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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 655x960, 897654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7448136 No.7448136[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post cosplayers that are on the rise to being famous!

LeeLeeTheBunny is on the left and she's really great, gained 1000+ likes on her page in a month. Post some more cosplayers that are rising in popularity that could give Jessica Nigri a run for her money

>> No.7448144

>not even red
Self post or vendetta?

>> No.7448149

because everyone loves boxy torsos with no whisper of tits or ass

>> No.7448179

>inaccurate costume
>not even red
>no body shape or tits to be seen

try again

>> No.7448192

I actually like that body type. but that's my personal preference.

>> No.7448207
File: 136 KB, 1072x712, 92io3jwkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leelee great tits confirmed

>> No.7448226
File: 274 KB, 1707x2000, Etna2bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture just made me realize Scanty and Kneesocks' demon outfits are really similar to Etna's.

>> No.7448255

This is the most embarrassing self post I've seen in the last months.

>> No.7448280

It's weird seeing a vendetta thread for someone you knew back in the day when they were obscure.

>> No.7448403

Please don't smile until you bleach your teeth...

>> No.7448415

>gained 1000+ likes on her page in a month
OMG! 1000 likes?! That has so much actual meaning and relevance and is totally indicative of your skills as a costumer!

>> No.7448443
File: 200 KB, 545x800, 1381868833580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not red

>> No.7448453

She looks dead, also that looks like a straight out of the bag chibi from arda. 0/10

>> No.7448576

Christ, is that supposed to be asuka and rei?

>> No.7448720
File: 67 KB, 960x960, u4983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc she makes posts like "If possible, don't forgot to share, I feel so bad asking but it really is a huge help ;-;<3"

>> No.7448750

>Is holding both scythes
>Has both her thigh highs on

This shit pisses me off with PASWG cosplayers

>> No.7448755

a huge help towards what exactly

>> No.7448760

her stocking is on the wrong leg and those tattoos look so bad why

>> No.7448761


Or this gem:

I will in fact be doing a giveaway for 2000 likes on this page. If you are excited to find out what it is then get sharing and tell your friends! Likes on my page means I get more work and I get to eat so every share really does count

>> No.7448765

what tattoos? You can barely see them

>> No.7448786
File: 78 KB, 640x960, o2wui3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TATTO is everywhere on my page lately, and I like it (also a superior Jinx)

>> No.7448791

>means I get more work and I get to eat so every share really does count

what the fuck is she talking about

>> No.7448796

No idea who that is, but she looks high as fuck with an unfortunate face and no boobs whatsoever

>> No.7448798

well ok you can only see one? but it's clear they are opaque and bright blue. jinx's tattoos don't look like that even in the MV and certainly wouldn't in real life

>> No.7448809

What bugs me is she doesn't do any of her own props, always gets them commissioned.
>That nose

>> No.7448826

Ex-friend of OP chick here. She's a huge pathological liar and is fucking crazy. She bought all those likes this past month (her like count jumped overnight) and she probably did one ACP event where they gave her a badge, and in her mind this is "paying her bills" now she's a promo model didn't u know

>> No.7448833
File: 54 KB, 450x450, 1391650162953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easily correctable, though.

>tfw it will be years before you can even consider having enough for the surgery

>> No.7448846

LeeLeeTheBunny the bunny is nice and all, but she's constantly talking about how other cosplayers could have done better or giving critiques... and she hardly ever fully finishes her costumes before she wears them. Its kinda annoying.

>> No.7448874


You weren't kidding, every description on her costumes on ACP is "I made this the hour before the convention"

>> No.7448878
File: 154 KB, 1366x2048, kwjek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LeeLee told every single person at Otakon about how mostflogged got her period on one of her prop pieces so I like her

>> No.7448883

aww she didn't tell me that. storytime, anon?

>> No.7448892

No thanks, she's just as overly dramatic and talks just as much shit as Leelee.

>> No.7448901
File: 498 KB, 1552x1036, oeirjo343343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stuffed carrot hanging off her in this picture, the photographer asked mostflogged (second from left) to stradle sit on it but she wasnt wearing any underoos and was on her period so she got period blood all over the carrot

>> No.7448913

Seconding THIS

>> No.7448922

Needs a nose job and a sammich first

>> No.7448923

....that can't actually have happened, can it? I mean holy fuck

>> No.7448952

It really did, mostflogged has addressed it on her formspring and tumblr when people have asked about it many times. Of course MF is not embarased by it it was just a period

>> No.7448970

is that a man

>> No.7449009

How could she be on her period and not wearing any underwear and not ruin her own white dress?

