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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7439912 No.7439912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Onto thread 4. Lets get some pictures up in this bitch

>> No.7439919

So any proof that denise and john got first dibs on the lolita dresses, or is this just hearsay?

>> No.7440031

Did they really dropped Reika at the wrong terminal? Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.7440092

Somehow I hope she won't come back next year for AM :/

>> No.7440095

er, or HLC, whatever event that these people are having

>> No.7440108

anime matsuri is the con, HLC is the Houston lolita community

>> No.7440652

so I guess we ran out of drama?
They posted the photo ops

>> No.7440664

anyone know what happened at the cosplay contest? Didnt get to go. Heard a lot of stuff flipped and fell off but dont know much about it

>> No.7440731
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1000, D58C0835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg guys
this is gold right here

jfc these ackward photos

>> No.7440739

I guess yeah

>> No.7440744

They're like that every year.

>> No.7440754

Her elbows are inverted from all that fat... and she can still fit into a Baby dress. It looks painful though.

>> No.7440756

Do you guys think that some members of Nightmare wear wigs? Their hair looks really luxurious in some of the promo pics.

>> No.7440769
File: 453 KB, 1000x1500, D58C1265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its possible, but considering the amount of movement they do on stage I think they just style their normal hair mostly. I can see them using wigs for photoshoots.

Also, the spagetti in the reika pictures.
>dont laugh
>send help

>> No.7440853

christ, how embarrassing.

>> No.7440910

>heard a lot of stuff flipped and fell off


>> No.7440911

the people who won best skit, the cat girl's wig flew off.

>> No.7440916


Why so many landwhales? gross
Looks like Hitsugi wants to laugh. I feel bad when i see these pics, because they must think most Americans look this disgusting.

>> No.7440919


>> No.7440939

I've heard yes, also that Lolitas who were volunteering grabbed the good booth stuff early before superpass holders even got in and that at least one 'bought for a friend' like a shopping service situation. I'd be surprised if there was even anything decent left to buy by the time the general pass holders got to the booths.

>> No.7440947

Anyone catch in the comments of their latest Facebook post where John basically blames the japanese guests for late start times.

>> No.7440953

they don't. I'd think maybe HItsugi wears extensions every now and then, but wigs, no

>> No.7440966
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>> No.7440968

>Hitsugi and Sakito's faces
Oh man, haha

>> No.7441011

The concert started late because neither Eyeshine or Nightmare's equipment showed up on time for soundcheck. They weren't "taking their time to give a good show." They're professionals.

>> No.7441027

...THAT is Nightmare? I'm not a fan, but they look better there than in many magazine spreads of them I've seen. They actually look pretty good. But perhaps it's just the fat ugly chick making them look better in comparison.

>> No.7441047

The best dressed winners for the Saturday tea party were terribly disappointing.

>> No.7441048
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because you wanted pics.

>> No.7441052
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holy shit

>> No.7441060

AM sure knows how to put the lol in lolita.

>> No.7441068

oh wow. that's like, tiny local con level "catering"

>> No.7441072

Who were they? Pix?

>> No.7441075

who cares? did they actually win anything? those bling it up prizes were lame

>> No.7441077

>no tea just tropicana and a cup of ice
I'm so sorry anon...that is fucking hilarious tho

>> No.7441082

Dante cosplayer failed a stunt on stage, Annie from LoL lost her wig on stage. So far that's all I've seen.

>> No.7441087

Why the fuck would anyone waste $30 to take a photo with someone, just to wear something like this. Anyone could claim they're inside that suit. Poor Reika.

>> No.7441095
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Wtf big chunky American breakfast scones???
Bit different from tea scones with clotted cream and jam...
I thought Houston was a cosmopolitan city...

>> No.7441111

i cant wait to see video of this.

>> No.7441113

holy shit.

>> No.7441124
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i busted up laughing at this shit on page 1 of the elusive program guide. Conceited much?

