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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7413965 No.7413965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /cgl. Im taking a few steps out of lurk mode to ask what i think is a relative question since there is a large lolita base here.

>ITT: Does anyone else collect tea pots?

As the other weirder military anon said, ive taken a shine to the more delicate things in life, but for me it comes in the way of china and tea sets. I only have two Japanese sets, the rest being European, but they are hand painted and hand made. The one pictured is one i actually picked up yesterday at a dusty little antique shop. I loved how it looked, and that it was a functional clay pot, so i nabbed it right up for the light sum of 15 bucks.

Does anyone else like tea sets?

>> No.7413976
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larger picture

>> No.7413979
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Heres a more delicate one that i keep under wraps i the extreme fear that i will get broken. 46 piece set, even the suger bowel is hand painted. Got this for a tidy 10 dollars at an auction, a finger duster said it was worth 300+

>> No.7413985

i really should have wiped the dust off, didnt have the right cloth and was afraid to damage the paint

>> No.7413986


I want a really nice china set when i'm older and more settled. Very beautiful china, anon. Do you break it out often?

>> No.7413987

>lolitas like tea so teapots are /cgl/ related
>weeb tea set that has nothing to do with lolita aesthetic

How the dumbfuck do you lolitards always end up shitposting like this? Do you have some sort of short-circuit in your brain when it comes to sorting lolita-related shit from unrelated shit?

There's fucking /ck/ next door if you want to have a circlejerk about your teapot collection.

>> No.7413992

No but i know a lot of them go to parties and such, and i always sees pictures of them with these massive china sets, these are just two i had on hand to post. Cage the womb rage.

I haven't had a reason in a long time to, but i used to all the time when friends came over for breakfast or lunch. As for now i have it all boxed up and protected untill i ETS

>> No.7413997


you can't eat china though

>> No.7413996

These are the ugliest granny sets i've ever seen. Also, reported for unrelated to /cgl/


>> No.7413999
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I just want a cabinet full of Christina Re cups. I wish that the tea pots came in a wider variety of colours and styles, though. I've only seen white and pink. I'd love a black or black and white stripe one.

>> No.7414000

>granny sets
>all tea sets not being granny sets


>> No.7414005

And does /cgl/ look like /china and glassware/ to you?

>> No.7414004

Ive seen a few of those, you have to prowl antique shops that offer a wife variety of time frames

>> No.7414008
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>sandy anons trying to stir up shit on an otherwise peaceful thread

OP, I've always wanted to buy every nice teapot I see but I can't justify spending money on them so I can clutter up my room more. I don't even like most teas. Maybe one day when I have actual spending money and space! I always really like the old victorian-esque granny ones I see at thrift stores.

>> No.7414015

Well, I'm looking for ones specifically from that designer for a match set. Her range on the pots and general service items is really limited. Pink or white only, like I said. Meanwhile, the cups themselves come in some really crazy colours.

>> No.7414021
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Yeah, same here! I was so tempted to buy some really pretty teacups at a thrift shop the other day. Then I remembered out apartment came with 40 cups+our 15 or so cups = holy shit cups cups cups.

I've been admiring the clear glass teasets for a while. Can anyone recommend a good brand?

>> No.7414027

My wife wasn't all that excited but she likes how they look. I plan on having a nice large glass cabinet where i can store them all in view of guests. The hardest part is when you find someone who KNOWS how much they are worth and you war it out between each other. Its awkward as fuck when you get into a vicious bidding war with Madam Hurkly. Its satisfying however when they pay extra for a 1960's English set and you mop it up with a Czechoslovakian set thats twice the item count

>> No.7414028

>shitposting is a-ok as long as I like the shitposting!

>> No.7414029

Brands are mostly the newer ones. Dont fall for the trap Teavanna sets out, go for the stronger glass varieties

>> No.7414037

I can't justify this post being here, but I do love teasets.

Mostly though, I appreciate them from afar - japanese traditional sets demand maintenance I can't bother to do, and I wouldn't have the opportunity to use a beautiful western set often either. I think having either would just depress me in the end!

>> No.7414041

Theres no where else to post tea sets anon. Ive tried other threads but everyone just shoots me down and says collecting tea pots is faggoty. So. Cgl.

> japanese traditional sets demand maintenance I can't bother to do, and I wouldn't have the opportunity to use a beautiful western set often either.

Its honestly not much to worry or fuss about. Its quite easy to take care of them, just a light washing with VERY soft soap and to make sure not to get any water on the outside of the pot.

>> No.7414046
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This is more or less my dream teapot.

I'm a bit hesitant on getting it, though. It's over 100 dollars.

>> No.7414045


Old dutch international is pretty okay.