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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7475057 No.7475057[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Girlie fighting with me about her replica dream sky

Apparently because the fabric says Angelic Pretty, it's legit.

>> No.7475059
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>> No.7475063

she looks like some scene rori wannabe

>> No.7475100


I don't even AP and I know this looks fake as fuck. But apparently no one can possibly print "Angelic Pretty" or they'd get burned alive by the seven fires of replica chan hell. Suuuure whatever you say replica chan.

>> No.7475110

Well of course it's legit, don't you remember AP's "Magical Marshmallow Fairy Replichan" campaign from 2012, when they offered their most popular prints exclusively in 3XL size and for about 100 bucks a dress? Silly anon.

>> No.7475143
File: 178 KB, 351x347, whatthefuckamireading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not replica unless the logo was forged on the tag

Replicas are a problem because this shit beings the brand's reputation down and people who are just getting into the fashion get taken in by people lying about a garment's authenticity.

>> No.7475274

I saw that too. Girl thats not real AP.

>> No.7475306
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>> No.7475325
File: 523 KB, 449x671, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of those obnoxious people.
>Um, yeah you are. Here's proof.

>> No.7475329

So did she accept that it is a replica?

>> No.7475332

>poly sexual
Oh FFS. Another fat fuck giving us a bad name...

>> No.7475333

She flounced and pulled a whatever I don't care it's a knockoff.

>> No.7475336

...there was more to the post but it disappeared.

Should have had added:
>SKY Creations is totes lolita guise!
>guro lolita coord that looks like toilet paper

>> No.7475611

Still wondering how much she paid for that.

>> No.7475616


>> No.7475634
File: 59 KB, 570x726, il_570xN.233742615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, this etsy shop she keeps linking to is an ita goldmine.

>> No.7475642
File: 46 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.192848810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a one of a kind dress! I won't be making another!

Oh thank god.

>> No.7475648

hahahaha oh my god these are horrendous

>> No.7475652
File: 62 KB, 570x715, il_570xN.271211383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die Walkure just proving too hard to track down? Here's something with twice the shock value - for just $75!

>> No.7475662
File: 62 KB, 570x661, il_570xN.388528619_1af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever odotte with the akuma in the pale tsukihikari?

>> No.7475665
File: 71 KB, 570x719, il_570xN.200744767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1672 sales, 802 reviews, 5 star rating
but HOW

>> No.7475667

14 year old girls, i suspect

>> No.7475670

This is some of the worst ita shit I have seen in a longe time

>> No.7475689
File: 53 KB, 570x610, il_570xN.504126742_g5ho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a former girl scout, "Girl Scout Corset Skirt Costume" makes me utterly... it's a mixture of anger, sickness and despair, really

>> No.7475690
File: 67 KB, 570x790, il_570xN.181065107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna burn my goddamn hard drive after this

>> No.7475695

okay that is really fucking awful hahahaha

who even :( i get what you mean, being a former girl scout. just, why would you do this??

>> No.7475699
File: 105 KB, 570x870, il_570xN.71518409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a million bad "kimonos" but this "hanbok" is what I'm gonna finish this dump on. Go visit the etsy store for your own short experience of hell. They do cosplay too!

>> No.7475706


I'm crying on the inside because I know people that would go "these are so great!", and proudly wear them at some con or meet and genuinely think that they're part of cosplay culture now.

it's just... not how it's supposed to be.

>> No.7475822

Her posture makes her look like a fat sixty-year-old man, not a kawaii neko girl. Get your shit together, girlfriend!

>> No.7475851

Go write Angelic Pretty in sharpie on anything, take a picture of it, and tell her it's brand now.

>> No.7475874

Oh man, anyone have the caps of that one girl who said she made her own angelic pretty line called "kawaii cupcake" or something? Reminds me of that.

>> No.7475878

They're the same person?

>> No.7475953
File: 95 KB, 519x756, 1363741054128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further

>> No.7475954 [DELETED] 

honey, you give yourself a bad name without fat chicks. No one takes "polysexual" seriously. You just way to get laid so you stopped being picky about who would fuck you, why should that be rewarded? You're just as stupid looking as she is.

>> No.7475957

Bless you anon

>> No.7475963


Does she not own an iron? Why does everything that she's trying to sell look like she crumpled it up and sat on it for 10 hours? I mean, they already look like shit, but she could at least press the garments out to fake them looking like they have some proper shape.

