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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7437488 No.7437488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No progress thread?! How is your stuff coming along?

>> No.7437497
File: 143 KB, 598x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post first. I just started the Super Sonico headphones today. I bought a cheap 12 dollar headphone as a base so it's easier to work on top of. Plus since they're actual headphones, they are functional.

>> No.7438176
File: 137 KB, 640x640, 1395190082755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already planning on remaking this, but here's some progress on my extremely crooked Leona shield (I'm gonna try to paint it to look less crooked)

>> No.7439330
File: 61 KB, 960x720, 1395231381164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting so close I can almost taste it. I luckily got an extension so I didn't kill myself before megacon. Though sadly it means it wont be at Mega. Still needs a lot of work and lots of fiddly bits and greeblies to look decent but, it's coming along.

>> No.7439335

Hi voldie

>> No.7439345

are..are you going to megacon by chance? i think i follow you on tumblr if so.

>> No.7439346

Shame that it can't be done for Mega, but it's still looking very good.

>> No.7439350

Thank you!
Well that was the plan, but after the transport got stolen and not having another way of getting it up there I took a bit of a breather instead of just constantly working on it.

>> No.7439416

This looks so terrible Voldie. Please just remake it. The paint job is so bad.

>> No.7439596

I know, I'm planning on remaking it, I'm just trying to decide if I want to go the insulation foam route again. And it's more of the sanding job that was bad and crooked than the paint job.

>> No.7440183
File: 136 KB, 640x640, 1395265446068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly better photo of it. still pretty crooked though

>> No.7440197

It really doesn't look bad at all. When it's paired with your costume you won't be able to tell that it's crooked. Can't wait to see it all together!

>> No.7440265
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 1395268081051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He takes button inputs now using an ATmega32u4 board connected to my Pi

>> No.7440269

thanks haha, hopefully you're right about that. I'm gonna practice holding it at an angle where it's less noticeable until I get the chance to remake it.

this is the coolest thing

>> No.7440306


Pretty cool. So much hate on this website. People swear they all make top of the line Hollywood worthy props

>> No.7440372
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x2792, muliprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty. I haven't posted progress in a while so I'm just going to smoosh it all together so I don't spam up the thread.
This is Pokemon Ranger Solana and Senran Kagura progress.
I really dislike how my bodysuit came out for pokemon ranger so I'm going to try and re do it while I am home this week. It also looks a little wonky since the properly sized mannequin was in use so it's on a tiny one right now. The shoes need some fine tuning and TLC on the edges and the top needs to be finished but I'm mostly happy with how they are coming out.

I'm pretty mad about how the green skirt came out since I didn't do the math right when I was designing the print for spoonflower so in order to get the right line spacing, the pleats are tiny and wonky and I'm not happy.
However I love the apron. You can't really see in the pic but the waist straps (that need to be moved up like 2 inches) have little froggies on them as well.

ugh so much to do before Sakura con. Just gonna sew like a crazy lady over break.

>> No.7440804

The second ring should be MUCH smaller. She's not wearing a baby bottle, for christ's sake.


Just remake it. It looks ugly as sin.

What con is this for, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7440811

how did you get that print on the apron? Iron on or what?

>> No.7440859

It's all double sided iron on sticky stuff like steam a seam. The green stripes are ironed out bias tape and the graphic part is all felt

>> No.7440866

you can't even see it's a few milimetres crooked unless you're looking at it straight on. To be honest I'm quite impressed, it's your first try, right?

>> No.7441154

hey, im currently working on a garen cosplay, what did you make your sword out of / how did you make it rigid? im currently still in a cardboard wasteland.

>> No.7441177
File: 77 KB, 960x720, IMG_6990956643395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww man I would have loved to see you at Mega.

Two days and still so much to do. I'm actually really happy with how everythings turned out so far. Fishbones moves AND lights up and thats more than I could have ever asked for. Still needs to be painted though. One more day lets pray we get this done.

>> No.7441752

awww thanks anon! Yeah it is my first try with props, so I'm shocked it didn't come out any worse!

I made the sword out of wood, but it's surprisingly light. I posted some WIP photos on my fb page if that helps?


>> No.7441804

Of course! The paint looks really good. Besides, even if you do decide you're not happy with it later, now you know how to work with wood and foam(? irc).

>> No.7442066
File: 112 KB, 800x1200, IMG_0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done with my tracksuit Ryuko top!

>> No.7442093
File: 90 KB, 720x960, 1395347593907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started making a new mask by using a KRBlack base, which I'm going to modify to use as a general base to make some original stuff out of.

>> No.7442219

I'm building bigger on top of it so when I'm done, the size issue should balance out. I'm wearing it with a wig and I want it to be able to be seen. I see a lot of Sonico headphones that get eaten by the wig. I just started it so I'll probably make some tweaks to it once it starts coming together.

>> No.7442225

Here's the terribly ironic thing. You should have used foam for the sword and wood for the shield.

>> No.7442230

yeah I know, though the shield would be heavy as fuck made out of wood. I probably should have just done foam for both. I also made the sword way too thick. It would be way lighter but for some reason I decided to make it 2 inches thick

>> No.7442235

Pretty much this

>> No.7442370
File: 73 KB, 302x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing major but I started the base dress for Meiko's Love Philosophia outfit. There's still plenty of work left one it, need to add the stripe details, the sleeves and what not.

>> No.7442392
File: 1.03 MB, 1500x1129, CAM00015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs for Alt-Eisen mostly complete. They will need considerable adjusting though to make sure they sit on my legs correctly. I wont do any adjustment to the parts till everything is complete though. Only big parts left are the torso and shoulders.

>> No.7442553


>> No.7442562

This is beautiful!
How are you getting suck wonderfully clean edges and seams? And how is the paint so smooth?
Is it magic? It's magic, right?

>> No.7442634

I was wondering the same thing. Top notch quality.

>> No.7442647
File: 1.43 MB, 1500x1414, DSCF6377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All earth developed technology. No extra-over tech in this mecha.

But seriously its just alot of meticulous sanding and putty filling and patience.

The paint is rustoleum primer + x2 base coats then a light misting for a textured finish. Mecha looks better in matte imo.

The downside of my method is fragility though I plan to use some fiberglass inside this build to help with that.

>> No.7442734
File: 87 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finished my skirt for Yayoi last night. All it needs is the zipper and a hem. The color is kind of distorted because of my shitty camera, sorry.

>> No.7443016

For shield:
Sintra/Wood for the flat sides, built such that the top layer is smaller than the bottom. Stick foam between the two and trim away. Voila, no issues with lopsidedness.

For sword:
Layer PVC foam/sintra/foamboard on top of one another, bevel with bondo. Ring can either be scrapped from somewhere or sanded from a puck of foam.

>> No.7443023

I'm sorry, I know you've probably been asked this billions of times but what materials did you use? I am going to make a cannon prop for my next costume and I would love for it to look half as smooth as yours.

>> No.7443025

Looks to be fiberglass, foam, sintra.

