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7454197 No.7454197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No beauty general? That's gotta change.

I got suckered into buying a hair straightener at a mall booth today for 115 bucks. Looking at hair straighteners on amazon, they're all so much cheaper, but I don't know if the products themselves are shitty as well...I'm so fucking dumb.

>> No.7454201

OP I wouldn't feel bad. If the hair straightener works, it will totally change you life. I don't know what I would do without mine.
So yeah, maybe you could have gotten it for less. But by the time you fully use it your cost per use will be like $.05 vs. $.07
Though if they have any kind of return policy, just return it! Those mall booths piss me off anyway.

>> No.7454227

The guy there worked on my hair with it and it turned out really nice, so I'm thinking the quality is fine. No refunds, though apparently there's a 'lifetime warranty' with a 20 dollar exchange fee.

I've wanted to do something with my hair for a long time now, so he got me that way, haha.
I just hope it's durable and lasts.

>> No.7454234

Need black lipstick that won't rub off after 15 minutes.

>> No.7454497

Lifetime warranty is a load of shit, the company (Herstyler right?) won't accept it. He did a good job because he's a trained professional. However, there's a large chance that its a ceramic, which is neat. Just keep it, I've had mine for a few years now and its still going strong. Looks pretty cute too.

Pissed me off when he started messing with my hair though, tried to brush my dry curly hair with a flatbrush and then said it looked very frizzy. No shit, Sherlock. I swear no hairstylist has any understanding of curly hair.

On a side note, I'm on the lookout for some basic "photogenic" esque makeup. I've got day-to-day stuff ironed out, but what should I be looking for specifically to look nice in photos?

>> No.7454511

Hi! Hairdresser here!
The flat irons sold at the mall are good, so you don't have to worry about getting an awful iron. Are they the best? Absolutely not but they are better than anything you will get at a department store.
Treat hair products the same as you do with make-up. Get them at Salons whenever possible. The stylists there get a cut of the profit from selling your product anyway so they will be more than eager to help you find something you need.

>> No.7454548


the 400% mark up makes me go NOPE each time

>> No.7454610

Just bought a Dior Addict Lip Glow lip balm. So far my lips are soft as a baby's ass and it lasts a good while before I need to reapply it.
It also smells really nice

>> No.7454967

just for comparence sake what other lip softening brands have you tried?

>> No.7454988

Lime Crime Velveteens have a black now, I quite like the red.

>> No.7455004

I bought one of those cloud9 hair straighteners and I actually feel like my previous GHD was waaayyy better.

>> No.7455022

>the stylist gets a cut
Even more reason for them to sucker you into a overpriced straightener

>> No.7455030

I'm also looking for a makeup look/products that'll be more photogenic. (For con photos)

The current makeup I have looks lovely and natural in person but underwhelming in photos. I had makeup done on me once for a wedding by this upscale MA and the application was notably different because the photos looked so much better whether by the photog or on shitty phone camera.

I want to mimick that.. however they did it. I did look a Lil weird in person though but so weirdly nice in the photo

>> No.7455048
File: 90 KB, 325x262, back-acne2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is the right thread, but anybody have any suggestions on clearing/covering up terrible body acne and what cleansers might work?
I have normal skin and not a single spot on my face, but when it comes to my back its like a fucking pizza, and it seems to be getting worse too.

>> No.7455055

Honestly, anon? Go get the worst sunburn you've ever had.

It'll be incredibly painful and feel like shit for a couple of weeks, but it'll peel a good half inch off of your back and it's unlikely to come back afterwards.

>> No.7455077

Use a soap that isn't scented or harsh and be sure to thoroughly rinse in the shower after. Same goes if you shampoo--make sure there isn't any on your back.

Boyfriend has a more mild version of the same issue and found that it calms down if he doesn't consume caffeine, drinks more water, and is certain to wear a clean cotton shirt to sleep.

Any idea what causes it?

>> No.7455079

I have pretty shitty bacne too. Currently I'm trying out Lush's Dreamwash Shower Smoothie (like $20ish a pop?) and it seems to be working pretty well. The skin feels smoother and I have way less blemishes than before, but I'm gonna go through the whole pot before I make any commitments.

Acne dot org's regiment has worked in the past for me too. It's a bit rigorous and pricey upfront (I think like $50~$60 if you get the big bottles- but that'll last you a good 3~5 months) but it's pretty effective, especially if you stick to it really faithfully.

If you don't feel like doing either of those and want to stick to something you can get at like a drugstore, look for cleansers with AHA/BHA, tea tree oil, or salicylic acid in it. The stronger the better, generally, as your back can probably take it. Don't rub vigorously, pat dry after you shower, and keep it moisturized (maybe with something that chemically exfoliates- the aforementioned AHA stuff).

>> No.7455090

Nobody exfoliates their back coz its so hard to reach
Go in the shower, soften your skin up then run your finger nail across and tell me you're not getting leftover skin gunk caught in your nails from the light run.

>> No.7455099

How hot do you like your showers anon?
Dehydration inside and out.
Hot showers add to the dryness that having little water, sugar and caffeine does to you
Nobody drinks enough water these days seriously especially with our high salt intakes.

>> No.7455098

On this note >>7455090, one of those soft bristle brushes on a stick might help, just don't scrub too hard or you'll open up wounds.

>> No.7455102

What about those typical shower sponges that are like a mesh plastic woven into a ball and have a cord for hanging?

>> No.7455104

He's thankfully gotten much better at drinking water but still has an obscene amount of coffee and espresso; I think it's just IV'd into his arm by now.

That would definitely explain some of it--I love scalding hot showers and he often jumps in because tiny hot water tank. I'll suggest that he take cooler ones for a while and see if it helps any.

>> No.7455106

Good for suds, but it won't shoosh off the layers of dead skin and oils that are building up and likely clogging pores back there. I love shower poofs (mine is a bunny, thanks Target), but when it comes to exfoliating, the brush and those plastic exfoliating gloves are the ways to go.

>> No.7455112

I want to buy a new curling iron but I don't know what's good. The market is saturated.
Any recommendations?

>> No.7455113

that and alcohol are known as diuretics

for how many shots of espresso etc he takes he should be making back in water. just like shots of vodka you need to do the same to retain water levels
that and the salt thing in modern diets is a concern everyone seriously needs to drink buckets of water again (drinking too much water is too difficult for most people who don't drink much water anyway so don't fear that)

>> No.7455119
File: 20 KB, 450x350, it's a fuckin plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For exfoliating, try one of those loofah/sponge thingies.

It comes from a fucking zucchini looking thing, tell me that isn't the coolest thing ever.

>> No.7455122

Just a bunch of hype

>> No.7455132

Does anybody else have the issue where there makeup looks fine and lovely in person, but washed out in photos? I keep underestimating my makeup and have had people say they didn't believe I was wearing it in my cosplay photos(which is pretty good considering I've had some pretty bad dark circles under my eyes).

Anyway, I'm starting to get wrinkles setting in my forehead. Should I consider a facial peel, or just work on hydration and moisturizer? Or at least suggestions makeup wise, like maybe dermablend? I just kind of want to soften them a bit.

>> No.7455140

When I know I'm going to be in photos, I go with a heavier foundation, more intense blush or bronzer, thicker eyeliner lines, and darker mascara. I also found that using a neutral eyeshadow palette to really emphasis my eyes brings it out in photos too.
It always looks heavy in person.
(Note: Lolita, not cosplay. You may have to rely on good foundation and contouring instead.)

I'd experiment with taking it up a notch. See if you notice a difference.

>> No.7455158

use one of the salux japanese bath towels, they;re specifically for exfoliating your body. I love mine

>> No.7455245

I spent $30 on a 85ml bottle of Jojoba today, this better be worth it.

>> No.7455284

Are GEO or EOS lenses good for beginners when it comes to putting on circle lens.

>> No.7455445

any good creams for getting rid of scars? Normally my scars are few and far between but with my new kitten attacking anything that moves I suddenly have a million of them all over my legs and arms. I've even got a big gash on my face. Little punk just isn't learning.

>> No.7455450

Lush's buffy back scrub might help. My partner had mild body acne and it worked on him.

>> No.7455476

Gurl why, you can get a 16oz off Amazon for $20ish

>> No.7455604

This. I used to have some of the worst bacne, and the worst dark marks left over from it. Decided one day, "Fuck this shit, I want to wear cute tank tops," so I started exfoliating and putting a non-scented lotion on my back after I shower. My back is clearing up really well (dark marks are basically disappearing), and any bacne is sporadic, and likely from period hormones, or me not putting on a clean tshirt before bed.

tl;dr; exfoliate your fucking back. It's worth it.

>> No.7455679

Crappy drugstore chapsticks. Burt's bees and all that bullshit. They didn't do much for me so...

>> No.7455751

can anyone recommend some good facial peel products?

and this is more of a skincare question but can we talk about ways to combat/prevent under-the-skin pimples?

>> No.7455777

So how do you get super puffy hair that always sticks up to go down? My hair doesn't grow down it grows up and it's kind of annoying because it should be much more down my head than it actually is and I almost look like I have an afro. I've usually kept it shorter than I would like it to be or just let it do it's own thing. Am I gonna have to resort to gel whenever I want it down?

>> No.7455802

>Recommending Lime Crime
Anon do you even /cgl/?

>> No.7455806

Maybe I just have crazy monkey arms but I can reach my back just fine. I use exfoliating gloves.
Though yeah if you can't reach your back with your arms, try something like a loofah on a stick,

>> No.7455882

To OP, I did the SAME thing like....8 years ago? That straightener iron STILL works like brand new. So...trust me, you'll thank yourself in 8 years. Plus mine is pink too, and for whatever reason stores charge just a little more for non-black ones. So rejoice! You did well OP.

>> No.7455907

There is a word for this. It's called a loofah.

>> No.7455938

I finally got rid of bacne when I stopped eating dairy products

>> No.7455955

What's a good body wash? I don't smell bad/sweat often and I don't have oily or acne skin... I just get really dry in the winter and want something that isn't cheap as fuck.

>> No.7456039

And they are super cheap.

>> No.7456299

I like Sanex. It makes my skin soft.

>> No.7456551

Got my $1 konjac from eBay in the mail today (took about a month to get here), sucks that I just found out that a local big chain drugstore sells it for $5 today as well. And the $5 is actually made in Korea! Going to give the $1 one a try for about a week or 2 to see if it makes a difference, if not then I'll get the $5 to try and compare/contrast.

How are others who also got a $1 konjac doing so far?

>> No.7456560

I use Burt's Bees mango stuff on a regular basis but I like MAC's lip conditioning balm too. I use it before I put on any lip color or just if I'm feeling extra chappy.

I don't know about the other poster, but that's my experience with MAC stuff at least.

