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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7422950 No.7422950 [Reply] [Original]

Old one is autosaging

>obvious troll post
>like, you might as well be speaking 1337, using emoticons and saying "le" every other word-tier troll post
>gets at least several replies and ultimately derails the thread

>> No.7422954

God, yes. Even off of seagull, this is really annoying. On ksg (I'm retarded, I know), we couldn't even talk about one of the main characters, for, like a year. All because one annoying trip/avatarfag liked her, and people accused anyone who said they liked her or posted fanart of being him.

>> No.7422966

>I know this is bait but...

As if that would make it any better.

>> No.7422971

>When I'm at a meet, I only care about your coordination skills and your manners,

I seriously feel like the anti-brandwhore girls legitimately think people are looking down on them for not wearing brand. I don't own a single brand piece of clothing, so I'll see girls wearing dresses that cost more than my entire coord, and from them, I get nothing but, "Anon, I love this outfit! Where did you get your dress?"

>"fucking rich kids and their brand, thinking they're so much better than the rest of us just because they can buy an entire set"
>fuck subtlety
>"Oh, thank you, this dress is from X, and it only cost one hundred dollars!"
>silence from anti-brandwhores

It's not that you don't wear brand that is causing people to not speak to you, it's the fact that you're making a big deal about it, and putting down anyone that gets more attention than you, on top of dressing like a blind ita. Do these infamous brandwhores even exist, or are they just an urban loli legend?

>> No.7422977

I honestly think that this thread and its responses should be saved, to link to anyone who pulls this.
or an image should be made pulling all the things people hate about that together, to post any time someone does this.

>> No.7422986

One of my best friends (male) has a friend (female) whom I absolutely can't stand.

Some of her mannerisms include
-Wearing lolita/gothic clothes even though she's way too much of a landwhale to look decent in them
-Laughing really, really loudly and shrilly, like seriously it hurts your ears
-Not knowing how to contain her power level. My friend, his gf, the annoying friend and I used to pen&paper roleplay, and in Uni this friend of his would scream all through a crowded lecture room "XXX I'm so looking forward to the adventure on Saturday! I hope you'll include hot elves!", and stupid shit like that.

I don't know if this fits here, she's also a cosplayer so I thought I'd take this opportunity and vent.

>> No.7423040
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When girls in my lolita comm get all uppity about other members posting to /cgl/, making wild accusations about how they cause problems and how this board is such a drama mill, when they BROWSE HERE THEMSELVES.

Seriously, what the fuck are these girls trying to hide by pretending like they're above this place and never do no wrong?

>> No.7423150

Pet peeves include:
>People who don't know how/don't want to hem things
>Bad wigs that could look good if styled, "but i dont want to style it"
>When you can tell at a shoot that every cosplayer of one character bought the same shitty outfit on ebay

>> No.7423174

There are koreaboos at my university who yell oppa unironically, major in Korean, joke about being Korean when they're really Chinese, have their name in hangul on facebook, post hangul characters, their lives literally revolve around the superficial manufactured thing that is kpop

And it's like being that much of a koreaboo is acceptable and totally not at all being like a weeaboo a few years ago. They'll think any kind of flared dress is lolita, they buy their cosplays if only to go to a convention for the kpop booth, just ugh I know I it's not totally cgl related but I can't stand these people

>> No.7423193

Koreaboos are so embarrassing to me. I almost think they're worse than weebs, because they always act like they're superior because they're obsessed with shitty kpop groups and kdramas, and not 'childish cartoons.' The only good thing I can really say about them is they rarely spout out full sentences in Korean, so they save that embarrassment.

I don't get why they act like being able to read/write hangul is some big accomplishment, though; you can literally learn that in under a week.

>> No.7423215

I hate when I go to a con and I meet someone who seems like a pretty decent person, but they turn out to be one of Tumblr's social justice assholes.
It feels like cons are so full of them these days and I can't stand it. I just want to meet people with the same interests who don't get all their "knowledge" from Tumblr. Fuck.
I hate what that website has done to some people.

Something else that grinds my gears (and I think this might have been mentioned in the last thread) is white people claiming they're half Japanese, and the people who believe their bullshit. It just baffles me that people are THAT stupid. What's worse, is usually these weebs will make up these over the top stories about their families/lives and people will STILL believe it. Wow, hey, you go to Japan every weekend to see your sister who apparently works as a hostess AND for a record label? Wow, your real name is -insert cliche Japanese name(s) here-?
Fucking bullshit.

>> No.7423250
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The growing popularity of the phrase 'Click to super size' instead of full size.

>> No.7423253


Click to make small

>> No.7423256
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>"XXX I'm so looking forward to the adventure on Saturday! I hope you'll include hot elves!"
Kill her.

>> No.7423262


Not necessary. If I actually have to see her in the next few months due to spending time with my good friend, I'll just be smug in the knowledge that she's a super weeb and I'm actually going studying in Japan in September.

>> No.7423306

>I hate when I go to a con and I meet someone who seems like a pretty decent person, but they turn out to be one of Tumblr's social justice assholes.

THIS. Except my friends suddenly are drinking the SJW/tumblr kool aid. I dont know why they suddenly have so much white guilt and think POCs cant talk for themselves. They even are going out together for feminist meet ups. Bitches are you fucking kidding me? I honestly cant respect people who chose to use tumblr to get information/discuss social issues/events. I try to explain politely too them that I like to use tumblr as a space to look at fandom stuff and they look at me like I'm uneducated. They are the ones who dont properly research topics and take random tumblr posts or peoples extreme opinions as fact. Pisses me off. In my opinion serious discussions on social issues should happen in academic settings where people have read academic articles not some thisis____privilage blog.

>> No.7423322

Oh, well, we all know that BROWSING /cgl/ and secrets is ok but post and you are a cunty drama-whore. It's bullshit and just one more of the hen party's nit picky little bitchy habits of looking down on someone.
Everyone knows that news +discussion breaks here first so if no one posted, well, I guess they wouldn't have info to read, hm?
It's stupid.

>> No.7423327

Are you me? The EXACT same thing happened with my friends. All they post on Facebook and all they talk about is their fucking bullshit about POC, feminism, etc.
That's not to say I don't respect others thoughts or opinions on the matters, but the social justice fags always seem to just barely know what they're talking about, if at all.

It's like no matter how many people I delete off my Facebook, I always have someone posting a long-winded rant on their status updates about Tumblr-glorified shit. Ugh.

>> No.7423333

One of my local friends is headed that way and it makes me sad. But she still lives at home with her parents and maybe needs a job with more hours and some more hobbies. I try to get her to come out with me in Lolita, shop, have lunch, etc. but she won't. She's really shy IRL but is getting mouthy online about 'issues'. I don't see this as ending well for our friendship.

>> No.7423350

Oh god... Thats horrifying anon! I am lucky that they have been keeping it to their Tumblr and Twitter accounts. Only one of them sometimes posts links on her FB to tumblr posts. Her most recent one was complaining about how 'Not all white people are Caucasian so dont appropriate the word'. Didnt think my eyes could roll so far back into my head. Oh and the whole Enders Games/Olympics drama where my friend said she couldnt associate any longer with people who watches them because, "ZOMG The gays!" Meanwhile our gay friends are like "Meh dont care."

I have my tumblr savior set for words like 'cis, white, poc' etc and it can catch some of their crap. I believe FB has an option where you can still be friends with someone but not have their updates get posted to your feed if that helps.

>> No.7423398

Girls in the FB Lolita mentoring group that want to participate in the fashion, but whine about things being expensive. Its a luxury hobby. If you can't, or aren't willing to pay for something decent, then clearly this isn't the hobby for you

>> No.7423402

Yup, you can mouse over their post in the top righthand corner, and there's a dropdown that will ask if you want to "unfollow" them, which means you won't get their shit in your newsfeed.

>> No.7423404

>Post about being happy over losing 30 pounds so far and trying to get healthy.
>Get harassed by people saying I shouldnt be flaunting my privilege to work out and eat healthy over poor people and fatties.

>> No.7423407

Amen. You look at your budget. You look at the options. You can dress for less but not nothing or dollar general or Walmart prices. Some people cannot afford even budget lolita. But I also hate them whining about it.

>> No.7423411

The people that spout "thin privilege" shit are all either obese or lazy fatties who think they can justify being unhealthy by claiming you're privileged.

>> No.7423413

>>Get harassed by people saying I shouldnt be flaunting my privilege to work out and eat healthy over poor people and fatties.
Can't win, can ya?

>> No.7423415

>"youre too fat, go lose some more weight."
p sure half the people on /cgl/ are fatties themselves though.

>> No.7423419


Can someone explain to me what exactly "thin privilege" is?

>isn't it good to be healthy
>how is anyones weight privileged
>no one gave me my weight

>> No.7423421

Basically thin privilege is people taking body acceptance to the extreme and using it as an excuse to trash on anybody that chooses to have a healthier life style or is thinner. Basically it's fatties being all "Well thin people picked on me, so I can pick on them!"

>> No.7423424

Uh huh. Well, that's... ridiculous. Thanks for the help, though!

>> No.7423430

idk there's obvious advantages to being thin. if you lose weight everyone says you look better, then when you gain weight without meaning to you fee like shit. "oh you were so thin, what happened? don't worry you can do it" even if you just don't really feel so bad. being overweight doesn't mean landwhale, really. at least socially. you can be a little chubby and you're definitely not thin. it's easier if you were a lil overweight your whole life. but suddenly gaining weight, oh man. don't even get me started on seeing someone for the first time in a while. i knew a girl who had to leave school because she was sick, and me and my friends saw her for the first time in a few years. she was in college and apparently had an online store and she looked cute, fatter of course. however that was the only thing my friends talked about once she left, and kept talking about how she "let herself go" and how bad they felt for her which was like? so weird and not cool.

>> No.7423431

It's something that tumblr made up. Idiots who think there is a "privilege" for ever facet of life complain about people being privileged if they're not usually picked on, even though it ruins the whole concept of privilege in the first place, you're not supposed to apply it to every day life like this.

>> No.7423432

'Thin privilege', as I understand it, is basically the idea that thin people have it easier because they're more accepted in society.

See 'white privilege', but for thin people.

>> No.7423476

You know what doesn't grind my gears? Golurk, despite it making perfect sense that he would get that move, and that it would instantly make him OU. And that does grind my gears.

Also, people who are absurdly hateful toward fat people or amateur cosplayers. It's one thing for ridiculously out of body or poorly designed cosplays, but then there are these guys who feel the need to derail discussions or create new threads to talk about how anyone noticeably overweight or imperfect at costume design is literally the end of the world.

