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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7422876 No.7422876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anime California thread? Anime California thread.

Highlights: Brand freaking new con. Guest list looks good if they add more to it. Super cheap. Has a ConSuite with free food.

Downsides: First Year Con Problems.


>> No.7422897

I'm going. Got a flyer at ALA. Perfect timing for a new con.

>> No.7422945

Not going, first year cons always have problems.

>> No.7423156

I heard something on Tumblr about this being AM2 in disguise - how true is this?

I figured it was run by a different person bc Chase Wang doesn't seem to be involved.

>> No.7423168
File: 75 KB, 643x386, ac predictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it looks like you weren't on the first Anime California thread.

>free food

it's year old ramen noodles. I wouldn't go for that.

>> No.7423171


all mentions of "gaming" have been replaced with "esports" on their website (as if only pro's are going to attend), and they've downscaled their attendance forecast to 4k people.

>> No.7423180


I'm still going just because i'll be having con withdrawals in august after AX in july, and it's rather cheap.

>> No.7423182

I'll go if it's cheap and nearby. my bf loves cons

>> No.7423183


nope, brand new con. I've been in the hyatt OC and it should be alright for a con, assuming that weekend isn't going to be packed with normal people that same weekend.

>> No.7423196


I was on the thread, I have no idea why it was deleted, it wasn't that bad.

The only issue is that first year cons tend to have a lot of the lowest-common-denominator fans, so there won't be a very defined audience the first year. At least it's close to a good area, so there shouldn't be food and parking issues.

>> No.7423204

>con withdrawals

UGH this!!! After every multi-day con I have like 2 or 3 weeks that I crave doing it all over again! It'll be good to be able to do 2 cons back to back with just enough time to work on a new cosplay in between.

>> No.7424038
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Hotel cons don't usually get good reps. It's up to the event organizers to have a good relationship with hotel management so that the even can keep being hosted there, even if the fans attending make a mess of things.

I have no idea what i'll do all 3 days though, the size of the con is more like a 2 day thing, tops.

It'll be interesting to see what artists and vendors show up though. Maybe cheaper stuff than at AX?

>pic related, the hall where you'll be spending most of your time at.

>> No.7424147

This is a niceass room. At the very least the venue seems pretty nice. Hotel cons can be pretty alright like ALA or pretty shitty like Anime Conji. I'm hoping this one turns out to be an okay con because I'm local and live super close to the hotel.

Kind of worried that the Artist Alley spots will sell out before I get my paycheck though.

>> No.7424313


As of the 28th of February, half of the 40 AA tables remained. It's been a week and a half since then, and at $90 for a badge+table, they might not last long.

Good luck getting a table! I'll be there as well. Perhaps a small seagull gathering can happen?

>> No.7424410


I just bought a table! So, there should still be tables left. I'd love to be selling next to fellow seagulls.

>> No.7424417

Same weekend as Japan Expo. Wonder how this will play out.

>> No.7424444

Still the same size as PMX and ALA, and much bigger than Conji. For a first year convention that is a pretty unrealistic number. 2.5k tops, hopefully they budget for that since budgeting for 4k guarantees the con will not exist past 2 years

>> No.7424465

AC seems a bit better on paper since JX downgraded from a convention center to a fairground

>> No.7424490
File: 15 KB, 100x100, tamaki_confused.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same weekend as Japan Expo.

Japan Expo and Anime California are literally on two separate sides of Cali.

JX is NorCal
AC is SoCal

I seriously doubt there will be any impact at all on their attendance rates because of their scheduling.

>> No.7424516

You do know there are things with engines called vehicles and other stuff like airplanes that go long distances.
Saying people won't go to norcal for the american version of paris event is like saying people won't go to socal for AX

>> No.7424554
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Yup, gonna be amazing.

>> No.7424990

Don't give Japan Expo that much credit. They barely had 2,000 people this year. Lawl. 5K could be realistic for Anime California if they hand out a shitton of flyers at AX

>> No.7424995

I think the CEO did a radio interview, and mentioned that they have a budget that "scales with expected attendance" or something like that. Maybe the hotel is charging them per person or some sweet deal like that?

>> No.7425062

Still have better guests than some English voice actor i don't give a shit about as opposed to the damn Phoenix Wright guest with a lord praising lack of crowd

>> No.7425174


Ugh, what are they going to do? Sit there and boast about how many licenses they still own and how they won't bother to finish any of their series'?

I still loath them for changing the soundtrack on initialD, that just proves they don't know what the fuck they're doing in their own industry.

>> No.7425305

Done deal.

I live within walking distance of that hotel! What do I have to lose by going?

Thanks for keeping the filename.

