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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7414252 No.7414252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We list the types of cosplayers we see online and at conventions

>The Quick Changre
This person has planned way too many photoshoots and quickly gets tired of dressing up as a character after being in outfit for longer than two hours. Only times you really seem them are in your hotel room, frantically trying to sort out all the wigs and clothes they brought as they rush to meet their next photographer or running to their room to change.

>The Close but No Cigar
Some people sew their outfits while others commission items from ebay or their friends. This person rips open their closet and assembles an outfit using common clothes and household items in a manner that would make MaCgyver shake his head. So what if the characters blue pants are replaced by jeans and their neon spiky hair is poorly replicated with spiky hairgel, they demand to be recognized like any other cosplayer despite not putting in the proper time or money into their clothes.

>The One Pose Pony
These people take the term "signature pose" to a whole new level. Doesn't matter if they're in a photoshoot or hall picture they got one pose in their arsenal and they're gonna milk it for all its worth. If you want something else, just ask for a new pose and you can get a great shot of the cosplayer shrugging their shoulders.

>The Lost Puppy
These cosplayers really don't have anyone to turn to and are generally nice people. Beware, if you are cosplaying from the same series as them or give any sort of positive attention they can latch onto you for the rest of the con

>The Planner
These people are hard to spot as they wear regular clothes but that's all going to change soon as they keep talking about their big plan to make this awesome dream cosplay that will knock your socks off. Then you see them at the next con in the same set of casual clothes. Expect to see a lot of characters posted on their Facebook that they want to do.

>> No.7414281

Fuck off with this tumblr shit.

>> No.7414288

Fuck off. Ill allow it

>> No.7414293

Back to >>>tumblr

>> No.7414296

how do you even know its tumblr

>> No.7414312

Its just some elitist cunt who thinks anyone gives a fuck

>> No.7414319


>> No.7414324

How is this shit even tumblr realated? There's no SJW stuff going on meanwhile the original comic is from Dorkly


>> No.7414327

Just go. No one wants you here.

>> No.7414332

Tumblr wouldn't be open to non-circlejerk discussions unless it's specifically against a white CIS male.

>The Late to the Party
The cosplayer who decided what they wanted to cosplay too late to finish and spends half their time at the con making their costume. They finally wear the half finished abomination near the end of the con, causing them to ditch their friends, miss the photoshoot, and skip most of the major events.

> The special snowflake
They didn't make the costume, they didn't style the wig, they didn't bother to put on makeup and they weren't even accurate but you better respect their amazing costume and give them asspats

>> No.7414337
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>> No.7414342


Hate how Dorkly is turning feminist. It's really obnoxious they have to include a mini feminist rant in all their comics/articles now.

>> No.7414469

This is the stuff of nightmares...

>> No.7414493

>Unknown gijinka
They're cosplaying something. Is it a Pokemon? A Pony? It's probably something but nothing you'll ever be able to figure out without asking, and even once they've informed you, it's still a stretch.

>Cool OC Unrelated-Themed Character
I'm steam punk 1980's Princess Peach. Can't you tell??

>> No.7414505


>> No.7414514


This thread is a thinly veiled elitist circlejerk attempting to categorize and stereotype people who don't meet up to their crushingly high standards. Each "trope" reeks of anecdotal experiences, written by one who lives in a mental ivory tower. But they don't make a THAT GUY thread because they want to appear witty.

In non-stimmed to hell and back terms, this shit is tumblr as fuck


>> No.7414533

>The Fandom Hopper
A cosplayer who jumps between current popular fandoms and quickly throws together cosplays accordingly. Shitty costume bought from a sweatshop rips? No big deal, they have six others to wear throughout the duration of the con, each for a different popular fandom.

>The Extremist
Goes to great lengths to make their costume flawless, including but not limited to: ignoring friends, missing classes, calling in sick for work, finishing details on the way to the con, or at the con itself because they just have to be FLAWLESS. Often seen cosplaying armored or very intricately designed characters, and pour a good deal of money and time into the hobby. May stop several times during a con to do "touchups".

>> No.7414560

>list the types of cosplayers we see online and at conventions
>Each "trope" reeks of anecdotal experiences

do you even read

>> No.7414565

Except that I can personally name a number of people that fit under these types. It's not really elitist. It's just a list of some common types of people you see out there.

I can make a list of seventeen different types of customers I get at work. But that doesn't mean I'm in some elite circle jerking club in the backroom or some shit.

>how dare I not take everything seriously.
If anything is tumblr up in here, it's this.

>> No.7414571

Either they don't read or don't understand the definition of an anecdote.

>> No.7414579

Why would you need to categorize people you meet at cons? Doesn't really help people, and it's kind of autistic if you think about it?

>> No.7414580

Haha I actually am really enjoying these. Come em coming, Anons!

>> No.7414582

It's for fun and to compare stories, I would assume.
How is it autistic.

>> No.7414586

Do you know what autistic stereotypes are?
Gmork-chan, just kill this thread. It's embarrassing.

>> No.7414653

Fuck off newfag, we've had these sort of threads for fucking years.

>> No.7414672

The most annoying fandom hoppers are the ones that are above average cosplayers and manage to pull everything together and make it look pretty good somehow. It annoys the fuck out of me.

>> No.7414679

How are there more super offended people in this thread than in ita and bad cosplay threads? There's definitely more "laughing with" than "laughing at" going on here.I'm definitely "The Planner" OP described. What am I gonna do? Take it personally and go cry because someone said, "Some people plan way more cosplays than they actually make."

>> No.7414686

>The One Pose Pony
Fuck, that's me.

>The Extremist
Also might have been me at some point, since I wasn't doing too well my first semester of college, and some of it had to do with cosplay. I've found a balance since though.

Also, fuck off with that go back to tumblr shit. There's nothing of the sort there, and this looks like it came straight from a seagull's mouth, so just get over it.

>> No.7414714

>Dealer Room Fiend
You'll know this person when you room with them. The amount of really pointless stuff they've bought in the dealer room is phenomenal. There's a new bag full of total crap every time you go back to the room.

>Too Cool For Anime School
Usually casual groups of teenage bros. Act put off by all the lame, weird nerds around them. Don't see the irony in the fact that they're also spending their money and their weekend at an anime con.

>The Demented Snowflake
Evil twin of special snowflake. Wearing some sort of vampire/guro/neko costume that's probably an OC. Initiates conversations solely to try to shock people about how they "like blood" or "frighten small children." Is generally creepy and awkward, but not in the way they think they are.

>> No.7414738

>The Determined Scatterbrain
Plans a cosplay but suddenly switches to another one. Happens several times throughout the year. Large amounts of 'i'll use this later' pile up in their room, and they end up having a couple dozen wigs. Blows money left and right regardless of if they make or buy stuff, but somehow pulls off whatever they actually commit to. Very strange people that often have a confused but respectful fanbase, if any.

>Bad Girls (Or Boys) Club Member
Cosplays are varying quality, but they go to cons to meet people and party. They avoid the fandom and act holier-than-thou about it. The least chill partiers you've ever seen, usually have a /cgl/ complex in addition to being drunk off their face. Tend to be interesting people, and probably have an online clique.

