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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 280x373, msop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7444977 No.7444977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Couldn't find one in the catalog.

Can anybody help me out or give me some sort of idea as to how many dresses a brand makes of a certain line/print?

>> No.7444984

I think it depends on the brand.

When I go to the AP stores, the stores have in a given series 2 of each colourway. The Japanese online store has about 5 of each colourway in stock and I remember there being similar numbers for the international store. In addition, AP always pulls out a couple off each series for promotional purposes - I'd say they make about 30 each colourway/style.

BABY on the other hand not only makes a lot more, they also do a lot of re-releases. For some of the prints like sugar bouquet, the number of dresses can be virtually infinite :/

>> No.7444991

Just 30?! Wow, I thought the number was a lot larger than that. I've suddenly come to appreciate my clothes a whole lot more.

>> No.7444995

I remember there was a supposed BTSSB ex-employee who said BTSSB only makes 50 of each color way

>> No.7445006

Does anyone know/could have a guess at when the IW oddment packs will be out?

>> No.7445028

I thought it was up to 70 for some releases. I wonder how many were made in each colourway ten years ago?

>> No.7445091
File: 87 KB, 650x975, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haenuli Ball of Starlight (US prices)
280 JSK
40 underskirt ($15 discount calculated to buy with JSK/skirt)
35 insured shipping, cheaper shipping is tracked/not insured

Still need blouse, the rest...thoughts?
I don't buy the Royal Label BS either.
Haute Couture doesn't come S-M-L and it isn't usually made of machine printed polyester chiffon.

>> No.7445100

I don't think she knows what Haute Couture means at all.

>> No.7445106

The upcoming pintuck dress may be pretty and it will be expensive due to the labor in making them. Even then that's more machine heirloom replicating than Couture.
But this one's skirt length isn't even graded for the sizes she offers. Same length on all 3.
So technically not even bespoke.

>> No.7445107


>> No.7445111

Where can I buy decent off-brand wristcuffs?

>> No.7445266

I have a feeling it's normally April, but I'm not 100% sure.

Related, you know Meta's skirt/blouse/accessory lucky packs? Are they a regular thing and if so, when do they normally come out?

>> No.7445269

I have not personal experience in the matter but from my online browsing Peacockalorum on Etsy seems to have the most decent ones for the most reasonable price..

>> No.7445298

I think it's April too I just wanted to know when so I can have money for it :)

>> No.7445299

Usually there's summer and new years' ones, so it'll be a couple months before we see them again.

IW Packs are kind of irregular.

>> No.7445316

Bodyline actually sells some wristcuffs that aren' terrible but they're literally hidden inside their website.

>> No.7445314


>> No.7445318

So I got a head-eating bow and um... they weren't kidding with that nickname. Any tips on how to style my hair? It naturally goes down to my boobs and has a fair bit of volume but isn't enough for the bow just left down. I figured I could maybe do high, teased-out twintails or some kind of top of the head bun arrangement. I'd rather not drop the money on a wig that I'm not really going to wear otherwise.

>> No.7445343
File: 30 KB, 300x400, bold-bouffant-xl-mdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can get your hair to be like this + bangs, I think it'll be ok. Lots of curling and hair products.

>> No.7445344
File: 358 KB, 1255x1600, P1120676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this kind of hairdo with the two "ear" hairbuns would also work well (but bigger than pic related).

>> No.7445641

I have a 2005 IW OP that is plain, would it be okay to handwash?

>> No.7445665

You weren't kidding...I'm looking and not seeing them

>> No.7445676

Yeah, I've seen those ones. I was hoping for other colours. I just got Fantasy Theater and was hoping I could get some royal/deep blue wristcuffs.

>> No.7445678

I'm in the market for an A-line petticoat.
I know victoriangirldress is generally pretty highly lauded, but I just want to confirm that they'd be my best bet there. Some of the reviews I've been seeing on egl seem to be claiming they use them for bell shaped stuff instead?

tl;dr: I need an A-line petti. Is Victoriangirldress good here or should I just pick up another Classical Puppets and roll the quality die?

>> No.7445684

I like kidsyoyo for a-line.

>> No.7445712

you can totally see two lolitas walking around in the background twinning some pink outfits with RHS at 00:30 in this video:


How many of you lolitas go to disney in your frills?

>> No.7445715

you have a good eye, I barely could see them.

>> No.7445854

Solid items should generally be ok to handwash, just be careful if there's contrast bits in a light color (like a cream yoke on a brown dress or w/e), do a test to make sure it won't bleed onto the lighter areas.

>> No.7445873

really only 30? I thought the market was a little bigger as far as AP went.

>> No.7445957

Not that anon but google "bodyline stop sleeves" and you'll find them (wearing some now actually)

>> No.7445995

What do you guys think about these shoes with this dress? I know that something more girly with a heel or bows might match better, but there is something I really love about these shoes... I just wonder if it'd look odd or if they aren't a good mix of styles. Any ideas?

>> No.7446000
File: 85 KB, 576x400, matching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I forget to include the pic..

>> No.7446011

I do not like those together... Maybe if the shoes were white? But I really dislike their overall design so my bias is probably getting in the way of helping, sorry anon

>> No.7446022

I agree with >>7446011, these shoes don't go. And it's not bias. They're the wrong style for the dress.

>> No.7446024

I really like those boots. Where are they from?

>> No.7446026

I think so, too, but I can't really explain why.
Could you elaborate?

>> No.7446031

I thought so but as I really liked them I guess I was just hoping I could make it work, but thank you, I would have hated it had I bought them and realized when it was too late!

But from what I understand they are just a taobao reseller, I don't know the original shop unfortunately.

>> No.7446032

The reds don't seem too match; the shoes are darker. The dress is sweet in feeling but the shoes are more classic. Pick a different pair.

>> No.7446177

oh wow, now I'm even more thrilled about my last catch, a 2003 baby jsk.

>> No.7446403

I get a lot of bruises from work, arms and legs and everywhere. I got 4 on my legs now, only 1 is major on my shin but I got loads of pale splodges on my knees and thighs (just the type of area I work in has lots of things bumpable at that level). I count 4 of what I can see on my arms as well, nothing horrific just those green splodges.
Of course I can wear opaque tights but how much of a problem do you think seeing someone with bruises on their arms and legs are?
Take note it's too warm for me to wear long sleeves this time of year. I just wanna know if this warrants me not attending or photo shopping them out for OOTDs

>> No.7446420

What the hell do you do for a living?

>> No.7446427

She wrestles Itas and throws em in my yandy-man concentration camp.

>> No.7446437

Oh holy one you've returned. My personal illuminati lolita!

>> No.7446438

Try dabbing some concealer on them if they really bother you.
The skin on my legs is super sensitive and I get bumps that turn really red. It generally looks fine with a bit of concealer just don't go crazy with it. People won't be looking too closely at your arms and legs anyway.

>> No.7446440

You could always just wear a bit of colour correcting concealer over them if you think it looks that noticeable.

>> No.7446441

I use dermablend on bruises for meets and photoshop visible ones on ootd pix. I bruise super easy and always have some.

>> No.7446445
File: 87 KB, 631x800, Sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish! (and I don't know who the fuck you are but I'm miffed now you namefagged IlluminatiLolita after I just doodled a series of Illuminati themed coords last night :-( )

Pic related, I work in a McDonalds Drive Thru bent on providing you quick and quality food service in under 2 minutes 45 seconds. My team and I are pretty sweet in our game (we have a live feed telling us drive thru scores for our area and we have goals to meet) but there's a lot of metal everywhere that increases your chance of smashing into things so much you learn not to feel it. I can't wait til job openings open up again in a few months. Refer to the face of the frog again.

>> No.7446456

Maybe buy some cheap-o Bodyline ones and dye them with RIT dye? Bodyline cuffs are surprisingly good quality

>> No.7446461

All these suggestions for concealer is questionable when so often you get makeup stained clothes and the fear of even sealed-makeup Homestucks. Seriously guys?


>> No.7446465

I never thought of that! Thank you. I'll definitely try this. Might do it to make some red ones, too.

>> No.7446481

You .could say it was a conspiracy to bad you became sobered to the truth... you need to be dissappeared now!

>> No.7446525

Decent quality concealer or tattoo cover level makeup doesn't rub off when blended and set. I've gotten a bit on sucks one time. It also washes out so...maybe listen to the ones actually doing it instead of speculating?

