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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7462924 No.7462924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi there /cgl/, /tg/ here. I'm trying to make a wizard costume, but I've never made clothes or costumes or anything like that before. Do you lot have any suggestions, tips, guides that would help? I'm also trying to decide what material to make the robe out of.

>> No.7463410


>> No.7463471

my wizza

>> No.7463597
File: 21 KB, 100x100, 337987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please tell me you're doing rincewind or ponder or any of them really. terry pratchett is my absolute fave

as far as materials go, what's your price range?

>> No.7463621

I just thought I'd do a generic wizard to start off with. In blue rather than the red in my opening pic. Though at some point I would like to dress as Rincewind, I've got the right sort of beard to go as him and wouldn't need a fake one.

As for price, I've got $200 on hand right now. How much does one need to spend on this sort of thing?

>> No.7463634


really depends on how hard you wanna go. without a specific character, it's hard to tell. on one hand, you could buy the cheapest fabric out there, or you could go balls to the wall with embroidery and embellishments and all that jazz. do you at least have a sewing machine? is this for a con or a larp event or what?

>> No.7463801

This is now a wizard thread.

>> No.7464144
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do this OP

>> No.7464156

Yes I do have a sewing machine. I want it to look nice not like it was just something slapped together.

This may sound odd but the costume is for asking girls out on dates with.

>> No.7464234

B-but then you might lose your magical powers or create a sourcerer

>> No.7464275
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>> No.7465374


>> No.7465673

How, may I ask, is that supposed to work?

Probably just straight cotton for the fabric. I know it's pretty bog-standard but it's easy to work with and cheap. Add some silver/gold lamé stars and sequins and shit and you've got yourself a Discworld wizard robe (I assume discworld because of the pic). It might be easier to just buy a pointy hat, but you can google up some sewing patterns pretty easily, a robe shouldn't be too hard for a beginner.

>> No.7465699
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Pray tell young wizard what sort of climate or activities will you be engaging when donning on your robes?

I will suggest a thicker material and lining to keep in the warmth and making it look like a more completed piece. Also I used a serger to make seams look finished.

>> No.7466009

The problem I have is that whenever I try to talk to a girl I'm always so worried about saying something or doing something that will make me look stupid that I either can't talk to her or I babble like an idiot.

So I figure if I dress like a wizard I can say to myself "Well you already look weird, there's no point in worrying about it anymore.". That way I won't shut down mentally or worry over whether I'm acting normal enough. I can just chill out and be myself. Like, "Yep I'm a wizard, so what?" They do say its important to be yourself and feel comfortable with yourself right?

Well I live in Toronto and its almost spring. Though I reckoned on wearing it indoors in bars and whatnot. I suppose I'll just be drinking and trying to socialize while I'm wearing it.

>> No.7466019

You're planning on wearing it in situations completely unrelated to costuming and fanstuff? I don't think you'll be improving your chances of meeting a girl this way, OP...
Try finding someone in a different context than a bar or club. See if there is some kind of nerd convention near where you are. If you manage to pull off a decent Rincewind (or similarly recognizeable wizzard) then you're greatly increasing your chances of meeting girls with similar interests as you. It's much easier to strike up a conversation about something you're passionate about and much easier to keep in contact afterwards. Otherwise you'll just be "that creep in the wizard costume" women will only talk to to win a bet with their friends.

>> No.7466020
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>wearing it indoors in bars and whatnot

>> No.7466023

mite b cool

>> No.7466025
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>> No.7466035
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>This may sound odd but the costume is for asking girls out on dates with.

>> No.7466045
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>The problem I have is that whenever I try to talk to a girl I'm always so worried about saying something or doing something that will make me look stupid that I either can't talk to her or I babble like an idiot.
>Though I reckoned on wearing it indoors in bars and whatnot. I suppose I'll just be drinking and trying to socialize while I'm wearing it.

Listen. You don't need a wizard costume. You need some gentle therapy until you can socialize with human beings. If you can't talk to 50% of the human population without a major spaghetti incident then when you go out in your robe and wizard hat then people are just going to laugh at you and you'll probably just curl up and oh jesus I'm being trolled aren't I

>> No.7466164
File: 69 KB, 219x370, 1384956789021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would that work though? Do girls go to conventions to meet guys?

If you've got a better idea I'd like to hear it.

>You have difficulty talking to girls
>You need therapy
Why the fuck are girls so mean?

>> No.7466192

>How would that work though? Do girls go to conventions to meet guys?

A girl is a thousand times more likely to want to talk to a guy in a wizard costume at a con than at a bar.

Have you ever been to a con, OP? People hook up all the time.

>Why the fuck are girls so mean?

We are trying to save you from the worst spaghetti attack you could possibly experience.

>> No.7466202

>Why the fuck are girls so mean?
Dude, that's not being mean. Therapy isn't punishment. It's helping you to be a functioning human being. If the aim is to talk to women, then that $200 would be much better spent on therapy sessions where you can learn to deal with your anxieties rather than a wizard costume which is just another way to shut yourself off.