>The Drama Bomb
Somehow gets into drama with people they don't know at cons they've never been to in places they've never heard of. Don't talk to them about the drama in the places they usually haunt. Usually mediocre cosplayers, nothing to look twice at but not bad either. Probably uses drama to stand out, but hey, that's one way to go about it.

>The Hoarder
The determined scatterbrain that never actually finishes anything and just puts together a half-assed cosplay day of con, or wears lolita instead, or pulls on a kigu.

>The Designated Con Attendee
Was convinced by their friends that anime cons were fun. Probably friends with a Bad Girls Or Boys Club member or associate of a Drama Bomb. May wear a wig and an anime related tee shirt, very obvious to spot by how confused they are at everything and being pulled around by someone that looks way more in their element. May actually have fun at the convention, but likely will just take care of friends who have involved themselves in drama or got shitfaced.

>mfw I'm friends with at least one of all of these

>> No.7414748

What does this even have to do with tumblr? We're discussing conventions and people who attend them.
This, on the other hand, is pretty damn "tumblr"

>> No.7414808

>The 1000 dollar cosplay.

This person thinks their outfit is only worth it if it is directly endorsed by the company who made the outfit (like SEGA's Ryu Ga Gotoku) or just so high priced it will take you a month's salary without food or rent to pay for it just so you can flaunt it around and impress the opposite sex, until they realized they are too rich for their blood now and too poor for their attention after the con is over.

>> No.7414940
File: 100 KB, 700x340, name-drop-hollywood-journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The name dropper

This cosplayer who just has to tell you everything about every compliment they have ever received and usually from lots of "important" people according to their stories.

>The Fame Aggregator

This one only wants to know you if you're already known. If they've never heard of your or you didn't already come into their vision with 3K likes then you aren't worth talking to. They only want people as popular as them.

>The Oversharer

Compliment them on their cosplay and they'll tell you about their medications.

>> No.7414948

>Lingerie corset with bent plastic boning worn over t-shirt & unwashed Manic Panic hair

Not sure how to categorize those, but I've seen at least a few at every con.

>> No.7414960

The monster its talking about is commitment to a woman. Thats why the monster version of the girl its the vagina that eats you. Its about guys losing their friends to cute girls.

>> No.7415073

That sounds/cgl/ as fuck. We've always been an elitist circlejerk with wank threads about people who don't meet our standards.

Tumblr is all about "it doesn't matter if they do that, it's their body their money and their happiness and you need to let them do it!"

>> No.7415082

Nah, sachsen just likes guro and monster girls.

>> No.7415086

Didn't you know feminism is the new trend

>> No.7415089

>the professional
can be seen at the katsucon gazebo at all hours of the day. always surrounded by professional photographers, has a facebook page with over 50,000 likes, and only stops to sleep. Don't try to talk to them though, they're either japanese or too good for your kind.

>> No.7415103

>the oversharer

hit the nail on the head. i swear to god. every time i get into an elevator at an anime con, some person takes the opportunity to bless the ride with the tale of their people.

>> No.7415115

>oh my god so my roommate totally brought home this guy last night, and when I walked into the room he had my pills in his hand and I was like omg get off my pills (actually says o m g) and then we started rolling around laughing but I had to leave the room so they could have sex so I went out and hung out with these random people and we had a really good time and now they're my best friends

It's always. ALWAYS. An overexcited, strange looking girl who you have zero interest talking to. And they ALWAYS meet "these random people".

>> No.7415131

This. I'm a One Pose Pony through and through, and I thought it was funny.

>QQ someone on an anonymous image board poked fun at the fact that I'm uncreative with my posing in photos

>> No.7415136

Oh no. I'm the One Pose Pony :(

>> No.7415142

>>The Drama Bomb

I have a friend that's this. She's a nice girl if you're her friend, but hooooly shit otherwise. Her Facebook consists of nothing but her 'calling out her haters,' (which she, surprisingly, does have) and passive aggressive posts. Rooming with her at cons is a nightmare, because there will always be some kind of drama going on in our circle, and even if it doesn't involve her, she'll somehow end up in the centre of it.

>The Underage Drinker
Usually college students, but ages range from 16-20. Spends the majority of the day getting shitfaced, and proceeds to need a babysitter for the rest of the night. Tend to think they're a lot more mature than they are, and better than the other kids their age because they drink. Doesn't realise their friends do not appreciate spending their convention taking care of an adult baby who can't hold their alcohol.

>The Raver
Only goes to the con for the rave on Saturday, and is a normalfag for the rest of the weekend. Tends to get high before/during the rave, and tries to pick up con girls before sobering up and realising they've made a terrible mistake.

>> No.7415159

>if you're her friend
Well, she's not a nice girl then.

>> No.7415245

>No Mirror Wonder
This cosplayer has thought up of a super cool pose and a really neat expression and did not hesitate to use them in front of the camera. Of course the pictures coming in are quick to show how unflattering that pose really was along with showing that their badass/cute expression turned out to be a lesson in the derp and unflattering.

>> No.7415291

It's the worst when you are the only other person in the elevator.

>> No.7415305

>The Underage Drinker
Also, they say EVERY CON that they've "learned from the last con"... and still manage to end up puking through Saturday night.

>> No.7415529

>go to seagull meetup at katsucon
>be 18
>bring aspie friend to cover price of room
>he follows me everywhere
>he's literally begging people to buy him drinks
>mfw he orders for both of us
>I get sucked into the douchebaggery
>whatever, I guess I'll drink now
>I act like a normal human being, slightly more than tipsy after some beers and rum
>He can't stop talking about how he ordered drinks and how drunk he's gonna get and how cool it is to be drinking at an actual bar
>Feel bad because he's having a good time, but get mad because he's making himself and I look like complete assholes

>> No.7415593

>The Determined Scatterbrain
Damn, that's me.

>> No.7415897

God, I've been sucked into shit like that.
>Try to break an awkward silence between me and another cosplayer
>Have to go up 17 floors
>"...I really like your wig, how did you style it so dramatically?"
>mfw this chick starts giving me her life story
>"Yeah I had a self-harming phase..."
>Excuse myself and get out as fast as I fucking can at my floor

>> No.7415947

I hope nobody actually reads these or treats them seriously.


>> No.7415948

This is a comedic thread, of course no one's taking them seriously. Holy shit.

>> No.7415953
File: 259 KB, 1024x768, 1394247982671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, you dropped your image back in 2005

>> No.7416007

>putting in the proper money
Once again proves that the cosplay/EGL community is made up of pretentious, elitist harpies from white middle or upper-middle class households.

>> No.7416015

Proper time /or/ money. If you have more time, you can spend less money at once and still look good, collecting parts of a costume/outfit slowly. If you have no time you have to spend lots of money to look as good.

>> No.7416111

>The Orphan
A sad end result of bad luck, lazy friends and plans blowing up. What was supposed to happen was that you were to see an amazing group cosplay with everyone filling in a certain character with no doubles but instead you get the only person in the group willing to follow through with work and gets sadder by the minute.

>The Road Blockade
It's go big or go home with this person. Big props, big wings, big pieces of armor. They never fail to garner crowds of equals scale but they forget that many standard convention hallways and doors do not accommodate such grand efforts.