>> No.7446606
File: 32 KB, 500x666, 71917048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, Atelier Pierrot

>> No.7446641

Brand lovers say that Bodyline is not a brand, the poors insist that it is, no one much thinks it's 'off brand' and most everyone tags it as Bodyline. Some people say Japanese Lolitas don't think it's even real lolita. So, what is it, exactly?
Where does Bodyline fall within the fashion today?

>> No.7446643

I'm speculating and I don't even need to cover bruises. Brand isn't disposable

>> No.7446649

When ordering with Baby, is it safest to use the shopping cart or email? Will they let you ship to an address that is not your own? I normally ship to my mum's place as I live near a main road.

>> No.7446650

the concept of brand in lolita is garbage. In the fashion world all brand names are a brand. In lolita its morphed into meaning high-end. They should be calling it that.

>> No.7446660


Bodyline isn't a brand because its not featured in the Gothic and Lolita Bibles.

/entire debate

>> No.7446666

It actually has been in there before. Although I don't consider them a brand either.

>> No.7446677


Really? I've never seen them have a spread before.

>> No.7446700

It's actually featured quite a lot if you count the street snaps where they wear bodyline shoes a lot.

>> No.7446830

I'm pretty sure they've had at least one advertorial type spread in one of the older ones but I can't remember. I'd like to know though. I was just interested in what people's opinions are any which way so why try to close down the debate? No one is trying to bestow brand-dom on Prince Yan, lol.

>> No.7446831

It's been featured plenty of times in the snaps section. Just not in ads and or feature articles.

>> No.7446847
File: 696 KB, 2013x803, 1394254870653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like my VGD petti but depending on the weight of the dress you may need to layer it in order to get optimal poof. Some kind anon made this guide recently, hope it helps!

>> No.7446865
File: 12 KB, 236x350, 1395557707555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm taking my bf to the BABY tea party at Anime Midwest, and I don't how to dress him. There's no way he'll do ouji or kodona, but I've convinced him to wear something EGA or steampunk inspired. Problem is I don't know where to look in the Western market (6' 200lbs, no way he'll fit asian clothes). I was thinking something like pic related. What do you call that style of shirt, or is that some kind of neck tie? Can anyone recommend any websites or shops? Thanks!

>> No.7446868

Where did Chocomint go?

>> No.7446873

Even if you're not going for an actual Steampunk look, sites that sell Steampunk clothing will probably have what you're looking for. Or if you have decent sewing skills, men's vests are pretty easy to make.

>> No.7446874

I just spent 3 hours looking at cute vintage stuff on etsy and there's tons there. Unfortunately I was looking at lady things in my size only so I don't have links but if you search the vintage section for "steampunk" and filter by "clothing" and "mens" there are a decent number of nice vests and coats. Be aware that there's stupid shit that just has gears or stupid appliques it but if you ignore those you can find some cool stuff.

>> No.7446904

I looked on Clockwork Couture and they don't have many options as far as shirts, unfortunately. I was thinking of tailoring an existing vest and blazer for him.
ETSY! I didn't even think of that!

>> No.7446931

It's okay anon! I had always been wary of etsy due to their piss poor "handmade" selection and only recently was I told to start checking the actual vintage section. I'm never going back. I love gunne sax.

>> No.7446936

Il be interested to see what you decide on. I'm wondering what men wear to the brand teas when they go...

>> No.7446945

I agree but there is a special language to categorize companies and individuals who make things in Lolita: brand, indie, handmade, offbrand...and it's pretty easy to see where most thing fall though there's debate over top-tier and second tier burando as well as exactly where Bodyline (and F+F too) fall. Offbrand? Well, they are usually listed by their name so not exactly...most really do not consider them any kind of burando...though most anything commercially produced by a company has a 'brand', and they aren't indies. A few consider rm costumes since the other side of their respective companies deal in cosplay, etc.
So what category ARE they then?

>> No.7446972


>> No.7446977

oh sorry you meant Bodyline lol

They're low-end... ie just cheaper.

>> No.7446979

We're the lyrics (English and Japanese) ever published for Misako Aoki's Lolitina マエパツヒメカ (Maepatsu Himeka) single? I've been searching but no luck.

>> No.7446988

But if you called them a 'low-end Lolita brand' I'm sure many would chime in with 'oh, they aren't brand'.

>> No.7447002

How often do you wear the same main piece to meet ups? If your comm has more than one meet a month, doesn't it get kind of expensive really fast if you are on a budget and can't afford a new main piece monthly?

>> No.7447005

Quite a few lolitas wear a piece once or twice then sell it on for their next purchase, actually.

>> No.7447016

A lot of my dresses are seasonal so I tend to wear them once or twice a year to big meets if they have a print. Solid colored things can be changed up with different accent colors so I wear those often for casual days. But that's just my desire to wear all my dresses in a rotation so none are neglected. I don't mind when other people wear the same dresses repeatedly (except when they wear the exact same coord over and over without even trying new legwear, that's a little depressing)

>> No.7447028

That sounds like a good way to do it. I'm concentrating on solid pieces first, to build a good basic wardrobe...and I have 3 brand prints so far. They really stick out in my wardrobe, haha!
It just seems like wearing them more often than maybe every third time would get a little repetitive.
I don't like most offbrand or indie prints, so maybe wearing solid, solid, brand print will be a good rotation for me to try for a year's worth of monthly meets.
I've seen the ones who do the exact same coord, it kind of becomes their Lolita uniform!

>> No.7447031

There is a single page spread for Bodyline in volume 22. I don't knw when it stopped being featured since I have like, a ten mook gap in my collection from there.

>> No.7447034

It actually was featured like a regular brand in at least one issue, I think it was a newer one that I don't own

>> No.7447041

In lolita I feel there are three tiers - brand [the established brands that are indisputable], lolita specific clothing that is either manufactured in bulk [Bodyline, taobao, F+F] and indie seamstresses/brands, and then truly offbrand finds that just happen to fit the aesthetic.

I think the problem is we don't have a name for that middle tier, where it is lolita but doesn't have the reputation or quality that the founding brands do.

Two questions, base do off those thoughts - do any of you agree with those general three groupings and if so, should we maybe try to come up with a name for those middle-tier lolita stores?

>> No.7447043

Somehow missed seeing >>7446945 before posting >>7447041

My bad.

>> No.7447051

Question, is it a faux pas to give a girl dressed in Lolita a candy for the explicit reason that I happen to typically have candies?

>> No.7447062

I work at a hardware store and with kids so I'm always covered in bruises. My pasty skin shows up most marks so I try to use concealer, tights and photoshop to hide it. I also try to pose for photos in a way that hides the marks.

I don't attend meetups too regularly and my wardrobe is a decent size so I don't think I've ever outfit repeated.

I don't know what your comm is like but some people buy and sell pretty quickly so they have regularly updated wardrobes. A lot of girls will also try something new with a piece by changing up their accessories. It's much cheaper and easier to do the later and it can also be quite impressive when people do something totally different with a piece.

You sound like you're on the right path. Focusing on basics is a great way to go (a simple square handbag in a base color will go with way more stuff than a fluro pink pony shaped one) and plain pieces are always easier to coord in different ways, they also tend to be far cheaper.

Making your pieces seem less 'repetitive' will depend a lot upon what accessories you own. I suggest snapping up a few pairs of generic OTKs and tights along with a few match-all jewelry pieces. I find outfits can also be drastically changed by the type of top or outerwear you use. Something like a plain cutsew will give a different feel and look to an outfit than a fancy blouse would. The same logic goes for pieces like boleros and cardigans.

>> No.7447063

Do you have 20, 21 or 23, 24 to see if it was a several-issue deal? The advertorial 'features' in magazines are often offered in a set like that. Now I need to look up the spread, I'm curious what items were in it!

I think that's a good way to look at it, I'll be interested to hear what others say, this would be an easy way to classify things in a pyramid or other visual chart. "Bulk goods" fits as a decent term for the kind of things Bodyline and Taobao have it doesn't include the make-to-order feature of F+F offers though. Low(er)-end goods, maybe?

