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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7417337 No.7417337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do idiots propose at anime conventions?

>> No.7417341

dont know why you chose a picture of a DDR machine, not that i dont like them.

but if anime conventions mean something to the both of them (ex where they met or some shit like that) then i dont see whats wrong with it.
but if its not special in anyway then its a fucking stupid idea.

this is just imo

>> No.7417349

Because they know how jealous it makes you feel and your butthurt fuels their dreams.

>> No.7417381

You're asking why socially retarded males propose to their significant others in a sea of weeaboos?

They're taking the easy way out and half assing a proposal by taking advantage of a crowd already being gathered. If mine did that to me i'd have left him on the spot. We already had a discussion about what was appropriate and not.

>> No.7417387

Because they care about your life like it matters lol

>> No.7417415
File: 990 KB, 245x225, tumblr_mjwumf7kID1ql5yr7o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A-kon 2006
>Made it a goal to cosplay in the masquerade, kind of a mark it off my list of things I want to try at least once.
>I'm Zelda, not really god-tier, but I worked on it for a few months.
>Boyfriend always cosplayed Link, but he wasn't really noteworthy other than he'd change his colored tunics every hour.
>He insists on going on stage with me.
>I honestly didn't want him to, because his costume was kinda subpar and would drag me down (as if I had a chance)
>After signing up with the masquerade, he stays back and chats with the people behind it.
>I have a gist of what's coming up. Please no...
>Fast-forward to when we get lined up
>"You guys are walk-on #0"
>Goddamn it, I knew it. Oh god why.
>Yeah, it happens.
>I'm pretty spaghetti and can't get my glove off to put the ring on. He's a sweet guy, but I didn't want it to happen in front of everyone.
>Afterward, approached with a tide of weaboos weeping for joy.
It's pretty awkward, guys. Don't do it unless you're both hardcore weaboos, I guess?

Things didn't pan out for us, but man. It was unforgettable either way you look at it.

>> No.7417412

>Implying you'd ever have one

>> No.7417426

>Husband(fiance back then) and I staff a local convention.
>Con owner finds out, suggest we have wedding, AT the convention.
>Hotel convention + overcrowding by attendants + my and my husband' his family.
>We promptly both NOPED hard.

The con barely fit the con attendants, the fuck made the chair think he could fit our wedding too?

>> No.7417427

this is horrible! I can't imagine a surprise public proposal like that ever working out.

I know some girls who got engages at a masquerade, but it was a really small convention and they talked it out with everyone beforehand. They had met at this (sadly now defunct) convention a few years prior and ended up putting on a pretty good show. Not my cup of tea exactly but I'd say it was cute!

>> No.7417435

My girlfriend would cry out of sheer horror if I proposed to her in such a tackey way.

Public proposals are the most idiotic things.

>> No.7417457

He was probably just trying to be nice, maybe he thought you guys were super nerds that'd be into it?

Public proposals are just not cool.
If you're both giant extroverts, maybe.
But all that pressure from onlookers? Nope.

>> No.7417460

Yeah, I've been to a con where someone was having a wedding as well. Why would that ever be a good idea? That's just asking for some dumbshit Deadpool to run and be lolrandumb.

We did get a judge's award, though I'm sure it was mostly out of pity.

>> No.7417465

I've heard from so many people that a proposal shouldn't *really* be a surprise, you should be at a point in your relationship where you somewhat expect it. Your story is so cringeworthy.

>> No.7417482
File: 95 KB, 453x599, 1394320618378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have a story of a public marriage proposal that went sour?

>> No.7417485

The absolute worst part was the tsunami of weebs that were literally shedding tears over "how happy they were" once the competition was over.
I wasn't even crying happy or anything. Just kind of a... "Oh, yeah, thanks." I /was/ expecting it, but not to that degree. Not on stage in front of few hundred (possibly thousand? idr) people.
That was my five minutes of cosplay "fame". I'm not even mad, just pretty embarrassed, especially since we broke up afterward. All that fanfare for a ruined relationship.

>> No.7417486

I'm married. It's not difficult. We've been together since 2002.