>> No.7423478

My jaw dropped when one of my friends was complaining on facebook - several statuses in a row, usually every other phrase in angry caps - about lolita being so expensive, even Bodyline. She was so upset that secondhand dresses could ever possibly go for more than their original price. She's not even poor, just cheap.

I'm not a lolita myself, but even I know it can be a collector's hobby on top of being a luxury fashion.

>> No.7423502

apparently venus angelic moved to the Netherlands. And I'm really afraid she's going to appear on national television a lot. The dutch TLC already showed that stupid living doll thing, I cannot handle to see anymore of that bullshit.

>> No.7423558

>my friends suddenly are drinking the SJW/tumblr kool aid
ugh don't I know it. My fucking best friend told me the other day that if the sjw stuff on tumblr bothers me I should leave. I never asked for that shit to show up on my dash, people I follow that are seemingly normal suddenly start reblogging "muh sj". Guess I should just leave though, there isn't room for people who aren't special snowflakes.

>> No.7423623

I just hate the mass homogenization of cosplay, like everyone just does the same shit over and over, and when one person does something funny or out of the box, EVERYONE has to do it.

Everyone does the same characters over and over, and if you want to be 'different' you just take your character and slap:

>Rule 63

and other overdone crap over it. Or they take someone's tumblr fanart or joke and just do a cosplay of that, thinking they're unique when they're swimming in a sea of the same damn cosplays.

>> No.7423648

just use tumblr savior or xkit and blacklist every possible SJ word.

>> No.7423799

I'm so glad most of my friends are pretty anti-SJW. Weeby and sort of speshul snowflakey Tumblrites, yes, but at least no brain melting ignorance. Only one of them believes in SJ, but she's decent about it, and whatever rocks your boat as long as you don't shove it in my face y'know?

>> No.7423869

Above all, I wish they'd just. fucking. admit. it really is all about the appearances of the idols and not the music. Deny it all they can but would they listen to such generic beats and bad lyrics if it weren't for the hot people?

>> No.7423896

Girl I've known about two years has recently come out as "non-binary" but doesn't appear/do/say anything at all suggesting androgyny or gender issues aside from letting her body hair grow (which is another Tumblr issue in itself), has reblogged posts on Tumblr about hating cishet men which makes me feel like her friendships with our mutual male friends are a thinly-veiled facade that could drop at any time, and has recently changed her cosplay name from something Japanese to just something randomly made-up, because it was "cultural appropriation" to use a Japanese name when she's not Japanese. The whole thing just comes off as blindly following special-snowflake Tumblr fads and makes it really uncomfortable to be around her, especially since I've seen an SJW snap and try to ruin someone's life over a perceived "injustice/offense" IRL before, and it wasn't pretty in the slightest. This girl hasn't done or said anything overboard to anyone yet, but I feel like it's only a matter of time, you know? It's a scary world ever since these kinds of people have started appearing outside of Tumblr...

>> No.7423920
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>in cosplay panel
>young shy girl raises hand
>"um do you have any tips on becoming more masculine for my future crossplay?"
>everyone begins to give legitament advice

Am I the only one who still thinks you dont ever need to be in fucking character when you cosplay?
Seriously do you expect the same during Halloween with kids dressing up?


>> No.7423931

well it's still nice to answer her question. Also there's looking masculine when posing for pictures.

>> No.7423937

I'm pretty much the same. I plan on doing some crossplays in the future, but being masculine will pretty much only be important in pictures, or just general goofing around. But I don't like going around being in character, I think it's werid as hell.

>> No.7423948
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I meant in the panel they were all talking about the way you speak/act...not about binding your boobs or makeup to make your face look rugged

>> No.7423983

I actually enjoy some kpop, but not because of of HOT PEOPLE!!!11 Not my favorite, and I'm not like WOAH KOREA but I would like to visit my Korean friend there, not because of koreaboo shit. They piss me off.

>> No.7423985

Maybe she wanted to do a cosplay video?

>> No.7423990

To tell you the truth k-pop has some kind of ridiculous production quality as far as the music goes, the mastering is pretty phenomenal.

>> No.7424007

stop justifying this shit
it was a cosplay panel, not an acting/roleplay panel

the panel was meant to be about making hand crafted costumes

>> No.7424026

i admit it. kpop music can be catchy from time to time, but its so damn autotoned and generic

>> No.7424028

>Am I the only one who still thinks you dont ever need to be in fucking character when you cosplay?
I hope not. I'm planning on going as Daru at AnimeNEXT, and being in character for him is really embarrassing.

>> No.7424037

cosplay is about being in character though

>> No.7424153

>group cosplay
>characters are each intentionally designed with different body types
>every cosplayer has the same fucking frame
Fucking PSG groups.

>> No.7424657

> "Selling ___ for $___, I bought it at $___"

If you have to justify your price by saying how much you bought it for, you're probably overcharging. If you aren't overcharging, the information is irrelevant. Either way it comes across as mildly pathetic to me.

>> No.7424663

Panty Stocking Garterbelt?

>> No.7424669

>group cosplay
>characters are each intentionally designed with different body types
>every cosplayer has a different frame but cosplay the wrong. fucking. character.

Especially annoying when it comes to height. I get wanting to pick your favorites, but damn...

>> No.7424693

My vagina system is being all weird and achey like

I know you're ready to bleed

You know you're ready to bleed

so let's get this over with already and bleed

Yet bleeding came there none

>> No.7424717
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Novel-like posts with no point and no cut.

>> No.7424782

I like it because it's upbeat and generic, but I can't understand a word they're saying. I would probably like Western pop if it wasn't for the fact that the lyrics are such drivel.

I can never learn Korean, though, otherwise K-pop will be ruined for me.

>> No.7424807

There is a name for this style, yes.
Shitty snowflake-lita

>> No.7424826

My vagina just exploded today after feeling like that for 2 days.

>> No.7427559

This one isn't really cosplay/lolita related, but is anyone else getting an influx of their normalfag friends on facebook making posts about babymetal like it's this hot new obscure hip thing? I've seen at least 15 posts about them this week

>> No.7427577

i took vitamin c to make it come faster. worked pretty well.
i plan on doing the same thing before Acen because wearing lolita on my period is extra uncomfortable.

>> No.7427584

On that note...
>cosplay involves a long white dress
>freaked out that I'll have my period and it'll get spotted somehow and I'll be mortified
>period comes a week early
>no bleeding at the con

Thank fucking god.

>> No.7427609

>Do these infamous brandwhores even exist, or are they just an urban loli legend?
Just because you haven't seen brandwhores doesn't mean they don't exist. I heard a $100 true story recently from my sister's friend. A sweet lolita lifestyler sugarbaby brandwhore elitist in a full matching AP set carrying an alpaca with a matching brand coordinate was teaching a panel at a con on how to properly coordinate cookie-cutter pastel Angelic Pretty sets with matching split twintail wigs. She had just finished the slide on the best way to burn handmade clothing and how you can sell your panties online to avoid the shame of having to make anything ever again and was moving on to the slide about how nobody over 5'1" is allowed to wear lolita clothes and enormous OTT wigs are mandatory. At that moment a 6'8" brave obese lesbian muslim asexual pot smoking black lolita with a mohawk stood up wearing her own unique steampunk bodyline replica coordinate with combat boots and a hijab with cat ears on it and neon furry legwarmers and a fedora but no makeup because she was naturally perfect looking without it even though she did not believe in the medias depiction of beauty. "May I ask a question?" she asked politely.

"Sure whatever" the sweet lolita sneered and then pulled out an Angelic Pretty tea cup from her bag and began drinking tea from it while applying more makeup and taking selfies and using her rich parents' money to buy Baby's latest print in every color on her cell phone.

The girl held up a pair of cat ears. "Are these appropriate in lolita?"

"no of course they aren't you stupid ita, no BRAND would make something that hideous, take it back to walmart and return it" she snarled while planning another brand only meetup at an expensive tea house to purposely exclude new members of her community and also posting mean things on /cgl/ about people whose only mistakes were being too creative and innovative with their coords.


>> No.7427625

Waiting for the part where the brandwhore gets mad because brands have released cat ear headpieces before

>> No.7427627


"Wrong. These are Angelic Pretty cat ears. If cat ears aren't acceptable in lolita as you say... then why did a brand make these?"

Then the girl sat down. The sweet lolita giving the lecture turned white and was visibly shaken and she dropped her Day Dream Carnival wristcuffs and the camera she was using to take pictures of lolitas wearing Bodyline and handmade to shame on behind-the-bows later because she was secretly insecure and jealous of their creativity. All of the other girls in the room stood up and started clapping and cheering as the brandwhore ran out of the room crying, her DollyWink lashes and oversized circle lenses falling off in the process. The brave rebellious pot smoking lolita stood up at the front of the panel and finished the lecture and by the end of it everyone had started their own lolita brands. Maki and Asuka also came into the panel room and crowned the girl the new Kawaii Ambassador and asked her to make a line of neon cat ears out of raschel lace for them but she declined because she wanted to sell her goods at a fair price for men and women of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Later I found out the sweet lolita who had been running the panel had her badge taken away and was banned from the con and her sugardaddy had left her for a Bodyline model so she had to sell all her brand and only wear offbrand instead.

So yeah tell me all about how brandwhores don't exist when you obviously don't know jack shit. Infact you're probably one of them just trying to lure girls to your meets so you can make fun of them for not buying shoes from Angelic Pretty. Well I'm onto you bitch.

>> No.7427651

That is the best thing I have ever read.

>> No.7427675

I didn't know we had seagull creepypasta.

>> No.7427695

Diff anon, but I have some more saved, about the stuffed animals hair trend.

>> No.7427698
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they sprout out atop your head if you eat the original animals
(e.g if you want a rabbit plush on your hair, you have to eat rabbit meat)
if you want pastel animal toys to grow on your hair, you have to barbeque it over a rainbow. for those keen in guro creepy-cute soft toys, marinate live cats and bears in soya sauce and black sesame before cooking. if you want the soft toys to be guro but not creepy cute, do the same as above while playing mana's music in the background. if you're going for the gothic plushies route, avoid garlic in your diet.

if you want them soft and fluffy, you gotta smear butter and cream all over before cooking. if you prefer resin and plastic animals, knead your livestock into meatballs (preferably the size of usakumya's head or larger)

do this once a week and you should see results within 3 months. don't rush it, or the results will look like derpy-faced replicas. for best results, soak your hair in a marshmallow bath before a Kawaii Meal (this ensures your plushies will grow in rich colour, and not faded out)

>> No.7427863

Almost thought this was going to turn into a parody of that chain email where the Christian student stand up to an atheist professor and the professor drops his chalk.