>> No.7447096


This kind of confusion is exactly why I've started using the word burando in a non-ironic sense. It seems like when lolitas say "brand" they usually use it as shorthand for "Japanese lolita brand" as opposed to "Korean indie lolita brand" or "taobao indie lolita brand" or "Famous Designer Brand".

(Doesn't help with the Bodyline debate though, since Bodyline is based in Japan, and it's not indie, so technically, it should be a Japanese Lolita brand, but one could argue it's not a very authentic one because it started out as a sex costume shop and some insist that it still only sells lolita costumes, not lolita fashion, which means it isn't a lolita brand but a costume shop that makes original design lolita costumes the same way Leg Avenue makes lolita costumes, but the other side of the argument is that just because that's how it started out doesn't mean that's how it currently is, especially when the lolita side of Bodyline now has its own dedicated section away from the cosplay and sex costumes, and the focus has shifted from making cheap sets towards making nicer-looking pieces for mix and match.

I think the trouble with Bodyline is that it's the odd one out amongst the other Japanese lolita brands, it's cheap, low quality and kind of sketch whereas the other brands are expensive, higher end and most of them have some kind of princess-type brand vision (that's not Cinderella, or at least not the way Bodyline uses it), so when you mentally line up all the Japanese lolita brands, Bodyline kind of sticks out as the one that doesn't fit in and should maybe be booted from the lineup.)

>> No.7447106

I have a question about the condition of an Innocent World JSK.

It looks like a thread might have been pulled significantly on the side of the bodice but it doesn't say anything about it in the description. I'm hoping that it's just part of the tag? Here's the link with pictures:


Pretty sure that's it's just the tag, but I'd like to hear your opinions.

>> No.7447113

Most of the comm nearest me have one brand piece, if that, then a mix of replica, loliables and maybe an indie or Bodyline piece or 2. The leader doesn't have many outfits at all so doesn't schedule meets unless or until she gets a new dress. She doesn't coordinate very well so that adds to the dilemma.

The nearest other group, where a friend and I go, it's a great mix and no one really is noted for repeating or <not> being creative and there's little to no replicas. Some there buy and sell a bit but about 2/3 are like myself and want to build regular wardrobes. But meeting more often did influence my choices to get more basics that I can really work with, trying limit the really recognizable prints and not let them eat up my budget like they easily could! It's tough when I really like something distinctive though too!

>> No.7447116

I think it may be the tag, not the original IW one but Maiden Clothing's tag. The dress only has a one star rating though which is a little bit of a worry.
I'm actually selling the exact same dress in really good condition if you're interested. (shameful self-plug)

>> No.7447119

I think using the word Burando for the majors, then 'lower-end brand' for mostly mass produced company goods that arent foreign indie brands might be good. I'm not familiar with Japanese Lolita indie brands, I know there are some accessory brands so surely there must be some for clothing too that aren't big yet?

It's interesting to look at the classifications of the brands though and funny that there is a slightly similar classification in other goods that has evolved over time...in BJD, for instance. Burando snobs/Volks snobs, etc., who want to stick to Japanese things are much less prevalent than they used to be.

>> No.7447122

That's what I thought, after all, they sell most of their stock in store.

Where did you see 1 star? It looks like it has 2. I think it's because it's missing the buttons on the back that allow you to wear it as a non-halter style.

Oh no, I already sent them an email about it! Pretty sure I'll have to buy it now but if it's already sold in store or something I'd be interested in yours.

>> No.7447126

My reading comprehension obviously needs some work. They have a one star symbol in the item description area but a two star rating in the rating section.

Good luck getting it! It's a very cute dress but I sadly look horrible in it.
Just a heads up that there may be a bit of a wait for a reply. Last time I went through Maiden Clothing it was about 3 days before they answered my email.

>> No.7447137
File: 153 KB, 700x1200, shoes165-2(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me LGeneral

Should I get a couple of these for 999 each or do you reckon there's a high quality brand who sells something just like these? The design is perfect and virtually timeless to me and am aware of the economical benefit of buying high quality brand shoes. I just don't know any designer brands that sell these. I'm almost compelled to throw my cash in multiple pairs of these but maybe one of you know of a long wearing pair of these style shoes from a reputable brand

I'm only new to this HQ fashion thing and doubt anyone on /fa/ would know with their high male population

>> No.7447143

Those shoes are very narrow in the toebox and most likely will be too long and ill-fitting. There's a reason those shoes are 999 yen each. Try something like these instead:

>> No.7447145

These are more similar in style to the ones you posted.

>> No.7447153


>>7447041 here with a possible idea, playing off the sort of haute couture/not comparison, maybe we could call the Bodyline/F+F/taobao/indie sellers "commercial" lolita. Thoughts?

BTW if I seem too into this discussion it's actually because the whole brand/offbrand labels with no room for in-betweeners has gotten to me a lot, and I'm glad someone brought it up.

>> No.7447160

It's especially hard to talk to new people about it sometimes, confusing to them and difficult to give a short and sweet rundown about the quality levels and how people perceive the brand hierarchy. It gets me too, that's why I brought it up for discussion and opinions.

Nothing in the Lolita world is actually haute couture or bespoke or even much more than 'made to measure' level quality and fitting even though at least one indie is playing with the term (Haenuli).

I have to laugh when I've heard "Burando, indie brands, Taobao, the cheap costume stuff or shitty replicas" as one description of the available quality choices though. I guess I should be glad few people mention loliable possibilities as main piece options anymore though. I think that's one sign of evolution in how people think of options. Cheaper, easier options mean the things like Hot Topic dresses have become less desirable as stand-ins.

>> No.7447174

Did you receive teh shoes yet/how do they fit compared with the size chart?

>> No.7447187

Ahh fug, figured. I'm in the 24.5/25 cm range so I guess I'd fall victim to the poor upsize drafting BL does.

These look very promising though. Unfortunate with that sloped heel, but maybe they may look flattering in person? Thanks so much for this! I'm really enjoying my new wardrobe now that I'm swapping out my throwaway off season shit with more timeless stuff. Feels good man!

>> No.7447189

Shame about the suede

>> No.7447190

There's not a lot of brand in my local comm and there's also a lot of small wardrobes. I don't think there are many replicas but there's certainly lots of ita lace monsters and Bodyline in the mix.

Only a very, very, select few have 'every day wardrobes' like you say. Those who own brand own a few very recognizable prints and there's defs a lack of non-print stuff. Most of the girls spend very little on the fashion and aren't very involved.

>> No.7447228

Yar mang sorry they're an aus brand so it's A/W stuff they used to have normal leather versions but it seems those got phased out?

>> No.7447246

So Clobba Online, does it normally take them over a week to send tracking numbers? I placed my order on the 13th, invoiced and payed on the 14th with express shipping and still have nothing to show for it. I emailed them on the 20th and they said I'd have my tracking by friday or sunday.
I move at the end of the month, hence why I paid for express, anyone think I'll get my shoes by then? I was thinking of emailing again tomorrow if I don't get a tracking number by tonight but I dpn't want to be rude

>> No.7447263

That JetJ/KERA collab dress ended at over 100k yen again

>> No.7447273

That's not nearly as bad as the last one, it went over $6k USD.

>> No.7447277

Yes, but it's still Iron Gate level.

>> No.7447278

Yep! And I'm surprised...I thought people didn't like it that much when it came out. It was a design contest winner.

>> No.7447280

Email them again. Martin is really pleasant and will understand.

>> No.7447299

Why would anyone get offended by being offered candy?

>> No.7447527

>Wear solid btssb dress for first time out to lunch
>Get back, notice stain
>Was that me or was that the previous owner?
>Nevermind, I'll just wash it
>Check cleaning label
>Dry clean only

I'd sort of hoped that a non-print dress would be a little more resilient than that

>> No.7447536

Still tacky af. There were better designs in the contest. Well, to each his/her own.

>> No.7447538

If it's cotton, you can more than likely just wash it on gentle cycle/handwash it.

>> No.7447593


>> No.7447597

Malco modes.

>> No.7447615

When I worked retail I had bruises everywhere (I worked the unload/ stock shelves shift) no one really cares. Your body is your body and bruises are natural. Some people think they are moe/ kawaii and show that you are fragile and cute. (Kotakoti always had bruises in her pics even when they were photoshopped to hell and back) No one in real life will care and if they bother you them just photoshop them out.

