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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7472986 No.7472986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We all know you have em' people. Con season is warming up so let's see the best horrors you have to offer. Bring it on.

>> No.7473040

There's this kid at my University who everyone avoids like a plague. Lanky weab black dude, poor hygiene, always wearing weaboo merch, Pokeball Backpack, Yugioh iPhone case, Ash Hat, Anime Binders and Notebooks, Custom made Kotonoha shirt, wears a fox tail EVERYDAY. We call him Tails.

Known to stalk girls and take pictures of them, especially if she's Asian.
One time he approached me and asked me if I'm Asian, which I am half, asked which half is which, told him my mom's Asian in which he replied "Your mom must be hot, I'm not really into halfies. Did you get your butt from the Asian or the White side?"

Fast forward to a local con.
Go to con as Asami, with group of friends doing a LoK cosplay. Unrecognizable cause of wig+contacts+makeup.
See Tails in a genderbended racebended Sailor Venus cosplay with a group of other genderbended Sailormoon Cosplayers.
Hear them talk about weaboo shit, brony shit and adding "le" to everything in true autistic redditfag fashion.
See him all throughout the con being a creep, buying ecchi figures and ecchi pillow covers, taking upskirt pictures casually, asking girls to kiss him and hug him. At one point there was a Rikku cosplayer with HUGE tits and he asked for a hug, after the hug he instantly got a boner and walked around the con with it.

>> No.7473056

Tell a real story next time.

>> No.7473533

>be 17
>start working in school library at lunch times
>weebs flock to me because I helped one of them find a manga once or something (around 5 regulars that constantly annoyed me
>they're all obsessed with kuroSHITsuji ( iwastoololbutjustnotasannoyingihope)
>"ooh, anon-senapi, are you going to [local con] this year??!??!??"
>tell them yes, and that I'll be cosplaying Madame Red
>they all piss themselves
>tfw too nice to say no thanks
>end up going to the con with them
>their cosplays are all shit-tier closet cosplays with either no wig or a party city one
>"Ciel" was fucking obese too
>follow me around for the whole con
>constantly hug me and touch my costume even after I tell them to stop
>they also harass other cosplayers
>i feel like some kind of parent because I have to apologize for their behaviour to just about everyone
>we sit down on the floor somewhere and all they do is scream about the HOT YAOIZZ!!!
>""grell""" starts yelling at me because "madame red tried to get in the way of the yaoi!!!"
>she's screaming at me
>throws a stupid fucking keyring at me
>everyone's staring at us
>I just want to go home
>when we get up to go to a panel I ditch them and hide in a screening room
>worst con experience ever
>bonus: they didn't leave me alone until after I graduated
>were convinced I was there "gentle nee-san-senpai" that loved them dearly

moral of the story: don't be nice to retards

>> No.7474600

Let's see, this was a long time ago, so I hope I can remember all the details well...

> be in high school
> attend this week long summer camp at a local university (we stayed in the dorms)
> meet everyone the first day and there's this total autistic weeb
> obsessed with naruto, thinks he's a ninja, throws around random "ninja signs" he's picked up from naruto, believes he can "see people's auras", runs and jumps around like he's in an anime, etc.
> finds out I like anime
> starts talking me up all the time, escalates to following me around
> hear from someone else that he was planning on asking me out
> nuuuuuuu
> start avoiding him with the hopes that I could get away with not dealing with it
> change my route to and from my dorm, etc.
> he finally catches me one day and asks me out
> I politely turn him down
> he doesn't take it well
> one morning my roommate and I wake up to a wrinkled piece of paper that had been slid under our door
> it has brown smeared on it
> wat
> promptly throw it away
> later that day hear from the girlfriend of another guy at the camp who had been talking to this creep
> he had left in the middle of the class, took a dump in the bathroom, wiped his ass with the piece of paper, saved it, then slipped it under our door
> it was actually his poop

>> No.7474633

the kind of people in your story always knew i was into anime, but for some reason never showed an inch of interest in me.

maybe they didn't think i was into their hyperactive emotional rollercoaster lifestyle.

>> No.7474647
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I'll tell you guys about my classmate from highschool who I will call Blob.

Blob was just that. A giant blob. A smelly, acne covered, greasy, no-showering, hairy, sweaty, disgusting, ugly blob.

He refused to take showers and you could tell. He would stink up every classroom or hallway he was in, and god help you if you had to sit next to him. I did once and vomited.

That's not even it, though. This motherfucker was so fucking revolting that one day, we noticed something odd about the class. His smell was actually worse, and there were lots of tiny flies buzzing around the classroom. I had my suspicions, and, to my absolute horror, I was able to confirm them by looking over to where he was sitting.

There were flies. Coming from his fucking ASS.

And oh, that's not even the worst of it...

>> No.7474707
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>at convention dressed as Mary Read/James Kidd Asscreed 4
>go to AC meetup; meet some really amazing people and a few 'interesting' folk
>small group of guys in eBay costumes believed they were actually Assassins and referred to each other in line with their cosplays, huddling together outside of photo ring aiming cameras at the ladies there
> ohnope.jpeg try to avoid their eye, unfortunately I'm the only Mary there.
>"O eemmmm geeeee, James why do you have tits?" (insert horrible accented drunk slurring here)
>Aw shite
>I was already posing with other Kenways and an Anne; they come up very close and ask for Anne and I to pose sexily.
>Anne and I decline. "WHY NOT ITS CANON?!?"
>Anne, my boyfriend (dressed as Malik) and I escape. They follow us around the con (Anne came with us for safety since her friends were at a panel) taking pictures of us while they think we aren't looking.
>W take a break in a hallway and have lunch; AssWeebs decide it's okay to sit with us.
>Proceed to loudly 'converse' about AC ships/theories/etc end up arguing very loudly.
>Suddenly the inevitable happens, AssWeebs notice the Assassin logo tattoos that my boyfriend and I have on our ring fingers
>Suddenly, touchy feely, chubby, foul smelling Assweebs grab my boyfriends' and my arm trying to get a better look at our tattoos.
>We shove them off and tell them to not follow us anymore, we tell them they can't just grab/touch people, etc.
>Assweebs get offended, saying that we aren't real Assassins like them and that we are bakas
>All three of us nope out of there real hard; Assweebs end up shadowing us for the rest of the convention.
>We ended hearing that they got removed from the con for harassing other AC cosplayers and grabbed a Harlequin's boob

>> No.7474722

Which convention was that?

>> No.7474757

Are you going to leave us hanging like this?

>> No.7474761
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>Assassin logo tattoos
Your fault for being a dirty casual

>> No.7474765

>asscreed tats
...yeah, why...

>> No.7474769

People like you annoy me.
>I used to like this manga, but now i dont want people to know i liked it. i can make fun of them now, right?

yeah you're special

>> No.7474773 [DELETED] 

Not exactly a horror story, but pretty damn weeb-y. Today I was in the hall waiting so I could go into my school auditorium when this kid (a sec.1? 12 years old?) runs across the hall yelling 'NINJA RUN', arms up behind his back Naruto style.

>> No.7474785

wow, and here I thought I was a weaboo.

>> No.7474792
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Here's the rest of it:

There was a ruckus caused over the flies, of course, but he got away with it as he always got away with his hygienic atrocities.

So I'm guessing that filth piled up on him gradually, because one day he came in with a different stench. It smelled like food that was going bad.

He asked to go to the nurses office suddenly in the middle of class, and, since he was on one of the "no fly" lists, he had to be accompanied by a classmate.

Our friend came back in looking pale and absolutely ill, drenched in a cold sweat. We asked him what had happened. Apparently, the flies that had been following Blob that one day managed to get under one of his fat rolls, where they started eating at his flesh or something, because Blob began showing it off to the poor guy as some sort of trophy for being a fat, disgusting fuck.

Yeah. Shit was nasty.

>> No.7474800

Ugh. This reminds me of something I recall reading about some fat person trapping food (a cheeseburger I think?) in one of their fat folds by accident, without knowing. It began to rot there and the surrounding skin began to get funky with the burger... something like that...

>> No.7474802
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not weaboo but still...

>cosplay as yusuke urameshi
>Accidentally bump into a yu yu hakusho meet up
>Awesome group of people, we chat it up
>this female brony (Poorly dressed, pink corset, cupcake things attached to her and pony stuff on her)cosplaying as pinkie pie asks us to take a group picture.
>we all agree
>as we are posing she decides to throw one of the cupcakes(These things where made of hard plastic) at one of the cosplayers in my group.
>It hits his face
>She says it was just a joke
>never apologizes
>Says why is there a brown yusuke and a white yusuke in our group.
>says she IS pinkie pie
>She takes one picture and skips away

Bonus: the yu yu hakusho group was probably the highlight for me. They where nice,friendly and great to talk to. i overheard talking about going to eat somewhere. i got nervous and wanted to say i had to go somewhere else, just so they know im not the type to just follow people around uninvited or just be a creep. they beat me to the punch and politely tell me they are going to go eat and that we might see each other around the con again. Agree and walk away. Have sinking feeling that they thought i was that type of guy.

Still have the feeling that they thought i was just going to follow them around.

Oh well.

>> No.7474827
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Anime Expo last year

Boyfriend and I are Ubisoft employees, AssCreed is our favorite project we've worked on. They're small and out of the way, but we met each other at work because of them. Ours are tiny compared to the other AssCreed tattoo monstrosities we've seen

<<< Like this but smaller

>> No.7474831

wow, people like this should just kill themselves and do society a favor. How do you get so fat that you dont get food is rotting under your rolls? that's beyond horrendous.

>> No.7474832

Ok, that's actually really cute

>> No.7474833

I was gritting my teeth and hoping this wouldnt be a YYH horror story, because every single YYH cosplayer/fan i've met has been a delight.

Typical brony bullshit though. Sorry you had to go through that crap.

>> No.7474931

why do weebs start excessively jumping on the spot when something excites them? I've noticed this on three separate occasions.

>> No.7474988

>be me
>go to community school because i'm cheap
>met a insane girl let's call her artsy
> i know this girl from high school through the weaboo circle but only hang out with her during freshman year
>she dropped out in freshman year doing shit like smoking pot and hanging around shady people
>have same class with her
>start talking again through mutual friend
>start liking her she doesn't seems so bad
>recommend her to my lolita group so she can work on the same art book i'm working at.
>Claims she wants to be an artist
>mangaka, explain to everyone in the classroom how she wants to go to Japan and be a mangaka
>calls me a weaboo ( i was born in asia)
>Told her i'm not and i grew up with the manga culture because i read Doreamon
> " Only weaboos doesn't like to be call weaboo"
> Told me to enlist the same class as her
>Yell at me for being clingy
>Never got any of her art work done on time
>Enroll in an art class
>draw animu
>Complains about drawing with a mouse, i let her borrow my tablet and she didn't even use it
> took my tablet back and told her to by her own
>Complains about not having money
>She use her money babysitting for traps shotacon yaoi shit
>Went to her home one day while she was baby sit so i can get some artwork done with her
>She was on her laptop looking at shits that's super shady

>> No.7475026

>Boyfriend and I are Ubisoft employees, AssCreed is our favorite project we've worked on.
The part with the AssWeebs screaming that you aren't true fans is now excessively hilarious

>> No.7475030

Someone at my office has stuck blue post it notes in various random places.
> I don't work at Abstergo

>> No.7475040

Go on...