>> No.7449010

The kind of gross part is the no undies. I mean, even if she hadn't bled, she would still have been rubbing her cooch on someone else's prop and that's p gross if you ask me.

>> No.7449012

yeah, it's obviously baloney, but a silly story I guess!

>> No.7449020

She might have been wearing a tampon and had a 'malfunction' of sorts.

>> No.7449025

she started spotting during the photoshoot and then Jessie Pridemore screamed at MF about how disgusting she was

>> No.7449027

>screamed at MF about how disgusting she was

For not being prepared or for having her period in general?

>> No.7449028

All of these white bitches look like men to me

I think I'm turning into Proud Asian Cosplayer

>> No.7449030

if mf looks white or manly to you get your eyes checked yo

>> No.7449044

Yeah, the white ones, that's why I said white ones.

>> No.7449052

Even if she wasn't prepared for her period, that's no excuse to not wear underwear. She could've *at least* worn a thong.

>> No.7449056
File: 785 KB, 630x312, mfcarrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baloney you say?

>> No.7449061

You too, huh? Not surprised though, and last I spoke to her was when she was still known only in NE.

>> No.7449063
File: 785 KB, 630x312, mfcarrot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7449087

why is mostflogged so disgusting and shameless

>> No.7449094

That's most flogged for you - taking the drama wherever she goes.

>> No.7449099

i'm no longer grossed out, by the knowledge she was at least wearing tights. and I mean these things happen. tbh, though, I don't get the "couldn't wear it" thing. it's worthwhile to take the time and make some special temporary underwear for costumes like that (maybe goes on with adhesives or has transparent plastic ribbon as the waistband) and kind of assumed most big-name cosplayers did

>> No.7449121

Drama follows her everywhere. I think I read that she was punched in the face recently.

>> No.7449175

Honestly, she could have worn a body suit with a really high hip.

>> No.7449188

Fugly piece of shit .. also waaay to thin .. I'm out.

>> No.7449219

The patient appears to be suffering from severe horseface

>> No.7449215


>> No.7449243

>rising stars

hahah oh wow

>> No.7449248

goddamn she's like InuAshley tier minus the chin, how did she get popular?

>> No.7449472

jnig and mf, riding coat tails

>> No.7449488

Euuughew that is one ugly... wait, is this even a woman? Legit question here. Masculine face, no sign of a waist, or any trace of hips.

>> No.7449738

>Likes on my page means I get more work and I get to eat
What in gods sweet name does this even fucking mean!? Is she being held captive and forced to cosplay for her meals?? scumbag shit :/

>> No.7449801
File: 186 KB, 308x560, jinx-classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no boobs
Jinx is flat chested you fuck

>> No.7450247

Lol bought likes

>> No.7450399

The grossest thing about this is if she was just sitting, the dance tights would have soaked it up. But she was bleeding heavily enough that it soaked her tights and then was enough to transfer to another item when she sat on it

>> No.7450406

guessing by "just sitting" you mean "just spotting"
I'm betting there was like, only a tiny droplet of blood on the carrot and LeeLee made a huge deal out of it because she likes attention

>> No.7450420

omg what please share

>> No.7450432
File: 74 KB, 900x600, 1395688350801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's pretty good

>> No.7450483

Yes, she's pretty good for THAT character. Only for that one.

>> No.7451122

Read the thread, click the images

>> No.7451132

>on your period
Do you understand how that doesnt work?

>> No.7451162

I feel you

>> No.7451173

She's wearing tights, though.

>> No.7451176

It's called a tampon.

>> No.7451179

it still makes no sense to wear a thong on your period
and not everyone wears tampons

>> No.7451181

Or just put a pantyliner inside her tights.

>> No.7451190

I actually really like her for Jinx. I mean, her face really is unfortunate but besides that, her bodytype is what I envisioned her like IRL and the cosplay looks leagues better than most of the others I've seen.

>> No.7451195

Agreed, her body type is perfect.

>> No.7451211

If you're on your period and your choices are thong or no underwear at all, thong is the logical choice. Besides, I've actually worn a thong with a tiny pad inside while I was on my period before.

>> No.7451215

So, in other words, this is a self-post thread.

>> No.7451219

I wear thongs while on my period all the time?

As long as you're not a nasty bitch and go all day without changing your tampon, I actually find it more comfortable. They also make pantyliners just for thongs.

I'm not talking about a god damn g-string, but shit. Tampon + pantyliner is fine when you wear a thong.