>> No.7447643
File: 16 KB, 170x415, morning dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress code according to AM
"Gentlemen accompanying significant others must meet a minimum of Morning Dress."
So it's not required to wear the host brand, but I'm still gonna get him an AatP eye patch and/or top hat.
Pic is from the wiki article on morning dress.
I'm soooo glad I have til July to put together our oufits

>> No.7447993

>or even much more than 'made to measure' level quality and fitting

Honestly most burando is barely that even, considering a majority of pieces come as 'one size fits most' rather than sized items, which even cheap shit like Forever21 does. That's one of the things that bugs me most about burando and one of the few things that makes some brand pieces feel costumey to me at times since Halloween costumes are one of the few other garments I can think of that also tend to be 'one size fits most', it gives me that mental association.

I guess because they could take it as a lolicon joke?

>> No.7448048

I dreamed last night that I bought a lemon print dress. It looked like a godawful version of French Cafe.

Has there ever actually been a citrus themed dress?

>> No.7448057


Meta Citron Soda, sort of? It's more a fruit punch soda print though

>> No.7448065

I included that because a couple of indie seamstresses will (supposedly) work with customers based on their measurements and change details, fabric or trim, like Lady Sloth.

Juliette et Justine offer slight alterations but I think they are the only burando to even offer that.
Haenuli saying 'Haute Couture line' and referring to her latest dress gave me giggle fits.

>> No.7448096

What's the best place to order a good bell-shaped petti from? I need it before May and I postponed too much...
I once had a classical puppets one, and was pretty happy with that, but I'd need it in black and just outside the standard size range. Any way to get that within ~a month? (I live in the Netherlands ftr)

>> No.7448110

You may try making a WTB post on egl comm sales on LJ or lolita sales in english on FB. Also, petticoat color doesn't usually matter, since no ones supposed to see them anyway!

>> No.7448116

Thanks. And I know, but it still feels a bit silly to wear a white petti with an all-black outfit! I'd rather just get it in black.

>> No.7448130

I think the only way people know about Bodyline wristcuffs (cheap and looks ok) is thru cgl mail threads or from someone who bought them.


>> No.7448134

Understandable! And peeking pettis are bad enough, but imagining a bright white petti peeking out from under a black skirt... I can totally understand why you want black.

>> No.7448166

Yeah, I think most people considered it tacky then but it seems to have made a gain in value now if not taste. I still like it though...

>> No.7448321

after the whole thing about Haenuli's Cinderella jsk with the wonk as fuck bodice, this piece scares me

>> No.7448364

I want to order a petti from Malco Modes, but I can't decide between 580 and 582. There are very few lolita reviews (with photos) of either

>> No.7448374

Don't do it. The shoes are really tacky looking for lolita and dont match the aesthetic of the OP. I like the shoes in a Fantasy Anime Character kind of way, but not in lolita. You can use the boots for general jfashion imo (if you can pull it off)

>> No.7448877

I didn't order them as I was just going to get them for that dress and was unsure about it.

>> No.7448933

Has anyone ever had problems with quiteland before? I'm new to lolita, and I made the mistake of ordering from them rather than taobao for a petticoat (in early January!). I emailed them a few days ago to ask about the status of my order, and I haven't heard back. The order status on their website hasn't changed since before Golden Week. Should I just forget it and order the petticoat from toabao? It's getting to be a pain in the ass at this point (luckily I have two other petticoats, so it's not a huge problem, just frustrating).

>> No.7449016

I've ordered from QutieLand before (specifically Dream of Lolita... oh what a fool I was) and it took like five months for my order to reach me. The transaction time really depends on each brand, though, not on QutieLand; they're more like a shopping service than anything else.

May I ask what brand you ordered the petticoat from?

>> No.7449021

Are you ordering from CP?
Apparently CP is MIA right now, my SS isn't getting through them at all.
And I've heard a couple reports of CP not responding to other SS.

>> No.7449042

Oh man, really? How long has this been going on?

>> No.7449049

I felt that it was odd that they stopped contacting me (since I had had email chats with them before). But yeah, I ordered a CP petticoat. Damn, that's too bad. I didn't take that into consideration since I got my other CP petti from Clobba with no problem--but it was in stock. But I wish that quitieland would just reply--I just want to cancel it at this point since it looks like Clobba has one in stock. Thanks for answering me!

>> No.7449053

No idea, my order was put in early February though.

Yeah, good idea anon. I'm thinking of cancelling my CP order from taobao and ordering from Clobba or my-lolita-dress.
I'll see if they respond by the time all my other taobao stuff gets to my SS.

>> No.7449057

I'm having a vaguely related issue. I paid for an order a little over two weeks ago and haven't heard a peep from TBS since then. I know it's because they usually don't contact you until it's time to ship (plus they're apparently reallly slow right now), but I had a CP petti as a part of the order. I figured it took about two weeks for them to be done, but idk. This is taking longer than my last order with them. So you think it's a CP thing?

>> No.7449096

I just emailed Clobba. I wouldn't blame you for canceling, and you wouldn't want for it to hold up the rest of your order! I have no idea of how to cancel my qutieland order since they won't contact me back.

>> No.7449315

The Fairy Marine OP is at $700 with over a day left. Sheesh.


>> No.7449643

When does AP ship their stuff?

>> No.7449655

every time I see this dress all I can think is imouto-kei

>> No.7449671


Damn 70k!
It's a cute op but I'd personally never shell out 70k for that.

>> No.7449682

How much would it cost to ship a parasol from Japan to Australia? 2000 yen? 3000?

>> No.7449783

So I just got my tracking number and t was just posted today, the 24th. Is this normal for ordering with express shipping? I'm kinda miffed because I don't think it'll be here by the end of the month, but I guess I should have ordered much sooner? Does Clobba always take over a week to ship?

>> No.7449810

They didn't even give me a shipping notification, haha, so I'm happy for you! Mine just kind of showed up at my door one day.

>> No.7449815
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>> No.7449842

Thank you very much for posting them both, Anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.7449862
File: 125 KB, 567x850, 1395672587706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons. Hoping for some help.

I'm looking for a long ver white/offwhite/ivory/very light beige dress for a themed meetup, and I'm having trouble finding something I like.

I would go with lolibrary, but I really don't feel like hunting through 100s of pages of dresses, so I'm hoping some of you might have suggestions.

I really like KL's Phantom of the Opera OP, but I was told by a few anons that it's ridiculously uncomfortable.

I'm 5'6" with funny knees, so I really want something that'll fall mid-knee or below my knees.

>> No.7449879

I would sit and translate these lyrics for you but it's all like "I'm Misako, my life is filled with many cute and fluffy things, fashion is so fun, I have a hime cut with blunt bangs, WHEEEE, oh yes, I have blunt bangs"

>> No.7449895

I put on my pumpkin pants (bloomers?) to go to the teaparty and my petti is as fluffy as a dream?Fluffy fluffy LOVE

(So bad at this)

>> No.7449933

I cut my bangs
Make them blunt and straight across
Chant a magic spell WAH!
(My) bow is a head bob
Nice to nice to meet you
I am
Blunt bangs hime cut

I think the point is that it sounds like a 6 year old

>> No.7450010

Info on that? Did something go wrong with the dresses?

>> No.7450027

I am fucking livid. I sold an item to someone on lacemarket and they just filed a claim because the item was "not received."

She just messaged me, angry that I did not mark the value down and list it as a gift and refuses to pay the customs fee.

I never said I would mark anything down. She never even asked for it. I told her this was illegal and she said I was in the wrong because EVERY seller does this for her.

What in the flying fuck???

>> No.7450047

All of Haenuli's bodices are really long... They look weird and don't really fit anyone well, even the models.

>> No.7450205
File: 256 KB, 500x600, wrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf can I coordinate this with? The colors are weird, the blue is pretty purpley and while it's not pastel, it's not regular blue. Kind of periwinkle. The pink is a purpley magenta.
A blouse in the magenta that matches the bows would look terrible with my skintone. What about lavender? Since both colors lean so far purple, I think it looks pretty good.
Has anyone coordinated this yet?

>> No.7450246

Normal lavender would be cute, I think. Also neutral colors like black or white.

>> No.7450263

PayPal will not allow a buyer to file a claim for that, just had a problem with that myself. Call PayPal and explain why the buyer filed and show them a screencap of her message. I won my claim if it makes you feel better. I think you'll be fine.

