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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 49 KB, 511x640, 138319879344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7421912 No.7421912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tumblr retards of cosplay and lolita.

>> No.7421915
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>> No.7421919
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>> No.7421922
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>> No.7421933
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>> No.7421935


Remember her?

>> No.7421949
File: 531 KB, 713x1145, tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7421953
File: 37 KB, 340x336, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fuckin favorite

>> No.7421954
File: 22 KB, 646x339, skinnybitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7421958

Not even white girls should wear lolita, only Asians.

>> No.7421961

Sorry, black girls, you just don't look right without your slave rags.

>> No.7421974
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>> No.7421981

very sure this is a joke.

>> No.7421982
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>> No.7421985
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>> No.7421989

I don't care if someone's fat, but fat is unhealthy.

>> No.7421990

Never forget how a few months later she went and got a picture with Misako and tries to feign she ever said this shit

>> No.7421995

I remember I found this blog on tumblr where they had curated a bunch of recipes based on animal "kin" types...It really freaked me out on one hand, but my inner foodie found it a kind of cutesy way to sort recipes. Still not sure if they were serious about it or if they were just finding a neat way to sort out snacks.

seems like most of these people have pica because there was a lot of talk about how to satisfy your cravings to eat trash as a raccoonkin and shit like that. Kinda sad, actually.

>> No.7422006

>how to satisfy your cravings to eat trash as a raccoonkin

what the actual fuck

Who wants to eat trash.

>omg so horse today!
>need some hay!
>neigh neigh neigh

>oh wow. so rhyme.

>> No.7422008


>> No.7422014


"For the faekin asking about raw/rare meat: I usually don't eat rare red meat (I avoid rare steak like the plague, I hate the texture, but my fiance loves it. What happens when you live with a vampire ahah), but I LOVE sushi! Tuna and salmon are the best because of the sort of rich-but-clean taste like I remember. A lot of people think faeries are vegetarians, but I heard of faeries that are down right blood thirsty or very carnivorus."

>oh dear god
>what happened to the world

>> No.7422016
File: 37 KB, 167x253, 139104888819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when you live with a vampire ahah

>> No.7422022

But fat people are leading unhealthy lifestyles...

>> No.7422027

I actually do not want to live on a planet where these people exist. How absolutely retarded can you be.
If you want to be a wolf or some shit, go live with them without any resources and see how that works out. Best case scenario you come to your senses before you even do it and realize you're a fucking basketcase and live with the embarrassment forever. Best case scenario for everyone else is you're mauled and eaten by the wolves.

>> No.7422031

I don't understand the demisexual thing at all. Isn't it really common to prefer having an emotional connection to people you make out with or whatever? Or is this just Tumblr being hypocritical again with girls preaching sexual liberation while still saying "Lol I'm not a slut like those horrible drunk party girls!1! I want to have a deep emotional connection to my partner!"

>> No.7422033
File: 16 KB, 530x373, holyfuckingwhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow! Thanks. This is even worse than I remember!

I guess it appeals to me because "fairy diet" feels a lot nicer to say to myself than "you get one piece of fruit and herbal tea, you fat piece of shit"

>> No.7422035

speshul snoeflaek

>> No.7422040

Demisexuality doesn't exist. It can't be labeled a sexuality because it doesn't pertain to who you're attracted to, but rather WHEN you're attracted to them.
Dumb. As. Shit.
Anyone who labels themselves as a demisexual is a special snowflake tumblrfag.

>> No.7422042

I was actually only joking about that, but thanks to link anon I just found this:


I don't know what I expected.

>> No.7422044

Agree. I would post an I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg but fuck it

I like this planet

all my stuff is here

these assholes can go populate mars or some shit

>> No.7422047


>> No.7422050

What is wrong with this chick, for fucks sake. Being latina myself I can kind of understand her bitterness, but holy shit, all this hate is discusting.

>> No.7422051

>that drawn on watch
my sides

>> No.7422056
File: 23 KB, 641x233, 1386923106788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not cosplay or lolita but I still can't get over this

>> No.7422057
File: 2 KB, 642x47, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> make outfit post
> cover my man face for both coordinates
> random reblogs it and adds pic related

>> No.7422064

What am I reading?

