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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7477832 No.7477832 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread here >>7469852

This is the Star Money knockoff I was talking about, it's ~co-incidentally~ name after a fairy tale too. It's called Daughter of the Sea, which is the Chinese name for The Little Mermaid.

>> No.7477836
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>>It's called Daughter of the Sea, which is the Chinese name for The Little Mermaid.
>no mermaid /anything related to that fairytale on the dress

>> No.7477835
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The shop is berobear.taobao.com, they have another half-knockoff too.

>> No.7477843
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The art looks like shitty cheap Chinese bedsheets. Also to be hip the weaboo shop keeper put a Japanese 'no' in the middle for Daughter of the Sea. Even though literally only China ever used that name for the Little Mermaid.

>> No.7477846

It's not really a knockoff considering the print is fairly different and I thought it was agreed that sharing similar cuts doesn't matter shit

>> No.7477848
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Here's a 2-years-too-late-to-the-trend painting dress.

>> No.7477850

I still like them, especially when the bodice is plain. I don't care much for the ones where the print goes to the top

what is the point of this thread?
why not put it in LG?

>> No.7477866
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I'm using the term knockoff like H&M or ZARA or F21 do to other designers. Not as in replica.

The designer casually mentioned in the thread after everyone commented about this casual likeness. She says sorry she didn't mention the 'influence' earlier, but since the overall design and central concept is so much different, she doesn't feel it's actually a copy. She also hopes everyone can support her ORIGINALITY.

I just continued it because it's where I started posting this community stuff? I'm still keeping it to the Chinese community, but if you girls think it's more suitable there I can move. I'm still interested in other countries and comms though, but nobody else seems interested in posting? Like the Finnish/Polish comm posted a little before. The general seems to be a bit more for one off questions and discussions though, and I don't want to clutter it too quickly into autosage.

>> No.7477875

If you're just talking about the one seller it's probably better in a different thread. Though I think it would have been better if you had a different title like :China/Taobao Drama General or something

>> No.7477877


Is berobear quality shitty? I kind of want the painting dress but obviously I don't want bedsheet quality.

>> No.7477884

Or just Chinese Lolita Comm General

>> No.7478049

Keeping it on-topic

My comm is great... except for 2 girls who group together mostly. They're both fucking nuts, shittalk each other constantly but pretend to be besties in public, think they run the comm (one for being old as shit in the lolita comm, the other for having lots of money), and treat other members like dogshit. I have no idea why we haven't cut them out like the tumors they are yet.

USA comm btw.

>> No.7478058

Lol. You guys still include those two in meets? I'd form another group.

>> No.7478071

Sort of. The older one never really shows up anymore even if she RSVPs to meets, and the rich one plans lots of meets herself.

>> No.7478072

>print goes to the top
like the jesus boob dress

>> No.7478075

I actually really like this. I almost like Star Money but it has issues that annoy me. I like the layout on this a lot.

>> No.7478090

>tfw when your comm leader is a fat ugly old poor meta-loving freak

>> No.7478109

lol mfw you judge someone so harshly for liking meta

who curr

>> No.7478128

I didn't get the chance to get back to the other thread, thank you for dumping images of Misako's book. It's not exactly what I was expecting.

>> No.7478170

well the jesus boob dress is an exception, it's mainly black.

But I'd only buy it with potatoe jesus on it. I don't know why but that shit makes me laugh every time.

My fovorite is on of jetj's with the black bodice and white lace on top

>> No.7478171
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Meta can be quite nice
mainly their older pieces and non-print stuff

>> No.7478342

Want some fries for that salt?

>> No.7478348

HelloBatty. Chick is an attention whore drama mongrting freak. She wants so badly to be posted onto BtB because she's so obsessed with herself. She doesn't give a shit about what people are saying her as long as people are talking about her. For the love of god can we please all agree to never make a secret about her? She bitches and whines so much about how she wants her own secret, fuck I don't think I could stay in the comm if her ego exploded from getting her very own secret.

>> No.7478350

What's she like in your comm? Spill the beans.

>> No.7478467

The comm is so nice but HBatty needs to gtfo, or there won't be room for current/new members if her ego gets that inflated. I promise you I'll never make a secret <3

>> No.7478506

It really is a shame. If she wasn't so obsessed with popularity, she really would be quite nice. I always avoid any meet ups she has because of it. And I was especially happy because of it when I found out about that meet she hosted so she could use it in that god awful frozen parody video she did

>> No.7478510

I know guys, I'm not talking about their classy pieces, im talking about their clown moomoos and their bears and penis crown prints. Also I listed meta last because it is the least important fact.

>> No.7478526

Which comm???

>> No.7478602
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This about sums it up

>> No.7478615

Now, Haenuli, this is lesson to be learned.

>inb4 some Deerstalker-chan whiteknighting Haenuli's new design

>> No.7480226

Bump. Everyone in my comm has really bad or bland taste. Makes events disappointing and difficult to co-plan.

>> No.7480246


No she wouldn't be quite nice, Kat is not a nice person, she's very fake and shallow. Everyone thinks that Kat could be nice because she seems to share the same interests as you, but she has literally no interests outside of herself. She's a rotten girl who sleeps around on her boyfriend with guys she meets at cons while sucking her boyfriend's bank account dry

>> No.7480251
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>hating the dick socks
your hate sustains me

>> No.7480316

Wow really? That's the first time I've heard of her cheating! Details?
And do you know how old she is? I think she's my age, but I recently heard she's older? But it's really hard to tell because she acts/looks like a 16 year old

>> No.7480339

>listed meta last because it is the least important fact.
I always place the most important thing at the end. It's the punchline you know

>> No.7480343

That feel when your community seems to want to get better and then you see a "brolita" post a bunch of horrible cosplay dresses in a post about what dream dresses members want.

>> No.7480373


>> No.7480750

Another reason to stay away from her. All she cares about is attention nothing else, and she knows it. She even admits it quite often.

>> No.7480795

Ugh, I wish I wasn't born male so I wouldn't have to be a "brolita" or at least that I could pass flawlessly so that no one would consider me one. I really hate when weirdos do things like that since it just makes it harder for the ones that are actually interested in the fashion and it isn't some fetish.