>> No.7450297

I'm in a similar situation as well :/ Is it from a user kokeshidolly? First she messaged me saying that the tracking wasn't working and that she never received her parcel. I went ahead and checked it myself and it said it attempted delivery to her home the day before she messaged me. Now it's something about customs idk

This is the message she sent to me
>i just had a massive rant on the phone with royal mail (uk mail service) and logged a complaint as they have been useless!!! they have even charged me 17 GBP (about 30 dollars) of taxes!!! how much did you declare as value for the shoes? did you lower the value and mark it as gift? thanks

I was never asked to mark down the value... if I had known she wanted me to do that I would have declined the entire transaction. While >>7450263's post is reassuring it's still making me uncomfortable having to deal with this

>> No.7450338

Damn, I'm from the UK and whilst I always appreciate if a seller will mark down for me I understand if they don't want to. £17 is pretty average for a customs charge as £8 of it is usually a 'handling fee'.

Seriously, fuck her,

>> No.7450363
File: 130 KB, 960x618, IMG_20939099439164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has another "Royal Label" coming soon, after the last release do you think it's smart to have another one so soon, or is this kinda like her RL mulligan?

>> No.7450372

no problem! i know there was a translation somewhere, but i can't find it either

>> No.7450388

... I like this one even less than her last one...

>> No.7450402

The bodice looks weird even in drawings...

>> No.7450415
File: 101 KB, 555x740, haenuli royal label wip 2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this on Haenuli's post saying it was a WIP from 2011

>200 pintucks
I do like a pintuck, but damn there's a lot of them.

The Marchen die Prinzessin collabs seem to be coming on ok, though.

>> No.7450430
File: 98 KB, 960x798, 1395688341808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the teaser pic Haenuli posted. Thank goodness for the new ruffles and lace.

>> No.7450481

Thank you so much. I'm contacting paypal immediately to resolve this.

No but that's another person added to my "do not sell to" list. What a moron.

>> No.7450590

Has anyone else ordered the Royal High Tea fabric from Lief, and have you had a shipping notification? I'm on holiday, and my package won't get sent back as long as they didn't ship it on the first day of the shipping period, but it's been a few days since they said they'd start shipping fabric and I'm starting to worry that they already sent it and just haven't told me yet.

>> No.7450685

Definitely the fluffier one. I forget which is which now, but I own both and the less fluffy one is my daily wear petti that barely gives any poof. For meetups I usually wear them both together.

>> No.7450692

Do you think it's okay to push your luck when it comes to brand measurements? Most brand JSKs/OPs that I like have a listed max bust measurement of 98-100cm, but I'm 104. Is that too much of a stretch?

My waist isn't a problem, thank goodness, but my bust ruins everything on its own anyhow.

>> No.7450696

As long as you have a shipping receipt or tracking number you are fine.

>> No.7450737

I'd first get a minimiser or sports bra and then measure your bust in it, if you comfortably fall into the max measurements then you should be good to go.

>> No.7450784

Haha, I'm actually 104 WITH my binder on... normally I'm 108.

Guess I'll work out and hope that my bust size will shrink...

>> No.7450855
File: 31 KB, 341x321, Snapshot_20140319_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some jewelry from Angelic Pretty as a gift, but it fell apart after I wore it. It's a bow necklace (pic related). The bow has tiny holes in it where the wire of the necklace is attached to. It seems, on the side that keeps falling apart, it was glued to the hole?

I really enjoy wearing this necklace and I tried super glue but it didn't stay after a couple of uses. Does anyone have more practical advice?

>> No.7451110

I don't have that necklace, but is the other side attached with a metal ring? I bet it is, and fixing it would be really easy in that case. All you'd have to do is buy some jump rings from a craft store, open the ring with pliers, put the bow and the part with the beads through, and close the jump ring with pliers.

>> No.7451124

does it really only give you 4cm? that seems like so little :\ i was hoping with a binder i could get closer to 8 (or in a dream world 10), but i guess that is pushing 3, 3.5 inches so :c hopelessly optimistic

>> No.7451217

On this subject, binder recs? I'm 95 cm and I'd love to get down to 92 if I could, though I'm hoping I can lose about 2 cm of my own through just working out. Sports bras already take me down about 2 cm so I was wondering if there were any magic binders that would get me at 92 or below as is.

>> No.7451226

Try wireless sportsbra's that are 1-2 sizes smaller than you'd need them.

>> No.7451315

Hey anons. Dumb question but um, when is national lolita day?

>> No.7451329

First Saturday in June (7th) and first Saturday in December

>> No.7451549
File: 425 KB, 1366x324, costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is all Bodyline a costume?


>> No.7451614

The bottom waist and upper hip area proportions look odd here in the redesign. I still don't see where she's getting 'couture' out of things that aren't even made to measure in any way.

>> No.7451619 [DELETED] 

Underworks. Cuts my bust by 4cm.

>> No.7451622

I don't know if it matters or not, but I had a breast reduction last year. If your boobs are softer (have more fat, in other words) it may cut it down lower.

>> No.7451636

Max bust is usually the max measure of the garment itself unless otherwise specified.
You should be at least 2 cm smaller than max and even then you'll be maxing out the stretch. 4 cm smaller is more reasonable. It never hurts to try though, just don't be surprised. Look up the specific garment if it's not brand new, there should be reviews.

>> No.7451646

she's saying this as though it's known in the West Bodyline is a costume shop. I wear my Bodyline in public and get people asking me where I got my cute dress and not "oh where did you find that costume"

plus their english site has the "costumes" on a whole separate tab, her argument is pretty much invalid just at that.

>> No.7451648

Bust will shrink if you lose weight. That's the best plan to get within the measure quickest, lost weight then wear binder.

>> No.7451678

I'm not sure but I'd dearly love to get other Japanese lolita opinions on this. Misako used to model for Bodyline and it's been in the G&LB # 22, if you'd like to look.

Remember...this is a girl who just this weekend happily bought a plastic syrup coated stack of fake pancakes to wear on her head. So take from it what you will. Of course it was an indie Japanese accessory brand pancake but still...
I lol'd

>> No.7451697


I've heard that in Japan, opinion is pretty divided, same as here, though it's more divided into girls who don't give a fuck and girls who are very devoted to their brand and don't want to associate with BL because of that. Apparently, some of the dedicated AP girls won't wear anything from there because they've replicated AP items before.

>> No.7451704

Yeah, her whole argument is based around the 'they used to sell only costumes, so now EVERYTHING they sell is still costumes, even in the lolita section.' yes, this is her stance. That everything from bodyline is a costume and not suitable for garment wear.

>> No.7451766
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you have to post pics now, you realize

>> No.7451779
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Thoughts about Ball of Versailles JSK?

>> No.7451825

My pleasure, here you go. She doesn't post her photos much on the net and she's not ita from what I can tell, just very blunt and judgmental. But rather toned down about the Bodyline thing lately, surprisingly.
Still, pancake.

>> No.7451834

Damn infernal devices...

>> No.7451842

That's actually oddly cute and not as terrible as I expected it to be.

But it's still a stack of pancakes worn on the head and honestly I feel like if anything's making society continue to see Lolita as costumes, it's the offbeat stuff like that, not dresses from a site that's ~technically~ a costume shop that's probably indistinguishable from brand to the outsider.

>> No.7451846

I can understand the AP girls boycotting because of the replica issue. But I don't think the plain lolita items that aren't satin or wa or other weird-by-most-standards items would be so terrible. Idk. I'd like to know more, I wish there was more contact between Japanese and western comms, to learn and discuss and such.

>> No.7451850

Oh, I think it's cute too but yes, that terribly syrupy irony regarding costume items...so tasty!

>> No.7451879

I agree, I wish we could talk to Japanese comms. I have a dream that there would be a huge meetup with lolita from all over the world...but that's never going to happen.

Does anyone know what Japanese lolitas generally think about Western lolitas? I've always been curious...

>> No.7451885

Western lolitas are subpar

>> No.7451914

Actually, I have a friend who lives and goes to school in Japan (for the past 8 years). She said in one of her classes someone gave a presentation on lolita and the general consensus of the class was:

>Western lolitas look TOO lolita! They are creepy because they look too much like dolls

She is not a lolita, but she has told me that she has seen several out and about and they have never impressed her like pictures she saw of the western girls from the presentation.