>> No.7456583

I think you could go for a straight perm, might help in a more long-lasting way than straitening your hair everyday and using gel or other products.
It is sure that if you let your hair grow very long, gravity will help with the puffiness, but you're gonna be at an awkward length for maybe a long period of time. You could use perm until they're long enough.

>> No.7456594

Personally, I had no problem putting GEOs on the first time I ever used contact lenses. The only problem was taking them out... but it was mainly mental stuff not the actual lenses. Except the fact that they were large which made them harder to get off, so the only tip I can give is not to go all out with the size at the beginning.

>> No.7456606

I have a pretty good first experience with GEO. Bought 14.8mm pink lenses. Although it took me an hour and a half to put them on (probably because my eyes are tiny and sensitive), they were quite comfortable and pretty.

>> No.7456613

Really? I found them hard to put on and easy to take off. I think it was because I spent a really long time trying to get them in and that ended up preparing me mentally. Still, I completely agree with not getting a large size right away. Hard as fuck to get in.

>> No.7456622

Everyone has, a large percentage of your makeup gets washed out in pictures partially because of the lighting. If you know you're gonna to appear in a lot of pictures which you care for the results, wear heavier makeup that day. Darker/more saturated colors pops out more in photography, so for example instead of using a dark brown eyeliner wear an intense black eyeliner. Also, pay a particular attention to your eyebrows and contouring, it is surely what can make the most difference in looking washed out or not.

>> No.7456641

I think it's that way for most people: getting them on is the hard part.
Since I knew about that, I just went for it without a second thought and it worked. But, when I had to take them off it was awful. At first, since I had zero experience with contacts, I realized I had no idea HOW to actually get them off (which sounds totally dumb, I know). After a panicked google search, I spent at least half an hour poking my eyes, attempting to get them off. It was a whole mess with my mascara going into my eyes and everything. It might also have been the fact that I have kind of droopy eyelids.

Oh that is also a thing, better not to wear heavy makeup and even no makeup at all for putting on contacts for the first time. Pretty obvious tip, but just in case for airheads like me.

>> No.7456942

Yeah, seems like. I actually knew about it too though. I think my eyes just weren't the right shape because no matter how many times I tried to pop them on, they wouldn't stick. I ended up tucking the contacts into my lower eyelid and pushing the top of the contacts in. I can't believe you got them on so easily though! That sounds like it sucked. Mascara in the eyes sounds terrible... The most I've gotten in my eyes is eyeliner, and it already felt like shit. I'm not sure about this, but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to put on makeup afterwards? I read a bunch of information about contacts before I bought them because I tend to do a ton of research before I buy something just in case.

>> No.7457322

Short haircuts, above the shoulder preferably, that will go well with cutesy/sweet looks? I've developed a hatred for brushing my hair and tangles in the morning. I have a heart shaped face.

>> No.7457329

best black lipstick i've used is from MAC

>> No.7457345

taking them out is the hardest.

>> No.7457346
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How do I achieve the eyeliner look like picture related? Is it gel? Liquid? I just ran out of eyeliner and I could never get it to look so clean. Anyone have any recommendations? I have $15 to spend on some eyeliner.

>> No.7457352

okay that's useful to know, because I need a new one for this winter and all I got are lipsmackers because omfg obscure scents. I was going to try Burts bees exactly, but I really just want the best of the best, don't want to waste time with sub par

>> No.7457376
File: 49 KB, 480x640, tumblr_moq6ysNtyy1qhwxaqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally gave in and got a face mask from Lush after hearing so many good things about them. I'm in love, everytime I give myself a facial my skin clears up drastically and feels significantly smoother. I got the Love Lettuce mask and the lady who helped me gave me samples of the Grease Lightning Spot Remover and the Vanishing Cream Moisturizer. Anything else I should try out?

I'm also trying something new with my hair. It's very wavy and thick, but I kinda wanna try and tame it a little so it looks groomed (normally it just looks like a giant rats' nest) like pic related. How would I go about doing this on a daily basis without doing too much damage to my hair?

And one last thing; does anyone recommend any products for dry skin? One of my friends is suddenly very interested in clearing up his face. He told me he tried something from Johnson & Johnson and it irritated his skin and made it suuuper dry so I told him I'd try and find something better.

Thanks in advance!

>> No.7457389

yesss isn't their stuff great?? grease lightning is my savior, i have never had anything clear up breakouts so well.

oh, and their celestial moisturizer is really good for sensitive and dry skin, I love it. it's also their least expensive one!

>> No.7457399

Probably liquid, but I can never get liquid smooth like that. Gel works better for me, but everyone works differently.

Liquid is easy to make bumpy or smudge, gel is less so but it takes longer to "dry" if you don't put some black eyeshadow powder over it.

>> No.7457404

When my hair is a frizzy mess, I usually just put some lotion on my hands, rub it in most of the way, then run my fingers through my hair.

But, some morrocan oil should help to keep it tame, and it's also really healthy for it. just be careful not to use too much.

>> No.7457553

does anyone else's lips feel drier after using a balm?

>> No.7457562

No, a loofah is one of these things

>> No.7457565

Not shipped I can't
It was the closest health food store to me though, if I drove further I know I can get a better deal. Its organic and comes in a stylish glass bottle so I can at least feel classy using it. Doesn't help that it has notes of week old trash.

>> No.7457789
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It looks like a felt tip eyeliner. They are easier to apply than liquid or gel liners, but sometimes the color looks washed out since it dries like a permanent marker. You can usually find some at drugstores, and you could try them out first to make sure the finish isn't dull.

>> No.7457797

That might have been my problem they stuck so well on the center of my eyes that I couldn't get them tunstuck. I just love how contacts is the type of things that makes us think "Omg, my eyeball/lid/etc. ISN'T NORMAL" Because that was also my thought process when I couldn't get them out.
Usually if I'll wear contacts I'll put them on before makeup, but that day I was so excited to have had received them that I just decided to try it now and then no matter what I had on my face.

>> No.7457818
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Bob. Just be careful to not overload on the bows.

>> No.7457846

I want pastel hair but I'm scared of damaging it since it's pretty fine, so I wanna try wigs. Any suggestions? I live in EU.

>> No.7457871
File: 252 KB, 1090x1600, 1371607428772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you top face primers?
I've tried MAC (one I used a while back really worked, but can't seem to find it) Smashbox, Mirabella, Gosh and am currently testing out Clinique's superprimer but none seem to really work.
I have combination, acne prone skin (getting better), with redness from a few acne scars. I'd really like to find one that works well, without having to try each one of 'em.

I am looking at maybe trying out Too Faced's Primed and Poreless and Benefit's POREfessional

Picture unrelated

>> No.7458021

I like Canmake's pink primer.

>> No.7458279
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Update: Two days of continuous use and my lips aren't chapped anymore/all the dead skin peeled off. Kinda gross but now they are gloriously soft and precious
Go to Sephora and try the tester before committing to it, it's got something or other that changes the color of the lipstick and some people have gotten really weird colors out of it. Mine turns a soft pink but you never know

>> No.7458327

Any suggestions for helping get rid of fine wrinkles? I'm in my mid-twenties and am starting to notice some light wrinkles on my forehead and neck specifically. I'd really appreciate brand names or something that I could buy online since I live in a crappy small town and probably won't be able to find anything useful here. Thanks!

>> No.7458332

I use Too Faced's primed and poreless that comes in the white tube. It's for oily and sensitive skin. It has been my primer for over a year now.

>> No.7458370

has anyone tried biotin before?

i cut my hair short three years ago (undercut), and i have grown tired of the shaved side and am eager to try and grow that out asap.

any suggestions for hair growth?

>> No.7458398

Do any of you have any tips for growing out short hair abit faster? I buzzed the sides and the back of my hair near the end of December. The back of my hair is growing way faster than the sides. Now I genetically have fast hair growth but I need a way to make it healthier so my sides can start growing in faster. My sides have grown half an inch and the back has grown an inch and a half I could say.

>> No.7459127

any help with hiding large faces? doesnt matter how i contour, it still looks large as fuck ;;

>> No.7459136
File: 19 KB, 538x539, 1395967483298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi seagulls I'm not very attractive but I can't identify what is it that makes me ugly, can you suggest me some haircuts and makeup advise.

Haircut with layers and bangs, make your eyes or best feature stand out with make up.

A bob with short bangs like Ayumi Seto.

>> No.7459139

I personally never had any luck with biotin, but others have. There really isn't any miracle way for hair growth, just eat lots of protein and don't kill your hair with heat or dye.

>> No.7459143

Dem cheek bones

>> No.7459150

Biotin, I heard.

>> No.7459175

I think my hair is falling out a lot more than it used to?? i haven't changed my diet or habits, so i don't know what caused the change. could anyone recommend a way to make it stop falling out so much though?
my sister says i shouldn't wash it every day, but my hair gets very stringy if i don't.

>> No.7459573

Royal jelly supplements

Chances are your hair isn't actually falling out more, something just made you take notice of all the hairs you normally shed every day that you usually overlook. Washing won't cause your hair to fall out more, it will only remove the hairs that were already loosened and going to fall out anyway.

If you start to notice thinning or bald patches, then you may want to see a doctor as there could be an underlying medical condition such as a hormonal imbalance or telogen effluvium causing it. But also know that some women are just going to have hair loss and it can start as early as in your 20's. Female hair loss looks very different than in men (unless a condition you have is causing male pattern baldness) in that it is just more of a gradual thinning of the hair. Women are vain so we tend to cover it up by styling our hair just so and no one ever talks about it, so few people realize how common this is.

Also, I believe I remember reading something about how sometimes a larger percentage of your hair than usual may just naturally be in the stage of the growth cycle where it sheds (telogen phase) so the increased hair loss is natural and temporary...but I don't feel like googling right now so I could be remembering wrong, sorry

tldr; don't worry about it for now. If it gets bad, consider seeing a doctor

>> No.7460360

I think you are really stunning. Your eyes and cheekbones are amazing, and your skin looks really good. Maybe you think you are not pretty because you have quite dark/heavy/strong features which goes against what is generally portrayed as attractive. But nah, your face is beautiful in my opinion and you have a lot to work with.

I'm no expert at all, but maybe you could look at beauty icons/rolemodels who have similar coloring to you? At worst it will give you better confidence. Apart from that, I'm sure if you lightened your hair and eyebrows you might be more conventionally attractive, but it would probably be damaging and high-maintenance, I'm not sure. Maybe someone else could advise you better.

>> No.7460382
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, DSC_0085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't normally the right thread to post in but the make-up thread is dead. I'm going to be wearing a bat themed coord to an upcoming con and would love some make-up suggestions. I have Illamasqua's bat lashes (pic related) and am happy to go ott. If you are going to mention specific brands is it possible if you could suggest brands that don't test on animals. Do you need details of my face? Just incase, I have a round/heart shaped face, dark eyes, dark hair, pale skin with freckles.Thank you so much seagulls.