>> No.7417488

Public proposals in general are shit unless you've discussed proposing beforehand. Imagine the immense amount of pressure you're putting on the person to say yes, and all of the looks and awkwardness you cause in a huge crowd of people if they say no.

>> No.7417494

my dream is to reject a public proposal.

>> No.7417501

Can I share that dream you?

>> No.7417509

I proposed to my wife in the living of my old apartment.

It was probably one of the most unromantic proposals ever but she didn't really care because she already kinda knew that I was going to ask her to marry me.

It was kinda like "get it over with already" kinda deals. She even said that public proposals are just awful because it's kinda unfair to put someone on the spot especially when they are on the fence about stay with that person forever.

>> No.7417635

I'd always get people that wanted to do this at the masquerade and had huge arguments with them over it. One of the rules is only the MC gets a microphone, so we rejected them on those grounds. That and proposing on stage at masquerade is shit. It's a shitty "entry" it's a shitty thing to do to the person you're proposing do, no I am not going to let you do that.

>> No.7417639

pardon me?

>> No.7417713 [DELETED] 


>> No.7417806

Are you one of those "cupholds" I heard about on Dr.Phil?

>> No.7417944

>I proposed to my wife in the living of my old apartment.

My fiance proposed to me in my living room. Might not seem 'romantic' to others but it was perfect for me.

>> No.7417950

Cuz then it will be amazing, just like one of those diamond commercials, except the whole affair will be lightly dusted with Doritos crumbs and the smell of unwashed teenagers.

>> No.7417961

I think it can be cute, given the right circumstances.
I would never want my boyfriend to do it just in the middle of the merch hall or something though, like make it special dude!

>> No.7417975

Just you wait, one day i will propose like that to my /cgl/ girlfriend and you will love it

>> No.7418039

My boyfriend and I are high school sweet hearts. We have been dating for twelve years now so it doesn't really feel as if he is my boyfriend, but a constant presence. If he did decide to make it official at a convention or public place, I would kill him. I think the choice of marriage is a really personal decision that should not be broadcasted to every random stranger in the immediate area. If you have to do it in front of somebody, do it around friends, but not convention goers.

>> No.7418074

My fiancé proposed to me on the toilet when I was taking a dump because I had said to him that I "wanted something that was unforgettable"

>> No.7419173

I think I plan to propose on a DDR machine.

>> No.7419292

People got marries at Minami this year, and there's a wedding at Kita in a few weeks. Their reasons are sound - getting married at a place where all your friends are ready gathered - but it is still tacky.

>> No.7419296

I wouldn't mind being proposed to there - it's a thing that my BF and I both enjoy very much.

But getting married at a con sounds fucking stupid.

>> No.7419317

Play Happy Wedding as your final song then propose.

>> No.7419429

Only as the Extra Extra stage

>> No.7419734

>proposing to a WOMAN


Any faggot who does that deserves what's coming to him - a divorce within 5 years - she takes all the kids - she takes half your money (permanently leeches off what you make, until you die).


>> No.7419924

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7419961

Ones that don't happen during a masquerade=cute, ones during a masquerade just look lame and a pitty "aw" from the audience, as well as a cheap way to get judge votes. Of all the ones I've seen the couples have had horrible costumes.
That said they can be cute if it's the right moment and done right.

>> No.7419973



>> No.7419977

We get it, you guys actually think you're not this retarded

>> No.7420027

Hate to be the odd Woman out but I would love a public proposal. Not on a masquerade because I do tons of competitions and that would drive me nuts if someone else did it but just about anything else would make me extatic

>> No.7420051

Anon pls marry me.

I agree. I would like a public proposal but not in the same way as on stage or anything. Just in a public place so when I get excited I could share it with others. Id I get proposed to in private I'm gonna be so ecstatic and excited I won't know what to do because no one will be there but me and him.

People who get married at anime conventions are lame though. People who get married in costume are also lame. Both are not my cup of tea and you guys look like 14 year olds.

>> No.7420063
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, Wasteland Wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a proposal at Wasteland Weekend 2 years ago and a wedding for that proposal this year. The Lord Humungus was the minister.

