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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7460130 No.7460130 [Reply] [Original]

New gyaru thread, yeah baby!

To start the conversation:
I noticed on Facebook and the secrets that a lot of gyaru are kind of... Slow and airheaded. No doubt Lolitas have such people, but with us it is much more prominent! Why do you suppose that is?

>> No.7460134

Yeah I noticed the same, particularly in the secrets. I'm a loli also and btb might have crazies commenting but at least they can spell and forego emoticons somewhat, as opposed to the "u dun no wut ur tlkin bout lol she a ratchet ho xDD"
I guess gyaru attracts that type of people.

>> No.7460138

soo normal white people from the beach?

>> No.7460144
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They're not white? And hardly normal.

>> No.7460147
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That's because secrets and other posts in the group are made by noobs with shitty attitude. You'll notice that good gals rarely post in those, mostly focusing on their own blogs and friend circles. And I agree, the comments are hilarious:
she types like that spurdo comic making fun of 12yo boys.

Requestan sparkly claws, gonna see my nailist soon!

>> No.7460168
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so sugoi

>> No.7460169
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>> No.7460171
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Gyaru: for weeaboos who want to look like slags

>> No.7460213

Even the good gyaru I know are not particularly bright. Not nearly at the level of gyaru secrets (which I prefer to believe are mostly written and commented on by trolls) but they still don't have much going on in their heads other than where to get their next outfit or how to do their nails. I've never met a gal with a university education. If they're studying something it's either fashion or something else related to beauty (hairstyling etc.) and the ones without education beyond high school are in the same dead-end jobs they had as teenagers. They're lovely people but talking to them about anything besides beauty and partying can become really awkward really fast.
Not sure if this goes for all gyaru everywhere, of course. Maybe it's just the ones in my area.

>> No.7460365
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It's probably the same in a lot of cases in Western communities and Japanese. Although it's not a bad thing if they want to study fashion or the like, a university education isn't everything really and doesn't guarantee a well thought out conversation. You just seem a bit snotty though.

>> No.7460390

Of course a university education isn't everything and I'm not suggesting it makes you a better person or whatever, but the gyaru I've met are disproportionally uneducated and airheaded compared to other women their age. They seem to have no interest in anything beyond their appearance and partying and are completely in the dark about world events, even those that affect them directly. I guess I'm just used to alt. fashion girls being more on the awkward nerdy side. With the gyaru I know, it's like Karen from Mean Girls discovered Jfashion. They're very pleasant most of the time.

>> No.7460474
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Well it's a style where the main focus is on styling and a party lifestyle, what else would really be interesting when you spend hours on end on your appearance alone. Of course not everyone is simply into themselves, but gyaru is a perfect outlet for those who are. It just seems where you are you've got a greater amount of that type in your area.

>> No.7460527

My ex-bestfriend (now gyaru) was an incredible intelligent person (also went to college). She grew up in a really wealthy family and they paid everything for her, but despite that, she was really humble.
When she got into gyaru, the little stuck up brat from her emerged and she became a monster. I couldn't cope with all her shit and I let her be a fake bitch. She talked nothing but clothing, shoes, hair, nails, and she even named other girls just to trash-talk about them. It was really tiring.

A couple weeks ago I saw on fb that she's bff with a lot of "gyarus" that she used to call them fat/nigger/ugly/whatever and I was really hapy with the decision of cutting the friendship.

Because of the "lifestyle" that gyaru implies, people become a monster. That's my opinion.

>> No.7460551
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Eh, I don't see this being a problem for me. There aren't any gyaru communities around me and I only ever plan on going full out gyaru for conventions to hang out with the other jfashion people.

>> No.7460557

tbh i think something similar can happen with lolitas. girls who are really nice all of a sudden realize they're super thin and can pull off brand and then get their parents to buy them tons of it and they get off on the attention.

it's sort of like, were you just waiting your whole life for something that you could parade around and be conceited about?

>> No.7460565

This. That sort of personality flip is limited to gyaru, it's possible for any fashion or group.

>> No.7460572
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>those fucking claws

>> No.7460581
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Do want cute outfit like this.

