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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7482102 No.7482102 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone attend Anime Detour in Minnesota?

Want to share pictures, stories, and discuss how the biggest con in MN happens to always be the shittiest waste of money

>> No.7482115
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The cosplay contest was another waste of time
>all miku cosplays dont even have cut bangs let alone styled wig
>just that entry level shitty way of parting the long bangs in the middle and leaving the rest to look like a circler bob hair style.
>fucking boring cosplay choices for a contest
>using bought props
>low quality nothing stands out
>only 2 decent are still boring and dont have high standards

I dont care if they were mostly novices, why the fuck would you enter a fucking contest and embarrass yourself with unstyled wigs and low quality costumes that dont even fit you correctly

>sakura miku cosplay with socks and white tennis shoes
>in a contest


>> No.7482125

the gaming was shitty
at least the amount of room there was was terrible this year, and the smash bros brawl mod was fucking awful
it was the one trying to recreate the melee ver.
doesnt even feel like melee or brawl just a shitty mod making a shitty game
also detour needs to recognize that there are NEVER enough game cube controllers and only maybe 3 people will want to use the fucking wii mote

>> No.7482256

there wasnt much cosplay mostly closet cosplay

>> No.7482557
File: 56 KB, 541x960, 1396912288479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this terrible mess at detour, there was a lot of nudist beach cosplay, not good

>> No.7482567

aside from the costume and that piece of garbage scissor blade, that wig is awful

>> No.7482599

When did she ever dress like that in the anime? Am I missing a scene?

>> No.7482601

the holster doesnt even look like the one from the series. did she even try?

>> No.7482603

Nope. She just wanted to be different

>> No.7482613
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, 1324596914429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fan art"
>not even correct looking holster they wear

god if youre gonna do this pointless fan interpretation might as well do it right

>> No.7482623

its funny because she could have easily made the black straps to cover that fucking bra

also why do girls do this? walk around in a skin colored bra and be comfortable in it?
I can barely go downstairs in my one piece to go to the pool

>> No.7482630
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>> No.7482636

As said earlier. The gaming room was shit. Most people didn't even know where it was. I think I only spent 30 minutes in there overall just to kill time.

I saw myself having more fun on my down time burning my money at the bar since the other people there didn't have sticks up their asses.

The programing seemed lack luster. It was cool to go to Dai Sato's panels. Most other panels ran by con attendees were just shit shows.

The rave was good at least.

I'll just leave it at that. I could write an essay about some of the con goers (both cosplay related and not), but I won't.

>> No.7482642

Simple, they are whores for attention. Especially that Ryuko

>> No.7482649

>I could write an essay about some of the con goers (both cosplay related and not), but I won't.

Same. Didn't attend, but I worked over the weekend at one of the adjacent food places that got hit HARD by seemingly everyone. They were quite pleasant for the most part, but those cosplays...

>> No.7482654

if I want to go play melee I will just go walk over and play melee

>> No.7482705

When I went to two of the three (I think it's three) restaurants that were adjacent to the hotel holding the con. I was annoyed by the cosplayers there. They were so obnoxious.

No, I don't want my picture taken when I'm eating nor do I want to take a picture for you when I'm eating. Stop making a big deal about it after I say no, or at least wait.

After that my group decided to drive to restaurants two miles away just to avoid the other con goers.

>> No.7482720

>mfw I refused to go to Fridays in my cosplay when asked because I find it obnoxious

>> No.7482789

they asked for names at the coffee shop, and each of the 3 times i went there were different Frozen cosplayers who all used Anna or Elsa. there was no reason for it to bother me so much, but it did

>> No.7482804

god I would rage so hard

>> No.7483309
File: 308 KB, 678x1024, 13707185733_d9449e71d7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck would you enter a fucking contest and embarrass yourself with unstyled wigs and low quality costumes that dont even fit you correctly
Because they don't find it embarrassing and most of the other con goers wouldn't either. I know we like to get laughably pretentious, but it's dress up for nerds and most of the people are in costume for fun.

It was pretty average for a con that size. Blessedly Hetalia and Homestuck are at least starting to die down. Sadly, no single unifying shitfest has sprung up in popularity to contain the under-age wailing little bastards so they easily identifiable from a distance. Gaming room was moved and most people couldn't find it. Con suite was nice, if too crowded as usual. A few of the room parties were fun. The dealer's room was pretty dissapointing. It was the same few handful of repeating merch at most booths. No model kits, no great vidya vendor, no dolls, just bland in general. At least they still forbid those fucking paddles and that asshole that usually screams about yaoi was either banned or gone.

>> No.7483347

That's so obnoxious. It would bother me too. Frozenfags are getting as bad as hamsteaks and snk

>> No.7483369

Just moved to Minnesota. How shit are the cons here? Moved from Illinois, had some pretty awesome cons.

>> No.7483397

>for fun
but its a contest
its a fucking competition

>> No.7483610

Detour went about the same as it does each year. I ran the classic gaming room party with my friends over at 105, so most of my time was spent there. Hope some of you stopped by!

Got a chance to check the actual con gaming room, when I managed to find it: seemed like there was more room, but fewer games-- and most of them were the usual suspects, too. Nothing new, unless I was blind. I feel like most of Detour could be described like this, though I'm not sure whether or not that's the thoughts of someone who's gone almost every year since 2004.

Bar was pretty decent. Had the Frieza, and that was pretty boss. Anyone else have their other drinks?

The Danganronpa panel Saturday night would've been pretty cool to partake in if I hadn't showed up halfway through, and so remained thoroughly lost for the rest of it.

>> No.7484530

The sakura miku is actually a super good friend of mine... she's quite nice but her costumes just arent very good at all. her costume colors werent even correct for sakura miku and she never takes care of her wigs and cuts them disgustingly if at all, plus she buys like all of her outfits and enters into contests at every fuckin minnesota con with some of them and sells them off again a few months later to buy more costumes to pawn off :(
plus she never ever binds even though ive suggested her to buy a binder or does reasonable makeup besides thickish eyeliner

>> No.7489023

There's a novice category for a reason, Anon.

>> No.7489044

I didn't get a badge but I went to hang out on Saturday. Boring as fuck. I've missed AD the past few years and mostly been attending East Coast cons and wow. So much underage and obnoxious behavior that I haven't seen in so long. I can't tell if it's because the con space is more cramped or people at Detour are actually that much younger and dumber.

Anyway this con has stagnated so much. They need to do something because it's basically in a coma now and needs life breathed back into it.

>> No.7489588

Oh, I did! Went as a Team Rocket group. I like how low-key the con is. Plus it's actually in my home state so I don't have to fly halfway across the country. I had a good time, you betcha.

>> No.7491538

Anyone going to Animinneapolis in May?

>> No.7491547

I had a friend of mine that went and took a bunch of pictures of shitty cosplay. I can dump them here if anyone wants.

>> No.7495549