>> No.7422074

Someone's pokemon team with a dash of tumblr fuckery

>> No.7422073

As a white person, I can, too. "Hispanic" once had a positive connotation. Beaners ruined the term Hispanic, just as they ruined the Spanish language. Everyone hates Spanish now. As a Spaniard, it pisses me off to no end. I can't feel pride in my culture anymore, because you filthy mexican shits ruined it. Put a feather in your hair and stop trying to associate yourselves with us. We are Conquistadors, and you are our conquered peoples.

>> No.7422076

I think all that they did was turn prude into a sexual identity.

>> No.7422086
File: 30 KB, 392x208, 1360458806659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deliciosas lágrimas gallegas.

>> No.7422096

People are just naturally more attracted to people with whom they feel a close emotional connection with. All the "love and sex have no connection!" shit they've been peddling in the media is bullshit. You're brain releases chemicals when you fall in love, and it also does this during sex. Being "demisexual"=being fucking normal. I think these people just watch too many teen comedies and think that everyone just sleeps around with people they don't like in real life. They are then baffled by how they become more attracted to people they have feeling for. Shit's stupid.

>> No.7422099

Okk, okk, eekk, eek.

>> No.7422104

"don't worry that's just makeup"
Gee thanks I couldn't tell

>> No.7422110

>Or is this just Tumblr being hypocritical again with girls preaching sexual liberation while still saying "Lol I'm not a slut like those horrible drunk party girls!1! I want to have a deep emotional connection to my partner!"

>> No.7422114

The watch gets me every time.

>> No.7422115
File: 7 KB, 261x190, 1394508682369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pero no se peleen!

>> No.7422120

>As a white person
>As a Spaniard
You're worse than Argentinians.

>> No.7422125
File: 1.02 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mxfikveIwx1t5zuero2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tw: blood
>and also my sycamore cosplay is not shit tyvm

>> No.7422128

We are Europeans. We share strong genetic similarities with the rest of Europe, beaners just ruined our image with their filthy shitskin.

>> No.7422129

>Thinking all Hispanics are Mexicans
qq motherfucker, you ruined us with your shit genetics.

>> No.7422130

Whaaa I broke into America and now they want me to leave. ;_; Such self entitled pricks you are, this is why we hate you up here.

>> No.7422132

Reminder that you're Arabic.

>> No.7422134

It makes sense though.

Give me all your hate!

>> No.7422139

Stop. We're hispanics, too. That is why I said that shitskins from the Americas have ruined the term. Reading comprehension skills, it's something you learn in second grade.

>> No.7422143

The problem with lolita is not only that it's overly-feminine to the point of being extravagant, but also that you look like a womachild with autism in the eyes of others.

>> No.7422146

More like your writing skills because read what you said again. Word your shit better.

>green-eyed, blonde mexican

keep crying.

>> No.7422147
File: 39 KB, 450x423, wpww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea.

>> No.7422150

>>green-eyed, blonde mexican
What state are you from?

>> No.7422151

>>"Hispanic" once had a positive connotation until shitskinned mexicans ruined it

>> No.7422152

Mexico City.

>> No.7422156

You are not helping your case, retard.
For someone who's all about reading comprehension you surely are fucking it up.
Ademas, adoro tus lagrimas.

>> No.7422157
File: 168 KB, 300x300, 1310514055618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422158

do you assholes fucking mind? We're trying to humiliate people from Tumblr, not ourselves.

>> No.7422161

You also share strong genetic similarities with muslins, keep that in mind.

>> No.7422164

Gross, thanks but im not a jew

>> No.7422165

A-anon no.

>> No.7422166

Also Jews, specially in the North.

I fucking laugh at Mediterraneans crying that they are white when they are not.

>> No.7422168


>> No.7422172

lmao ok sure.
I'm italian but i mostly have german-spanish gens.
Dark green eyes, red head, and i'm not white? k.

>> No.7422171

I'm sure you are samefaging and just a troll, but is kinda amusing that you think and Mexican AND that I live in US.