>> No.7475042

I was 17 a couple of years ago. Moved to a new school due to supposed army brat (i can't see myself as one,sorry). Be female, half Indian and sitting under a tree during lunch reading the english version of Yukikaze. Good looking athletic guy, who will now be called Oxnard Montalvo, walks up to me. Introduces
himself. He sees what I am reading and proceeds to talk to me in wapanese.

I almost rip my book in half, length-wise.

I asked him why was he talking to me like that. He tells me he knows a lot of "terms in the language of my ethnicity".

I get up and walk to my chemistry class 20 minutes early.

For the succeeding month he would point me out to his friends so I won't be lonely at school, which by then I had made friends in several sections without anyones help.

He would try to walk me home several times. And those several times I would make sure I was with a close group with closet cosplay powers who know how to avoid "I love Glorious Nippon" Retards.

I learned from them Oxnard wasn't always like that. Some asian kid lent him a copy of Appleseed graphic novels and some discs of Naruto. So the guy got some radiation from them and boom!

I'll continue in a bit. Word is being difficult and it won't save.

>> No.7475051

Closet Cosplayers invite me to join them on a weekend of cosplay at Atlanta (a few hours drive since I am the only one with a car, stationwagon). We tell know one.

That same week Oxnard announces to me he will be going to the Atlanta Cosplay with his friends and wants to take me and he'll spring for everything.

I don't say anything because I was just walking down the hall to class and HE just happens to be in my way.

Closet Cosplayers are concerned because he telling them he will be taking me. I told them no and I am still going with them. And we plan to leave by Friday that week after school.

Friday comes and all of us are at my driveway.

All of us. Including him and his friends.

>> No.7475065

You would think people with the same interests would hit it off but no.


There are reasons why closet cosplayers keep their powers in check. They do not want to be loud and obnoxious like The Village People in my driveway,who are currently re-enacting loudly some scene from dragon ball.

The stationwagon is loaded and my group and I make last minute checks in it, he honks his Hillbillie pick up truck. Telling us to move our asses.

Closet Cosplayer Warhammer gets out to talk to them comes back and a minute later the Village People drive off. Apparently she told them we'll meet them there.

We sacrifice an hour before we get on the road just to make sure we don't run into them.

>> No.7475082

Get to hotel several blocks away from con. Check in and get into 2 person room Closet Cosplayer Disney Princess reserved for the five of us.
It's around 8pm so we get dinner at some mcdonalds wannabe and back to the room to do some last minute adjustments to their costumes.

Next day, all glammed up,we head to the con.

So we have Closet Cosplayer Warhammer, Closet Cosplayer Disney Princes, Closet Cosplayer Lineage II, Closet Cosplayer Kill Bill Girl with chain thingy and me.

Me.You have to excuse me. I was only invited that week and usually when I go to cons,I'm in civvies.

But you know group pressuring. Fine! It was my dads. I don't know why he had it nor have I asked or will I.

So we have Closet Cosplayer Warhammer, Closet Cosplayer Disney Princes, Closet Cosplayer Lineage II, Closet Cosplayer Kill Bill Girl with chain thingy and me,Closet Cosplayer Banana.

>> No.7475099

Con was pretty cool.

Till they found us.

Also, why does everyone feel the need to hump a walking banana? Seriously?

Unknown people I can excuse. Known retards I can't. Especially him.

He asks for a picture with me, his friend holds up a camera phone, countdown from three.

On three, he gets behind me,his hands on my chest and humps me.

Surprised and disgusted, I break off and slapped him. He just looks at me, stunned.

Fuming, I walk away with my group.

An hour later, while browsing at some booths, security comes up to me and asks meto come with them to the admin office.

>> No.7475121

Thank god for friends!
They torrent out: why?whatiswrong?whatistheproblem?whydoweneedtogototherewhenwecantalkhere?

Seriously, a single security staff is no match for 4 mouths of semi-vindictive women.

Supposedly I physically abused someone.

We are escorted to the office and who do we find?

Oxnard Montalvo

I must have slapped him hard if for that hand print to still be there.

He proceeds to rapid fire complain. We complain too. Security shuts us up with probable banning.

Closet Warhammer then ask me to holdup my hand to the mark on Oxnards face.
Print is larger than my hand.
Security pounces with questions.
Oxnard had his friend slap him so he can have us expulsed from the con because I embarrassed him.
My group and I were excused on the follow up questioning.

Rest of con was enjoyable.

Monday school was not.

>> No.7475161

I open my locker,and a stack of pictures, badly drawn, of me stabbing some guy. How do I know it was me? It had my name over the female character. The"art" kinda looked like manga with really hard lines.

Did not really think much about it and just threw them away. Hall monitor then decided to stick me with a demerit for littering.

Girls locker room.In the shower after Phys. Ed. overhear my 2 classmates talking about me.

"Indian girl went wild over the weekend and had bangers for dinner"

I get strange looks throughout the day.

Get several calls sometime around 11 pm. Asking me to "hook up" with them. Friend Guy calls me the next day, tells me about the rumor that I putout at night.

I get called to the guidance office.

Teach and I have a long talk with no conclusion.

>> No.7475180

Having lunch later in the week with closet cosplayers. They tell who has been spreading it. No duh on Oxnard Montalvo.

Speaking of the devil, glides by our table winks at me and loudly exclaims "Thanks for last night!" Then proceeds to do the Super Saiyan power charge. Then walks away laughing.

Next monday,I get no trouble from him.

He was at a party on friday, got some shrooms and he thought he could hold his breath underwater forever.

They found him holding a large stone in the pool.

He's still alive but the length of time he was out and lack of oxygen did something to his brain.

>> No.7475198

>tfw too nice to say no thanks
No you're not. You seemed to have hated these people as soon as they approached you, and now you're talking shit about them for acting exactly how you knew they were going to act. They didn't "follow you around the convention." You went WITH them, you twat.

You dug your own grave by pretending to be "too nice," when in actuality, you're nice to their faces, but talk shit about them behind their backs at every chance you get.

Stop talking to them.

>> No.7475204

>She use her money babysitting for traps shotacon yaoi shit
Can you elaborate on this sentence? I don't know what the fuck that means. She was babysitting children who had both FtM transgender parents?

>> No.7475208

Wait, nevermind, I got it. She was using her money she got from babysitting on traps shotacon yaoi shit. Sorry. It's really early.

>> No.7475213

>Did not really think much about it and just threw them away. Hall monitor then decided to stick me with a demerit for littering.
I mean, did you throw them all over the floor like an ape?

>> No.7475220

Sorry. I just dropped them by my feet messily like I did when I was in Sri Lanka. When I used to go to school there, unwanted papers or stuff from cubbyholes we just dump in front.

>> No.7475225

And we did not have hall monitors there.

>> No.7475226

Are you trolling?


>> No.7475232

>guy in authentic white nazi uniform
>not hetalia/trinity blood/etc, a real nazi uniform with insignia and everything
>outside of the con because they didn't let him in
>con is boring so we go outside. he follows us around for the entire day until 11pm
>doesn't actually do anything, just follows us like a shadow and is always slightly out of sight, we think we're going crazy
>sits next to us and stares at us at a restaurant
>"are you following us" "I don't know what you're talking about"
>"why are you dressed like this" "THE PROUD NATION OF GERMANY HAS-" "okay whatever"
>follows us to the hotel
>try everything from friendly talk to screaming and threathening to beat him or call the police
>"but I don't know where to go, my friends left me so I'm staying with you okay"
>not okay
>this guy is like 40
>there's some kind of biker bar near the hotel with police outside
>run to police and tell them about him
>he gets wide-eyed and bolts

sorry this story doesn't really have a climax or punchline or anything. but it was beyond creepy and weird.

>> No.7475238

No. It's how the custodians collect refuse between classes and school ends. There are no bins in the school since the last custodians were lazy. This was the faculty's solution to make sure they did their jobs.

Also, your link is inaccurate. Please learn to differentiate from press releases and actual people who lived there.

>> No.7475242

>Please learn to differentiate from press releases and actual people who lived there.
I do differentiate from press releases and strangers on the internet with anecdotes.

I think your school had this policy, not all of Sri Lanka. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.

>> No.7475243

>new teenage girls in sewing class
>one girl with bright blue hair in a pink Ancafe shirt
>one morbidly obese girl in a tutu und Sailor Moon-ish big blonde odangos
>third girl in black outfit with a million safety pins on it + various kanji necklaces and a black hat with pictures of japanese guys pinned to it
>they act like monkeys, scream random japanese and talk about cute bishonen and cosplay all the time. too stupid to listen and follow basic instructions of the sewing class THIS IS HARD ME SO BAKA DESU LOL
>"hey are you guys into japan/anime/cosplay"
>100% serious "what how do you know? how did she know?? wow so creepy"

>> No.7475246

Well that is your take and you are very welcome to it.

>> No.7475248


>> No.7475250

And not all if Sri Lanka is clean. But hey...

Do not answer for me

Give you an idea,this happened in 2005.

>> No.7475258
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No greentext because I'm on mobile

Be me in 7th grade. Very unpopular and picked on. Get grouped with the weebs naturally as I am also in to anime and the such. Typical group of 7th grade outcasts. A new girl starts at our school.
She has long unbrushed hair, fishnet fingerless gloves, combat boots and a strange smell.
"Oh good god she is wearing fucking cat ears."
She introduces herself as "Neko-chan".
She smells so fucking bad. She starts sitting with us because I guess she saw us as the only people that would maybe accept her.
After a week or so she starts bringing this stuffed animal cat on a leash to school. She fucking walks it everywhere and she does this everyday for the entire school year.
Its the last day of school. She is walking her stuffed cat outside between two school buildings. One of the "popular sk8r dudes" starts running towards her. He fucking punts her cat as hard as he can and that thing goes flying across the field.
He starts running off.
Mfw bitch chases him down and beats the hell out of him.
I'm still scared of her and I've been out of school for years.

>> No.7475265

I new someone once. she was like that. She also cleaned her stuffed cat with her tongue.

>> No.7475278

I've heard about this before.

Only it tends to happen to a certain breed of sheeps with wrinkly asses.

>> No.7475282

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.7475446

oh god, moar. I'm enjoying the OC here

>> No.7475486


is this the fucking guy that got b& from AMW and all that shit last summer?