>> No.7460398

Bangs that taper down into face framing side layers

I think you have a lovely face, don't know why you think you're ugly, unless your beauty ideal is a kawaii Asian idoru. If you want to go short I think you'd look absolutely stunning with an asymmetrical bob, and if not I would suggest at the very least shorter layers finishing around chin length. Make up wise I would play with dramatic eyes/lips, possibly a smoky eye with darkish lipstick. I wouldn't bother with contouring anything on your face as your bone structure is fantastic and over emphasizing it will make it look like a caricature.

>> No.7460399

Monistat. no joke look it up

>> No.7460408

I think you are gorgeous. If you did anything I would
-Trim bows, don't over pluck just get rid of the strays
-you seem to have some stray hair on your forehead, I would wax it off or get a cut that hides it. Too much hair =/= good IMO you do not need to bleach your hair or anything just get rid of some of it.
-smoky eye makeup! Learn how to do eyemakeup and rawr
-lip gloss
-straighten your hair, look into ceramic hair straighteners
-some undereye circle concealer stuff would be good
You have a very symmetrical face (one of the biggest indicators of attractiveness) with dramatic features, its actually pretty modelesque. Learn some basic makeup and grooming people will be stopping you on the street I guarantee it. You're a classic case of someone being secretly stunning but having no clue how to enhance it. so you think you are "ugly," when it's not true at all.

>> No.7460418

Does anyone have any surefire ways of whitening teeth? I brush my teeth twice daily and floss, but they never seem to get whiter, or they get whiter in patches. My teeth aren't a gross yellow or anything, just off-white. I've tried Crest whitening strips but I didn't see any noticeable differences and I hated the process.

>> No.7460424

totally agree, i think your features are a little exaggerated, but that's what gives you so much potential, too! gosh, your cheekbones. totally seconding everything previous anon said, you'd look gorgeous with maybe a trim and a little make-up! also, the truth is that anyone who looks like they're naturally gorgeous actually wears make-up to perfect their look. always. so don't feel discouraged if you think that without make-up you don't measure up, ok?

>> No.7460430

A-Any eczema tips anons? bought the wrong soap like an idiot and I am covered in it again.
Coconut oil is helping a little bit, and my allergists advice consisted of "You put the steroids on the skin"

>> No.7460432
File: 289 KB, 1117x1600, 1377629858238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow wideface, I understand your pain.

Sideswept, face-framing bangs help a lot, like the other anon suggested. The shadows of the side bangs will fall on the cheeks and make a natural contour. You can also leave a thin 'gap' at one side before the bangs start, to lengthen the face (not sure what to call this). Also, heavier eye makeup draws attention away from the size of the face.

Pic related, although you don't have to go that far with the eye makeup. Okarie always has some hair covering the sides of her face.

>> No.7460434

Yeah, I hope I didn't sound overwhelming with the list. My list to look presentable is easily 2x that, even Victorias Secret supermodels have to do a ton of stuff to look "naturally gorgeous" I think it leads to a lot of people with potential like anon thinking they are ugly when really they have those exact same supermodel features, they just don't know how to bring them out yet.

>> No.7460450


Cerave helps a lot. They have moisturizers and cleansers formulated for the face and body. I do admit it's kinda pricey, but it can last you up to 6 months if you shower once a day. You can find them at Walgreens or CVS if you live in the states.

Cetaphil's Restoraderm line is also amazeballs. Again, pricey, but it doesn't last as long as Cerave.

I've had luck with using Lush soaps, namely Bohemian (lemon scented) and Rockstar (bubble gum scented) both have kept me pretty moisturized.

If you want to be able to use moisturizer that's scented, I would highly recommend trying the Body Shop's body butters. The peach one is my absolute fave, and I think the body shop is due for another sale since Earth Day is coming up.

What else, what else...

When showering, use warm water the leans more towards the cold side. If you have any flare-ups, I've found that rinsing off with super hot water and then moving towards cold really helps me to not scratch. (I hope that make sense...) And don't scrub your skin too hard! It also helps to drink.

I know dermatologists are pretty pricey, but they can prescribe you stuff to help with flare-ups. I use clobetasol whenever I get an eczema rash, and it works perfectly.

>> No.7460453

ALSO! Cetaphil gentle cleansing bar is pretty good.

>> No.7460460

bio oil might help you or another vitamin e oil of some kind

>> No.7460477

hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash, or just applied to teeth with a q-tip

>> No.7460526
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, 1308967888519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling someone with eczema to put something scented on there skin
>Then goes on to recommend a steroid

>> No.7460534

I'm sick of my acne. I think I have combination type skin, because most of its dry but then I feel like I have oily spots, too. I've tried benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, tea tree oil, still have acne. I'm 22 and just sick of it.

>> No.7460541

Yikes. Avoid hard steroids like the plague anon.Typical stuff like cortizone isn't too bad, but after years of taking the stuff you can be really fucked up.

Stick with simple-ish/eczema aimed things. Cetaphil and Ellidel are good assuming you're not too severe. If you're crazy dry, you can use Vaseline. People are grossed out by it, but it'll do the job. An alternative to that would be using the rosebud salve you see sold at Sephora. I used that when I had my crazy skin freakout earlier this semester and it helped a lot.

Also, when wearing makeup, I'd recommend applying a small coat of 100% Shea butter (or the most concentrated you can find) on your face first. Then primer. Then use a more natural mineral makeup alike Bare Essentials.

Lush products are nice because they are all natural, however make sure you know what you're allergic to. Even though they are scented, their stuff is natural.

Also, this blog:

>> No.7460552

try oil-cleansing, anon! i tried all those things and some helped but not all the way, some did nothing. my skin was all over oily, like the oiliest thing ever, and now it feels soft, normal. you might have dry skin that you're stripping to get rid of the acne, which would create oily spots where your skin is overcompensating. i can give you some advice/links if you want! i feel sorry for you, anon :c

if seriously nothing is working, try to save up and get a well-priced appt at a dermatologist.

>> No.7460559

New to this, but ive got these spots on my nose, looks like growing hairs. Best and safest way to remove them?

Also what is scrubbing and why should i do it?

>> No.7460561

Really need some advice. I'm pale and I've got clogged pores on my chest and up close you can see them because it looks like a ton of freckles. I've tried scrubbing but it doesn't seem to help much, even tried apricot scrub which works okay on my face. Someone recommended charcoal scrub for my face, would it work on my chest too?

>> No.7460571

lush stuff is good for eczema. if you go in and say you have it, they'll pick out sensitive skin products etc. people who work there are trained to know what products are good for eczema and psoriasis, so there's a good chance that you'll be in good hands, anon!

ps, i'm the used-to-work-at-lush anon from the last thread, offer still stands if you need recs or have questions!

>> No.7460574

pls respond

>> No.7460580

nose blackheads, how do i get rid of em?

>> No.7460582

Charcoal masks/strips/scrub.

>> No.7460583

I've been recovering from acne (the dry, angry sandpapery kind, not oily) and it's going well thanks to combined meds and topical retinoids. Bad news is, I now have blackheads EVERYWHERE on my face from having to leave the topical retinoid on overnight. Any good ways to combat the blackheads without irritating my skin with a scrub?

>> No.7460588

Depends on your hair type and color. Bleaching thin/dark hair can be damaging as fuck.

>> No.7460607

also /r/ing wigs

do cyperous ones look real?

>> No.7460610


>> No.7460628

does anyone have any suggestions on how to treat mild scalp seborrhea?

>> No.7460648

Steroids are only good for when your skin is flaring but the mainstay of eczema treatment is moisturizing like a crazy person and avoiding irritants, allergens and anything that might make it flare. Even when you have a flare, don't stop moisturizing, just pat it on over top of your steroids. Some derms recommend the Aveeno sensitive/dry skin moisturisers for the face, but instead of using them once a day they say twice or three times if possible.

I had some success with baking soda paste but it tasted disgusting as fuck and you shouldn't do it too often because it's basically whitening by scouring the enamel. My teeth were stained from being a chronic black tea/coffee drinker and that helped.

Any oil/moisturiser is actually fine, it's massaging the scar that actually helps it. That being said, there is evidence for vit A and E helping scars so a cream with those in may help more.

>> No.7460678

In my experience, the body shop and lush tend to use oils and not perfume to scent their products. Living with eczema my entire life, I found it frustrating that I couldn't use scented products like people with normal skin could. I haven't had an adverse reactions when using the body shop or lush products.

Most of my eczema results from weather changes and cheap fabric.

I'm not going to jump to conclusions as to whether or not you've struggled with eczema, but there's a reason I recommended the body shop and lush and not bath and body works and whatever sephora carries.

>> No.7460692

But OP, before trying everything, please remember that different things cause eczema in different people. Remember to exercise caution when trying anything!

(I'll stop spamming.)

>> No.7460707

Dunno how your healthcare insurance is, but I have the same and after trying just about every shampoo out there I gave up and went to my GP. Tried some anti-fungal shampoo that didn't work, then switched to a scalp lotion and that seems to be doing the trick, though applying it makes your hair all greasy and ew. But yeah it's worth seeing a GP if it bothers you.

>> No.7460839
File: 154 KB, 400x342, IMG_0648[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the nasty-ass closeup, but can anyone identify what exactly this is and how I can get rid of it? It's been there for a long time, at least a year.

>> No.7460841

Under the skin acne or just a bump of hardened skin maybe?

>> No.7460875

I want to stop using my curling iron and leave my hair in rollers overnight, but air drying often gives me frizz. Any tips?

>> No.7460878


look at the pigment, it's a mole

>> No.7460893

>you seem to have some stray hair on your forehead, I would wax it off or get a cut that hides it
Those are called baby hairs. Who waxes baby hairs?

>> No.7460899

What does the shea do?

>> No.7460898

I grow the occasional nipple hair. If i remove them, i get ingrown nipple hairs and that looks terrible, like i have an extra nipple.
What do.

>> No.7460922

search for hair sealers and maybe do more moisturizing. It sounds like you've got highly porous hair which means it loses moisture very quickly

>> No.7460930

They are dark and apparent even in this grainy dimly lit photo. They kind of give her forehead a weird shape. So yeah I think she should wax them. Why the hell not? You're probably one of those people who believes no one is allowed to pluck above their eyebrows because Cosmo told you so.

>> No.7460929


>> No.7460936

No, I'm one of those people who thinks her baby hairs are fine. Waxing baby hairs is unnecessary.

