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7481897 No.7481897 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wearing mori-girl more often now, and I was wondering if there were any writings on mori lifestyle like there are for lolita. What activities do you do in a mori lifestyle?

>> No.7481910

I think gardening counts as Mori. And anything very DIY like making jewelry and notebooks. I actually love flower crowns in mori because it makes sense.

>> No.7481919
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I've been thinking about this recently too! I've always been a foresty person, growing up we had a huge woods in our backyard, my best memories were playing outside and building stuff in the woods. Here are some of the things I think are mori:
-Making your own jewelry and clothing out of found objects like rocks or bones. Sewing quilts from thrifted fabrics (I think quilts are lame imo but it'd be pretty mori)
-Gardening, canning, cooking especially with your own home grown herbs
-Having a fairy-tale themed decor, fairy lights, hand crafted wooden furniture
-This is pretty out there but my boyfriend and I have been admiring fantasy homes, some that people make out of branches and build themselves. We are talking about one day doing this ourselves. He's always loved the idea of building his own home, why not make it fantasy style? Pic is related.
-Hiking, nature walks, generally just being in nature.
-Trapping or gathering berries or edible plants
I just try to think of stuff you might do if you lived in a forest and the kind of things I'd do as a kid

>> No.7481943

>I think quilts are lame imo

ok, now, I used to think the same thing. now I'm a quilter lol. You should check out this girl's blog: http://msmcporkchopquilts.com/ Completely changed my mind about quilting in all ways. It's not just old ladies and civil war fabrics, promise.

>> No.7481973

Thought of a few more: knitting, crocheting, making jams and preserves, journaling, writing
Some of this stuff I have no idea how to do in a city type area :( like I've never looked around but I don't imagine there are tons of forests with wild berries growing around here. Could be wrong though.

>> No.7481984
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Every city has some sort of park and recreational area. There are craft stores and tons of stuff online for help. I'm teaching myself how to knit this year. Also want to grow my own herbs.

>> No.7481994
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Go make a wreath for Beltane.

>> No.7482150

Fuck yeah.

>> No.7483048
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saw these cookies and had to immediately come post them in this thread because.


>> No.7483057
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That's amazing Anon. Thanks for sharing.

As someone who really wants to get into mori kei, what are some pieces I should really look for? And I know this may sound odd, but what sunglasses are acceptable looking in mori kei?

>> No.7483071
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>what sunglasses
i think it depends. like with like, you know? i'd say to avoid plastic-looking or thick, colorful frames, but mori is so broad that you could find an outfit that would work with most anything.
i would still call pic related mori, but it's a pretty quirky look.

>> No.7483078

Thrift stores (depending on the ones in your area) can be a good place to find clothes. Taobao is good place if you're shopping online. I order from AliExpress a lot, and I've had good luck there as well. Personally, I've had better results buying "pre-made" mori clothes off places like Taobao, but it's possible to use clothes at a mainstream store, you just have to be creative in how you coordinate them.

>> No.7483084
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I ask this because I have really sensitive eyes to sun and I have never seen sun glasses used in mori fashion before.

>> No.7483143

this may seem weird initially but what about sunglasses like this? i think a thin wire frame with lightly tinted lenses would be really cute. shape of the lens is dependent on your face shape of course.

you don't have to grow the moustache if you don't want.

>> No.7483147
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droped pic

>> No.7483164
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>quilts are lame
nah dude, my aunt is a pro, you get paid big bucks for quilting

>> No.7483175
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Not sure if these are too OTT but I really love the look of them.

>> No.7483185
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oh man, oh jesus
see above response and repeat

>> No.7483296
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Look for skirts, dresses, even loose tanks or blouses in interesting textures and varying lengths. Laces, knits, and gauze-y like fabrics will add interest, and stock up on loose-fitting cardigans and scarves.

Also, I think, for sunglasses, I think something like pic-related would look cute and vintagey with a mori look.

>> No.7483300
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You are awesome, good sir or miss.

All great ideas. Thank you all so much

>> No.7484094
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any tips for looking more mori with big boobs like mine? I'm not as much fat as I am curvy, and with larger fitting outfits it tends to tent over more than I would like.....sorry for yucky feet being present here, its the best photo I could find that showed the level of curve happening

>> No.7484148

You could stand to lose weight. Mori girls wear overly large skirts, shirts, and cardigans, but it's supposed to flow a bit. I haven't seen "curvy" girls in mori kei for good reason.

>> No.7484452

ah, I see. I guess you're right.