Please note, I have no clue if it was a lolita who gave the presentation or if there were even any in the class itself. That's just something she shared with me.

>> No.7451917

Looks way too orange, imo. I was expecting something much cuter.

>> No.7451939

I can believe that. I already have big and round light eyes and light hair am not a giant but I'm lots taller than Misako. When I've done droopy eyes, wore a big wig and lenses, it's pretty intense. Even when Japanese Lolitas do all that, it's often less in your face than a western girl in full gear. Not better or worse, just a marked difference. Misako has said one big difference is that western Lolitas are more creative. I'm not sure that's actually a compliment though.

>> No.7452096
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I'm pretty newbie to lolita and I just was wondering are Lolitas just specified to one style, or can they have many?

i.e. Someone having a gothic lolita dress, but also having sweet-style dresses.

>> No.7452102

nope you have to decide before you buy anything exactly what style you want and if you deviate we will fucking find you and burn your house down.

>> No.7452105

You're only allowed to wear one style at a time. If you dare step outside of that substyle, the Petticoat Mafia will come and fuck your shit up.

>> No.7452200

Didn't alyssiumbaby get banned on egl comm sales for sock accounts? Because it looks like she's using one on LaceMarket.


I think it's the same name as one of the sockpuppets on LJ and the style of writing/pictures looks the same

>> No.7452204

Alyssiumbaby? I don't think so, she's a pretty big seller and she never had any negative feedback

>> No.7452208

Found the page, it's another sock: http://eglfeedback.livejournal.com/2550897.html

Why would you make another sock account on LaceMarket after being banned for doing it somewhere else? You can relist stuff whenever on LM anyway.

>> No.7452212

interesting, I had a not too steller experience with buying from her but I never thought about leaving bad feedback. Why the hell did she make sock puppet accounts? Just to sell more stuff at the same time or some bs?

>> No.7452215

I don't know why you wouldn't just wait, of course you're going to get caught. I think she just really wanted to sell her stuff but she should have just lowered her prices like everyon else.

What happened when you bought from her? I bought from her ages ago and she came across as a bit rude/pushy, but she seemed like a responsible seller

>> No.7452216

There are some cute ones from Chocomint on Closet Child but they don't have that much variety

>> No.7452221

It's best to do one at a time well since it isn't just the dress, it's a head to toe style and each has a specific look. Most gothic things won't go with sweet things and vice-verse so unless you have the $ to bankroll two separate head to toe looks, it's best to start and stick with one at least for the first few outfits. Once in a while things cross over but that's a happy coincidence rather than a usual thing. If you like both gothic and sweet, look at sweet in black colorways with black blouses, leg wear and shoes or look at the more ruffly and dressy gothic things. I'm sure something will stand out to you.

>> No.7452222

Antique Beast offer alterations too. Speaking of them, I am on their mailing list and I have been for at least a year but I have never received an email from them. I'd like to make an order but I don't know when they're open to do so because of this.

For those of you who have ordered: they will only add 5 CM to each measurement, right? I'd need them to add about 8 unfortunately. Do they offer additional length or is it only for bust/waist?

>> No.7452229

I've never ordered custom from them, but their website's FAQ says 5cm in either direction with an additional charge. It also says you can choose different fabric if they have it available, and make slight alterations such as the style of sleeve. I would assume that they would allow a change in skirt length under that statement.

>> No.7452241

I had to re-read our messages since this was sometime last year but this is what happened based on my memory and messages

>ask to buy an item from sales post
>invoice is sent same day
>wrong amount, send message to ask her to check
>response and updated invoice not sent until another day later
>weekend passes, in total 5 days since first invoice was sent
>'Hey can I have a shipping update?'
>am told that she only ships 'once a week and not on weekends, it's in my terms'
>copy and past terms that only say 'please allow me a week to post your items' with nothing about weekends or only sending mail once a week
>do not hear anything for several more days
>get short message about package being shipped several days later

Normally, I have no problem with waiting. I was very polite when I asked for a shipment update and I was still polite when i quoted her own terms back to her. But it really rubbed me the wrong way that she told me all her shipping rules were listed in her terms when they weren't in any way listed. And then her cutting off contact with me after I pointed it out, and still not shipping within her terms, kind of pissed me off.

>> No.7452245

That's what I thought, I guess they haven't changed it. Damn, I would only need 5 extra for the bust, but I guess my waist is too fat as it's 72 CM and I'd be 4 CM over still even with the additional 5. Sob.

>> No.7452269

I feel like this dress is going to be effing expensive just because a lot of work went into it, but that doesn't mean anyone will buy it. I think it is ugly as hell and no one is going to buy it.

Why does Haenuli make dresses with funky bodices? Does she have a really long torso?

>> No.7452354

Does anyone know if AP is going to wait to release new items until the site is fixed or not?

Waitin' on that sweetie violet like a mad ho.

>> No.7452379

I was gonna say I work at subway and am constantly bruised from hitting metal corners and shit

>> No.7452387

>classical puppets from taobao
>victoriandressgirl on ebay
>never ever bodyline

>> No.7452409

I have it in beige short version and absolutely love it. Great for a spring/summer coord. I've worn it as a casual coord to college a couple times and get compliments on it.

Extreme heathen opinion coming through but you can wear it casually without a petti and the design is still nice and shows up. I don't say it's lolita if I don't wear one though

>> No.7452422
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I need/want pics of Maki and Asuka without other people, please.

>> No.7452430

>2 minutes and 45 seconds

Bitch please.

At Arby's we're pushed and pushed and pushed, and our current drive through time goals are 67 seconds during lunch and 87 seconds during dinner (as we're usually understaffed during dinner because the fucking GM never works at night.)

It's fucking hell. And we "strive for the BEST food quality!" so we make EVERYTHING to order. Which means a lot of going outside in a t-shirt in the middle of winter because some asshole had to order 6 chicken sandwiches which take 5 minutes to cook (the chicken patties, that is) so we had to park him to preserve our precious drive through times.

But no, really, I feel you. And I'll also often wind up with lots of cuts I didn't know I had until I plunge my hand into the sanitizer bin.

And don't even get me started on putting a 10 lb beef roast on slicer with bare hands straight out of the oven at 150+ F.

>> No.7452434


I have a wardrobe that crosses all three sub styles. However, it's best to do what >>7452221 says. Other than money, you have limited time and energy, so it's much better to focus it on getting a few really good head-to-toe looks in one substyle first, rather than buy a bunch of random things that clash all over.

>> No.7452463

Moite ita is getting butthurt because no one will pay 80 euros for her ruined shoes. I saw some in better condition go for a mere 500 yen this year.

Someone offered 50 euros which is still way way wayyy too much and she said:


>> No.7452637

... what ? usually she uses gtranslate from english to french but even if I translate that to french word by word it makes absolutely no sense at all

>> No.7452643

I feel for you guys. This is why when I go to a fast food restaurant, I go inside even if I'm going to get it to go. Drive up window work is the worst.

>> No.7452644

The shoes are just nasty! Is she even in a comm there? How do you guys even put up with her…

>> No.7452726

Over here work with only 3 others average including the dude on the grill (Slowish business) but wed almost never make it under those particular scores in time for the average order. You go gurl!

Them surprise stingy cuts tho, there's definitely another we can relate. All the once-per-hour-minimum hand washing really dries hands up and making cup trays in a giff cringeworthy because the paper cuts on those dry ass hands + dipping into the soapy cloth bucket... daang
I hope times will change soon and we get ourselves some nicer less bruisy jobs anon

>> No.7452731

I don't think she attends any events or meets at all. I heard she's disabled ?

>> No.7452888

She has pictures at various anime conventions/events on her Facebook. I think the lolita comm just doesn't like her so she doesn't go

>> No.7452919
File: 22 KB, 500x276, 1393586874550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally sell a dress i've been meaning to get rid of
>buyer asks for invoice same day
>travelling abroad to her country so i tell her i can ship it domestic after i get there
>bring it in my tiny-ass suitcase
>four days and two reminders later
>buyer cancels the invoice
>dumb apology about bills or something
>politely explain i would have appreciated advance notice because i wasted space in my suitcase so i could ship it to her

non-paying buyers drive me fucking nuts
i went out of my way to accommodate her, but nope! no sale even though i fucking invoiced you immediately and brought your item with me on my trip to save you customs and shipping fees!
if you can't afford something DON'T COMMIT TO BUYING IT jfc

>> No.7452958

You can leave negative feedback for the buyer bailing out on paying their invoice. Bills don't count as an excuse.