>> No.7466214

Are you sure you're going to feel comfortable and not totally self-conscious wearing this in public?

>> No.7466217

You are asking for advice on making a wizard costume to help you meet girls. Not being mean, but you need a reality check.

>> No.7466294

You put on a robe and wizard hat to ask girls out?

>> No.7466301


>You look weird so there's no point in worrying
>Essentially trying to PUA peacock...but as a wizard

OP pls. Pls be trollin' me.

If you not, do not do this under any circumstances do this unless you want to set off the Tsar Bomba of spaghetti.

>> No.7466308

We're being nice compared to the "male" boards.
/fit/ and /r9k/ would tear you apart if they heard of this.

>> No.7466312


>/r9k/ criticizing someone for not being able to take to girls


>> No.7466319

I don't think even /r9k/ would dress up like a wizard to talk to girls.

>> No.7466328


Holy fuck that sentence is unintelligible, I clearly stayed up too late last night. In any case, reevaluate your plan OP.

Cosplaying is a fine way to meet new people and relate to them OP, but trying to walk into a bar dressed like a wizard and hit on chicks is an astoundingly bad idea.

>> No.7466333

Did we just... Did we just witness someone being WORSE than /r9k/?

>> No.7466337

wizard OP for president

>> No.7466352

Someone link /tg/ to this, I want them to know what they've spawned.

>> No.7466359
File: 6 KB, 396x396, Magicalnoir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ERP reporting in.

I think OP is pic related.

>> No.7466378

Why don't you dress like a wizard from harry potter? One of the cooler/more pimp ones like Lucious Malfoy

>> No.7466383

Hey, hey, I'm from /tg/. Lemme just say, chicks dig wizard costumes. Like, okay.

Women love confidence. Some people feel confident in a suit. Some people feel confident dressed as a wizard.

Just make sure you have common ground and be like a cactus; you may not have enough knowledge to really penetrate deep into a conversation, but you have enough knowledge on the surface that you can steer the conversation, ask questions to learn and come off as a knowledgeable sort despite letting them do all the talking.

You're able to learn about their interests, keep the conversation flowing and with a few well-timed jokes, get them laughing.

You go, wizard guy.

>> No.7466390

OR the girl sees you dressed in a wizard costume and thinks, "Oh, hey, this person is fucking insane, I'm going to run away with my mace in one hand."

>> No.7466395

>"Oh, hey, this person is fucking insane, I'm going to run away with my mace in one hand."

Everybody needs a cleric.

>> No.7466400

Alright, you got me, that was pretty funny.

Especially since the last cleric I played with rolled a 1 on a DI check, and ended up melting the ice caps.

>> No.7466408

See, it totally works. Just be quick-witted, OP. Wizards are totally lost, always, they don't even know how their magic works. They're just confident enough to commit and always keep going with it.

Now I gotta pick up chicks from an /erpg/ thread and do some lewd stuff. Wizard out.

>> No.7466485

I went to anime north once with this girl in high school I liked but she ended up going out with a friend of mine instead. Also I once went to a literature convention and tried hooking up with this girl but then she met one of the guest authors went with him to his room and I never saw her after that.

What is this spaghetti thing you keep mentioning?

Been in therapy for awhile now and it hasn't helped with that particular issue. Also when someone says "You need therapy" its generally an insult.

I feel uncomfortable and self-conscious just walking around in normal clothes. I thought maybe some sort of outlandish costume might help.

I made a similar thread on /tg/ when I made this one. Interestingly they were a lot nicer about it than this board is. Like this guy here: >>7466383

Is everyone ticked off cause I'm trying to pick up girls or something?

Yeah confidence is the whole idea behind this costume. Like when I'd trying to talk to a girl and the voice of doubt in my head is screaming at me "You're a loser! You're going to fuck up! You're a beta faggot! This girl is going to reject you like all the others, you should just run away and hide in a cave somewhere!" I can say to myself "Dude you're the guy who was confident enough to go out in public dressed a wizard. Talking to a girl is no problem."

Like in high school I didn't give a fuck about what people thought. I ran around doing all sorts of weird stuff like trying to start my own religion in order to get around the school dress code. Or declairing loudly in class that I would duel someone with swords because he insulted me. I was a lot more popular then than now where I can't stop worrying about what other people think of me and I don't even talk to anyone.

I figure that if I dress up and take on the persona of a confident guy who doesn't give a fuck I will become a confident guy in real life if you get what I mean.

>> No.7466492
File: 72 KB, 600x492, hello operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this spaghetti thing you keep mentioning?

>> No.7466493

I dunno, I guess I'd just have trouble not thinking that to myself when I'm dressed up like a wizard.

Or maybe it's just that I have high-functioning aspergers and awkwardness is funny to me, even if I'm the cause of it.