>The Plain Jane and Tom
These cosplayers end up taking the bullet and will go as the more average characters of their series. Even if their outfits are 100% accurate, you can't really tell they're in costume until they stand next to one of the more elaborate looking cast members.

>> No.7416529

>The "Epic" Kid
Usually cosplays as some incredibly outdated meme or spends the whole con referencing it, such as blasting Rick Astley.

>The Parent
That parent who heavily insists on coming to the con with their child, is very vocal about how everything weirds them out and often demands free admission. Often is an embarrassed older sibling instead.

>The Panhandler
That asshole at every con - usually a teenager - who hangs outside the dealer room/food court/registration and begs money (or badges) off of people.

>The Filmmaker
This fellow goes about claiming to be working on some sort of "Cosplay Documentary" and often is really just a neckbeard attempting to gawk at girls

>The Ego Tripper
The panel host who mistakes being able to entertain a group of easily amused nerds for actual fame. Often gives themselves titles such as "convention legend", "Culture Expert" or things of that sort.

>> No.7416553

I'd upgrade the "Epic" kid to an entire "just discovered internet" category

>The 9gagger
Dresses up as an overused and outdated meme, is constantly loud and obnoxious. Harrases other congoers and photobombs shoots. Gets incredibly upset when you call him out on shitty behaviour because "being randum is fun XD" or "you just don't get internet lololo", 99% of the time is underaged.

Bonus points for kids who think they're part of "the legion" or "the anonymous" because they've been lurking /b/ for 2 months.

>> No.7416770

>The Epic fail guy -
Shows up to the con dressed as a /b/ meme from 2006, such as EFG, Boxdog, or Anonymous. May attempt to cite Meme's in the real world, Often believes himself to be the most hilarious guy at the con, and when threatened may call for /b/lackup

>Guy Fucks
See above, but wearing V's mask from the V for Vendetta graphic novel series/film (May insist the mask represents 'Anon' or in extreme cases 'EFG') - They often misquote the film or preach their hatred of Scientology

>The Over-actor
Kind of guy who goes above and beyond when 'roleplaying' or 'getting into character' May accidentally break your costume / props when pretending to attack you, etc

>> No.7416775


>The Ego Tripper
one time there was this pretty okay madoka panel i went to and the poor host had it hijacked by people who thought they were ~*~experts~*~ on panels because they were on a homestuck ask panel. it goes without saying that it quickly went to shit and i felt so sorry for the original host

>> No.7416788

>The weeaboo who sings shitty and is trying to become a japanese-style idol

>> No.7416796

>the shameless
The person who thinks they can be LOL so randumb XD because it's an anime convention.

>the "friend"
The person who leaves you behind as soon as they find some new people to hang out with.

>> No.7416810
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>Dealer Room Fiend
My friend's one of these types and last year when I saw their haul it actually hurt me to think of how much they had spent that weekend. My stomach was in knots as I mentally totaled up how much they had dropped on completely pointless shit. They probably could've bought a round-trip plane ticket to Japan with that money if they wanted to.

>> No.7416815

Ahah! Oversharer that's me! Let the word vomit commence

>> No.7416829

>The Hermit
Spends the vast majority of the con up in the hotel room, away from the con, or playing in the game room all alone.

>The Ghost
Comes to the convention without a badge and attempts to partake in as much as they can without paying a dime. Either brags about this or complains about the convention "not having a whole lot going on."

>The Empty Threatener
Something at the convention will go not the way they want, typically inconveniencing them slightly (eg not having a certain game in the game room). They react by bashing the convention all over various social media pages, claiming they will never return to the convention ever again, but then be seen the next year.

>> No.7416835

>The Attention Hog
Cousin to The Ego Tripper, The Attention Hog finds their home in front of a panel. This person craves the spotlight and wants to outshine the rest of the people giving the panel. They feel the need to add their opinion to EVERYTHING said and will sometimes steal the microphone away from the main presenter so they can recite some stupid internet joke/meme or yell about their hott yaoi ships. Often will completely derail the panel and ruin it for everybody by either making it go overtime without achieving the point, or simply getting so off topic that people give up and leave.

>> No.7416856

If I had a dollar for every Hetalia panelist I've seen that's done this...

>The "Let's Check Out A Clip!"
Will have a panel about any given subject, but the entire event is nothing but Youtube clips from whatever series they're talking about. Sometimes the panelist will even tell you blow-by-blow what happens in said clips, then will play them for you immediately after. 4 minutes or more (per clip) of scenes from anime that came out more than ten years ago. Most come to the panel to learn something new or insightful and are left with pure disappointment.

>The PowerPoint Prince(ss)
Reads directly from the slides robotically, never adding anything else or speaking from experience unless it's written on the slide.

>The "Aren't You A Little Too Old To Be Cosplaying That?"
When somebody who is way too old tries to pull off a cosplay of a little kid. The worst offenders in my experience have been Vanellope cosplayers. I have yet to see someone over the age of 15 pull her off well.

>The Deadpool
Despite the name, many can fit into this category. If a character is canonically loud/crazy/a jerk, then that means they can be like that in the con, right? They're just acting in character lololol!

>> No.7416908

>The OTPer

'oh my god you guys are cosplaying my OTP, will you make out?' or equally sees you cosplaying the same series or fandom and approaches you to get a photo 'Hey anon this is my OTP' then proceeds to molest you/ follows you around the convention referring to you by character name only

>> No.7417044
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>> No.7417054

I was this once but in an interesting light - saw some people cosplaying a pairing I REALLY like so I asked for a picture. Didn't make any mention of me liking the pairing but they immediately asked me "do you want us to make out?" I was a bit startled and said no thats fine (didn't really feel comfortable with it) but they ended up making out anyways....it was interesting

>> No.7417220

I'm a Hermit, mostly. And Hoarder.

>The Comment Fishers
Their costumes look passable, but always abloobloo about how it could've been better. If you agree with them, they get upset.

>> No.7417272

>The Deadpool

Or they claim to be an authority on a character despite only seeing out of context pictures on memebase and videos of someone else acting silly as that character at another convention

>> No.7418112


that happened to me too once.

I just saw a couple people cosplaying from a series I liked and when I asked for a pic they were like "Do you ship us?" and I said well I'm fine with it.
Then they kissed for my pic.

I thought it was funny they brought it up long before I would have thought of it.

>> No.7418120

i may or may not have been a lost puppy

but fuck you i was just trying to be "social"

>> No.7418225

I'm guilty of some of these, like the One Pose Pony, the Lost Puppy, and the Hermit.

>> No.7418263

>Unlicensed Cosplay Guru
A cosplayer who has spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at materials and methods to use them. Reads and watches tons of tutorials and videos. Praised by non-cosplayer or novice cosplayer friends as the one with a shit ton of experience and knowledge... even though they've only done less than 3 cosplays over several years.

>The Victim
Almost always a girl. Something *always* has to go wrong at the convention. Even the most minor thing will be blown way out or proportion. She'll always make it look like she was the sole victim even if the event affected a lot of people. Victims are also very commonly seen crying online (and only online) about the PTSD they developed from the "sexual harassment" of one drunk guy making one lewd comment once over the entire weekend and will never ever be seen again.