>> No.7453081


Leave her negative feedback.
After sending an invoice it is basically a contract, backing out = breach of contract.
I hate it when bitches do this.

>> No.7453113
File: 503 KB, 680x526, ndgt badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ifwinterends is a troll:


>> No.7453177

Yeah, I could see that. As >>7451939 said, it gets pretty intense and there's a pretty big difference.

Although maybe that's an advantage for us, we can where less makeup and still look doll-like...?

>> No.7453179

Sorry but ifwinterends is very real.

>> No.7453187

I wear my IW JSKs casually without petti too and I get tons of compliments from normalfags. The long ones especially work well for normal outfits. I just throw on a cute cardigan over it and I'm set.

>> No.7453191

>never ever bodyline
I recently ordered a petti from Bodyline to go with a maid dress, and I really like it.
What's the issue with BL petticoats?

>> No.7453200
File: 46 KB, 625x626, goingalloutbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way someone with her track record isn't just posting outright bait at this point

>> No.7453211

they might work for costume stuff like maid dresses but not the poof required for lolita

unless you add one on over a bigger petti to add a bit of poof, I've heard of some lolitas who do this

>> No.7453216

How can people even eat this shit? I sure as hell wouldn't want to consume something that somebody slapped together in seconds.
I applaud your ability to work under those conditions though, that has to suck.

>> No.7453222

Wait wait what? Cuts? How?
Are you telling me my fast food slave might have just bled all over my curly fries? That is just not okay

>> No.7453229

I'd agree with them but also add in pay attention to your color palette and set it up in advance. Like if you love black or white, you are pretty set because a lot of black sweet can be mixed with black classic and black classic with black gothic (black sweet and gothic rarely mix but it happens) wine red also strangely goes with all styles.
I do the main 3 styles but have my color palette set up so many of my items can be used in all sorts of different style coords. It is difficult and expensive to do all of them though. I would start out with either sweet and classic or classic and gothic. Sweet and gothic is just asking for a mismatched wardrobe.

>> No.7453232

Not that anon, but when you wash your hands a lot and proceed to work with your hands all day you get very dry skin, and really dry skin can get little cracks and things. And if you're working with food you can't just put lotion on all day.
However very superficial cuts/lesions like that don't really bleed, they just sting when you get them wet so I don't think you need to worry about getting AIDS from your fries.

>> No.7453283

I hate to be that guy, but seriously if you just Google "maki asuka angelic pretty" or even "maki and asuka" there are hundreds of them.

>> No.7453315

But the poof is over the roof with this thing.
I was worried it was too much poof for some lolita outfits.

>> No.7453326

I just found a bunch more porn with girls wearing lolita. Most of it looks pretty old school.


They seem to be a part of a series called Gothic Asian With Semen, lol. There are a few more on that website too.

>> No.7453344

>actress name listed instead of dress name
Terrible organisation.

>> No.7453563

I'm sorry to report that she really does think that highly of herself. reading her blog, she thinks of herself as "the" non-Japanese lolita in Japan to share the ~*~real lolita culture~*~ with the rest of us peons.

>> No.7453569

In need of advice.

My dream print is for sale, it's the right cut but the wrong color. I don't know if I should keep waiting (I've been searching on/off for about 8 months now) or just buy it and resell it once I get my hands on my preferred color choice.

>> No.7453574

I'd be pretty amused to see actual porn geared toward lolitas. Super expensive prints, all brand accessories, gently removed so as not to leave a ruffle out of place
And then halfway through the hunky postman comes to the door. "I have a package from.. Angelic Pretty?"

>> No.7453696


perfect, anon

>> No.7453705

Oh my, awesome.

>> No.7453768


It's hideous, that's why it's been in full stock on their site for what, a year, two years now?

>> No.7453777

I like it, personally. Wish it fit my bust.

>> No.7453832

Since June of last year, but they have a few left in the beige color in short.

They just restocked 'King of Lolita' also.

>> No.7453843

if anyone has gone to these websites what do their outfits look like?

>> No.7453859


I'm gonna guess if you buy this colourway now you won't have enough to buy your preferred colourway later, otherwise it's a no-brainer to buy this now since you'll still have enough to buy the preferred colourway even if it pops up a day later.

If the colourway is a big deal breaker, might be easier to save up a larger sum of money and post a wtb for it on egl comm sales.

If you don't mind the colour particularly much, and this is a harder-to-find print (eg older stuff from IW or Meta), then just buy the wrong colourway.

Sometimes the second best colourway can turn out to be pretty great, I have few dresses that're not in my preferred colourway, but I love it even more than my original preferred colourway now.

>> No.7453930
File: 21 KB, 250x333, 1395786643026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tempted to impulse reserve pic related
>Haven't really got the money right now
>WhitexNavy dress wouldn't even fit into my wardrobe
>Keeping it clean would be a nightmare
>Looks like a Satsuki dress
>Holy shit why am I such a fucking weaboo

>> No.7453942

bodyline does sell lolita costumes. it is not true lolita. majority of lolitas own or used to own bodyline so of course majority is against her opinion because theyre in denial. face it, youre wearing costumes, not lolita. there is a reason why the Gothic & Lolita Bible doesnt include bodyline in it anymore. They used to, thats because lolita started out very ita but quickly improved while bodyline sells the same old ita crap.

>> No.7453950

>lolita started out very ita

i can't even

>> No.7453954

it is by modern definition.
not all of it was ita but most of it was/

>> No.7454018

That's like saying H&M isn't selling normalfag clothes, it's selling costumes of normalfag clothes.

>> No.7454051

hi _ifwinterends

>> No.7454053

jesus christ

>> No.7454081

I'm making my first lolita dress. I have two printed fabrics that go with my theme. Both are super simple. Can you mix prints in a dress? If so, I'd love to see some examples.

If you need photos I can try to find the prints, but I currently can't take photos of the fabric

>> No.7454105

It's not recommended.

>> No.7454143
File: 101 KB, 556x630, 8508905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One fabric is like this

>> No.7454150
File: 84 KB, 556x630, 8637225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the other is like this. But they go together more and similar in color (I bought the fabrics in a fashion district, so I can't find them exactly online. But this gives you a clue as to what I am looking at)

Also I have plain colored fabric for most the dress. I just wanted to use a flower print for the skirt and maybe the butterfly for some panels on the bottom? If not I can use the butterflies for lining or something

>> No.7454156

Your dress is going to look like babby's first sewing project if you use those together.

>> No.7454157

Don't do it. Stick with one, we're telling you.

It even costs less, dude, we're helping you save your money and reputation as a lolita.

>> No.7454165

Never mix busy tiny prints like that, especially not florals and butterflies...unless you're making a dress for an actual toddler.

>> No.7454182

Its not these exact two. They are way more similar in color than what I posted.

And I already bought them both, so I won't be saving money.

But thank you for letting me know its never done. I guess I can make the butterflies in the accessories? I wanted to make it spring/butterfly themed.

>> No.7454192

No, you don't get it: it doesn't matter how similar they are in color because the prints to not go with each other. No matter how similar they are, you will always be able to tell the difference. It will look bad.

Sorry to hear that you wasted money.

>> No.7454194

Then post pictures of the two fabrics and draw a picture of your dress and where you want to use what fabric.

>> No.7454200

the fuck am i reading?...or are you her

I'm rolling. That's exactly right

>> No.7454206

>it is not true lolita

Lmao "true lolita." If a coordinate matches the lolita aesthetic, it is "true lolita."

>> No.7454216
File: 914 KB, 668x1154, brainstorming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I get it now. I was just hoping I could make something like this with it. Kinda to fake the way people make these prints.

I didn't waste my money. I sew a lot. I can use one of the fabrics for something else.

>> No.7454222

*scalloped. I guess I typed it out to fast :/

>> No.7454239

I get your idea but I don't think it's going to look good. The general rule is busy prints don't mesh with lolita. Some brands and designers do them sometimes, but they are always balanced in a way that typical quilting fabrics aren't.