>> No.7443033

gurl them's some fine pleats

>> No.7443689
File: 596 KB, 2592x1456, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some more yellow paint to fix it up. All I got left is the straps for the chest and some detail parts and im done

>> No.7443712
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1395425778108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting my Headhunter Yi sword. Gotta love them expanding foams.

>> No.7443828

i thought this was a giant dildo before i clicked the thumbnail (and read the text)

>> No.7443863


They still do Yaoi con? I went one year lol. They had this thing called the bishounen auction or something. Weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life

>> No.7443866


Hey don't take this the wrong way but nice legs

>> No.7443917
File: 859 KB, 1000x1505, DSC01924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nothing too major, but I finally have all of the bought peaces I need for my MGS2 Raiden Cosplay. It was a bitch and a half to try to track down an inexpensive flashlight that was on model for the SOCOM from MGS, I found it off a cheap air soft "sniper" rifle of all places.

Next week I am probably going to order the Vinyl and Spandex for the costume, and while I wait for it to be shipped I'll either make the HF Sword or work on molding the knee and elbow pads.

>> No.7443927

Yep. I think everyone did
I wonder how many offended parents at the con will report him, only to realise it wasn't what they thought it was

>> No.7443930

i get the feeling it will look a lot more sword like and a lot less dildo like by the time the con rolls around

>> No.7443936


>> No.7444010


Is this video like a metaphor for japan beeing a dick destroying everything?

>> No.7444017

You do know you won't be able to bring that to most cons, right?

>> No.7444095

Umm it's probably not going to stay dick-pink, anon, which is the main reason it looks like a dildo

>> No.7444242

I know, honestly it's more for photoshoots anyway since I live in Satan's Asshole (Arizona) so I won't really be able to wear a sneaking suit during the day time anyway.

It's mostly because I am a total stickler for details like that in my favorite characters.

>> No.7444477
File: 168 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a Puppycat kigu, hopefully gonna get some $$$ off it. Next is a Unikitty for me.~

>> No.7444522


Dawwwwww, looks cute already. How much are you intending to charge for your kigus? Just curious.

>> No.7444599
File: 762 KB, 1000x500, FASylveonKigu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price varies w/ the complexity, this one is probably gonna be $120! Here's another I made 0; (I also do commissions)

>> No.7445075


Awww man, thats ez money. I made mine with like 40 dollars worth of materials. But sure, i could improve mine a tad bit. Still mad happy with it.

Yours look gorgeous tough.

>> No.7445089
File: 49 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n2txs14LXE1qg9s7ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah materials are about $40 but I want to make a profit obv. Plus pattern making takes time (The sewing is fairly simple.) Here's the hood so far.

>> No.7445221

Haha what that's cool I guess

>> No.7445833

The way you're posing and how the kigu hangs makes you look really badass. I could totally see you pulling off a set of full armor.

>> No.7445847
File: 314 KB, 1024x800, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on Chitanda Eru's apron outfit! I just need to finish sewing the skirt pieces together and find a nice white shirt.

>> No.7445867

Make sure you iron that, but it looks pretty good!

>> No.7445938
File: 31 KB, 420x428, pudgycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a chubby girl who sews, armor making is intimidating!

>> No.7445956

I don't agree that $120 is "ez money" for the quality of that second thing she posted. Maybe she charges more for that particular pattern, I am not sure, but $80 in profit after the materials cost isn't a whole lot. That may include PP fees and postage which takes it down quite a bit. Even if it doesn't that's not that much money to make if one of those takes her a few hours to make. She's basically giving it away at those rates considering the quality looks nice and that it not only involves sewing but patterning.

>> No.7445966

>bad at making shit
>have to buy stuff to get what I need

I feel like a failure

>> No.7445968

The Sylveon was notttt $120 ahahaha. That's just what I'm thinking for Puppycat? I'm awful about underpricing however. What would you charge?

>> No.7445971
File: 1.93 MB, 2448x3264, nqg9h1afaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on the silhouette so I just have it half-haphazardly pinned for now. I'll be cartridge pleating the wasteband once I secure the vertical wiring from my hoop skirt to lay further out.

>> No.7445984


I really like your kigus but did you intentionally make the legs short or are they just pushed up/are you super tall?

>> No.7446001

Uh they're shorter on the pattern I used for Sylveon (but also the model is taller than I am!) On puppycat they should sit at my ankles when they're hemmed. (I'm confused how you think they look short in that picture???)

>> No.7446008

Ahh ok, yeah I thought they looked short on the Sylveon. It is kind of cute like that, though!

IDK I'm used to kigus hanging almost like harem pants haha. Like a whole bunch of crotch and leg space you don't need. Maybe it's just the picture, but the Puppycat one seems to have a low crotch but there's no extra length in the leg? If that makes sense?

Ugh I'm tempted to commission something form you... haha

>> No.7446018

Ahhh well for me there's a line between baggy and excessive/unmanageable. But it would be easy to add more length to the pattern! chubscommissions@gmail.com if you wanna talk about pricing.

>> No.7446043

It's really not! I'm the guy making the Dark Souls Balder Knight armor and it's my first time making armor or working with foam. There's a lot of parallels to sewing so I find it really fun. I think your physique would totally suit a set of armor!

>> No.7446070

Haha find me cutesy armor characters and I'd consider it anon. u v u

>> No.7446082

Do you read the webcomic Nimona? She is chubby, occasionally cutesy, and armored. She's also pretty badass.

>> No.7446101

I'll have to check that out! She looks more tough than cute tho haha.

>> No.7446118

oh my god stop flirting you two

>> No.7446143

Of course~ the iron is on the other side of that room. Thanks though! It's my first sewing project with a machine.

>> No.7446145

actually a different anon who suggested nimona! I was just thinking of the chubby armored character I knew.

polite sage

>> No.7446159

Where do you purchase the wiring for your hoopskirts? Wonderful btw

>> No.7446198

Log how much time you draft, cutting, and sewing each kigu. Then decide how much you want to charge per hour of labor + supplies cost. Calculate ship/handling separately. Just don't charge yourself minimum wage. Your kigus look too nice for that.

>> No.7446227
File: 60 KB, 570x533, il_570xN.252738288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I used a cheap alternative flat steal wiring for this one since the petticoat I made for it came out really nice. It was around 30 bucks at home depot.

>> No.7446428

Hey seagulls, I have a question. I figured it best to ask in here since I'm working on something anyway. I just got some rhinestones for an outfit. There's a big centerpiece and some smaller stones around it. The centerpiece is flatback, and sadly the smaller stones are not. How would I go about having the small stones look like they're flatback without just ordering new ones? (they're crystal and were a touch pricy, thus my hesitation)

I was thinking of using just a border of clay or something for the stones to sit in, but I'm not sure. Would it just be better to get flatbacks do you think?

>> No.7446457

If you can set them in clay and not have it look out of place, it could work.
What are you cosplaying?

>> No.7446530
File: 105 KB, 494x700, sakizoqoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakizo's Queen of Hearts design!