>> No.7427872

yeah actually that was my intent.

>> No.7427910

I went back a reread the part where she dropped her wristcuffs and camera. Oops. Now I feel silly haha

>> No.7427919

Haha nah you got it! Actually it's a parody of the parody of those chain e-mails. The parody with the liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor vs. the Navy SEAL

>> No.7428098

What grinds my gears:

When people post updates in the progress thread and don't fucking say what they're cosplaying. I can forgive it if they posted earlier in the thread, but in brand new threads, they need to restate.

>> No.7428111

What's with everyone and having their periods right now. My friend doubled over today, and I'm supposed to start Sunday.
Though I've been having amenorrhea for the last two cycles so I'm not sure if it'll actually come. I'm getting pretty sick of freaking out and buying pregnancy tests. I wonder if one double-kit pregnancy test spread out over two cycles costs less than the sheer amount of tampons I'd buy when actually menstruating.

> con a couple years ago
> put together a shiro lolita coord
> very excited
> wecan'thavenicethings
it was the day before.

>> No.7428130
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>"thin privilege" whiners

seriously every kind of "everybody cosplay what they want" kind of panel ive been to has someone bring up thin privilege and suddenly the whole room is wailing on how fat people deserve respect/thin people dont/similar shit

seriously do you EVER hear someone talk about fat privilege?
like if your fat you MUST be kind,talented, and or smart..and anyone thinner is the opposite...thats fat privilege..

>> No.7428162

Ugh, this so hard.

Like, fat people bitch about being put down because they're fat, and then put down skinny girls for being skinny.

As a skinny girl I find this behaviour rude and offensive, as well as hilariously laughable.

>> No.7428186
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>Do these infamous brandwhores even exist, or are they just an urban loli legend?

I've been scolded by a random lolita at a japanese event when she overheard me saying I bought my shoes for my classic coord at a thrift store, when asked by a girl who's been interested in lolita for a while.

"nonononono, don't listen to her, get your shoes directly from a brand website, and only if your feet are too big, choose to go secret shop"

and lectured her on where to buy clothes. (I told her the same lecture, but suggested she start with bodyline as a wardrobe stuffer)

and, I kid you not, she goes back to her other lolita friend, and mumbles to her "she's wearing bodyline, who is she to tell someone about lolita anyway, bodyline isn't lolita"

I just kind of stood there for a while

>mfw people like this actually exist

I chose not to wear my AP set because it was a summer event with lots of food and messy activities, and I knew I would get my outfit dirty.

>> No.7428218

YES. I have a girl on Facebook who I used to go to school with, and she's full-out Koreaboo. Her ancestry is Chinese, but try convincing her that. She posts and shares photos of her idols constantly, and spams them on her friends walls like LOL LOOK HE'S TOPLESS! OMG FOUND ANOTHER TOPLESS ONE! OMFG DROOOLLL.
She also uses eyelid tape... when she already has a double eyelid. I'm sure she just uses it because that's what they use in Korea!!!!!!
She's also obsessed with some middle-aged Japanese man, Yoshiki. She even made a huge tl;dr post about him on his birthday.

>> No.7428236

Is there an actual reason she can't wear Lolita? Or is she just whining for the sake of whining?

>> No.7428280
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>be 40% bf
>lose it over the year
>put a little bit on for a winter bulk
>mfw these fucking fat bitches whining about how it's impossible to lose weight

See, it's a complete bastardization of thermodynamics. Your body consumes food, and converts it to fuel. Any fuel left over is stored. If you don't supply fuel, your body eats the reserves. Logically, if you're eating less, your body is forced to tap into the energy storage. "But if I starve myself, that's bad for me" The human body has evolved to survive without eating for a couple of days (Humans use exhaustion hunting). If it goes without food until 72 hours or so, there's minimal health impact. Most modern fasting diets recommend 24 hours at the most.

Furthermore, genetics doesn't determine fatness. There's no gene that says "Oh yeah, you're going to be fat no matter what you do" If that was the case, there would be a lot more poor fat people over the years.

Fat people DON'T deserve respect unless they're trying to lose weight. The either have no self-control, don't care about themselves and/or are fucking insane.

>> No.7428393

>there would be a lot more poor fat people

nigga where the fuck have you been

>> No.7428434

to be fair, poor people are fat not because of "fat genes" but because they are often working multiple jobs just to keep afloat, which means you are very busy with very little money
which means mcdonalds is pretty much the only option you have
capitalism is great

>> No.7428441

>Fat people DON'T deserve respect unless they're trying to lose weight. The either have no self-control, don't care about themselves and/or are fucking insane.
Except for the many fat people who are fat because their parents let them eat a ton of junk food as a kid and, being children, they had next to no impulse control.

>> No.7428446

>literally implying they're not the ones that cause the drama in your con

>> No.7428450

>start a diet along with my boyfriend
>same calorie deficit
>I exercise more than him, 30-40 min daily 6 days a week
>I eat more healthy, lots of veggies and fruits, meanwhile he considers ramen a good snack and continues to drink beer every other day
>he lost more than 6 kg, I barely lost 3

>whaaaaat different people have different bodies? there are different metabolic rates?
>no waaaaay
>u all just effin lazy!!!!!

BTW your brain also needs to be fed (a lot more than other parts of your body), so that's why you can't go below a certain calorie limit and shouldn't fast long and often. But that explains a lot about your thought process.

>> No.7428461

>Fat people DON'T deserve respect unless they're trying to lose weight
I'm going to have to disagree with you there. "Fat-ness" can be a learned lifestyle, as in, your parents were fat, they fed you junk food, they never kicked you outside to play, etc. While I'm not saying they can't change, it'll just be really hard for them because they basically have to throw away 20+ years of habits to learn how to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle. That would be really, really difficult for a lot of people, especially if they have friends or family who ridicule them every step of the way. For some people, leading a healthy lifestyle is cutting off contact with people they know and love because they'll just bring them down and hinder any progress they might have, and that would be difficult for a lot of people.

Now, let's say, they're in a different situation. They're poor, they're a single parent, and they have to work two jobs just to keep food on the table. Healthy food isn't cheap, so when money's tight, you're going to go with the cheapest option, health be damned. I've gone shopping with a friend who was on a tight budget, and while she was doing her best to get the "better option", she just plain couldn't because the other option was just enough that she could get something else as well. And then, when you factor in work, not even the kids, it's physically impossible to work out because you need sleep.

There /are/ other reasons that isn't "lawl I tried everything, it's just genetics XDDDD".

>> No.7428470

>That one girl who is always complaining how her school/workplace wants her te wear something more representable that lolita fashion.

Bitch you're working in a mainstream fashion store you better wear something your boss wants instead of whining about how unfair it is on facebook. I like my loli just as much as you do but you don't see me complaining about the government not taking my advice serious because I've gotten the damn memo that no, you can't always do what you want and expect other people to bend over backwards to answer to your demands.

>That same girl who feels the need to wiggle in the fact she wears lolita like every day whenever she posts something.

Bitch, no one was interested in the fact that you wear it everyday. All the poor other girl did was ask a question about the music preferences of our community members and what style they wear because she was curious if they might be related. But no you had to waltz in and annouce you wear the fashion every goddamned day.

That girl in general grinds my gears

>Then there's that other girl who loudly proclaim Japan is better that our own country in almost every way. I remember a post about the olympics.
Random friend of said girl: girl-chan you why aren't cheering for our country?
Girl: Because I don't feel like I'm from our country, I feel Japanese desu

Or korean, I don't even know what nationality she was wanting to be

>> No.7428474

You're still probably consuming more carbs/sugar from fruit. Calorie in calorie out, doesn't matter if its something like ramen, if its within his calorie range he can still lose weight.

>> No.7428501
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It really grinds my gears when we have a legitimately interesting thread that devolves into talking about fat people and tumblr, and fat people on tumblr

But legitimately
I can't stand when someone asks to take a photo with you in cosplay
And you get into your cool ass pose
And they just fucking grab you around the waist or hips and crush you to them
I did not agree to this.

>> No.7428539

>Healthy food isn't cheap
Isn't this proven false every other week by some new article or study?

>> No.7428544

It is cheaper overall, but you require more initial resources. To cook a healthy meal you need all the things to cook with, to store the food, the electricity or gas for you stove as well as the ingredients. To eat McDonalds, you don't need any of that, just the food money.

It's like how with pretty much anything, buying in bulk is cheaper. But buying in bulk also costs a lot more and if you don't have that much on hand it's not an option.

So long story short, yes, eating healthy is generally cheaper, but it's not just of the food itself.

>> No.7428553

Healthy food is NOT cheap. Go to a supermarket and look at the cheapest organic, GM-free bunch of salad. It's gonna be more expensive. 100% organic orange juice with no additives, colorants etc? More expensive than Kool-Aid. Don't even get me started on the price difference between the farmers' market and the supermarket.

Also depends where you live - I live in Northern Europe where fuck all grows. Only thing my country produces is lettuce and shitty berries, the rest has to be imported from god-knows-where. Prices for fruit are INSANE and so are vegetables.
Also to add onto what >>7428544 said, if you buy healthy, fresh groceries in bulk you have to eat them soon or else they'll go bad.

>> No.7428577

I never understood the whole "hand around the hip" thing for anyone who wants to be in the picture.
Why can't we do a silly pose? Or a cool pose together? instead of this checkout my new bf/gf photo

>> No.7428583

Some people like it, why does it get your clitorotti in a knot? Not that it matters, but kids do sometimes roleplay 8n their halloween costumes.
>inb4 u rp
No, but some guy from avatar and his cabbages were hilarious at katsucon. I appreciated it.

Unless they're doing it poorly and think they're in character when really its their own self insert.
>aeriths being ditzy
>ichigo being cutesy
>tony starks who try the witty back and forth but fail when all they say is "AHM I'M TONY STARK"
>lastly, any character who drinks is now always ALWAYS DRUNK

>> No.7428585

I eat healthy and healthy food is not cheap.
I don't know what kind of "studies" figure that, but unless they're eating the same things everyday with the same cheap ingredients, I don't know how they do it.
Fresh organic vegetables cost me more than canned or frozen.
Meat is also ridiculous. Comparatively to other processed meats these prices are sky-high. If I want fresh fish, that isn't cheap. Then if I want grass-fed beef or something that didn't get slaughtered in a place knee deep in shit that costs extra too.
Cage free/organic laid eggs are also more expensive.
I don't buy a lot of dairy, but if I want hormone-free milk or unsweetened almond milk I think it costs me a bit more than the generic, plastic jug-pus milk that they peddle right alongside it.

