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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7453199 No.7453199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/b/ told me to ask /fa/. /fa/ told me to ask here.

Where should I get a Guy Fawkes mask? My senior prom is a masquerade and I think it's be funny.

>> No.7453204

ask /mlp/

>> No.7453203

It would not, get a different costume

>> No.7453210

:( Why?

>> No.7453214

because i've been following you around from /b/ just to haunt you

>> No.7453217

Ask /google/

>> No.7453221

There are so many choices:(

>> No.7453223


>> No.7453227

You can get them pretty easily on Amazon /b/ro.
Here's the link to one that's cheap and looks good. Good luck at prom m8

>> No.7453234

Thank you!

>> No.7453237 [DELETED] 


>> No.7453242
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>ironically everyone will fucking know who you are

>thinking it would be original and funny

why are high school normal fags who are always attempting to be edgy.. so cringe worthy? More so them most weebs ive seen, at least they are slightly more original maybe even much more tolerable

>> No.7453246

> :(

confirmed that under age faggots from high school should leave

>> No.7453275

Step1: Don't
Step 2. Repeat forever

>> No.7453277 [DELETED] 

I don't know I think you should go ask /r9k/

>> No.7453304

so how come you didn't browse around hot topic the last time you were there op?
Last time I went into that god awful place there was guys in mlp shirts and shit messing around with it going "expect us" and whatnot

>> No.7453333

why the fuck can't you just google "guy fawkes mask" and be done with it? first result was one on ebay, you don't need to ask three fucking boards for that

>you're not cool
>no one is impressed by your 2008 edgy may mays

>> No.7453343

Give him a break, if he's from /b/ he's probably 15 and doesn't know any better

>> No.7453935

Child, don't do that. It's not funny, it'll just make you look like a complete autist.

>> No.7454184

Do you think it's going to be hilarious? Do you think you're gonna show up at the dance and everyone is going to burst into laughter the second they see you in that mask and want to know how you got so funny and where you came up with this idea because you're the fucking comedian of the school?

>> No.7454509

Ask /d/

>> No.7454680

It won't be funny. Do anything else.