I wish clay wasn't the only good thing coming to mind but if I can try to make the clay as invisible as possible it might work. It's specifically the piece that hangs on the forehead though so the other worry is having it end up looking kinda thick and awkward.

>> No.7447075


I agree, the patterning is worth a bit more than the sewing if its a custom kigu. But hey, i come from a shitty country, where if you work on a kigu for lets say 6 hours. And the materials + postage is 60$, that would be 10$ per hour, wich is above average wage here.

>> No.7447635
File: 112 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still need to iron and put an eggplant patch onto the apron. Also need to shorten the skirt a bit.

Otherwise, my Chitanda Eru cosplay is almost complete~!

>> No.7447806

Your dress looks a little bit long, but it might just be the angle. Hers looks like it stops mid shin and yours seems to be ankle length. Maybe take it up a few inches?

>> No.7447825

I think it's doable, if you make the gold piece out of clay.

>> No.7447871

>Also need to shorten the skirt a bit.

>> No.7448098
File: 77 KB, 266x640, photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Meiko. Now with stripe details.

>> No.7448422
File: 93 KB, 364x450, jupiter03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Sailor Jupiter. I also spend the day making the gloves and tiaras for the rest of our group.

>> No.7448428

What did you use as stuffing for your gloves? I'm thinking about making my own senshi costume, and I have most of it planned out, but the hip rolls, shoulder rolls. and glove rolls are giving me pause.

>> No.7448439

I used polyfil since that's what the rest of the group was using and I think it works fairly well.

>> No.7448696
File: 771 KB, 1632x1224, photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started cracking down on my Stone Ocean Jotaro cosplay. Here's the mess of parts so far.

>> No.7448707

looking real nice so far!

>> No.7448715

In addition to this people will use quilt batting, upholstery foam, and piping filler, just in case anon is curious

>> No.7448717

ooh is that latex? Are you experienced with latex or is this what can be expected on a first try? I've been itching to try working with it but I need to wait til I can buy all the supplies.

>> No.7448719
File: 332 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hood upd8! Getting close now, a little nervous about making the spherical bell.

>> No.7448722

That looks clean as fuck. Can't wait to see it done.

>> No.7448757

Are you making a plush bell?
If you want a real one, I saw a ton of various sizes at Hobby Lobby.

>> No.7448770

Adorable. You're good at kigus anon

>> No.7448772

you just made me realize I put together my hood on my romper fucking wrong... I hadn't made one in a while so when I pulled out the hood pattern I draw up forever ago, I didn't understand why I had a long rectangle piece to cut on the fold... put the sides together joined by the piece instead of making it the brim... no I will have to go rip it apart, I'm an idiot

>> No.7448774

Plush bell, a real one would look out of place and be annoying as shit. (Thanks anyways tho anon!)

>> No.7448793
File: 68 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-03-23 at 21.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it should be a big rectangle folded in half lengthwise! I stitch it half an inch from the folded edge so stuff doesn't slide around as much, but you don't have to.

>> No.7448803

Nope, it's apparel vinyl. I've done about three to four cosplays with it and this is DEFINITELY not something for a first timer.

>> No.7448808

yeah I have the pattern right, but I am dumb and thought it was like, the middle part, in between the two hood halves, not the damn brim. Kicking myself because I'm going to have to pull everything apart and reattach all the eyes and shit. Oh well, would rather it look like it's supposed to, I knew it seemed off.

>> No.7448839
File: 174 KB, 322x365, able.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I do commissions.~

>> No.7448974
File: 1.41 MB, 1029x902, hibiki-ponytailprog1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some wig progress for Hibiki from iDOLM@STER!

tl;dr: I took a Black Rock Shooter wig, de-wefted one of the ponytails, stitched the wefts to a piece of felt and stitched it to the inside of the hairpiece I didn't take apart. It took me about an hour to get it back ON the clip itself once all that thickness was on. Ouch, my hands.

I'm happy with how much fuller the ponytail looks now, though! Still got a lot of cutting and styling to do on it now that that's done.

>> No.7449186
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Brienne of Tarth progress. Fabric isn't this shiny I swear.

>> No.7449191
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more matte like so

>> No.7449408
File: 79 KB, 540x960, 1395643262351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a norse outfit for my local ren con, and probably a few other cons in the future. This is my first step out of steampunk in four years, and god does it feel good. I made all this today.

I need to make that upper leather part not look like I"m pregnant. I also need to do boning? on the side so that i'm not smushing it.

I'm going to do one piece in the back i think, and swing clasp it to the front sides?

>> No.7449414
File: 119 KB, 960x540, 1395643343121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought I"d add one of the bracer. (still gotta clean it up)

>> No.7449560

That lining is so cute

>> No.7449647
File: 178 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I just need to elastic the cuffs and make the bell. Nervous about the bell augggh. Hoping to get away with a four section sphere?

>> No.7449973
File: 64 KB, 500x500, middle school satsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, this is adorable and your work is so clean.

Making Satsuki's 1st year middle school uniform for funsies. The scarf is way too bulky because it's a square of leftover ponte folded in half & sewed together -- will probably end up cutting it in half and narrow-hemming the edges so the sailor collar can sit a little flatter.

>> No.7449996

show your face, coward.

>> No.7450063

Lmao, I haven't censored my face in the past, but my 1:30 AM haggard face was not so nice. Consider it a favor to you all.

>> No.7451749
File: 76 KB, 480x640, Photo on 2014-03-24 at 21.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finished! Sorry for the questionable picture quality of my webcam. Hopefully someone on tumblr buys this!!

>> No.7451753
File: 74 KB, 480x640, Photo on 2014-03-24 at 21.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7451767

I love that someone is making this.

>> No.7451769

shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit that's amazing

>> No.7451813
File: 2.88 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_2014032gf4_204049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that is some amazing stuff. I on the other hand am having trouble just trying to sew my Joseph Joestar scarf together. Messed up a bit might have to sew a new one.

>> No.7451815

For pepakura craft, if what you're making is extremely large, is it better to go to like a Kinko's and ask them to print it? Also, how much would it cost?

>> No.7451934
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, 1395721955241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buhhh, working on Lux from League of Legends for PAX East. I'm trying so hard to make armor for as long as I can after getting home from work. ;---;

I just finished one of the gauntlets today. Going for the design of the Chinese splash art, but the color of the American. The royal blue looks purple here, tho. :/

>> No.7452062

That looks awful. The designs are clumsy, asymmetrical, the lining is ugly, and there's no dimension to them.

Also, the proportions are way off. Either make them bigger or lose some weight. Probably both.

>> No.7452192


Appreciate the constructive criticism!

>> No.7452201
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 1395726978710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Styled boyfriend's Kenshin wig today.
I'm really excited to finish everything up!

>> No.7452258

Thank you! It's a god awful dress hah.

>> No.7452263
File: 573 KB, 2592x1456, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with about a week left, this is where im at, im proud of it, but not quite done yet

>> No.7452266

I agree on the proportions part but other than that it's not as god awful as the snarky anon above made it sound like. I recommend trying different painting techniques after fixing the proportions.