I forget about bread/sweets, I can't afford that shit by the time I'm done securing the other food groups.

Also this >>7428461 sums up my entire childhood growing up with my mother, who is still completely ignorant about nutrition btw.
Since I've moved out three months ago I've lost close to 20 pounds, meanwhile she still brings home doughnuts/sodas and is bitching about her weight gain. She still tries to peddle food on me whenever I'm there.
But for years I had to deal with people ridiculing me when they didn't understand what it's like to live with enabling, bitchy parents who behave like feeders. It's no different than living with parents who have other issues, they rub off on you whether you know it or not.

>> No.7428588

>it has to be organic or gmo-free to be considered healthy
No it doesn't

>if you buy healthy, fresh groceries in bulk you have to eat them soon or else they'll go bad
Or you can cook them instead of constantly eating raw fruit and veg. Soups, stews, pickling, canning ect

>Also depends on where you live
This is the only thing I can agree with

>> No.7428592

The problem with a lot of healthy food + poor people is that goes bad more quickly, requires more tools to use (things that we take for granted like working refrigerators, pots and pans for prep, and even can openers for canned food -- always donate poptop cans!) and more preparation time. Also, like >>7428544
said, buying in bulk is cheaper in the long run but costs more up-front, which isn't really a possibility for people living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.7428605


>> No.7428608

>No it doesn't
Well then it isn't healthy.

>> No.7428609

>This is the only thing I can agree with
You're naive, and jsyk, that last one is a bigger problem than you think.
We'd all be eating better and healthier if people would wake up and smell the coffee about this issue. It's EXPENSIVE pure and simple, and it shouldn't be. That processed junk should be the stuff with all the circumstantial budget issues and not healthy food that people need for a good quality of life.
Blaming people for being manipulated by the industry doesn't make you sound smart or enlightened.

>> No.7428612

>prep time
I think this is one of the biggest reasons people say working class = harder to eat healthy. Eating home-cooked meals basically takes for granted that someone who just worked all day has the time and energy to spend 30min-an hour prepping a meal, I can picture that being hard for someone who works full-time or two jobs.

Also the buying in bulk thing. Very good points. Healthy food only seems "as afforable" as junk if you don't take this kind of factor into account.

>> No.7428616

1) It isn't healthy if the animal has been fed hormones and other animals' shit so yes, it must be GM-free to be considered healthy. Unless you want cancer.
2) Cooking still doesn't make them nonperishable. Only thing that prolongs the longevity is freezing and pickling, canning etc are unhealthy as fuck since you'd need to add preservatives.
I'm not against GM or anything since it can sometimes save lives, but calling it healthy is total bullshit.

>> No.7428620

This, I've talked to this one guy from the US and he said "it's your own damn fault for not reading the food label". How can they expect people who aren't trained for that sort of thing to know what the ingredient names mean? They don't teach you in school what "Agent Orange" and "Yellow-34" are, what an emulgator is, etc etc.

>> No.7428621

Tite Kubo said something about them, and PT freaked out, so it may be that?

>> No.7428631 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 317x265, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"XXX I'm so looking forward to the adventure on Saturday! I hope you'll include hot elves!"
That's rough, buddy.

>> No.7428633
File: 24 KB, 317x265, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"XXX I'm so looking forward to the adventure on Saturday! I hope you'll include hot elves!"
That's rough, buddy.

>> No.7428641
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cheap looking shit with a billion photo filters.
or mostly just the filters.

>> No.7428659

mcdonalds is fucking expensive faggots are just retarded
for the amount of food you get youre better off buying a pound of meat

no you dont need pop and fries with your meal and water is fucking free everywhere you go

stay mad fatties

>> No.7428669
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>"heathy food is so expensive anon"
>currently buying large fries and large soda

I fucking hate this logic
if you stop buying starbucks, fries, pop, and other junk food you WILL have money for some meat and vegetables...maybe even organic

also you dont need pounds of food every day, you can survive off large snack sizes every meal even small bits every meal...no you dont need snacks in between each..and you only feel like youre starving the first week because your body is used to OVER stuffing yourself

>> No.7428678

>They don't teach you in school what "Agent Orange" is
Did you withdraw after middle school?

>> No.7428682

No, my country doesn't import or produce shit food like yours does, so no one had to warn us.

>> No.7428685

I was comparing unhealthy supermarket food to healthy supermarket food so yes, it is more expensive. I don't know who in their right mind would eat at McDonalds all the time.

>> No.7428689

>TFW you a few of your customers by name
>TFW you only work there 10hrs max a week

>> No.7428690

You can survive without eating for a month, doesn't mean you shouldn't eat. You need to eat healthy food to lose weight, not diet and gain it back after a week, dumbass. Eating healthy means having a normal meal in smaller portions. We were talking about the overall monthly cost of healthy vs unhealthy which SOME PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD. Are you stupid?

>> No.7428697

im not saying you can go back to eating the fries and drinking starucks and pop you fucking autist

im saying you dipshits would have the money if you didnt buy these unnecessary foods

>> No.7428700

its amazing how much money you have when you only drink water and never buy pop/alcohol/juice

i just have a filter and put tap water in it

ITT mad fatties

>> No.7428705
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>say you dont need pounds of food
>say you only need a little each meal
>"OMG anon your anorexic and youre gonna gain it all back when you eat it again next week!!!"
>implying I will ever fucking eat that shit again
>implying id waste my money again
>implying not eating pounds of food every meal constitutes me as "not eatting for a month"

my diet is MY actual diet
its not some temporary thing like you fatties think a diet is supposed to be
stay ignorant stay mad stay fat

>> No.7428706

Um, where is the lie though? Aren't we more a nation of people who glorify thin bodies as apposed to healthy bodies?

>> No.7428716


Did you even read? Anon was talking about cutting out fatty snacks and drinks and eating smaller portions.

A 'normal' meal for you may not necessarily be healthy either.

And bitch please I eat healthy and I waste less on food than if I ate out every day.

>> No.7428719

Thank you, MTE.
>media doesn't give a shit how you got skinny just so long as you are
It's painfully obvious.

>> No.7428721

I can confirm that heathly foods are much cheaper than a bunch of processed sugary fatty shit. I've done the math and you save money just by buying actual foods rather than eating garbage, which you have to end up buying more of in the long run because the body needs more to make up for lack of nutrients.

>> No.7428728

That doesn't mean thin people are more privileged though. The media may say one thing, but in day to day life, everyone shits on everyone else pretty much equally. Fat people tell skinny girls to go eat a sandwich and talk about how men don't like bones. Skinny people eating mcdonalds talk about how gross fatties are for stuffing their faces with shit food. Everyone shit's on everybody, and the worst part is that it's more acceptable to shit on people who the media favors because it shouldn't bother them since they're more ~privileged~ and that's shit. The only thing media does is divide groups of people by race, gender, weight, sexual orientation, hair color, and whatever other stereotype you can think of. And using the excuse to make fun of anyone because of society's view on them is wrong and shitty.

>> No.7428736

Honestly I think people just have different ideas of what is "healthy" and that's why this is even an argument.
If you order out pizza and wings every day, that is unhealthy and expensive.
If you make ramen and hamburger helper at home every day, that is unhealthy and cheap.
If you make lentils and rice every day, that is cheap, and arguably healthy.
If you eat strictly primal or raw with tons of raw veggies, it's healthy and expensive.
Whenever anybody says they eat healthy and cheap I want to know what they eat. It's usually a lot of filler stuff like rice. Which I don't think is all that great for you. To me, a healthy diet is highly vegetable based with grass-fed meat. That is expensive. People who manage to do it cheaply are usually friends with local farmers and go to all these farmer's markets and grow their own plants and crap, which not everybody has time for.

>> No.7428737

Sure, but I thought the word was buying organic etc vs buying cheaper versions of those things.

>> No.7428741
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but the media takes medium weight people as thin though, when really they could lose some weight/get healthy

also only fatties want to believe that just because your thin that means youre anorexic/unhealthy and if your tubby youre healthy/fine
thats what CURRENT media makes it out to be especially internet culture

thats fat privilege
thats the truth of it

>> No.7428744

>rice every day
>shit ton of carbs no nutrition
>"so healthy guys"

this is why youre all fat

>> No.7428745

>not taco bell

get on my level

>> No.7428746

No one ever said shit about organic anything. It started out mcdonalds vs not mcdonalds. I digress though, healthy food is just as easy to prepare as unwrapping your mcdonalds sandwich. You can buy a bagged salad for $3 and it's good for 2 servings, steaming vegetables and chicken or fish takes only a few minutes and that still costs less.

>> No.7428747

Can you clarify the math you did? I'm curious.
Also, most people who eat unhealthily don't necessarily try to get those nutrients back later. There are a ton of nutrient-deprived people in first world countries.
If you factor in later health costs, hell yeah it's more expensive to eat unhealthy foods. But most people don't think that far out. The poor college kid is more worried about if they'll have money to eat for the rest of the week, not what's going to happen in thirty years.

>> No.7428749

I am this anon >>7428705

I really only ever have meat and vegetables
I try to have organic when I have the money which I usually do because I never buy chips and other "inexpensive snacks"
water to drink, a lot of it
maybe I may have a sip of someones pop or a small dessert
I eat until im not hungry anymore NOT till im full

>> No.7428750

Rice is unrefined starch you degenerate, plus an entire cup of rice which can fill you up only has as much starch as 6 crackers. If you're only eating beans and rice you're filling yourself up on empty carbs and getting protein you need.

>> No.7428753

Yeah this. All the people I know who eat "cheap" and "healthy" make shittons of rice.
A bagged salad for $3 that does two servings is BARELY filling. But you could get 3 big macs for $3 and that would actually be filling for 3 meals. Plus that would be almost a day's worth of calories, whereas bagged salad might have 250 calories in the whole bag. So basically you have just spent the same amount of money for MAYBE 1/5 the calories you actually need.
When chicken goes on sale here, enough chicken to fill me up for 1 day is roughly the cost of those same 3 big macs again. But that's only when it's on sale.

>> No.7428756

I think you're on the right track anon. I have been cutting my portions down and I want to change the way I eat forever. Someone did a photo series of what people around the world eat in one day, it's very illuminating.
May I ask about what you spend on food in a week/month?