>> No.7475506

I like his style.

>> No.7475713
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Yeah we had a good chuckle over it later; my boyfriend is a sound technician and I'm a lowly concept artist. This series of events never cease to make us laugh/cringe

That IS a little strange, you sure you don't work for Abstergo? In our building you can always tell who worked on what project, my buddy Mark has a full mock-up costume of the Prince's outfit from Prince of Persia (and a cutout in his cubicle) it's a fun little world

>> No.7476006

To be fair, it was really fucking rude of him to do that. People shouldn't do shit to others no matter how crazy they are. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, they should be left alone. She was probably mad at him for being an asshole, not because he kicked a stuffed cat, because I would be, too.

>> No.7476017

She wasn't at their level. You can be a fan of something without being a complete idiot.

>> No.7476461
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Anon, are you by any chance wearing Mary again this AX?

>> No.7477157

cont. (sorry internet went out due to me being a poor fag)
>pull closer to see what's she was looking at
>Our dear Artsy was looking at hardcore tentical rape shotacon yaoi infront of a small child, the kid even saw her and ask what that is and she said : "Beauty, because it's beautiful"
>Get extremely creep out
>Told me to get ticket for Sakuracon
>I got the ticket because she said she'd provide hotel
>Found out she got the hotel with other people include the shitbag who molested me in freshmen year.
>Stray the fuck away from her
I don't talk to her as much now a day but she bugs the hell out of me, she keeps on talking shit about other people art work while being shit her self. It's pretty depressing for me though because i have a ticket to a convention that i can't attend because i listened to her.

>> No.7478082

Sorry if this story is boring or too long... I thought it might be kinda funny.

>16 years old
>Going to my first con out of town with friends
> I'm cosplaying a Touhou, which seems to attract really weird people
> Meet fat, drunk 20 year old guy in a Touhou group and talk for a few minutes
>He wants to be friends and I am excited because I didn't know you could talk to con friends outside of cons
>Add him on facebook, somehow give him my phone #
>He messages me later and we talk for a few hours
> He says we are kindred spirits because we have the same aura and horoscope
>Tells me about girl troubles, says he wishes he had a girlfriend like me and invites me to hang out with his friends (I declined)
>He posts a status saying he considers me a friend who he would risk his life for
>I get creeped out, tell my Nii-chan and he says not to talk to him anymore
>The day before the next convention we're both attending, he sends me a message
>It just says "soon."
>At the convention I stick with my boyfriend the whole time and hope we don't meet
>Run into him in the hallway
>He is wasted
>Tells us he's drunk by saying "senpai is installed"
>He asks my boyfriend if it's okay to be friends with me
>He assures my boyfriend he won't steal me away

After we got away, I blocked him from facebook and deleted his phone number. Luckily nothing happened further, but I'm glad I had older people around me to protect me. I was really naive and stupid...

>> No.7478091

how big was his dick?

>> No.7478092

Speaking as someone who used to be OBSESSED with cats and carry cat plushies around everywhere, as much as I wish I didn't do that, I'd be fucking devastated if someone did that to me.
Plus, you never know, that stuffed animal could hold some sort of meaning to her.

>> No.7478366

>befriending a drunk at a con.

>> No.7478371

>guy is an asshole and does an asshole thing
>she beats the hell out of him because of it

This is bad how?

>> No.7478381

The hero we deserve.

>> No.7478383

So pretty much you brought in on yourself, okay.

>> No.7478384

He didn't physically hurt her, so I personally think it's stupid.

>> No.7478388


Did you read the person's post nigga, this was in High School. People don't know what the fuck they're doing in high school and I assume OP has learned from it ie exactly what it says at the end.

>> No.7478392

Okay, suppose someone takes something that's special to you just because they think it's stupid. You're not hurting anybody with it and you think it's great, but they go ahead and take it from and destroy it because they think it's stupid and the world has to fit their ideals because fuck everyone else they're the only ones that matter in the world. Just imagine that.

They didn't physically hurt you, right? But they still destroyed something that you loved and they did it for no apparent reason other than to please themselves. That's a different kind of hurt. At least understand that much.

>> No.7478393

Hmm, true. But if you're going to do something that's gonna piss someone off, you'd best be prepared for the repercussions especially if you knew the person was crazy
I guess both were being stupid though

>> No.7478427

>this self victimizing

>> No.7478433
File: 58 KB, 680x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you defending the asshole who kicked her doll? You're a prick

>> No.7478435

So if I take your hand held DS or psp and smash in to the ground, I'm not hurting you, right?

>> No.7478593

>wannabe jackboot afraid of the cops
Oh the irony.

>> No.7478906

No cadet cap? That would have topped it all off.

>> No.7479005
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>> No.7479018

you have shockingly poor reading comprehension. this person use babysitting money to buy "traps shotacon yaoi shit", they were obviously not babysitting traps

>> No.7483235

They try to act like anime characters, jumping when exited, glomping, talking and laughitng loud, touching peple without asking permission.

>> No.7483987

muh middle-school revenge fantasy

>> No.7484212

You're not. The proper response would be to break something of yours, not hurt you.

>> No.7484640

Aw man. Let me tell you guys about my high school's choir class.
I joined choir, wanting to test the waters and see if it was something I liked to do. It was an after school thing and was pretty small and shitty. The first day there, I see this girl in the far corner. I had been talking with all the other girls in the class and felt kind of bad for her. See I used to get excluded from groups all the time in elementary school because I was so fucking bad at human interaction. I could sympathize. This was my downfall. Let this be a lesson to you all on how you should never be nice to anyone ever.

So I go over to her and kind of glance down. Her drawings are weeby as shit and that should have been the first sign, but I ignored it and asked her if she was drawing a Vocaloid. The girl looks up at me with these wide, hopeful eyes and I suddenly think " Oh shit." to myself.
"Y-You know what Vocaloid is, anon????"
From that day on, she latched on to me like some horrible weeb leech. I had noticed by then that she was greasy as fuck. She was this short white girl with clear eyes and scraggly ass short brown hair. She smelled like cat urine and vomit all in one. She'd stalk me through the hallways, she'd bother me and my friends during lunch, etc. Maybe if she hadn't smelled so bad, I could have tolerated it. She also had this high pitched voice and would start screeching without warning about her precious animu boyfriends and shit.
To avoid confrontation, I changed my routes to class and tried my best to sit far away from her in choir. That's when the worst shit went down.
I'm sitting there, minding my own business and looking over a song while the other girls are chatting it up. Suddenly, the weeb comes up to me and just LAYS HER BODY OVER MY LAP. She just drapes herself there and starts wiggling around and meowing and shit. And if that wasn't bad enough, she totally fucking went for my vagina. Her hand pressed up against it.

>> No.7484642

After the weird stalker weeb proceeds to fondle my girl parts, my friend calls me over and I push her off and run to her. I was so shocked and horrified, but also embarrassed as fuck. So, I didn't really say anything about it.
I didn't rejoin choir after winter break, seeing as my school let you drop extra classes in the middle and shit. I avoided her like the plague for the rest of high school. I have no idea what she's up to these days, but I hope she isn't fucking touching anyone.

>> No.7484728

Oh wow, i thought this thread died; if you're out there Anon I will be wearing Mary to AX this year.

>> No.7484742

/v/ here
Your games are shit

You should be ashamed to be working for such a disgusting company

>> No.7484923

you're a stuck up bitch from the way you type

>> No.7484941
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>> No.7484942

Keep up the good work Anon

>> No.7484947

That's for tumblr

>> No.7484961

nigga YOU'RE NOT REAL, this is FAKE BAKE LAKE HAKE MAKE PAKE RAKE VAKE next time tell a REAL story and i bet you're not even ASIAN. No nigga is tha much of a weeb

>> No.7484965

Actually I think it's more because your english and grammar is so bad, the lack of punctuation doesnt help either.

I also didnt understand what the fuck that means.

>> No.7484972

good place to get gifs mate, just ignore the bullshit

>> No.7484974

should of licked his poop nigga

>> No.7484979

did you get drunk with him? You know, drink some here and there

>> No.7484985

wow mean
she just wanted to be your friend
nigga if i were i'd beat your fucking ass no lie

>> No.7485142

good job

>> No.7485192

wow you sure told them.

>> No.7485207

Tip: put > infront of things to greentext

>like this
>it makes reading stories easier

>> No.7485223

yeah i DID. YoU gotta PROBLEM NIGGA?

>> No.7485417

It's not that he was a fat fuck.
He was a fat fuck that didn't clean himself to the point that happened.
In my opinion that kind of person is A LOT worse.

>> No.7485439
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Maybe I've just had a particularly sheltered life in terms of shitty people, or I just have a really high tolerance for bullshit.
But honestly? I've never once met a person so terrible as the ones put in these stories. >>7474647 >>7475042 . Where do all of these people spawn from? Where along the path of raising them did their parents go wrong?

Hopefully the fact that I don't know anyone like these people doesn't mean that I'm the creep here.

>> No.7486693

should of ate the foods off his folds

>> No.7486713

Anon who posted the blob story here.

I definitely agree with you. I know people who are pretty fat but are very hygienic. Blob was disgusting as fuck, too. Lazy shithead who never did anything nice for anyone that wasn't himself.

The dude would come in from time to time with his nails painted as if he were the prettiest princess ever, too. This motherfucker who wouldn't even touch water, let alone take a bath in it, was prancing around school claiming he was transsexual. He thought he was the kawaiiest motherfucker around, even though he smelled like rancid dick-cheese and looked ten times worse.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

>> No.7487277

he gave you LOOKIE

>> No.7487283

>'no fly' list
clearly not very effective

>> No.7489916

>>weebs flock to me because I helped one of them find a manga once
The only appropriate response when weebs ask you about stuff like that is" "What the hell is manga/anime/cosplay/yaoi/shipping?"

>> No.7489921

only if you want a two hour lecture on the mighty and glorious nippon

>> No.7489938

Not a whole lot you can do in that situation
>say yes, expose your powerlevel
>say no, get an earful of weeaboo tripe
>pass on the buck to another librarian, have them deal with it (pussy move)

>> No.7490012
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Oh my god. This exactly why I am afraid to show my power level at all in public. Cant even wear a T-shirt that has a anime logo because wearing that to my campus would just be suicide because of all the weebs that would just flock to you
(bad experience at HS). I already get hit on by enough creeps as it is on the street.

I cant never even go around alone in a con because the two times I tried to do that I got stalked by disgusting neckbeards and had to leave early

Why is being a anime fan so fucking hard that you cant even find sane people to discuss this shit with??

>> No.7490031

Black dudes make the funniest/saddest weebs. Some of them are bros despite being weeaboos but some of them are insufferable. The worst Nurutu fandweeb I know is a black dude who styles his hair like Sasuke and tries to hit on women in broken Japanese.

