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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7436646 No.7436646 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think when people ask for your pictures?

Do you discriminate agaisnt a certain kind of people or do you treat everyone who asks for pictures the same?

>> No.7436662
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The only time I ever decline a photo is if I'm eating, or when I'm really not ready for a picture (ie: stopped for a little while for a break and took off pieces of cosplay like jackets, accessories, whatever. or when I'm fixing my wig/makeup/whatever.)

Otherwise whatever, a picture is a picture. I have imposed limitations on photos though, like when some girl asked for a "yaoi picture" of my girlfriend and I when we were cosplaying Souji and Yosuke once. I guess she thought she'd get us to make out, all we did was hug.

>> No.7436663

If I feel like they are a creeper and taking fap pix of me or my crew, I will refuse them. It's only happened a couple of times. Otherwise, I'm glad to pose for or with people, it's part of the fun.

>> No.7436681

Most of my photo denial happens in the following circumstances:
1) I'm trying to get from point A to point B and worry that if I slow down for one photo, it might turn into more, and I really need to be there for a certain time. Usually right before a panel or meeting up with a friend.
2) It's a really bad time. I'm eating, I've taken parts of my costume off to the point where it would take several minutes to be ready for a photo again, I'm not feeling well, or I'm attending to a friend who's upset/not feeling well.

I think the only person I've ever refused photos based on who they were was a known local fetish photographer because he makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.7436692

The only times I'll deny a photo is if I'm sitting down to rest because I think it's rude as hell and if it's some random person on the street asking for a photo. I'm not going to pose for some random person on the street that's not a con attendee just so they can post it on Facebook and go, "Look at this weirdo I saw near the convention center today!" Some randoms are nice but the most of them in the area? Not so much.

>> No.7436694

If someone is being rude or sketchy/creepy they get turned down. Otherwise, I'm fine with anyone.

>> No.7436701

>non-white foreigner guy comes up to me
>hi Saeko can I take your picture?
>huh no
>I walk away
That was the only time I refused a pic because of the person asking.

>> No.7436831

I've never refused a picture before.. Like even if I'm eating or resting, I'll put my things back on for a picture as long as the person is willing to stand there and wait on me.
But the only time I would refuse is if they asked something weird like "Can you turn around and hold your skirt up" or something.

>> No.7436842

May I ask why was it exactly?

>> No.7436847

Lol just do a curtsey if those were their exact words lol.
I can understand if they said to actually Hike it tho

Ugh reminds me of a shallow as fuck co worker I had.
"Oh my god I was on the coast and saw all these freaks come in and out of a building they looked fucking hilarious!"
"Supanova con?"
"No idea"
"They were cosplayers, they were doing it for a convention"
"Uh what the hell why?"
"Because they like their fictional series characters so much they want to dress up like them for fun in a meeting place with other fans to take pics and have fun."
" Well *I* would never do that."

>bitch implying everyone has to do everything you do
>implying right now you're not a 26 yr old married woman working in McDonalds still with no ambition to scale up

>> No.7436868
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If I'm eating or taking a break, I usually just ask them for a minute so I can rearrange my costume and get into a pose.

I will refuse if people ask for something inappropriate (like kiss the other character) or want to hold my prop. I've had some people take my prop and wave it around recklessly.

>> No.7436871

I don't get it. What did he do?

>> No.7436903

It depends more on the situation and request than the person asking, unless that person clearly only wants a picture to make fun of me (e.g. teenager with giggling posse hiding somewhere nearby).
Even if I suspect it's a neckbeard who's just going to fap to me later, it's not like they couldn't find other pictures of me online. I don't take fan service pics so if they want to fap to my face it's not like there's much I can do.

>> No.7436904

What the fuck happened here for you to say no?

>> No.7436916

I don't discriminate against anyone. I only refuse to have my picture taken by creepers (fat white guys or thin white guys who are ugly and nerd-looking and, you know, just... creeepay).

>> No.7436918

I let everyone take a picture. I've never turned down someone that wanted to. Then again, people here have the common sense to leave you alone while you're eating.

>> No.7436919


>> No.7436922
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>> No.7436997
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Are they attractive and asian? Yes.

Are they attractive but not asian? Yes, but I won't smile in the photo.

Are they unattractive but asian? I will allow it but also inform them that my boyfriend is standing right over there and remind them not to stalk.

Are they unattractive and not asian? Say no and alert security. I have no time for creepers.

>> No.7436999

I let everyone take my picture, which honestly has led to some creepy experiences. I'm really, really bad at saying no to people which is something I need to get better at.