>> No.7460973

You can't remove sebaceous filaments

>> No.7461097

A sort of rant.
I am a professional makeup artist, have been for 2 years.
My clients keep asking me if I have the Naked 1,2 and 3 palettes and always tell me to go buy them because they are SOOOO amazing despite having a kit that is 90% all high-end brands.
Apparently AD changed their lives forever and I am not a real makeup artist if I don't have the Naked Palettes.

Bought them a few days ago, all 3.
Not worth it. I can find all the shades in all 3 of them in my coastal scents and BH cosmetics palettes which are like 10 dollars each.
I hate the consistency of the frosted ones, especially in Naked 3, they're so chalky, chalkier than maybelline shadows... back in the 90s.

I love doing makeup on people, but some clients don't really know what they're talking about.
Popular and expensive doesn't always mean good.
I can make you look better with BH cosmetics than you can with Urban Decay.

>> No.7461144

Don't shave, wax.

Do you know what type of acne it is? What causes it? Have you talked to a dermatologist?
Different treatments for different types of acne, the things you are doing could do absolutely nothing if it's not for your type of acne.

Eczema sufferer here.
Don't ask your allergist, ask your dermatologist.

My eczema has subsided a lot since I started using Mustela Stelatopia Moisturizing Cream, which is very mild and is safe for babies. It's as mild ad Cetaphil, but I think it works a lot better because it targets skin affected by eczema and atopic and seborrheic dermatitis.
It's the only one I have used that worked in keeping my skin not dry and patchy.
Aveno also does a cream for Eczema affected skin, but I found it only soothes it and doesn't really make it subside.

Honey masks worked wonders for me as honey is an antiseptic and really soothes itchy eczema skin.

Of course, best option is to ask a dermatologist.

Dentist in training here.
Teeth are offwhite, anything lighter than that, is unnatural.
Keep in mind, in ads they use special effects to make teeth whiter.
Before shoots, models bleach their teeth, brush their teeth with a special toothpaste which gives the slightest blue tint to their teeth, pair that with red lipstick and you have the whitest teeth ever.

There is the professional lightening method, but that is only temporary. It leaves your teeth brittle (even when done professionally) and makes it more prone to stains to the point of no return.

Teeth strips are only optical and only affect the very surface of your teeth.

There are lots of at home methods you can try, baking soda would be the safest. Some try baking soda and h2o2, lemon and other methods.
Note, none of these methods will make your teeth blue-white, your teeth are meant to be off-white.

>> No.7461173

How does one tell a real konjac to a fake konjac sponge?

>> No.7461214

the ingredients list.
it should say 100% konjac root/cellulose if it's a real one.

>> No.7461217


I had the same things around my mouth and they become much less noticeable (to the point of looking like they disappear) with a hot compress. So you can't get rid of them, but you can make it look like you did if you do an occasional hot compress every couple of days.

>> No.7461227

no sephora where I live but I know a place that sells Dior so its all good. I'll check it out

>> No.7461234

you're both paying for a shitty edgy-two shoes hair cut.

>> No.7461240

when I scrolled up the page to get back to where I was up to with this thread I just assumed someone posted the photo as an example of a model wearing makeup or something.
I'm thinking you may just not be satisfyed with your form of beauty. a lot of cgl are weeaboos who favor the heart shape face, albeit cute doll look. and we learn to think that's the most attractive look to. go on another board like /fa/ and you'd fit in wonderfully with your high fashion model features. you're not ugly at all, just perhaps you don't appreciate your kind of beauty. hope you find some resolve soon.

>> No.7461243

My hair's really frizzy and has split ends, but at the same time really thick, strong, straight and impossible to style.
I also wore a bob since I was 6 and am finally growing it out now (I'm 21). It's medium-length, long enough to tie into a ponytail but short enough to have short strands getting away and going into my face.
How do I into pretty hair?

>> No.7461260

have you had a hair cut in a while? the longer your hair gets the more you feel your hair is falling out - I have hip length hair and you should see the big bundles I get after brushing my hair. for a long time (since around waist length) I worried thinking I was losing hair rapidly. well in hip length now, and my hair isn't balding in patches or anything. a sure sign that its just natural fall out.

all those things you listed are topical - its coming from the inside. ask to get your hormones checked. drink more water than you do now and measure your current sugar intake vs daily recommended for your mass. it may surprise you.

>> No.7461264

pics would help, you know...

>> No.7461270

what do you use as a compress?

looks like a very pale mole but do get it checked out.
you mean those Velcro rollers? they give anyone frizz

>> No.7461272

Help a lolita out!

>> No.7461284

are your showers hot?
how do you have your hair before you sleep?
a typical Long Hair Community answer would be to do a protein treatment and get silk/satin pillows to sleep on to avoid further split ends.

>> No.7461288

what where you asking for? more lashes?

>> No.7461320

Portland Black Lipstick Co. makes a good one. It's very pigmented, but it doesn't feather or run until about the 4-hr mark.

>> No.7461322

I wanted to know what makeup you would recommend if I'm wearing a bat themed coord to a convention and happy to go ott or not. I was planning on wearing the lashes pictured before.

>> No.7461343

How should I reduce the shine on my skin? I can't use powders because the shiny areas all have peach fuzz and powder makes it super visible.

Not the Anon you were responding to but holy tits, I've been trying to think of this website for ages! Thank you!

>> No.7461366

Wet a washtowel, microwave it for 10-25 seconds, hold it under my face a couple of inches with my head turned down to meet the steam.

>> No.7461421

I guess I should say they're more off-white than I want, so I'll try baking soda. Thanks for all the info!

>> No.7461918

What are your skin treatment routines? I'm really lax (I only wash my face twice a day and put on witchhazel + rosewater afterwards) but I think I should be more proactive... Other than exfoliating, should there be more steps I should take to insure my skin doesn't age like crazy?

>> No.7461942

tutorials pls

>> No.7462097

I have a similar problem and I just decided fuck it, I'm shaving off my peach fuzz. If you use a sharp razor and are careful it's actually a good way of exfoliating, too. Plus peach fuzz is the type of hair that will always grow in light and soft, so it's not awkward when it grows back. Makeup looks so much better on me now.

Moisturizing helps, but the biggest effect should come from a good diet. The number one way to combat aging with products is to use sun protection, particularly against UVA. Don't over-exfoliate! You do need a layer of dead skin for protection, it just shouldn't build up too much.

>> No.7462305

So I am not a pretty girl but i dont use make-up of any kind or I break out like a greasy teenager on prom day. I have tried stuff like bare essentials and it makes me break out as well. So I go without make up all the time. If I leave my face alone I don't break out However I will be cosplaying this summer and I have blue eyes and I really want to bring out my eyes. what can I do? I may no thave gotten the big side of the boob stick but I lucked out with the acne stick

>> No.7462401

If you are hesitant about shaving it off you could always pluck it or just use some wax strips from CVS or Walgreens. I know some of my friends bleach theirs instead of removing it but I don't know if that would help in your situation.

>> No.7462441

I don't have any advice but you're so pretty gib eyebrows and cheekbones pls

>> No.7462479

it's not actually hard to just try it. OP, I recommend trying it because I believe it will make a really big difference. And if it doesn't.. guess what.. they grow back.

>> No.7462487

I just got N3, first experience with a UD palette. The matte colors don't show up as well as I'd like, but I'm actually fairly impressed with the pigmentation of the shadows. My only complaint is that you basically NEED primer underneath, lasting power is zilch without.

That being said, a lot of the allure comes from the price itself. I feel like 5$ when I use my cheap elf marble palette, and 52$ when I use my N3.

Try temporary eyelid design stickers? I'm not a fan, but I don't personally have sensitive skin.

>> No.7462515

Does lightening hair with lemon work? I'm ginger and I either want to go full red or a nice blonde but I can't decide, orange hair is pug disgusting. I'm just not sure if it would look awkward with freckles please kill me

>> No.7462539

I tried it - it doesn't really work, and it will dry the crap out of your hair. I would just recommend getting a hair lightening bleach kit or going to a professional! (or, staying outside in the sun all summer)

>> No.7462555

Any good products to speed hair growth? Preferably one that doesn't make my hair come out in fistfulls.

I'm doing my best to eat a balanced diet and not damage my hair, and it is growing at a decent pace, I'm just very impatient. It's at a length now where it does a faux mullet thing in the back, and it drives me nuts.

>> No.7462572

What do you guys think about this place for buying cosmetics? I prefer products with less ingredients but I found this site after I saw that alot of natural cosmetics websites just resell stuff from here


>> No.7462573

careful with bleaching red hair, it can get a greenish tone to it

>> No.7462576


My $1 konjacs are pretty good at getting rid of blackheads.

>> No.7462636

thanks! I didn't know about the green thing

>> No.7462692

you have thin lips, a broad chin and prominent jaw. these are masculine traits, which is probably why you don't see them as attractive. sadly i have no clue about how to fix it. any other seagulls might know?

>> No.7462717

I feel you, anon. I feel like an idiot for not testing out my new sunscreen. "What could go wrong?" I thought. My entire FACE could. It burned the shit outta it right before I was about to go for a jog. Now I'm not leaving my house like some goddamn cave monster.

A dermatologist I saw said to use this steroid product sparingly because it thins skin over time. He wasn't too helpful on alternatives to it though.

Seconding the 'Aveeno Eczema Lotion' assessment. I tried using it on my hands when it was at it's worst and it did not help much.

For eczema on hands (if anyone else had this issue), I found it to be a lot more effective when I wore gloves to keep the lotion on. Though that might just be me, I realized I kept rubbing it off because I didn't want to touch my 3DS with my greasy hands. Gloves helped.

This is very true. Eczema flares up for me If I have lemons/oranges/ect or tomatoes, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Other anon suggested soaps with lemon, that would totally kill me. I mean, obviously I'm not going to use a soap I know will kill me, but I actually haven't got around to getting an allergy test to see what I should avoid, I'd say for anyone the default should be "no scents" until proven otherwise.


Thank you for this blog! I'm totally going to check it out. I have almost no "eczema friendly" products at the moment, and I didn't know where to start.

This video is for you.

>> No.7462722

I always see stuff about $1 konjacs. Did I miss a sale or is it a store where it's actually that cheap?

>> No.7462726

as a guy that's always has thin lips this is weird to read since I've never thought it was a masculine thing, though lips bigger than mine always looked weird

>> No.7462736

My skin's not oily, it's mostly dry. I haven't used anything to clean it other than water and as mask every so often. The derm was the one who prescribed benzyl peroxide/salicylic acid.

I have no idea. My derm must have been shitty because he didn't tell me anything about this.

See I always felt like it was my hormones for other reasons - I feel like I have hyperthyroid, but when I brought this up to a doctor they said everything was fine. They gave me birth control and said maybe it'll help? note:it didn't

>> No.7462738
File: 7 KB, 332x215, Dark Inner Thighs Cure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treatments for darkened skin other than exfoliating?