>The Furry Bro
Everyone hates furries because they're self-entitled whiny delusional fucks, right? Well this furry is an absolute fucking bro. Sure, they like to RP animals and have wild online sex with other people roleplaying animals, but they're probably the most laid back people you have ever seen, and their fursuit is far more well made than that bitchy, pretentious FotM cosplayer. Loves parties, loves people, and will make you have a good time.

>The Human Klein Bottle
These people are lodged so far up their own ass they're a scientific anomaly. They may either be the bitchy types no one wants to be around, or they may be nice but have an unfortunately large ego. You can bet they'll be making at least one post a month on your con's forums or FB group talking about their plans or other "look at me!" stuff. The bitchy types tend to throw massive shitfits about things the con is doing that they don't like, but their cries for mutiny are met with cricket chirps or loud boo'ing. The nicer types might constantly step on someone else's toes without realizing it and act like con staff, but end up getting praised by idiots.

>> No.7418269

>The Thorn
This is someone in your convention crew who probably rooms with you a lot. They are not your friend, and you just want them to fuck off, but your other friends keep them around for whatever reason. Maybe they're a huge douchebro who happens to have the money for the hotel room. Maybe they're a massive perv with no boundaries, but they give the girls in your con crew free iPhones and burando. Whatever it is, the only way you'll ever get rid of them is pushing them off a bridge or finding another con crew.

>The Gargantuan Fucking Idiot
This person does everything a hyperactive 14-year-old would do... but they're in their twenties or older so they can legally drink. They're commonly responsible for trashing hotels and breaking elevators. They're banned from more hotels or cons than you can count on one hand. If it's past 5 o' clock and they're not drunk or high off their ass and wandering around the con floor, something is terribly wrong.

>The Token Black Guy
Pretty self explanatory. You have to have this guy at every con you go to for his awesome-itude factor.

>Hotel Juggernaut
Why are all the towels all over the bathroom floor and soaked with fruit punch? Why is there a wig in the mini fridge? Why are the couches and blankets assembled into a fort in the middle of the room? Is that paint or dye all over the tub? Better leave a bottle of Scotch with the tip for room service...

>> No.7418353

>>The Determined Scatterbrain
Fuck, that's definitely me. I only go to 2 cons a year and they're both in the same month so I have a lot of time to think of what to do, I had switched who I wanted to cosplay 4 times and now I finally found one that I'm committing to. I have random fabrics and some clothing for 2 of the cosplays and a big metal arm the width of a trash can lid from a different one I was thinking of doing sitting in my room. At least I wear the skirt from the one abandoned cosplay sometimes.

>> No.7418389

>The Empty Promise
That one cosplayer who makes a huge deal about what they plan on cosplaying as, is very vocal about their "research" but ultimately ends up not cosplaying at all for whatever reason.

>> No.7418408

>The Furry Bro
this is a friend of mine. he's sweet.
he really has shit taste in men though. all his ex boyfriends have been jerks.

>> No.7418427

If anything, it means I need to make a site that will ban feminism as it makes some users uncomfortable.

>> No.7418458

If I had a fucking dollar for every one of these types I knew I could probably actually pay for all of my cosplays.

>> No.7418474

I have a friend that absolutely loves movies like V for Vendetta and always ends up cosplaying embarrassing characters (e.g. V, Neo) without being aware of the fact that it's an internet thing.

>> No.7418727

>The Flirtatious Special Snowflake
"Yes I'm a girl! Yes I play video games!" This type craves attention and will make sure that EVERYONE knows that they play video games, especially if it's something like League of Legends. Will sometimes dress provocatively and talk shit with males, acting like one of the guys. May cosplay LoL and other popular game franchise characters at cons, but not necessarily out of love for the character. Will flirt like mad with anybody that glances at them, even though they have no intention of hooking up or leaving the con with a significant other. Thrives on attention, but doesn't care about those giving it to them. "Silly boys! I don't need you! You all only want what you can't have, which is me~!! Hehe! ;)"

>The Kids That Don't Know Kinks
Often found in the vendors room at booths selling anything with chains or leather. These types can't understand why booths are selling heavy leather dog collars and leashes, but "Hey! That's pretty cool! You can be like a real Inu nyow!" Primarily teens, these underage kids buy these products and lead their friends around, probably completely unawares to the other meaning that such things hold. Oh well, at least they're enjoying it, right?

>The Totally Inappropriate Vendor
Forget the yaoi and hentai sellers... What the hell is this guy over here doing selling Nazi memorabilia? Are you even serious right now? Who okayed this? Just leave, Sir! This is horribly offensive!

>> No.7419079

I was like that before. Most of the time I was like that resulted from college eating up money faster than I predicted.

>> No.7419360

>The Wetzel
The asshole who stirs up shit with the hotel by trying to book as many rooms as possible and/or are incredibly open about stuffing as many people into a room as they can.

>> No.7420146

>Fuck it! Labels are gay for soup cans!

>> No.7420173

>Dealer Room Fiend
Most of my friends at their first con. It's really sad, half the stuff they buy could be found online for half the price including shipping. One friend spent $150 on those blind box phone charms. It was terrible, at most all of them were probably worth $40.

>> No.7420541
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>The CharPair
Finds out you're cosplaying a certain character and immediately publicly or secretly changes their plans to match up to your character's biggest pairing. Usually in hopes to get makeout or BFF pics with you, then proceeds to think that carries over into real life.

>The Perfection
That one person throughout the con that keeps lowkey enough to not draw too much attention to themselves, but has gorgeous craftsmanship on every costume and is actually friendly to people. As rare to catch as a Dedenne.

I giggled.

>> No.7420922

>The Missing Piece
This cosplayer always ends up choosing characters that no one cosplays yet groups need. Quality is good enough to be invited to other's photoshoots. Actual personality depends on the individual so use discretion if you want to have them be a friend friend or just use them when you see them at cons

>The Photo Hoarder
Always shows up without fail to any cosplay event and carrying a camera that's more expensive than the average norm. You've tried using small talk to get photos but after the next few meet ups you given up on seeing them. Now you just ignore the person as you are somewhat afraid of what those photos will be used for,

>The Status Tagger
In an effort to get more people to comment on their status, this individual will tag each and every person that they see. Doesn't matter if you actually held a conversation with them or they saw you walking in the hallway, you will join the 50+ person status update come the convention's end.

>The Photo Hunter
You don't know how they do it or where they get the time but this individual manages to dig up the most uncommon and unseen photos of you during the con and tags your name. Quality depends on blurry hall shot to really good photos so its a real crapshoot. While you love their diligence and are touched with how they're going out of their way to help, you do wish they would be a bit more selective with their findings.

>> No.7420923

Holy Jesus this quote.

>> No.7420925

We all know that want to be singer

>> No.7420997

> The Gamer
They show up to cons with the sole or at least main intent of gaming, either by way of handheld gaming (mainly 3DS games like Pokemon) or tabletop gaming (usually there are gaming rooms with tabletop and card games going on).

> The Repeater
They may only have a few cosplays and will probably either wear one to a convention twice, or just cycle through whatever few cosplays they have. They could just be working on other cosplays in the meantime, or they are either too lazy or lacking the money to make or buy more cosplays.

...I am sort of guilty of the latter.

>> No.7421035

>The flirtatious special snowflake
Fuck man, I had a friend like that once. She played Halo so she had to mention that to every guy around.

