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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 864x652, happy chocobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423679 No.7423679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was browsing and came across this picture. It got me thinking, remember when cosplay was almost all about fun? It seems that 10 or so years ago people were just happy cosplaying whatever they wanted, without regard for the catty comments that might ensue. It didn't matter if their costume wasn't that great or if they didn't have model looks, people just gathered and were just happy to express their fandom. There wasn't as much stress on construction or looks, and the convention scene seemed more accepting.


Can we go back to this simpler time? When we were all just dorks in costume?

>> No.7423703

lol I saw that in person, the funny thing was she was kind of snooty? Sorry, but guess what, cosplay is whatever it is to whomever is doing it. If you weren't aware of the insane drama back then, the backstabbing, the e-fame, then you just weren't paying attention and you weren't in the right circles. The same people who cared about the popularity and caused drama back then, still exist today. We just have social media that spreads it around. If you want to cosplay for fun, do it, no one is stopping you. If you're sitting around lamenting about 'oh all the SLUTS get all the attention!' guess what, you care about attention too.

I'm pretty sure she was upset because she didn't win best in show (if I remember correctly this was awa '03 or '04) or something.

>> No.7423734

I guess that's it - way back when I was completely oblivious to all the drama. I didn't know what 4chan was. I was completely naive to how bad my first costumes were, but I had so much fun.

I just want to go back to before I "knew better".

>> No.7423741
File: 122 KB, 600x800, chocobo_by_MonkeyPluckingPeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awshit I fucking love those cosplays

>> No.7423743


/cgl/ wasn't that bad back then (circa 07) either but it still had its problems.

dramu has always been here and when /cgl/ is dead dramu will be at the grave side pushing the coffin over

>> No.7423745

I don't know if /cgl/ actually existed back then. But it's all in your head. If you want to have fun, just have fun. Don't let things outside of your control (like how many likes someone's fan page has, or whatever) get you upset. It's as simple as that. If you're sitting around, clenching your fists and muttering to yourself 'It's supposed to be about FUN, but that person is just DOING PHOTO SHOOTS ALL THE TIME, THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A NICE COSTUME LIKE MINE!' you're going to have to take a step back and realize that either you are upset because people aren't paying attention to you (aka, it's not really about 'fun' to you anymore) or you're upset that you're not making the effort to get noticed like those people. It's really just about ignoring things that don't have any impact on you or your cosplay.

>> No.7423750

this actually would have been 2003/2004, don't know if /cgl/ existed.

>> No.7423754

or, let me add: it's time for you to realize it's not just about fun and you want to get asspats too, which is also FINE. You just can't sit back and not make an effort to get noticed however and then get made about... not getting noticed. Are you going to get as much attention as boobs and ass cosplays? Probably not, but then you have to realize... why the hell would you want that kind of attention from the kind of people who follow those kinds of cosplayers? If you make something GREAT, you're going to get noticed by people who appreciate it, I promise.

>> No.7423758


I wish everyone would think like this


/cgl/ started in 06 if my memory serves me right.

>>back in my day we used AOL to get on 4chan Keyword:WHYYYYYYYYY

>> No.7423761
File: 79 KB, 618x494, moot3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey moot, when did you introduce /cgl/?

Said it well.
OP, if you're on /cgl/ complaining about cosplay drama, you might be in the wrong spot. Just saying.

>> No.7423821

oh, and one more thing I'll add: You know, some people have fun doing photo shoots and promoting their pages and getting likes or whatever. Just because your idea of fun is one thing, doesn't mean that everyone else's idea of fun is the same as yours. Ok, I'm done, sorry for the rant. Just tired of these rose colored glasses when it comes to 'back in the day it wasn't LIKE THIS!'