>> No.7428760

Actually not really on track, it sounds like you're already there and have your shit together. Good for you!

>> No.7428763

>and even can openers for canned food
Yeah, no. You can get a P-38 or P-51 for less than a dollar.

>> No.7428767

> bagged salad
> not buying whole veg


>> No.7428772

you can get a can opener at the dollar store

>> No.7428777

Oh no I didn't mean that you eat more to make up for lost nutrients, the body craves more processed foods to fill you up than it would with unprocessed foods which causes your stomach to expand every time you eat more.

I actually had to do this for a class in college. Basically, I bought food for myself as I usually do. I generally eat a fairly balanced meal, usually red meats once a week, chicken and fish mostly, vegetables and a small starch that makes up maybe 1/4th of the meal, fruits and veggies for snacks, water, milk and one container of juice(for two weeks) to drink. I tallied up how much I spent on food that week, since I generally buy enough food for 2-3 days at a time rather than all at once. The next week I started buying the cheapest junk foods, canned spaghetti, frozen chicken nuggets, store brand chips and pop, cheap sugary cereal. I found that I started out spending about the same, but the processed foods ended up being less filling so I became hungry more quickly and so ate more. I ended up spending almost twice as much just on the cheapest lowest quality foods. The next week I went with my friend who eats only frozen dinners and he helped me with shopping. I ended up spending twice as much on foods that I had to eat twice as much of to actually not be hungry, they made me hungry again faster as well so it ended up costing a lot of money.

I usually spend ~$35 a week. Cheap foods cost me ~$60 and frozen dinners cost me ~$95 just for a week. It was pretty crazy.

>> No.7428779

The anon's example was bagged salad. But OK let's say it's whole vegetables. Where I live, a head of lettuce is about $1. One head of lettuce is about 90 calories. 3 heads of lettuce = 270 calories. Still less than ONE big mac. Still not going to fill you up for the day.
It's the same with any other vegetable. Probably the cheapest calorically dense vegetables/fruits are bananas and sweet potatoes.
One big mac = 550 calories = $1.08
Bananas = $.30 each = 105 calories = 15.7 bananas/day to have the same calories as a big mac. That works out to around $4.70, more than the same amount of calories of Big Macs.
Sweet potatoes = roughly $.80/potato = 112 calories. You would need to eat 14.7 sweet potatoes to equal 3 big mac's worth of calories. This works out to $11.80 per day sweet potatoes to equal 3 big macs worth of calories.
Almost all other healthy fruits & vegetables are more expensive and have fewer calories, therefore you need to eat more of them.

>> No.7428780


I don't get why carbs are getting a bad rep nowadays.

I eat equal portions of carbs, protein, and vegetables. I don't like having more than maybe 1/3 of the meal rice because then it tastes too plain.

I'm not saying you should convert to grass fed beef and avocados only anyways. That's ideal, but you don't need to be ideal to be healthy. I'm saying people like >>7428753 are deluding themselves when they say they would rather have a big mac over rethinking a healthier diet plan.

>> No.7428783

Good to know! I really need to start keeping track of what I spend on groceries again.
It's a good point that those foods dont' fill you up. I wrote >>7428779 but don't take into consideration 3 big macs might not be all that filling. Or you could only eat half the sweet potatoes I calculated and end up pretty full at the end of the day. It's just that calorie-for-calorie, it doesn't work out.

>> No.7428782

Are you talking about homeless people? Because it's pretty much a legal requirement to have access to a fully working kitchen(fridge and stove) in every residency. So your argument is shit from the get go.

Pots, pans can openers can be bought at the dollar store and to prevent food from going bad you simply go to the store more often and only buy what you need, plus freezing. I was pretty much homeless living at a step above a shelter in a boarding house in Cincinnati and I actually
ate more fresh, healthy foods back then than I do now. Eating out is a luxury.

You must be an idiot because big macs ost $3 a piece. It's far more expensive to spend $12 per day at mcdonalds on food that will just make you sick than it is to spend less on real food at the store.

>> No.7428784


Uh. Not all calories are equal.

They literally put shit in a calorimeter and burn it. Many dietitians nowadays argue that's not really an accurate way because our body processes different substances in different manners.

>> No.7428785

Calories don't make you full you retard holy shit.

>> No.7428786

I'm pretty sure big macs are on the dollar menu? I don't see how that makes me an idiot, I just don't go to McDonalds all that often.

>> No.7428788

Jesus fucking christ. My ONLY POINT is that the SAME amount of calories are cheaper from McDonalds than from fresh vegetables. That should be obvious, I don't know why I have to explain it to you retards. Do you really think a bag of fucking salad is filling either? Dumbass.
I actually don't go to McDonalds that often and I believe 100% in eating real, filling foods. I say as much in >>7428783
And counting calories actually does work, there was a guy recently that lost weight eating only mcdonalds.

>> No.7428792

No, that's actually not what they do, you ignorant ass.

>> No.7428799

Actually I find calories from fresh vegetables LESS filling. I eat half a big mac and want to throw up, I could eat 2 salad of just fresh vegetables and barely feel satiated.
Lean protein, on the other hand, is pretty filling.

>> No.7428801

I think it's because you were saying that calories are what makes you full, and that's just not true. I can eat twice the amount in mcdonalds food and have more calories than if I eat something I prepare myself, partially due to the nutritional content.

You don't become full from calories, you become full from volume things, from filling your stomach. This is why when you eat soup or drink a bunch of liquid you get full faster, the same with rice, because it's literally filled up with water and takes up more space. You can eat a ton of salad because it takes up much less space in your stomach. Calories of different things are processed in different ways, it takes much longer to process complex nutritional foods because the body has to collect the from the food, where as you get hungry faster from eating things with low nutritional value because it takes much less time for the body to process.

>> No.7428809

I'm sorry, I should have said something like, "the same amount of calories to maintain a certain BMR."
Like I said, a guy recently lost weight eating just McDonalds. He kept to a certain amount of calories and macros. Maybe he was hungry while he was doing it, maybe he wasn't, but that's not the point I was trying to make.
Calories are processed somewhat differently, but a lot of that comes down to calorie per gram of the different macros, as well as the fact that carbs/sugars spike your blood sugar more.

Most of the success of low-carb diets comes from the fact that protein and fats are more filling and spike your blood sugar less, therefore you don't crash and need to eat more, etc. But if you just ate 1600 calories of carbs and dealt with the crashes and hunger, however shitty that is, you would lose about the same amount of weight as if you ate 1600 calories of mostly fat and protein. NOT taking into account ketosis.
And if you don't believe me do your fucking research. Low carb diets work because you feel fuller. Calories in and calories out is still valid, it's just harder to do and that's why those diets fail.

>> No.7428832


They may not, but they still use figures that measured from - guess what - burning food over a 100 years ago.

My point still stands.

>> No.7428833


One of my lecturers was a firm believer in that the digestive system had to 'work harder' to process proteins, which is why the protein diet works.

He was crazy though. "I'm the discoverer of the third anal sphincter of the mouse let me tell you my research" sort of crazy.

>> No.7428880
File: 551 KB, 998x641, thisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When newbies ask what their first lolita wig should be, saying they'll buy there dress afterwards. Or worse, newbs that buy entire fucking outfits, including a wig, without getting a petticoat first.
Pic related.

>> No.7428886

>Maybe he was hungry while he was doing it, maybe he wasn't, but that's not the point I was trying to make.
Yes it is, you were trying to say that eating at mcdonalds makes you full for less money.

>> No.7428895

I know one of those types.
You are so wrong you're not even trying at this point. Calories have zero things to do with how much you can fit in your stomach, have you ever drank nothing but water? You feel full afterwards because of the volume that the water takes up. It's as simple as that, it has nothing to do with how the body processes calories or caloric intake, you're full because your stomach is filled up, with mass. It's the same reason why your stomach expands if you eat too much too often, it takes a lot of willpower and portioning to get it down. Calories don't equate to mass and have nothing to do with filling your stomach.

>> No.7428899

Wait, what does Agent Orange have to do with food, at all?

>> No.7428901

That actually doesn't matter that much. A calorie is just a unit of energy. Think of it in percentages. Fat has 66% more calories per gram than carbs or protein. A hamburger has a certain % more energy than a strawberry. Your body burns a certain % of calories per day. The number assigned to that is arbitrary.It's as arbitrary as anything else. One Joule is one Newton-Meter and how do we know what a meter is? It's arbitrary! It's based on how far light travels in a portion of one second, but seconds are arbitrary and based on earth's rotation i.e. they were made up by people. If seconds were based on something different then Joules would be a totally different number, but it conveys the same damn point. The relationships to other numbers are the important thing, not the number itself.
It's like saying you can't compare a lightbulb to a jet engine because joules aren't calculated based on lightbulbs and jet engines and they have different energy sources, etc. It doesn't matter because it still shows how much more energy a jet engine uses in comparison to a lightbulb. You can call them kilowatt-hours, calories, whatever, it's the same thing.
Honestly, I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore. But that's the jist of it I guess. You are all welcome to explain why I'm wrong.

>> No.7428903

> Calories have zero things to do with how much you can fit in your stomach, have you ever drank nothing but water? You feel full afterwards because of the volume that the water takes up.
Oh, so I can just drink water forever and never get hungry because fullness is only based on volume. Thanks /cgl/!

>> No.7428904

Just replying to point out that being full has nothing to do with how fast you'll get hungry, and you get hungry again when you have less nutrients.

I actually lost weight before from eating nothing but fast food and frozen dinners for a few weeks at a friends' house but it's not a healthy way to lose weight, people who are starving lose weight also. I was hungry faster and I felt less energetic and it was bad all around.

>> No.7428906

>wearing a cosplay wig that's clearly a specific character with lolita

>> No.7428907

Read >>7428904
Being full has nothing to do with nutritional intake.

>> No.7428910

Yeah what the heck, L-email even has wigs for lolita labeled as lolita.

>> No.7428917

Lol, yes it does. Do some research and come back and tell me hunger has zero to do with insulin levels or brain signals and is just filling some cavity in your body.

>> No.7428934


So this is how the body processes food. The body's priority is to provide glucose, the most easily accessible form of energy to turn into ATP, to the red blood cells and to the protein. The other main issue is that the body will do anything to preserve protein (hence why protein diets without exercise will make a person hella fat, and protein diets with exercise will make a person hella ripped, simplistically speaking). In a 'fed state' the body will produce energy mainly by glycolysis and aerobic respiration, both of which use glucose. Insulin is used to store lipids, proteins, and glycogen. When you're fasting (anywhere starting between 6-18 hours I think) the body will switch to glycogenolysis and only then will start breaking down free fatty acids from adipose tissue.