>> No.7490034

I know that feel.

>> No.7490042
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>> No.7490039

>I got stalked
Yeah, I bet this didn't happen

>> No.7490052


Yeah I guess getting followed by some fat guy I never met to every panel and everywhere else I went to for half of the day is not stalking. He even grabbed me from behind and tried to lift me up calling me his "kawaii waifu"at some point and told me about having a room for himself in the hotel nearby and if I wanted to come

>> No.7490073

this is the part where you get con security. And no it's not stalking. I'm not saying it isn't creepy but it's not fucking stalking, that's just rude to people who actually get stalked, it's terrifying. Having a slimy neckbeard hit on you sucks but it's not stalking.

>> No.7490132
File: 76 KB, 745x717, 1372726925274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make new friend at work to weeb out with, get close over a year
>friend makes boyfriend, typical neckbeard, but a casual
>put out and playing second banana, I try my best to just be happy that she has someone
>get my own boyfriend, time passes, we all hang out together
>my boyfriend convinces hers to watch moe shows with subtitles, friend gets me back into video games
>it's going well

>couple of weeks later, sitting around having ice cream
>her boyfriend asks me what it's like to have such small titties compared to my friend's
>we stare at him until he stops laughing, friend pinches his arm
>must be autism.

>Her boyfriend wants me to proofread his MLP fanfiction
>Sends me the file over skype
>gay horse sex
>claim the transfer didn't work and excuse myself to do errands

>friend starts asking me questions about watching hentai and masturbating because her boyfriend can't get her off
>starts off small, asking if my boyfriend and I have kissed, made out, and finally if we've had sex
>asks me if I've ever thought about bondage, or animal tail buttplugs
>she then wonders aloud what sex would be like a girl, or with more than two people
>Change the subject until she goes home.

>a few more weeks later, ding
>her boyfriend is talking to me on skype
>wants to talk about something private and urgent, must be man problems because he's regularly been asking about how to "perform better"
>boyfriend and I are both awkward virgins and don't know how to answer, but I ask what he needs this time
>tells me he's interested in trying men and is convinced my boyfriend should be The One to rek his anal hymen
>says hold on let me show you something, invites me to video chat
>turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away from the computer, then come back to reject
>don't answer the phone
>friend leaves messages apologizing but not saying what for, says she really needs to talk to me
>keeps sending me youtube links to sad AMVs and shit whenever she calls and I don't pick up

I can't deal with it

>> No.7490148

I chuckled.

>> No.7490267

IMO you should tell your friend what their boyfriend has been saying to you, then step far away from the situation and try not to involve yourself in it further.
If she wants to continue dating a sexually inept gay brony furfag she can go right ahead, but maybe if she sees how he's been acting towards you she might realize the relationship isn't working.

That is if you're still trying to work out this situation. I couldn't quite tell by your tense...

>> No.7490295

>"what's it like to have such small tits?"
>harasses you on skype
>wants to fuck your boyfriend
holy mother fuck. Who even asks this? that's some serious aspie if i ever heard. I'm sorry you had to deal with this shit, anon.

>> No.7490296

Drop both your friend, because she's obviously not going to let this boyfriend go because she's a lonely weeb. If she shows signs of dumping him, then maybe, but fuck-- sometimes it's better to abandon ship altogether.

>> No.7490409
File: 337 KB, 216x679, god ahwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to post a self story because god I was my own horror story, and it's just fun to laugh about it now
>freshman year
>14 years old
>cat wearing hambeast
>I made arm warmers out of cut up socks and wore the most god awful tight weeaboo clothing
>would run around and "glomp" strangers
>don't even get me started on my fucking OC's at the time
>I would actually call people bakas, and add "chan" at the end of their names
basically I was the most god awful weeb and I was actually surprised not to find anything about me on here because SHIT I was bad
pic related, I actually went out in PUBLIC dressed like that

>> No.7490478
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Don't feel bad, anon. Some of use were just a lot worse than others in our weab days.
>8th grade
>wore naruto headband every day to school
>even took school picture wearing it
>my two friends and i nicknamed ourselves "seme chan", "uke chan", and "baka chan"
>would style hair like misa from death note
>wore striped leggings with short shorts all the time
>even wore them to physical ed
>also wore a million bracelets on top of shitty self-made sock wristbands
I never really got bullied for it, because aside from looking like a total weab, I never really brought attention to myself. I kind of just moved out of town and stopped being retarded once I started high school.

>> No.7490592
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Sounds to me like he was an asipiring champion of Nurgle. Or at least a Great Unclean One in the works.

>> No.7490626
File: 93 KB, 600x668, 1397266544697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever go on Gaia? I had this hat and wore it to school every fucking day in middle school.

>> No.7490645


4th-8th grade is definitely peak weeb for most people (myself included).

It's only when people cling onto it long after that when it starts to become truly sad/uncomfortable, seeing as 4th-8th graders are basically guaranteed to be idiots regardless Weeb status.

>> No.7490696

I wanted a hat from Gaia online but never bought one. I wish I did, because I'm pretty sure you could sell them for a lot.

>> No.7490705

...I still have a tshirt with kiki and coco kitty, as well as a plush coco kitty...
I still periodically check my account, but there is little there that keeps me interested anymore.

>> No.7490733

uugghh I used to have a plush coco and a plush kiki. I think I accidentally gave one to a weird mexican weeb who followed me around one con and the other is probably in the mess of storage in my basement.

weeb me was...
>compulsively lied and made up stories related to anime and games
>for example, pretending to have my own digimon, being half demon, etc etc
>friends were totally into it for a while so it was super fun
>drew terrible art
>ninja gurls and smexy emo boiz the whole shabang
>yu-gi-oh boyfriends
>cosplayed Ed at first con, no wig but people still took a lot of pictures of me because I was like 12 and still somewhat adorable
>cried when I left my first con

>Obsessed with Gaia, meet first girlfriend/roleplay partner from there
>mail each other gifts
>our relationship centered around a yaoi asylum RP on Gaia
>my character was your typical offensive 17-year-old gay suicidal boy
>hers was a 31-year-old cannibal

>decided I was "goth" when I was like 12/13
>became VK
>became lolita
>terrible for 2 years

>now an OK/good lolita
>not anywhere near as much of a psychotic weeb

>> No.7490889
File: 2.03 MB, 320x213, war flashbacks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, I used to hang around in the roleplay threads.

>> No.7490895

I was one of the co-creators of a guild for a specific convention about a decade ago, spawned from the Cosplay and Conventions subforum. We used to have Gaia meetups irl and I'm still friends with a number of those people today.

...And yeah, one of my friends made me an AFK hat. It was kind of cute in winter ;_;

>> No.7490922
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No no no, anon, don't make me remember my weeby past.

>compulsively lied and made up stories related to anime and games
>for example, pretending to be a ninja, being half vampire, selling my soul to the devil, etc etc
>school mates were totally into it for a while so it was super fun
>drew terrible art
>shut-in and glued to a computer, watched anime or played Runescape 24/7 - pretty much no social life
>dragged my friends around to cringe-worthy panels at my first con... Jesus fuck, the shit I said/did would make a weeaboo think I was a freak.

>Obsessed with Runescape, meet first boyfriend/roleplay partner there
>mail each other gifts
>our relationship centered around our obsession with runescape, anime, and our own OC universe
>yeah, we made our own fucking story and we were going to make a manga out of it - obvious self-inserts and a typical shounen plot. Think Inuyasha but with even shittier art and characters

>decided I was "goth" when I was like 14/15
>became "classy" (see: fedoras, trenchcoats)
>became "casual" (jeans, t-shirt, sneakers)
>terrible for 2 years until I started to look good in a T

>now getting seriously built, starting to get compliments left and right
>not anywhere near as much of a weeb outwardly, but still pretty bad once you get past the shell of normalfaggotry

>> No.7490938

I was there for a few years between 05-08. I remember lurking in GCD a lot when somebody called Spencer-kun was the unofficial king. But then the last years of high school took away my free time and various site changes made me lose interest in keeping up. I remember desperately wanting the AFK/OMG/Catscratch hats and the Grunny/Kiki/Coco plushies, but I never had the disposable income at that age.

>> No.7490962

you sound qt 3.14 now, anon

>> No.7491064
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>> No.7491220

What I hate the most about weaboo's is that they behave inappropriate, and when you tell them in a polite way that you don't like how they behave towards you, they blame you for it all.

This will be TL;DR and it's more of a vent then a funny weaboo story, because I really don't know what to do.

So I met this weaboo guy.
At first he seemed really friendly and pretty normal, so we decided to meet because we are both going to cosplay from the same series, and we would like to work on props together. Plus we live very close to each other.
The first meeting was 'okay', even 'tho I already had quite a bad feeling about it and felt like something was off about this guy. However, I don't want to judge someone I barely know and I like to give everyone a chance (I wish I had cut it off at this point already, it would have saved me a lot of crap).

The things I noticed soon enough where typical weaboo stuff. For example, whenever I'd make a joke he'd react really exaggerated, like: 'OH HAHAHAHA ANON THAT IS SOOOO DAMN FUNNY AHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD NO, THIS IS TOO DAMN FUNNY, WONDERFUL, REALLY WONDERFUL HAHAHA'
It made me feel kind of weird and uncomfortable, but I just decided to bear with it because I barely know the guy.

I got home that evening, and that's somehow when it all started.
He started to message me more often (like almost every day) if I would visit him again next weekend to work on the props. Even 'tho I told him many times I am busy with school, work, and other stuff that I need to work on, he'd still message me about it.


>> No.7491222


He suddenly added himself to a cosplay group where I am in, and whenever I write a comment in that group, he immediately responds to it, or tags me in one of his posts.
He also added some of my friends to his Facebook, while he doesn’t know them at all.
In that cosplay group there was a girl who posted that she would be visiting an upcoming con, asking who else is going. I replied to her saying I'll also be visiting.
He immediately responded, saying he'd 'surely tag along with Anon’.
And that is how I had to find out he'd also be visiting that con.
Not telling me he'd like to go, not asking if he could go with me.
No, he'd surely tag along with me.

In that same group, a girl introduced herself and said where she is studying. I got excited because next year I’ll hopefully will be doing the same study at the same school.
So I replied to her message and told her I’m aiming to study there the upcoming year.
Not even a minute later, this guy replies: "OMG WTF that’s so awesomezz!! xd’
And about 5 minutes later he messaged me saying: ‚If I’m being too hyper right now that because of my BRAINZ OVERLOADD XDDD I saw you saying you’ll be going to that college next year so I immediately signed up for it too XD’

What the actual fuck.

