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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7420298 No.7420298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> checks the site for the new pin
>sees Yaya Han is coming as a guest
> Cancels pre-reg

>> No.7420315

So edgy.

>> No.7420339

Who cares?
Even though I'm sure you didn't cancel your pre-reg, just fucking go and avoid her before she sucks the age out of you.

>> No.7420457

Or it was annoyance.
Jesus, this fucking board and the misuse of words.

>> No.7420461

holy shit. why does it fucking matter if shes going to be there? shes not going to be walking with you during the con.

im not a big fan of her but god damn, some of you people can be so autistic about these things.

>> No.7420469

Ota is such a big con, you won't see her.

Also... I had been wondering if any other seagulls were going!

>> No.7420472

It feels like Yaya goes to so many cons as a guest that it really has no novelty. I wonder how long this'll last for her.

>> No.7421339

Honestly, I'm not pleased to see her come here, but I guess I'll just ignore the hype. I'm pretty surprised Ota got her in all honesty, I thought it was going to be pony voice actors again lol. A lot of people are going nuts with glee on fb.

Do you think she will be doing cosplay contest/ cosplay showcase judging? I know she often guest judges, but I kind of hope I don't have to get judged by her in the showcase...

>> No.7421353

Also on a side note, so far the pin designs have been disappointing for me. I feel bad because I know someone put effort into drawing them, but... I just don't like the way the designs are executed....

>> No.7421464

Yeah she announced in a video that she will be doing judging for the cosplay things. I'm oping out of doing the masquerade this year because of it.

I think it's cool they got her as a lot of people like her, but the fanboys are going to be annoying, but whatever. I'm hoping they will give her like a corner or something in vendors so all her fans don't plug up the walk ways.

>> No.7421488

I'm pissed the good ones are "super rare hard to get had to go to a pin party" to get them
Stupid. I just want my heart wing pin. So dumb.
I don't need rare shit just give me merch.

>> No.7421517

Yaya is going to be the next Vic Mcgugget, isn't she?

>> No.7421538

"otafest" and "big con" shouldn't be in the same sentence.

At least they didn't get jnigger.

>> No.7421574

Last year I went to an cool event where Yaya-Man was the guest. I went anyways even tho I didn't like her, of course. Just ignore her

>> No.7421864

Part of me wants to get some trolling on.
The rational part of me wants to ignore the whole debacle.
The fun part of me wants a picture with her wearing a horse head mask.

>> No.7422000

Gaaaah that almost makes me want to not do showcase... We shall see when the date gets closer I guess. It kind of puts me on edge thinking about it, not sure why.

I just so happen to have a heart wing I'd be willing to trade... what do you have to offer? :p

Yeah well, it's the best we got unless you want to go across the country for AN, Canada is a pretty sad state of affairs for con size

Please do it and post it, I would be so entertained lol. Plus why the hell not, you might as well since I doubt she'll come back.

>> No.7422595

Only 3 pins for this year have been released so far (4 if you follow on tumblr) and I thought the Digital Idol Seph looks good! Its always hard to tell ho they will look in real life (the snow wing is kinda mhe IRL) but give it time to see how the others will turn out.

>> No.7423101

>about half of the fan panels are all "ask X"
>people that have nothing to do with the production
Why are Alberta cons so fucking shit?

>> No.7423118

Because Alberta is overrun with weebs. This is what happens when you let attendees make panels and set no real limit.

>> No.7423139


>it's for the fans, by the fans!

when will people learn this just doesn't work for cons? there needs to be proper management setting up a more professional atmosphere at cons, or else they end up going to shit, or attracting shitty weebs.

>> No.7423184

>Yeah well, it's the best we got unless you want to go across the country for AN, C

Or you could drive 2h north to Animethon... it had like 3500 more people last year than ota did, and it's looking to keep growing.

or there's even a-rev in vancouver, which is already bigger than Ota after only 2 years. ota's just not trying, it's a pretty sad joke of a con.

>> No.7423186

that would take accepting responsibility for the event, and ota's just not about that. As long as they can say they don't have control over the panels they don't have to admit there's anything wrong.

>> No.7423245

No, he's right. AN is basically the only decent con in Canada. Animethon isn't worth the gas to drive to Edmonton. And AR is basically hemorrhaging money so it's not going to be around for a whole lot longer.

Then again I don't care about con size, just industry guests.

>> No.7423261


>> No.7423286

if you care about 'industry' guests then, again, AR still beats ota. All ota ever gets are the double-dipping "jrocknorth" crapbands that noone's ever heard of, or pretty much local voiceactors.

>> No.7424337

Well the SnK ask may be canceled as the person in charge of it has dropped out. If only it was one of the homesucks or other fandom's that don't belong at a anime con rather then the one that does.

>> No.7426931

I thought they were shit too but I attended a DR one at the behest of my weeb sister and it was cute even if I didn't understand any of the references. I was entertained at the least, was like a show at a theme park. Nothing I'd attend if I had something else to do, but a nice time filler.

>> No.7427929 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 500x268, Really_seriously_WHAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are all upset because Yaya is going? What are you all, 15? Despite what you all may think about her, you cannot deny that her craftsmanship is pretty damn good. He costumes are polished and nice even if she has breast implants or wears a ton of makeup. Seriously?
You're not going to do the masquerade because
>wahh wahh, Yaya's judging it
Excuse me? She's probably one of few cosplayers that will appreciate the effort and craftsmanship in your costume.
>wahh wahh, Yaya's a guest so I cancelled my badge!
Seriously? She's going to ruin an entire con for you because you cannot BEAR to be in the same fucking facility as her? May as well get off the internet, she uses that too!!!!
She'll show you courtesy even if apparently you all seem like you'll be going out of your way find her and spit on her and cry about how much of a bitch she was to you on tumblr afterwards. This thread is just sad. You complain that people like Yaya is ruining cosplay? Well you bitches are doing just as wonderful of a job at turning it into a pile of shit.
She's an accomplished cosplayer, yeah, she's going to be invited to your cons. Yeah, she may judge your stuff, but really? Even if you're basing your opinion off of bitter cgl feels and HoC edited shit, you should still be able to see how much this bitch puts into her stuff. I don't understand the total animosity for Yaya. Yeah, she's not the best person, but she's not the worst, and there's not many other usual 'con-guests' that will have the skill and seriousness she does when it comes to judging a contest. She's at least cordial IRL, you bitches are obviously not.
>inb4 Yaya
I'm not. I actually don't like her. I'm just tired of seeing people over exaggerate how horrible she is to make them seem 2edgy4me. Get over yourselves. Its petty to not go to a con because of one guest. And if you have a problem with a pretty great crafts person judging your co splay, it was probably not going to hold up to pre-judging anyway

>> No.7433082

$20 on tomorrows guest announcement being another local VA that they've had on before