>> No.7480965

Chinesegossip, the info you're providing is cool and the gossip is really interesting, but you seem like an extremely bitter, condescending bitch. I'm from another country as well (not China, but an asian country similar in culture) and you're talking like a snobby middle-upper class bitch that doesn't let your country progress forward (I'm talking about the way you regard poverty and low-class people in your society), and shits on your own race. I'm also from the middle-upper class and you remind me of my close-minded friends back at home, who only know how to talk shit about everything.

>> No.7480967


she sent herself an anon ask today to bitch more about btb


I wish this girl would just quit

>> No.7480984

It's a girl floating in water, and a palace (could be sea king's palace)...I'll accept that logic.
I kind of like this stupid thing, but am sure it would not be very nice quality in person .

>> No.7481057

Why doesn't she just make one about herself and then ham it up when she "discovers" it?

>> No.7481138

So she's just like every other girl on /cgl/?

>> No.7481141

i think you might be misinterpreting based on the language barrier and the fact that she's repeating the prevailing opinions amongst the chinese community

>> No.7481152

Different anon but the way she calls people fat, poor and ugly, pointing out things that can only be changed by surgery, and casually uses ethnic slurs makes me think she's right there up with the cuntier comm members she talks about. I'd love to see what she dresses like if her standards are so high.
Not that I mind much though, I love to hear other comms' dramu.

>> No.7481287

I'm pretty sure it's how a normal person would talk about a not-so-first-world country. Every time I hear someone talk about some far off land, it's usually from PC up the ass BBC correspondent or the like.

>> No.7481294

That'll be next week, calling it. She's desperate for attention.
Must be hard quitting your real job to be "efamous" and realizing no one actually gives a shit about you?

>> No.7481301

I'm not following you. People talking about underdeveloped countries call its inhabitants fat and ugly, and make fun of them for wearing the same 2-3 blouses all the time?

BTW as someone who has done some volunteering in several underdeveloped areas of SE Asia and is not a paid BBC correspondent... No. Not really. The only person I've ever personally met who still uses racist slurs casually is one of my grandmothers who is outwardly racist and gives no fucks.

>> No.7481333

As someone from a SEA country, I have to say that westerners always handle our cultures with baby gloves. 2-3 blouses wasn't in reference to the whole of the country, but just to that one lolita. And where did she make the generalization of the Chinese being 'fat and ugly'?

Nigga, please.

>> No.7481341

see this? /cgl/ can never have nice things.

i agree she's repeating opinions in the chinese comm
i don't agree that it's a language barrier issue, her english seems pretty damn good to me.

america is a first world country...do all americans speak in a civilised manner all the time? lol

>> No.7481365

>extremely bitter, condescending bitch
This is 4chan, I'm here to dish dirt, what do you expect? You wanna hear about the skinny philanthropist perfect billionaire lolita? No. I posted about Lydia and you see how far that went.

>Doesn't let my country progress forward
I don't see how a few badly dressed bitches and the occasional fatty is hindering China's progress. Excuse me while I take my country's GDP and drown it in cheap lace.

>the way you regard poverty and low-class people
This is an expensive hobby, I'm not judging anyone for being poor. Also many of my comments are regurgitated from Chinese lolitas, and China is a very class and wealth driven society.

>shits on my own race
I don't see what you're talking about. If it's a reference to the double eyelid surgery posts, then you're just overreacting. It's common for Chinese people to have both mono and duolids (I'm a natural double eyelid), and also a common procedure to have it changed for vanity's sake.

Thanks, but I wasn't born yesterday. If you're going to complain about me calling people niggers you're on the wrong website. It's not like I walk around all day shouting NIGGER and FATTY at random people on the street lol. I don't belong to any comm (none in my current country of residence), and I can freely admit I'm nowhere up to my own standards. Lolita is an expensive hobby that takes a long time to develop. If I measured up to Xylia or Fanny then I'm sure you ladies would already know me.

Thank you lovely ladies~

>> No.7481369

mm, by language barrier i meant how tone can be shifted in translation. asian languages sound very direct usually etc. it could be why that anon perceives her as being so bitchy - because she's so blunt and straightfoward. i agree, her english is excellent!

>> No.7481370

I'm hungry to hear more about the Paris comm, their drama is the best. There was a long thread full of Parisian lolis being catty about some of their local lolcows once and I was in absolute stitches. Merci beaucoup for that ridiculousness!

>> No.7481487

I'm not the anon who said she was shitting on her own race or whatever, but there are plenty of posts where she calls Chinese lolitas fat and ugly. Have you been reading these threads at all?

>> No.7481548

>where did she make the generalization of the Chinese being 'fat and ugly'?
>plenty of posts where she calls Chinese lolitas fat and ugly

She calls individual lolitas fat or ugly, she never generalized for all Chinese lolitas.

>> No.7481546

She calls fat and ugly girls fat and ugly. They just happen to be Chinese because she's talking about the Chinese comm. But she's not calling Chinese girls as a whole fat and ugly. Does public school not teach reading comprehension anymore?

>> No.7481557

Not as a generalization of Chinese lolitas, never mind the Chinese as a whole. I was addressing what >>7480965 said. What I should have said is that it's kind of dumb to bring accusations of being a "classist" bitch in a hobby that requires money, no matter what country it's in. Someone's background should have nothing to do with whether or not a coord is ugly or not. If someone can only afford 2-3 blouses I'm not going to encourage people censoring their opinions on whether or not it's going to get old.
Additionally, if that kind of thing is so prevalent in China that it warrants a generalization, why shouldn't anyone say it?

>> No.7481592

>she's so blunt and straightfoward
there is no need for tact on cgl though. i don't know what that anon wanted either.

if you really mean what you say, i suggest you start with creating a lorp account and educating the chinese lolis about how the girls being shamed are not fat and ugly. don't shoot the messenger.

>> No.7481702

Our comm is generally drama free, ignoring the explosion in the last 'comm bitching' thread.
I'm worried that times are changing though, and I wish that we could all make a pact not to make secrets about each other.