> The shy girl
She is probably in a full cosplay, but way to shy to make contact with anyone. If people are excited about her cosplay she just nods and smiles.

> The whiny POC
Whines how there are almost no POC anime characters to cosplay. When you give her/him some to look at they will just shake their head and say how that is character is ''too light/too dark'' in skintone and continue their whining

> The Overenthusiast
He or she will bomb you will youtube clips, and a string of fangirl/boy rants if you cosplay their favorite character. Prepare to just stand around waiting till they are finished talking for a long long time.

> The Photobomber
That one friend in the group that isn't in cosplay, but demands to be in every picture you take.

>> No.7421074
File: 55 KB, 717x508, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The Photo Hoarder

I hate that person. I was traveling across the country to a con and met an awesome person cosplaying my love interest. My camera had died not 5 mins before and this older grandpa looking dude said he would take photos for us. We got some very sweet poses and then I got NOTHING. That was like 5 yrs ago and I am STILL mad.

>> The Repeater

I am this person and I am not sorry. I make solid costumes that can be worn for years after I made them so if I decide to round out my new costumes with one from a couple years ago I'll do it. I prefer to do it at a con that hasn't seen that particular costume but not always.

>> No.7421289

>The Missing Piece
you mean the black character

>> No.7421326

....There ARE almost no POC anime characters to cosplay. As for the too light/dark thing, I've not seen that much in discussions of diversity. There has always been a glorifying of lightness in african american history ("lighter" but still not white skin being regarded higher than darker skin), but I rarely have ever seen this brought up regarding cosplay

>> No.7421334

> POC anime characters to cosplay.

Stop cosplaying from anime

>> No.7421338

>assumes I am poc because I say something in their favor, cant possibly just be concerned for other human beans

>> No.7421893

You have good intentions, anon. I'm sure your fellow beans are grateful for it.

>> No.7422135
File: 63 KB, 640x427, animal-photobombs-bonus-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Photobomber

I have a friend like this and they're the most annoying thing ever. Sometimes my friends and I will get some really excellent cosplay shots, and then we review them later and there's our friend in the background doing something retarded with this stupid grin plastered on their face. They demand to constantly be the center of attention and it's annoying as hell. Luckily they're almost always within decent cropping distance or else we can photoshop them out, but I really wish they'd simply have the decency to not butt in, if only to save editing time. Normal photobombing is bad enough with them; We don't need it in our cosplay photos too.

>> No.7422145

did you know Asian people are considered poc.

>> No.7422240

It would be nice if there were more, for representation purposes, but when it comes to cosplay just go ahead and racebend it's NBD. (I, too, hardly ever run into people actually /complaining/ about this...like sometimes people who are younger will ask for suggestions, but I've never heard "help, I literally cannot find a POC to cosplay.")

>> No.7422670

I know how you feel. I was cosplaying from Vocaloid once and met some of the other Vocaloids, so we thought it would be cool to make some group shots as a complete set of vocaloids. And this one friend that was in closet cosplay (honestly, I had no idea it was cosplay, until she told me it was) demanded to be in their too. Luckily we could just crop her out.

>> No.7422864


did you know referring to people as being "colored" or "of color" is stupid

>> No.7422879

I am a people of color.

The right color

>> No.7422881

Anime is from Japan you nutball, stop assuming that the rest of the world has the same priorities as you. Anime characters aren't white anyways, looking white isn't the same as being caucasian.

>> No.7422886

Why do they draw them as white tho?

They draw them all the same except the black guys and other Asians.

>> No.7422892

Because they're terrible at drawing for the most part. There's only a handful of styles that actually allow for enough variation in the face to get away from tubosameface. Protip: if the characters have hardly noticeable noses or if they are just a line or two, it's most likely a shitty artstyle, at least for facial drawings.

>> No.7422896

>The Lost Puppy

I'm scared of becoming this if my friends abandon me at AB all day Saturday like I think they will. Any suggestions for making friends at cons while not having to be fucking loud and annoying?

>> No.7422907

They don't. They draw them as pale. Japanese art since the 80s has been becoming much more diverse as far as hair, eyes, height etc. They're not meant to look "white" how many white people do you see with bright pink hair? They have large eyes, pale and smaller, youthful features to reflect Japan's beauty standards. Having diverse hair and eye colors allows for artists to be lazy and give ever character the same facial features, even darker skinned girls look exactly the same as the other girls beside them. It's also much easier to build a color template for peach tones than darker ones(which end up with comical shading unless you really try)

I really hate when people read so much into anime, it's a lazy prepackaged artform. And why would Japan even care about "race representation" it's not important to their culture, society or sales margin in the slightest.

>> No.7422938

> why would Japan even care about "race representation" it's not important to their culture, society or sales margin in the slightest.


>> No.7426592

- Give people space
- If the group leaves for food or a photoshoot don't invite yourself to come with.

>> No.7426660

Oh, whoops that's me.

>> No.7427135

>The Cosplay Girlfriends

Two girls that always cosplays duos from the flavor of the month.

2014 Frozen - Prettier girl cosplays Anna, other girl cosplays Elsa.

2013 Madoka Magicka - Prettier girl cosplays Madoka, other girl cosplays Homura

2012 MLP - Prettier girl cosplays Rainbow Dash, other girl cosplays Rarity

2011 Panty and Stocking - Prettier girl cosplays Panty, other girl cosplays Stocking

>> No.7427161


So what happens when both of them aren't pretty like with Mostflogged/Tatto?

>> No.7427424

I'm a "One Pose Pony!" Yay.

>> No.7427514

2014 Kill la Kill - Slutty one cosplays Ryuko, ugly one cosplays Satsuki
2013 Dingle Granpa - Slutty one cosplays Junko, ugly one cosplays Celes
2012 Madoka - Slutty one cosplays Mami, ugly one cosplays Sayaka.
2011 PSG- Slutty one is Panty, ugly one is Stocking.

>> No.7427679
File: 225 KB, 900x1172, Otakon-1999-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Secret Master of Fandom

Aging Morlocks who labor in the dark. Our Staff shirt is our only cosplay, and we've worn the same one every year -- for the past decade.

Someday, maybe a qt314 cosplayer will hug us. Maybe next year.

>> No.7427997
File: 79 KB, 720x960, madoka-homura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


theory checks out

>> No.7428004

She's not ugly, just fat. I'd say she has a cuter face than the Madoka, actually.

>> No.7428033

Typical knighting for your fellow fatass, huh?

The girl has gross looking rosacea shit going on, a piggish nose, and looks like a fat boy in this costume due to how her face is shaped. Really, it looks like some effeminate fat guy shaved his face and put on eye shadow.

>> No.7428038

She has a beautiful face

>> No.7428041

If you like pigs, dear. If you like pigs. I wouldn't put a bag over it's head and fuck it. But, yeah, feel free to keep knighting for it because it's close to how you probably look and you want to feel like guys are attracted.

>> No.7428043

Why are you so angry, holy shit, all I did was say they weren't ugly, just fat. What do you mean typical? You don't even know me.
I think that rosacea shit you're referring to is blush. I also don't see this piggish nose that you're talking about.

What is your problem? Why are you so enraged?

>> No.7428045

>being this fucking mad

Seriously, dude, it's like you're actively trying to get ulcers.