>> No.7462744

You can get authentic ones from iherb, it's been posted here. There's also a charcoal variant

>> No.7462748

Is it from chafing? Weight loss and they'll go away on their own. Moisturize often as well. If you also have darkened skin below your knees and on shins, you might have the beetus.

>> No.7462763

I have mild keratoderma which is essentially eczema to the extreme. It's nickname is the "horned skin disease" (don't google it unless you have a strong stomach...the images on google are disgusting, but mine is a lot less severe)

But basically I can't wear tights and thinner socks more than a couple times without tearing them to shreds. Even those expensive "no run" tights are useless. Does anyone have advice on how to form a thin barrier to wear tights with really rough feet?

Also, advice for pumice routine? I'm in college so I can't commandeer the bathroom to pumice my feet every week.

>> No.7462775

I apparently have it too. I just use a knife to remove it, pumice stone it to death, and use a heavy moisturizer. That works for a couple of days.

>> No.7462783

Fucking christ, a knife? How do you knife it off? I find that cutting it or pumicing too far exposes tender skin, so I can't walk on my heels/balls of feet for a couple days. What moisturizer do you use, though? Most eczema moisturizes aren't strong enough, but the amlactin my doctor prescribed smells like wet dog.

>> No.7462831

wow uh yeah no, i dont think anon wants skin cancer.

>> No.7462852

>what is sun poisoning

You canget really sick from that shit if you're not careful. Getting a sunburn so b ad you lose a half inch of skin is a really good way to seriously fuck yourself up.

The acne won't come back, sure, because his entire back would be scarred to shit from the radiation burns.

>> No.7462853


If that isn't the fucking stupidest advice in this thread I don't know what is. And this is saying something considering these threads don't have the soundest of advice.

>> No.7463065

The bottoms of my feet are pretty rough too. I get the thinnest no-show or ankle socks I can find in a matching color and put those on before my tights. If you really stare at my feet, yeah you can probably see the line of the sock. But it doesn't show in photos and generally people aren't staring at my feet.

This also helps keep me from getting blisters

>> No.7463366

Has anyone tried both Boscia black mask and Daiso Japan charcoal mask? I recently got the sample tube of Boscia and really like it, but I'm wondering if it is worth the price, or if the Daiso mask is anywhere comparable?

>> No.7463374

>for a couple days
not worth it
I used to get that as a fat kid. Tonight get as hot water as you can before it burned, dampen to soften the area and rub it with a towel then moisturize. If what you have is the same as what I got the dead skin will come off but this is only for aesthetic purpose only. You need to get that prescribed otherwise

>> No.7463377

Any seagulls have stories or experiences with plastic surgery they are willing to share? (preferably rhinoplasty)

I want to get my nose done but I'm terrified that it will go wrong and my nose will be even worse

>> No.7463383

yeah I was given BC too, didn't work either (even the $70 brand). I found out later I had PCOS and took to drinking more water and counting sugar intake per day with Sparkpeople. It was a lot more than I thought I was doing.

>> No.7463385

$1-$1.50 konjacs are on eBay. They are 100% as per the package but I am yet to compare to a more pricey brand. But its not like Konjac is a rare vegetable or anything its common in China.

>> No.7463388

good contouring and makeup. Tint or lipstick to the lips to plump them.

>> No.7463406

Well I'm watching a documentary on labiaplasty that's horrifying me but other than that no.

>> No.7463421

Any color and/or product advice for good contouring? I don't want to look like Reiner-chan.

>> No.7463505

I just got my nose done two months ago. I had the same fears as you, but as soon as I met my PS I knew I was in good hands. It really helped calm my nerves that everyone in the office was so friendly and my surgeon reminded me of my grandpa. Not at all the cold Hollywood kind of people I thought I'd meet.

I was pretty set on what I wanted done and I had my surgery 2 weeks after my consultation. Honestly I didn't offer much input on what I wanted done, just "remove the bump and lift the tip." I wasn't too picky about the front view. Both my PS and his assistant agreed with my vision and were realistic about what can and can't be achieved (nearly everything since I had a huge nose. I think the only issue they pointed out was between skin thickness of me and a a girl in a photo I had brought in). It also helped me feel better though, because I really didn't say much at all since I was so nervous but they immediately started discussing what to do amongst themselves and me with confidence.

I had a few meds given to me beforehand, including a patch I put on the night before for nausea. As far as the surgery goes (and I am a huge wimp) the worst part was getting the IV in. Once you get that in you're good to go. They wheeled me into the surgical room, I got a view of about 10 or so people, then I was knocked out. Woke up (without pain) a little while later and had to wait until the nausea went away. I didn't throw up, but it took about an hour or so before I could eat crackers without needing breaks.

>> No.7463510

I'm tired and wrote way more than planned...

The recovery was no big deal. I had to keep changing the drip pad under my nose (a piece of gauze you tape there) every 15 minutes or so at first, I really bled a lot. I slept most of the week, didn't really feel up to doing anything. You have to mouth breathe the whole time of course. It's annoying waking up with the desert in your mouth but it's not for long.

My PS removed the external splint after 1 week and the internal splints after 3. I hear this isn't typical, the internal splints are usually removed at the same time, but my biggest pain felt was from the splints digging into my skin as time went on. Other than that I can honestly say it didn't hurt at all. The scariest part is thinking about what they'll be doing while you're knocked out, but you're not even aware of what's going on at the time so it's really no big deal. Oh, and getting the stitches out sucks but it's over quickly.

Something to be aware of is that the tip swelling won't go down until around 1 year. They should be telling you this several times during appointments. It's no problem for me, since a little bit of a bulbous tip for a year is leagues better than what I started with, but just a warning. I'm extremely happy with how my nose turned out, I couldn't have asked for better. Once the swelling goes down I know it's exactly what I wanted.

>> No.7463516

I'm glad it went well, anon! Who was your PS?

>> No.7463906

Ankle socks! I do this with my favourite tights anyway to make them last longer.

>> No.7463920

It's been a few years since I've had acne so I idk if it might help.

The spots on my thighs never really cleared up with the rest of my body acne and my new doctor recommend phisohex http://www.makeupalley.com/product/showreview.asp/ItemId=20698/Phisohex-Antibacterial-Skin-Wash/Unlisted-Brand/Other it cleared it up pretty quickly. It was fairly cheap too, might be worth a shot if you haven't tried it already?

>> No.7463961

>washing face twice a day
Unless you have really oily skin or sweat a lot, this is overkill. Especially if you are using a cleanser which is too harsh, which the majority of people do.

>> No.7463963


>implying fat
>implying weight is causing a lifelong skin condition
But if just soaking and moisturizing removes it, I doubt it's the same issue.

Do you find that wearing socks under tights causes toe pain though? Because whenever I do that my feet feel really sore. Or are your socks just super thin? And thanks for the advice!

>> No.7463972

My ass is covered in scars from eczema, dark red patches about the size of my fingertip with dry, cracking skin over them. Can someone please give me some advice on what to do about this? I want to be able to wear a bikini in summer after all the weight I've lost to look good in one ;w;

>> No.7463974

Oh, and right now I'm putting my mometasone steroid cream on them once a day, but I have no idea if that's going to work, so I'd like to hear what other people have done for scars.

>> No.7464010

Dude, if it's lifelong then it might be acanthosis nigricans, which points to weight issues and/or diabetes. AN can't be removed by just scrubbing. Chafing due to fat thighs is one but skin darkening due to nutritional issues is another thing.
source: diabetic

>> No.7464038

You need to be moisturizing as well if they're dry and cracking, at least twice a day and preferably something like vitamin E cream since that helps with scars.

>> No.7464041

Okay, I will pick some of that up. Thank you!

>> No.7464239

Any tips for lip gloss that will look good with a medium a skin tone?
I have brown hair naturally and warm medium skin, and I just got a blonde wig that makes my skin look pasty
im trying to go with makeup that will lighten my skin and bring it out
also should I go with black eyeliner or would that be too harsh and make my skin look even darker?

>> No.7464356

>ask popular tumblr blogger why she uses lime crime
>mfw she never responds

>> No.7464395
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Male here.
I bought this as thanks to my cousin for lending me her bag. It was $40 tax free.

Dunno what it is, seems to be some kind of protection cream or something.

Worth it?

>> No.7464403

I haven't tried their face creams, but I love L'Occitane hand creams. Their products are generally well-reviewed so I think it was a good choice.

>> No.7464425

Explain that to them. I've done that shit before, raved about a product to a mua and they tell me otherwise. I always believe them because they have the training and do makeup all day and I don't.

>> No.7464432

What kind of makeup have you tried? If it's low-end drugstore stuff then maybe there's a specific ingredient that your skin doesn't like.

>> No.7464441

people were talking about this in an earlier thread, look it up on rbt

>> No.7464446

how did you find a good doctor? I'm terrified of finding someone shitty who will fuck me up even worse

>> No.7464491

I often go half a size to a full size up in shoes since I have flat feet and bunions and wear insoles with just about every pair of shoes I own, so I usually have space for socks in everything. You can buy "liner" socks which are thinner than regular ones.

>> No.7465256

Brooke Seckel, he's absolutely great I can't say enough good things about him and his staff.

I just looked for doctors in my area, looked at reviews (realself dot com is helpful), before and afters, and so on. Consultations cost money, so I ended up picking my first doctor after a lot of research. Plus he looked friendly and unintimidating in his photos with his bowties. I expected to have to shop around to find the right doctor but I was so pleased with how the consultation went that I booked my appointment immediately.

>> No.7465277

L'Occitane are the best. Very expensive, but all of their products are well worth the price.

>> No.7465379

Can I have some eyeliner recs? Liquid and white liners especially. I have super oily eyelids and every eyeliner I use always melts into a gross mess within a matter of hours.

>> No.7465503


It changes colour depending on the heat and humidity levels in your lips. In summer, or if you drink a lot of hot liquids, it will go quite a dark raspberry on some people. It's a great product though, totally destroys any dryness!

Colours that are lighter than your skintone will make you look more tanned, darker colours will make you look more fair (usually). If you're olive skinned it gets a bit more complicated because of the green tone, but that's usually the way it goes. If you can find a neutral -> peachey, rather than pinky, medium coloured lip product, that would be best (Dior Grege 1947, MAC Velvet Teddy, something like that). Don't go any lighter than that, it'll make you look darker.

>> No.7466001
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From the drugstore, I would recommend L'Oréal's Infaillible which is a pencil liner. I have pretty much oily everything which makes makeup melt off my face and this eyeliner hasn't failed me yet. Of course I take my precautions and always put some eye shadow as a base which I think is a must for people with oily eyelids. For extra protection, you can also line your eyes, pack some eye shadow on it and reline your eyes again (because the eyeliner color will be washed off a bit by the eye shadow).
In the liquid liners; Kat Von D's tattoo liner, Dolly Wink's liquid eyeliner and Bobby Brown's gel liner are always good.

