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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7407414 No.7407414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Only three months to go, folks!

>cosplay plans
>complaints about the location

>> No.7407754
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>> No.7407779

I went to akon for the first time last year, and I must say it was really nice. Definitely not as stinky as afest is.
I took one of my friends and dropped her off with the Naruto nerds and was a little bit concerned but she ended up okay, but said it started getting weird when the ships came out.
My only complaint was some chick in the pre-reg line was bitching at one of the volunteers and I just felt really bad for her. She turned around as if she was going to bitch at us but saw one of my friends who's really big and buff and just sorta walked away.
Besides that, everyone was very friendly.

>> No.7407790
File: 112 KB, 944x440, ootorigroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ouran Group'll be hosting a panel this year. We hosted one at Afest last year and it was a pretty big hit. We're excited to see how many people turn out.

>> No.7407827

I don't know why, but I'm super excited for A-Kon this year. We'll just be chilling around Dallas on Friday/Sunday, but I'm looking forward to the con on Saturday. We really loved just browsing the art collection last year, but we didn't even get to see it all. Will definitely have to remedy that this year.

Also, I may just be excited because we won't be staying at the Hilton aka No Hairdryer Hotel. We stayed at the Sheraton across the street last year and had some of the best hotel service we've had in 9 years of attending cons. Definitely recommend that hotel! Very quick walk across the street to get to the entrance of the Hilton too.

>> No.7410543
File: 2.90 MB, 1253x1880, Touhou.full.1680445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty excited, doing Reimu and maybe someone from Double Dealing Character if I have time.

Hopefully I'll find the Touhou group this time; last year I only ran into a pair of brohous and a Yukari or two.

>> No.7410585
File: 1.49 MB, 500x281, 1377042385502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my fifth A-Kon, and I'm super excited!! This is probably the only con I'll be able to hit up this year, so I wanna make the most of it! I've got my coords more or less squared away but I'm trying to decide if I wanna go OTT at least for Saturday. Has anyone talked about a lolita meetup yet?

I really like the Anatole because it's a beautiful and spacious hotel, I just can't believe it was so crowded last year and I shudder to imagine how packed it will be by the time A-Kon's contract is up (wasn't it 5 years? I never heard for sure). Also I hope they actually try to hide/protect the artwork this year instead of leaving the degenerates to trash it like they did last year.

>> No.7410656

I am so fucking tired of going to this con. I've gone every year since 2007 and it's grown larger, more difficult to navigate, more crowded, and the staff has become bitchier. I've been volunteering since around '09, and if half my out of state friends didn't keep picking this con, I probably would have skipped this year.

...but I'm actually really excited for photoshoots. And group food trips.

>> No.7411326


Which staff did you volunteer for? Some are more relaxed then others. Maybe try a different staff that's less high stress? The high stress ones is where you'll have more of the stressed out staff heads honestly.

Also, for those interested in volunteering, I know Reg is looking for people to work all day Thursday to get your full required hours in for the free pass. You won't have access to the free crash space, but if you want to get your hours in fast and have the rest of the weekend to do whatever, then that's an option too.

>> No.7411345

I've been thinking of going to this one but I live in Louisiana, and I don't want to make the drive for a grade-D con. So is it worth it? Better or worse than Anime Matsuri?

>> No.7411434

worse than anime matsuri, but bigger. I wouldn't drive to Dallas from Louisiana for it, especially with the several LA cons already over the summer.

>> No.7411600

Neither would be worth the drive imo.

>> No.7413313

So did anyone actually get their panels approved?

>> No.7416057

I got bitched at by some thundercunt volunteer last year because she was holding an "End of the Line" sign for the line to the dealer's room by the doors.
>Oh hey, End of the Line, I'll stand here.
>"Uh... end of the line?"
>"Oh... uh, okay, you want me to take that sign to the end of the line, then?"
>Gave me the NO, YOU DUMBSHIT look

Like... fuck. You need a "Line is going outside!" sign to hold up. Stop being a cunt because I'm taking your sign for face value.