>> No.7460600
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Thought I'd ask here since I can't seem to find any answers.
Is there a gyaru brand (or maybe just any clothing brand actally) called Paldini or Padalin or something along those lines? I'm pretty sure I remember it started with a PA.
Thanks! (pic not related)

>> No.7463905

I am so sick of these random bints who make a gyaru channel/blog/whatever to give other people advice while not looking remotely gyaru themselves. How deluded do you have to be?

>> No.7463912

How do you put on contacts with nails that big? This is a sincere question.

>> No.7463918

can I request more outfits like that? I think it looks adorable especially the hair.

>> No.7463924

Bend your finger back and have it on the part where the finger tip is rather than the tip.

>> No.7463926

Also why is it ALWAYS the ex-lolitas who do this? Fuck off, being experienced in one fashion doesn't suddenly make you an expert in a totally different one. I wish lolitas would stop migrating to gyaru, most of the ones who do are awful.

>> No.7463937

ShunTara is really cute though

>> No.7463948

I haven't heard of her, got a link?

>> No.7463967

women who obsess over fashion are kind of dumb?

Whoa, if this is a revelation to you you spend way too much time on this board

>> No.7463983

"Both lolitas and gyarus obsess over fashion yet only one tends to be dumb" was what OP posted. I don't think you thought your comment through.

>> No.7463985

To be honest I find lolitas a lot more dumb and annoying than gals (outside of childish shit like secrets), but I might just be lucky and have a good local group. I really cannot stand to socialise with lolitas but gal meets are a lot of fun and I feel like the people there have a lot more going on between their ears. I might just have good luck with gals/ bad luck with lolitas though, who knows.

>> No.7463992

I used to be in a great gyaru comm! Too bad I moved. Now the OP stands true for me as well - the closest gal group is dumb as shit and the good gals who used to be in it were chased out by militant noobs over being "ugly! and NOT GYARU!"
The lolitas are great and have actual careers, the gals I know now are either nailists, NEETs or work in -insert fast fashion boutique-

>> No.7464003

Or maybe... all women in all countries who worry too much about fashion are dumb. Including those girls down in the oc, and you too, sweetie

>> No.7464012

hey ugly, cut the condescending bullshit and piss off.

>> No.7464013

I guess I'm just lucky then, I've lived in two places with fantastic groups of gals who I genuinely love hanging out with.

>> No.7464017

>japanese girls who obsess over fashion are so DUMB
>but not ME, I'm so SMART

>> No.7464106
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Agree with everything you're saying, Anon.

One of the reasons you don't see much of that behavior in the Lolita comms is because typing like that is actually against the rules due to a huge influx of special snowflakes that joined circa 2007 (look up Annousenka if you want to see some truly hilarious shit). It could also have something to do with age. The gal comms tend to skew younger since most Lolitas can't afford to get into the fashion until their 20s. Obviously, that isn't the case for all 16 year olds and there are plenty of people in their 20s who do it, but if someone's typing like an idiot, they're apt to be younger.

I've also noticed most of the (non-Japanese) gals that are really good don't have much of an online presence these days. I think all the fuckery associated with the online communities ran them off. That's probably why lj and a few of the other comms are flooded with mediocre gals who have bad attitudes. From what I gather, they seem to think that being bitchy and air headed is 'part of the style'.

>> No.7464177

>looks up annousenka
>discovers sniper trolling blogs as annousenka
Well. Didn't expect that.

>> No.7464204
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The 'smart ones' exist, they're probably just being overlooked because our culture has taught us to believe that women (men too, but we're talking about women which is why I mention them specifically) who spend lots of time on their appearance are shallow/vapid. In many cases, they're written off before they're even given a chance; first impressions are hard to change. The ones I've met either present themselves that way as a defense mechanism, get some kind of kick out of violating people's expectations or are completely okay with being dismissed as airheads based on their appearance because they know they're smart and don't have to have 'deep' conversations with anyone to validate themselves.