Because they all get processed differently, it's harder to tell how the body processes each type of food energy than it seems. Metabolism is actually still quite mysterious, and it seems that each researcher or expert has their own rain dance for diets based on their readings of different studies. I won't deny the power of ketogenic diets for instance - I know many friends on them - but my theory on why it works even knowing the physiology behind may still be wrong.

>> No.7428936

Also, why are you telling me to read something that disagrees with you?
>Being full has nothing to do with nutritional intake.
>you get hungry again when you have less nutrients.
It's almost like you don't read. You probably get all your nutritional information from skimming the Daily Mail. Sound about right? I love it when fatties try to tell me I'm wrong based on having lost 10lbs on their new fad diet and the titles of articles they've seen around the internet that they think have made them nutritional experts. It's almost like they don't *actually* know what they're talking about~~

>> No.7428937


>to the red blood cells and to the protein


I meant to the brain

I am clearly in need of protein.

>> No.7428946

Not that anon, but...
As a fattie that's lost over 60 pounds, you're still an obnoxious cunt.
I'm half expecting you to pull one of these
> ~_____^ <3 desu~*

Also thanks for spamming the thread with your pointless debates over how to get fucking full, retards.
>implying anyone in need of this information is going to pick apart at your vague arguments for advice
>implying anyone with nutritional help ids going to turn to cgl and not their doctors and dietitians.

>> No.7428951

Spoken like an angry fatty
>implying intelligent debate and information isn't helpful to people
>implying I myself aren't learning from this debate
But I'm truly sorry we tore /cgl/ away from complaining about thin privilege on tumblr and brandwhores to discuss something maybe actually thoughtful and useful

>> No.7428953

I think they meant that filling your stomach doesn't mean you've filed it with nutritional foods, like how you can drink water and feel full but not have gained anything.

Or I'm just reading too much into what they said since I know what I'm talking about. I'm probably misinterpreting them.

>> No.7428955

This is probably the same fatty who thinks mcdonalds is healthy just because you lose weight from eating it, they also think big macs are $1 a piece.

>> No.7428960

Oh right, I'm a fatty even though I obviously don't know how much big macs cost because I don't go to mcdonalds.
That's like calling me an alcoholic because I don't know how much martinis cost. What the fuck is logic?

Point out one place where I said Mcdonalds was healthy. You're actually retarded if you think fullness==health.

>> No.7428962
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Okay, since we're all bitching about nutrition can I squeeze in a question?
I have chronic gastritis and need to buff up my diet to gain weight. However, I can't eat anything greasy, hot, spicy, etc etc and my doctor directed me towards a diet with lots of dairy. BUT if I eat dairy I have explosive shits several times a day, have to rush to the defecation station all the time and can't be a dericate rori that smells like candy and roses.
...So how do I gain weight without the spray n' pray?

>> No.7428966
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>Spoken like an angry fatty
Spoken like an obnoxious cunt.
>>implying intelligent debate and information isn't helpful to people
Yeah, because being perpetually upset for two hours is so productive and helpful. Tardlette.
>>implying I myself aren't learning from this debate
You mean you don't actually have ALL the answers? Well, well, well.
>sorry we tore /cgl/ away from complaining about thin privilege
Because that really happens here you fucking victim.
Equally obnoxious, like you.
Which your arguing is not.
Now you're just giving yourself too much credit.

Nice try, but no.
>but I'm fat, so that means I must eat McD's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner amirite?

>> No.7428971
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>defecation station
>spray n' pray
You're killin me, Smalls

>> No.7428972

Hunger is based mostly on how your brain interprets certain signals from your body. Physical fullness is just one of them. Insulin level is a big one.

>> No.7429004
File: 48 KB, 500x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kinda hate that my sister assumes that any time I don't spend working or at school should be devoted to taking care of her kids

like, she's makes it seem like MY responsibility. When I say "naw dude I got previous obligations" she pitches a fit and tells me I'm fucked up, etc. She dumps them at my parents' or the MIL's house EVERY weekend, and sometimes she picks them up from my parents just to drop them off at the MIL's house minutes later. I don't think she's ever devoted a weekend to just spending time with her kids and having fun with them. The husband's worse; to my knowledge he has never spent an afternoon with his kids, he's a manchild who spends all his time on shitty EDM. One time he went on this rant at me and my other sister for DARING to have weekend plans when we could be taking care of his kids, how eventually we would get old and none of our friends could hang out anymore and some other crazy shit. Well shit man, sorry for wanting to take advantage of my youth when I still can. It's not my fault you had to settle down.

Don't get me wrong, I honestly love these children, and I know that I'm probably one of the few good few influences in their lives right now and I should spend time with them. But I'm straight-up asexual with no desire for a relationship or anything like that, it's not fair that I have to be forcibly saddled with the product of someone else's sexuality.

Also, how likely are we to be swamped with Unikitty gijinka cosplayers this year? I imagine that most of them will be repurposed MLP costumes

>> No.7429017

What grinds my gears is getting out of bed to see this thread has doubled in size overnight and it's all off topic arguing about how to eat healthy. Take it to /fit/ or /ck/ people.

>> No.7429064

Well, I'm going to argue that health and weight play a huge factor in both Lolita and Cosplay, after all, we have a plus size lolita thread, and a thinly-veiled /fit/ thread going on right now.

>> No.7429234

> When you're trying to get legitimate advice/opinions from your family and they give you asspats instead.

Seriously. Trying to make a pleated skirt for the first time and its frustrating me to all hell and I think I messed it up, so I go to my stepmom asking if it looks off to her too and her answer is "it looks fine and nobody else is going to be paying that close attention to your costume anyways!!"

Stepmom I think you've missed the entire point of cosplay. People are SUPPOSED to be paying attention to your costume...

>> No.7429442

Why would you want to be "friends" with them at all anymore?

>> No.7429951

I fucking hate this, but with my drawings. Everyone keeps asspatting like bitch I need to fucking improve this shit so nobody laughs at me online and maybe I can do something with it later besides ugly shit

>> No.7429952

Not a problem here, my mother is like "that looks like shit" if it looks like shit and will mark things with pins that need fixing.

>> No.7430045

This so much!

a couple of girl in my community have a habit of telling everyone they are 'lifestyle lolita'. one of those girl posted on our facebook page that she and Anon are lifestyle lolitas, that wear lolita every day. and were wondering if there are other lifestyle lolita like them so they can talk about it and hang out with each other.
and they like to mention they wear lolita every day, to every random question someone asks. Somebody asks were she could find those old gothic lolita platform heels(?). And even there she coudn't resist to mention she wears lolita daily.
I hate people like that, your not a better kind of lolita and nobody cares about lifestyle lolitas.

>> No.7430106

Same. I work at Starbucks and have the same people who come in 2 or 3 times a day.
It's absolutely disgusting.
>(and yes, they do fly into a rage when you don't remember their name or drink)

>> No.7430155

>implying GMO has anything to do with feeding animals hormones

>> No.7430165

Maybe try nuts? Almonds, walnuts, peanuts etc... They have a lot of fat, but not the greasy kind of fat.
You can also contact your doctor about these defecation problems, he should help you to come up with something better.

>> No.7430172

This, so much. I get that my mom loves me, and I appreciate that, but I cannot trust her opinion at all. As an example, working a new job where I'm not entirely confident with my abilities yet. I'll say that I'm not entirely happy with the product off my efforts, that I would've liked more time with a project since it's sub-par in some regards, and she'll just blast "NO IT'S NOT YOU DID A GREAT JOB YOU'RE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO" without even having been given context or knowledge what the project was. And then she'll admonish my dad the second he tries to give an honest, constructive opinion. It's awful.

>> No.7430193

Most canned items don't even need can openers anymore, they have pull tabs.

>> No.7430201

Since we keep arguing about food for whatever reason
>constantly see posts on Tumblr defending people who are on government/food stamps money
>lots of personal stories and guides for which foods to buy/how to cook them
>my grandparents/parent and their siblings were on fs at one point back in the day when they needed it

Maybe it's because of the area Iive in, but the only people I see with foodstamps buy the worst items
with them or try to abuse them (multiple cards, trading with others, using the cash side for cigarettes ect). I honestly wish energy drinks and a couple other items were uncontainable with them because they're just a big waste of money to use those cards on and it's even sadder that there are elderly
and young adults either in college or trying to work who could really use them to help support themselves. Not myself personally but other people I know. The only ocassions I've seen people buying normal food with them was out of town at the big grocer marts.

>> No.7430204

And maybe lactose free milk?

>> No.7430205

>commissioning from friends
its horrible. you're friends seem to blow you off thinking "oh, we're buddies, they'll give me lenience"
no. I need this cosplay, NOW.
it doesn't just apply for cosplay. you commission any friend, for anything, and they will most likely do the same thing.
my roomate is trying to commision his friend to make some graphics for a videogame.
the person he's trying to commission is currently without a job and struggling to pay rent.
he's willing to throw down up to $500 at him.

if you see this, and one of your friend is trying to commission you, stop blowing that shit off. contact them ASAP.

>inb4 shitty friends
no, no man. no. its not just me.

>> No.7430223

Same. I live in a "poor" area/state, so I see a lot of people using food stamps, and unfortunately they are usually being used on crap. I mean, I wish the people that needed them could get them, because I do support the idea of food stamps, but tumblr's delusional if they think there isn't a high rate of abuse for them.

>> No.7430232

At the very least, I wish those cards didn't cover bottle deposits. We used to have problems with people buying shittons of cheap store brand soda, dumping it out in the parking lot, and returning the cans for cash to by alcohol or smokes.

>> No.7430233

It really sucks because most of these people probably don't own vehicles to get to grocery stores with good food instead of going to the overpriced mart-style stores that just sell convenience food. It's not meant for everyday consumption and it's overpriced except for the $1 liter bottles of soda and instant macaroni/ramen/frozen dinners, of course.

>> No.7430562

My fucking friends when I first start bringing them to conventions.

>I'm going to cosplay this! No wait this! Or this!
>Let's plan a cosplay group, but I don't actually have me than 20$ to spend on a cosplay!
>Anon who should I cosplay?! Tell me a character I know fuck nothing about so I can cosplay them!
>*shows up in a closet cosplay or plainclothes and a gun* Anon do you recognize my cosplay!?



>> No.7430573

I have foodstamps and I only ever buy really healthy foods with it, no frozen shit or even junkfoods really.