>> No.7420067
File: 113 KB, 1280x960, Just Married01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this year
Last year*

>> No.7420345

Alright, I'll marry you. Contact info in the e-mail field.

>> No.7421365

F-fine, but I...I've never actually been...with a man before...p-please treat me gently...!

>> No.7421405

>We already had a discussion about what was appropriate and not.
Lol, he sounds beta as fuck. Is he your dog or something?

>> No.7421409
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 9f13058xj6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a young weeaboo at 14 years old
>attend masq with friend
>discuss beforehand how SUPA HILARIOUS xD it would be to propose to one another at the masq, thus making fun of the people who do that shit for real
>Masquerade time
>group before us goes on stage, they're as old as we are
>fucking had the exact same idea as us
>get standing ovation from everyone and win an award for best in show
>we got a few claps but otherwise awkward silence
>this happened 8 years ago

>> No.7421457
File: 8 KB, 130x180, ken_kubo_6082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...seriously? That happens?

>> No.7422465

Don't worry, I'll come wherever you want.

>> No.7422481

this might suprise you but people in relationships discuss boundaries of all kinds

I told my bf (now husband) if he proposed at a con I would be upset, not that he had plans to. He took me to the place we first kissed which was very sweet


>> No.7422499

Part of me suspects my boyfriend will propose in cosplay at a con. It seems like something he'd do. As long as it isn't during a contest, I'm fine.

>> No.7422515

to be a very special snowflake because everyone including the con itself will be talking about you

>> No.7422526

My husband proposed at Otakon 2011. He likes to design Magic cards for funsies and usually asks me to test out his decks. We were just hanging out in the games room late Saturday night playing a new deck he had made and he was playing some that didn't seem like good plays but whatevs. Then he plays one more card and slides them together until the titles read "Will you marry me?" Before I could comprehend what had happened there was a ring box on the table.

Personal, but creative, at a con, but still pretty private. Earlier that day he asked me to pick out a kimono I liked from the dealer's room as an early birthday present and we could wear them later when we got tired of our costumes. So I got to be in my pretty weaboo garb rather than nasty con-night clothes when it happened.

>> No.7422533

Holy shit, you must be really ugly. Or fat.

>> No.7422537


>> No.7422540
File: 75 KB, 1280x752, 1379360063801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's sweet as hell, really cute.

>> No.7422547

>boyfriend gets random strangers involved
>there's at least over 200 people watching now
>boyfriend proposes
>I freak out there's too many people
>I said yes because I felt pressured
>I broke up with him later. It wasn't working out at all.

Don't do this shit in public please. It's fucking embarrassing. Unless you are a god damn attention whore, fine but don't think it will last if you do do it in front of a fucking audience.

>> No.7422549

Forgot to add I was crying out of terror from all of the people starring and taking pictures and video.
He thought I was crying because I was happy.

Fucking twat

>> No.7422617

>Unless you are a god damn attention whore
Whoops, guess that's me. I've told my boyfriend, being proposed to in public is fine, but don't make a damned spectacle out of me. Don't do it on stage, don't hire a band, don't gather a crowd, no flash mobs, none of that. Sometimes spontaneous public proposals are cute, maybe after a romantic dinner or on a beach, but when it starts actively involving other people, it gets embarrassing.

More on-topic, was anyone else at the Final Fantasy mock wedding/real proposal at Fanime a couple of years ago? During the gathering, we all had to line up, separated by gender, and participate in some yaoi mock wedding that ended in a real lesbian proposal. I was annoyed as fuck at being pressured to participate, I just wanted to take pretty Final Fantasy pictures, damnit.

>> No.7422658

dude I'd fuckin marry a DDR machine wouldn't you

>> No.7422661

I wouldn't mind. I think public proposals can be cute and neat if you're both ready for it and have at least talked about marriage beforehand. Otherwise it's just weird

>> No.7422664


>> No.7422873

I wouldn't be okay with a con proposal.
I would kinda be okay with a Disney one.....
But the whole lets get a huge crowd is really off putting.