>> No.7484483

I disagree, your shoulders don't seem too wide so I think you'd be fine, and you're not super super curvy. I'm much more curvy and with slightly more broad shoulders (and ribcage), and as much as I love mori, I'm staying the hell away lol. You could try layering some things as a test to see how different layered looks work on your body? Personally, I'd probably stick with a bodice/top that's a bit more fitted/not a lot of layers over your boobs, and then layer your skirts. Maybe stick to thinner fabrics if you're worried about it getting too bulky? I have no idea what sorts of things you've tried before haha, sorry if I'm no help!

>> No.7484496
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One thing I've seen is to ere on the less flowy side of the fashion (which rarely looks quite right unless you're tiny anyway) and wear things slightly more form fitting, or wearing looser clothes and belting them in at the waist with something thin. Though mori has a distinctive "feel," there's a lot more room for stylistic interpretation than with something like lolita. Just be creative, and try lots of different fits and colors until you find stuff that works for you. Don't let your body shape stop you from trying mori. Attached is a pic of someone I follow on tumblr who is larger and looks great, imho.

I understand though, I'm tall and chubby, with linebacker shoulders, and struggle to make mori clothes work with me and not against me.

>> No.7484503

This doesn't look as good as you think it does. Trust me.

>> No.7484509

Meh, strokes for folks. Like I said, I personally like it, I'm not trying to say it's perfect or that everyone should wear it.

>> No.7484514
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The cardigan is too tight as it is and looks really jarring with the rest of the picture. On top of that, the very few layers on top don't fit the bottom which has bunches of layers. I think if she did something like pic related it look better, as it's simpler and still reflects the fashion.

>> No.7484519

This looks even less like mori than the coord being criticized.

>> No.7484532

thank you! I would certainly enjoy wearing stuff like that, since I think more historical elements can really suit the look if done right. or maybe I'm just trying to justify wasting money on antiques ehehe.
something like this seems it would fit nicely and comfortably, too. aren't tops like this starting to get popular? I see them in forever 21 sometimes, I think if I was wearing one I'd try to have a brooch or neck accessory that can continue the colors in the skirt, going back to the lifestyle topic of this thread, I think that could be pretty fun to make. do you think this would also work on me if the top was black? I've got to say, I love how darker mori coords look as well.

thanks everyone! I really hope this helped others as well. I certainly think I'm going to stray from larger fitting tops and top layers, as not only do I not think they'll suit me, but I find it a harder look to put together, anyways.

also, is there any place that has a good selection of cheap mori looking craft supplies? I have been tempted to check out aliexpress, but I'm wondering if the prices are a little too good to be true.

>> No.7484534

I'm assuming they meant the idea of layers being in the skirt and the top having a similar fit. I don't think I'd use colors like in the photo, with some tweaking this outfit could be mori, probably.

>> No.7484538

I think in the taobao thread they were discussing craft supplies etc!

>> No.7488770


>> No.7489041

Does anyone know of any good mori instagram or tumblr inspo pages.

I'm super interested in the style and want to learn more.

Also, can I into mori if I'm super tall (over 5'10)?

>> No.7493704

I'm big-boobed and broad-shouldered, and even at my skinniest never have a well-defined waist. So a lot of the more sack-like and heavily-layered mori looks just don't work on me.

When it comes to layering, too much quickly makes me look really fat. Ditto, too much fabric gathered at my waist. I've ended up making skirts that are more fitted at the top, and either tiered or flared. One has a fake "underskirt" sewn in along with the bottom tiers, but lately I've made fake underskirts from thin fabrics, with a tier of mori-appropriate fabric from the knees down. That gives the illusion of multiple layers, while keeping the actual volume of fabric at my waist to a minimum.

Layered tops can be difficult, too. I tend to avoid layering up top, instead wearing tunics or blouses that have interesting details such as embroidery and/or pintucks. In cooler weather I'll wear a jacket, cardi, or shawl, and maybe wear a scarf, but I try to keep the neckline open or my neck just disappears.

I do use a lot more jewelry to add interest--I string beads in intense, earthy colors I like, and am always looking for shell, wood, bone, antler, or semiprecious stone things that I can add to a beaded necklace or just put on a leather cord. Bangle and cuff bracelets can lead the eye out and away from the bust, too. I also like belts slung low on my hips--they can help tame a blouse that's too voluminous.

And don't overlook bags and shoes--the right ones can go a long way toward making a look. Hair, too--I generally wear mine up, and I like hats as well.

Mori's still a tough look to do if you're busty. I tend to think of my looks as "mori-inspired," rather than the real thing. I know I'm never going to look like the girls in Japanese fashion photos, but I can still make that "lives as a quirky recluse in the woods" idea and use it in my own way.