Our comm is good because it usually offers protection from being posted while we learn from each other. Complaining abstractly on cgl is one thing, but I don't want our group to become one where you're scared of your photos being used in personal attacks.
Drawing the public's attention to our group problems makes us all look bad, too.

>> No.7481744


It's just Asians. They're just as bitchy as everyone else, sometimes even moreso. My mom's sister kept making fun of my dad's cousin for having horseface. That's lolita levels of bitchiness right there.

>> No.7481760

amen to that.

>> No.7481778

I wish my comm could be more honest with girls that dress bad on how to improve and more honest with the brolita's that they are creeping everybody out. I like how nice the comm is, but I wish we could focus on fashion part of the hobby more.

>> No.7481788


I think most of us care about each other and only want to enjoy ourselves and improve. It's people that arbitrarily jump in, bag of popcorn in hand for the lulz are the ones to be worried about. It just makes things stricter, and worse off for the slew of beginners that haven't developed their lolita thick skin yet.

>> No.7481796

Does anyone in hlc have info on becky? She just got in that $1500 blue btssb set and she is only now getting college acceptance letters? I respect her less knowing it's all daddy's money fueling her outfits.

>> No.7481861


This. I love how peaceful we are. I just wish the people who like to stir up drama in the comm would either name no names, not mention the comm or just hash things out in person like adults. The behaviour in the last thread was disgusting.

>> No.7481938

Wow everything she even says sounds self-serving. That "lol i won't do plus sized Lolita giveaways because I (am hella cheap/poor) am not plus sized" was so backhanded, I almost feel bad for the person who asked. There are a million reasons you won't do a giveaway like that. None have to do with your size unless you're implying you're giving away your old clothes

>> No.7482131
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Anon, we can help you pass, probably. A lot of guys make really cute girls.

>> No.7482270

I'll for sure ask for help when I start buying brand and not just bodyline stuff. You're sweet so thanks for believing and being positive unlike others who only try to put people down.

>> No.7484484

chinesegossip, just curious, were you born in China? if so, how did your English get so good? it seems like you have a really good command of both English and Chinese slang, which I know is hard when learning a second language

another question, any thoughts or experiences of foreign lolitas in China joining Chinese lolita groups? I hope to live there one day so I'm curious about what the reaction might be.

>> No.7484491

Nia, no1curr, you're not even in that comm anymore.

>> No.7484552

Not that anon, but I love playing dress up with people.

>> No.7484874

Not even Nia or anywhere near her comm, past or present, but way to be the cancer killing /cgl/.

>> No.7485033

a lot of people learn english from online nowadays so they pick up more colloquial english than if they learned from a classroom

>> No.7485169 [DELETED] 

whatever you say, Nia~

>> No.7485177

I don't think Deerstalker themselves have ever bought Haenuli, funnily enough. Also all the people that model for their film and stuff... have complained that the haenuli clothes fell apart or look very bad in real life.

>> No.7485470
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I get the question a lot IRL haha. I was born and raised in China, but in a bilingual environment. I went to a non-local school and most of my classmates spoke english, as did all of the teachers (minus other language teachers). My dad speaks English and bought me all the books I wanted as a child, so I read a fuck ton. I'm also very good with languages, and can pick them up relatively fast. I learned Japanese on my own through anime and J-drama from 5th to 7th grade, well enough to be recommended to take the 3rd grade Japanese exam by my Japanese teacher in 8th grade. However in languages I have no interest in I won't be motivated at all, like I took French for years at the behest of my mother but I can't remember much at all. I have trouble writing Asian languages because my development was skewed, so remembering hundreds of characters is hard, and my Chinese handwriting is shit. However I can read and speak just fine, which is a huge advantage in the world right now.

The wardrobe of the owner of the replica store, "Half-Cup of Milk" on taobao.

>> No.7485649
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Also her wardrobe. The funny thing is she only replicates Soft Sister and High School Girl (Joshiko, JK) style stuff and doesn't run lolita circles. They guess it's because of the shame of running a replica store.

>> No.7485658

I love your gossipy posts, they are fun to read. I wish more people from different countries did this type of post. Very interesting and entertaining!

I wanted to hear more about Lydia. Does she have a blog or place she posts? I can translate enough to get the meaning but it's mostly pix I'd like to see.

>> No.7485663

I second this. And good French blogs as well. With the event and ambassador election coming up, I'd like to learn a bit more...any French Loli on here who can gossip for us a little?

>> No.7485672

Chinese gossip-chan, can I request pictures/stories of Lydia and Takarai Natsu? (I think she goes by inorantoro on instagram but i could be wrong.)

>> No.7485674

are these her replicas or are you saying these are the originals that she replicated for the store?

>> No.7485796

They're originals, since there's no replica of Secret Garden. The irony here is she replicates Soft Sister crap for poorfag replica-chans, and then uses their money to be a brandwhore.

Lydia's weibo is here:http://www.weibo.com/u/2803539210? Click the pink sublink under the tabs below the avatar that says 图片 to see all her photo posts.

>> No.7485934

Hay, NYC girls, are there any events going on or around sakura matsuri?
I almost forgot about it and now I know I am out of the loop.

>> No.7486166

there's supposed to be a meetup at the botanical gardens. also a parasol fashion show? That's all I know about it.

>> No.7486567

Not so much bitching, more a question I guess.
Anyone from Maine here? I noticed theres some 14 y/o chick, haven't been to any meets with her. Is she classic teen ita weeb? I don't want to go to a meet with one of those...

>> No.7486589

What the hell is Soft Sister, I hear that term quite often while being on Weibo but I have no clue what it is besides that it looks like Cult Party Kei and Fairy Kei stuff.

>> No.7486852

I'd like to know as well, a friend is going for cosplay stuff but I'd like to attend if there's any lolita stuff happening. Is there somewhere other than fb I can get in on this?

>> No.7486859

chinaloli explained this in one of the previous threads.
it seems like it's sort of similar to fairy-kei but with cult-party-kei's palette? the only thing I can think to compare it to in the west is twee fashion with pastels. it seems to be the style that amo and candystripper embody.

>> No.7486976

is there a link to the event on Facebook...? Or could someone post it to the main group?