>> No.7466026

I have a problem with my hair falling out... I'm pretty sure it's related to rapid weight loss and iron deficiency caused by my diet, so I'm trying to fix the issue by monitoring my vitamin intake etc.
Anyways.. how to hide bald/thinning spots? I've started parting my hair on the opposite side than usual since the hairloss is most prominent on my hairline around the place where I used to part my hair, but other than that, what should I do? I already ordered a wig but I hope I can stop the hair loss and I won't have to actually use it..

>> No.7466071

I'm trying to buy my first pair of false eyelashes. Does it matter what type you get? I see thin and super full ones, so it's confusing.

>> No.7466076
File: 79 KB, 299x299, Elishacoy_Luminous_Highlighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone ever been as far as decided to try the Elisha Coy Luminous highlighter? Pic related. I only found one review with pictures but it looks soo promising.

I'm currently hunting for a natural looking highlighter without any noticeable glitter and wouldn't break my poorfag student wallet. I'm open to suggestions - points if the highlight is neutral in color (tried a pink Korean one once but it looked just.. odd. I want that neutral model like glow and no gold-pink bullshit)

>> No.7466079

Sounds pretty serious, please see your doctor anon :(

>> No.7466084 [DELETED] 

Depends a lot on what kind of a look are you going for.
At first it's a good idea to get something more natural and experiment with it. Remember to cut them so they're the same lenght (or a bit shorter) than your eyes, and keep in mind that you can't trim the lashes themselves with good results.

>> No.7466087

Depends a lot on what kind of a look are you going for.
At first it's a good idea to get something more natural and experiment with it. Remember to cut them so they're the same lenght (or a bit shorter) than your eyes, and keep in mind that you can't trim the lashes itselves with good results.

>> No.7466091

There are loads of reviews for falsies and many makeup tutorials have them as part of it. Browse for a bit and see what effect you like the most then see if you can get the same or similar ones. Worked for me :)

>> No.7466158

Thanks for your consern, but I'm sure it's nothing serious, I think it's just because my diet is so restrictive that I don't get enough iron and stuff. I've always had low hemoglobin levels anyways. I've seen a doctor about it and they basically go "eat more meat" every time and that's it.
I'm going to pay more attention to the nutrients in I eat instead of the calorie amounts so I'm hoping it'll fix the hair loss and tiredness and stuff, but it'll take a while... I was hoping I'd get some tips about hiding thinning hair until it gets healthier and grows back again.

>> No.7467059
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The middle of my face is horrible. Its just bad. I have bumps on my nose that anything I use (amlactin, scubbing my fucking face off, and TLC) doesn't reduce them at all. Not to forget anything but, I also have like purple chicken skin for eyebags, to the point where it looks like I get black eyes every day. What do I do?!

I have combination\dry sensitive skin which s usually quite obedient (save for hormonal pimples).

(BTW, it it not greasy nasty, just lotion coated after removing makeup)

>> No.7467098

I've noticed the area at the corners of my mouth are darker and have a somewhat rough texture. I thought exfoliating and the lotion for my dry skin would help, but they're still there. Should I keep at it or is there another way?

>> No.7467101

Drink more water? Sometimes I rub chapstick there to help.

>> No.7467109

Hair thinning is a symptom of vitamin deficiency from prolonged disordered eating anon, something I unfortunately know all too well. You need to seek help, now.

>> No.7467129

Hats. I genetically have thin hair (biotin's helping a lot, though) and hats hide my "bald spots". Plus they make you look cute.

>> No.7467258

What do you do with your hair at night?

I have long, thin hair that looks gross the next morning. I've learned to put my hair up in a bun at night but it still doesn't stop from looking bad the next day. Is there another way of not getting my hair gross while I sleep?
>tfw hair just doesn't look good
>want to wash hair but know washing it everyday makes it worse

>> No.7467451

I loosely french braid mine and then in the morning spray some sea salt spray in it. It looks nice and wavy usually. If the nasty your talking about is greasy, pick up some natural shampoo. I have Nature's Gate shampoo and its heavenly. The conditioner isn't that good, but definitely pick up conditioner without silicones. It changes your life.

>> No.7467464

Try a nightcap?

>> No.7467564

Braid it, bun it, put it in a nightcap?

>> No.7467568
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Anybody have any tips on how to get rid of a light sunburn fast?
As you can see in the picture it's mostly just on my upper arms. (I didn't realize for my Ecology class that we would be going outside to study fishery techniques and so I forgot to put on sunscreen)

I'm going to try the method where you put teabags on your arms to try and help reduce the redness. I just thought I would see if anyone else had some advice.

>> No.7467575

Herp meant putting the teabags on the sunburn not just on my arms. Also gonna slap some aloe on there.

>> No.7467578

Anon, humans don't just lose their hair. If it is a dietary deficiency, more than hair loss is going to be a problem for you.

Doctors are not trained in nutrition; if you have a restrictive diet (sounds like you're some form of vegan?) and aren't careful, you're going to wind up malnourished.
If you can, consult with a nutritionist about your dietary needs sooner than later.

The only way you're going to stop the hair loss is by addressing WHY you're losing your hair. Correcting and readjusting your diet will take time to see results.

In the meantime, cute hats and wigs are about all you can do.

Good luck.

>> No.7467581

I've heard using unflavored yogurt is supposed to be good but never tried it. One thing I tried is to put Epsom salt and powered milk into a bathtub and soak in it, it helped me a bit.

>> No.7467587

Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I don't have access to a bathtub because I'm in a dorm but I'll try the unflavored yogurt trick. Thankfully it doesn't hurt, I just don't like looking pink.

>> No.7467589

use tons of aloe on it so it doesn't peel. it will fade to a tan in a few days as long as you're careful to keep your skin moisturized.

>> No.7467592

Kind of gross. I have flakiness behind my ears. It hurts when it peels. Is it possibly an allergic reaction to dye or something else?

>> No.7467845

Thanks so much anon!

>> No.7467958

I had the same thing, and I got a konjak sponge a few days ago and it's -really- helping. I use that and skin79 bb cleanser together in the morning and just the sponge at night

>> No.7468454


Is there anyone having luck with konjac for keratosis pilaris, or chicken skin?
I moisturize twice a day and expholiate every third day and the raised bumps are mostly gone but the little red pin pricks are still there.
I've also heard some stuff about coconut oil in the shower as a moisturizer, but that sounds like hype to me.

>> No.7468508

I had exactly the same thing with exactly the same skin type.
I started using a face wash with no irritants or comedogens at all, konjac sponge, really gentle pharmacy moisturizer, Thayer's witch hazel (unscented, but rose one is good too) and sunscreen. Also a scrub that I use once a week, three days is too often.
I stopped using face wash in the morning, just moisturizer and konjac + sunscreen then. It went away within a week but please use legit konjacs only.

>> No.7468509

Oh and witch hazel in both morning and evening after washing. Sorry I forgot.

>> No.7468534

Thanks much Anon!

>> No.7468545
File: 373 KB, 1195x411, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need help here...
I'm a bit of a newfag, but is there any quick was (like, within a week) to go from dark brown with light brown roots to platinum blonde with strawberry blonde roots? will it cause too much damage?

my hair is very thick and healthy. it stretches to my lower back.

>> No.7468598

What are some good tinted eyebrow gels?

>> No.7468615

Just.. Bleach it. I don't know why you'd specifically want darker roots, but I guess you can just dye them afterwards.

My hair had been dyed black ~8 times before I decided to lighten it, so I'm gradually lightening it more and more each time (The roots instantly go to platinum blonde, while the pre-dyed ends barely lighten and won't hold dye properly.)

>> No.7468910
File: 807 KB, 640x908, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anons, you've convinced me. I'll give my doctor a call.
I received my wig today though, it's pretty natural looking! I'm very happy with it. Shameless self-post related.

>> No.7468916

Girl, yeah.
While it's definitely possible to be this thin while eating healthy... I'd say get that dietary deficiency checked out sooner rather than later.

>> No.7468921

No it will damage your hair.
I would try bleaching the roots first, and speak with a hairstylist about gradually lightning the ends. Certainly don't do it yourself.
Source: plat. blonde with midback hair, went from henna red to bleach blonde in 2 tries, damaged hair slightly but still worth it to me

>> No.7468927

Is your hair dyed dark brown or virgin, anon? Just use a powder bleach like clairol quick blue and a 20-30vol developer. Id say stick with 20vol and dont go above that because anything above is really unnecessary and will fry your hair. Stay away from drugstore bleach. And make sure you really baby and condition your hair and use protein treatments and masks after.

>> No.7468935

I'm normal weight though, I'm just sucking my gut in in that picture haha. I'm 161cm/54kg.
I'll be seeing my doctor tomorrow.

>> No.7468941

Really! Are you very pear-shaped or something? You look nice either way.

>> No.7468953

Yeah, but you can still be missing vital nutrients and have disordered eating at a "normal" weight.

>> No.7468956 [DELETED] 

Yeah, most of my weight is in my butt and thighs which you can't see in that pic, heh. But hey, thanks! I have really only gotten negative comments from everyone about my weight loss so far, it feels nice to have a compliment every now and then. I lost 10kilos, goddammit I want someone to tell compliment me on my hard work.
I should work on toning though, I'm horribly flabby.

>> No.7468962
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Get some recs for foundation that'll make me look like a flawless purincessu

>> No.7468977

Yes I am, my weight is all on my butt and thighs. Thanks!
I've been saying it from the start though, I'm pretty sure I'm missing nutrients (iron). I deny having disordered eating though :( I try to eat as healthily as possible but I just don't like meat, which unfortunately is the best source for iron.
Sage for talking so much about myself, no1curr.

>> No.7469044

i figured if i had strawberry blonde roots itd look more natural and blend in with my brown hair when it grows out...it grows pretty fast.
i died it with temporary hair dye, but its still pretty dark. i really dont want to do it gradually because i dont want to deal with copper-y hair for more than a few days.

i heard that i could bleach it an hour at a time every other day and thats means i could get it platinum before the end of the week, but i dont think it was a reliable source

>> No.7469819

Thank you so much.I'm gonna place my order soon, but I see that theres black sponges, white sponges, and even green. I was looking at one from PureGanic. Are these legit?

>> No.7469892
File: 34 KB, 640x480, hamham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any effective drugstore concealers and/or foundations?

>> No.7469944

Anyone else have experience with laser hair removal, specifically on underarms? Last year I went for 5 treatments and while the hair wasn't completely gone it thinned out significantly. I was good for a few months and then it all just grew back full-force.

