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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7447830 No.7447830 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /cgl/ so malicious?
Besides a lot of the horror stories being centered around horrible costumes instead of actually creepy and horrible people, I've seen people tell others to kill themselves for petty reasons such as looks. (example >>>7447564 )
Is /cgl/ filled with spoiled girls who feel superior over others because they got their daddies to buy them overpriced dresses?

Pic obviously unrelated

>> No.7447837

More like it's full of bitter people.

>> No.7447844

I like cgl
On cgl somebody will tell you that you look like shit to your face in the hopes of improvement.
On other sites, people will tell you how great you look and then talk about you behind your back and leave you to fail without room for improvement.

>> No.7447852

Same. I like the wild-west appeal of CGL. I'm an argumentative, elitist asshole and this is the only place where it flies. I feel like there is some level of consent when you enter CGL, so I feel comfortable instigating shit here. I would never want to enter a place that people are trying to make gentle and nice and ruin their time with my personal preferences.

>> No.7447850

Probably. That and projecting.
The thing is, /cgl/ rarely gives any constructive criticism (a good example would be the post I linked) and just tells you how ugly you are and how cheap your clothes look.

>> No.7447870

>I'm an argumentative, elitist asshole and this is the only place where it flies.
Well assholes fit in very well in /cgl/ but I have my doubts about the argumentative parts, all they do is whine and talk shit about people who can't afford expensive clothes.

>> No.7447872

Ever seen a cgl con meetup? They are exactly what they hate. Fat, greasy neckbeards everywhere and maybe 1 pair of cat ears or 20. No one can cosplay for shit either so they make themselves feel better by nitpicking everything.
I like it here.

>> No.7447881

That's what I thought. Pretty fucking sad if you ask me, I only come here for the horror stories (and a lot of the time it's just whining and nitpicking instead of actually good stories) and cosplay threads for certain series I like tbh.

>> No.7447884

wait, we can have cgl IRL too? I did not know of this black magic

>> No.7447887

It's not /cgl/, it's the internet.
If you're gonna post a picture of your not fit, pasty boy body wearing next to nothing, this what you have to expect.

>> No.7447891
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Can't say it bothers me much, truth be told.

/cgl/ can be no better than the divorced, middle-aged women sitting in the salon with their Star magazine talking about the latest celebrity gossip from TMZ. There are some decent people on here, but they're so few and far in between these days.

Overall, I just come here for the fap threads.

>> No.7447893

There are plenty of places on the internet that are made to be sensitive. PLENTY. The great chapped asshole that is tumblr is a great example.

>> No.7447923

Well tumblr is different, they want you to recognize their existence as an otherkin demisexual genderfluid nonbinary with a black trans headmate. I wouldn't mind if /cgl/ gave harsh but constructive criticism but all they do is whine about stupid shit. But yeah, like >>7447872 said, " No one can cosplay for shit either so they make themselves feel better by nitpicking everything."

>> No.7447924

This is 4chan. Why are you surprised?

As far as edgy posts and general anger, I'd say /cgl/ is one of the nicer boards

>> No.7447936
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>talk shit about people who can't afford expensive clothes

Which is ironic, because a lot of them can't even afford those same expensive clothes. For fucks sake, I tried to give skincare and makeup advice using brands that are good brands and was bitched at because they were too expensive. I had someone tell me that my $30 primer was shit because it wasn't their $5 one from Korea. They think that quality skincare and makeup products are too expensive, yet are willing to drop hundreds on a shitty looking sweet loli dress. Then, go on to bitch in threads about how shitty people's skin is when they can't be assed to even take care of their own. I lost my desire to help people here. I'm glad that a few benefited from my advice and that I was quoted back, being told that things I had suggested improved people's skin, but I'm sick of the overwhelming amount of ungrateful and hateful motherfuckers who know fuck all about something yet still insist that they're better than you.

>> No.7447938
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/cgl/ is one of those rare boards that mixes anonymity with RL. Consider all the times in your life when you wanted to disparage someone, yet never had the courage to do so in person. Now take away the actual, physical confrontation. Suddenly it becomes a whole lot easier.
What it comes down to is that age old idiom of "power corrupting". More often than not, when the social misfits that frequent this site are given that tiny droplet of power that anonymity brings, they suddenly go mad and bloodthirsty. C'est la vie.

>> No.7447940

>Why is /cgl/ so malicious?
It's full of women and based entirely on a superficial concept. What did you expect?

>> No.7447958

Compared to /cgl/ 4 years ago, whats been happening recently is fucking nothing.
Plus you get banned for the smallest things now on /cgl/ so really I'm surprised anybody is complaining about people being malicious, as you can get banned for talking shit.
I don't necessarily think that the new rules are good, if anything they are being over-enforced.
I think there is indeed some value in riping people apart in the hopes that they get better.

>> No.7447957

/out/ is the nicest doe

>> No.7447963

I think there is indeed some value in riping people apart in the hopes that they get better.