>> No.7486997
File: 36 KB, 504x525, goddammitnc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me seagulls. This is my comm today. There is so much shit like this.

>> No.7487009

What would you do instead?

>> No.7487029

We're in the same comm. I'll pray for us.

>> No.7487031

Would anyone be interested in mexican gossip or is it like, a boring country?

>> No.7487040

please dish. I'm considering going to their event with Misako and would like to hear stories.

>> No.7487046

a.) not be a an idiot about "dresses from clobba" because it's not a fucking brand (and learn to write properly)

b.) look at the gazillion previous posts about the cosplay vs. lolita vs. cosplay lolita debate

Granted, posting both of these things to the FB as opposed to EGL is better in my book but for fucks sake.

>> No.7487048

I'm curious--I never hear anything about Mexican comms at all.

>> No.7487050

They don't learn unless they ask. You should step into the circlejerk and set them straight.

>> No.7487066

Totally interested, I know little about it but have seen some people.

>> No.7487067

also in that com

>> No.7487088

Do you guys have a FAQ for newbies? If not, make one in the files section of your group. It kills a lot of questions and weeds out those that won't survive the first quarter quell.

>> No.7487090

Both of these women are adults. There are no excuses. Especially if the first has actually ordered from Clobba. Why are you defending them?

>> No.7487094

I'm not but seriously if they are fucking up this bad it's because no one has told them. Be the change you want to see in your community.

>> No.7487116
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Does anybody know how "420" friendly the Denver comm is? I think it would be cool to have a 4/20 picnic meet or something since it's legal here.
I'm not a facebookfag and I don't know any of the girls, I know I should go to a meet already but I always seem to miss them by a week or so...

>> No.7487119

the girl giving advice on "cosplay lolita" is in the SC comm as well... ugh

>> No.7487124

Very, for the most part.
We've actually discussed having a "high" tea before.

>> No.7487123


Same comm, same fb group.

Shit always rises to the surface - its the unwritten rule of fb comms and egl. Clamoring noobs always post loudly, incomprehensibly, and often.

Take solace in the fact we have a bunch of fabulous dressed girls in a low drama community, even if they don't represent too often online.

>> No.7487176

Oh, excellent, I'm not a lone loli, I have a friend I duo with and we've been wanting to join the comm. Usually she and I just get together and often smoke, we're noobs though and don't do it in brand.
I'll be watching for upcoming meets, there should be a spring or easter one coming up right?
Although I think 4/20 would be pretty keen too!
How about cute cupcake edibles?

>> No.7487182

who's becky?

>> No.7487184

New York lolitas! Who should I contact if I want to hang out with lolis in the area? I know that there's community drama, but I still kind of want to meet lolitas in the area while I am there. I know you guys had a /cgl/ meet, so it can't be all bad.

>> No.7487189

"high tea"

oh mah god

>> No.7487199

What's the stigma regarding replica bags in the Southern Ontario comm?

>> No.7487215

Not from there, but I don't think there's a stigma regarding replica bags anywhere.

>> No.7487217

I am from there and I don't recall there ever being any stigma. Where did you hear about this?

>> No.7487249

I'm currently not in the area, so I haven't been paying much attention to upcoming meets, but I'm sure there are a couple in the works - there always are.
I know there would be people down for a 4/20 meet, but it probably wouldn't be widely publicized and most likely invite-only, for kind of obvious reasons. I would suggest getting involved with the comm and then maybe planning a 4/20 meetup next year?
And yes, we discussed all the best ways to do loli edibles lol. I actually don't smoke myself (but am cool with other people choosing to), but the idea was hilarious to me nonetheless.

>> No.7487255

sorry newfag here, can't figure out how to post the fb link. but it's just called "sakura matsuri lolita meetup" and it's public so you can search that. unfortunately I only know about it from fb.

not sure why it hasn't been posted on the site yet, though. I would post it but I'm not the host...

>> No.7487300

One of you needs to step up and make a separate comm.

>> No.7487312

You can go on the FB group, New York Lolitas. The /cgl/ meet was chill but there hasn't been news of another one yet, sigh.

>> No.7487392

Yeah, I'd have liked to hang out with you /cgl/ peeps.

>> No.7487456

I have always thought my community is extremely nice and friendly. However lately I have heard lots of complaining how it's difficult for new people to join and we are elitists(!). It makes me feel rather sad. Part of me wants to do something about the situation, part of me thinks that they must be really young/shy/insecure/generally not ready to take part in conversations and meet ups if they just... you know... can't bring themselves to join?

Those here who feel like you can't join a community, what are your reasons? Is there something we could do to make things easier? What are you afraid of?

>> No.7487679

Get in contact with Vanessa. She's a pretty cool lolita to talk to.

>> No.7487716

Don't be a bitch

>> No.7487720

nyc girls, we almost always have meetups on Saturdays.....but would Sunday be a good day for anyone?

Getting Saturdays off is really hard for me but I almost always have Sundays of and I would really like to make a once a month Sunday fancy tea day.

>> No.7487726

hmm, for me there's a lot of anxiety in meeting a group of people that i know have a high standard for appearances. i think there's also being the only new one in a group that's already established, so maybe you could do a sort of "mixer" event for new people to be fully invited and be able to come as a group, and you guys could sort of take on a slightly more mentor role and teach them things throughout the meetup. At the very least, they could come and know that other people would be new and not perfect, too?

You could also reach out, make a post on your comm, saying that you've been getting those sorts of complaints and wanted to know why those feelings were arising and what could be done - then you'd have a solution perfect for your group's exact situation.

>> No.7487727

What's your problem? She's better than Amber.

>> No.7487775

i see chinese girls reblogging wtb/wts on weibo all the time. does the second-hand-sales comm in china work like the english one? i seldom see proof photos, it seems like they just hawk their wares with stock photos...but you won't be able to tell if the item has any flaws...i thought you'll want to be careful against scammers.

is yahoo!japan very popular among chinese lolitas? since they can't really tell the difference between legal/illegal replicas, and shit on girls for recycling shoes/shirts, do they also think it's bad to own second hands?