>> No.7441127

>thinking anime cons have anything to actually do with japanese culture as a whole and not just a small crutch of the neckbeard society
I like anime and have been going to cons for 10 years now, but it boils my blood when people act like you're going to learn something education at an anime con having to do with Japanese society and culture/history.

>> No.7441129

Well I don't think a $40 ticket would ever buy that tea on the left, especially once you tack on venue rape fees for food.

>> No.7441134

Agree. J&D dont even speak Japanese or know shit about the culture.
Showing up on stage in a kimono you didn't even put on by yourself, smh...

>> No.7441147

dont worry anon, in Austin (its near houston) we are perfectly civilized and consume tea with scones and clotted cream.

>> No.7441148

The event was sold out. Do the math. They did a costco run and pocketed the extra.

>> No.7441152

Not saying the reality wasn't shit, just that the expectation shown is unreasonably high.

>> No.7441155

Most hotels require you to use their catering but this looks like the cheapest continental breakfast package they serve gratis to the rotary club morning meetings, minus the coffee...

>> No.7441159

i suppose, but that expectation is fairly average for tea parties arranged at a actual venue.
Too bad we cant hijack the guests and just do the tea party at the adjoining hotel, and pay a little extra for guest fees/matsuri$ and get real tea and food >:V

>> No.7441173
File: 84 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n2q3b2DtbE1qldhb5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was….really determined to get a selfie with all the guests. "

>> No.7441186

she's taking a photo...while having a photo taken? so confused. this girl seems really odd (the lolita. Not Reika)

>> No.7441189
File: 46 KB, 960x540, 1395300982871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think shes some variety of tumblr retarded

can anyone confirm?

>> No.7441204

Wait, so she paid $30 for a professional photo op just to ruin it by taking a selfie?

>> No.7441215

Bonnet-chan: "I love photos so I'ma take a photo while posing for another photo so we can all be photoing together, k?"

Reika: "inward sigh"

>> No.7441229

Poor Reika

>> No.7441245

It's totally fine if you don't like blingup but just wanted to mention that they got totally boned by AM. They gave AM nails for every model at the show that never even got used (dumped on the floor for them to scramble after when the show was over) and their site was spelled wrong in the credits. They lost a lot of money coming to AM--I wouldn't be surprised if the other sponsors didn't drop out but were rather just fucked over at John or Deneice's random whims.

On another note, Blingup's model was pretty cute.

>> No.7441354

Styrofoam plates? I get if they had to use disposable, but at least get some cute paper plates from the dollar store. Damn.

>> No.7441472


.. and the selfie pic turned out shitty. Girl, look at your choice

>> No.7441487


Anyone bitching about the food has obviously never been anywhere catered by Armark. This is exactly what I was expecting, which is why I didn't go. In the past when the hotels had catered they at least had actual dish wear and attempted cute food. They party in the woodlands was the best one, they actually served you throughout the event.

If they want a good quality tea with quality food they should either find an off site venue and rent that for the weekend or at least move the party over to the Hilton. At least the Hilton would give you a plate.

>> No.7441542

can we please potition to john and denise ;-;
I'm down for off-site, they have enough stupid contract shit to deal with anyways.
The max I'd be willing to pay is like $50 for actual food and guests *shrug*

>> No.7441727

go join HLC and tell them, they are both all over the com. John more so, which is kind of creep.

>> No.7441745

Oh lord, it's an Aramark controlled site? That means that food probably cost $25/person or else there was some kind of massive fee for them to bring it in.

>> No.7441852
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Why is HCL kissing Johns ass so much.
I found selfiechan arguing valiantly on someones status.

I cannot take her seriously

>> No.7441860
File: 22 KB, 350x527, 1395338184845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl. I don't know squat about lolita//jfash, but this was in the fashion show, like is this actually a good outfit, because it looks awful to me .

>> No.7441890

What did she say?