I like to talk science, literature and art as much as anyone else, but I can enjoy all of those things on my own just fine. There's a time and a place for that kind of thing and it's usually not when I'm hanging out with my friends. And anyway, do you really want to be 'that guy' at the end of the bar who won't shut up about Spinoza? (Protip: If you are 'that guy', you're not fun to have those conversations with because you're too busy trying to prove you're smart to say anything really interesting.)

It's one thing to be proud of your intelligence, but intellectual elitism is just as disgusting as willful ignorance to be honest. People who lord the fact that they have specialized knowledge of certain topics over the heads of others are as much of a waste as the people who think drinking tea makes them better than everyone else. It's fucking leaf water. Get over yourself.


>> No.7464243

What happened to Anji Ishio?
Did she really commit suicide?

>> No.7464259

There are tons of trollish comments on the thread about her secret, but nothing concrete. She was active in the german comm iirc, and not one german gal has confirmed or denied anything. I really can't say either way. I just hope the rumors aren't true.

I'm hoping she just left Japan (which was where she reportedly was when she posted her last tweet) and stopped posting online. The 'sayonara namida' on her twitter makes more sense in that context. I'm far from an expert, but I've always understood that suicide notes--even to online followers and fans--tend to be less vague than that and say a bit more. It's possible that she left the gal scene all together as well.

>> No.7464268

Needed to see this post today, thanks anon

>> No.7464411
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I'm happy to help!

People like that used to really get to me, but somewhere along the line I ran all out of fucks to give.

>> No.7464554

Dunno about that. "Sayounara namida" could be a suicide tweet. I mean, Daul Kim killed herself with a blog post titled something along the lines of best song forever.

>> No.7464624

I don't know, when I tried to commit suicide my note was just "if this works this is goodbye" which is slightly more specific I guess but a note to followers online could definitely just be a short goodbye.

>> No.7464623

Um... what?

>> No.7464627

can someone point me to a site where I can see DIA's current stock or upcoming releases?

I want to get a few new outfits but Gorgeous Barbie stopped making albums of new releases

>> No.7464761
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>> No.7465085
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>> No.7465176

I googled "annousenka" and I'm 99% sure one of the annousenka comments on some random blog is sniper. It's from 2012, I don't know if she took the name to troll or if she was annousenka all along. I'm not familiar with the name and nothing is coming up in gtfo, though I get the basic idea from the blog posts she's made everywhere.

>> No.7465182

How do I find a gal comm? I've loved gal for years but since the lj comm stopped updating I don't know where to go or how to find a local group.

>> No.7465332

But I wasn't talking about ANY of that.

I was shitting on some dumb bitch who cares too much about fashion who looks down on ANOTHER fashion community as "full of airheads."

I don't care if fashionistas are dumb, etc.

What I do care about is some bitch singling out a particular fashion community as "dumb."

The rule, as a whole, holds for ALL of us. I'm on cgl after all.

The original poster I replied to simply needs to point her bitch radar inward a bit.

>> No.7465831

I just found out about mine through friends, so I can't help you there I'm afraid. Where are you from?

>> No.7465882

>QQ someone's being meeeeeeeeean on 4chan! :(((

>> No.7465888

I was pointing out how comments in gal secrets and the Facebook comm seem to be made by retards as the ones in btb aren't, and asking why that is. Stop being so buttpained.

>> No.7465906

those bangs are so long, is that legit or photo editing? doesn't look like its bending around the top of the head either

>> No.7465905
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This sounds like Viivi tbh.

>> No.7465917

I'm good friends with Viivi and she's actually not as bad as people make her out to be. I know most things are about her saying "nigger" and being "realllly racist" on twitter but you don't get that some people are like that in Finland. It's not being racist, it's being politically incorrect because we don't have that big of a culture of protecting others' delicate sensibilities. It's Finland, until a few years ago there weren't as many black people (or any other minorities) here as there are today, and I can say that she most definitely isn't racist, just kinda loud and prone to voicing her opinions online instead of self-censoring. She's also very talkative and confident irl which is not as common in Finns so I can see how someone would interpret it as "being bitchy". Now I think she got used to getting shit on online in anonymous forums and just stopped caring about gyaru drama or being "a tr00 gyaru" so we just try to ignore it too.