>> No.7416061

How's A-kon compared to cons like Anime Expo and Otakon?
Also is there any good BBQ spots near the convention?

>> No.7416698

sub par.
Akon had issues booking relevant guests for years because they pissed off funimation. They used to make up for it with bringing in Japanese bands, but they can't afford big names anymore.

They run things like they are about 5 years behind everyone else. There is little industry presence unlike ax or ota. They have shitty panel offerings and a horrible cosplay contest.

Its the biggest con in Texas, but if you want something closer to ax or ota try san Japan or anime matsuri.

>> No.7417142

Yeah, their guestlists have been pretty subpar with the same Vic Mangina every year. I liked Peter S. Beagle and Peter Mayhew, but they seem to be guests more geared for a ComicCon. It's like they don't even try getting anime-related guests. Heck, even Rooster Teeth has passed on coming the last couple of years.

>> No.7419185

This just in, A-Kon is trying, yet again, to beat the Guinness record. I wonder if it will be a disaster like when they tried 2-3 years ago. Didn't they get disqualified for some reason?


>> No.7419188

**Guinness record for most video game cosplayers gathered in one area.

>> No.7419330

I thought they missed the mark last time because they were letting a bunch of people be in the photo that weren't wearing video game related costumes. Like, there were some people standing at the door asking for proof photos and stuff but they weren't being very diligent about it, and that's why they didn't actually make the cut.

>> No.7419355

Maybe that's what it was. I couldn't remember how it went downhill.

>> No.7419552

Artist Alley list is up.


capcha: projesch convention

>> No.7420098

>hotel is nice
>still crowded as fuck
>inb4 fire marshalls
>implying I'm going to buy a pass

>> No.7420158

Are they cracking down on badges again this year?

I can't remember if it was A-kon or A-fest that got really uppity about badges being present everywhere.

>> No.7420285

it was a fest i think. they had the scanners right?

>> No.7422947

cosplay rules are up

anyone planning to compete?

>> No.7423155

really surprised to see they added a class system. A few years ago Ellen insisted that all class systems did was encourage lying and not give everyone a fair chance...which was totally bull so it's good to see she came to her senses.

>> No.7424242

Rooster Teeth's too busy planning and running their own con now. Third year this year.

>> No.7425083

Well at least anything straight out and just bought online is banned now. It's one of the many reasons I never bothered with the contest. Though with the new rules, I'm thinking I might compete.

>> No.7425710

We had a pretty nice experience when we competed last year, so we plan to do so again. It's much better than it used to be. I like that they've added two divisions this year.

>> No.7426404

Cosplay contest sign ups are up now.

They also announced the second band. It has a guy from X-Japan so I'm pretty excited.

>> No.7431630

Well AM has sucked so far. I guess I can hope for A-Kon being better?

>> No.7431653

You will hope in vain, anon.

>> No.7435168

I fucking opted for AM over A-kon because last year A-kon was so damn shitty, but this year's AM blew it out of the water. I fucked up.

>> No.7435228

AM always sucks, I hope you weren't surprised, but no, A-Kon's not going to be better.

>> No.7435232

I haven't been to A-Kon in a few years and haven't seen the new location. Can anyone give tips for good photo locations? I hear the hotel have some nice stairways or something?

>> No.7435241

The hotel is really, really nice. A lot of pretty artwork/statues and fountains for photoshoots and stuff.

>> No.7435264

How about in the surrounding areas? Any parks or pretty/impressive buildings?

>> No.7435292


I know A-Kon gets shit on a lot, but I can't figure out why it gets compared to the clusterfuck that is AM. At least the panelists have their damn panels. The cosplay contest actually fixed their rules finally. They seems to have interesting bands this year.

I guess I don't get why it's hated so much. I always had a decent time outside of any personal drama or something.

>> No.7435830

More or less, they're both shitty cons that are getting shittier each year and yet still manage to attract every goddamn cosplayer in the state. That's why.

>> No.7435846

akon has been slowly improving over the last few years. Am has been on a steady decline.

