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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 36 KB, 192x400, Old School 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407108 No.7407108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a jfashion reccomendation thread again? There was one a while ago I think.
Like the cosplay one, but different. Pic only related because fashion.

>> No.7407903

I liked that last thread! What are you thinking about anon? Are there any fashions that you are particularly interested in/want to try out? Would you be okay with posting a face/body shot so we can help you out?

>> No.7407947

Could we make it a rule that the people with the least suggestions must be suggested first?
The first 5 or so on the thread got 8-12 different commenters where anyone else buried in walls of text got like 1 or 2

Just suggestin' since it was kinda annoying to see.

>> No.7407985


That would be great and all...if anyone would actually post looking for advice.

>> No.7407984

how about,
once somebody has received 5 suggestions you can't suggest for them again, you have to make suggestions for somebody else

>captcha 7631 33332222
what the fuck?

>> No.7408036

OP barely even tried to host the thread tho lol
all they wrote for the description was
>Can we have a jfashion reccomendation thread again?

So op yes, you can start one

>> No.7408092
File: 407 KB, 944x1222, moehoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut kawaii style shud i wearr

>> No.7408118
File: 112 KB, 640x480, IMG_1806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh I'll bite, funny thing is I am actually trying to find something new to try I just sold all my sweet lolita things. For some reason I have no full body shots of myself and I'm in pjs haha. But I guess I'm average, with semi big boobs.

>> No.7408127

Dress like a k-pop husbando

You'd look awesome in the gothic variation of gal (I forget the name for it)

>> No.7408234
File: 64 KB, 625x441, Snapshot_20131107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.

I posted in the KLK thread the other day.

Interested in:
Gyaru clothes, without the ridiculous hair and makeup because I suck at those
Anything that gives me an excuse to buy sailor fashion

I also really like VK, but I could never pull it off.

Poofy skirts look really awkward with my stick legs, though, so lolita is sort of... out of reach.

I'm also a poorfag.

>> No.7408261

Mori sounds perfect for you (not too expensive and no poofy skirts, plus no stigma against glasses), and I think you'd make an adorable mori girl. Lovely figure, too, I'm jealous.

>> No.7408354
File: 257 KB, 480x640, 1372680334761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think gothic lolita would look striking on you.
>Poofy skirts look really awkward with my stick legs, though, so lolita is sort of... out of reach.
I don't follow? Typically it's desired to have thin legs to counteract the fullness of the poof. A-line is a lot less intimidating than cupcake, though. So maybe you can see if you'd enjoy how you'd look in one versus the other?

While you're at it, go for sailor lolita. There is never too much sailor lolita. Works for everyone, since kawaii chibis can play up the school girl aspect, elegant elves can play up the military aspect, and bootylicious babes can play up the pinup aspect. Everyone wins.

>> No.7408573

fellow poor fag here I think you'll look good in Akamoji but make up is expensive and all so I'll go with Mori

>> No.7408576

You have really fucking nice hands and wrists. You should post a bunch of photos with your hands in different positions so I can use they as reference.

>> No.7408754


And thank you, I have a real soft spot for sailor lolita. I guess I'm just sel concious about my legs or something. I had a poofier dress and it just looked terrible on me. Maybe I need to look for long versions that cover my knees completely or something. I had a longer cupcake shaped dress that was really cute on me, and I have a longer a-line now, so maybe it really is just my knees.

I also have this problem of getting terrible migraines whenever I wear wigs, so sailor seems especially good for me since usually the hairstyles are simpler.

Waah. Thank you, anon. I always thought my hands were a little too big for my wrists.

>> No.7408763
File: 43 KB, 640x480, dirty hippie kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jfash already but give me your best ideas

>> No.7409114

I like all of this

>> No.7409117

>but give me your best ideas

>> No.7409134

I'm not really an expert, but I think you would fit dirty hippie kei.

>> No.7409412

Wow QT. Sailor lolita and mori would look super cute!