>> No.7466038

I really liked Viivi when I first got into gal (I still do, but I used to, too). I also liked/really like pic related. She's another one that I think might be of reasonable intelligence despite her reputation. If I remember correctly, she seems to have some good views/opinions on beauty, cultural norms and things of that nature judging by her tumblr. She talks about it in a way more informed, logical way than the SJWs on tumblr, that's for sure.

>> No.7466042
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dropped my pic

>> No.7466097

Gurl needs some Rohto

>> No.7466188

>rabbit ears
>cat pose

Other than the pose everything else is cute

>> No.7466231
File: 52 KB, 184x197, inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious, what is on everyone's wish list?

I'm going through a huge overhaul stage right now, so there's a lot of stuff I want, but I don't want to buy too much at once until I get my shit together and clean everything out. I also don't want to buy too much in the way of clothes right now because I'm trying to get fit and my body type is apt to change. This is what I'm planning on getting:

A retinol serum, some antioxidant serum, a mild AHA product like Detclear, a new night time moisturizer and daytime sunscreen. I've been looking at getting a MIA too, but they seem way expensive and a little overhyped. I may just try the 30 dollar Olay one first and see what I think.

Lots of lashes (my collection is looking sad), a better set of brushes and a decent brush cleaner, glittery blue eyeshadow, glittery eyeliner and a decent self-tanner

A couple of nail sets, cute shoes, sparkly jewelry, another DIA belt and possibly a wig or two.

I also have to juggle that with the various books, anime, manga and DVDs I want to purchase. Obviously, this is all going to happen over the course of several months. I just have no idea where to start so I wind up not getting anything most of the time. I know I'm going to buy one skincare product a month and I think I'll start with the retinol serum. (I hear Paula's Choice makes a good one).

>> No.7466239

Her eyes are red. It looks painful

>> No.7466241
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You aspire to look like a roided trap with fake tits and disgusting nails?

>> No.7467151
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>> No.7467507

What's her Tumblr? I need more gal blogs to follow.

Longer bottom lashes (I really want to try using uppers like Emi does, it looks amazing), new extensions because I'm dying my hair blonde, a DIA belt. I've got hella clothes coming in so I'm good on that front for now.

>> No.7467732
File: 30 KB, 240x320, saike_101636072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7467832

Love this bohemian look.

>> No.7467885

I'm not even a gyaru but I want a DIA belt like burning.
A friend of mine got one when she went to Japan few years back and after that I found out they have no online store.
They're so nice though.

>> No.7467891

Petit Egoist on Storenvy has loads of them, and Gorgeous Barbie on Facebook normally has some, but they ain't cheap. I just can't justify paying that much for a belt, somehow. Maybe with birthday money or something.

>> No.7467898

Oh man thanks for that.
I'm normally lolita so price doesn't really put me off, just the fact I might have had to visit Japan or get an SS to get me one was putting me off.

>> No.7467929

You're very welcome! I guess gyaru is mad cheap compared to lolita. I think I'm just going to nigger rig my own belt, I've found similar 'base' belts so I'm just going to put fancy shit on that. If I end up using it in a lot of outfits, then I'll know it's worth getting the real deal.

>> No.7468016

I actually did that myself.
Got a base belt then attached a bunch of nice chains from other belts and shit, it's was nice but sometimes you just want the real thing?

>> No.7469182
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what happened to Ashley (sp?) last thing I heard she overstayed her VISA in japan and there were a lot of horrible rumors about her and sheena, IDK how much was true though

>> No.7469184
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I adore Kanako she was always my fav gyaru

>> No.7469195

I know she was pregnant at some point, so she's probably a gyaru mama by now.

>> No.7469259

She is, on her Tumblr there's even a video of her baby and yakuza husband.

By the way, does anyone know if her Trouble in Tokyo videos are still on the Internet? I want to watch them so bad, but she hid or deleted everything on many of her old social media accounts.

>> No.7469279

Curious.. What's her tumblr?

>> No.7469297

>caring about being called racist
this isnt tumblr, and even in real life people who cry over shit like that arent people you want to be around anyways

Also there are barely any niggers in Finland today either(something like 15-20k somali filth, and the ones that are there are hated), so that's a strange statement to make.