People tried to do that with PT, Yaya, and JNig. They don't improve.

>> No.7447980

>implying most of 4chan isn't like this. Idk, gentlemen, this is the cattiest website I've ever been to and it took me years to get to /cgl/

>> No.7447985

Because it's filled with superficial women and centered around a pastime that appeals to those types.

>> No.7447986

I hate it when people try to rationalize boards on 4chan, it is what it is how it is

>> No.7447992

I hate it when people like you think that, "DURR BUT IT ARE 4CHAN XDDD" is an excuse for people being jackasses. 4chan didn't make you or anyone act a certain way. You come here of your own accord and willingly choose to respond in a jackass manner. Nobody forced your hand and nobody brainwashed you into doing so. What the fuck is with this annoying logic.. It's as if you're excusing people from any sort of accountability.

>> No.7448004

Implying jnig would grace us with her presence

>> No.7448010

A former janitor attested to her spamming herself on here and trying to get e-famous back around 2009. Someone can go digging through the archives if they'd like to.

>> No.7448011

Someone should I'd reah that

>> No.7448052

This is why I prefer /a/ as my anime related board

The people are much nicer and we even exchange presents with each other on special days and do other nice things.

>> No.7448055

I frequent /a/ and I assure you that they're not nice and most of the time have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.7448062
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You just don't belong there.

>> No.7448073

I think that's youth for you.
All of us think we know fucking everything between the ages of 12 and 24.

I appreciate good skin/makeup advice but I can rarely use it cause I have to figure out if it's only good for asian or white skin.
Not a whole lot of tips and tricks cater to brown skin. Some work for everyone but it's really annoying and expensive to try stuff only to realize it wasn't meant for your skin.

>> No.7448119

Probably related,

I've noticed at least one anon who constantly goes, "men are scum and deserve no friends and should die", all that jazz. Maybe it's more than one anon, or maybe it's a troll. But it's something I've noticed.

>> No.7448124

At least we don't end our snail mail correspondences with a mention of our love for anal pieces.

>> No.7448125

It's a shitty r9k troll or several.
They'd go away sooner if dumbshits didn't respond to the obvious bait.

>> No.7448186

>to your face
>anonymous image board online


>> No.7448213

Kill yourself, OP.

>> No.7448240

People say shit when they're anonymous, or at least more so than in real life. Unless you're new to the internet, this should have been understood by you without another person explaining...

>> No.7448257

Are there pix of cgl meet ups? I want to see who shows up for them...

>> No.7448264

I think harshness and arguing are fine. I've see some good debates.
But there's no 'consent' from the people getting posted and made fun of though.

>> No.7448273

Partially it's a reaction to other cosplay communities (coscom, tumblr) being a hundred times more like to say "omg, great!!!" to every outfit rather than offer any concrit (so people can go to those places if they want praise, and here if they want brutal honesty). /cgl/ has discerning taste (I'm talking about cosplay construction, accuracy, fabric choice etc...idk about our loli population haha) and even though they're bitchy it's generally bitchiness that has some idea as to how to make a terrible thing better.

If they're critiquing, like, someone's freaking facial structure tho, that's just anonymity getting to their heads lol.

>> No.7448274

I haven't been here long, but I started a thread recently for suggestions/criticism about doing a costume with some variation. I got a lot of helpful, insightful advice regarding whether to do it or not.

/cgl/ doesn't seem that bad from what I've seen. Sure, there'll be people who are just out to scorn you, but that's the same of any place in the internet. If you can't take criticism, you shouldn't ask for honest advice.

>> No.7448288

This makes sense. If I post myself anywhere else, if I do get anything it's most likely just "wow you look great", which I'll admit I do like, and it is a nice boost to my self-esteem. But if I want critique and I want to improve, I could run the risk of posting myself here, where I may either receive it or I may receive harsher, unnecessary comments.

Either way, there's also the chance I might just get ignored, too, but that's something else.

>> No.7448284

I suspect that a lot of the 'Lolitas' on cgl have far more opinions than dresses. I'd like to be wrong about that but I don't think I am.

>> No.7448297

think of cgl as a test in thick skin

>> No.7449679

1 anon out of 5 will give you constructive criticism, the others will just talk shit and nitpick about the stupidest shit.

>> No.7450159

They love me

>> No.7450917
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Not going to lie, I've felt ignored in cosplay suggestion threads and suspected that it was because I'm pretty and thin. I once watched my post get ignored in favor of people who posted way before me and even people who were posting after me. I remember it took me about two or three days for anyone to give me a quote and it wasn't a suggestion, but an insult on how I looked photoshopped. The fuck?

Stopped asking for any sort of suggestions and skipped out on meetups, fearing the pretty girl stigma that I get everywhere else.

>"You look like _______, you can't like comics/video games."

>"-YOU- like anime?"

>"Geek girls can't look like you."

