I can't believe people have their heads so far up their asses that they go on these shows voluntarily. TLC is just looking for freaks to mock, and idiots keep taking the bait because they think they're going to be ~famous~ when in reality they'll just be laughed at for a few weeks before fading back into obscurity.

>> No.7486828

>just because im a sweet lolita doesnt mean i cant kick ur butt!!!! xDDD grrl power

>> No.7486839

I am waiting to see what happens with the black SJW of Tumblr when another PoC says "eww black skin is groce" on national television. The backlash against Misako for supposedly saying that lolitas shouldn't tan was pretty huge, so what's it going to be like against a relative nobody friend of DD who speaks English and is also probably an avid Tumblr user?

>> No.7486845

Weren't there rumors about DD saying similarly racist things a while back? No one had proof, but I remember someone bringing it up in a commdrama thread.

>> No.7486851

Hello, friend of the girl saying black skin is gross. Unfortunately, this is all a product of the editing. Her actual words were along the line of, "When I see other dark skinned lolitas, I feel really proud."
They asked her why, to which she responded, "Many other lolitas see dark skinned girls and they says, 'Oh, goodness, no.' "
She was incredibly upset when she first got to preview the trailer a few days ago and emailed the company and they told her there was nothing they could do.

>> No.7486854

They say*
hurhurudur, sorry.
But yeah, it really makes no sense considering she IS dark skinned.

>> No.7486860
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>> No.7486866

Oh my god... the "Oh dear, no" was even shot at a completely different angle.


>> No.7486876

fucking reality shows, seriously, the people that edit this stuff should be burned at the stake while being stone

>> No.7486886

Its like no one has ever watched a reality show when they sign up...

Its all fake, its all edited, its all made to look like everyone involved is an asshole because thats what people wanna see.

If I was on a reality show I'd be super on my A-game and looking out for obvious bait questions.

>> No.7486889

I'd make blatant statements that couldn't be misinterpreted. "It's wrong that some people think black skin is gross"
Even that could probably be edited though so I wouldn't sign up for a fucking reality show in the first place because I'm not retarded

>> No.7486892

reality TV producer here, you just said
"black skin is gross"
I just made $10,000
have a nice day

>> No.7486893

They'd just cut it down to 'black skin is gross' for the trailer to get people riled up. The only way to avoid being edited into a bitch is to be constantly bubbly and never use negatives. Saying things like "I love dark-skinned lolitas!" or "I think darker skintones are beautiful" would be the only way to avoid them cutting the scene into racist little snippets, and even then, they'd probably portray you as vapid/stupid instead of positive or enthusiastic.

But like you said, anyone going on reality TV in the first place probably isn't real bright.

>> No.7486903
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Same. It looks hilarious.

I wanna see a black guy version, who tries to turn white girls off of black guys wanting BBC.
>I'm sick of these people stereotyping us! So I'm going to get back at them!
>TLC sound cues
>Goes on dates with white girls
>quote mining from TLC while interviewing the girl
and shows them a 2 inch penis when they get to the hotel
>TLC face reaction images ensue

>> No.7486944

I wish this 'living doll' title would be dropped whenever a documentary about Lolitas is made, especially when it's TLC, these girls don't even think when getting involved with their shows. I'm sure a good 90% of us don't want to be associated with that shit and aren't 24/7 living porcelain dolls of purity.

>> No.7487874

Dude, most Asians are racist against black people and refer to them in a term in their own language. Older Asian grannies are racist as fuck for a good reason. A lot of parents won't let their kids date black guys especially if they have standards.

>> No.7487900

I'm proud of dolldelight! she works hard to be where she is now.

>> No.7487912

The problem is that she calls her brand 'Living Doll fashion' these days being the fad hopping attentionwhore she is.

>> No.7487936

Kinda sad that they put the autism family with the rest of these retards.

>> No.7488074

Is dolldelight even an Asian American? Isn't she from the Filipines?

>> No.7488086

Wait, at 1:12 did this bitch just say "whenever I see darker skinned lolitas, I'm kind of like oh dear, no."

...she has dark skin.

>> No.7488096

I have news for you: the Filipines is in Asia

>> No.7488099

and yet they all look like sad mexicans

>> No.7488098

Dolldelight, if you're human too, why the fuck would you go on a "living doll" reality show. You are desperate for attention.

>> No.7488097

Too bad for her, it was kind of her fault. Why would you trust a reality show? They're not in it to make people famous and become role models. It's to sell freaks and drama for people to ogle at.

Also tell your "friend" that she sucks.

>> No.7488101

No shit dumb ass.

>> No.7488102

No, she doesn't live in america though.