>> No.7437002

how often do you just have pictures of you vs a friend taking a picture of you with then?

what's the difference for you and what's too much?

>> No.7437005

entirely understandable

good thing only attractive Asians go to conventions

>> No.7437017

Get a load of this yellow fevered deluded landwhale.

>> No.7437023

When I get asked for pictures, I almost always comply, just asking for a few seconds to set my stuff down (lanyard, bag, things I've bought, etc) and strike a pose.

The only times I might deny are if I'm in the middle of eating a meal, or if I'm in a serious discussion with someone, although neither have happened yet.

>> No.7437028

I hate pictures. I don't take pictures of myself, hire people to take pictures of myself or even appear in family photos. It's really uncomfortable liking this hobby, because people think you're being rude by saying no, they apparently don't understand how come people don't love seeing their faces everywhere or something. This has lead me to literally run from people with a camera in hands throughout the con. Awful, awful experiences. I never went to cons again.

>> No.7437027
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>> No.7437042


>> No.7437073

you sound like a candidate for never cosplaying. no one takes photos of people in plainsclothes, thats for sure

>> No.7437151

I just didn't want him to have my picture.

>> No.7437166
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I try not to discriminate against anyone and let anyone take their picture who wants to. I feel flattered if people take my pics, may it be the professional photographer from the newspaper or the nine-year-old with a smartphone.

I only ever refuse when I am in extreme hurry or in great distress. Conventions can be very stressful on an emotional level as well as for the body. I tend to be very sensitive due to sensual overflow (I can't really filter the impressions and it can be upsetting) and when I argue with friends, I cry easier than I usually would and people seem to not mind at all and keep taking pictures.

Worst feel ever.

Like man, can't you see I am sitting in the furthest corner possible and try not to make an ass of myself anyways, do you absolutely have to approach and insist on taking pictures, you autistic assholes?

>> No.7437171

Sounds like you're the autistic one throwing bitch fits for no reason.

>> No.7437173

haha, what in the hell

that explains nothing more than your first post

>> No.7437175

sounds legit enough

I can understand why someone who wouldn't read that someone's upset is seen as an autistic asshole

>> No.7437205

Hah thanks Anon. I was almost afraid people would not understand that 'autistic' is not meant as an insult but playing at the symptom of having trouble recognizing facial expressions.

As far as my knowledge goes, throwing major bitchfits is not a core symptom of autism, Anon.

>> No.7437222

Anon obviously doesn't like brown men from 3rd world countries.

Most people don't.

>> No.7437241


I consider them to be animals. Why would I want a brown guy from some shit country to have my pic?

>> No.7437254

I just whip it out and swing it around. Usually they stop asking me.

>> No.7437354


>> No.7437361

you're really sarcastic to the point where I can't even tell if your agreeing with my agreeing with you

>> No.7437385
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I feel flattered by that statement but when people agree with me, I am usually un-sarcastic. I will just sass everyone else into compliance.

>> No.7437403

I'm not sure if it is either, but my bf's sister is an aspie and is really bad about throwing bitchfits. Maybe it's just her or has nothing to do with Aspergers. I'm assuming by bitchfits you mean screaming at people, slamming doors, and generally yelling expletives if you don't get your way?

>> No.7437405

okay, well don't be too flattered because being sarcastic isn't a shining characteristic of a friendly person

>> No.7437414

being friendly is overrated

>> No.7437415

or or or

if someone doesn't want you taking their picture and they seem to be upset you say "alright sure" and leave

because even if they're the one throwing the bitch fit then you have nothing to worry about

>> No.7437419

I don't know about that.

I enjoy being friendly when I'm not my best because it makes me feel better

and when I'm at my best I do it because it's easy

>> No.7437422

i really dig the escalation in this

crying silently in a corner => bitchfit => screaming at people,slamming doors, yelling expletives

next thing will probably about the relation of assburgers and setting babies on fire

>> No.7437426

I know, and sucks a bit having to keep myself from doing something because people can't understand a "no".

>> No.7437427

yeah actually where did anon get autism from you sitting quietly in a corner

like I don't give a fuck if you're crying and I don't get to take your picture

"Oh I bet that persons an autistic ass who's also some screaming angry bitch because I can't approach them while they're upset"


>> No.7437428

Only when I'm in plain clothes. Does anyone else ever have people come up to them asking to take pictures at cons when you're not in cosplay/lolita/any interesting fashion whatsoever?