>> No.7437568


Cosplay: Admittedly jumping on the bandwagon and am doing Armin / AoT. Will probably also do Nagisa / Free! again, maybe Holo / Spice and Wolf.

Panels: Putting on an 18+ yaoi panel with the local yaoi club, sadly neither of my other panels made it, but I had a heard ther were 10+ Hetalia submissions. So who DID make it?

No complaints about location. Excited to have a panel badge and skip the long lines for or-reg. will definitely be brown bagging my meals again to save money.

>> No.7437585

I went to A-kon from AL one year and if you've never been to a top 10 con, it's a good experience. People shit on A-kon but there are still 20k that attend. The main problems are the lines, which is gonna happen at ANY con with that many people, and that the staff are disorganized so there's a sense of chaos. It's also less of an anime con in terms of guests, but they do always have a jrock act and I think the panels are decent. If you buy your ticket early and do Thursday badge pick up, a lot of the price and pre-reg line issues disappear, at least for me.

>> No.7438937


A lot of conventions are dropping series Q&A panels, or at least seriously limiting the amount they will take. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case for A-Kon. Personally, I don't mind. Those panels are usually a waste of a good panel spot and the "characters" are terrible actors and/or cosplayers. And now cons have to deal with different groups doing the same series then getting pissed if one gets chosen over the other.

Then again, that would require good panelists to step up and host quality panels. That might be asking too much.


From what I have been told, they are trying to fix the major reg. line issues they had last year. They know it was a huge clusterfuck and have every intention to try to not have a repeat of last year. Plus I think it's under new management? So maybe that will help.

>> No.7440553


Panels are only as good as the people submitting, and con offerings are only as good as what's submitted. It's heartening to hear that some cons are severely limiting character Q&A. I know these have been around for a bit, but I'm of the same opinion that they're terrible. They don't teach anything, and while I don't think all panels need to "teach" I think that you should come out of a panel having gained something. I'm ALL for character interaction, but do it in a way that's still meaningful. Have characters discuss fan theories about a show, or have them teach something relevant to the show. I'm just tired of the Q&A crowding cons to the detriment of other panels. Yes, some people will be quick to say "but there are good Q&A panels!" but all they really do, in my opinion, is force the cosplayer's headcanons on the audience and provide ego trips for the cosplayers. What grates on me even more is the sheer amount of non-anime character Q&A, but I've come to terms with anime not always being the majority focus at anime cons.

>> No.7440682

If possible panels are only as good as the people submitting all of DFW sucks balls.

A-Kon isn't as transparent as Afest but if anyone looks at the panel submissions JUST SO FAR for A-fest they'll see a fraction of the shit that will be at A-Kon. There really is no excuse for some of this bs.

>who wants to be a weeaboo?
>literally like 16+ q/a panels
>10 are Hetafuckingstuck
>open discussion on fetishes
>at THE Texas family-friendly con???

If a small con like Afest has this much to deal with A-Kon staff deserves a medal for not putting a bullet through their brains.

>> No.7440912


There are some quality panelists in DFW. Unfortunately they can only do so many panels in a weekend. The weeaboos are just winning by sheer numbers honestly.

>> No.7442781


Well, true, but that's how it's always going to be. Weebs are enthusiastic and think they know everything and want to share that, which is why they eagerly attempt to host panels or enter cosplay contests when they're way out of their league. I can't fault them for their enthusiasm, even if I wish they had better ideas. It's an age and maturity thing.

And I agree, individuals are limited by the physicality of hosting too many panels. However, cons can also encourage more quality panels by limiting things like Q&A and truly off-topic or by giving incentives like being open with what types of panels they want and which ones they'll give priority to. What we need are MORE quality panelists, because yes, the ones out there are probably maxed out on how much they can do.

But... examples? Because "quality panelists in DFW" is vague. What are the quality panels they put on?

>> No.7442785

I always hear about A-Kon pissing off Funi, but what exactly are the details?

>> No.7442920


Yeah, what happened? If they pissed them off so much, why would FUNi still do panels at A-kon? And aren't VAs independent contractors?