>> No.7430797

>that's why you can't go below a certain calorie limit and shouldn't fast long and often.

/fit/ here. This is absolute broscience. Intermittent fasting (6/18, 6 hours in which i eat, 18 in which i fast, plus one day per week where i fast 24 hours) with a harsh calorie deficit (900-1200kcal a day, i can and have gone lower as well) worked wonders for me, 14.9kg down since Jan 3rd.

Sorry to interrupt the thread, but fuck people spouting disinformation about health and diet.

>> No.7432198
File: 452 KB, 450x253, FACEPALM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking mad, /cgl/

> Go to con and stay at hotel with college friends instead of normal group
> College friends except one (the one who booked the room) are increasingly irritating as year progresses since con
> Friend who booked room for us last year doesn't want to stay with college friends again, just me and my friends
> She hasn't mentioned this to other friends because she's stopped hanging out with them and I go a different school
> Normal group already planning for next con, limited room space, none of them really like the college friends except the one who booked the room, so she's invited to stay with us
> We haven't pre-registered yet
> College friends have
> They don't have anywhere to stay
> Normal group doesn't want them to stay with them
> mfw when I should have been more honest with them and told them I wanted to stay with my normal group
> mfw when I'm probably gonna get blamed for bailing on college friends even though I told them we didn't have a room at this point and to wait

I still can't believe they fucking bought non-refundable tickets and they don't have anywhere to stay. Now I can't be honest with them without seeming like I'm doing major backpedalling.

>> No.7432203

Frozen shit isn't even bad, if it's frozen veggies.

>> No.7432214

No, they shouldn't assume that someone else is going to take care of everything for them without asking. As long as you didn't tell them they could stay with you this year, you're not to blame here.

>> No.7432222


Like, they should cover things you need, yes. But things like soda, energy drinks, things that are just generally bad for you, they should be exempt.

I know if I relied on food stamps I'd be a lot more careful about what I bought. I don't currently have to worry about food, but I'm worried about the future with how my job's been, and my boyfriend and I already have plans in place just in case.

Buy ingredients, make something in a crock pot, eat for the week on $20.

>> No.7432401

don't forget to take into consideration HOW you exercise is also really important. you have to make sure to work yourself hard enough (obviously not to the point of killing yourself, but you know what I mean)

>> No.7432408

>Fat people DON'T deserve respect unless they're trying to lose weight. The either have no self-control, don't care about themselves and/or are fucking insane.

ITT: nobody in the world has a physical disability or illness that causes weight gain

>> No.7432419

fucking this.
pop/alcohol/juice is really fucking unhealthy, even fruit juices (you'd think they'd be healthy, but most have way too much sugar, even shit like cranberry juice).

>> No.7432426

An off-topic but foodstamps-related comment: I've seen women in a music forum talking about how they trade foodstamps for money to buy concert tickets. I also remember a similar topic of conversation on some lolita comm. I wish I had saved those screens, to find out people did that sort of thing was horrifying.

>> No.7432427

Different anon, but I am inclined to agree with other anon, with the exception of cases where the person has a legitimate medical excuse.

But oftentimes, losing weight (even though it may be a lot harder for them) will help make that medical problem less awful. So there's that.

But for those with problems, if they don't try to make themselves healthy at all, they still don't deserve respect. Don't sit around bitching about it and refuse to do anything to even attempt to make it better.

If you can't walk or something, sure, that's obviously a viable excuse. But if your THYROIDS!!!11 aren't working properly, fighting through it and trying to lose the weight anyway can actually make them work better.

>> No.7432430

what sort of illness causes weight gain? I genuinely would like to know.

for real though, if you say "thyroid problems".......... hahahaha

>> No.7432433

>Fat people don't deserve respect.

What does this mean, exactly? Do you go out on the street calling out fat people or shoving them or something? I don't get it.

>> No.7432440

Different anon.

I won't vehemently say that no disease can cause you to gain weight, as I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum and I can't /gain/ weight. I don't know of any specific ones, but I'm sure there are a few.

Same time, though, a lot of fatasses use it as excuses but don't actually have anything wrong with them besides their disgusting rolls.

>implying no respect = being violent towards someone

I'll give an example. One of my managers is god-awful stupid, a lazy piece of shit. I don't respect her. But I still do my job while I'm there with her, and I don't treat her badly for it, it's just that everything she says I immediately think about how fucking pathetic she is, and coworkers (who also don't respect her) and I make fun of her all the time.

>> No.7432448

>she's fat but she's ranked higher than me
Sounds more like jelly, how surprising.
Anon, unless people intentionally cause you an inconvenience or are rude to you, I just don't see why you wouldn't respect them.

>> No.7432456

I understand that a lot of people really need food stamps but...
>be a few years back, no job but save up a shit ton of money for my yearly anime convention splurge
>have friend on foodstamps
>complains constantly about no money
>I saved up a lot of money over the year
>friend looks like she really needs help
>give her 200$ as a surprise
>make it pretty obvious its to help pay for bills n shit.
>friend gives me a hug
>2 weeks later, haven't heard from friend
>See on her Facebook "check out my lolita dress guise :D"
>Motherfucking AP
>bought with my money
>kind of annoyed, but oh well
>friend comes to house a few days after that
>"we're so poor we're still on food stamps can you lend me some money"
>I don't have anymore money, sorry friend. (Actually didn't have any money to give her)
>"Oh okay. I understand"
>friend ignores me the rest of the day
>get unfriended on facebook
>her mom calls my mom and says I'm bullying her
>her mom rants to me about me being a spoil rich brat
>never heard from them again

>> No.7432457

Personally, I've been on steroidal medication for a chronic illness that had weight gain as a side effect, so there's that. I have a friend with some kind of respiratory illness that no doctor seems to be able to diagnose, and she's been steadily gaining weight because she is incapable of exercising without coughing up a lung or actually vomiting.

Others: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cushing%27s_syndrome
Or people who have physical conditions like lack of mobility in their lower limbs that make weight loss through exercise difficult.

>> No.7432455

Ovarian cyst. My friend was recently diagnosed with this; she had gained 30 lbs. in three months. Anything with liver and kidney that can cause fluid retention.

Also if you're undergoing cancer treatment (not everyone becomes a bald and hungry skeleton).

>> No.7432458

Yeah, this. PCOS is a bitch for weight gain. I've got a few friends with it.

>> No.7432460

No, she was an external hire, we were desperate for managers.

She's also like 30 and I'm 19. She's literally been working here for like a month and a half, came over from a Taco Bell. Since she showed up, everything has gone down the shitter. She's also a compulsive liar and is always getting the cool manager in trouble by telling the head manager that she's doing all kinds of shit she isn't actually doing.

I wish you could meet her, you'd understand.

I have no desire to become a manager at a fast food place. All the pressure that the managers are put under at my particular store is NOT worth the extra $.50 they pay you.

The cool manager I mentioned before lost all of her hair from the stress within three months of being promoted.

>> No.7432463

>Respect is earned, not just given

>> No.7432468

Well, now it makes more sense. But it still has nothing to do with her weight, it's about her awful personality, no? The fact she's a terrible sight is just a plus.

>> No.7432469

>Respect is given, but could be lost.

>> No.7432470

Pretty much. I was just giving an example of how you can not respect someone without necessarily being a terrible cunt to them.

And as >>7432463 said, respect is earned, not given.

So if a landwhale is bitching about being fat while they sit on their ass eating a bag of cheetos, they certainly haven't earned any respect from me.

If they're trying to lose weight even though it's hard, that's something I can respect.

>> No.7432479

... you realize that "Respect is earned, not given" is a real saying, right? Like a pretty well-known one.

What reason do I have to respect someone who I've never met? I'm not necessarily going to DISrespect them, but I have no reason to respect them.

Treating someone like a human =/= respecting them.

>> No.7432485

Yes, I know it's a saying, I just don't agree with it. idk, I just believe we should actually respect strangers, I'm not arguing anymore.

>> No.7432585

side effects from other illnesses, and a lot of medication seems to cause weight gain as well.
then there's stuff like Lipedema which makes you look like you have really fat legs, except that you can't get rid of it no matter what you do.

>> No.7433446
File: 487 KB, 180x115, 1390467869907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping this thread because I'm so angry.

>Wanna know what grinds my gears?
When shitty photographers publicly post shitty pictures.
And it's not just "Oh one or two photos are a little off and a couple faces are derpy..." No, ALL of the faces are derpy and almost ALL of the photos are shit without editing them. He just posted at least a hundred pictures of all different people and not one has a flattering photo.

This photographer just has NO taste when it comes to pictures and I wish he'd stop. He has an uncanny ability to make every person he photographs extremely ugly. No, I mean it. Every single picture he takes makes someone look hideous.
He gives the models no direction, takes photos in the worst settings, captures moments that nobody should post (model's neck is reared back causing a double chin; eyelids half shut with mouth hanging open; terribad acne that he doesn't shoop out). And every camera angle is from his crotch looking up, making people look like they have moonfaces and mondo jawlines. Christ, he even made his own girlfriend look ugly.


>> No.7433462

Tom Savage?

>> No.7433470

This person might just rival him, in both assholery and talentlessness.

>> No.7434221

I'd like to think I'm open minded but it baffles me when these "trans" kids get angry at people when they don't use their "preferred" pronouns

>person clearly looks, female, cosplays female characters, some with cleavage
>"I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL ME FEMALE PRONOUNS!!!!! BOOBS DON'T MEAN FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Like jesus, are you even trying? The person recently cosplayed Ryuuko and Asuka and expect people to not think she's a girl.

It pisses me when supposed trans people get mad at people for not thinking they're trans when they still clearly look like their biological sex. Like jfc these tumblrites and they way they think the world must accommodate to them is just goddamn selfish.

>> No.7434232

This is confusing to me too.
I was taught that it is courtesy to call people 'as they present' until or unless told differently.
I have no problem with calling someone by their preferred pronouns...once I know them.

But help me out here, TELL me what to call you (or correct me kindly if I mis-call you) and then please, don't switch it back and forth and expect me to follow it, hm?

>> No.7434244


This all the way. I have a huge amount of respect for trans people and I will stick up for them every time, but after getting bitched out by someone for not using the proper pronoun (some made up word with a z?) I'm scared to even talk to trans people. I don't have all day to sit around researching the proper ways to address people, but I do try to be respectful about it. There's no need for people getting nasty about it when I'm on their side in the first place

>> No.7434247


Holy shit. This is the greatest thing I have read in weeks and I'm just browsing /cgl/ for gits and shiggles.