>> No.7475965

what the actual fuck

>> No.7476014

Itas flock around other itas

>> No.7476051

I had better taste when I was 14, jesus christ.

>> No.7477005 [DELETED] 

...actually, I meant it as fat people already get the short end of the stick and this bitch is making us look even worse. I have no clue WTF polysexual is anyway.

>> No.7477024

wasn't that for some weird school project?

>> No.7477065

More like letting your break flag

kill me

>> No.7477084

I dont even into lolita and i know those look like shit

>> No.7477465

Is the blog she linked to her main blog, or is this just a side blog? She looks like someone I know from high school.... If she is, I have some fun stories to tell.

>> No.7477471

Ah, nevermind, I found it. Different person. my bad.

>> No.7477504
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Oh Anon, if you have stories to tell, do tell!

>> No.7477546

Oh god it's her. Did she seriously think that shit was AP? Obviously if anyone tries to replicate AP the angelic pretty logo completely disappears from view!

>> No.7477600

That's an insult to fat sixty-year-old men.

>> No.7477763 [DELETED] 

I share a lot of views with the crazy leftist tumblr people, but this one I simply do not get. I mean, gender is one thing, sex is another. You're BIsexual because there is literally only two sexes.

>> No.7477998 [DELETED] 

I thought "polysexual" was the one where you love more than one person at a time, rather than it being a gender-based orientation

>> No.7478006 [DELETED] 

I think that's polyamorous.

>> No.7478089 [DELETED] 

Bi and pan is a form of polysexuality, some other anon said there's not other sexes but being bisexual means you are atracted to the physical gender of a person, so not mtf, ftm or anything along those lines. A pansexual person can be attracted to all kinds of sexes, genders and what not.

>> No.7478094 [DELETED] 

I've heard the argument that bi includes any gender, not just male and female. It's so confusing since that's the same definition for pansexual.

>> No.7478098


Oh here we go again.

Just because you identify as bisexual doesn't mean that you have to be attracted to only the physical characteristics of a person or base your attraction off of that. Until the word 'pansexual' came around bisexual meant that you could be attracted to either sex. That's all it meant, nothing more. There are only two biological sexes. Just because I'm bisexual doesn't mean I wouldn't go with an ambiguously gendered person. I would be equally open to all opportunities. I would rather not go with a term that was literally invented in this decade when another term conveys essentially the same meaning for a much longer period of time.

Call me old fashioned or whatever, but there's this misconception that bisexuals judge based on sex and that's not really the case. There are always bisexuals that will, but that doesn't mean every bisexual needs to adhere to that criteria.

>> No.7478100 [DELETED] 

Bi and pan meant pretty much the same thing. There are only two sexes.

>> No.7478104 [DELETED] 

did that seriously offend anyone? I don't care for this type of things but I provided an explanation to the term polysexual, take it easy.

>> No.7478107
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>> No.7478115 [DELETED] 


Polysexual and pansexual as terms, among other things, drive me up the wall. Sorry about that. I think bisexual is a perfectly good term for both former terms, but eh, each to their own.

>> No.7478118 [DELETED] 

I agree with you anon.
I refuse to use terms perpetuated by special snowflakes on tumblr, like polysexual, pansexual, cis, etc. To me you are either homo, hetero, or bisexual and that is that. Having more terms just makes people take you less seriously.

>> No.7478119

That's alright, I didn't mean to offend anyone so I'm sorry if I did

>> No.7478124

It's cool anon. You didn't offend anything. These tumblr terms are just idiotic

>> No.7478540 [DELETED] 

Polysexual here. Pretty sure the term existed before tumblr, since I'm not even on that shitty website.

I'm attracted to pretty much every gender or gender identity except for cis guys. So bisexual doesn't apply to me.

>> No.7478545 [DELETED] 

>BUT ANON there are only 2 genders?!?!?!?! omg is this a social justice conspiracy or something?

people who never leave their house just assume anything they haven't heard of related to sexuality is "from Tumblr".

I feel you 100% though, but I just tell people I'm bisexual because even my Grandma can understand that.

>> No.7478549 [DELETED] 


There are only two physical sexes. If you don't prefer cis guys, that's just a quirk in bisexuality to me. However you're free to identify as however you want.

I know there are approximately one less than infinity genders. Gender is a social construct. Sex is biology.