>> No.7422178

>I just bookmarked it because they have pretty good recipes

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.7422179


>> No.7422180

>Dark green eyes
Typical Mediterranean.
>red head
With maybe also Irish ascendency.
Nope, not white. You're welcome.

>> No.7422185

Wow you must be such a white king of the nordics then, fag.

>> No.7422186

Seagulls fight to prove how white they are while posting pics of Tumblr users fighting to prove how not white they are

>> No.7422188

it's like one of those dinner-comedy shows:

delicious berry tart recipe next to someone giving advice how to inconspicuously purchase blood from a butcher's

>> No.7422194

You're the one who wont stop bitching and moaning, bean nigger.

>> No.7422195
File: 67 KB, 708x398, laughing_soremachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even white, I'm Jewish and proud. It's pathetic to see goyim fighting each other because of "race" when you're all still inferior to us at the end.

>> No.7422196

also the "succubus" tag contained pretty much what I expected. I don't know why I felt the need to click that.

>> No.7422205

All this in fighting among whites makes me ill. European=white. Don't hate your white brothers and sisters, we will only die as a race.

>> No.7422208

lol no. Mediterranean =/ slavic =/ white.

>> No.7422213

Uhm, not really, as a white person i know that the ''superior race'' would be the black race because they can bear with all kinds of enviorments, and all kinds of shit.

>> No.7422215
File: 117 KB, 500x262, tumblr_mwiusrGjeS1t07he3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found in the otakukin tag.


>> No.7422216

Is that why we were able to shave a shit ton of kikes into ovens, making you an endangered race? Anyhow, Israel is being flooded with Somalians and shit. After a couple generations of nigger rape, there will be no more kikes. Enjoy.

>> No.7422224

Too bad they can't rub two sticks together and make fire. Niggers were meant for manual labor. Us whites need someone to pick our cotton while we cure diseases and conquer the world.

>> No.7422228


>> No.7422230

Physical superiority doesn't means shit, also they apparently barely bear an environment without food and filled with AIDS. Can't wait until all niggers die.

Do you realize that the Holocaust only made us stronger, right? It was our perfect opportunity to shine and we did it. Also no, we are controlling Somalians' birth rates in Israel by making their women sterile, and they are also isolated, they only rape among themselves.

>> No.7422229

I know, That's why they were made slaves.

>> No.7422236
File: 12 KB, 339x319, 1388888861137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7422239

This is about the most polar opposite of cosplay+gothic lolita I can think of.

Where the hell is the janitor?

Sage for in a troll thread.

>> No.7422241
File: 68 KB, 235x236, 1348541338687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not powerful

>> No.7422242

>>it was our time to shine
Uhhh.....what? How is having six million of your "people" massacred letting you shine? Are you referring to your never ending bitching about it? This has only led to people resenting you. You are the most hated race on the planet.

>> No.7422247

And we also are the most powerful race on the planet. A bunch of dying whites won't stop us, you're literally the second most hated race in the world.

>> No.7422253
File: 901 KB, 500x250, tumblr_n292ebhW7W1qzkdnwo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.7422258

Sure sunshine.

>> No.7422272

>Actually happening
Damn, all this JIDF shit. Eat dick, kikeshill.

>> No.7422277
File: 6 KB, 230x219, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First one being Jews and black people. The hell Jews are powerful? just watch your shitrace get raped by niggers.

>> No.7422284

>Being this mad
Step it up, goyim. And if you haven't realized that Jews control more than a half of the world you need to go outside more.

>> No.7422291

You're trying (in vein) to exterminate our race, but we're already killing yours. The majority of "jews" in Isreal are from....
People from nigger countries claim to be jews so they can get into your country. You can't disprove someones religion, and that is why you are doomed. Enjoy your sewage. Ashkenazi kikes are only 47.5% of the population, what with all the sandniggers and African, and you're steadily declining.

>> No.7422299

All your race does is settle in some area, piss off the natives, then get exterminated. All of the middle east sides with Palestine. It's only a matter of time before someone nukes you're asses back to hell.

>> No.7422310
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>> No.7422312
File: 29 KB, 435x216, v5rsxSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw this thread turns into jew and mexican hate
Never change, /cgl/.

>> No.7422320

Boy, you sure need to be thrown into a giant oven.