>> No.7454247

Here's an idea. If you really wanted butterflies on your dress, do a plain fabric panel below your printed one. The plain fabric needs to be the same shade as your floral. Do butterfly appliques or embroidery on that plain panel.

>> No.7454252

Well the thing is there's a difference between printed fabric and prints. Things like stripes or plaids or gingham would work well because they're just geometric shapes rather than drawings, I think either a floral or butterfly fabric would look lovely with gingham accents, but both of them, especially while being so small makes the dress too busy and takes away from both prints rather than adding dimension to the dress. I hope that makes sense.

>> No.7454259
File: 578 KB, 720x1280, 2014-03-25 18.39.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who owns/is getting the KL jellyfish dress, r-series is developing a new line which includes these tights!

>> No.7454264

Does anybody know where on 2ch they are?
What the other anon said. There's a Kawaii Girl Japan episode on it.
Another mtg playing lolita! I'm pretty excited though because I fucking love pintucks. Although I don't like the way she cuts her clothes for giants, so I may or may not buy it.

>> No.7454267
File: 217 KB, 556x539, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here this is an example of what I am talking about. (I made it while you were giving me suggestions, so thank you for them)

Maybe add some cute trim where the edge hits? Maybe some embroidered butterfly right above it that are soft?

>> No.7454272

Also, I probably should have made the edge a bit more to scale with the fabric. The scallops would be bigger... but you get the idea.

>> No.7454277

Sorry but doing these two fabrics together is not going to look good. Even if they're totally different and even if you add soft trim. It's just objectively not going to look good. I know you want to make it work but it's not, it's better to know so you can use these fabrics for something else.

>> No.7454278

Yeeeeeah. Awesome.

>> No.7454283
File: 454 KB, 500x281, kirakira.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg anon
Any idea when they're coming out?

>> No.7454282

That looks pretty horrible.

>> No.7454286

This is already looking dolldelight tier. But probably won't even be up to that construction standard.

Please, use just one of the printed fabrics. You said this is your first lolita dress, you have nowhere near the skill level required to make a dress with more than one print look good.

>> No.7454288

Yea. The more I think about the more I like the idea of using the floral pattern and the butterfly as just pretty lining. I also like what >>7454247

Thanks for helping me brainstorm

>> No.7454289

I can't think of anyone that can make these two fabrics look good.

>> No.7454292

Stop trying so fucking hard. That looks awful and there's nothing you can do to change it.

>> No.7454295

Its my first lolita dress, but I'm been sewing for 14 years and I've done similar style when I've done historical costumes for theatre shows. Construction is not an issue. I just need to learn more about prints in lolita specifically.

Most panels I've gone to haven't gone that in depth. And most blogs I've read are just filled with a lot of other filler

>> No.7454302

It makes me kind of wish I'd ordered the KL jellyfish dress but I'm trying to stick to the major brands this year and upgrade my wardrobe. But I still think about it. These are adorable.

>> No.7454304

It mostly looks horrible because those are the closest examples I can find to what I have, but they are freakin shitty Joanns prints.

But yes, the more I'm thinking about it the more I'm not liking the idea.

>> No.7454311

If you've been sewing that long and have fashion sense for reproducing historical costumes, I'm wondering why you chose these fabrics for a Lolita dress. They don't really fit the aesthetic of anything but Country Loli maybe. Linings, as with modern clothes, are usually poly taffeta, not self-lined with cotton. Hm. Have you ever seen a burando lolita dress in person and looked at the fabric and construction? This is pretty far off.

>> No.7454316

Why not just start with solid colours then? If you have that much skill, you'd be better using it to do amazing ruffles, semi interesting bodice and sleeve details, and pin tucks as opposed to playing with prints when you don't have a good grasp of the print aesthetic.

>> No.7454315

Giant here and I'm on the fence about it too. Shorties should think twice, as you are because good luck shortening that with all those tucks.

>> No.7454318

No, the pics were just posted on r-serie`s designer`s instagram.

Aw, anon. Maybe consider getting some of the leftover stock after the reservation pieces are complete? I know Clobba will be getting leftover stock.
And KL took loads of orders this time, so there will be loads of 2nd hand ones floating around.

>> No.7454326
File: 243 KB, 800x600, 1395795213239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it mostly looks horrible because you're trying to mix two tiny, busy prints with vaguely-related motifs (one of which you hardly see in lolita at all). Until you've got more experience with selecting fabric for lolita, don't try to come up with an excuse to use two fabrics you bought on impulse. You've got to have a plan first or al of your shit is going to look like dolldelight's nightmares.

>> No.7454343

The fabrics I have are a lot softer then the examples I used. The floral is actually a vintage fabric. Which is why I thought it would make a pretty dress. I'm only suggesting lining it in the cotton butterfly print because I enjoy lining things in fun prints.

I have seen a few burandos in person. But most of them, while I liked the construction, just weren't my favorite types of dress. I've only been to a few panels and one fashion show. But I'm pretty sure I get how the dresses are made. (I'm just choosing to line it how I'd like for fun.)

>> No.7454353

I guess the only way to explain this to you would be to get the two actual prints. But I can't so this is where our conversation ends.

>> No.7454357

Sprigged prints =/= lolita
Fun cotton lining =/= lolita, for the upper lining/facings, possibly but skirt self-lining in cotton is a big fail in any fashion.

What is your pattern or silhouette planned for the dress, show us, please? Because so far, your choices aren't very lolita at all. Maybe more research is needed but I'd still like to see the pattern or design plan.

>> No.7454359

I might have to just get it after all. Everything has an exception. Dammit.

>> No.7454364

I second this. If you are a good seamstress, it's a shame to make this faux pas over an inappropriate fabric choice.

>> No.7454373
File: 66 KB, 346x520, 1395796343515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna use it for the upper lining...

And here's the dress I'm hoping to make.

>> No.7454378
File: 477 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mwzvilDqtv1qztntko2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I wanted to make the bottom more like this. Originally for the butterfly fabric, but now I'm going with a plain fabric

>> No.7454386
File: 137 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mtg30txKyJ1rxioeio3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is a better example of what I wanted to do on the bottom.

>> No.7454388

Okay, you keep saying "these are the closest images I can find and they're really similar to what I have!" and "You just don't understand because you're not looking at the actual prints..."
You can't fucking have it both ways. Shut the fuck up and stop trying to make excuses for the fact that, from the lolita side of it, you have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.7454389

Okay, well like I said. You obviously can't help me and others are, so I guess us talking is over.

>> No.7454423

Oh my gosh, I need this.

>> No.7454477
File: 249 KB, 772x646, so-rori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have no face

>> No.7454569
File: 90 KB, 289x420, Sweet Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't sure where to post this, but Swatch have released a sweet-themed collection I thought you guys might like.


>> No.7454622

That dress is hardly a downgrade. Why would you not buy something just because it's not from Baby, AP or Meta?

>> No.7454980

Are swatch a good brand or something?
I'm jumping on the Economical vs Cheap Shit bandwagon but I gotta plan my purchases really hard with my income and a good long lasting watch is on my needs list

>> No.7454986

Pics and which petti was it?

>> No.7454991

I hope it wasn't the $60 one.

>> No.7455059


>> No.7455135

She seriously sells such a huge amount of stuff at once, I have to wonder, does she sell for multiple people or something? Or buy to resell? Or just have such a large wardrobe that she's always cycling through items?

This so much, I love wearing IW items without petti casually or for otome outfits, when the material is stiffer and can hold shape on its own it's super cute.

>> No.7455149

Did that. You can find older pics of them without other people, but i didn't find newer pics with just them.

>> No.7455514
File: 73 KB, 700x900, blpetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it was.
I have only tried it under the maid costume so far, but it was very very poofy.

>> No.7456110

This fabric's pretty, but I'd use it on its own for a classic dress- it will look so much nicer.

>> No.7457128

what are good shipping services to use with major brand releases like ap, please?

>> No.7458508

Quick question- I assume the answer is yes but. if you're ordering 1 reservation item and 1 in-stock item from IW in the same order, they'll wait to ship both until the reservation item is released, right?

They're not like Baby (I think it is?) that doesn't allow you to order and ship reserve and in-stock items at the same time?

>> No.7460105

My computer broke and I lost all my files. So requesting AP's add pictures. Pretty please!