>> No.7488300

i don't see how college acceptance letters=daddy's money. just saying

>> No.7488302

it means she isn't an adult with a career

>> No.7488332
File: 92 KB, 500x583, tumblr_lm3je2a5EU1qzf5w5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool, I will be sharing some stuff then.

Most of the Mexican lolitas are poor dressed, since most of them are too young to be working. Starting to work on your teens and earning money from a young age might be normal in the US, but not in Mexico. We basically need to wait until we are adults/we finish school so we can start buying things. so bodyline, replicas and taobao is abundant. There are some lolitas that are particularly good coording, but most aren't. Most of the coords that I've seen are so so so boring and without originality that I just... meh.

We also have Nadia, the inspiration for the Love Nadia skirt from bodyline (Pic related). She hates talking about her experience as a model for bodyline, though. Also, she is not that into lolita anymore, I think because of her studies as a nurse. She owns the angelicpretty url at tumblr, so there's that.

Anything you guys want to know about?

>> No.7488357

>She hates talking about her experience as a model for bodyline, though
sounds spoopy
now I'm curious

>> No.7488368

Lol no.
Try to make friends at the big lolita meetups friend. There'll be one for the sakura matsuri coming up soon.

>> No.7488440

I'd love to! I suppose I could step up and make another one at Bosie if Mackilemoorlita doesn't mind (sorry I'm probably butchering that name).

My schedule varies but I totally wouldn't mind this either.

Where is the info for the Matsuri meet up? It was asked a couple times above but no one has posted info yet.

>> No.7488589

This is Becky. While you are absolutely correct that I'm still just a senior in high school, I actually do pay for my own pieces, including the set I recently received! I understand completely why that would seem unlikely, though, and I apologize if I've somehow disappointed you.

>> No.7488601

>California here, and I am full of jelly.

>> No.7491914
File: 225 KB, 491x532, Screen Shot 2014-04-12 at 5.23.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this girl an idiot, or is she like 14?

>> No.7491917

What's wrong?

>> No.7491920

>I've wanted it since I was 12!!!
>Print came out in 2011

I don't know if she's just so much of an idiot as to pretend like she's wanted it for years or if she's honestly that young.
Either way, meh.

>> No.7491936

I have a similar memory problem. I have very vivid memories of looking at Angelic Pretty's Colorful Ribbon series sometime in 2004 (and I mean VIVID) but the dress came out in 2011. Yeah I don't get it either.

>> No.7491944
File: 29 KB, 500x409, redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because there are parallel worlds where things like that happen

Some people are more in tune with those worlds and thus your thoughts from the alternate you bleed over

>> No.7492126

i dunno, when I was 14, 12 seemed like ages ago. if she really is 14.

>> No.7492142

Um, I think the commenter meant that you have a daddy who pays you for sex, and you use that money to buy brand? So you would still be buying it with your money, but money that you earned through sex

I don't know, though. I don't even know who you are or from whence you come.

>> No.7492147

What? No, they pretty clearly literally meant her actual father.

>> No.7492165

its completely believable that someone with no bills to worry about can drop that much money. If I had no bills to worry about I could easily do that every month and then some haha

>> No.7494038

I'm also in this comm. Godspeed and here's hoping change is in the wind...

>> No.7494060

Nah, we've got a lot of good stuff going. It'd be stupid to dismantle an entire comm for one person that is so oblivious

>> No.7494148

im sure its because everyone always fucking asks about it.

>> No.7494251

China anon come back we miss you

>> No.7494459
File: 66 KB, 486x639, R8ydTlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my comm.

>> No.7494493

She probably meant a portion of the proceeds, not the profit.

>> No.7494503

Are there any good mexican blogs or anything? I really need to brush up on my Spanish.

>> No.7494510

I was visiting Melbourne last year and I wanted to join the Melbourne comm. Selina asked me a whole bunch of intrusive aggro questions and then told me that only Melbourne residents are allowed in the comm, and anyone who is not a Melbourne resident must've either lied to get in or are just "people we know".

Your whole comm sounds so bullshit, I feel pity for you.

>> No.7494524

If she is bringing bought macarons to the charity morning tea, the rules dictate that you bear the cost of it yourself and donate all proceeds to the charity, just as if you had baked a plate yourself.

>> No.7494563


Ah, I think I might be acquainted with you. The funny thing is she visited Perth last year and came back bitching about how the comm didn't welcome her. Well no shit, they're not going to welcome someone who's such a cow to interstaters.

>> No.7494597

april 26th anon, be there or be [ ]

>> No.7494609

What did she expect them to do, roll out the red carpet?

>> No.7495294

Hey NYC comm, can I get the scoop on all the mysterious dramu that's always being alluded to? I'm new to the area and I want to know who to avoid and how to keep from associating with ita fuckwads.

>> No.7495321

She used to talk about it on EGL, but deleted all the comments when she deleted her account. I've always assumed that she got threatened with defamation lawsuits.

>> No.7495401

What do you want to know?

>> No.7496445

>why the comm is so fractured/comm history
>heard there's 3 groups, a good clique, ita whiny weebs, and not-as-ita bitches. True? Do they all go to the same comm meetups?
>who to avoid/the biggest dramawhores
>best Lolitas to make friends with

All of it, anon, I'm hungry for drama and I don't want to fuck up when I join the comm.

>> No.7496455

I'm also curious about the three comms. There's the main large facebook group. There's the Victorian ladies, the itas. What's the third group?

>> No.7496488

Is there a Toronto lolita comm or is it just not that active?

>> No.7496942


>> No.7496949

can we talk about the Ohio comm more? it was interesting how comm dramu derailed the ita thread last night.

>> No.7496955

There's a southern ontario com, which is just the general GTA area.
Just search Southern Ontario Lolita on facebook

>> No.7497023

Does anybody know how drama-y the DC/Baltimore comms are?
I'm thinking about finally joining but not that sure.

>> No.7497027

Is there a Comm in Miami?
I've seen a few lolitas going to conventions but I tried looking for something on facebook and didn't find anything.
And google just brought up things about a whale named lolita. kek

I'm trying to get into the fashion once I get a steady job and I'm curious about the local comm

>> No.7497077

I was apart of it several years ago and many of the same people are in it. they were all very nice and there was no drama. Most are fairly well dressed too and it's pretty active.