>> No.7452278


I would really love to redo it in the near future. It's my first time making armor and all that.
I know a lot of people airbrush their armor, but I need to get all the components to do it and that's like $300-$400 bare minimum to shell out. I'll save up at some point, but it's sadly not doable yet.
Thank you though! Ill mess with the proportions and see if I can improve it. :)

>> No.7452312

what a cute face, can't wait for the finished thing

>> No.7452348

what the hell? please tell this is just a joke post.

>> No.7452374
File: 569 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not done yet plus im not wearing my shin pieces.
Thanks for your constructive input, it really helps :)
Honestly for my first time making an armor, im really proud

>> No.7452528
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>> No.7452610
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I started with my boots for Shimakaze the other day

>> No.7452674
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dude like do you get off to telling people there hard worked cosplay is bad? I wanna see you do better with only less than a month.

>> No.7452689

Hard work or not, a lot of it is just...not good. The yellow chest/ab pieces are really messy, the cuts aren't clean/sanded down, the paint job is completely flat and again very messy, the shirt and pants are too baggy at the waist/crotch, and the pauldron things are way too big and look like they were made out of construction paper. Look, I get that this is your first try, and good on you for challenging yourself. But for the future, I'd make paper/cheap craft foam mockups of everything before you cut into your foam so you know how things will fit. Sand/bevel all your cut edges where appropriate. Weather and add some dimension to your paint job, and put some sort of clear coat on top of the paint since it doesn't look like you did that. And give yourself 5x the time you think you'll need to finish a project. You'll thank yourself in the long run.

>> No.7452697
File: 1.50 MB, 346x259, Y5pLmOe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of time put into the costume is irrelevant. The end product is still bad. Besides, you should eat your constructive criticism vegetables.

>> No.7452712


Ill say its not the best. But gotta admit, its not the worst first and fast cosplay seen. Hope youll stay interested and improve.

>> No.7452782


Wow. Painfully honest. I'm just wicked happy to see League cosplay. Good job!

>> No.7452856

diff anon here

solid advice anon gj for helping with actual feedback instead of just criticizing and saying its bad lel

>> No.7453190

I wouldn't say telling someone to lose weight when they appear pretty thin is being brutally honest.

Paint job could use depth, however.

>> No.7453219

omg can do you guys even know how to read
I know I need to touch up the paint and sand some parts here and there and I still need to sow the undersuits together.
As far as the bagginess, that was from my underwear, I couldn't find my running shorts for that pic

>> No.7453253

Yo if you're gonna get so pissy when someone critiques your WIP, then I would suggest not posting on 4chan.

>> No.7453260

either your just some fatfuck criticizing people on their cosplays or you're fukken jelly.
I'm happy with the work I put into it, and in the end its my happiness I care about.
And I rather eat my constructive fruit instead of veggies, have a good day a d namaste :)

>> No.7453263

im not getting pissed. I know it needs work done and I want some better tips than what im getting I in this thread

>> No.7453268

The stuff the criticized is stuff that looks completed though. Are you saying you're going to sand and remake the pieces you already painted? Or remake the costume you've already made? How are you going to make smaller pauldrons?

>> No.7453282

I can't really remake anything since im sorta out of foam and the rest of the money I have is for the con.
I was just gonna repaint some stuff and apply caulking here and there. I'm just gonna leave the pauldrons as is. I don't have that much materials left and money.

>> No.7453286

I would just wear it and have fun.. what sort of tips are you looking for? It doesn't sound like you have the time or money to fix anything...

>> No.7453295

im just looking for tips on how to keep my left shoulder to stay up.

And plus its cosplay, you're supposed to have fun in it instead of being a cunt like Jessica niggeri

>> No.7453299

That looks terrible. Why would you try something as ambitious as a KR without any experience? I've seen 13-year-olds with better construction

I dunno what your plan is. But I suggest just cutting off the heel entirely and replacing it with a mdf block.

>> No.7453310
File: 606 KB, 2880x1800, 1395771530925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is constructive. No one wants to see half-assed cosplay.

It's pretty bad. Look at the art she's basing it on.
-The skirt pieces should be nearly TWICE as big and curved in a semicicular fashion
-The center block is layered and curved, not a flat rhombus
-The symmetry is way off, the edges look runny, the paint looks atrocious.

If her character was from a N-64 game, maybe this would make sense.

League is the most overdone shit in the world. There are hundreds of luxes to take reference from.

>> No.7453312

thanks for the really helpful and constructive criticism there friend :)
I wanted to do a I rider cosplay because I went as a rider last year and now this year, im giving it a shot at making my own cosplay instead of relying on others to make it for me.
Like my solaire cosplay came out pretty good and I just used an old shirt and spray paint. Sadly I don't have a pic of me in it, and my helmet for it got destroyed

>> No.7453318


They said it was their first time making armor. Rinse the ssnd out of your vag and listen the fuck up.
I agree the paint job could look better, hut I've never seen a single Lux look absolutely like the art or in game model. Sounds more like someone is buttmad.

And get your eyes checked. They aren't fat, you dumbfuck.

>> No.7453329

I know right? Like I don't play league and I think she did a really good job. I'm thinking the guy posting "constructive" criticism is just really butthurt that people are doing it before them, or that they can't cosplay due to weight issues

>> No.7453331

I don't know anything about league but I can tell from the art that the pieces she made were way too small. And the anon didn't call her fat, just said to either make the pieces bigger, or get smaller herself (because that would make the pieces comparatively bigger, what are proportions?) I don't think it was even a serious comment.
She asked for help and people gave it and she took it, even if she doesn't redo these pieces maybe she will pay more attention to proportion in the future. The comment was hardly the "lul lose weight fatass" you guys are making it out to be, probably angry fatties yourselves.

>> No.7453335

alright but it's kind of weird to post asking for vague tips when you only want to fix one specific thing and don't have time or money to do anything else. There are plenty of cosplay is fun boards, /cgl/ is one of the few that cares about construction and making things look good

>> No.7453341 [DELETED] 

>probably angry fatties themselves
Nigga im skinny
Just look at me in my baron WIP

>> No.7453342

Reading comprehension. Do you have it?

>> No.7453351

um can you like please write better, I get the gist of what you are trying to say but the last part is confusing as fuck
One thing I've learned is to have fun with what you're doin, and its been fun (and stressful) making this

>> No.7453369

Okay, I am not >>7453335 but I read what they wrote and I am not sure what you're finding confusing here.
They are just saying the /cgl/ is not tumblr or cosplay.com, where even the shittiest of costumes is treated as the best fucking thing ever. Here though, if your costume has problems, those problems will be called out.

>> No.7453399

its just how they said that its full of cosplay board or something.
I don't use tumblr or any other cosplay site. And I even know my cosplay doesn't look perfect or that good but im happy with what I made and im proud of it. After when I get more experience on making stuff I'll remake it

>> No.7453418

Okay. That's fine. You wear that costume and have lots of fun -- I agree, that's one of the most important parts of cosplay. But don't come to this board expecting us to pat your ass and tell you it's great craftsmanship when it isn't.