>> No.7437432

then it's not your fault if some con dick weed can't comprehend that you wouldn't want your picture taken

the normal person would realize that you probably aren't one to get your picture taken instead of whining or getting upset that you're that way

it's not something for you to care about

>> No.7437434

I've actually been asked for pictures while I was on my way into a restroom.

Like can I piss first please
the person got really mad when I said no..

>> No.7437437

they're taking your picture because why?

if you're literally in clothes that you'd wear as someone who's just going to a con to have fun then they have some issues to want pictures of "OMG it's a con girlll"

>> No.7437438

How are people supposed to know you are having a mental breakdown when you're just sitting in a corner?

If she was crying or looking upset ok.

>> No.7437440
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If im obviously trying to head to the restroom thats a couple steps away than please stop asking guys its annoying and I have to pee

>> No.7437443

understanding that people don't normally don't retreat to sitting in a corner when they're in the mood to take pictures

it's also likely they could have been visibly upset

>> No.7437445

for you and the other anon who encountered the person who interrupted you on your way to the bathroom

you two manage to meet some serious autists if they don't double check themselves before they ask for a picture.

like last con I was at I checked myself before any picture I asked for

>> No.7437447
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>Go to a con that is close to a nice restaurant in the city
>leaving in a plain tight black cocktail dress, not waering wig/contacts or any web shit
>about to walk out doors with my finance
>couple of guys gather around pointing to me
>"can we take a picture please"

seriously? I think these weebs think its just ok to take random pictures because they are absorbed into the con culture of it being a normal thing

>> No.7437448

just from me calling people who corner you and ask for pics when you are crying autistic and being so smrt in writing a reply I suppose but now we are in a vicious cycle of not getting sarcasm and discussing autistic people's actual bitchfits.

To un-sarcastically clarify the situation without sass and stuff:
I was crying silently and was sitting widely to the side, just needing a minute for myself - shit like that happens. Person A approaches and asks for a picture - approaches as in: had to pass by wall of other people get to one knee and basically press their face into my bowed one to ask me to get up and pose. Friend tells them that now is a bad time (obviously). I go over to gf for comfort-hug and people stop to zoom in and take pics of that, despite me even having removed parts of the costume to have them not do something like that.
I sit away from the crowd on the floor with face covered, crown off and all and people step up and snap a picture anyways.
That is the thing annoying me because it is not very respectful and kinda makes you feel like you were Keanu sadly eating a muffin.
Just without the fame and (for worse) the muffin.

>> No.7437452

You sound like a huge cry baby.

Grow up already.

>> No.7437459

Maybe I am a huge crybaby - still disrespectful to take a pic of crybaby crying.

>> No.7437460

I don't think you know which poster I am, because I was on your side?????

but okay. I understand your sarcasm and what you're trying to convey as much as you'd like to not believe.

chill out homie. I'm with you on people not taking your photo while your upset.

that straight forward enough for you? I won't put anything in quotes again because that apparently confused you homie.

>> No.7437461

It's disrespectul, but at least you can work on stop being a huge crybaby.

>> No.7437462

I was just answering that people got the idea from me calling others autistic - it is apparent that you are on my side and I was typing out the clarification for the whole thread. I am sorry for confusing you, Anon!

>> No.7437465

Indeed, but does that not miss the point of the thread?

>> No.7437467

solid enough. I'm understanding

>> No.7437470

I think it's okay for someone to be a crybaby at a con if it's what helps them feel better.

give them space and time to feel better, because as just someone who goes to have fun, cosplayers are what really make me happy to be there, so why should I feel I need to get onto them for being upset?

I don't cosplay myself but it's easy enough to sympathize

>> No.7437476

Basically same guidelines as usual, no if I'm hurrying somewhere or need to pee, half out of costume or resting. However, I can't ever say no to kids... Its not like I really try to cosplay as kids characters, but when this one young girl recognized me as Lina Inverse I swore my heart stopped. Didn't mind stepping out of line for the dealers hall just to talk with her for a bit.

>> No.7437478

Sorry but I don't think adults crying in public is an acceptable thing.

>> No.7437487

I'm not there to judge, so they can if they need to

>> No.7437492
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That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read. I hope you realize that you sound like an angry teenage kid confronted with too much mango and animu some day.

But I do not have much hope.

>> No.7437494

Really? When people see an adult crying in public they just think the person is immature.

Unless you just heard that one of your family members died you shouldn't be crying in public.

>> No.7437506

I don't know anything about the person and likely won't so it's not my business to judge or think of them to be immature

some people crack easier than others, I don't mind. being more emotional than others can even have its benefits

>> No.7437522

And as an adult person it is absolutely important to you what others think of you because you are defined by the opinion a passerby makes of you - oh wait.