>> No.7497095


I'm not part of the Miami comm, but I've been in three different comms in three different cities over the years and all of them had private facebook groups that you couldn't search for and were invite only.

Try looking for the comm's livejournal (much easier to find) and introduce yourself. There is usually someone on there who will get your name and info and invite you to the facebook group.

Don't be alarmed when the comm's LJ looks dead, they are pretty much just an a place for girls to introduce themselves before getting the fb invite. The Fb group is where all the action is happening now a days.

>> No.7497117

Thanks for the help but I'm not very versed in Livejournal.
Tried searching "Miami Lolita livejournal"
I got a couple of posts relevant but it was in the main egl LJ
Not sure how to seach for this.

>> No.7497194


Scratch that - the Florida FB comms are all searchable so the Florida LJ comm is pretty much dead (no use for it if you aren't going to use it for introductions).

You will want the South Florida Group. Try searching South Florida Lolitas in fb and you will find them.

Hope this helps anon. Just a piece of friendly advice though, I'm not sure how much you know about lolita, but a huge majority of lolita resources /articles/ guides are either on LJ on EGL or on Hellolace. As a newcomer, you will be MUCH more welcome if you do your research first. A lot of comms don't even accept people without at least one outfit to keep gawkers and creeps at bay. But even if that's not the case here, you don't want to be the person asking "is this lolita/loliable/acceptable?".

Do you research, find out about the brands and fashion rules and shopping guides before hand. We all had to start somewhere, but ideally when you join and start participating it should be to ask about meetups/where and how to buy/new releases, not questions that a simple search of egl could answer.

This is not to scare you off or to say don't participate. Just try and get a handle on the fashion via good research and lurking before you dive right into the comm. You will be better received and will have a lot less face-palm moments to look back on.

>> No.7497206

Thank you I actually just found it about 5 minutes ago when I had the brilliant idea of searching Florida instead of Miami.
And don't worry I've lurked plenty and I've read a lot of the guides and whatnot. I think I've a pretty good notion on what is lolita although it's probably not perfect. (I'll definitely be wearing a proper petti and blouse!) I will see when i'm able to buy things in the future!
Thank you for the help you're very kind.

>> No.7497229

They are just a bunch of itas nothing special

>> No.7497810

Anyone else feel like the SF comm has taken s downward turn recently, in terms of outfits? I used to think of them as a well-dressed comm, but with the recent pictures popping up, and well as the last few meets, I feel like I've been making excuses for how bad they look. There were a few nice coords at the meet at the whatever house, but otherwise it doesn't make me regret not being able to go to meets.

>> No.7497896

Well Melissa is badly dressed and Ellyjay quit/on hiatus.

>> No.7497915


>> No.7499048
File: 807 KB, 1304x1856, SF Meets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, besides the obvious lulcows like Melissa, Gwen, and Tiferet. I know a lot of well-dressed girls, but I feel like I'm seeing them a lot less at meets, and badly-dressed ones a lot more.

Here's some pictures from some recent meets, I think from just the last two weeks or so. There's only one or two consistently well-dressed lolitas, and a large number of those who aren't wearing pettis or makeup or have done their hair. And besides Melissa, who's this other giant brolita and why is he wearing that weird F+F dress?

>> No.7499088
File: 121 KB, 662x807, 1383260926314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican lolitas are so sloppy and lazy selfish bitches. Last con the lolita stand made from the comm was absolute SHIT, all of them are too fat to fit in brand, wear the cosplay wigs and the most hideous coords I have yet to see, I think I just saw 1 or 2 brand dresses in the whole con and the gurl was a lone lolita, these landwhales just wear replica, the sad ones, the one with the decoloured prints that they bought no from second or third not even sixth-hand... but those bitches were in charge of that stand and oh god it showed how poor they can be not only in the fashion.
The stand just have like a thousand balloons and a shitty wardrobe with some bodyline shit and some MOAR replica, I also saw a deflated petti and the worst tartan dress of the world. They were handing these shitty printed papers about how awesome and caguaii their comm is and how they should join in fb.
Yeah, thanks for let me know were I have to back my shit off.

I just feel so fucking ashamed of the comms here, I dont even want to be called a lolita when I see that kind of stand, every normalfag will think lolita is that shit... thats not lolita thats just a fucking obese monster wearing some cheap lace.
Funny thing later in the same con I saw the girls from the lolita stand dancing this ps3 game and I laughed my ass off, picture 3 pigs in shitty replicas and itas as fuck dancing to the game while them rolls shake.

I wish I took pictures but I wanted to scream of rage that whole con.

>> No.7499103

To whoever called Doug from HLC a creeper in the last bitching thread, he's dead now. I hope you're happy.

>> No.7499107

Need more info on this...

Did he kill himself over this or did he just die by other causes?

>> No.7499109

Sad though the situation is, how the fuck are the two things related? And the fuck are you doing posting here about it? The poor man hasn't even been gone half a day and you're already turning his death to some ulterior agenda. Shame on you.

>> No.7499112

so now he's a dead creeper?

>> No.7499115


>> No.7499134

That was totally unnecessary but very sad situation to hear. May he RIP.

>> No.7499141


Who the fuck is Doug? And what the fuck is the HLC - pretty sure we aren't talking about the Higher Learning Commission here which is the only thing that abbreviation brings to my mind.

>> No.7499150

"So I guess this is goodnight, fuckfaces. Enjoy yourselves. Get high, fuck someone pretty, and do what you love. Life's too short."
-Doug 9 hours ago

Famous last words?

>> No.7499153


Houston Lolita Comm - I am officially retarded at this hour.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7499192
File: 542 KB, 448x320, 0EXZr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious if there has/had been any bad drama in in the SF comm? How well (or not) people dress aside, people seem nice enough.
Also I've never seen the other brolita that's not Melissa, but that wig he's wearing makes him kinda look like the Berries and Cream Starburst guy....

>> No.7499212

What the hell is the point of this? He was a nice dude, and so is his wife . Depressed, awkward at times but still a good guy. You're a shitty person for bringing this up here. Fuck off.