Now I'm going back for more with a new dermatologist but I'm just worried I got the wrong idea about laser hair removal in the first place. Is it supposed to grow back when you don't continue treatments? I asked the dermatologist if maybe I was just an unusual case but she didn't exactly give a straight answer, just said to get more treatments.

>> No.7469966

I've never had laser that was permanent, I had to get electrolysis for it to never come back. I had the same experience you have but got tired of it so I just stepped it up.

>> No.7469986

This. Although I didn't have really bad backne I still had quite a bit of it and this cleared it completely.

>> No.7470798

What do you consider as "effective"? Longevity? Finish? Coverage? and for what?
Casual, Cosplay, everyday?
It really depends on you and your budget.

For my clients who are on a budget, I always recommend the Revlon Colorstay line. It takes some getting used to to apply to your face, but it's longevity is one of the best.
I also recommend it for Cosplayers on a budget. Just make sure you powder over it with a pigmented loose powder to counter the "flashback" from the spf.

What's your price range?
Cream foundations look the most natural and last the longest (when done right)
I use RCMA cream foundations and Kett cream foundations for all of my bridal work because it just looks so flawless.

Multiple possibilities. Could be dry skin, dandruff, fungus, dermatitis, psoriasis.

If it's a reaction to dye, it'll affect your whole face. So it's not that. Try anti-dandruff shampoo, usually that's the case.
Try to go sunbathing, just make sure you get the back of your ears. If it subsides, it's fungus and you should consult your dermatologist.

It could be lack of hydration or because of hormones.
If you have a hormonal problem or taking anything for hormones(birth control included), that could be it.
But it's not that big of concern, it's normal.

I find that highlighters made in Asia have glitters in them, I don't really recommend them to my clients unless that's what they want.
I suggest look into ELF undereye highlighters.
It comes with both an undereye concealer and a light reflecting highlighter, which is really nice if you blend it out.
It goes for about 2 dollars.

The shape does not matter, it depends what look you want.
Just stay away from plastic ones, they're a bitch to put on and they're heavy.

>> No.7470804
File: 326 KB, 1600x1200, 20121211_140739 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Covergirl's Outlast 3 in 1 foundation! I still use a primer underneath (Revlon's Photoready Color Correcting Primer), but this stuff does an amazing job at hiding my pores, freckles, redness, and the little busted capillaries around my nose that I hate so much. I'm really pale and finding a foundation that didn't make me look orange as hell was quite a feat, but this stuff blends perfectly with my skintone! I don't get acne anymore but it also did a great job covering that too! If your skin's not as dumb as mine, you might also think about Covergirl's Trublend foundation, it's very light and comfortable but doesn't have the awesome coverage that Outlast has. That's not to say the Outlast isn't comfortable too, though!

>> No.7470808

Around £10-£30. I've tried pressed powder, mouse and liquid but they've all been kinda meh.

>> No.7470809


>It takes some getting used to to apply to your face

Different anon here but I was wondering how you suggest applying it? I've tried using a brush, fingers, and a sponge in the past but it always looks streaky. For reference I have very combo skin, my cheeks and forehead tend to be oily but I get quite dry on and around my nose and chin.

>> No.7470816

Anyone recommend a powder that doesn't smell funny or make me feel like I've caked myself (especially in my nostrils) even though I only applied a little? Asian brands maybe?

I've tried Revlon a looong time ago and now I just go without, but babby's first cosplay's coming up and I want to look matte.

>> No.7470867

For every day use, Maybelline's Anti-shine Fit Me stick is great.

Decent coverage, really soft texture, matte finish without being powdery and drying.
I used to spend ~20 minutes just doing my foundation each time because I'm so neurotic about the texture. Brushing it on evenly, patting/sponging it, etc. With this I just put a couple of lines on my cheeks/forehead and then smooth it over.

It's around $15 for a month or two of daily use in Australia.

>> No.7470870
File: 223 KB, 600x600, maybelline[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7470871

what is a decent but relatively inexpensive creme foundation? for day to day wear. Thinking like drugstore brands.

Also, primer recommendations, anyone?

>> No.7470875

How do you apply it?

>> No.7470882

>With this I just put a couple of lines on my cheeks/forehead and then smooth it over.

It's basically a mousse foundation compressed into a stick. You draw a few lines over your face and then gently rub it over so that it covers the whole area.

It's super soft and velvetty.

>Also I just realized its closer to $5 in America. ;~;

>> No.7470920

For 30 dollars you can buy yourself a single RCMA or Kett cream foundation. They are in my opinion and my other MUA friends opinion, the best foundations.
Apply it with a brush and blend it out with a soft sponge or apply with a dense sponge (Beauty Blender, Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge, anything like that).
It gives such a great finish.
If you want to look like a porcelain doll, pat over some loose powder that is the same color as your foundation.

Revlon Colorstay dries up pretty quickly, so with all the techniques you have to do it really fast. Work on one area, blend it out and work on the next.

I prefer to brush it on the skin and pat it with a soft cosmetic blending sponge. Alternatively you can apply it with a flat foundation brush and blend it out with a blending foundation brush like Sigma F80.

But fingers work just fine, sometimes better if you have combination skin.
Using brushes creates micro exfoliation and it irritates dry skin.
Just work very quickly with it, using a primer helps a whole lot.

Use loose powder, pressed powders are only for applying extra coverage or changing tones.
Pressed powders WILL make it make cakey.

Etude house makes loose powder, however I don't really recommend it for Cosplayers. Etude house is notorious for slapping SPF onto everything, even the powders. Which for flash photography, still gives it a white cast.
If you can spend a little extra, try Ben Nye or RCMA loose powders.

Like the other Anon said, Maybelline Anti-Shine Fit Me stick as well as Maybelline Clear Smooth BB Stick.
I don't really recommend any of Maybelline's cream foundations. Not the most natural looking, but for everyday, go for it.
If you have 30 dollars to spare, RCMA, Kett or Mac cream foundations are great. They last a very long time and have great coverage.

For Primers, Elf does a great primer, even comparable to Smashbox's primer.
NYX also has great primers for very different functions.

>> No.7470923

Do other lolitas/cosplayers here use fake tan? I'm not talking about bottle orange tan, but natural looking fake tanner. I've recently started using it as someone who is exceedingly pale and cannot seem to pick up a tan or a "healthier" looking skintone. What are your opinions on lolitas wearing fake tan, even if it's just to give a hint of colour to their skin? I always hear about skin whitening and bleaching, but unfortunately fake tan here doesn't get mentions.

>> No.7470936

RCMA looks fantastic! Thanks! I'll look into Etude House for everyday wear (I don't mind looking pale as fuck.)

>> No.7471015

Anyone use the Clarisonic stuff?

>> No.7471583

This is a long shot, but has anyone here ever used temporary dental caps such as these(ebay.com/itm/like/251417099906?lpid=82) for cosmetic/cosplay purposes?

See, I have pretty bad dental fluorosis. It looks like staining, but unlike staining whiting won't have any impact on it. Nothing will have any impact on it. The only thing I can do is chip off half of each affected tooth and get porcelain caps put on, which I can't afford. But I was thinking for con and picture purposes maybe I could try these temporary caps. I just don't know if they would fit my teeth and even if they did where I would find safe glue for them.

Any thoughts/suggestions/experiences?

>> No.7471589

It's okay but too expensive to use all the time. You have to change the brushes too which are about 40 bucks. Konjac > MIA.

>> No.7471606


>> No.7471695
File: 10 KB, 285x287, 1394631421961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had terrible acne on my back, i have scars from it, i used acne creams prescribed from my doctor, cleansers/exfoliating shit etc and it either made it worse or didnt work.
now i have no back acne after trying this method which took me a month to clear the majority of acne; wash your back with any kind of soap and then slather a moisturizer like vaseline (important part) and it works like a charm esp if you have oily skin

>> No.7471707

holy shit youre hot dw
its because your features are very strong/masculine
id recommend soft makeup looks and long hair to balance the sharpness of your face

>> No.7471726

Just get this instead.

>> No.7471729

I'm going to post here in hopes anyone in a similar situation can give me some help, although I will be scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist (again) soon.
I usually have dry skin, which I try battling by moisturizing everyday. The problem is that my acne is getting worse. I've always had skin problems, any mosquito bite, any pimple, will become an ugly hole and remain a dark scar. My legs are covered in spot-like scars because of this, which is already a piece of shit because I avoid wearing skirts/shorts or anything that will expose them. But lately, it's my face. I get pimples that become really really ugly, whether I touch them or not, whether I put the cream recomended by the dermatologist, skin repairing creams or just don't do anything at all. When I finally get one of them to heal (and yep, they are leaving a mark), two more come up.
I'm becoming really frustrated and not only is it stopping me from cosplaying (because my face looks like shit even with high coverage makeup), it's leaving me between being so ashamed that I just want to hide my face and wanting to give up and accept that I'll just have to look like shit for the rest of my life.
Anyone in a similar situation that found a solution and can shed a beam of hope on me?
I've spent my childhood in a dermatologist, doing treatments and taking pills, I don't want to go through all that again...

>> No.7471749
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Seagulls. Please help. I'm getting desperate.

Since I was about 13 I've had thin hair (depression and anxiety caused me hair loss) and it's never quite been the same. I'm losing weight and stuff, and I feel confident, but at the same time I can't help but look in the mirror and see some limp thin sad looking hair. I tried cutting it shorter, and it helped a little bit, but not really as much as I'd like.

I've done most of the usual stuff, I've tried blow drying my hair upside down, using products, low heat on my hair, light conditioners, showering in luke warm water, massaging my scalp, using various oils, clip in hair extensions, etc.

It's making me feel self conscience.

Should I just get a wig? Spend the money on a professional and have them put extensions in my hair? What do I do?
The only problem I have with a wig is that it makes my head really sweaty and the sweatiness starts making it itch.
And as for the hair extensions, my hair looks really lumpy and weird when I put them in.

Any insight or tips are appreciated.

>> No.7471853
File: 193 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice or product recommendations for foot care? I want to make my feet really good looking for the summertime but because of my job and working out they're usually in rough shape. The last time I went on Lush's website I found out that they have some foot-related products but I'm not sure what I should try using.

>> No.7471859

running out of makeup. haven't bought makeup in 5 years. want to try some Asian brands as well.
here's what I need
>undereye makeup
>waterproof eyliner

what do I get?
I have medium skin tone that only gets oily around hell week.

>> No.7471860

True True. There are two ways of getting a good deal on hot tools.
1) Have a beauty license and get them at stores where they only sell to stylists. (CosmoProf, Salon Centric, etc)
2) Ebay. I got my Sedu blow dryer for $95.00 on ebay and we retail it for $165.00 at the salon.