So I tried to be polite to him and told him that I’m very uncomfortable with the fact that he is only willing to stay with me at that con. I told him I’ll be meeting friends there, but he doesn’t mind and says he’ll just tag along. I also told him I don’t like it that he keeps asking me if I can come over to work on the props. He doesn’t have any respect for my personal situation (school, work, etc) either, he thinks it’s all ‚weird’.
I tried to tell him, but he won’t listen and he is blaming me for it all, telling me it’s all my problem and that I should just make time for him.
And yet he refuses to leave me alone.

It’s like >>7473533 said: Don’t be nice to retards. Ever.

>> No.7492028
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(but I still have no clue how I into "real relationships" and I have the confidence of a middleschool nerd)

>> No.7492041
File: 34 KB, 413x395, 1394927507247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you've got yourself a thirsty weeb.

>> No.7492047
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>> No.7492784
File: 61 KB, 747x599, 1378881323014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood these kinds of images. The whole "m-my heart/HNNNNGGG" thing. Do they mean heart break? Some kind of happiness-induced heart ache?

>> No.7492821

What a fucking boring story and shitty narrative. You seem like a stupid stuck up cunt

>> No.7492822

>lowly concept artist

You are so goddamn full of shit

Source: Dad is concept artist and paid for our house/ raised a family

>> No.7492831

...? You sound pretty angry that anon jokingly used a self-deprecating word for her own profession, did you misread this as an insult to concept artists in general or something?

>> No.7492840

A concept artist is not an introductory profession.
Martin Deschambault Is the lead concept artist for assassin's creed 4. Raphael goddamn Lacoste worked on it. Not some no name retard who cosplays

>> No.7492843

So unless this chick is Donglu Yu this is made up and I highly doubt that

>> No.7492844

keyword is "lead", there's multiple people who do concept art with different levels of importance attached to each.

>> No.7492849

...Donglu yu wasn't a lead. That's a top artist in the industry and she wasn't even lead, what does that say? If this chick is supposedly an artist why doesn't she...I don't know post some art?

>> No.7492851

>"Martin Deschambault Is the lead concept artist " >>7492840

>> No.7492854

That's not...my point. You're a moron.

>> No.7492859

I think we're trying to talk about different things...
there can be a "lowly" concept artist, and a concept artist that makes 5x the amount of that other person. Concept artists are a dime a dozen.

>> No.7492871

They mean something's so cute/sweet/whatever that you get a heart attack.

>> No.7492921

bump for moar

>> No.7492925

>Only it tends to happen to a certain breed of sheeps with wrinkly asses.

It's called Myiasis (or fly strike, or fly-blown) and it can effect any and all sheep if they're not looked after proply.

That's why they dock sheep tails, because if a sheep retains it's long tail, it greatly rises the chances of shit becoming caked on/around it's ass, which draws flies, who then begin laying maggots in the shit and flesh, which then eat said flesh.

>> No.7492940

TFW no pizzacat gf

>> No.7493086

sounds like my psychotic weeaboo ex

>> No.7493427
File: 47 KB, 148x163, 1386418538277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tells us he's drunk by saying "senpai is installed"

jesus christ this guy is great

>> No.7494630

I work at Build-a-Bear. We have to write the kid's name on the bear's tag.

>White family walks in
>5-ish girl hands me bear
>"and what's your name?"
>"no, what's your bear's name?"
>begins to stuff bear, trying to strike conversation
>"so...does your name have a story? it's very unique!"
>parents reply for her
>"Naw, we just really love anime."

>> No.7494633

so were they huge weebs or what
it's literally fascinating when these people breed

>> No.7494642
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>> No.7494656

Sorry to hear about your situation. What an asshole. People like him that burden others with their hideous selves and characters make me want to throw up.

How disgusting. I hope something happens to make him go away.

>> No.7494659

>Does your name have a story~?


>> No.7494660

More like horrifying. It's like watching two tectonic plates collide and give birth to some ungodly disaster.

>> No.7494684

I had to shoot down baby names such as Balthier, Rurouni, Sasuke, Sephiroth, Shino, Yuki with my weeby coworker.

>> No.7494703
File: 104 KB, 450x308, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cringed as I read every one of those names.

>> No.7494718

>>"no, what's your bear's name?"
What if she meant the bear's name was Sakura? Not that she did, obviously, I'm just saying.

>> No.7494737

yaoi hands

>> No.7494741

I'm really confused by their post tbh
>We have to write the kid's name on the bear's tag.
so why the later clarification about "meaning the bear's name" idgi

Also anon, what were the parents like...? Were they otherwise normal, well-adjusted seeming people who unexpectedly were weebs?

>> No.7494749

When I was in sixth grade my friend got a sibling and I suggested Ashil, from Shaman King, and her mother named him that not knowing any better. I'm so sorry.

>> No.7494758

Suddenly being named London isn't so bad.

>> No.7494760

IMO, that would be a badass name. Sounds like a fucking viking or a greek warrior. A bear-mode dude named "Sephiroth" would be fearsome.

But odds are that the kid will be raised on insta-ramen/pocky and glued in front of a screen, so he'll never live up to his name.

>> No.7494767


>> No.7494771


my fucking sides

>> No.7494795

Believe it or not the photo she always shows to people is one of him surrounded by her collection of pocky boxes. They ended up naming him Tiberius.

>> No.7494807

Balthier doesn't sound awful to be honest.
I met a kid whose name was Sephiroth once, it was depressing.

>> No.7494837

I mean mine doesn't.

I'm just Zachary. if it means anything my mom wanted to name me Zeke, which would have been kind of cool but sounds a little pretentious.

>> No.7494844


Katawa Shoujo.

The MC had a heart problem and would make that "HNNNNNNG" sound whenever one of the girls did something cute. His heart gave out.

>> No.7494846

you say that you're getting built and also meeting your first boyfriend.

are you a gay man? because maybe I'm not seeing it the right way but I take that as like getting defined muscle.

if you're a girl I don't understand calling it getting built but the boyfriend part makes more sense.

>> No.7494861 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 327x338, tumblr_mefvm6IVuU1rp8n54o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 come to mind....

I'm studying to be an elementary school teacher

>In class watching a documentary on how different countries deal with disciplining children
>girl next to me squeals when Japan comes up
>keeps mumbling "oh you precious little babies"
>I glance at her about halfway through the segment
>she's fucking CRYING
>"uh...are you okay?"
>"they're just so cute...."


>girl sits at my table in biology lab
>wear tail every single day
>finally guy next to me asks "why do you wear that every day?"
>she scoffs, audibly, and replies
>"uhm, it's something Japanese people do."

the way she said it.... it was like "how dare you not know, you uncultured swine"

I work at Build-a-Bear workshop

>Family of 3 walk in
>little girl is about 5
>hands me bear
>"and what's your name princess?"
>"No, not your bear. what's /your/ name?"
>attempt conversation
>"your name is very pretty! does it have a special meaning?"
>parents chime in proudly
>"Naw, we just really love anime"

>> No.7494867

I'm studying to be an elementary school teacher

>In class watching a documentary on how different countries deal with disciplining children
>girl next to me squeals when Japan comes up
>keeps mumbling "oh you precious little babies"
>I glance at her about halfway through the segment
>she's fucking CRYING
>"uh...are you okay?"
>"they're just so cute...."


>> No.7494869

>girl sits at my table in biology lab
>wear tail every single day
>finally guy next to me asks "why do you wear that every day?"
>she scoffs, audibly, and replies
>"uhm, it's something Japanese people do."

the way she said it.... it was like "how dare you not know, you uncultured swine"

>> No.7494873

Nope, I'm bi. But predominantly gay, 4 on the Kinsey scale.
And you're waaay off about my "boyfriend". That was a couple years ago, back in high school.

>> No.7494878

okay, boyfriend was just something I took from your post.

>> No.7494891


>I know them awkward feels

Drop the infected, save yourself.

>> No.7494893


>> No.7494895

What size are your hands anon...?
>mfw I have 'yaoi hands' and I'm female.......

>> No.7494900

probably either an exaggeration or the same area as body dysmorphia

they probably don't have that but the same kind of thing

>> No.7494902

Yeah, I see.

>> No.7494909

I cry every time I see pictures of cute little Japanese children, but that's because they make me realize how uncute I am.

I want a Japanese person to ask her that. A native person. So she shuts up.
Imagine if the Japanese were as obsessed with us as we were with them. I want to live in that world.

>> No.7494912

I'm hiding on different realms anon, made a new account.

>> No.7494914

>it's literally fascinating when these people breed

GoT is getting pretty popular in the US for people naming kids. Searching through the social security website and watching their popularity rise is frightening. Especially when names like Khaleesi are more popular than Daenerys. Ya Khaleesi sounds nice but you just know they dont realize its a title and not the characters name. Its like Bella and Edward all over again. I remember seeing Sakura being used a bit too.

>> No.7494915

I saw the funniest thing one time with a comic about a Japanese guy obsessed with spongebob and therefore his belief that all American culture was like that

>> No.7495025


>> No.7495093

Shino sounds pretty normal. Or maybe just compared to those others...


>> No.7495101

>people in the US naming their kids this crap
>people liking Got series in general

>> No.7495104

If her mom is dumb enough to name their kid something with no meaning to them, well then.....

>> No.7495106

the thing about spice n wolf is no one has any nips

>> No.7495109

Oh dear god.
Balthier or Sephiroth I could see, maaaaaaybe, because if you don't know the origins they kind of just sound like mythical or some shit.
Sasuke and Rurouni though... oh lord have mercy.

>> No.7495112

Isn't sephiroth's name based on the arrangement of the Sephirot tree in khabala? It's not originally from ff7, you know. He was named that because he's an ancient in the game. He was originally designed to be Aerith's brother. That's why their designs are almost identical. They scrapped that idea in the final game though.

>> No.7495207

you sound like an insufferable hipster.

>> No.7495210

reminds me of the fucking hilarious image set of badly-drawn game of thrones characters with the picture of Dani labeled "Kelly C."

(semi-related: something awkward is that in the books, which I read before the show came out, she's called "Dani" in-text FAR more often than her full name, so if I refer to her as such when talking about the show some people interpret it as a Kelly C. type mistake where I have no fucking clue what her name is and have mangled it hilariously)

>> No.7495266

that was it thanks.

ending was even better than remembered

>> No.7495312

They exist, in 6 sixth grade I got harnessed by this realy chubby black kid. He was onvinced his hand was possessed like Miroku from Inuyasha.Which he used as an excuse to try to touch on our asses.
Claimed to be training for about 6 different martial arts clubs. Would "speak" japanese. Had all types of real japanese stuff his sensai gave him.

He was just a real fucking pain and when I told him I liked him as a friend, he took a molehill and made a mountain. Wouldnt leave me alone andgot his friends in on it. It finally stopped after I almost broke his nose after I had enough at recess. Didn't get into troble cuz the PE teach saw what happened and friends saw too. He moved away after that.

>> No.7495335

And she did she broke his pride and maybe his nose.