>> No.7409465

What if you're a girl with an...unfortunate face? What would suit you, in an ironic kind of way?

>> No.7409476

Depends what you mean by unfortunate. Chances are you look fine and just think you're unfortunate, or don't know what to do with hair and makeup to flatter your face.

>> No.7409482

Majorly crooked teeth, a big hooked nose, a long face...

I don't think I'd be able to pull off the more childish looks, to say the least.

>> No.7409690
File: 235 KB, 508x663, wp-1393700463798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could go for some serious fashion help.... I'm a chubster at 5 foot 2 and about 160 pounds. I like most mori, otome, and classic looking stuff but I'm open to anything. I just sorta wear whatever I feel like for the day and I would rather have more.....structure, I guess? I am also pretty dang poor but you don't have to take that into account since I can just budget and bargain hunt to the best of my ability. sorry this image is kinda goofy, it was for Coodisnap

>> No.7409785

Sharp slacks, a vest, button down t-shirts with a bowler. And cool as fuck shoes of choice (nothing ghetto fantastic, though). Def K-pop boyz influenced.

>> No.7409816
File: 168 KB, 834x861, 20140204_091655_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>182 cm/5'11"
>58 kg/128 lbs
I love so many jfashions but obviously most of them are suited for small baby faced azn gurlz which I unfortunately am not. Help me out here, what can I wear? Feminine styles would be nice since I usually dress androgynous but whatever works.

>> No.7410067

Oooh anon, you look really cute.

I think you'd suit mori very well, those light freckles are the best.

>> No.7410103
File: 730 KB, 640x480, 54645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat dsl

>> No.7410128

Teeth can be fixed, but I've seen cuties with crooked teeth. I don't have experience with your face shape, but maybe bangs? Nose I'm sure isn't too bad, maybe makeup can help if it is.

>> No.7410138

Aah you're adorable! I can't see your body that well, but I think maybe mori-type stuff? A belt would help the look I think.

>> No.7410152

You're so pretty! Mori is def awesome, like the other anon said, but honestly you could rock anything. Ouji would be cute too, since you do androgynous stuff.

>> No.7410193

They're probably too small for you, I get them too. Have you tried Arda?

>> No.7410206

Oh, no, I get chronic migraines and the slightest irritation can set me off. Even if my hat is too tight at work, I start to get a headache. I usually wear my wigs without a cap (hair just pinned back since it's short) and I leave the hooks undone. My head is pretty small, and that's the only way I can wear a wig without major pain.

Unfortunately that doesn't work so well if I'll be wearing it all day or if it's a longer / heavier wig or has ponytail clips.

I was looking at GLW's auburn colored short curly bob though because it seems light enough, and it matches my hair pretty well so it won't be so noticeable if I don't have a wig cap on in case some hair slips out.

>> No.7410415
File: 68 KB, 478x638, 1393994490763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite.
I'm 5'1, 115 lbs, hourglass figure with broad shoulders, large bust, and a big butt. I dress in normalfag clothing and classic lolita.
I would really like to get into mori-kei but am worried the clothes will drape in an unflattering way off of my body.

>> No.7410470

prove it with the body type

>> No.7410605
File: 55 KB, 720x960, sdjfhbsjkgbjswg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only recent full body picture I have of myself is of me in lolita, I can take a skivvies picture later or w/e. I'm mainly concerned about my shoulders, to be honest.
Are they too broad for loose, mori-style?

>> No.7410649
File: 259 KB, 640x640, meltychocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this coord in particular, the problem isn't your shoulders at all. It's the fact that you're wearing a cropped cardigan with a dress that has no defined waist, and your waist is completely lost under that dress; it's making you look short and stumpy. Try wearing a longer cardigan and buttoning it at your natural waist (like the girl in the top left pic in this collage), or try to fashion yourself a waist ribbon (as long as it doesn't look ghetto as hell). Bring up your waistline and you won't look so top heavy. Hope that helps!