>> No.7453433

Sorry for the confusion anon
I meant that there are lots of places to post cosplay progress that are all about having fun and care less about how your costume is constructed. Cosplay.com, tumblr, facebook, deviantart. /cgl/ is one of the few cosplay places that cares most about construction and accuracy.

>> No.7453534

I wasn't wanting a pat on the back or anything. This is a progress thread and that's why I posted in it.
The "constructive" criticism I was getting wasn't all that helpful

>> No.7453568

I hate those sites, they all think sexy cosplay is like 10/10 most amazing when its shit

>> No.7453573

Are you covering the apron pockets with your hands?

Or did you actually fuck up such a simple costume?

>> No.7453595
File: 52 KB, 960x720, 1395778835323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to have polite, friendly conversation and maybe find some motivation for the workday ahead by seeing someone else's cosplay come together.

So back on track! Pic is the back armor pieces for Headhunter Yi, as well as the base of the bracers. Sintra is great. Need to paint and mount to fabric.

>> No.7453722

I have no clue who you're being but that looks really awesome man!

>> No.7453762

What the fuck is your problem, there's a difference between constructive criticism and straight up being an asshole. Rinse the sand out of you vagina.

>> No.7453766

I'm pretty sure that anon is compensating for their own shitty cosplays by shitting on everyone else's.

>> No.7453813
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 1395783886288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay related but I've been working on a new dress

>> No.7453812

There were pockets on it, but they were lopsided, so I removed them right before the picture. I'm resewing them later, once I have access to a machine again (machine is at home, I am at college, etc.).

>> No.7453916

im not shitting on anyone my friend, I was complementing her on her league cosplay.
I was also saying how there's that dick thats just not being helpful

>> No.7454146

Whoa, those pieces are really clean! How do you like working with sintra/where do you get yours? How's it take to layering/heat-shaping? (also, the smiley face made me smile)

This is really pretty. Is it for a special occasion?

>> No.7454168
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 1395791438168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satsuki Kiriyuin progress photo~ I actually wore it with a completed butt skirt that also covered my itght line, but am looking for ways to redo the shoulder pieces! Suggestions appreciated. These are currently just craft foam.

>> No.7454187

Eliminate the tights and you'd be perfect

>> No.7454204

That's not bad at all. Very clean looking. Have you shared with the KLK thread yet?

>> No.7454205

Nicely done! Not really feeling those shoes though.

The tights are a good idea. They won't be a noticeably different colour with the skirt parts on and it's always nice to have that extra safety when wearing skimpy costumes.

>> No.7454209


>> No.7454210

I think the shoulder pieces are the least of your worries. The top looks like you glued some fabric to a bra, the top of the tights are completely limp, and the nude tights are distracting. But the shoulder pieces look a little flimsy and cheap too. Look up armor tutorials. They might help

>> No.7454213

And the person you are replying to, by "that anon is compensating", meant the dick, not you.

>> No.7454255
File: 585 KB, 1250x1250, picFrame (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty left to do.

>> No.7454293

ah that makes sense I was confused. The app I have on my phone makes posting and replying a lil confusing

>> No.7454319

I meant the guy being a douche, not you. Sorry for the confusion, anon.

>> No.7454342

its cool man.
I never knew how critical cgl could be

>> No.7454377

why are those shoulders so fucking huge?
the helmet looks fine and then all of a sudden the rest looks like badly crafted shit.

>> No.7454398

The base dress looks good but the painted details are a little crooked and don't seem to match the reference either. Too late to fix that though.

>> No.7454422
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that's fan-art. Here is the original model.

>> No.7454431
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 1395797472889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Yi from League of Legends. Or rather, his alternate costume, Headhunter Yi.

First time I have tried working with the stuff. It shapes and bends with very little heat, and it cools to a firmer finish. It's nice. I work in a manufacturing company as a purchasing assistant, and one of my vendors uses sintra as a packing tool to cushion between more fragile and expensive sheets. So I have a large surplus of the stuff in the warehouse. Pic related.

>> No.7454432

yeees... I feel like I've been subconsciously waiting to see someone make and wear that damn monstrousity of a dress since reading the book years and years ago before ASOIAF was even a big thing...

>> No.7454435
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The biggest issue is cleaning it after shipping.

>> No.7454451

You're a lucky bastard. Dang.

>> No.7454473

thanks for the help man, really good feedback

>> No.7454484

Not really for any occasion, just saw the fabric on sale and had to have it. The store I bought it from also has a translucent version of the same print and I've been thinking about buying a few metres of that and layering it for a hologram effect

>> No.7454492

Hey guys, still working on my pippin belt! It's a little messier than I'd like for my first commission, but I think it's turning out nicely.

>> No.7454501
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I'm special

>> No.7454583
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Finished the bracers and tassets pieces. Tassets are the bits that sit on your thighs, right?

>> No.7454730
File: 27 KB, 250x335, tumblr_n2z1xxnqdI1raqvnxo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Mary Read, AssCreed 4, put together the jacket, vest, and ripped up a crappy white button up. Pants are dyeing at the moment and I'm finishing up the trim on the vest.

Super stoked to wear this cosplay.

>> No.7454748
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>> No.7454756

Fuck man, that looks really good. A little messy, but I think it fits the style.
How much you sell it for?

>> No.7454818

Aww, thanks! IT's actually my first comission.

207$, because he had a pretty close time restraint. I"ve got to get it sent out by monday.

I think next time I"ll probably put more cost into it, because 200 bucks just isn't enough. My base costs were like 80

>> No.7454917

Got all the paper parts done.

>> No.7454919
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Forgot pics. Opps.

>> No.7454925

Thanks for the feedback! I posted a full pic in the KLK thread. The tight line was covered, but i won't rid of them for decency purposes (someone flipped my skirt at the con). You busted me on the bra ha but I'll keep experimenting and fixing what I can!

>> No.7455127

you're welcome and stay mad :^)

can't wait to see your pictures turn up in those "horrible cosplay" threads.

>> No.7455182

nigga I ain't even mad
Its just shitting all over something and not giving an input on how to fix it up is helpful
And so what if I end up in a horrible cosplay thread? At the end of the day I'll still be happy that I made my cosplay and whatnot

>> No.7455183

I hate to be that person, but this looks awful.

The pieces are really sloppily done, the edges super messy and uncemetrical, the shoulder pieces look..like they're made out of construction paper?

Honestly, how many hours have you put into this?

I say this from a good place. Do not wear this costume if you want to look like you have something nice. I can assure you, you'll look like a train wreck.

But, I'm just a MEEN NASTY TROLL HATIN so, don't actually take my advice or anything.

On you next project, spend more time with better materials that'll give depth. Learn good spray-painting techniques, and don't try to bite the ones giving you crit, even if it's negative.

you know how much of my stuff was called shit before I learned? CGL is cutthroat, bu it's that way for a reason. Don't let it tear you down, but build you up.

