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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7439293 No.7439293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's been a while, can we have a friendship/ finding thread?

Fav. Anime/Games:
Fav Animal:
Anything else?

>> No.7439311

Name: Carley Hayward
Age: 18
Contact: you don't deserve one
Interest: being the center of attention, sex with attractive men
Fav. Anime/Games: none, fuck that virgin neckbeard shit
Fav Animal: my cat
Anything else? nope!

>> No.7439313

>mfw I look the name up
>it's Voldefart

>> No.7439328

Literally saving all her instagram pictures right now, god my dick is so hard

>> No.7439340

>she's still 18
I knew that cunt was underage b8 when she started posting on /cgl/ and when she lost her virginity to DQ's bro.

Fucking lying canadian shits. NUKE CANADA!

>> No.7439348

i like cars and ganes (but I don't have car)
>Fav. Anime/Games:
not watching anime but my fav game is GTA: San Anderas
>Fav Animal:
I like dogs (but I don't have one)

Please send me an email if you interested.

>> No.7439371

>implying friendship has any value

>> No.7439378

>implying anything in this world has any value

>> No.7439383

>Implying friendship is not magic.

>> No.7439391

Women have value.

>> No.7439398

What about men?

>> No.7439414

I'd say about 90% of men have no value.

>> No.7439417

Am I in the 10%?

>> No.7439420

Seeing that you:
a) had to ask the question;
b) are a male;
c) are posting on /cgl/ without the tripname God;
no, you are not the 10%.

>> No.7439424
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>> No.7439427




>> No.7439431
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>> No.7439441
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Name: Alicel W.
Age: 19
Contact: You don't deserve it you little peasant
Interest: jfash (loliduh mainly),visual gay,...
Fav Animu/Gamu: Kuroshit and Rozen Maiden
but i don't really play games anymore
Fav Animal: Cats
Anything else: I wish i was e famous sumtim

>> No.7439449
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>> No.7439490

Please stop bullying Voldie immediately. I can tell you're just one of the jealous girls from the KLK thread who can't stand that her Mako is perfect and better than yours as a result.

>> No.7439507

Name: Christina
Age: 18
Contact: Hehe stop asking you silly boys!
Interest: Jfash and Lolita (although I'm not one)
Fav. Anime/Games: Princess Jellyfish, Dota2 pls no h8
Fav Animal: Canadian Marble Fox
Anything else? Sometimes I wish I could buy 9000 dildos on ebay and...

>> No.7439520

>Dota 2
link to dotabuff or didn't happen

you have stats private then you are instantly trash, no excuses

>> No.7439538

Name/age withheld

> Contact
Email in field

> Interests
Lolita, accessory making, cosplay, chemistry, and current events general

> Fav. anime/games
One Piece, Nodame Cantabile, Tiger&Bunny, Yakitate!Japan, Chobits // Chrono Trigger, FF:Tactics, Legend of Zelda, Ragnarok Online, AC:NL

>Fav. animals
Dogs, cats, rabbits

>Anything else?
I read a lot of manga, I bake a lot, and I cook. Looking to friend some lolita/seagulls around the area and talk about food, cosplay, series, weeb out general, fashion, etc.

>> No.7439542
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>One Piece
Man, I'm way behind (still on Fishman Island arc). Hopefully I can clear up some of my workload soon and marathon through the episodes. I heard Trafalgar Law gets lots of screentime in the later arcs, which sounds hella rad.

>> No.7439548

Hell yeah, he does. Law is awesome. The arc right now is kinda dragging tbh.

>> No.7439709

hi voldie

>> No.7439874
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I'm on episode 22 of Stronger, i've tried other rider series but its the only one i felt like sticking with

>> No.7439876

why ya gotta make me put my trip back on anon?

>> No.7439878

>falling for that obvious of a troll

>> No.7439891
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Name: M. Millen
Age: 25
Contact: aim: heerozero99 email: ghostatdeadmanscurve@gmail.com
Interest: Canyon race, bad guitar playing, stock market, animu, pretending I hate firefighting, eating vagina
Fav. Anime/Games: Gundam Wang? Evangelion?
Fav Animal: Depends on my mood
Anything else? Not really

>> No.7439924
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These are always fun!!

Maguma or you can call me Matt, whatever works
Aim: DynamiteBrekdown,
Skype: maguma-sama
Steam: Maguma-sama
Drawing, dancing, music, animation, cosplay, vidyagaems
>Fav. Anime/Games:
.hack, Azumanga Daioh, Street Fighter,
>Fav Animal:
Southern Rock Hopper Penguin. I need it in my LIFE.
>Anything else?
Location: Los Angeles
I always enjoy a good chat~ Hit me up on AIM or Skype whenevs and I'll get back to ya asap :)

>> No.7439937

Put you on my buddy list bro

>> No.7439941


>> No.7439947

Oh wow you dance? What do you dance to?

>> No.7439951

Anything. I'm eclectic in my musical tastes. I love jazz, hip hop, funk, and disco. I pop and lock a lot and most of what I know I've learned from my friends in one fashion or another. A smidge of ballet, some ball room, some salsa, musicals have been fun. Smash it together, turn on a radio, dance central. I apologize if you thought I was a legit dancer :<

>> No.7439959

That's cool, and I didn't think you were a legit dancer! I was just wondering what you danced to because guys usually don't dance, it's nice to know that some do.

>> No.7439963

I just love to dance~ Hell I dance at the gym between lifts! I have a problem, and no one can stop it, haha!!

>> No.7439995

Name: Rat is fine
Age: 20
Contact: no.jpg
Interest: Cosplay! And also panels
Fav. Anime/Games: Evangelion, Bastion, Borderlands, idk man
Fav Animal: Probably like a dog or something.
Anything else?

>> No.7439999


balls I forgot to finish my post but I'm in southwestern ohio for school, but my parents are from Chicago so I go to all of the midwest summer cons (ACen, AMW, Ramencon etc)

>> No.7440015


Ohio? You're out

>> No.7440026

I always see you at every con I go to and I always slightly hate you.

>> No.7440033


I think i know who this is. Let me ask you... do you like Wendy's?

>> No.7440036


oh no.
I'm crushed.
how will I go on.