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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7461613 No.7461613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw black

>> No.7461616
File: 567 KB, 295x207, jimbo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt lolita in my city adds me on skype
>talk for 2 straight days
>share every single hobby
>possibly literally my soulmate
>don't even care if it's a trap or dude at this point
>finally changes pic from animu shit to real pic
>mrw black girl

>> No.7461618
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>> No.7461625
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>> No.7461789
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Not lolita related, but a similar experience:

>meet guy
>we skype
>holy shit this guy and I have everything in common
>we even tell each other offensive jokes
>oh god he's too good to be true!
>it's true
>he was too good to be true
>he was a nignog

>> No.7461802

>TFW brown skinned

all i can play are mexicans

>> No.7461809

any SEA too

>> No.7461811


worst fake greentext I ever read
black girls sure want the white man but that doesn't mean they'd settle for a pasty white nerd like you

>> No.7461814

salty negro detected

>> No.7461813
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>> No.7461817

how could you say she was cute if you didn't even know what she looked like?

>> No.7461881
File: 50 KB, 540x720, Hotline2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't mind cosplaying as masked characters

Love doing it, love it

>> No.7461903

uhm, yeah sure, as if I wanted a black girl

all blacks prefer white pussy themselves and I can easily get some because white women just love dominant alpha men which the whites no longer are

>> No.7461907
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>tfw cute black girl
Everything's fine on my end.

>> No.7461913

Haha, I can relate to these too well. I've never been hit on by a white man, they don't even approach me. Only niggers and asians, I don't know why. Some of them are really nice, and we get along well, but I could never betray my race by dating them.

>> No.7461922
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>be sambo

>> No.7461919

Pick one.

>> No.7461928


Lots of ideas here!

>> No.7461932

Cosplay a slave.

>> No.7461938
File: 163 KB, 375x500, 1396036209891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pick both and you can't stop me, Anon-kun.

>> No.7461939

... yeah okay I'll concede.

>> No.7461951

I can hardly even see her.

>> No.7461954
File: 23 KB, 800x400, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot these.

>> No.7461959

6/10, good enough for the white nerd you date maybe.

>> No.7461962

>white woman
>not betraying her race
/pol/ neckbeard please go awah

>> No.7461968

>pretty cute anon
You look like you may have a little Thomas Jefferson in you.

>> No.7461971
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>> No.7461982

>>doubting if someone is female on /cgl/
You must be new here.
>>implying you aren't a creepy male nigger
Why are niggers so obsessed with us white women? Look at yourself in the mirror. Shit colored skin is not kawaii, but your race is too arrogant to see that. We avoid you like the plague, but you're still convinced we want your AIDS infested cocks. I know your women are ugly, but I would much prefer it if you rape them and not us. You have fat faces, bitch lips, and monkey noses. I want a man with the blond hair of the Gods. My people have angelic golden hair, while you're the color of mud. Pissy mud.

>> No.7461983

>a girl

>> No.7461985

White men aren't as racially aware as white women. Most of them lust after chinks, due to insecurities.

>> No.7462052

Look, you're generalizing white women, that alone shows you're not a seagull. They're all special snowflakes here.

>> No.7462059
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Oh, God, she's gorgeous.
I won't lie, I LOVE black cosplay girls.

>> No.7462061
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>this entire thread

>> No.7462101

I wish black people stopped being violent as fuck.

>> No.7462142

Anon-senpai ~! I think that if the costume is nicely made, the skin tone doesnt have,to bother.

I'm a light-brown cosplayer.

>> No.7462223

>tfw fair skin 5'8 hispanic

Is funny when people get surprised that I can speak spanish because I look more white than latina.

>> No.7462245

The qtπ nerdy black girl is truly a rare and beautiful sight to behold. Like a passing comet almost...
I had the pleasure of dating one for a short time and wish I could go back.

>> No.7462250

>Dark skinned cosplayer
>people never take pictures of me because of my cosplay
>people just take pictures of me because "LOL A BLACK PERSON THAT LIKES ANIME?!!!"

>> No.7462257

You mean you had a wet dream about one once.

>> No.7462259

>girls can't be racist

Moshi moshi baitu-desu

>> No.7462294
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This is the cutest dark skinned girl I've ever seen. Would marry/10 and I don't even usually like dark skinned people.

>> No.7462298
File: 23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black
>tfw no ass

>> No.7462312

>dating/fucking blacks

Look, I'm not even racist, but that's how AIDS originally spread to humans.

>> No.7462316

>I'm not racist but

>> No.7462317


>> No.7462319

>so desperate to trumpet your conformity to the "'I'm not a racist but' usually means you're a racist!" meme (floruit 2006) that you neglect to read the rest of the post and notice it's a joke


>> No.7462320

>jealous about fucking a monkey

>> No.7462321

>tfw live in diverse city
>tfw don't have to worry about that
Move, anon.

>> No.7462322

>but that's how AIDS originally spread to humans
lol lol lol

>> No.7462326
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>> No.7462331

Who's that guy?

>> No.7462335


>> No.7462339
File: 1.99 MB, 375x375, Oh My.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7462341

>black "people"

>> No.7462343

I like /pol/ but not when they spam up other boards with their shit. Pls go

>> No.7462346

Is this seriously supposed to make me jealous? Are you a negroid yourself or what?

What fuck should I give about a monkey's ass? For all I know she may be fat, have saggy tits, a penis, or a fugly ape face.

You gotta be a nigger.

>> No.7462355

>out of things to say