>> No.7470303

In case anyone is short on eyelashes, I managed to stumble onto this and wow, that's a hell of a deal.

70 lashes (7 styles, 10 pairs of each) for $14.40.


>> No.7470307

holy moly

>> No.7470432
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Why do the gyaru threads always die so quickly?

>> No.7470448

Probably because we're the minority on /cgl/?

>> No.7470869

Oh man, the race wank in the comments for this, what the fuck. Why aren't you allowed to say someone looks like shit if they're black? Black girls don't get some special privilege in internet fashion communities, fuck that noise. If there weren't so many fucking terrible black gyaru, we wouldn't have so many secrets about black girls in the first place.

Also, discussion point. Do you feel that white eyeliner on the waterline (when done well) adds or detracts from an 'authentic' gyaru look? I may just be a weeb, but whenever I do my makeup, I'm trying to emulate the looks I see from my favourite models, and the focus there is usually on a big iris and dramatic lashes rather than seeing a lot of white on the eye. I feel like Western girls putting white on the waterline just makes the eyes look TOO big, so they don't have that cute, dolly, almost sparkly look that Asian girls in big lenses and lashes have. Thoughts?

>> No.7470894
File: 67 KB, 480x360, tumblr_mzi21rSAZ81qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my point of view but white eyeliner actually used to be very popular and I don't really see it with the new gyaru (ViVi, etc) but the 'old school' gyaru like Black Diamond do it so whether you do the white eyeliner or not I guess depends on your tastes towards gyaru in general. Personally, I just went out and bought some whiteish silver glitter eyeliner because I like the trademark white bits. Just doesn't seem right without it since I'm a very old school gyaru/ganguro enthusiast.

>> No.7470896

I'm not seeing white eyeliner on the example you posted? Am I blind, or is that an example of the 'new' style? I'm just talking about on the waterline, not in the inner corners, gotta highlight the inner corners.

>> No.7470902
File: 83 KB, 500x667, example1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Just looks like too much white to me.

>> No.7470944

Because the gal community is really small.

>> No.7470967

Sorry, forgot to say pic wasn't really related.

And yeah I can see how >>7470902 makes her eyes big but it's not that badly done, actually.

>> No.7470968

Is this a gal secrets post? What race wank? She looks bad tbh, I don't see how anyone could defend that. Maybe the makeup could be chalked up to inexperience, but fuck... That wig...

>> No.7470980

God I love her hair

>> No.7470981

Yeah, it was posted on gal secrets, bunch of people saying she was only being posted because U RAYCISS. Fuck someone needs to cut off internet in the ghetto, I swear 90% of the shit I see online is from noob black gyaru.

>> No.7471008

Worse is that there may be a pretty girl under that hideous make-up.

>> No.7471018
File: 131 KB, 612x816, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need those pants

>> No.7471070

Are there any gyaru out there with mohawks/chelsea hawks?

I want to do one or the other with my hair, but would still like to do gyaru.

>> No.7471106
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>> No.7471108
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this girl lives in japan and does ott gal-ish makeup. bad ott though

>> No.7471111
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not bad application per se but bad for her face.

>> No.7471115
File: 55 KB, 500x375, reallife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gaijin gals in japan

>> No.7471125
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Make something similar like pic related on the lft?

>> No.7471138


oh wow, I saw this girl when I was in Shibuya recently, she literally does nothing but wait outside of 109 for street photographers to snap her, I went in 109 for three hours and came out and she was still standing outside while photographers were talking to some gaijins

>> No.7471162

> It's not being racist, it's being politically incorrect because we don't have that big of a culture of protecting others' delicate sensibilities.

Ah. So, you're just a bunch of ignorants then.

>> No.7471355
File: 71 KB, 400x534, gaij01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


expectation: so many kawaii girls and shopkeepers asked for pictures with me
reality: i stood outside for hours waiting for photographers, eventually getting desperate and ASKING for photos with shopkeepers

>> No.7471362

You don't know what that word means, do you?

>> No.7471377


When I bought something usually the shopgirls would take photos of me for the blogs. I was just visiting, so they'd take a photo, and practice their english with me. The Glavil and DIA shopgirls were the nicest.