>> No.7471862

I second this for advice! I've been moisturizing the bottoms of my feet, before I go to bed, for the past week and it's been helping some but I think I need an exfoliator or some sort of special pedicream. The dry skin around my toenails is the worst part.

>> No.7471893

Don't dye your hair or tie it, just use hair clips and barrettes.
Get some hair repair serum or a shampoo for preventing hair loss (the one old men use is usually good).
Wash your hair once a week. Americans think this is gross but then won't stop asking how French girls have such pretty hair. This is how.
The best way to cure it is to get rid of the underlying causes.
I had panic disorder with anxiety and have developed a peptic ulcer from it, as well as a plethora of other things (chronic insomnia, chain smoking - now quit after a trip to the ER and the doctor saying my heart would give out if I didn't stop), so I say from experience when I say that the sooner you get rid of it, the better.
Someone here suggested rhodiola (?), you can try that. I'd also suggest getting a lavender plant or baggies of dried lavender to put in your home, valeriane root pills or tea, camomille tea also. Go see a therapist and have scheduled sessions, or at least get some mild sedatives if you can't get a therapist. There's really nice books you could read also: one's popular, it's called "mindfulness", the other is called "how to control your self" by Emile Coue. Third is a workbook by Dr. Edmund Bourne called something like "how to defeat anxiety". Practice breathing deep, wear comfy fuzzy slippers, minimal makeup and comfy clothes that aren't tight. Go to the petting zoo or play with your pet if you have one. Don't read things that trigger you (for me it was mention of any mental illness or divorce) and cut the Internet usage. Get enough sleep and do chores while singing (if you do chores in silence you'll start thinking bad things and get scared).
The anxiety has to go for everything else to fix itself. Good luck!

>> No.7471895
File: 144 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped extremely important pic

>> No.7472140

Just a few questions:

-Can you get away with just wearing a primer and concealer as part of your daily routine?

- I've noticed that although I use a primer (let it sit for a couple mins) and use a foundation, the area around my cheeks are somewhat porous. Would a toner help reduce them? My skin is a dry/oily combination and I am acne prone.

- Are eyebrow stencils recommended for beginners?

I'm new to using makeup and trying to get the hang of it.

>> No.7472394

You could, but using a powder (since you don't want a heavy look, use a sheer foundation) to set it would do you good, since you have combo skin. Plus, setting it will keep the concealer from getting all over the place.

For the pores, you can use a blur/pore eraser like Benefit's Porefessional ($30), Loreal's Miracle Blur ($20), or Maybelline's Baby Skin ($6)

And if you feel more comfortable with stencils, go for it. Try looking at your own brow shape first. You would be surprised how easy it is to manage your brows. just find how they grow naturally, and gently fill in. If there's hairs that go off from where the brow *should* be, then you can tweeze/thread/wax them to clean up the brows. There are bunch of youtube videos that show great tips! :)

>> No.7472436

Just adding onto what >>7472394 said, a toner will clean your pores and perhaps help with your acne, but it won't fill in your pores. Look into a primer (there are ones that are water-based and silicone-based) that works for you.

Stencils might be good for plucking but I would say just use a pencil. Just do short, small strokes. You can also use powder (eyeshadow is fine) and a brush and just fill in, which is probably easier to do (and harder to mess up).

>> No.7472617

Try Etude House for Undereye makeup, even though Etude house is made for light skin, a light undereye concealer would look great on a medium tone if blended out into an inverted triangle. It's water base as well, so that helps with the oiliness.
For Primer, I always recommend Elf mineral Primer to all my clients who are on a budget. If you have the extra buck to spend, try Smashbox.
If you wanna stick to Asian brands, Etude House Aura Nymph, however it has illuminating properties so it's not the best for oily skin.
Waterproof eyeliner, Maybelline Gel Liner or Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner.
They do not budge at all, they last all day and only come off with makeup remover. I don't recommend Asian brands like Etude House or Lioele for this because they're not the best at making eye stuff.

>> No.7472622


Yes, you can definitely get away with just concealer. Nothing wrong with that.

What method do you use to apply your foundation?
A toner would not help reduce them, it's not meant to close your pores.
Try to scrub your face with Baking Soda, whenever I suggest this methods to my clients, they see dramatic differences on their pores.
Pore Erasers are temporary and don't always work on prominent pores. They are made for "normal" pores.
But if you insist on using them on bigger pores, apply a sheer coat and apply your foundation using a stippling brush, Kabuki brush or a foundation brush much like the Sigma F80 and apply it in small circular motions.
This helps cover the pores more effectively.
Don't do this on very dry areas, though.

I don't recommend them even for beginners. Stencils are made for people with a mathematically proportionate faces, which seldom does anybody have that Golden Ratio face. Not only that, everyone's eyebrow hairs grow differently. You can follow it, but it can turn out with lots of bald patches because of the direction of hair growth.

If you wanna shape your brows yourself, there are millions of tutorials online to find the right angle and thickness for your face shape and not just the line method", that doesn't always work.
If possible, consult a professional. They know Brow Anatomy and can teach you which hairs to pluck, which hairs to not pluck, etc.

For filling in the brows, still don't recommend stencils. Try to use pencils, pens, powders, gels.
Look at YouTube videos, there are hundreds of methods and it all depends on the person and the look.
These days, the "gradient" method is very popular. But it's one of the harder methods.
The "small stroke" method only really works if your pencil is really sharp or you're using a pen. But when done right, it looks the most natural.
Research on it and find the look that you like.

>> No.7472632

Nyx finally came to my town so I went and got the poreless primer like reccomended and the matte finishing spray coz I needed a makeup setter anyway

Did nyx stuff better be good

>> No.7472631

I had a similar situation with the dark scaring, severe acne, which my dermatologist couldn't fix. Had to get a mandatory blood test for Uni and turns out I have hyperglycemia.
Reducing my Sugar, Glucose and Carbohydrate intake got rid of all my scars completely (with the help of vitamins)
As for my acne, turns out to be Hormonal Acne and I had to consult an Endocrinologist.
Which he then recommended I take pills to balance my hormones, change my diet and take some more supplements.
Within just 3 months, it has reduced to just a little bit of acne.

A dermatologist's specialty is the skin, mostly just the surface of the skin.
But it's not always a surface problem, sometimes it's internal so a dermatologist couldn't always help.
Get your blood tested for any abnormalities. See an Endocrinologist or an OBGYN. Cause from what you're saying, it sounds more like an internal problem.

>> No.7472635

what vitamins did you go on?
I want to get a blood test but can you just walk into a pathology or do you need a doctors recomendation?

>> No.7472637

blunt hair cuts make hair look unbelievably thicker

>>7471893 this advice is great

>> No.7472645

I've been two shades lighter than white for years, anon, and just recently spent a week holidaying on a little island off of Australia.

>mfw I was too careful about my face and now it looks like I have perpetual clown makeup.

I, too, would like a nice natural fake tan brand that can be used on the face.

>> No.7472672

I've done blood tests a couple times already between the end of last year and this year and the only thing out of the ordinary was related to my thyroid..? There isn't anything /wrong/ so to say, but my doctor is keeping it under watch.
Thank you so much for your answer though, I'll do as you suggested.

>> No.7472719

Hyperthyroid or Hypothyroid?
What kind of doctor did you see? If your doctor said you have either or symptoms of either, I highly suggest you see an Endocrinologist.
Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are both hormonal issues which can lead to Hormonal and Cystic Acne.
It wouldn't hurt to check with an OBGYN to see if you have PCOS, Hypothyroidism and PCOS usually come hand in hand, if you have one, chances are you have the other.
But just having Hypothyroid or PCOS can cause and is the leading cause of Hormonal Acne for females.

I went in a private clinic and just got it on that day, but you'll need your doctor to explain the results. There are different types of blood and urine tests, so ask for an all over "package", one that checks glucose, Sodium ,TB, Hormones, Mercury, platelets etc.

For Vitamins, I took a lot of Vitamin E, C and Omega 3. All of which helped my skin become healthier.

>> No.7472822

OCC tip tar

>> No.7472824

these things are ultra hard, even when soaked in water. don't waste your money anon.

>> No.7472832

>not just getting pure mango butter or shea butter

>> No.7472836

perms fuck up your hair, never do this

>> No.7472842

got mine from eBay, too. they're pretty good. so I decided to back up some more and they were slightly different this time, kind of smaller and harder. I bet there are some different qualities out there. never would buy a single one for 20$ or something though.

>> No.7472906

Can anyone recommend a good facial moisturizing creme for mixed skin? Like something you swear by. I moved to Europe recently and people tend to recommend american brand stuff that I can't get here unless I import it or something.

>> No.7472930

I'm in need of a good sun protecting cream for my face for the daily use. I plan to mix it with my regular moisturizer which has oils (jojoba) in it. Which ones can you recommend? I've acne prone skin so I'd be grateful for good/natural ingredients.

>> No.7472933

Are there any confirmed real konjac sponges on ebay or am I taking my chances by buying there?

I'm also clueless about makeup, I seem to have missed the critical period where girls learn to wear it or something. I'd really like to be less ugly, and I was thinking a lightly tinted bb cream, eyeliner, and lipstick/lip gloss might be a good start, but I really have no idea. Does anyone have any suggestions for a someone who's totally new at makeup?

On a side note, I have kp, so I can give advice/help on that if anyone wants some tips

>> No.7473012

I got the cheapest white ones and they're legit.

>> No.7473980

does anyone know any effective lip balms that makes your lips really soft after awhile?
i was thinking of buying baby lips, but i've heard some bad reviews.

>> No.7474090

You have a very high fashion face, if that makes sense. Not the kawaii uguu~ baby face that /cgl/ gushes over. I say you're gorgeous (dem cheekbones, unf), but I wouldn't know how to give you more of the face you prefer :(

>> No.7474816

before and after pls

>> No.7474820

Hey, anon! I had this ALL through middle school before finally figuring out it was a combination of eczema and dehydration. Keep yourself very healthy and hydrated and it will slowly improve. And don't pick at it, that just makes everything worse.

>> No.7474845

>I have pretty bad dental fluorosis. It looks like staining, but unlike staining whiting won't have any impact on it.

I've had it for YEARS! I even went to the dentist and they tried to drill it off, but it's too deep.

They suggested I get a veneer for my tooth (it's one of the very front ones, so very noticeable), because lighting and drilling it away was NOT going to work. If it's just for cosplay, I say go for it.

>> No.7475944

Stupid question of the day; false lashes.....exactly where do they attach? I'm utterly makeup clueless and just starting to try and finally learn the basics over the summer, yet no tutorials seem to address whether the falsies go on top of or underneath your natural lashes. I'm afraid of just guessing and making it look incredibly stupid...