>> No.7495342

The people who watched even half of season one and still don't understand that khaleesi is Dothraki for 'queen', not the girl's name, shouldn't be allowed to breed at all. How do you even call the tv series form of reading comprehension? Watching comprehension? I honestly wonder how people that oblivious even make it to adulthood.

>> No.7495348

Sasuke is a legendary ninja name from Japanese folklore, so with that in mind it's not necessarily worse than any other non-Japanese kid getting a Japanese name. You just know that the poor thing was probably named after the Naruto character, though...

>> No.7495393

I'm not sure if this counts but back in high school:
>wore Naruto headband on arm like Shikamaru on some occasions
>wore my persona 4 school uniform once and people thought it was cool
>wore a wig once and one of my teachers tried it on and we all laughed
>recommended more manga in the library
>latched on to this girl who draws really good an it creeped her out (we buried the hatchet by the end of senior year)
>kept doing ninja poses in public

And then there was that one time I was getting really close to a female cosplayer I met at a con and it really annoyed her as time went by. We met again in person last summer and I apologized for my creepy behavior. We buried the hatchet that day and we all cool now.

That's as much as I remember. Looking back at it... I kinda regret a few things.

>> No.7495429

Why did you shoot them down? That would have been hilarious.

>> No.7495676
File: 219 KB, 1437x1020, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? I went through such a hardcore weeb phase like that. Wore my hair like Misa, leggings under the shorts, the whole shebang.

>> No.7495852

sephirot is a jewish thing so I wouldn't name a kid something like that unless I WANT him to be murdered

>> No.7495858

Why would they be murdered?

>> No.7495866

kids with weird names tend to get into shit

>> No.7495877

Yeah, maybe if they live in hick town. But murdered? Get over yourself

>> No.7495878

My boyfriend legitimately wants to name our first daughter Tifa. I mean its a pretty enough name on its own but the area we live in has such a high weeb population that she'd never live it down.

>> No.7495888

>going out with someone who likes Tifa
>going out with someone who wants to name their kid Tifa
You need to think about this.

>> No.7495893

most places are hick towns, but I mean have you heard of exaggeration before?
Tiffany is a name, so is Eris
Naming kids after video game characters is kind of nerdy but I don't think it matters if it's a normal name. Sure it doesn't have any meaning, but I wasn't named after anything special either, my parents just liked it

>> No.7495931

I've got one, but it's probably not all that horrific since there's no big climax or anything. Happened last year, over a course of two weeks.

>bf and I live together
>find out one of his old friends from high school who recently started messaging him again on Facebook really needs a place to stay
>she heavily implies she'd be grateful to stay here
>bf leaves decision up to me
>bf is pretty normal, don't suspect anything will be wrong with the girl since they were friends
>try to be good person
>"Yeah, sure! She can stay for a while."
>no good deed goes unpunished
>when we go to pick her up, she glomps bf and squees
>bf looks alarmed, I'm definitely alarmed, but shrug it off, let her be excited
>she isn't a hambeast, pretty skinny actually, flat as a board (but this just fed her "I'm a kawaii loli! fuel), but with greasy frizzy hair, smells of tons of perfume when we met
>"Hi, anon! I'm Jelly-chan, nice to meet you~ Thank you so so so so so so so much for letting me stay!!!"
>she speaks in a forced high pitched voice, but seems friendly enough
>ride home, bf driving, me in passenger seat, her behind bf
>she keeps scooting up and poking his neck and squeezing his arm
>he asks her to stop, sit back, and buckle up because car safety and she's bugging the shit out of him
>hear a gross whine and seatbelt click
>turn to speak to her, see she's pouting profusely with her eyes shut tight, looks like an attempt at ">3>" face
>feel like a parent, but need to chuckle

>> No.7495933

Forgot to add that the reason she needed a place to stay was because she and her roommates had a fight and they kicked her out. Said she just needed a few days and she'd figure everything out on her own and it'd all be fine. When she said this, she said it confidently and like a normal, functional person, so we bought it.
>she suddenly decides we are besties
>tells me her life story
>"Oh, anon, my friends are just such bitchy bakas! Do you want to know WHY they kicked me out? It's because they're jealous of how kawaii I am!"
>"Oh, anon, it's so nice of you to let me stay! Even though you know Patient-san(bf) and I dated!"
>bf denied and confronted her, she owned up and said she was "sowwy (╯︵╰,)" Later on told me "well it was almost like we were dating! You should have seen how jealous he'd get any time I talked to anyone else! Like a good niisan~"
>tells both of us gratuitous details about her sex life
>bf spends more and more time gaming with headset on to drown it out
>I'm not so lucky, ask her nicely to not
>"Oh anon, I had no idea you were a prude, upupu~" She did the 'upupu' thing often

>one week in, can't really take it anymore, we ask when she's planning on leaving
>she starts to tear up, gives sob story
>I take the bait like a sap and leave it
>bf is unphased, ask her what about her parents and if she could stay with them, she'd probably be more comfortable with family anyway
>bawbawbaw "Noooo, I was abuuuuused! I can't go back there! Please don't make me go back there, Patient-san!!!"

>bf and I share a car, he dropps me off at school, goes to work, picks me up, so we're in and out of the house together usually
>come home to her sekushi posing on our sofa often
>once tried to snuggle up to bf as he was napping
>walked in on her as she was trying, she tried to descreetly play it off and walk away like nothing happened

>> No.7495936
File: 9 KB, 267x189, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf had friends over to hang out
>drink a bit, not to get shit faced
>she invites herself and gets shit faced
>throwing herself at anything with a penis
>bf friends are either taken or I guess not drunk enough to touch that
>one of bf's friend's gfs is there and is getting annoyed
>locks Jelly-chan out in the backyard
>friends leave, I let her back in
>she saunters in trying too hard to act nonchalant
>"God anon, can you believe how jelly she was, omfg!"

>> No.7495937
File: 66 KB, 380x380, 1397505716111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one time enter bedroom and hear someone showering
>think it's bf since that's our bathroom
>shower stops
>Jelly-chan comes out wrapped in towel and does the most staged "stretch and yawn"
>"oop, there goes my towel, tee-hee~!"
>eyes exposed to her skinnyfat, I make my disgust audible
>tell her to get out and get dressed
>she realizes it's me and not bf and covers up
>"Geez anon, you pervert!!!"
>confront her later on
>"But your bathroom is so nice, anon! Mine is so small and messy ;("
>then clean it up, bitch
>bf and I check to make sure nothing is missing, thankfully nothing is
>tell her she's not allowed in our room or bathroom

>day later, bf and I in bedroom kissing
>door flies open
>"Ohhhh, there you guys are! Whatcha doooooin'??"
>bf beyond pissed, says nothing, installs doorknob with lock same day

There wasn't even much of a tipping point, she was just so consistently annoying that one day we asked her to leave, gave her a day to pack up, and after that day of bitching and whining, we dropped her off at the train station and she left to her mom's. Her mom even phoned to thank us for letting her stay, and we could hear Jelly-chan in the background throwing a huge bitch fit. I feel so sorry for her mom.
A lot of it was pretty funny though and my bf and I got a good laugh out of it even as it was happening, except for her coming into our room without permission.

>> No.7495939

And the aftermath
>bf later sees her post on FB about how girls are such meanies to little kawaii defenseless her, refers her antagonizer with my initials
>"y da wurld so jelly of her? :'("
>bf tired of her shit and calls her on on the post
>he gets swarmed by neckbeards
>bitch has her privacy settings set on zero, so I'm able to comment and back bf up, but in retrospect all we've got to stand on is that she was annoying as fuck, so bringing that into an argument with neckbeards was like bringing a rubber chicken to a battlefield
>I'm instantly blocked
>bf not blocked, but he drops it and blocks her
>fast forward to now, at the beginning of the year, she started making new accounts to contact bf and apologize so that things could "go back to the way they were~" He blocks and it repeats every so often
>she recently sent me a message this time from her original FB she blocked me from, apologizing for "making me so jealous (▰˘︹˘▰) she didn't mean to~"
>nope the fuck out and block

>> No.7495962

>be nice to girl
>she thinks i want to date her
>gets mad when i don't

>> No.7495972

omg did you friendzone her u cold bitch ;-;

>> No.7495975
File: 103 KB, 1024x1365, 1397506903274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a girl from HS that is pretty nutty. She's more of a lolcow than a big weeaboo but I follow her regularly for the lols

She has a self-OC or some shit that she cosplays
so she is cosplaying as herself? Idk but shit is hilarious

Goes apeshit on anyone that criticizes her generic anime art because THESE CHARACTERS ARE MY FAMILY YOU NAZI

seriously though, she has big lolcow meltdowns all the time:

"She's my main OC I use for everything and pretty much my self-OC. When I roleplay as her, I really just pour out all my emotions. I know when she's happy or sad because she IS me. I REALLY REALLY REALLY abhor it when people criticize her because it's like straight up insulting me. If you don't like her fuck off. I don't need your damn negativity especially since I'm already at the END OF MY FUCKING ROPE. Way to go too since my birthday is tomorrow.

You know, forcing me to change her or something is the same thing as forcing me to change my child because you don't like her. This character is extremely dear to my heart. you have no fucking idea. 10 years of just having her and buying her cosplay and using her for every story of mine. It really is a lot. I hold a bond with her that is unbreakable and I really do love her to death. So like I said, if you don't like her then don't even bother wasting your time hating. It's not going to change anything. She's like my child and I don't want to change anything about her. I've had this design for 10 years. Yes, 10 years and it isn't going to change. I have grown accustom to it and it's like me suddenly dying my hair blonde in front of my parents. Whatevz."

>> No.7495988
File: 785 KB, 600x798, 1397507356676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this her art? It's surprisingly not terrible for anime, I was expecting shitty Tumblr red-nose or desu scribblings.
It's traced, isn't it?

>> No.7495995

Even if traced, the shading is at least halfway decent. I'm going for completely stolen.

>> No.7495998

I just treated her like a friend.

What do I do? Treat her like shit?

>> No.7496013

i highly suspect it's traced, she begs people to watch her livestream art and then....never livestreams it?

her shitfits are pixyteri tier though:

"Not sure what else to say, but I am just dying inside and the constant thoughts of suicide are corroding my brain. Sorry if I'm a failure as an artist, but I'm at my rope's end. For this picture, all it is is Archaleon killed an Angel then he's in the street light like lol. Also ignore the fugly ass background. I don't know how to do them and I'm still learning. Not like any of this is important since nobody really gives a shit about my pictures. (Those who commented obviously didn't bother reading this so I disabled comments. Sorry)"

>> No.7496022

I was nearly named Laurana, after the elf woman in the Dragonlance series. They only changed their minds because my father hated the nickname Lauri. Nerd parents are interesting.

>> No.7496037


this is on two separate deviantarts according to a reverse image search, so yeah, it's most likely stolen

>> No.7496045

What are the two deviantArts? My reverse image search led me to what I thought were two, but one of them just had the image favorited.