>> No.7441892

is her selfie super blurry? can she not take a photo worth shit?

>> No.7441897

you don't get to pick what you wear in a fashion show.

>> No.7441900

How do they even pick the models for the show? Is it an actual application or just whoever kisses ass most? Some of these models don't look so great

>> No.7441951

that's unfortunate

>> No.7441958

Well who the hell did the makeup and stuff cause some of the girls look busted. I know it's not their fault they can't control everything but someone could give them some direction. But it's not all bad a lot of girls were actually very beautiful too

>> No.7441959


You should learn a thing or B about numbering systems.

>> No.7441974

Typo bruh, my bad

>> No.7441997

that's putumayo, they are way more casual and have a punk aesthetic.

>> No.7442006

I dunno about putamayo but from being in similar brand j-fashion shows, they will bring in a couple of makeup artists. Usually one actually knows what they are doing and one is an aspiring girl who maybe hasn't practiced much. They will bring in 1-2 hair people and it's the same deal, it's just whoever replied to the casting call. They don't always have time to do everyone's hair and makeup so some girls have to do their own, usually whoever volunteers and claims to have experience. Even the models might chip in to do other girl's hair and makeup when they run short on time. I've been in 3 of these and the same thing happened every time.

>> No.7442028

didn't the models have to do their own hair and makeup bc 'dior' and glw fell through?

>> No.7442113
File: 109 KB, 640x960, 1395347953418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Over the years, our guests and attendees have become our family. Looking forward to 2015!"

is it just me or does this feel creepy/forced af

>> No.7442145

Hasegawa looks happy. Pretty sure ya'll are projecting your feelings onto guests at this point. The girls look like they always do, and so does John. He always looks forced. In fact if anyone in this whole photo looks non-genuine its him...and maybe that baby.

>> No.7442167

yeah no that's what I meant

that, and the caption

>> No.7442607


>> No.7442795
File: 15 KB, 501x178, EkyE6ud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't sound passive aggressive at all.

>> No.7442801

One of my friends shared this photo on FB, apparently someone did this at AM.
"Levi and Oluo"
Jesus Christ. Why do people think this looks good?

>> No.7442802
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Shit, forgot pic.

>> No.7442810

Yeah, I saw that very same pic on FB. It wouldn't be so bad if they toned down the make up a bit but as of right now they look like automatons.

>> No.7442811

I think it's just to let people know they are aware of the threads that said otherwise as well as to get people's reactions and feedback to having the same guests 2 years in a row. That's something that sometimes people like but sometimes not. Having all the fashion guests back would be fun! It also shows that they are aware of the grumbling on many levels which is actually a good thing. I hope they take heed and fix the things that went wrong.

>> No.7442812

that Levi wig is so ratty

>> No.7442822

Is that... Frollo?

>> No.7442823

This sounds horribly bitter

>> No.7442883

It was a combination of both. There was an application to fill out where you sent in photos, your measurements, why you wanted to model, etc., but since J&D also had a voice in the model selections along with the designers, a large part of it was how much asskissing you did and how familiar with them you were.

>> No.7442892

Unfortunately, most, if not all, convention centers are ran by unions. Most likely it was Aramark catering, since they pretty much have a monoply on convention centers. They charge out the ass for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if they lost money on the tea party with their prices.

>> No.7442893

That didn't happen at AM, it's someone playing around with makeup. It's not a legit costume.

>> No.7442899

LOL, someone's confirmed for reading the threads. Hey John, please stop trying to get japanese girls to fuck you and focus on making sure you have enough staff to actually run your con. Maybe next year you shouldn't be playing dress up in the fashion show and make sure it fucking starts on time. Stop blaming everyone else for your fuck ups.

>> No.7442902
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She's like queen of awkward selfies, sameface, and "gurl comb yo wig"

>> No.7442916

Convention Chairs: get Akira's band instead of Waveya, don't let your Lolita con volunteers scoop the best Lolita booth shopping before your superpass members, have at least one decently elegant tea party, solve your timing issues.