>> No.7425709

Your only qualm is the fucking soundtrack?

>> No.7426368

Anime California is right when I needed a con, a good time after AX.

>> No.7426439

Yup, it was what AM2 should have been had Chase not been consumed by taking Anime Expo down.

>> No.7426568
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>What do I have to lose by going?

3 day badge, $35
3 days of con food, $30
Parking, fuck that just walk from your house
shit you'll end up buying and regretting later, $60
getting to experience a con's first year and reporting the drama live to /cgl/, ~priceless.

There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard.

soooooo, about $125.

>> No.7426585


I laughed way to hard at that.

that reminds me, maybe I should cosplay an OS-tan, since Anime California is about gaming and anime after all.

>> No.7426605
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>getting to experience a con's first year and reporting the drama live to /cgl/, ~priceless.


>> No.7426633

Anon-chan let's swap dramu~ Japan Expo is going to be the same weekend and for a second year con I am curious to see if they will actually get more attention this time.

>> No.7426640

I live not that far either. I work at Disneyland, so depending on my hours that weekend, I might poke my head into the con. The con is like, two blocks from Disney.

On the plus side, if the con is that shitty, people could just say fuck it and walk over to Downtown Disney.

>> No.7427058

Disney yes <3

>> No.7427810


i'm sure con security won't be too uptight the first year. you could probably sneak in or fake a badge if you don't want to stick around for too long.

>> No.7428241

The CEO worked for a con in Minneapolis I went to. I heard something about fake badges, and immediately con security magically was everywhere, so IDK, I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.7428297
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sounds like a challenge to me.

>joke's on me, I already bought a 3 day badge

>> No.7428634

Aww damn

>> No.7429091

Oh hey this things in Anaheim? Love that venue. Definitely gotta go

>> No.7429110


did you even pay attention to this thread? or even go to their site?

it's at a hotel in garden grove, south of Anaheim. not in the convention center at all.

>> No.7429239

Sorry I'm very busy I don't always have time to read entire threads

>> No.7429560

Don't come here excepting everyone to spoonfeed you either, mongoloid.

>> No.7431479

AC sounds pretty dope. I for one am excited. But need more good guests not just Todd Haberkorn.

>> No.7431496

Want to register for their artist alley because Japan Expo was so terribad and it's moving to a shit location. But at the bottom it asks if I have a promo code. Anyone know if one exists?

>> No.7431907

I applied for artist alley. I don't think there's any promo code that exists. There aren't any table sizes listed either.

>> No.7431934

I asked in an email and was told tables were approximately 6'.

>> No.7433312

I emailed and they said they only had 1 or 2 tables left too.

>> No.7433397
File: 411 KB, 1280x800, Image (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a table at AC! This is going to be my first time selling at an artist alley. Here's a wip of what I'll be selling, what do you girls think? :D

>> No.7433421

>my first time selling at an artist alley

Have you ever taken an art class, like, at all?

>> No.7433591

it's a joke right?

>> No.7433742


I thought the tables were sold out already?

>> No.7433757

>not even half decent picture
b8-chan, you dont belong here

>> No.7434149

I'm at the point where it's asking me to pay for my AA table, yet if people are saying there's only a couple tables left, I don't really feel comfortable paypaling them the money without some sort of confirmation that they have space.

>> No.7434715

If you pay, you have a table. What kind of nonsense wouldn't let you.

>> No.7436212
File: 56 KB, 1280x800, dongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going despite the obvious first year con problems... like being tiny.

>> No.7436616

I guess I'll go since I was gonna go to AM2 but then it got cancelled. I'm glad that a new con has finally emerged.

>> No.7436689

Thanks anon!! I also emailed them but never got a reply.

>> No.7436690

Atleast I'm not going to be the worst table there

>> No.7437179

>emailed them

I seriously doubt there is more than one person there answering emails in their spare time. Lot of people haven't had their emails answered at all since January.

>> No.7437182


But there will be a lot of bad tables though, or just AX rejects.

>> No.7437289


I'm pleased to announce I will have an AA table at Anime California. I will be doing anime style portaits starting at $985

If you pay now, Ill give you half off.

>> No.7441299

I got a table a while ago. I just hope it's not as bad as AM2.

>> No.7443122

That's how I feel. But the Hyatt is a good location.

>> No.7443158


AM2 wasn't that bad, it was just too small. It's a great one day con, but anything over that and it just got boring.

>> No.7444055

Why are her arms growing out of her boobs?

>> No.7446147

IDK the artist alley seemed pretty big for a smallish con.

>> No.7446982
File: 365 KB, 1127x1007, excite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going with my boyfriend so excite