>> No.7488103

Filipinos are the Mexicans of asia. Even other Asians don't consider them real Asians lol

>> No.7488108

I'm waiting for the day, in a not so distant future, where TLC desperately combines their fad topics into "1,000 Pound Lolita Little Person Dance Star Says Yes to the Dress: Georgia Edition"

>> No.7488115

10/10 would watch

>> No.7488129
File: 57 KB, 398x617, dissomeolbullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this cunt is so fucking stupid.
>It's a marketing strategy for both the editors and my team.
No, its reality TV being the manipulative shitty thing that it is and you being thirsty enough to try and get a bit of fame to boost something in your life since no one wanted to buy those shitty dresses.

Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.7488133

Frankly, you don't come off very well here. You're obviously enraged while dolldelight has a cool head, and it's not clear what you're arguing.

Anyway, I doubt lolita will ever be big enough for the average person to really know what it is and as a 'weird' fashion, people will misunderstand it and false meanings will perpetuate. It's no huge sacrifice to live with it, just aggravating at worst.

>> No.7488137
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I like how she's talking about a point being proven, when they might just edit the shit out of that too. Then she'll just have to backpedal like Yaya and start talking about how she didn't know this was gonna happen and felt so betrayed by the editors and network. Oh man I'm ready.

>> No.7488154
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Anything to do with this living doll crap will enrage me to no end, I don't care how I come off here, it's 4chan.

>> No.7488156

This is exactly what's going to happen

>> No.7488160

Does anybody else want to shake wig cap girl when she's whining about how she can't feel her wrist or some bullshit
You're putting on a fucking dress, not soldering an underwater pipeline. Man the fuck up, Christ.

>> No.7488166

Oh also, that's not me commenting I just sc it. I just don't like the idea of this person who is claiming that shes not a lolita, to be okay with calling herself a living doll for the sake of being on tv. Which will cause things like this to happen >>7488154, then afterwards she'll try to play victim like she didn't know heavy editing was going to happen.

>> No.7488184

Read the rest of the thread, anon.

>> No.7488199

I'm glad they're calling it Living Doll fashion.
Stupid idiots that see it on the tv will flood 'living doll' forums, not Lolita forums.

Fucking good.

>> No.7488209

no, she calls it "lolita" pretty openly.

>> No.7488219

1,000 Pound Amish Gypsy Lolita Little Person Dance and Child Pageant Star with an embarrassing cluster of warts on her privates that almost killed her during sex suddenly gives birth during her wedding in a tacky wedding dress while being lectured by Stacy and Clinton, none of them knowing she was pregnant.

>> No.7488222

Sorry, Amish Mormon Gypsy*

>> No.7488236

HER MANAGER IS SO STUPID. Who the fuck calls themselves "name-san?!"

And I think it's more like she isn't American because she just moved here not too long ago?

>> No.7488238

Nope, see

>> No.7488253

On the trailer, she mentions lolita fashion.

>> No.7488279

>Filipinos are the Mexicans of asia
Knew some one who was half Filipino half Irish-American and she quoted those exact words. Kind of sad really.

>> No.7488281

>that racist Asian bitch "getting back" at teh white man by using them as wallets
>that darker skinned girl who made ick face while talking about her feelings about dark skinned lolitas. why the fuck would you even say something like that on camera
>dolldelight whoring out and pretending to be unique awesome designer
>that painful rap

At least the ambiguious guy, ill virgin and the triplet with the autistic siblings seem like decent human beings

>> No.7488290

She only says her fashion is inspirated by lolita, that's all.

>> No.7488297

>trusting reality tv show editing

>> No.7488304

I know it's 90% editing and grooming, but that isn't enough to make someone say something REALLY off collar like that. Editing doesn't change what she said.

>> No.7488310

Except it does. >>7486851

>> No.7488313

yes, it does. did you actually watch the clip? they took normal footage and edit it a bunch of different ways depending on what they want to portray. here's a hint: if there's a cutaway in the middle of someone's sentence, it's not what they actually said.

>> No.7488315

Ah that's pretty bad, she should threaten them for deformation.

The rest stands even if they ham it up for cam

>> No.7488320


>> No.7488365

That's really too bad. They took her words, mixed them up, and made her look like a racist. Not down with that at all. Imagine all the drama she's going to have to deal with because of their mistake. Poor girl.

>> No.7488373

I'm tired of the lolitas are dolls shit too. I wish that when these people called themselves dolls that they would explain that it has nothing to do with lolita. That living doll stuff is fetish like. Lolita is an elegant fashion. HUGE difference.

>> No.7488397
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You're not the only one.

>> No.7488400

>TLC is just looking for freaks to mock, and idiots keep taking the bait because they think they're going to be ~famous~ when in reality they'll just be laughed at for a few weeks before fading back into obscurity.
Everybody goes into these things thinking they'll be viewed as so smart, creative, wonderful, be an ambassador to normalfags for whatever the hobby is. NOPE. They're just a circus freakshow, and whatever hobby they're in is going to hate them for exploiting everybody in their desperate pursuit of fame. Even newspapers don't give a shit about accuracy, they just want to lol at the weirdos.