>> No.7471393

So, who in the gyaru comm lives in Japan?

>> No.7471596

Do want more gyaru on scooters/motercycles.

>> No.7471630

is this style of gyaru of a specific subtype? i like her look

>> No.7471632

Her makeup is so bad. Why would you shade the sides of your nose completely obvious brown? And if your nose is already big and pointy, don't emphasize it more by that type of contouring!

>> No.7471882
File: 96 KB, 500x676, tumblr_lqxjdyS1521qchftto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding. My dream is to ride off into the sunset with a cute biker gal.

>> No.7472336

Holy crap. Are there any actually good gaijin gyaru in Japan?

>> No.7472728
File: 105 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lv6ygwfEzB1qi1r0xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashley, Shiena and a few others. I keep saying it, but a lot of the Western girls would look tons better if they nixed the heavy contouring and drag brows.

>> No.7472735

What's wrong with the eyes? What's wrong with their faces?
They look like worse version of BRATZ dolls

>> No.7472739
File: 55 KB, 480x730, tumblr_moz1yt07eZ1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purikura has that effect on people. It also makes your legs/limbs look hella skinny.

>> No.7472750

That's photoshop
And the effect is it makes you look really fucking ugly

>> No.7472882
File: 106 KB, 400x566, 1396538607330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7472924

purikura machines automatically do that. there's no photoshop

>> No.7474252
File: 87 KB, 473x720, ashleyshiena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eyes
jesus fuck

>> No.7474255
File: 542 KB, 529x477, yabai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is my new favorite pic

>> No.7474293

Is this the girl that recently posted an ansgty tumblr entry because she's stupid enough to spend all of her money on hosts?

>> No.7474317

Nah you fucked up and you know it now own up to it.

>> No.7474361

Yeah, that's nandemo-dekiru. The sad part is that all the hosts she poses with are super fugs.

>> No.7474367

I bet she thinks they love her too, lol. Silly weeaboo, that's their job.

>> No.7475200
File: 66 KB, 360x480, omgwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but he'll change for me... i can change him... he'll love me.

oh here's more gaijin gyaru in tokyo

>> No.7475253

How does a 19 year old pay for regular visits to a host club? Those places are super expensive. Is she a hostess (though that's illegal for foreigners, I think)?

>> No.7475260
File: 35 KB, 300x400, riv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not super expensive...
the first visit to a club can be as cheap as $5-$10 and all you can drink (nomihoudai)

it only starts getting expensive when you pick a host and if you actually want to keep his interest

>> No.7475267

>it only starts getting expensive when you pick a host and if you actually want to keep his interest
Ah, that's what I was thinking about then. It would make sense that she tried to catch the attention of the host she likes by picking him though.

>> No.7475268

I want to try gyaru so badly but I dont know where to start
any tips?

>> No.7475511

yes she did. because of family problems

>> No.7475517

oh god no, my eyes

>> No.7475519

in the evening you can find her in kabukicho

>> No.7475521

left looks like a horse

>> No.7475533

this may be a dumb question but what is a host club? i dont think we have those here...

>> No.7475574


>> No.7475582


>> No.7475597

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdBQ3mVHtO0 pt.3

>> No.7475606

>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1wTQaaOEZg pt.4

>> No.7475759


Someone's not been to /fit/ lately.

>> No.7475895

a place where girls go to drink and the guys, hosts, come sit with you, talk to you make you feel special in order to get you to spend more and more money on them

>> No.7475904
File: 138 KB, 490x357, gaij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, at least she admitted why she got addicted to it... she explicitly said "i go because i am unsatisfied with my life"
anyone wanting more host info check out kabukiboys or kansaiboys on tumblr

ANYWAY back to gals...

>> No.7475987
File: 134 KB, 580x870, 20121202170947_16_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru boys exist too... can we post some?

>> No.7476069
File: 86 KB, 480x854, gyaruo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7476074
File: 533 KB, 850x1280, gyaruo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7476132
File: 75 KB, 640x480, gyaruo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gyaruos as they are known stands for gyaru otoko
i sense a stong overlap with host style

>> No.7476139

yes please. I love gyaru boys. I forgot the official term for them. Gyaru-o or something.