>> No.7466496

you should take off your robe and wizard hat and take a nap

>> No.7466510

Dude, don't subscribe to that autism shit. You just weren't hit enough as a kid and got coddled into thinking being unique and special was a disease. I'm not /pol/ tier crazy, but I'm crazy enough to recognize crazy; asparagus is just society's way of allowing free-thinking, bonfide crazy out in public. Twenty years ago you would find kids getting bullied and parents were thinking 'I don't want my kids getting bullied'. Twenty years later, those parents are now doctors and thinkers, and a lot of those kids are now twenty and have aspergers.

It's a fucking conspiracy. Just do what you do, don't let anyone stop you, and if anyone thinks you're fucking crazy, move to New York.

Also, people who are 40+ are a hell of a lot more likely to have kids with downs and shit. No idea why.

>> No.7466514


Confidence is all well and good, but what we're trying to say is that you're not going to be able to benefit from it. No girl is gonna realize that you're a cool confident dude because all they're going to see is "that creep in the wizard hat".

>> No.7466551

OP, before being a wizard, you have to learn that things do not matter whatever your costume is. Don't think "I'll fuck up". Think "I'll fuck up and it's ok" Because in the end you do not NEED to fuck a girl at a bar. It will be just that and you'll be empty.

You would feel better as a wizard, so take my advice: wear it in context. You find awkward things funny, but most people find them scary and creepy. You have to do awkward things where they are considered funny, the same way you think they are. A con, for example, it's a great place to do that. Everyone is doing strange stuff anyway and you won't be out of place and you will feel better about being weird. Because you're surrounded by weird people.

So, instead of finding a bitch to fuck and get a std, you'll find people that are the same as you. You'll get better chances of making friends and maybe find a girl. But don't make it your priority. If you go anywhere with the set mind of "I'll have a fuck" girls will get it and be scared. They can feel it. Go with the mindset of "I'll do fun stuff" and you'll be liked.

Also, do the same things you do normally when you go to clubs and bars. Some people will find it weird, but some will like it. You don't need to be a wizard to do it. You just need to be yourself and everything's gonna be fine.

>> No.7466557

>I made a similar thread on /tg/ when I made this one. Interestingly they were a lot nicer about it than this board is
>Is everyone ticked off cause I'm trying to pick up girls or something?

You came here for advice and we're giving it to you. This board is a bunch of bitchy fashion girls, sure we're going to approach the idea of you trying to pick up girls a different way to /tg/. You like their way of doing it, try and pick up a femanon from there or at your local DnD group or something. But we're telling you to save yourself time and money by not bothering with this awful, dumb plan that will just get you laughed out of any bar you go into. Remember, if fucking 4chan is laughing at you, then the normal people are going to have a whale of a time with you.

Honestly, most of the time you would have been incoherently ripped to shreds by now. This is actually /cgl/ being very, very nice to you.

Anyway, crushed velvet is probably a decent option. Pick up a bathrobe pattern from a sewing shop and lengthen it. There are also some fantasy patterns floating around. Tabards might be good to make too. Linen or cotton undershirts are probably another good choice. Hatwise, make a cone and a ring that goes around the base of the cone, use wire or horsehair in spirals to stiffen the brim and make it pointy.

>> No.7467051

bump for quality wizard thread

>> No.7467107
File: 69 KB, 520x678, heh heh... heh....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is /cgl/ being nice to you.

>> No.7467128

We had someone who killed two puppies in here last week

>> No.7467170

As I recall, /cgl/ was not super nice to her.

>> No.7467206
File: 113 KB, 327x319, 1394755320141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me she has been apprehended by law enforcement.

>> No.7467209

Anon who killed the puppies here.

I apologized to the owner fully and she was appreciative. I've agreed to help her with the remaining puppies and bring her whatever she needs to help them grow. It won't bring the dead puppies back, and I can never take back what I did, but I can help prevent more deaths from happening, and I've gained a newfound respect for life.

Thought you guys might like to know.

>> No.7467216

Hey, now, it wasn't on purpose. It was an accident caused by carelessness, but it wasn't out of maliciousness.

>> No.7467248

Well puppyanon didn't mean it, but I want to mention that the 2 puppies fell and died because she was too busy trying to keep poop off her burando. Luckily, she's learned from it, as seen in >>7467209.
Good on you, puppyanon.

>> No.7467265

mah niggas

>> No.7467272

guys come on it's a troll based off that one chatlog, it's got to be. i'm really sad it's not a rincewind cosplayer though

>> No.7467284
File: 91 KB, 250x367, chocolaterosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I can second therapy, after 6 months of comfortable discussion with my psychiatrist I can now comfortably look people in the eye. And it really is a good feeling to have that small confidence

>> No.7467516


Still pretty fucking bad yo how do you even do that to one much less two. Hopefully just someone trolling up some shit but that requires negligence and fuck that person if that's even vaguely true.