>> No.7496051

The other account is just some autist with unfunny anime motivation images who favorited the picture.
She says "some references were used", so it's probably safe to say it's a tracing/recolor of something else.

>> No.7496064

Aren't you a weeaboo if you cosplay as an anime character?
Most sane people would call you that.

>> No.7496067

You're a weeaboo if you cosplay
>poorly as some hetaliashit or something
>in public outside of cons, like at a mall
>a random neko-chan xd or similar

>> No.7496070
File: 13 KB, 214x317, Sephiroth rogan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7496085

I still don't get how you're not a weeaboo if you go to a con, even if you do it well.
That just shows you're devoting MORE time, effort and energy to something that you MUST like a LOT. I can't imagine NOT being heavily into something you don't spend a lot of time at.

I just don't understand this, "I'm not a weeaboo, I just really like this anime character and this anime and I spend a lot of time trying to make a character to look like them."

Unless you want to talk about the ACTUAL definition of weeaboo which is wapanese. VS what people NOW call weeaboo which is a stand-in term for otaku.

>> No.7496102
File: 35 KB, 343x377, 1397050097524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've all been there com-padre

One from my college

>in Graphics
>short spotty girl who sits opposite me and my friends comes in with a pink wig on that looks really fucking stupid
>starts talking about naruto so i assume she's meant to be sakura
>she has no friends in the class but one time struck up conversation with me about how she wasn't allowed a boyfriend as per her mother's request
>friend takes the wig when she leaves it on the desk and starts dicking about with it on
>we all do a bit, only i knew she was probably cosplaying and not just wearing a wig for the sake of it

different girl from the year before
>in graphics
>have to show our new works by projector on the board
>she gets up pics of her dressed as sakura, she's on the large side and doesn't even apply the wig properly
>see them not long ago together calling each other naruto names with some other chick that smells and has horrible greasy hair, i remember seeing her watching k-on! fullscreen in the college library one time
all are actually nice people; especially the large girl from what i've experienced of them regardless of their gross weeb nature

>> No.7496122

Weeabo =/= liking anime

There's a level of social ineptitude, disregard for personal hygiene, and crazy that goes into it. You can be into anime, even cosplay anime characters without being a weeb.

>> No.7496133

>You can be into anime, even cosplay anime characters without being a weeb.
Depends on your definition.

For some people:
>weeaboo = liking anime or anything that is japanese
The original definition:
>weeaboo = literally, wapanese.

Anyway, I have a crazy question, and this will sound REALLY weird.

I got summoned here. You know anyone looking for a wizard?

>> No.7496194


It's pretty simple anon:
>disregard for appropriate behavior in public
>dress like a 14 year old
>smell like a 14 year old
>badly incorporate Japanese language where it makes no sense to do so
>chances of modeling relationships on anime shit: High

Boom, you're a weeb.

>> No.7496215

Originally, a weeaboo was a wapanese.
Word filter.

You know what a wapanese is, don't ya?

>> No.7496531

>one of bf's friend's gfs is there and is getting annoyed
>locks Jelly-chan out in the backyard
Sounds like he's got a keeper.

>> No.7496664
File: 37 KB, 500x333, lolitaGTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yesterday head into town wearing Gothic lolita.
> Average day, nice and sunny. Wear OP due to nice day.
> At first all is well. Bump into a few friends from the Goth scene. One of them has brought a rabbit. Well trained, the girl who owes it is deaf and has social problems. Bunny is trained to help keep her calm and even had a special rabbit carry case to transport said bunny.
> I look after rabbit whilst friend pops to shop with her bf for drinks.
> Sitting on my cardigan on the grass, feeding rabbit. Rabbit is out of cage with collar on. Is a quiet place in the park, huge area. All is good.
> Confused as fuck suddenly wild weeb's and an ita appear.
> 3 of them smelling bad, sweating from the sun, crowd around me. They go for the rabbit who instinctively run's away.
> Fucking cunt bags chase the poor rabbit around the park.
> Shit.
> Run after weebs,s creaming at them to fucking stop chasing the rabbit. Try to explain the rabbit is trained and a whistle will call her back.
> Ignore me.
> Proceed to keep chasing rabbit, one weeb falls over her own fat rolls in the chase.
> Use whistle on rabbit. Rabbit runs for dear life for me. Shaken, rabbit hides behind my leg.
> Pick rabbit up and put her into her carry bag/hutch


>> No.7496675

People who do stuff like this make me so mad. Goddamn it, fucking weebs why can't they just keep their hands to themselves.

>> No.7496711
File: 41 KB, 500x333, lolitaGTFO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Weeb's run over, asking why I put the bunny away.
> Proceed to scream my head off at them for chasing an animal like that. The park is safe for bringing cats/dogs/bunnies and all sorts of animals and is one of those handy parks for people with disorders/disabilities. Pointed to safety signs to prove this fact.
> Ask wtf were they thinking?
> Ita comes in. Wearing a hell bunny pink gingham jsk, no blouse, green tights and black boots. This combined with greasy hair. Calls me a fat ita landwhale.
> I blink. Wearing head to toe AATP. Moite Bag. Vivienne westwood shoes. Tesco tights because every little helps you know?
> Friends come back and checks on ehr bunny.
> Friend takes rabbit out of cage to make sure she's okay whilst I'm having a confusing fight with weebs.
> The weeb who fell starts shouting at friend who is too busy looking at the rabbit. Weeb freaks out and pushes friend.
> Girl confused, signing "What is going on? Why did you push me?" Weeb starts making up fake sign language plus wiggling weirdly. So confused. Weeb keeps spitting on the floor.
> So fucking confused.
> Policeman walks over and asked whats going on.
> Weeb proclaims I stole the rabbit from her, tries to lie and claim the rabbit is her's. Policeman knows us, he laughs then explains he's taking fallen weeb to police station for aggravated assault against of deaf girl.
> Weeb's and ita all freak out, start crying. The last 2 fuck off and leave us be.
> Rabbit is calm and happy but seemingly glaring at fallen land whale.
> Go to Gregg's, have a pleasant evening.

> Spent the rest of the day confused as fuck over what just happened. Discovered the weeb's and the ita were badly done Homestuck cosplayers. MFW.

>> No.7496721

That makes me so pissed off.

The fact that they were so willing to cause someones else misery just because they were scolded for being retarded makes me so mad.

What kind of logic does this world run on?
>Do bad thing
>Get reprimanded for doing bad thing

>> No.7496723

Technically its in honor of how we met, I was cosplaying her at the time.
We both hate the name Tiffany for reasons. We'll probably just do Tifa as a middle name or something.

>> No.7496725

special snowflakes complaining about other special snowflakes

>> No.7496735

>Policeman knows us, he laughs then explains he's taking fallen weeb to police station for aggravated assault against of deaf girl.

Excellent. Glad things turned out well in the end for you all

>> No.7496741

>>What kind of logic does this world run on?
Fat logic

>> No.7496739

Which weeb were you?

>> No.7496749

Ok, the weeb names portion of this thread made me question my own judgement. They aren't Asian names, gods be praised as I am white, but video game names. Axel from kh is common, doesn't worry me, is Dante from dmc weeby? I don't want my son to grow up to be like some of the pathetic weaboos in this thread because of his name. Also is Alice alright for a girl?

>> No.7496762

Because chasing rabbit's relates to being a special snowflake?

>> No.7496761


Dante isn't weeby but it's a little tryhard, Axel falls into a similar category although it's not particularly rare. Alice is completely fine.

>> No.7496769

I knew a Dante back in elementary school and this was well before the game came out. Most people won't question either name, probably just assume you're into classic literature.

>> No.7496779

I knew a lot of black kids named Dante or funny ghetto spinoffs like "Deonte" and "Devante" in school growing up. That's what it makes me think of.

>> No.7496839

If you're worried about a name being weeby, look on a baby name site and see if it's a legitimate name or not (like Dante, for example).

>> No.7496862
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>implies all concept artist get paid the same and can buy their own houses and support a full family

>implies that anon worked on asscreed 4 and is a lead concept artist

>implies that a corporate artist post copyrighted franchise material to 4chan to soothe butthurt

>> No.7496860

Dante is a normal name, could go by Dan to sound less edgy. Alice is also a normal name, could go by Ali to sound less drug related
Deonte and Devante are actually french names I think? A lot of ghetto names are actually french names, or french names with De at the beginning. It probably means something

>> No.7496931

My name is actually ally, so having a daughter who went by ali would be peculiar. And thanks for all the responses btw, I was looking at all those posts about dumb names and I felt unnerved. Tbh I liked a divine comedy before I played/watched dmc and the introduction of the character increased it's charm. I guess thinking of names for your dream bf isn't the proper mindset for picking your son's name. Thinking I'll stick with Axel a d maybe Alice then, leave Dante in fantasyland where it belongs.

>> No.7496971
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>"back in high school"
>"Persona 4"
You mean earlier this year you dumb shit?

>mfw I realize Persona 4 is like 4 years old already


I'll never let go

>> No.7497317

I'm a weeaboo so in highschool and middle school I had weeaboo friends
and this one wasn't gross or depressed or anything she was just autistic and had one of those parents who does weird things with kids who have mental disabilities, she wasn't socially adjusted at all
but then she became an adult and has been that way for so many years, and she talks about the most mundane stuff. like
>Hey anon, my old high school pal, calling to let you know I'm at a hotel!
when we don't really talk aside from exchanging textbooks in college
it's just so, so mundane, like that episode of spongebob
things could have gone much worse but I'm just a straw away from being kind of worried

>> No.7497578

I have a friend who name is Ayumi. She is not into cosplay, anime or anything like that she's just a Japanese girl who likes fashion but unfortunately weeb's wont leave her the fuck alone because of her name and in her college a group of fat weeb's keep calling her AYUMI-CHAN and demanding she cosplay this, that and the other simply because she's a cute Asian girl....

She can't stand them yet they still won't leave her be. WTF is wrong with people? They are not even on her course, I think she said hi once to them and now is doomed to be stalked.

>> No.7497701

>she said hi once to them and now is doomed to be stalked.

>> No.7497805

My big bro just named his son Aenarion after the warhammer king.

>> No.7497864

...it's 6 years old anon, I'm sorry

>> No.7497878

This seems very similar to a story some anon shared 2 years ago.
Ending is somewhat the same but
>fast forward to now, at the beginning of the year, she started making new accounts to contact bf and apologize so that things could "go back to the way they were~" He blocks and it repeats every so often
>she recently sent me a message this time from her original FB she blocked me from, apologizing for "making me so jealous (▰˘︹˘▰) she didn't mean to~"
This was different. It allegedly ended with one blocking avoidance in person.

Going to start ruffling tru my screencap stash for the "original" story from years ago (2010 to last year).