>> No.7476281

what cuties. I love this style too!

>> No.7476291

what the hell is up with sniper/wychan nowadays? I miss her blog quite a bit. I always thought she was really adorable. It did kinda piss me off when she started editing her pictures to make herself look all kota-y.

>> No.7476705
File: 131 KB, 500x500, gy01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes thats right

>> No.7476706

you mean starpowerr? she copied her poses/shopping hauls/blog to a T. it was hilarious.
I actually follow her tumblr just for laughs. think its something dumb like edm-bby.

>> No.7476713
File: 103 KB, 500x507, gy00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting gyaruOs now unless someone brings up something gal related

>> No.7476717
File: 68 KB, 393x700, gy02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7476748

Playing FFX, this just reminds me of Tidus and makes me wish my bf would reconsider his teenage years as a cute boy into sneakers and jfashion.

>> No.7476819

Is there such a thing as fake boi gyaruo? I love the apparent lifestyle and attitude of Gyaru , I'm female but not into the established female look but more a male equivalent.

>> No.7476964
File: 538 KB, 477x596, tumblr_mztok6mIxq1r7qdn3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake boi
Please, no. Just stay away from that term. Just dress how you want (gyaru or gyaru-o) and if anyone asks, just say you're doing tomboy gyaru or gyaru-o. I've seen plenty pictures of gyaru doing a more male-ish look. Pic related, it's tomboyish and still gyaru.

>> No.7477022

Does it still "count" if you wear gyaru brands and hairstyles, but tone down or not wear the makeup?

>> No.7477073

You have to remember that there are a bunch of different Gyaru styles. You just have to find the one that suits you best. There is practical no way you can get around not wearing make up but you can tone it down to a certain extent.

>> No.7477097

Gyaru is literally about the make up as the main focus. So no.

>> No.7477208
File: 562 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mfzze76VLH1ryozilo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much make up

>> No.7477216

you can get lens tweezers with plastic ,round ends for putting in and adjusting them (this is the only solution i can think of)

>> No.7477222

Dear god... is she teaching a class dressed like this?!

>> No.7477225

I always felt bad if I didnt want to buy something. they're too friendly!

>> No.7477226

the good ones Ive seen online look like they dont go near the western gyaru communities

>> No.7478624
File: 14 KB, 300x225, suzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7478707

doing a speech or something
shes a model
THERE IS HOPE FOR US YET (anyone trying to model in japan i mean)

>> No.7478784

A model..for what? Wut...

>> No.7478786

Hell, it's like how if you're a white foreigner in Japan you have a 75% shot of being in a jrock music video if you hang around the right places. All I saw back in the VK days were random white girls.

>> No.7478907

god i fucking hate all the gaijin gyaru who have refused the accept that the days of liz lisa, mars, dia, ect are over! gyaru is evolving and it's so embarrassing to see people imitating shit from 2007 its like, have they looked in a magazine lately? no one cares about huge nails its all about gel now and no one gets tan and wears sugimori hair anymore.

the way gaijin gyaru is more like a costume than a fashion..

>> No.7478928
File: 980 KB, 500x282, 1396760761810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost had me there, anon.

>> No.7478934

her hairline probably starts far back and/or she has a big forehead

>> No.7479029
File: 65 KB, 640x767, tumblr_m4jp4gP7Wf1rua6vjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are cute

>> No.7479068

What brand is ect? Oh you mean etc, short for ET Cetera, not ec tetera. Confirmed for retard!

>> No.7479070

Merissa? What a fucking weeaboo.

>> No.7479242

in japanese you don't have L. usually you type your name in japanese

>> No.7479279

How do you know her real name isnt merissa? Its not necessarily melissa. Shes german so it could be a name idk
Her english blog also says merissa

>> No.7479280

Merissa is most definitely not a german name.