>> No.7455198

what did you use to make the ab pieces? also, use a rig to keep the shoulder pieces up

>> No.7455209

Why is everyone saying construction paper? I used eva foam for the armor.
And im not even done painting it and I also haven't applied caulking yet.
I've put alot of time into it. When I get home from work I work on it, so id say 50ish hours or so

>> No.7455208


I agree with what you written but the dude got some terrible crit.

Not as in people didn't like what he did, but they just shat on it without giving him any pointers. Especially that one angry poster. Crit is good, but people forgot to specify what they were criticizing and were just shouting how bad his shit it.

Even your post, even tough its quite long, the only good crit you gave him was learn good spray painting techniques. Using materials that give depths is kinda an odd suggestion as you can achieve depth with anything and what give it most depth is the paintjob/weathering.

>> No.7455211

eva foam
What can I use to make a rig?

>> No.7455212


50ish hours is not really a lot if you are new to it tough.

>> No.7455215

Okay, I had legitimate crit for you, and you completely disregarded everything I said.

It looks incredible anon! 10/10! AWESOME JOB.

It's perfect.

>> No.7455226

dude I didn't disregard anything you said.
I took a mental note of what you said about painting and shit
I honestly give myself a 4/10 at least you tries.
I didn't post expecting everyone to be amazed by what I made, I knew some people would like it and others would just straight up say its shit, but for me I don't really care, im happy about how it looks

>> No.7455230

Looks good so far! And out of curiosity, are you actually playing the game or just interested in the design? I wonder how many westerners are playing Kancolle.

>> No.7455236

I took like a couple days off because I was getting stressed out from work and making the armor

>> No.7455253
File: 165 KB, 224x448, Kamen_Rider_'Baron'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just popping in to post what that one guy's baron armor is supposed to look like.....

>> No.7455263

Jesus anon, that's impressive.

how long did it take you to make?

>> No.7455272

Thanks! c: Probably ...oh god, I made two before I got the one I wanted, and used the scraps to make the top pieces. In total, probably 20 hours? Not too long, but it took quite a bit to engineer it correctly. It seems simple enough, but it's quite complex actually, two sheets ofleather connected to buckles on the top, cording on the bottom, and a place for a sword.

At least I"m paying for my costumes with commission...right? ahaha.

>> No.7455449


i googled it but i didnt have any luck. can we get a ref image please? i'm curious.

>> No.7455461
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>> No.7455466


>> No.7455481

I'm working on her too, d'you mind me asking what fabrics you're using? I can't find anything I like local to me and it's really pissing me off.

>> No.7455504

No, you did disregard all advice you were given, not just here, but also in the help thread. You see, people are aware of what you post in other threads as well as this one. So when you went on your little rant about losing $10,000 on a phone from eBay when someone suggested you pick up some $2 elastic from Wal Mart, people saw that and are now sick of dealing with you and don't want to help you along anymore as it is clear you are way beyond help.

>> No.7455550

Thank you!
I´m actually playing the game.
Also Shimakaze is my secretary right now

>> No.7455652

Dude I never said I lost 10000 dollars. I spent 400$ on a fucking phone that didn't work
And again at no point did I disregard anything, most of the help I got came from this thread, minus everyone just saying its just shit
As for the elastics thing im gonna see if I could try another way first before I buy some elastic.
I'm gonna go buy elastics on my next day off

>> No.7455702

Are you cosplaying zer0?

>> No.7455754

>Dude I never said I lost 10000 dollars

>im not gonna buy off eBay since I got ripped off twice and almost got a $10000 fine from that site.

You were told MANY times how easy and cheap all of the problems you have would be to fix, but you are so resistant to every bit of advice that you are now just pissing people off. And you have been disregarding all advice, People said buy elastic, you said that it was too expensive and it's impossible for you to get. People said reshape your armor, you flat out said no. People suggested resizing the shoulders, and again, you said no.

So yes, people are going to stop helping you and will let you know how shitty your costume is.

>> No.7455855

Fuck, you're really getting good!

>> No.7455859

>almost got
Almost isn't getting it you dumbass.
I never said it was impossible its just I have to go outta my way to get it, even though im certain I said im gonna get some
>im gonna go buy some elastics on my next day off
That doesn't sound like me disregarding it
In that help thread people (mostly that one dude) was getting pissed and not reading things clearly like you are now. Idgaf if you guys are gonna refuse to help me
For the resizing I took it into consideration
Just because I didn't reply back in a somewhat positive and kissing your guys asses doesn't mean I disregarded anything

>> No.7455902

First $400 is not almost $10,000. you said $10,000 then went on a bullshit rant about a stolen phone that made absolutely no sense at all. But let's ignore all of that and focus on you're aversion to advice:

You were told that you should remake and resize your chest and shoulder pieces. You said that you already remade the chest once and you weren't going to make it again.

You were told to use elastic to help with the shoulder issues you were having. You said you didn't know where to get it and that you couldn't possibly afford it.

You were then told where you could get it, and how cheap it would be, and you said "Fuck Wal Mart" and that any other place would be to far for you to possibly get to.

You were then told you could get some on eBay, thus catering to your laziness, and then you went on your BS rant.

How does any of that show that you are willing to take any advice that was given to you?

>> No.7455911

>hurdurr i want critique, but am not going to thank people for it

>hurdurr, I"m not going to take critique

are you this autistic.

>> No.7455941

Can we please just ignore this idiot? He's shitting up all the legitimate threads...

>> No.7455965

I'm done with this shit.
You guys are letting rage blind you to the point where you can't read anything.
For the phone I bought it for $400, found out it was originally stolen, and heard an outrageous amount of money when I was in shock about it.

As for my cosplay I said I took everything into consideration.

Idgaf if you guys think its shit or looks bad. Everyone does a shit job their first time.

I'm gonna enjoy being baron regardless of what you guys think

>> No.7455980

I use Kinkos to print all the time, though usually for sewing patterns. Their large format printer can print up to 36 inches wide and however long you want. Unfortunately their pricing is ridiculous so a 36"x60" sheet in B&W is like $20 to print, so unless you absolutely need it to be that big do yourself a favor and split it into as small of sheets as you can. 11"x17" is only like 20 cents a sheet or so.

>> No.7456080

Finally making some progress on Valkyrie- fixed the fucked-up bodysuit and made a cape. I can't find my camera so I'll post a pic later, but it feels good to be working on stuff again.

>that feel when you need ONE MORE FUCKING SNAP and you don't have enough

>> No.7456109



>> No.7456168

Aww, thanks! It really means a lot. Leatherworking is expensive, but rewarding when it pays the bills, and lets me continue to cosplay.

>> No.7456184
File: 33 KB, 480x640, 1395866515315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This outfit is a bitch and a half I'm so done

>> No.7456219

Looks nice
those collar pieces though..you might want to make the white lines a little neater?

>> No.7456223

You mean where they meet? I'm putting in a zipper so that will be hidden

>> No.7456252

Oh, alright then.
Yeah, the rest looks really clean. Love the colors.

What's this from?