>> No.7428044


>> No.7428047

Maybe it's just hilarious that fatties now get a free pass for being unattractive when they were once scorned for being so hideous until they got their fat selves into shape. Not that farfetched of an idea. I mean, they're pretty disgusting and possess every health condition known to man as an excuse as to why exercise and eating healthy is impossible for them.

Lol dem Wal-Mart scooter riders and fat Rikkus.

>> No.7428049

>implying that simply typing a post causes ulcers
>being this fucking stupid that you'd even try to pretend that there's a correlation in order to make a post sound witty


>> No.7428050


People are fat and fat is gross, but you can't deny facial aesthetics. You have to learn to look past the fat. Did anybody say that being fat was good? I'll answer that question for you: no. Calm your tits.

All we're saying is that she isn't ugly. There's really no need to make such a huge fucking deal.

>> No.7428051

I thought you'd make a reply like that.

Typing won't cause ulcers. Being mad and stressed like you will.

>> No.7428057

I don't have to learn to look past shit, you fat enabling Tumblr fuck. Take that shit back to your mother ship and bitch about how unfair it is that certain clothing labels won't bother to make clothes for you to struggle your way into. I don't like porkers and her face isn't beautiful to me. This is a disgusting looking person and they must smoke some good shit if they looked in the mirror at themselves, in this costume, and thought, "N-NEE SAN I-I'M SO KAWAII JUST L-LIKE HOMURA CH-CHAN SUGOIIIIIIII!!!!!1!!!1!! XDDDD"

Nah, dudeski. People like you are the problem, because once upon a time these people were mocked until they got themselves into shape as opposed to now, where they can get hugboxed until they shit out heart shaped turds for being disgusting.

>> No.7428064

Just like I knew that you'd make a reply like that, because you're too retarded to understand what you said and what I was pointing out.

Learn that people can type shit in a certain manner without actually being "mad". It'll do you wonders when you realize that the world isn't so black and white.

Now, go hurl more karma style comebacks at me. I'll wait. Predict my future because you know everything.

>> No.7428072

Wow, you're making such a huge difference in everyone's lives by getting mad that someone is fat on an anonymous message board.
Why would I argue about clothing labels? You don't know what I argue for. I'm anonymous; you don't know shit about me. Stop these straw man arguments.

>> No.7428074

>no u

>> No.7428084

youre so mad its hilarious

>> No.7428086


>being this fucking mad

>> No.7428133

Those guys in costumes that are inspired by famous pictures on the internet and are often not nearly as charming or funny as the source. The drunken Avengers come to mind

>The Dead Group
That mixed group of friends that just seem to be having a horrible time. Usually part cosplaying, part not.

>The I'm Not Totally Sure You're Cosplaying person
That person wearing something that seems normal, yet slightly modified in such a way that they might be a character.

>The Person That Was Dragged Along
Usually not even into anime or so entry level that the con is just an enormous, bizarre culture shock to them. Often staring at lewd cosplays, and look overwhelmed

>tfw my group is always the Dead Group

>> No.7428211

also in the dead group. I feel like we should grab the best cosplayer from each dead group and just have a party. There's two of us in my group.

>> No.7428214

>The Deadpool
Fuck this guy

>> No.7428258

>tfw I'm the only living one in my dead group

T-take me in, anon

>> No.7428956

completely off topic but ulcers aren't caused by stress, they're caused by H pylori infections

>> No.7428974
File: 29 KB, 350x525, cupcakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No comment

>> No.7428979

>Frosty the snowman...
Holy shit, it's like she is also the background.

>> No.7428984
File: 47 KB, 400x248, 400px-H.pylori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wooo h pylori! The guy who discovered it was pretty badass too.

However, I think because awareness increased since then, the incidence of ulcers caused by h. pylori has declined from being 80% of the cause of oesophageal ulcers down to around 40%. They still cause a majority of duodenal ulcers though (60%).

Uh, that was really OT, sorry.

>> No.7428985


Shit. I need to proofread more.

I blame the conspicuous lack of complete sentences in my review books as the reason.

>> No.7428988

Of course the fatter one is always Elsa or Hamura. The girls who choose those characters are the stupid cunts who want to play up the whole drama of, I ARE SOOOO MISUNDERSTOOOODDD!1!11! N DARRKKK!1! NOT HAPPY AND PRETTY PINKU OR SINGING FOR ME NO IM MISUNDERSTOOOODDDDD!1!!1!1!!1

>> No.7429000
File: 333 KB, 289x149, 1370113228966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you need to calm the fuck down.

>> No.7429001

Overly sensitive.

>> No.7429008
File: 584 KB, 1386x1047, 1382949103901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't that much of an absurd notion. There are plenty of girls in the community who cosplay as characters that they claim to identify with when they actually don't. Look at all of the Daenerys cosplayers from GoT; A lot of them haven't read the books and go on to insist that they're so much like Daenerys and that's why they chose her. It's p obvious that a lot of the more homely looking girls choose the misunderstood characters in order to feel like the Elphaba of the pair so that the prettier girl gets flack, even if she's a kind person.

Pretty manipulative tactic.

>> No.7429053
File: 14 KB, 267x200, glenda_and_alphaba_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't even know people cosplayed Wicked, and yet... still applies

>> No.7429063
File: 127 KB, 728x485, 20c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, they do. And, just you wait-- When that movie comes out, they'll be everywhere. Just like there's already photo manips of Elsa as Elphaba and Anna as Glinda because durrhurr Idina was boff. XDDDD

>> No.7429068
File: 176 KB, 606x455, 1.164950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my roommate and I are planning on cosplaying Wicked for Halloween and possibly to a convention. I'm planning on going as Glinda and making a lolita-esque dress of pic-related

>> No.7429087

>posting photo of inferior Galinda actress

>> No.7429095

Or maybe they cosplay the homlier characters because - wait wait hear me out - they're homely themselves?
I think people tend to identify with characters they look like even if the personality isn't 100%. It's why I like girlish blondes and why Bella was such an effective protagonist for the billions of average brown-haired girls reading it. It's why Sailor Jupiter is cosplayed by slightly athletic brown-haired chicks and Mercury gets cosplayed by short haired girls with glasses. I think you're reading way too much into this.

>> No.7429105

Way to completely miss the point of what was written. Yes, they cosplay the homely characters who are misunderstood because they feel homely and misunderstood. And, just because you haven't been in the midst of such a bitch tactic doesn't mean that it doesn't and has not happened. Elphaba is a character that is described in the book as being not nearly as attractive as the rest of the cast, yet maintains a sort of odd beauty about her. Obviously, some dumpy looking girl is going to read that and fancy herself as such when she's not exotic or a different sort of beauty, but unmotivated and homely looking.

Jupiter has also been cosplayed by brown skinned Asians and Mexicans and I've seen plenty of fat Mercury cosplayers.

It isn't "reading too much into it" if you've been within this community long enough to have known of and befriended these types of people. Just because you never experienced it doesn't make it not real. It's as if you've never heard of people like Usagi Kou.

>> No.7429114
File: 290 KB, 499x280, 1394831394547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons imagining a vast fat girl conspiracy to make themselves more sympathetic

>> No.7429111

I'd still fuck it.