>> No.7489485
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I'm glad that person was able to explain it really well rather than just getting mad. I totally understand getting upset with this but it doesn't help people to see your point.

I wonder if these 'living doll' girls realize that dollification really is a fetish that they're catering to. I get the feeling most of them just wanted a new snowflakey term for being supa kawaii.

>> No.7489489
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>> No.7489498

>Dolldelight has a lot of hater

>> No.7489504

Isn't this from that one girl who took meet up photos without telling the girls and put them on a fetish board?

>> No.7489510

I hate (hurhur) how the word 'hater' is now used instead of more accurate terms like critic or detractor. Hater insinuates childishness, disliking something due to jealousy or for no real reason at all.
"People are critical of X" means that there are differences of opinion and whether or not there is something wrong with X is up for debate.
"X has HATORZ!!!1" is generally taken to mean that X is sooo popular and cool that losers only dislike it because they are stupid jealous meanie-heads who are upset they can't be as awesome and creative as X. Only people who are firmly lodged up their own ass and refuse to take any criticism whatsoever claim to have 'haters'.

>> No.7489514
File: 64 KB, 1599x722, dqiw7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I took it from getoffegl's tag for unseelie_allure. She took down the photos when people called her out on it.

I was trying to show that dollification fetish is a thing and when these people are presented with lolitas supposedly posing as living dolls they are very happy to assume we share their fetish, no questions asked. My comm hasn't been approached by fetishists yet (my country usually gets programmes like this after a significant delay) but I really wouldn't be surprised if they started showing up to meets because they think we're into the same things they are.

>> No.7489539

i can't imagine it's helped by lolitas that do meetups with BJD's, either; reinforcing the doll theme.

we should start making little pamphlets to hand out to oglers at meets

>> No.7489777

Do not bash the Philippines. I've read on some dramu forum that she's not well like in her country as well.

>> No.7490326

I think someone did once.
"what is lolita fashion"

I think we should get together and do that., agree on info for a pamphlet.

>> No.7490328

deets, what forum. you can't just say so little

>> No.7490633

I'm into lolita fashion, and I'm into dollification fetish. I am super careful to keep them separate in public (it's not an issue in private since my doll "style" is pretty much unrelated to lolita) and all this living doll crap burns my britches that much more. I've had to correct people at munches and on fetlife before, and I've also seen other lolitas who happen to be kinky doing the same, and I feel like conflating these two things just undermines whatever progress we've made in getting people to understand that lolita is not automatically a fetish and you can't assume a girl in a frilly dress is into weird sex (or sex at all) any more than you can assume that about a girl in jeans or a business suit.

>> No.7490636

I dunno this sounds like a bad idea. Pamphlet are kinda cultish, I've never gotten a pamphlet that wasn't horrible and religiously. It's better to decide as a group (or take on a leader role yourself) who can explain your fashion the best and pitch in
>mfw it's the least adept members of the fashion who always seem to explain it to ongoers in cringeworthy fashion

>> No.7490641

Perhaps a business card instead? One side a cute photo, the other links to sites about lolitas or something?

>> No.7490654

i was just thinking like, a little photo of old school! a photo of modern! a couple examples of cute sub-style! and just some copy that says, hey, this is just street style that originated in japan. it's cool, guys. it's cool.

>> No.7490740

Is there something horribly wrong with just telling people it's a Japanese street fashion and not have to hand out anything?

>> No.7490798

That is what I do. I leave the business cards for girls and guys who are ACTUALLY interested.

>> No.7490852

"British, Australian , it's all the same to me"

holy shit, /pol/ was right.

>> No.7491045


>> No.7491077

Wat. She was directly parodying when white people say things like "China, Korea, it's all the same to me".

>> No.7491385

Haha serves her right for being friends with Dolldelight and going on this stupid show. Also Dolldelight is Phillipino, not even American at all? Unless something new happened that I don't know about. All her shit is fug as fuck and overpriced to shit, I don't even know how she survives in the community. All the desperate lolitas trying to ride her raggedy flannel shirtails are idiots.

>> No.7491561

I would pay to see a documentary on PT. "The Life of a Kawaii Japanese Cosplay Gravure Idol."

>> No.7491577

> Gravure Idol

I cracked a limb from this

>> No.7491580

I made cheapo standard vistaprint business cards and I just have my comm's fb page & hellolace listed. It is useful, but I totally forget to bring them everytime we have a meetup.

>> No.7496091
File: 118 KB, 620x942, 1397510234443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, yes please

>> No.7496106

i would watch this

>> No.7496392

url doesn't work?

>> No.7496521

>>that racist Asian bitch "getting back" at teh white man by using them as wallets
>that obvious butthurt