Houston Lolita comm: organize a fashion walk in con down-time and then have a private midnight tea party in a suite at the Hilton with your own yummy, NICE tea goodies and invite the Lolita guests (since they didn't want to sleep anyway).

Otherwise, as an out-of-towner, I might as well just stay home, order from the Baby website and go up to Chicago a bit later in the year.

>> No.7442973

So what were the skits like in the contest this year?

>> No.7442990

I'm gonna guess this is also John's low-key way of denying copping a feel on a Japanese guest.

Any official statement on the Dior fail?

>> No.7442992

Twinzik are you shitting me right now

>> No.7443004

ugh, i love Akira so much. It makes me sad to see her surrounded by such uggos. (Not Midori of course)

>> No.7443009
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so... are the AM 1-3 threads available???

someone could maybe post some links??

much appreciated

>> No.7443012

They were only going to send the booth workers from Dillards and John and Denise said no, thats not good enough.

>> No.7443014

the raffle and best dressed awards weren't even supposed to be given out. they basically stole the product, and now they arent going to repay the blingup people. and the nails were supposed to be worn during the show seeing as how blingup was a sponsor of the show and the tea parties.

>> No.7443029


None yet, but somehow it will be everyone's fault but AMs. What a coincidence that both the wig and makeup companies decided to drop out at the same time.

In a way I feel bad for the lolitas who continue to be swindled by AM. Somehow they can't see the dozens of broken promises, mistreatment and outright lies that J & D have fed to them. John and Denice are money hungry egomaniacs taking advantage of naive impressionable people who will do anything for the convention and only need eye contact with some Japanese model to make it worth their while. John and Denice are interested in your money and the attention you give them, and nothing else. Other conventions bring Japanese lolita guests and manage not to fuck it up completely and don't require any of the asskissing or the wake of drama that happens after every con. I hope the lolitas still feverently supporting AM learn to value themselves better and not to give so much money and time to people who are clearly taking advantage of them.

On the other hand, "fool me twice shame on me" comes to mind.

>> No.7443032





>> No.7443037

Why are the reviewers talking about being blacklisted by the con

>> No.7443042
File: 75 KB, 500x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the BTSSB owner drop out as guest?
Were Kano-San or Nakamura-San there even? Or was it just models in the end?
Remember this?

>> No.7443046

tumblr chan, use google. its rebeccatech archive or some shit, everything on cgl gets archived.

>> No.7443059

>>7443042 Baby designer was there but not the Alice and the Pirates designer or Isobe. AM told their volunteers they weren't coming a month before they announced it. Who knows how long they knew about it before that. But they didn't want to lose out on any money so they kept it quiet.

>> No.7443062

oh 1 month? Isnt it a coincidence that thats exactly when they stop doing pre-reg?


>> No.7443066

idk about dibs, but there was plenty of stuff at both booths when I got there Friday and Saturday and I was neither staff nor a super pass holder.

>> No.7443073

1) This wasn't done at Matsuri 2) They are only playing with makeup 3) The second photo is meant to be over the top since she was using the manna as reference. 4) Its a closet cosplay, they do it all the time and its not meant to look absolutely amazing 5) Your friend should do some more research before stating they actually went out in public like this, Twinzik knows better than that

>> No.7443091

Yeah there was stuff but it's not like any of it was actually good.

>> No.7443093

anything with 'resale value' was snatched up for sure.

>> No.7443100

>I'm not even sure how to reply to some of these comments. Is it so difficult to understand the guests had fun and want to come back? Is it so difficult to understand Nightmare wants to come back? I mean, yes we have many aspects of the con to work on and fix, and we are, even as I type this.

Fucking John.

>> No.7443104

That's what I meant, it was picked over before the doors even opened and you don't shit on your supposed VIPs like that when they've paid to be first.