>> No.7429117

>tfw when I don't shave often but go to cons to buy prints, have a good time and go home

what else do you want from me :)

>> No.7429121

I get the feeling you're projecting.

>> No.7429122

>this never happened to me, but if it happened to someone else they must be lying

The narcissism is strong.

>> No.7429123
File: 166 KB, 640x480, 33239156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even know what that word means? Holy crap, people. I post about something that I had a former friend do to me and suddenly it's projecting. It's as if nobody on this board has heard of friends, anecdotes, or leaving their homes.

>> No.7429128

Hahah I imagine it being like the "gay conspiracy"
>9 am: eat breakfast
10 am: tumblr
11 am: shop online for cute fatty clothes
12 pm: lunch
1 pm: make shapewear for new costume
2pm: systematically undermine thinner friends by choosing to cosplay uglier but ultimately sympathetic characters based on the shaky premise that people will will be more attracted to cosplays of said misunderstood characters than the pretty, good-looking, thin cosplayers, and that everyone treats cosplayers based solely on the personality of the character they're portraying
3pm: snack and starbucks!

>> No.7429129

>accuses others of narcissism

>> No.7429131

People use the word so much without knowing what it actually means. It's like SJWs and "whitewashing". Or any hipster ever and "web 2.0"

>> No.7429132

>choosing to cosplay uglier but ultimately sympathetic characters based on the shaky premise that people will will be more attracted to cosplays of said misunderstood characters than the pretty, good-looking, thin cosplayers, and that everyone treats cosplayers based solely on the personality of the character they're portraying

When it's a fat, dumpy Mexican that everyone coddles and enables because she's constantly portraying Fluttershy even out of costume and faking stuttering. Yeah, it happened. And, I was alienated from my entire group because of that.

>> No.7429133

Where in any of my posts did I claim that this was rampant? Find those exact words.

>> No.7429139

>there are plenty of girls
>Look at all the Daenerys
>It's p obvious that a lot of the
>mfw rampant means "widespread"
>mfw you think you have to actually use a word to convey the same sentiment
You're so fucking stupid lol
And now you're

>> No.7429145


>> No.7429148

How is Fluttershy a homely character..? Have you even seen MLP?

>> No.7429151

So, because you choose to make "plenty of" translate to "rampant" and "widespread" in your own mind, I'm wrong? Please check your blood pressure. You're getting defensive as hell just because someone posted a thought of theirs, based off of personal experience. It's really sad that this is the only place that I know of that openly attacks someone's anecdote as if it's about themselves personally, with such frothing rage. Overly defensive, really.

Go make yourself a fluffernutter and calm down. Grab a dictionary while you're at it.

>> No.7429154

Just stepping into this because I'm enjoying the drama, but what the ever-loving fuck is a fluffernutter?

>> No.7429155

She isn't homely, but she's a victim complex character due to her painful "moe" nature. And, I have been amongst people (and a former friend) who have used the character's desu shy wah nature and easily manipulated Bronies in order to exploit situations for their own gain. They played that up and milked it to the very end until they vanished from the circle without a trace and, despite leaving a trail of inconsistencies and evidence of their lies, still have people crying about where they went.

Sorry, but no. It was a really shitty situation to have been a part of and it's even shittier when the people involved are so fixated on a character that you're being told that you "killed Flutter".

>> No.7429156

A peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich. I'm assuming that maybe where you live doesn't have marshmallow fluff in jars..?

>> No.7429161

It's not very common in England, no, but god damn that sounds good.
I'm going to hit up the nearest Americandy and get me some diabetes, I think.

>> No.7429166

Aaaaand this is why I accused you of projecting. Calling others narcissistic, but painting random cosplayers with a wide brush based on one personal anecdote. Calling me defensive, as though I'm the one being attacked by multiple people. Nitpicking over how a word is being used. You're too good, anon.
Alright, I'll stop it and just be straight. The crux of your idea that homely girls cosplay ugly, misunderstood characters to make pretty girls look bad is based on.. a girl you don't like who happens to be dumpy cosplaying one of the most popular and beautiful characters in the series that many fans relate to. And actually acting in character, which appeals to a lot of fans and is probably why people were paying attention to a "fat, dumpy mexican" and not you, who I'm guessing is the "pretty girl" in this scenerio.
In reality, probably what actually happened: you're not as pretty as you think you are, your costume looked like shit, and/or you have the personality of a jealous doorknob. That's why fattershy got more attention then you.
Does that hit home at all?

>> No.7429168

Ah, I see. I remember having to explain to someone in England what pizza rolls are, too.

>> No.7429170

>Sorry, but no. It was a really shitty situation to have been a part of and it's even shittier when the people involved are so fixated on a character that you're being told that you "killed Flutter".
I think maybe not hanging out with lunatics would help.

>> No.7429174

Projecting would be if I were a fat, homely girl myself and getting angry at others for behavior that I actually exhibit. Yet, by my posts, that isn't the case. Again, you really don't seem like you know what projection means or you were misinformed as to what it means.

Explaining my situation is defensive now? You're the one labeling things as something that they aren't in order to fit whatever personal agenda you have against my posts, dude. I made a post, suggesting something and even another person brought it to light. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, yourself and others (or samefagging, for all that I know. Is pretty likely.) became indignant. If you're not homely or my former friend in question, then there's no need for you to carry on with a tantrum like a child in a supermarket. Instead, you're twisting words and trying to play psychic with a stranger on the internet because it sounds as if what I posted hit home for YOU. Otherwise, why would you be trying this hard to pinpoint me as the bad guy?

The jar is waiting and so is Lifetime. Go calm down. I forgive you.

>> No.7429179

I learned my lesson and I learned it the hard way. I didn't realize that they were as bad as they turned out to be. We don't speak anymore, but three people of that group did walk away and have taken my side because the former friend was becoming relentless down the road with trying to put together some hate crusade. Nobody wants to be part of a disagreement that didn't involve them and I don't blame them.

>> No.7429194

Well damn it, you've exposed my plan. Now I can't cosplay ugly girls to make pretty girls feel bad anymore! I would have gotten away with it, too!

Truthfully, though, it bothers me when I see people applying generalizations based on limited personal experiences or observations. I think it bothers most people, when they notice it. I think if you'd said anything the lines of "(group of people) cosplay (type of character) for (manipulative reason)" you would have gotten a shitstorm.

>> No.7429197

>I would have gotten away with it, too!

If it weren't for those meddling kids?

>> No.7429207

Or rather, "some (group of people) sometimes cosplay (type of character) for (manipulative reason)" since I know you are an autist and are going to wail about how you never said every cosplayer ever does it and I have to find that exact statement in your posts. /facepalm

>> No.7430358

Leave, newfag.

>> No.7433264
File: 118 KB, 480x640, 1356718929210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita version!

> Fandom Lolita
Really loves some fandom and lolita. Tries mixing them. Usually has bottom tier sewing skills so it comes out like a closet cosplay meets closet lolita.

> Ebay/Milanoo Lolita
Found a cheap black x white monstrosity that they over paid for and coorded with cat ears and fishnets. Usually has late 1990's anime maid-lolita as their baseline for what lolita is.