>> No.7479324
File: 26 KB, 239x320, meri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her annoying potato shaped face bothers me

>> No.7479378
File: 738 KB, 504x672, ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably for potatos

this. on shiena's blog, she was saying ashley would avoid speaking english anywhere so other gaijins wouldn't bother them. and although they met up with many gaijin gyaru, shiena's tone made it sounds like it was such a hassle

>> No.7479719
File: 38 KB, 320x427, tumblr_m6vao6Fabh1qcomg1o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiming in to agree. I've met a couple of good gyaru at cons and out and about on the town. They've all said they don't go anywhere near the online communities for reasons that have already been discussed. I'm still learning the ropes myself, but I know enough to realize the majority of the online comms are shit. Unlike Ashley and Shiena though, they seemed happy to help.

>> No.7480637

Gyaru with glasses? I've got astigmatism and can't wear contacts unless they're for my condition so I have glasses instead. Any tips on making gyaru work with it? Obviously I can take them off for photos but I'd like to look decent with the glasses.

>> No.7480880
File: 401 KB, 438x700, 1396850470022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7481090
File: 584 KB, 251x200, worry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm having a dilemma with dreamv. I ordered from them a while back got a tracking number and everything. It got to the customs office in my country but then gets returned to dreamv because of "Address Unknown," according to the EMS page. Now it's saying "Final Delivery" on the EMS tracking page. I emailed dreamv 3 days ago, but they haven't responded. Has this happened to anyone else before? Will I ever get my package?

>> No.7481371
File: 75 KB, 500x639, 1390341225836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I can't say I've ever had that happen. It might be worth it to contact your local post office, too. I had a delivery guy who would leave a 'no one home' notice on my door--even though everyone was home, he would literally know and run away--so I figured out which post office was dispatching my package, contacted them and asked if I could pick it up.That might be worth a try?

>> No.7481483 [DELETED] 

Also having a problem with Dream V, ordered some shoes and go a reply:

先日ご注文を頂きました、夢番号 06737162ですが、







>> No.7481493

Also having a problem with Dream V, ordered some shoes and go a reply:

> もし変更頂きましても対応できない場合もございます。ご了承下さい。
> 直接店舗にご連絡を頂けますでしょうか。

>> No.7481497

>>7481493 google translates as this, has my card declined? Is this common?

Error occurs at the time of appraisal of the credit card company before shipment ,
not able to proceed with the shipping preparation today .

Trouble .. really , but I received a log in from the top screen of the Rakuten market
In the following procedure , please change the credit information or settlement method .
※ In addition , the visitor of the order ( last two digits of the order number is -g) can not be used to change the credit information in the joint purchase .
I am sorry , please make the changes to cash on delivery payment method .

1 . I Click the myRakuten There Rakuten market top , a Mr. ○ ○ ○ Welcome .
2 . I Click the shopping items , the public of purchase history / product review.
3 . List of purchase product will appear , I click the history details of the product to be changed .
4 . Purchase history details will appear , please enter your Changes .

◆ Do not change the place of payment method other than .
If you can not cope even if I have changed if there is it. Approve it .

◆ In the case of joint purchase , we can not change the payment method
Could you please contact us directly to the store .

In addition , it is automatically canceled unless otherwise contact us within one week from today .
Please note
The change is completed, Could you please contact us to dreamv@shop.rakuten.co.jp.
I am sorry, but where you are in a hurry
We appreciate your understanding.

>> No.7481527

That used to happen to me before I called my bank to let them know I was going to use my card for a foreign purchase. Did you call your bank before ordering?

>> No.7481579

No, I didn't even know you had to, I've never ordered from Rakuten.
Do you just call them up, them them, and then somehow re-order?
Thank you for answering

>> No.7481598

you could probably get away with skipping the circle lenses and just wearing top lashes/eyeliner

>> No.7482334

this. just make sure your hair, makeup and clothes are pretty well on-point.

>> No.7483050

Yeah, some banks will decline all foreign purchases no matter what. So you have to contact them and they'll open your account for it for a while. Once you've called you can go back and try to re-order what you wanted.

>> No.7483729
File: 399 KB, 415x475, 1396006011611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her face when

>> No.7483760

Guys, is there a masterlist of gyaru brands out there?

>> No.7483772

I want to pet their hair