>> No.7443163

Maybe I just don't buy for resale value, but I got every item I wanted from the booth without a super pass or staff badge.

And tbh, even if staff got first pick at the booth, I assume they volunteer a lot of time to the convention during and before, so it doesn't bother me that they got first pick--especially if they have the money to pay for what they bought.

>> No.7443174

I don't buy for resale value but I do notice it and often choose things that keep their value and sell out first. That's not the point. Volunteers get their con passes as compensation for volunteering and usually any other perk that isn't something that's costly or limited in quantity...but you do NOT favor them over your paying VIP when the perk of early admission to the dealers room and first choice of the merch is one of the advertised features of paying extra for a superpass.

>> No.7443183

is it typical for the people working at other booths in dealers room to be there first too? People I knew with AA badges were in there before us and I dont imagine their splitting the cost of a table cost more than buying a superpass. -_-;

>> No.7443190

Volunteers, yes. I'm talking about staff.
The only lolitas I'm aware of who got earlier admission were official AM staff and/or also bought super passes but happened to help out with setup in the dealer's room.

Maybe it's still kinda shitty, but even if six or eight people got earlier access, most of them wouldn't buy more than a few items and baby sent over a list of stock that was allegedly like seven pages long.
If I had to take a guess, there may not have been as many "big name" items because a lot of the feedback HLC gave them asked for more blouses, shoes, bags, and other accessories this year.

As far as AA and other dealers, I'm not sure how you would moderate them going to other booths before everyone else.

>> No.7443234
File: 23 KB, 407x188, ss (2014-03-21 at 04.57.08).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this sass

>> No.7443238

Other dealers, yes, AA people, no. They were in there early too? Sheesh!

At least one of the staff that is Lolita bought early both for herself and off of a list, serving as a shopping service for at least one friend.

>> No.7443265

Kaname? I hope Reika tells him about her bad AM experience

>> No.7443345

holy fuck that poor baby jsk

>> No.7443405

they did raffles at previous years tea parties. The prizes were donated by sponsors. Why do you think they stole product this year?

>> No.7443453

So who talks with John & Deniece regularly?

>> No.7443483

>>7443405 Not the poster but I believe the nails were supposed to be in the fashion show but they didn't actually use them. Maybe they raffled off ones the models were supposed to wear.

>> No.7443550

I don't know where you're getting that info, but the HLC mod acting as an SS was not on staff, so I don't know who you're talking about. If the mod acting as an SS was in early, I assume she had a super pass.

>> No.7443557

It was mentioned earlier, but I believe models received their nails after the show was over.

The Bling Up people seemed very nice when I went by, so they may well have just donated a lot out of generosity?

>> No.7443562

I know buttcape posted way in advance that they were doing an SS, idk

>> No.7443568

I'm pretty sure, buttcape wasn't on staff lol
Besides wasn't she acting as an SS more for the Siesta books? She mentioned that she didn't have access to the stock list.

>> No.7444116

Isobe always back out of cons at the last minute. So that's nothing new. As for Tomomi Nakamura, Isobe told her she was no longer allowed to go to AM since she's the only AatP designer and had to stay in Japan to work on everything.

>> No.7444293

It makes sense

>> No.7444291
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>> No.7444678

John you've been doing this shit for over 8 years. Stop playing stupid. You knew this would happen.

Oh wait that's right you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7444682

He's not playing.

>> No.7444694


didn't even apologize. typical.

>> No.7444704

There's seriously no excuse on this earth for the use of those gaudy paper plates. And come on, pocky and ramune for the maid cafe? jfc, what a mess.

>> No.7444757

the guy doesn't even know what humility is, and his wife is a desperate attention whore. someone should put their kid in child services asap before it turns into a monster.

>> No.7444864

ya'll can bitch about the botched teas all you want, at least he's trying to move the event to the Hilton for next year. His explanation is exactly what I expected, Aramark is terrible.