>> No.7478552 [DELETED] 

So I guess intersex people are today's unicorns.

>> No.7478551 [DELETED] 

the "sex" in bisexual refers to sexuality not biological "sex", as in the plumbing you've got.

>> No.7478553

Yeah, this.

>> No.7478556 [DELETED] 

keep it simple
If you got a Y youre a dude, if you dont youre a chic, and thats it. Everything else is quirks.

>> No.7478562 [DELETED] 


Wikipedia is telling me that bisexuality and pansexuality can be used interchangeably. So bisexuality can be and is used to denote an attraction to all genders.


You're lumping in together a lot of intersex conditions. Some have ambiguous sexes, some don't.

>> No.7478565 [DELETED] 

Well, technically speaking, there is also the third sex of intersex/hermaphrodite.

>> No.7478570 [DELETED] 

It absolutely can be. I'm actually the same anon who does. But that's just circumstantial, the words do mean two different things.

The same way I could ask my friend to make room for me on "the couch" and they wouldn't say "no this is actually a loveseat"

>> No.7478576

I don't seel my stuff yet because I am scared the craftsmanship isn't good enough, so it really angers me when people like this are making money.

>> No.7478578


I'll just go tell my genetics teachers and all those non-Klinefelter XXY women(including those that have GIVEN BIRTH) that some fucking genius on 4chan has the answers to about 150s years worth of genetics questions related to sex, gender, and why people feel they way they do.

Thank you for your fucking gem of knowledge, we will save so much money not having to do those pesky gene sequencing and studies. No more fucking PCR for me, thank the sweet baby Jesus.

>> No.7478610 [DELETED] 

No, Bisexuals are attracted to Men and Women. Pansexuals are attracted to Men, Women and anything else. IE, they're attracted to the weirdos that claim to be bigender or Agender or genderfluid or trans.

I hate myself that I know this distinction.

>> No.7478614 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 450x225, fake-designer-bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proof is in the print! Yes the bag isluois vuitton.
Rollypolysexual, for when you can't tell the boys from the girls anymore and everybody has tits.

>> No.7478650 [DELETED] 

>makes intelligent point regarding the difference between bisexuality and pansexuality
>idiotic opinions ruin it


>> No.7478655

no, 2 gender anon is correct. just because you can add a penis that works doesnt mean you can produce offspring with it, your genetics will always only go one way or another.

>> No.7478656 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry I take the time to educate myself about a topic before I form an opinion about it?

>> No.7478658 [DELETED] 

all one of them that managed to reproduce

>> No.7478669 [DELETED] 

The ignorance on this website is astounding. Amazing.

Although it's cool that I'm some magical thing that doesn't really exist. Now I can phase through walls and shit.

>> No.7478679

This entire thread is a goddamn train wreck

>> No.7478683

You're a unicorn? You type well with those hooves

>> No.7478686

Isn't it fantastic?

>> No.7480363
File: 72 KB, 570x693, il_570xN.255615538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you odette with the akuma you don't stop until the ongaku ends

>> No.7480484

Just read it and wow, /cgl/, shut the fuck up and go to /lgbt/ and make a thread about it if you're confused.

>> No.7480617

/lgbt/ is worse than tumblr. /pok/ would be a better source of information, and they suck.

>> No.7480683
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back on topic, wwwwwhaaatt.

>> No.7480699

She probably paid $200 for this and thought it was a steal. Haha.

>> No.7480816

If someone offers you brand shaped like a box

You would have to be an idiot to not think it was a scam.

>> No.7482809

She probably didn't know how much the original costs. I mean to be so stupid and think that isn't a replica says to me that she isn't very informed to begin with.

On a side note, a very similar girl just started following me on tumblr, only sans replica. Fat tacky girls are annoying as fuck. I looked at her tumblr for the cringy entertainment, but after a few posts my eyes began to hurt.

>> No.7482918

>i don't remember how much I paid for this dress.
>The group is gone now
I love all my dresses and I remember how much I spent on each. I think she's just fucking embarrassed she didn't do her homework and got sold and obvious knockoff

>> No.7485437
File: 256 KB, 556x630, 1397023344667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even????

>> No.7485447


Are you shitting me.

>> No.7486967

The worst part of this is that she thinks anything at F21 could be considered "overpriced"!?

>> No.7486979

lol what?

>> No.7487001

Is that visible fusing?