What the fuck ever.. you know, I just wanted to find friends. I don't have any because I'm scared to talk to people, due to petty shit like this. I would have at least been nice to you.

>> No.7451354

because whores

>> No.7451360

Haha, this is so true!

>> No.7451516

Trying too hard.

>> No.7451542

... Is no one going to talk about how that chick has six toes on one foot?

>> No.7451557
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It is a burden us beautiful people carry. Stay strong, sister.

>> No.7451599

I get this a lot, but once people are around me for a little while and see how terribly awkward I am, they usually say , "Oooooh that makes sense now."

>> No.7452918

cgl is just one of the few places anyone can say how they really feel. And don't get me wrong, some people's candid opinions are just awful to the point where I can't tell if people are saying what they really think or just trolling.

And while this can be one of the most useful places to get some harder questions answered or find out what X hat is called it's a tough starting spot for noobs. I know we were all there at some point but in the KLK threads there's always 5 people asking what pattern/material to use for X uniform even if it's already been answered.

And for the love of god people stop asking "How do I go about making this?" and posting a picture of a character holding a weapon. What are you talking about? The whole thing? The coat? The weapon? What's your experience level? What's your budget? Do you want to be completely 100% accurate or is this for shits and giggles? I not going to sit here and type out a complete how-to if you give me nothing to work with. Especially when I have shitty cosplayer friends IRL who will ask for advice then say "Nah I'll do it my way anyway."

>> No.7452963

I run into this issue too. I don't post myself in suggestion threads though and stick to only asking in help threads for specific issues so stuff like that stays irrelevant as I find it should.

At least on other boards people give you shit for posting and not contributing, though. If you're not already commenting on suggestions for other people along with posting your own stuff for the same, try that. Don't try to be special.

>> No.7452967
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sigh i understand... Whenever I go to EB games or something along that line I usually get treated rudely. Just because I'm not fat, have some crazy coloured hair, or have 1000 anime pins on my anime bag. It pisses me off so much when they try to test my knowledge about said item too see if I actually know about the series.

>> No.7452973

You complained about this on /r9k/ too, right?

>> No.7452976

You guys are joking... right?
I just can't stop laughing because anytime someone claims "people hate me because I'm pretty" they are average as fuck
People probably hate you because you're lame and you on some level understand that, which is why you've chosen a hobby that bumps a 4/10 up to at least a 6

>> No.7452983

Not sure how to feel about being a girl who owns zero anime pins, never-dyed hair and have never been quizzed or questioned about being a nerd. Guess I'm just too uggo or the glasses (frameless, not chunky plastic) just make me fit the bill better.

Congratulation girls, you're just too hot I guess.

>> No.7452988

My thoughts exactly, anon.
>Why do they ignore me?!?!
>It must be because I'm too pretty for them! ;_; Ugly nerds are so meaaan...

>> No.7452995

I'm not going to lie, I've had a couple of people quiz me, legitimately, not just awkwardly trying to start up a conversation (which I'm pretty sure is what is happening in 90% of these "evil misogynist neckbeard" stories...)
But it's really uncommon and it happens mostly in lolita, so no, I don't really buy people who say they're constantly treated like shit at the game store because they're just so damn perfect. Hahahaha no. People probably treat you like shit because you're a stuck up bitch who goes in expecting confrontation.
Source: went from 5/10 to 8/10 conventionally pretty, people treat you better even nerds. that's the whole point.

>> No.7453142

Eh, I just ignore people who start shit, and I do my best to be helpful but still honest. I'm shit with words though, so my "helpful honesty" *could* probably be read as if i was a mean bitter person if that is what a person wants to see.

>> No.7453161

Reminds me of something that happened to a friend. She's studying in the video game field and there is only another girl in her class. Their homeroom teacher is a disgusting excuse of a woman-hating bastard who harasses them constantly, and when they were telling this to another teacher the girl jumped in and said:
>"But you know, I think he's doing it because I'm too pretty. Since I'm so beautiful and he can't have me he's bitter, so he picks on me."

No complaints were taken seriously after this.

>> No.7453493

Yeah same. I'm good looking enough that people question if I'm real if I post my pictures places and people on a chatroom I joined just last week thought my picture was a gif of an attractive girl so I had to write a timestamp to prove that I was real, and I've never been treated badly at a game or comic store in my life and noone has questioned why I like anime.
In fact people at comic and game stores are really nice to me and usually try and flirt with me and people I meet in everyday life think it's cool that I like anime and cosplay. I guess it just depends on who you meet and how you talk to people.

>> No.7453511

It's only malicious online, I've never met someone at a con half as bitter as what I've seen on this board.

>> No.7453617

>I don't post in suggestion threads
>"Don't act special."

People get passed over in those threads even when they offer suggestions in return. It's pretty rude that you would openly admit to never being a part of those threads and then accuse someone of doing something.

>> No.7453913

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Ps cringe worthy.