> The Frightened Newbie Lolita
Generally thinks that there is a terrifying creature called the brandwhore out there judging them and goes on the defensive if anyone comments on what they are wearing. Awkwardly doesn't realize people wearing solid/lesser known brand pieces are wearing brand and vents their fears of brandwhores to them.

>The Replica-chan lol-ita
Totally missed that lolita is a fashion. Slides up to cute lolita and demands photos with them because they are twins.

> The AP Clone
Full head-to-toe Angelic Pretty Coord with a colorful wig. Happy to point out that everything they are wearing is AP (but probably has on SS shoes.).

>> No.7433357

>The Walking Pricetag
"Oh hi, ladies! Oh, this new dress? Totally a steal at $200 nwt."

(accidentally did this at my first meetup)

>> No.7433374
File: 6 KB, 268x188, planterspeanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so nutty about racial equality? But you raise one valid point: yes, asians are considered POC and are obv included in anime, but it would be nice if there were some other people too. Also not anime is made in japan/about japanese society anymore. Thirdly: japan can be racist as fuck if you haven't noticed

>> No.7433407

>The Moitie diva
There's always one girl from head to toe in the most expensive moitie stuff. She's usually older than the rest and hates photoshoots

>The Passive-Aggressive Newbie Lolita
Shows up, is dressed like emo is still a thing, sits there for hours and doesn't talk to anyone. Days later she complains about "bitchy brandwhores who treated her like shit because of her unique style" in every online community she can find. Never realizes that she was the one who never initiated a conversation but expected everyone to kiss her butt just for showing up.

>The "Is-Wa Lolita still a thing?!?"

>> No.7433425

>The "Is-Wa Lolita still a thing?!?"
I like how this one is presented without comment.

>> No.7433427

>Totally missed that lolita is a fashion.
There's a reason why it's in /cgl/ and not in /fa/. It's a costume.

>> No.7433430


>yes, asians are considered POC and are obv included in anime, but it would be nice if there were some other people too.
See >>7422938


>Also not anime is made in japan/about japanese society anymore.

Slow down there. You nearly made a sentence that was utter nonsense grammatically there. Breathe, and think before you write.

>> No.7433443

>The Rockabilly Lolita
Almost certainly a landwhale, insisting that her Hellbunny dress, shitty victory rolls (in hair dyed either jet black or some loud, unnatural colour with Manic Panic), and horn-rimmed glasses are totally lolita. Will probably mention her burlesque act at some point if engaged in conversation (not recommended)

>> No.7433442

I'm not that anon, but it is completely obvious what they meant in that second part. They just dropped the "all" in "not all anime".

>> No.7433447 [DELETED] 


I know it made enough sense to me, but I didn't realise it was "not all anime" and thought they missed an entire phrase or something.

I know I'm slow today, but hey, it's not enough to ask for good grammar on this site anymore?

>> No.7433450


I know it made enough sense to me, but I didn't realise it was "not all anime" and thought they missed an entire phrase or something.

I know I'm slow today, but hey, they really should slow down when typing. But hey, it's too much to ask for okay grammar on this site now?

>> No.7433453

Just like how pokemon isn't a video game and mlp isn't a tv show!

>> No.7433520

MLP isn't a tv show.

It's a religion.

>> No.7434862

Man, designated con attendee describes me at my first con perfectly, down to the wig and T-shirt. I didn't go with a Drama Bomb though, more like a mix of a Too Cool for Anime School group and Homestucks.

Nowadays I'm more of a Hoarder, since I don't actually enjoy cosplaying but I like to take the excuse to wear something fancier than everyday and go in lolita. Plus I got rid of all my fandom T-shirts because they were obnoxious, so it's either go in lolita or go looking like a total casual.

>> No.7434885

>>The Underage Drinker
This isn't even underage in my country (legal at 18, not gonna get bothered by police as long as you're over 16) and people still don't tend to drink at cons.

>> No.7434900

Shit, I always feel sorry for The Orphan. Worse if it's combined with The Lost Puppy because their friends actually didn't come, not just didn't come in cosplay, and then they latch onto anyone cosplaying the same show.

>> No.7434905

>>The 9gagger
Replace "lurking /b/ for 2 months with" "have heard of /b/" and you'll have a more accurate description of most of these kids.

>> No.7434920

>>The Deadpool
Is everyone else having worse experiences than me? There were five people cosplaying Deadpool at the last con I went to and none of them acted like a jerk, they just cracked terrible jokes and posed for photos with a ton of congoers. They all seemed like pretty decent guys.

>> No.7434930

Man, it's like we could be talking about the same guy. I, too, know a cool furry with a series of abusive past relationships.

>> No.7434953

I'd rather see decent cosplays repeated than a load of different half-assed ones.

>> No.7434987

You can buy marshmallow fluff here but you have to get it from American import shops at like 8x the original price (where things like Butterfingers are sold for the equivalent of $3). More supermarkets are starting to have an "American" section, like how they have an "Oriental" and "Polish" section, but it's still way overpriced.

>> No.7434996

I see so fucking many of these. To be fair, some of them are actually going for rockabilly rather than lolita and then get immediately jumped on by lolitas assuming they're trying to do lolita.

>> No.7435002

No they're not, anon. Rockabilly is shit anyways so why are you defending it?

>> No.7435018

>The Little Bro/Sis
Begged and whined to go to con but only allowed to go to con on the condition that they're supervised at all times by their older sibling. Sometimes immediately ditched and left to either annoy or be predated on by other congoers, sometimes follows siblings group of friends around all day, forcing them to keep all conversations and activities PG-13.

>The Seifuku and Wig
Impossible to tell which series they're cosplaying as, as there are approximately a million SoL moe anime featuring characters with the hairstyle and colour of the wig they're wearing and these people always buy generic seifuku off the Internet rather than trying to actually match theirs to the one in the series they're cosplaying. Bonus points if they're not actually cosplaying at all but think seifuku are some kind of cute tumblr fashion.

>> No.7435026

You think? There's a bigger rockabilly/vintage scene in my city than a lolita one (we don't even have a comm), so I'd assume they're going for the former. And I'm not trying to defend it, I don't wear it and I don't like it.

>> No.7435076


>i live in a desillusionnal self-centered world

>> No.7440234

you know they have these threads but about gun cons at /k/ as well?
holy shit, you're a retard

>> No.7444997

>The Road Blockade
This was nearly me when I was planning a stilts-requiring cosplay before I realised doors.

>> No.7445078

>The ''I didn't know my prop was not allowed''
Will bring a quite realistic gun/sword with her, even though the con rules state that you can only bring realistic props into the photoshoot area. Then whines if said prop is taken away by security, because ''It is just a plastic kiddie toy, waaaa''

>> No.7445079

>I can personally name a number of people that fit under these types
That's like saying you know black people who like fried chicken and watermelon.

>"all deyz ragheads is terrorists"
>Jamal, you can't say shit like that.
>"wut u talkin about"
>Jamal, what if I told you all black people like fried chicken and watermelon?
>"dey do tho"
>"oh lawd, dat's good eatin'"
Fucking Jamal. Last time I heard from him was a couple years ago, he asked me if I'd make meth for him. Haven't heard from him since.

>> No.7445084

>The Lost Puppy
Oh god I had one of these follow me around a con once. She even followed me into the bathroom and wanted to come inside my hotel room.