>> No.7499221

And now you are a bigger asshole then the person who originally called him a creeper. How dare you bring this man into this thread. He just died. How can you in good faith bring this shit up on a thread on cgl where people will pry for information. His wife doesn't deserve that and his comm doesn't deserve that.
Special place in hell for you, good seagull.

>> No.7499230

I think there's a little bit of internal stuff that happens between people, but it almost never comes out into public, so the community itself and the meet-ups are quite friendly. I think if people don't like each other, they just avoid going to meets with that person. I mean, I guess there was the whole Melissa thing, were he yelled at someone calling them a whore, and then threatened to beat her up on Facebook. And there was the Nipple-chan. But those two are lolcows so I don't really consider them a real part of the community. I guess Ellejay brought in a bit of drama, but that seems to be an internal thing between a few individuals, so I wouldn't say that's affected the community.

And yeah, I've never seen the other brolita before a few recent pictures, and I can't help but feel it would be possible for him to do a good job with better make-up. But his outfits look horrendous, so I'm not sure how much he's willing to try.

>> No.7499246

Hey there~! I'm in the Colorado comm and I feel like I am one of the few members who smokes. I'm actually hosting a meetup on the 27th and I'd love for you to come! Email me if you need a link to the comm. ^u^

>> No.7499299

You twats make death threats and stalk girls you are jealous of all the time and this is a bad subject to bring up? lol

>> No.7499312

Well that's good then, I guess. I mean there's always going to be people who don't like each other, so whatever. I'd rather be with people who are average/badly dressed than a bunch of petty dramawhores that dress well. I'd like to think that for most people it's easier to learn how to dress yourself than to quit being a catty bitch.

Though I gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed if what you guys say is true about the outfit quality going downhill. Seems like I decided to dive in at the wrong time. Oh well.

>> No.7499318

huh, I guess thats why I never heard much about it.

>> No.7499344

Well, when I first joined the comm, all I'd ever heard about the comm was that it was really well-dressed and friendly, which is the impression I got when I went to meets. But now, when I look at the quality of the coords overall being posted from SF, I'm just like, "Naw," which is why I was curious as to whether or not anyone else felt the same way.

>> No.7499539 [DELETED] 


Take what you say here seriously, words hold power. Life and mind altering power.

die of 'bipolar disorder'

>> No.7499934

We have this cosplayer in our comm who is a terrible photographer but keeps wanting to plan "lolita photoshoot meetups." Her new scheme is to make a calendar and then sell it at our big yearly meetup. Thankfully some of the girls explained how it's shitty to use us as volunteer models for a product you want to sell to the models. I'm kinda tempted to post one of her photos here because they are so hilariously aweful or make a secret about it but I don't want to deal with the drama fallout as we've finally gotten pretty quiet with those shenanigans. What do?

>> No.7499942


>> No.7500089

Haha, this is Chicago. Her pictures are amazingly terribad. She has been posting on individual statuses soliciting jobs as a photographer.

>> No.7501256 [DELETED] 

Not a comm bitch post, but for the seagulls from NYC here, there's an awesome exhibit by Sebastian Masuda that would make a great meet up (I wish I was in the area!)


>> No.7501961

It's my theory that there's a girl in every community who fits a similar personality type or behaviour pattern. Every comm I've been a part of has had one.

>fairly new to lolita when bad behaviour starts, maybe 1-2 years in the community
>professes to hate drama more than anything else, but seems to always be creating it somehow or another
>thinks she's the leader of the pack
>actually believes everyone looks up to her
>gets really butthurt when she realises that no one really cares about her one way or the other
>constantly creating new meet-ups that aren't convenient for anyone but her, and gets angry when no one wants/is able to attend
>frequently Vaguebooks about the community and how much everyone in it hates her (which garners asspats from people outside the community who don't know what's going on)
>flounces no fewer than three times within two years, but always comes back
>tries to ingratiate herself on newcomers by telling them what bitches everyone else is and puffing herself up as a martyr or victim of bullying
>denies she has caused any drama, even if her fingerprints are all over the situation in red ink
>eventually leaves for real, either to join a new community or to create her own, 'better' group

>> No.7502084

Isn't this bad to say?
Like when you join everyone will assume that you're the most recent new member so you must be drama-hungry-cgl-chan

>> No.7502907

Eh, I doubt it, nyc gets new lolitas fairly often and it's not like the comm is unknown for drama/there isn't reason to want to know. No more than anyone else who asks 'what's the scoop on x comm' on here every comm thread.

>> No.7503146

My comm is nice but has it's problems. They're mostly minor/common (ita noobs, fairly spread out, small, etc.) and don't bother me too much. However, it's recently come to my attention that one of our mods, who I think has been in the fashion for quite some time, is a complete idiot/noob and has no place as a moderator.
She recently posted questions about ordering from a brand (not AP, either), using a SS, and a few other things. In my opinion, if you don't know these sort of basic things, you shouldn't be a mod. At least go look them up yourself instead of whining on the comm's fb page.

>> No.7503147

god damn my iphone

>> No.7503575

MD/DC comms are nice. Most of the girls have been there since the beginning, so they all know each other very well. I wish they had more meets that didn't involve tea parties and picnics, but I'm too much of a nobody lurk-fag to suggest one.

Would love to go to a nice fancy dinner with fellow lolita. The ones with more than one course and suggested wine pairings.

>> No.7503697

1) it's nyc so there's always a million new people coming in and out of the area.
2) it doesn't matter because as far as I can tell, the drama is so bad that everyone is too scared to talk about it beyond occasional allusion. Neither that or they're sworn to secrecy and if they say more, the Lolita gods that have cursed the island of Manhattan swoop down and eat their soul.

>> No.7503850

I think we're in the same comm...is yours one of the Midwestern states?

>> No.7503864

idk what yall are talking about, I met Amber at a recent con and I thought she was super chill, I don't understand the great divide since she's not actually an evil bitch.


>> No.7503876

No, a midwest comm, as >>7503850 guessed.
We're very likely in the same comm. I like what we have (not much drama, fairly nice girls), but the facebook group has been grinding my gears like no other.