>> No.7434258

This is why trans people are literally the worst.

I don't fucking care what you think you are I'm going to call them as I see them and if you're offended by that I'll just assign the neutral gender pronoun "it" to you. You shouldn't have to go around asking some freak what color of genitalia they feel they have trapped inside them at any given moment.

>> No.7434260

i think a safe rule of thumb kinda thing is to ask (or wait for them to say?) but if they never tell you, they cant ASSUME you know, and getting angry is dumb. that'd be like me getting mad at someone:
>"so anon, you gotta boyfriend?"
if youve never told them, dont get mad when they misgender. no ones a mindreader.

>> No.7434281

Lolitas (non cosplay ones) at anime conventions. You may as well be wearing a fursuit.

>> No.7434288

Often it can feel kind of rude, intrusive or awkward to ask though, even with the best of intentions. I think if someone wants to be called something different from what they logically present as (to the uninformed general public) then the burden of informing lies with them, not expecting to be asked or getting buttmad if someone makes a mistake.

Once informed, if someone mis-calls and it isn't an accident then sure, let them have it but honestly...most people who like or want to like someone will want to give them the respect to call them by their preferred pronouns anyway, once they are told.

>> No.7434291

I'm kind of curious why? Personally, I like the opportunity to cosplay my favorite anime lolita character at cons but there is a lot of interest overlap so why does it bug you to have them at Anime cons?

>> No.7434307

As I said, non cosplay ones. I don't like that animu conventions are being used as meeting places for any and all misfits to show themselves off. It's an anime/manga convention, and they aren't respecting this fact.

How do you feel about furries using anime conventions as places to show off their fursona suits and have their own sub-convention? I think they can get their own time and place for that.

>> No.7434339

Look into epigenetics and the influence of malnourished mothers before you start pretending you're a scientist. Losing weight is never truly impossible but for some people it can be significantly more difficult than for others.

>> No.7434360

Enjoy your brain damage/muscle being broken down to feed your brain.

>> No.7434600

Are you one of those kiddos that hates western series at cons too?

>> No.7434990

Jesus Christ, the two of them sound insane. At least you don't have to put up with them anymore?

>> No.7435010

>any given moment

>> No.7435027
File: 49 KB, 585x597, pronouns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always like how stupid this person makes the random pronoun bullshit seem.

Also, my only trans friends are actually transitioning to other gender binaries, they want to be known as a man or a woman rather than some mishmash. As far as I knew that's what all trans people want, to be recognized as the sex they prefer not to be super special snowflakes.

>> No.7435036

> mfw people on my dashboard have been reblogging these kind of pronoun posts
> mfw I have no face

and the unfollow button it is

>> No.7435039

Yeah, the fact that people seriously reblog serious shit like >>7435027 (which is satirical) is horrifying.

Pronouns are a generalization for a reason, people have personalized pronouns, they're called names.

>> No.7435050

It pains me to see people take this kind of stuff seriously.
A big part of what worries me about this is the whole "I must label myself' stuff. I feel like that part of tumblr makes unaware 14 year olds think that the moment they might not like dresses they MUST be genderfluid and 20 other different things.
I just don't get it and it actually worries me a lot because I see previously sane people go full SJW

>> No.7435060

I'm really disgusted by all the ignorance being taken as fact, it seems like so much of a trend now that it doesn't mean anything. Plus the more ignorant misinformation people spread around is going to give others a bad rep. Most of my trans friend hate tumblr because they get lumped in with all the screaming monkeys. It's like they think that wanting to fit in is oppressive or offensive, and it's offensive to disagree with their super spechul feelings.

>> No.7435058

>names are personalized pronouns
I'm using this in pronoun arguments from now on, if you don't mind. I never thought of it like that..

But yeah, from what I've seen of other trans people who aren't Tumblrfags, pronouns aren't that big of a deal. Transitioning is the biggest thing, and Tumblrfags don't even care much about that (probably because they're poor teenage girls living of parents' money and shitty pronouns are free).
I don't really mind calling someone he/she if they prefer that, but I'm not memorizing your stupid xir crap or whatever else you come up with.

>> No.7435070

Go right ahead. It's funny how people don't see it that way usually, but it's so simple when you realize. Pronouns are only really used when you don't know someone's name, or you're talking about someone to someone else.

>> No.7435072

Agreed, it does more damage then anything really.
I used to actually write about my opinions on stuff on tumblr but the more people I saw turning SJW the less I did and now I flat out refuse to use my blog for anything else then pretty pictures.

It saddens me that I feel like 4chan is the only place I can have a sane discussions about SJW and actual social issues that aren't "they didn't call me by my preferred pronoun that I just made up!!!'

>> No.7435085

I feel like that as well, I can't even go on facebook without seeing someone who's turned. One of my now ex-friends who was bad enough about all their SJW shit used the term headcanon and that took the cake. I just can't respect these people because they're doing so much harm to causes and they think they're so smart and helpful, but they won't even listen to anyone or be reasonable. Their whole mentality is pretty horrible too, "oh well I'm right because other people agree with me so you're bullying me by denying my opinion as fact!" I mean, people agreeing with you just means you know a lot of idiots.

>> No.7435092
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I've also been seeing posts like these, completely ignoring the fact that there's not one pronoun, but two: it and they.
As in, "Whatever gender they are, it doesn't matter because they're still an idiot".

>> No.7435097

It worse when you take someone's all cool and you start becoming friends only to find out that (to use a recent example I've seen around) they hate people using the term 'genderbend' because it somehow harms trans acceptance.

The "genderbend' stuff really grinds my gears though, what is so terrible about someone wanting to draw a animu character as a girl and give them a skirt?

>> No.7435100


This applies for everything on tumblr. Especially all the posts that used to be chain emails that get more than 400k notes. It's like we're breeding a new generation of bored housewives with no sort of analysis skills whatsoever.

>> No.7435102

>they and them don't count
>on a website that pretty much forced the changed definition of 'literally' to a sarcastic term
>implying languages can't change
>ignoring the word 'it'(as you said)
This is what I hate about these people, they just want to bitch for the hell of it and aren't satisfied with a solution. Fuck off people.

>> No.7435105

the joke of it all is that it doesn't matter what you do, tumblr will still get pissed mad about it.

>> No.7435110

One of my friends/acquaintances got into a discussion about that once, about "genderbending" a character so he looks the same but identifies as female.
Annoyed the shit out of me. Stop twisting characters that are proven-cis just to have a little SJW wank with yourself.

Tumblr's ruining a lot of things for me. I wanted to make a comic a few weeks ago, but I had to stop because I realized I would offend someone.

I don't understand this at all. How is they/them not grammatically correct?
"I was talking to someone earlier and they said this." In that sentence, I used 'they' to refer to a singular person whose gender doesn't matter, therefore making it neutral. What's so hard about this?
Oh wait, using 'they' to refer to yourself is too simple. You have to complicate things and come up with new pronouns so you can stand out and be special.

>> No.7435127


I think it might be because they/them refers to plural people rather than singular the way he/she/it refers to a single person.
In the case of it, it is used to refer to inanimate objects, so you can watch tumblr blow up over that, too.

>> No.7435131


oh, watch my grammar disintegrate while I'm nitpicking others'. Please delete the word "singular" from the sentence, I seem to have typed it out while my brain wasn't looking.

>> No.7435408

Ugh, that sucks man. Your sister sounds like a bitch.

>> No.7435929

I'm sorry anon. Something similar happened to me and I don't give ANYONE money any more. ANYONE. Give people food or clothes or a gift but never ever cash dollars. $200 is a relatively inexpensive lesson, at least.

>> No.7437501

Agent Orange isn't a food additive though? It's a pesticide that gave poor vietnamese people cancer.

>> No.7437513
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I don't know what any of those are, really.

>> No.7437518
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, BNhE7Je.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to post this

>> No.7437539

because it avoids confrontation and their ridiculous messages that ensue once they find out you have unfriended them.
The less you have to deal with annoying people, the better.

>> No.7437542

I'm so sorry. hup holland. you will prevail.

>> No.7437550

at my school they're all Filipinos and maybe one chinese girl who's a koreaboo. They've all dyde their hair multiple colors and have pins of their favorite bands all over their bags. I enjoyed the senseless kpop 3 years ago, but it's not very exciting any more.

>> No.7437556

exactly. I can't handle it once I find out translations for songs are "sparkle sparkle" and "eat you like cheese" or whatever.

>> No.7437567

"If you wanna pretty, everyone a pretty"

>> No.7437627

she was tweeting about how dutch she looked and that dutch is a mix of spanish, germand and sweden.
Spanish really?
Haha thanks, we will survive.

>> No.7437636

When people who have been to one meet up start soliciting rides to events. Gurl, we don't even know you, how the fuck can you have the audacity to ask for a lift?

>> No.7437653
File: 34 KB, 377x282, kpoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw kpop group debuted with song titled "mozeltov" where they attempted to say it over and over again.

>> No.7437956

Would you say the same about normal clothes?

>> No.7437976

>14.9kg down since Jan 3rd.
That sounds way too fast unless you were fucking huge before.

>> No.7437983

Wow this song is awful....

>> No.7437990

In most smaller cities, in order to even make enough for the con to break even and continue to function, the interest base has to be wise enough to include more interests. There aren't enough animu and manga fags to make it exclusive and still make bank.

An exclusive big one in a major city, yes. In most places, they just can't afford it.

>> No.7438000


>> No.7438006

You're awfully self-assured in your ignorance.

The Netherlands were ruled by Spain during a good part of the late medieval/early renaissance period.

It is not entirely obvious there would be no Spanish influences.

>> No.7438022



>> No.7441912

uhg, so painful

>> No.7441924

This. Always.
I know this cosplayer who cosplays males. but she's obviously very feminine and wears so much make up. She does a terribad Eren with 3 pounds of eye make up. I just found out recently she wants to be called 'he' and i slip up sometimes. It would be easier if she actually acted and dressed like a male. I'm just confused and annoyed...

>> No.7441993

do you live alone? refuse service. sisters dont have to do that shit. my younger sister had a kid at 19 (real winner) and thinks it's my job to watch her every time she wants to go out with her boyfriend. Sorry, but no. I'm getting married next year and i never wanted kids. I pay my own rent, so i just refuse and move on with my life.

>> No.7442008

This. It's the sad mindset most old people have, especially Asians ones. They can talk shit all they want and still have no complaints about it. Yeah, have fun with that. Respect is definitely earned, not given.