>> No.7437527

*tips fedora*

>> No.7437554


R.D hey bud! Remember me? Anyways, they're looking for you man

>> No.7437557

Would you consider doing a costume with a full mask, or heavy face paint so no one recognizes you?
Just a thought.

If someone is gonna take my photo to fap to it later, the least I can do both for myself and him is to a, be courteous and take a nice photo, and b, ensure that the photo isn't of sexual nature, so if it does end up plastered online, it's just another cosplay photo.

I've never said no to a photographer. I had a few who asked me to do some mildly iffy poses when I was younger, but now being older, I would politely decline, knowing what's happening.
I'd decline someone if I was in the middle of a meal, like full on face in food meal. But I've never had that happen. I'd also decline someone if I was in the middle of some emotional drama with someone/myself, or if obvious snickering teens.

If I happen to be outside the convention center and someone not from the con asks me for my photo (while in costume) I'd politely oblige seeing as they aren't dicks about it. Some people are just generally curious and you might happen to be "that character from that show my daughter likes so much!!" If they're douchebags, the answer will be no.
I've only ever had the curious parents ask for photos.

Not that it's ever happened to me, nor will it, because I lack breasts, but if that creepy guy (or someone similar) who always takes photos of girls with his face in their tits were to request a photo, I'd decline.

>> No.7437563

I still don't understand what mountain of autism someone has to have farmed to ask for a suggestive of someone at a con

like what a dumb bunch

>> No.7437564

That's pretty much it.

I've been asked to be photographed in normal clothes. I don't mind too much. Just smile.

>> No.7437566

suggestive photo

>> No.7437569

why? anyone ever said anything as to why they're asking?

I guess the same kind of people who do that wouldn't be the same kind to feel the need to explain an innocent motive

>> No.7437574

awww nice homies.

>> No.7437578

They might just think you look nice. If you're wearing a cute t-shirt or something that they want to remember, or in the earlier post's case, she probably looked really nice, potentially like some generic character who happened to be wearing a nice dress.

Last convention I was at, I had a cough so I wore a medical mask around, but otherwise normal clothes. Got asked for my photo a few times. Who knows.

Also having been in conventions for awhile, starting about the time my weeb phase ended, I was just so excited to be at the convention I'd want to photograph everything. I recall taking tons of photos of all the people, even just normal attendees who stopped to chat with me.
So I think they're just excited and caught up in it.

>> No.7437579

you thought that was nice?


>> No.7437580


lmao if anyone asked a girl I was with for a "suggestive picture" I would just hit them.

>> No.7437591

huh. okay, well that clears things up a good amount.

but to me the most I'll do is mention to a friend "hey that girls cute right?" that kind of thing and it's whatever. to me, it's no different than the normal world that I wouldn't go up to someone I thought looked nice and wasn't cosplaying to ask for a picture

>> No.7437592

right? some people are fucked even when it comes to something as simple as asking for a picture

>> No.7437639

can someone ban this faggot already?
i cant believe /cgl/ tolerates this 15 year old autism

>> No.7437871


Lmao so you just let creeps take "suggestive" pics of your girl to go, at best, jack off to or at worst, add to some creepy fatal attraction style collection?

You sir, are a lame.

>> No.7437891

ITT: we find out that men are, indeed, fucking scum.

>> No.7437903

>You sir, are a lame.

no its just the way you speak

go back to /b/ then again even /b/ has new fag standards they would hate you there too

>> No.7437939
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>> No.7438485
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Ugh, I hate people like that.
>Normie friend sees a cosplay picture on their Facebook feed.
>"Hey Anon, aren't these guys freaks?"
>"I go to those events and dress up, too, you know."
"Oh yeah. But you're Anon. That's different."

>> No.7438498

I don't care who asks, I'll let them take my picture.
Hell, if I'm in the middle of eating, and it's a cosplay that's easy to slip into, and back out of to finish eating, I'll say yes.

However if I'm out of costume that'd be a pain to put back on, in a hurry to be somewhere, or if it's a request I'm not comfortable with, I'll decline.
Only time I've really had to decline was when a group of guys walked up to my friend and I (cosplaying Free), who asked if we could lay down on top of each other on the floor of the dealer's hall.

No clue if they were planning on fapping, or laughing at us if we accepted, but all of them were just acting kind of awkward.