>> No.7452283

MF doesn't usually wear underwear when she cosplays. This is known.

>> No.7453166

MF doesn't wear underwear ever. She's inviting getting fucked all the time

>> No.7453189
File: 21 KB, 482x360, 1333491717963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is Jynix supposed to be some rip off of the joker and harely quinn combined?

seriously that is all I see, why does everyone act like this character is so fucking original?

>> No.7453197

looks like she can barely even make cleavage with that padded bra shes wearing faggot

>> No.7453213

just imagine that all rito team tried so hard to create a character that involves the shitty weaboo culture in one character so ppl will forget about their other 100 same characters.
even her fucking dance is a reference to adventure time

>> No.7453417

>gets to eat

Looks like she gets a lot of work then

>> No.7453447

I really like her, she seems pretty skilled and nice. Sucks that she gets so much unwarranted hate here

>> No.7453454

She gets a lot of hate, but she was really friendly and open with advice when I asked her once on tumblr. She does the best she can with her looks, and her craft is generally good. Just the way she types makes me want to punch a wall.

>> No.7453453

It looks like she had tights on?
Probably snuck up on her.

>> No.7453483

I really like the unique look, tbh. It seems to fit the character, moreso than being a perfect, conventionally attractuve doll.

>> No.7453585

>no underwear
>white costume

No one is actually that stupid... right?

>> No.7453601

Sheer tights which are pretty much just mesh which is very easy to... leak through.

>> No.7453616

Yeah, this. When I used to dance, we literally weren't allowed to wear underwear for the recital bc our teacher didn't want all the pantylines showing through the costumes. So if you were on your period you just had to affix your lady products to the tights. Kind of awkward, but we made it work...

>> No.7453620

Haha that's awesome
I know /cgl/ doesn't think much of JP but I kind of think she's rad

>> No.7453949 [DELETED] 

>Of course MF is not embarased by it it was just a period
I hope that's a joke. Bleeding on shit is unacceptable, especially if the blood is clumped up and coming out of your cunt.

>> No.7455776
File: 577 KB, 173x182, 1310703227971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these two. They're nice n' thick.

>> No.7457659
File: 146 KB, 345x345, 1395912590209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't even have the interface headset on holy shit
asuka is only seen without the interface headset in like, a couple of scenes tops its an intrinsic part of her character that she wears them?because its a display of her pride as an eva pilot? theyre not even difficult to make why would you not make them this costume isnt even done nice out of the bag chibi from arda its not even long enough
if you wanna be "cosplay famous" at least fuckin try

>> No.7457683

Mostflogged is a drama whore who craves attention and seems to think she gets to sit on some kind of pedastil. Shes also a closeminded bitch who stereotypes people.She has some kind of princess complex or something. I feel bad for anyone who wants to be in her clique

>> No.7457815

>1000+ likes on her page in a month

So what? You get 1000+ likes in a day if you get shared by the right people.

>> No.7458078

The only thing she visually has in common with the joker is the color purple and a crazy look to her.

>> No.7458094

The hate she gets is entirely due to her looks. I'm very curious about what the people who bash her here look like. With how mean seagulls are about the appearances of others, one would think they're all a bunch of 8/10+ gods and goddesses.

>> No.7458100

Given how MF has had very few fallouts with her close friends who actually know her, I'm hesitant to believe she's as bad as /cgl/ says.

>> No.7458109
File: 449 KB, 851x313, senbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senbo Cosplay :3

>> No.7458157

Skye is that you?

>> No.7458186

Stop samefagging, you're 15 kilos away from being PT.

>> No.7458227

>Given how MF has had very few fallouts with her close friends who actually know her

MF has burned a TON of bridges, are you kidding me? Most of her cosplay groups from a few years back don't even speak to her anymore (Haruhi bunny group from Katsu, Black Butler group, etc.). She's an egotistical shithead with no respect for others.

>> No.7459211


>> No.7459295

to be fair it took a lot of effort to design a female character that wasnt in either of their usual body types (LOL BOOBS or CHILD)

still less embarrasing that whatever the fucks are doing balance-wise (OH NO SOMEONE DID SOMETHING UNORTHODOX, BETTER NERF THAT)

>> No.7459656

This. Just ask someone for the JJ story. That shit is nuts.

>> No.7459863

Or Sey. Or her ex gf she cheated on for a boy. Or scout

>> No.7459921

That is Tatto's name.

>> No.7460058

Curious to know what she did to Scout? I thought they just had a fall out?