>> No.7503880

We must be. Yesterday someone was selling a unicorn kigurumi. Ah well, at least there doesn't seem to be much drama.

>> No.7503899

I am not really sure if that's true - I still see some really well done or OTT coords at bigger events. There are also a lot of "casual" meets where sometimes Lolita isn't even that strictly required. I am sure people will step up their game soon for upcoming local events.
And it's not like I go to a meet just to drool over other people's outfits (I used to!). Most people I've met in the comm are sincerely nice and talented, and I go to meets just to have fun with a bunch of frillybutts for a while.

>> No.7504179

When people from my comm keep trying to invite Mr. Yan to come to meet-ups in our area. It's like they don't understand that Mr. Yan coming to your area is not a good thing. It's a weird, creepy thing, especially for the younger members.

>> No.7504191

ChineseGossip please tell us some more,I want some funny drama,if you're ok

>> No.7504356

Definitely not my comm, then, unless it was deleted before I was able to see it.

>> No.7504471

Newfag here. Who is amber & whats she got to do with nyc drama

>> No.7504598

ChineseGossip - what do you know about the people behind Fanplusfriend?

>> No.7505144

What drama was this, if it's alright to ask? Did someone post something from your comm?

I saw some stuff a while back, but I'm just wondering if it's the same thing. If you don't mind, I would like to know what comm you are referring to just to check if I am correct.

>> No.7505154

Ohh, I saw that. I was a little annoyed. But I guess it's whatever since we just got an influx of members after the last con fashion show. I expect more strange posts in the future.

>> No.7505157

Don't go to the meet if you don't want to
I actually do want to meet the yandyman, he seems like a nice guy.

>> No.7505208

Aside from all his BL craziness; baby mommas, Venus, model waifus, etc., I think it'd be an interesting experience to meet Yan too. I don't really like BL but- I feel like, might as well meet as many designers as you can if you get the chance.

>> No.7505548

Really, if you're starting a post off with "I know it's not lolita but..." it shouldn't be posted in a Lolita group.
Have you gone to any of the "main" meetups yet? If so, is everyone pretty much nice to each other?

>> No.7505556

Agreed. I wouldn't mind meeting him, if only for the lulz.

>> No.7505601


I'm assuming it's the Scot Lolis. Last thread, the usual suspects were talking shit about Rachel. Everybody knows who they are, I don't know why they seem to think people don't.

>> No.7505605


I agree. I don't believe he's half as creepy as people make him out to be.

>> No.7505634


I personally don't think he's creepy either, but you gotta consider the kind of comm that thinks it's a great idea to invite him for a teaparty, given that the report on the last one was a bit... unglamorous. Even if the food and atmosphere isn't important to you, you'll be rubbing elbows with possibly crazy BL brand elitists, or girls going "fufufu Mr Yan teaparty we don't like him it's so fahneh".

>> No.7505831

Couldn't find any other comm thread, but what is the Michigan comm facebook? I can't seem to find it on the livejournal page nor with google.

>> No.7506814

Yes, absolutely. Just get into talking with them. The usuals are really nice, although you have to be careful because I know a few of them that have strong personalities, so it's a little intimidating. I've known them for quite a while now, I'm not new or anything, and some of them still make me feel anxious. But it could just be because I literally have anxiety I have to take meds for, rofl.

>> No.7506815

Ohhh. I'm totally wrong then, so thanks for clarifying.

>> No.7506835


>> No.7507070

I think it's under Detroit lolitas or something. Please check the comm directory too!


>> No.7507071

Michigan Frillitia
This anon >>7507070 has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.7507638


>> No.7507668
File: 2.61 MB, 384x288, 1395691925374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the Chicago community's lolita timeline posts? Some are terrific but many are just embarrassing.

>> No.7507675

Can you tell me where that gif is from? It's super cute.

sage because no contribution

>> No.7507730

Just reverse image search...

Ashita no Nadja is the name. The anime is pretty cute.

>> No.7507736

On a phone sorry anon!
Thank you for answering anyway.

I'm going to check it out for sure.

>> No.7507815

Are any of them social justice warriors? Strong personalities don't bother me, Tumblr bullcrap does, lol.

>> No.7507866

Depends on what you mean. I mean, I know several of them reblog feminist posts and that sort of thing online, but they aren't loud about it in person unless something actually offensive happens. If you get with the in-crowd/regulars, it's so great to gossip with them. They are just a really funny group all-in-all. At the con before the fashion show we had a ton of fun together going through drive-thrus after piling into cars with all of our pettis smooshing us, and we gossiped a bit in the car and the fashion show host's hotel room while getting ready. We aren't mean about it though, luckily. I don't think anyone would tolerate any super mean gossip, but we just complain a bit, or maybe wonder about things and such about other comm members. It's pretty innocent, but they make it super funny and silly.

Are you new to the comm? I've been in it for a while, and I really love most of the people in it. Just curious.

>> No.7507912

Yeah. I'll be moving there sooner or later. They sound really cool. Thanks for answering my questions! It's good to know that they're great people.

>> No.7507946

Thanks anons. I was searching great lakes lolis and there's why I couldn't find anything.

>> No.7508105

Yeah! You just have to know who to hang with.

>> No.7508208

Actually, I do have a couple friends in the comm already! One isn't technically a Lolita but is still really cute and into J-fashion and looks exactly like me pretty much, one is hardcore punk and makes her own clothes, and then there's this one girl who goes to the college I'm going to be in this fall and she's so mysterious and lovely and science-y and overall really cool. I can't wait until I move there, lol.

>> No.7508232

Oooh! I think I know vaguely who you are talking about. And if so, they all seem really cool. Especially the punk! She's like... Our only true punk lolita. I've tried punk, but damn is it hard to pull off.

>> No.7508310

Yeah, punk lolita isn't my style at all (I'm a classic-sweet lolita) but I really like what she does.
Do you have a tumblr?

>> No.7508518

Yes! You can go ahead and email this throwaway email, and I'll totally link you and junk.

>> No.7511647

The ratchet, control-freak "head" of the NYC comm. LJ is amanikitty though that wouldn't mean much unless you were old enough to remember when she posted more, I guess.