>> No.7438557
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Just remembered. Can't remember if I've told this on /cgl/ before or not.
>Get nosebleed at a con while up on stage for a panel.
>Run through con to nearest bathroom with hand covering nose, blood running down arm.
>Cosplaying stripper Michael Phelps as a joke for said panel.
>Get myself cleaned up.
>Only people going in and out of the bathroom are non-con goers for some reason.
>Most just ask why I'm dressed like that, and go on their way.
>Door opens up.
>Guy in his 20's walks in, phone already up and out, like he's recording.
>Points camera at me, and "interviews" me, asking things like why I'm dressed up, and why I'm holding a bloody paper towel to my nose.
>Finishes, says "Thanks," taps on phone, puts phone in pocket, uses bathroom, leaves without washing hands.

Still think what upset me most was the fact he didn't wash.

>> No.7438575

If I don't know the context behind why someone's crying, I'm not going to judge.
if Ms. 20-something is crying because she dropped an ice cream cone, I'll probably judge.

>> No.7438580

Japan called, they want their strict social norms back.

>> No.7438586

>Not the only one who thinks this.
Thanks, Anon.

>> No.7438692

I had a guy pull me aside and ask me for a bunch of photos once. Felt creeper vibes, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and took out a lot of time to do a mini photoshoot. He gave me a business card and told me to look for my photos on there. I look for them, and they aren't up weeks later. I contact the page, they said they never attended the convention.
why would you even have to lie? I would have felt less creeped out if you were just someone that wanted pictures of me, but lying just makes it all the worse.

>> No.7438740 [DELETED] 

i only let white women take my pics :-)

>> No.7438769

so, basically, no one ever takes your picture then

>> No.7438844

>some creepy experiences
like what?

>> No.7438854
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>> No.7440456
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This fucking feel

>> No.7440745

Deny photos when eating/resting/half out of costume like everyone else, but I used to be much more naïve and let anybody take photos no matter what. Weirdest experience was at a con a couple years ago (when I was still shy and awkward as fuck, too)-

>Friend and I sitting on floor resting, she was dressed as Zelda and I was Menma from AnoHana
>I'm combing my wig, friend has her shoes off and is checking her phone when an older (late 40's maybe) man strolls up
>Looks greasy, using a walking stick, has a DSLR around his neck
>"Excuse me ladies could I get a picture of you?"
>We agree, put stuff down and start to get up
>"No wait the way you were. On the ground. Do what you were doing before"
>He snaps one, thanks us, and hands us a business card
>Generic anime girl with big rack in a bikini adorning it along with his information
>He hobbles away, turning around to flash us the most unsettling grin I've ever seen

It was just odd. And a few of my friends have told me about their weird experiences with him too. I still see him around local cons sometimes.

>> No.7440760

oh wow thanks for the epic feels, that-face-when guy
posting barely-on topic pictures of yourself at every opportunity makes me rofl with a bad case of the memes

>> No.7440862

Not much of a horror story, but still filled with weeby goodness.
At school, my friend's younger sister's group of friends are a row of locker down from me. Typical greasy hambeast white girls, see them reading manga and showing each other their shitty fanfic/DA tier animu and mango drawings. They're always screaming over Hetalia, FMA, black Butler, etc.

>Be lunch time
>Heading towards locker
>Hears weebs screaming as usual
>How the fuck did that get started
>Whatever, proceeds opens locker and ignore them
>Have SNK scouting legions patch stuck to locker door as inside joke
>One of the weeb girls, I'll call her unibrow, spots it
>Unibrow starts tugging violently on her friend's sweater and screaming
>Slams locker door shut and runs towards caf

Never again.

>> No.7440872

People like that are beyond hypocrits. They act like people don't do the same thing when they attend sporting events or other club/hobby activities.
>bitches gonna remain boring

>> No.7440898
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>Does anyone else ever have people come up to them asking to take pictures at cons when you're not in cosplay/lolita/any interesting fashion whatsoever?

I actually did this a few years ago.

I find out some time later that I took a picture of Jessica Nigri.

Feels weird.

I was also bad at photography at the time, so don't yell at me.

>> No.7440925

Yes. I was what... 13-14 at the time? Random guy grabbed me out of nowhere and asked for a picture. Wouldn't let go until I accepted.
I was just wearing a pink and black striped shirt and white short shorts at the time, I remember because I looked down at myself and went wtf.
That was sketchy as fuck. Also he was at least double my age, which isn't actually saying much.

>> No.7440926

Haha, what a funny coincidence. Se looks so cute here.

>> No.7441165
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They know where your locker is.
They know you're one of them.
I'm sorry.
It's too late for you, Anon.

>> No.7441456
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gg normal school life