>> No.7444926

AM has been in the GRB before they would have already known this. I call bullshit. To everything.

>> No.7444953

He butts in at all the lolita events and then talks about this like it's some kind of logistical oversight. How is it possible for him to invest so much time in all of these events and still have them go so poorly?

>> No.7445240

yeah, 7 years ago. They had no food service year one. The people they were dealing with were probably totally new.

I'm also curious what you would have expected they do to better the situation. They couldn't get an outside caterer, they couldn't bring in outside food. If the goal was just to pocket money and run they wouldn't be attempting to book space at the hotel, which will probably cost them a lot just to appease about 100 people.

>> No.7445256

I'm surprised there weren't any AM related secrets this week. Then again, 12 submissions didn't get posted so maybe it was in some of those.

>> No.7445416

They could have changed the format of the tea party and involved more activities instead of having people sit around the whole time. Even something like lolita themed bingo would have been more interesting than just sitting there.

They knew about Aramark from the beginning. They should have planned around it and made up for the crappy food instead of expecting it to be fine.

And they could have done better with the presentation and not used plain styrofoam cups. Even the dollar store has cuter stuff.

>> No.7445422

Or they could have not called it a tea party. If they had called it a "lolita event with light snacks provided" people wouldn't have been as pissed.

>> No.7445446

there was no way to get better food, why dont you get that? ARAMARK sucks, but there was no other option. The hotel was booked full of events all weekend.

I agree about the games or activities.

>> No.7445456

I didn't say anything about getting different food. Learn to read.

>> No.7445993

>I'm pretty sure, buttcape wasn't on staff lol
I thought she was...? She sure seemed to be acting like it.

>> No.7447035

She wasn't technically on staff--she's a mod for the community. She stood up along with some of the other "elites" of the HLC during one of the parties but not as staff. She wasn't in the fashion show either but was on stage helping out the pianist, so I assume she was probably facilitating things backstage since she was showing up to rehearsals. But yeah she really looks like she's on staff so it's hard to tell.

>> No.7447517

She wasn't on staff nor did she help out with anything for the lolita events. She was only a stand in for models that couldn't make it to rehearsals for the fashion show.

>> No.7448649

I think it's a bit too surprising.

>> No.7448866
File: 37 KB, 498x373, ctzQWec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how 2014 went with all those months of planning, he should have started preparing for 2015 like five years ago.

>> No.7448889

There was a lot of hype about Vampy Bit Me, and I can't help but wonder.. why?

>> No.7448904

No idea. She's average tier and isn't even attractive with her fake tits

>> No.7448981

oh great. I really was not into the narrative shit.

>> No.7449064

:( I think Vampy's very pretty. She's also really nice and down-to-earth.

>> No.7449074

Tits. She's basically a younger Yaya with less talent (afaik she doesn't make her costumes?)

>> No.7449255

especially after all the technical failures during the show. No thanks.
Never seen such a talentless man so desperately trying to gain attention before. Stick to kissing your wife's ass, dickwad.

>> No.7449265

Yeah the narrative was pretty terrible.They seemed to have left a lot out or something. Nothing really made sense,

>> No.7449332

lol at the end of the show I was like was that actually the full story or did they cut it down because nobody had rehearsed it. Even the models didn't seem to know.

>> No.7454920

there wasn't even a rehearsal?

i spoke with the girl who was supposed to be playing violin during the fashion show. she told me she didn't even get a soundcheck so of course her electric violin didn't even work and she was so embarrassed standing on stage. Poor girl.

No soundcheck + no rehearsal... wtf was going on for that two hour delay?

>> No.7457412

holy shit she was actually supposed to be playing? I thought maybe it was just for show and she was a normal model who didn't actually play. That really sucks for her.

and yeah they practiced it in chunks and bits but someone said they didn't even get to rehearse it all the way through once

>> No.7462323


>> No.7462325