>> No.7456279

[K] Project, it's not that amazing of a story but I love the premise and characters

>> No.7456577

Nah, I'm making a base helmet to make patterns for to make regular helmets.

>> No.7457386
File: 123 KB, 960x540, 1395899366616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of progress~! I'll have to picture whore because of all the stuff! (I've got three pictures.

Did the pauldrons. They'll have a bigger pauldron over them, so the detailing on the top isn't that important.

Then, the norse arm pieces. They could have been better, but I"m somewhat happy with how they came out.

Then, the motherfucking belt I"m selling. I'm nearly done, just have to redo one piece on the back, and then clean it up.

>> No.7457387
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>> No.7457390
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and 3/3

I"ll have to check it out!

>> No.7457406

ok byeeeee~

>> No.7457423

Seri! I know this pain and I know it well. Yeah def try to straighten out the purple collar pieces. Are you doing a dress and then the flaps?

>> No.7457435
File: 26 KB, 250x335, tumblr_n32zzcYgQe1raqvnxo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing! It took me about four hours wandering my NorCal Joanns to find the most ridiculously ugly paisleys ever. I'm mostly using cotton and silk blends (besides the pleather for detailing) since I'm dyeing the majority of my fabrics to better match color.

I really wouldn't worry too much about matching fabric historically, unless that's you plan of course! After I finish all the pieces I'm just going to weather the shit out of them.I was looking for what base colors matched the best (prints and solids) and would be able to dye, stain, and paint any details that the fabrics didn't have

Best of luck anon, hopefully you are comfortable with patterning/altering because this one's a bitch.

>> No.7457437
File: 55 KB, 541x960, Tailor's Knife Pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew up and cut out the patterns for Tsumugu's Tailor's Knife.

>> No.7457442
File: 287 KB, 956x1280, 1395901145079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the back paneling that I finished today

>> No.7457462

skirt and attaching the coat tail flap things to the top
I hope it works well because I couldn't see getting that top on correctly with a zipper going down my crotch?

>> No.7457471
File: 217 KB, 640x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats what I did and it ended out working pretty well. Shoot me a question if you need anything

>> No.7457529

Thanks I will! It's a rush job so I'm kind of ashamed of my craftsmanship at this point but... oh well
I wish I had better grey fabric for the bottom of the coat tails because what you did looks better than mine, I ended up having to satin stitch and fake applique it on

>> No.7457535


What are you going to be making it out off?

>> No.7457543

eep. Mine was that silver costume vinyl from JoAnns hahah double sided steam a seam on. Didn't even bother with the satin stitch. If you are the same person talking about going to Sakura con, I can try and bring you any back up pieces if you need it (mostly cuz im trying to get rid of it ahhah)

>> No.7457596

omg I would be willing to buy your saber off of you tbh I need one badly
Yes that's me OTL, I swear I don't post that much here I just seem apparent I guess cause I have names attached to the stuff I say sometimes

>> No.7457599
File: 1.88 MB, 2952x3520, IMG_3403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting a project I had since I was 12 years old.
It's Sakura Card Captor's butterfly dress, I'm not sure if I'll achieve something even close to the original pic, but I've never seen someone who really tried to make it accurate.

I'm using white chiffon and light pink organza, the idea is having a little of the pink shade showing trough the chiffon and still have some volume.
The layers are pinned together and I'll add two more layers of white and at least two more layers of pink organza.
Any critics or tips are really welcome, and sorry for my bad english.

>> No.7457603

Cardstock, cardboard, craft foam, and plaster. My usual tools of trade.

>> No.7457604

Look awesome, please continue! Those designs are beautiful, and you're off to a good start!

>> No.7457650

Thank you anon! I'm definitely aiming for lots of natural fabrics so that helps to hear what you're going for. Wish I could just walk around a Joann's, my local fabric stores have just solid fabrics, no cool paisleys or anything. Thanks again!

>> No.7457835

That's some gorgeous draping, anon. What kind of hem did you do on the chiffon, a pin hem?

>> No.7457843

there's two different hems that I tried, the top one is folded hem and the bottom one is lettuce hem (I think those are the names), the last white skirt doesn't have a hem yet and the pink one has horsehair braid on the back and just burned on the front (yet to be sewn )
Sorry if it's a little bit messy

>> No.7457949
File: 669 KB, 1224x1632, 20140327_000032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking spraypaint. How the hell does this happen? I swear I didn't have that much of a difference in technique when I sprayed one side vs the other, and they were the exact same in regard to sanding/priming/sanding.

>> No.7457951
File: 431 KB, 1632x1224, 20140326_211224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as if one misadventure with spraypainting Kyoko's speartip weren't enough, the wind hates me too.

At least once I get this done, glue everything together, then get a clearcoat on, I'll be finally done.

>> No.7457965


Gotta make sure you shake the can regularly while you're working. Looks like you got an improper mix on one side. Just sand it a little and try again.

>> No.7457982

I've had this happen to me before on a staff, I'm sorry anon. It looks extremely well made though! Is it a resin cast?

>> No.7457984
File: 471 KB, 1632x1224, 20140318_211833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's just dremeled wood. I did do resin casting for the gems, though.

>> No.7457987

Ah, I see. I was thinking it was because it was too cold when I did it, I think the cans say 60F is good but it was only slightly above freezing at the time. But that makes more sense.

>> No.7457999


That could do it too, but if it only happened on one side, it's probably just unevenly distributed paint in the can. It happens sometimes.

>> No.7458218

Nice. I think the lettuce hem looks better, the folded hem is a little bulky. If you didn't want to do another lettuce hem, you could try a pin hem. It's basically a folded hem that's really narrow, about the width of a pin.

>> No.7458457
File: 66 KB, 960x541, 1395953496178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got the first of the three blades put together for the knife. 2 to go! I might tackle them all after work. also thinking about posting the pattern online in case anyone wants it.

>> No.7458668

Looking good man

>> No.7459480
File: 83 KB, 720x960, bee embroidery finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I was thinking when I decided to embroider this rather than do an applique or even an iron on like a normal human being. At least I really like the little button eye?

>> No.7459500

this goddamn board got me addicted to hand embroidery. You just can't beat dem fills. Looks really cute!

>> No.7460219

Looking forward to seeing how this comes out.

>> No.7460233
File: 48 KB, 300x418, havel-the-rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are out there somewhere, I'm still looking forward to seeing that Havel the Rock cosplay.

>> No.7460486 [DELETED] 
File: 541 KB, 1795x2823, BeeNdPuppycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny bit of progress
Made a 'prototype' of the apron
The belt was just one I had already
Not sure about the wig tho

>> No.7460495
File: 541 KB, 1795x2823, BeeNdPuppycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny bit of progress, I have the dress laying around for a while.
Made a 'prototype' of the apron and the belt is one I already have going to make a different one
Not sure about the wig, I will have to make it fuller

>> No.7460505

I believe you when you say its been laying around a while, iron those wrinkles out girly

>> No.7460514

I left it in a box for a month or so and I didn't feel like ironing it right now. But yeah it bothers me too

>> No.7460879

Those heart buttons are cute as hell

>> No.7461315

Do you have a picture of just the hooping? I'm really interested in how you did that.