>> No.7497883

What's your contribution? Maybe I can criticize yours?

>> No.7497889

>it makes reading stories easier

No. Not really. Well...That's part of how I see it because because friend said that greentext should only be applied to short summaries.
She and I could be wrong.

>> No.7497909

I've got two tales about my adventures as a visual kei fan.

Basically, I'm a small faggot. I'm really thin, have good hair, etc. I like VK because I study Fashion Design and love dandyism, gothic aristocrat, all those cute old-eras styles.

>be me in full gothic aristocrat at random anime convention
>in a pokemon tournament because my stepfather is one of the real-life elite four in my country despite being 40-something (he's an economist, so rules at calculating stats and all that)
>battling for fun because why not
>suddenly, squeels
>I look at the door
>a wave of HUGE sweet lolitas are watching me
>huge as in, I could live confortably inside any of them
>moans and squeals intensify
>oh god, muh battle
>"you're so cute, I'm gonna hug yoooo"
>pink colored hambeast JUMPS into the room, runs towards me with open arms
>glomps me with the force of a hungry kraken
>my stepfather watches me from his table with a "son, I am disappoint" look
>lolita glomps me for a while, battle concentration is lost and I lose


>> No.7497917

anon, i want your life - your stepdad sounds cool as hell

>> No.7497921

Continuing my adventures..

>at another anime convention
>it's in a mall that is going to be demolished, so you're allowed to draw on walls, windows, etc
>am sitting down in yaoi room, drawing on a display window
>my left hand is on the glass for precision, pen on my right hand, drawing away
>I feel something cold on my left wrist
>it's a handcuff
>"teehee, you're my friend's slave now!" says a chubby girl in full weeb attire
>look at "friend"
>actual nerdy japanese guy, sweaty, fat and has a neckbeard
>all of my wat
>girl happily skips away from us
>"what the fuck dude, what's this"
>guy replies "I've never seen this girl in my entire life, she handcuffed me and dragged me here"
>look at the hanfcuffs in question
>spend the last half of the day walking around the con, hoping to god the girl hasn't gone home
>try to explain to my boyfriend why the fuck I'm handcuffed to a stranger, get in deep shit
>finally find the girl, consider muder
>she opens handcuffs, I had already gathered some event security and get her banned for life

To this day my only opinion about that event is "wat". Seriously, what's with weebs and invading other's personal space?

>> No.7497922

Ah yes, this is how I begin my day
a cup of coffee and a weaboo thread

>> No.7497987

I've wondered the same thing with like every story I read. I don't understand the correlation and why it leaks into real life a lot unlike other fandoms.

>> No.7498000

What the actual fuck?
This is one of the reasons I'm glad whatever is wrong with me repels weebs. I don't know if it's my bitchface, or my lack of kawaii due to age, or just the fact that I would slap the shit out of them if they tried this and they sense that, but they don't fuck with me for whatever reason

>> No.7498004

I think it's related to how anime characters act and all that. I got legit afraid of weebs after the two stories I posted (and some other events) because I'm basically a 24 year old dude in a 16 year old boy's body. I don't even have the mannerisms of "kawaii uke-chans" who keep doing attwhoring things at cons (like some weeb twinks who tease and try to seduce people at random).

I actually stopped going to cons because a dude I knew (full on 30-something neckbeard) fell in love with both me and my teen sister. He would constantly yell I should cosplay Pico (yes, the shotacon) out loud, and I once had to physically threaten him because he picked my sister up and put her on his lap while squeezing her boob.

Not even shitting you. He literally sexually harassed my 14 year old sister and thought nothing would happen since she was cosplaying at the time (as genderbend Itachi from Naruto).
She had the Akatsuki cloak fully closed, and he still tried to claim she was "seducing him with her looks" when I called security.

That was the last drop. Funny thing is, I'm now dating a japanese guy who hates anime, and I have to say it's... refreshing.

>> No.7498038

Hah, well for one I'd probably hate anime too as a Japanese guy who would always be associated with such an annoying can culture.

I guess I just wonder why anime has created the perfect formula to some of the worst crowd, like older creepers or fat yaoi-obsessed girls, that kind of thing at conventions or even just around life to people they know are anime fans.

Or why anime especially seems to attract people interested in taking their fandom to the real world.

I feel like as lame as it may sound, a lot of what I do at cons or when talking to someone about anime is intentionally to set myself apart from the typical fan.

>> No.7498141

a customer came into my store one time and her name was Anthoniqua

>> No.7498487
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This is me and my weeb friends back in the day. When I look back I can almost smell everyone through the picture

>> No.7498533
File: 99 KB, 570x473, 1393571166601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easier because you can skip all the autistic bickering between posts because you can instantly see what's a story and what's not.

>> No.7498540

are you the amy poehler with her arm on ron weasly

>> No.7498568

Lol those are far from yaoi hands

>> No.7498582

>amy poehler with her arm on ron weasly

>> No.7498614


(Not who you were responding to but) Much of the anime industry panders out the ass to the otaku demographic, given that they are often the biggest spenders, and that's unfortunately all there is to it really a lot of the time.

If you make shows/LNs etc that largely serve as wish-fulfillment for ronery creeps well....a lot of creeps are going to come out of the woodwork when it's con time so they can try to act out their weeby fantasies (and this is not exclusive to either men/women as we've seen in this thread).

It's definitely a shame because it can make finding stable-ish people to discuss these things with a real fucking hassle irl but, such is life.

>> No.7498643
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It's spelled with a "y" actually. Dany

Enjoy that knowledge, anon. I'm gonna go eat a can of ajax powder now

>> No.7498649


Shit like this is why any con with sense bans any kind of bondage-y stuff like cuffs and leashes now.

It's not so people don't get clotheslined in crowded rooms, it's so people don't get fucking stuck.

>> No.7498692

Yeah that was irking my spergs a little.

>> No.7498800

See, I've always wanted to go to a con ( always been too poor but now have a well paying job so I can attend Neko-Con this year) mainly to indulge a little in some of the culture and I don't mean " OH MAW GAWD! JAPAN!" more in terms of people with a like minded hobby of dressing up as a character from a favorite show/game/book. Have to admit that I am somewhat concerned about my welfare now though.

>> No.7498822

cons are mostly sterile nowadays, a lot of these are things that happened a while ago or not at a con
I mean they're still sweaty and gross but that's not what I mean by sterile

>> No.7498830

How did you go to the bathroom?

>> No.7498844


I wouldn't worry about it at all, weebs and weirdos are definitely a presence but that's true of most communities and just life in general to some extent. The cool/chill people outnumber the assholes but obviously when weebs make a bad impression, it understandably sticks out in people's memories.

Basic self-awareness will keep you away from the worst of it, and doubly so with friends.

>> No.7498848

Sweet tender baby Jesus, that blonde woman is gorgeous!

>> No.7499287

Wizard as in the 30 year-old virgin thing?

>> No.7500147

>be "cosplaying" kirino at some event in london
>waiting for my friends to get back from some panel i didn't want to go to
>just hanging around until it finishes
>group of weeb cat-girls approach me & start telling me i look cute
>one of them starts poking me in the tummy
>try to lose them quickly by saying i hate being touched, need my personal space & have to go to the bathroom anyway
>they all start poking me & going "nyaaa" a lot
>i'm incredibly ticklish so i start giggling a lot but still try to push them away
>they all laugh & tackle & pin me to the ground & continue to tickle me
>can hardly breathe at this point, mixture of laughing & terror
>they start calling other people over to help out, saying i'm having fun & i needed to be "punished"
>there's like 10 people all tickling me, someone even took my shoe & is licking my foot
>con staff take 5 minutes to break it up
>i angrily report the weebs
>con-staff says they didn't cause any harm, just drop it
>they walk off

i never want to go to to another con again. at least not without people with me at all times. i'm only 4'10" so i don't think i even had a chance of fending them off ;w;

>> No.7500280

Some guy I know had all of his porn discovered by the teachers. I'm talkin' disgusting loli-tentacle porn here. The teachers and admins are going to have to sift through all of that shit.

Fucking hilarious.
Captcha: caught nummap

>> No.7500407

oh Jesus anon im sorry but when it got to you being 4 10 that was really funny

>> No.7500415
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I'm sorry for your misfortune, but that was fucking kawaii

>> No.7500420

What's it with glomping? Some random girl tried to glomp me from behind at a con and ended up knocking me over...

>> No.7500449
File: 69 KB, 524x464, 1390267937792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 16
>Metro 2033 comes out
>obsessed with it
>become a slavaboo
>start during cosplay for it, but be closeted
>plan to attend NYCC 2010
>ask local weeaboo girl how this shit works
>she's pretty unattractive and socially awkward
>spills her spaghetti a lot at the fact that I do cosplay
>start hanging out with her group of friends
>all do cosplay
>she asks me what I'm going as
>tell her that, and I ask her what she's going as
>Anime stuff that I can't even remotely remember (never been into it)
>she asks me if I want to go to CC with her
>not realizing the significance, I agree

FF few months later, at the actual comic con
>get there
>mfw she's only dressed in a bikini
>she acts really sexually, always asking for photos where she's leaning against me
>she asked if she could put her arm in mine, politely decline saying that it would be awkward "in combat gear"
>talking with some girl that went as a STALKER
>she's visably jealous
>later that night, be out having dinner with her group
>I took off my gear, now only wearing a Telnyashka (striped sleevless t-shirt)
>her friends go to get more food from the counter
>she reaches under the table and squeezes my dick
>get up and tell her friends what happened, she's sitting visibly shocked
>they tell her to fuck off and have her parents pick her up
>other friend apologizes constantly for her actions
>nobody talks to her after that, at least in our group
It wasn't all bad though, I ended up hooking up with the girl who apologized, and she was pretty.

>> No.7500504

Why thank you

>> No.7500556


the worst part is i never recovered that shoe & it was really cute. life is pain

>> No.7500598

>I ended up hooking up with the girl who apologized

>> No.7500626

I used to be a popular kid, hence being a closet cosplayer.

>> No.7500698

Mentioned in the (apparently autosaged) 'coworker/friend weeb' thread the group of weeaboo underclassmen at my school.

>One recently brought an embarrassing white lace parasol to school; confirmed ita
>Also drew teardrops on her face today

Not much of a story, but man. I love just watching weebs from afar. They're interesting.

>> No.7500821

Ok fuck those fuckjng parents for ruining one of few parts of their poor child's life they can't control with their weeb bullshit. So mad right now.

>> No.7501063

I fucking swear, I'm going to find all the girls who act like this, use my elitism to seduce them, then slowly reform their life.

>> No.7503437

omg lololol sxy kawaii twincest /)*_*(\

>> No.7503508

Was it LAC

>> No.7504222

yep. why do you ask?

>> No.7504544

>con-staff says they didn't cause any harm, just drop it