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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 720x266, thank_douchebags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7422190 No.7422190 [Reply] [Original]

...and convincing scantily-clad women at conventions, when wearing a lot of "photography-related gear," that you're a professional photographer, is easy.

Seriously, 99.99999999% of the "photographers" I've seen at conventions have exerted more effort at shoo-ing random picture takers away from their "private shoots" (in public places), than in doing actual "photography." Hell, most of the shots they post in their online "portfolios" are heavily 'shopped anyways, so there's really little camera-related technical talent being utilized in the "photography" in the first place.

But then again, hot chicks like jerks, so I guess it makes a sort of sense...

>> No.7422282

I can kinda see where you're coming from there, OP. But there are those of us who photograph cosplayers because we are fans of the series/just happen to like the designs.

As with everything else in this world, there will always be bad examples, and there are a few who will humbly do just what they came to do, which is take some great shots with the cosplayers and be on their way after a pleasant conversation.

It is a bit sad that this is what con photography has become, but I just wanted to say there are those of us who don't fit into the stereotype that you described in your post.

>> No.7422348

>Because pressing a button is hard...

Nailed it, OP.

I didn't even have to read the rest of your post.

I literally cringe every time I see the attention seeking "copslay divas" on this board talk about photographers or "photog"-s (god I hate that word).

None of them are professionals; a professional photographer actually takes pictures of important people or important habbenings.

What you call "photogs" are just fattie Betas that you tolerate enough to allow them to serve you as your personal creepers, the condition being that they spend their parents' money on an expensive camera.

There was literally NEVER EVER a cosplay picture that was created with such amazing "photographing skills" that I, a complete layman, could not recreate it myself, using the same camera.

If you call them what they are, I'll have no problems with it.

>I'm a
>C O S P L A Y E R
>and I would like to thank all the
>C R E E P E R S
>for their hard work & dedication.

Now this is how you fire shots.

>> No.7422361

Looks like someone is a fattie beta who isn't getting any attention from photogs so they rant their butthurt self on 4chan.

>> No.7422366
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Bitches be like...

>> No.7422369

Ahahahahahahah, nice try.

Let me tell you two useful pieces of information:
a) I am not a woman.
b) I am not fat.

I only go to conventions to get some easy pussy. That's what conventions are about. S.O.C.I.A.L.I.Z.I.N.G. Not about pretending that you're someone. You're all nobodys. Your beloved queen JNig? Also a nobody. I wouldn't even tap that ass because she's a butterface and I don't do anything that's 7/10 and below.

It annoys me to see all those wannabe "divas" with fat neckbeard Betas in tow. And how they pretend to like them and that they're relevant in any other way than pressing a button on the expensive camera in their fat fingers.

>> No.7422372

so I guess shooting events, concerts, etc don't count because I shoot cosplay photos too?

>> No.7422378

I mean if overweight girls is your thing, thanks bro for taking one for the team.

>> No.7422381
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>"beloved queen JNig"

>> No.7422379

>But then again, hot chicks like jerks, so I guess it makes a sort of sense...
What the ffuuuck is up with this board lately, I can't tell if it's only a recent upswing in trolling through remarks like these, or if there's genuinely been an influx of /r9k/ or reddit type people

>> No.7422382
File: 87 KB, 532x528, 1384873309508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen a post this ass-sore in weeks. Do you have 300 confirmed kills?

>> No.7422383

>Your beloved queen JNig

I am guessing you are new here.

According to the photography masters of cgl, it doesn't count because you are only a cosplay photographer.

>> No.7422460

No, I don't play shitty video games, only Super Mario as a kid.

>> No.7422607


>> No.7422625

Girls pay me to take revealing photos of them

U jelly?

>> No.7422646
File: 228 KB, 648x369, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me tell you two useful pieces of information

Oh fuck off back to /a/, noone would believe you after having to quote from an anime character.

>> No.7422693

Just because I watch one anime doesn't mean I belong to /a/, you retard. Everyone on /fit/ loves KLK.

>> No.7422722
File: 228 KB, 731x1007, 1391624045317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Sir,

I have included a picture of our Queen. Please note it is not jnig.

a seagull

>> No.7422738

>singling out a cosplayer, fat shaming and cyber bullying

>> No.7422764

You must be new here

>> No.7422796

>I don't do anything that's 7/10 and below

You are trying so hard, friend.

>> No.7422816

What's wrong with anyhting?

>> No.7422828

>fat shaming and cyber bullying

You must be a woman.

>> No.7422833

This is true.

Still why are you quoting animu? Its autismal as fuck

>oh wait, I'm on 4chan. In /cgl/

>> No.7422832

>you must be from tumblr

>> No.7422872


>> No.7423154

but /a/ hates KLK

>> No.7423485
File: 41 KB, 851x315, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the other side of this?
Because putting on a cosplay is hard...

>> No.7423498


>> No.7423523


photogs dont pay cosplayers to take their pics

>> No.7423801


good cosplayers dont have to pay

>> No.7423818


Why the fuck are there dots after each letter? are you trying to imply the word "socializing" is an acronym youve made up? I dont think so because you didnt explain what each letter stands for right after that sentence.

youre a fucking retard, next time try to realize what youre doing before you try to look intelligent

>> No.7423824

>"cons are for socializing"
>"i only go for pussy"

so do you not speak to any guys there or do shit relevant to the con?

choose one or the other faggot, socialization... or pussy that you never get anyways

>> No.7423828
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photags just take pictures and then take most or all of the artistic credit for a picture of someone elses hand crafted costume.

Its bull shit, honestly if I could take my own photos I would but I cant

>> No.7423835

wow you are new
do you even get that reference faggot? it has nothing to do with vidya

>> No.7423834
File: 1.48 MB, 400x219, stop posting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quite possibly the stupidest statement I have ever seen

>> No.7423836

are you 14 years old

>> No.7423837
File: 1.61 MB, 480x360, galo-b8an.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what conventions are about. S.O.C.I.A.L.I.Z.I.N.G. Not about pretending that you're someone.
Do you even know what the definition of 'cosplay' is?

>> No.7424005

Actually, they do, in a way.

I doubt most of these beloved "photogs" of yours have made enough money creeping on women way above their league to pay back for the camera alone.

>> No.7424158

Socializing is all about getting pussy.

>> No.7424167

Don't take the bait anons! This is way too obvious!

>> No.7424217

sauce on the gif?

>> No.7424239


>> No.7424373

The fuck is bait about it? It's just common sense.

>> No.7424701

Do you know... the definition... of insanity?

>> No.7425647

it's doing the same thing, over and over agian, expecting shit to change

>> No.7426254
File: 363 KB, 900x600, 1394681768649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP and I'd like to thank all the other OPs for teaching me how not to be a faggot on this board. OP is a good man

>> No.7431983