>> No.7461376
File: 45 KB, 720x960, 1396055207134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da claws.

>> No.7461389
File: 37 KB, 400x300, toy-story-aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(sage for bad joke)

>> No.7461400

cute! where are you wearing her?

>> No.7461435

Those look great! What are they made of??

>> No.7461464
File: 419 KB, 1129x1070, this_is_my_srs_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAX East is in a few weeks.

This is what I've got so far.

Going as hunters from the The Last of Us' multiplayer.

On a side note, I'm trying to make some LED molotov cocktails to go with the outfit. But I'm having a hard time finding a suitable substance that will be able to diffuse the LED's light inside the bottle. The problem is, if I drop LED's in a beer bottle and call it a day, it will look like shit and not give the in game appearance.

I've tried crushed glass, and it works well enough, but it may not be let in due to the fact that it's literally broken glass.

The only other options I've come up with is painting the beer bottles with opaque glass paint, but I'm not sure if it's going to come out right.

Any other seagulls have any experience with this?

Looking forward to seeing this one finished!

>> No.7461475
File: 172 KB, 960x720, daclawsoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there.
Laser cut, heat formed sintra. Still need paint, just like everything else I've posted lol.

>> No.7461492

May I offer some critique, just as a lurker who clicked on the thumbnail?

Weather your jeans and shoes a little more. They look too pristine for being involved in an apocalypse.

>> No.7461509

My kokoro ;w; I do not know where you are from Fabled, but you are more than welcome to come hang any time~ also that looks super cool, someday i'm gonna get into sintra when i have the time and money. keep on keeping on! I'm glad and honored to hear you're cosplaying and inspired by what we do :)

>> No.7461547

oh honey I hope someone knits that sweet fair isle hat for you! If colourwork weren't such a pain I'd say it's easy enough to do it yourself by then.

>> No.7461554
File: 136 KB, 720x405, I love this hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, Anons.

The day of the convention I plan on rubbing the sneakers with a nice layer of ash and dirt. Along with this hat. I don't want to stain the hat, I like it too much.

>pic related

As for the jeans, I'm still debating on whether I should cut them to length of the player in the game. He's got them real high up. Shit. He's practically wearing capris, and I've been skipping leg day. Haha.

>> No.7461621

>writing love letters to tripfags directly onto your progress pictures


>> No.7462075

You are on /cgl/ and think this is creepy?

>> No.7462408
File: 2.41 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20140326_191636576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started working with liquid latex last year. Still playing around with textures and simple stuff. I use a sort of zombie skin peeling thing with my silent hill nurse and its great fun to use. Pic related is just oatmeal and tp. It was just a test to see how it would look. Might incorporate small amounts of this texture in my sh makeup. Any suggestions would be appreciated

>> No.7462476

That looks gross and awesome

>> No.7462486

I hope your laser cutter has extremely good ventilation. Sintra releases dangerous gases like chlorine when laser cut. Be careful.

>> No.7462504

That works really well if you're trying to look burned, dirty, and old.
I'd add a couple specks of dried blood, but aside from that it's really good

>> No.7462675

That's really fucking disgusting. Keep up the good work.

>> No.7462940
File: 56 KB, 541x960, Boots 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the other Boot for my Ulgamoth Gijinka put together. Now I gotta work on dem pants....

>> No.7463149
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0607[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why this KEEPS happening?

I've checked the thread alignment and rethreaded everything and it keeps doing this. Didn't happen at all for the first 80% of the sewing, now it won't stop.

>> No.7463293 [DELETED] 

Thanks! As it should lol
Yep, sticking with the burnt dirty and old for silent hill. I did throw some blood on there but i mix my own with the cream makeup. I make a more dirty/aged blood. Fresh blood looks really stupid on SH nurses but that's just a pet peeve of mine. I'll add some more splattering amidst other stuff but thanks for the suggestion
lmao thanks,

I always feel weird about taking compliments on this since the materials are so...basic? I feel like it's something anyone could do but it is super time consuming. I'm just glad it looks alright.

>> No.7463322
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 1396145585190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, as it should lol
Yep, shooting for the burned dirty old look. I'll definitely add a little bit more blood but no fresh blood look. It's a personal pet peeve of mine. I mixed some aged/dirty looking blood that i stipple into the final look. I added some here but sometimes less is more. I'll play around with this some more though, thanks!
lol thank you.

Pic related is my nurse and one of the better (and more recent photos) i have of it. Yes, i'm fat, working on losing some weight. I need to make this dress darker/add some dark patches. I feel like doing the liquid latex work on the skin just makes it all pop.

>> No.7463328

Just thought i'd throw this in there but make sure you're using the right bobbin size as well as cleaning out the lower bobbin area. I got a new sewing machine a few months back and used one of my other bobbins for it. That didn't work out so well. Caused alot of bunching up. I'm not sure how new the machine is but maybe it could use a cleaning if you havent had that done in a while.

>> No.7463336

>im fat

Not really. You look fine.

And if you really are intent to losing weight, remember: Squatz and oats.

>> No.7463352

Hah yea, guess i better stop putting the oats on me then. Need more in me. :)

>> No.7463642

Also, make sure your bobbin is wound properly (i.e. tightly enough) and that the tension is set right.

>> No.7463990
File: 934 KB, 1952x3264, IMAG1003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vash the Stampede undersuit, 90%

Mostly 2-3 oz goatskin, spandex, and hammered steel.

Still working on the chaps, buckle, straps, and holster.

>> No.7464833 [DELETED] 

Been working on my Kaede Smith cosplay from Killer 7. Finished sewing the dress and now I'm just painting all the blood on.

>> No.7465709


Why do people say oats are good for losing weight? They are a staple of my weight gain diet with wich i managed to get 5 kg over a month.

Or do people just eat like a spoon of oats as a meal?

>> No.7465902

Squatz and oatz aren't for losing weight, they're for getting swole.

>> No.7466101


Squats are an excellent compound exercise that hit almost every major muscle group in the body. Them, along with other key exercises (such as dead lifts and bench press) help mold the body into a lean, muscular machine.

Weight lifting exercises not only build muscle, but burn fat as well.

If you're working out, and you're doing some form of heavy lifting, you're essentially wasting your time. Regardless of gender, heavy lifting is a staple in exercise routines across the board.

Cardio is great and all, but you're not going to cut fat and build muscle effectively.

HOWEVER, one's weight management is also factored by what you can do in the kitchen.

Oats are high in nutrition, while staying relatively low on calories count. They are a god send if you're to both bulk up, or cut down.

If you're trying to lose weight: Do heavy lifting, while eating at a slight calorie deficit.

If you're to bulk up and gain muscle mass: Do heavy lifting, while eating at a slight calorie surplus.

It's not that complicated.

>> No.7466104


>If you're working out, and you're NOT* doing some form of heavy lifting, you're essentially wasting your time. Regardless of gender, heavy lifting is a staple in exercise routines across the board.