>> No.7410666
File: 448 KB, 500x667, 1359579914709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, I think mori kei would look very nice on you! Don't worry so much about your shoulders, they're really not that big at all!
(also now that I'm looking at your photo a second time, I see that it's got a ribbon right underneath your bust I think? If that's the case, maybe try a heavier petticoat for more poof and a belt to make your waist more obvious. That's what I'd do!)

>> No.7410700

Thank you so much anon! I was on the fence about mori but now I think I'm just going to to go for it.
Also, I appreciate the coord concrit, I'm still a newbie so any solid advice is welcome, I'll keep an eye out for some cute, longer cardigans.

>> No.7410718
File: 132 KB, 500x558, 1357532460687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! I'm not going to pretend like I'm an expert, but from what I can tell you and I have similar bodytypes (except I have no butt whatsoever lol). I always feel like my shoulders are broad too and if I ever wear any dresses or blouses with puffed sleeves I feel like I'm wearing football pads, hahaha. It's gonna take some time and lots of trying clothes on before you're gonna find what makes you feel really good and comfortable, but don't give up anon! You are very cute! Summer's coming up, you mind try finding some lightweight dresses and layering pieces on taobao, and don't forget to check your local thrift stores too!

>> No.7410786
File: 166 KB, 540x540, 20140304_235932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys advice for me? I'm 5'1 and weight 100 and im pretty slim, i actually which i had more assets but oh well... and also bangs or no bangs? I feel like i have chubby cheeks but im not sure.Thank you in advance!!

>> No.7410789

No banagas.

>> No.7410790

No advice on style, but personally I think you look better with no bangs. Usually I prefer bangs but something about your features makes a more exposed forehead flattering.

>> No.7410792


>> No.7410799

Thank you.

>> No.7410806

Yeah i was thinking that it looked better with no bangs too, but i wasn't sure, thank you.

>> No.7410821


yeah maybe I could coin that if only I didn't like more elegant fashions.

I guess going bare face is a little too difficult to help anyone picture anything? i thought it would help remove bias. eh thanks anyway

>> No.7410849
File: 931 KB, 800x599, loli4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As previously suggested, rokku gyaru or maybe EGL

Mori definetely. I can see classic lolita (with light colors) working well on you too though.

The style looks nice on you, but you could use more classic elements instead of sweet (e.g. the pink tea parties). I think heels, a proper head accessory and another cardigan would make the coord more elegant

Oh. I love that coord. I don't want to sell my Stained Glass anymore.

No bangs too, agreed with >>7410790

Also wanted to thank the seagulls that suggested lighter colors to me in the last thread : I tried light boleros/blouses combos and I like it a lot better on me. Face hidden because it was no makeup day.

>> No.7410850

(oh and yeah, I really need a better petti. my classical puppets was in storage.)

>> No.7410851

Your face is fine. What I don't get is why you'd post a picture that looked like that and expect people to infer that you like "elegant fashions."

>> No.7410852

Yeah, and it's hard/impossible to do "elegant fashion" with hair like this. You would really need a natural-looking nice wig.

>> No.7410857

what about... Gal or Gyaru, I mean with those legs, and since they are more contouring based makeup wise, you don't need to be a baby faced asian since they aren't trying to look like one either? First thing I thought when I saw your picture and you wanting to try something more feminine

>> No.7410971
File: 32 KB, 640x480, snapshot-3270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my face. Little bit of a chubster, linebacker shoulders.

>> No.7410972

Shape your eye brows.

>> No.7410979

I think classic lolita would suit your face or rokku gyaru as suggested earlier.
You have a very versatile looking face. You would be so cute in fairy kei but you'd also look great in otome and mori.
You look kinda hippie-ish so mori.
Definitely otome.

>> No.7410996
File: 114 KB, 500x667, 45135468354685468547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm chub but I'm trying to get rid of it. I might let my hair grow out into its natural colour again.

I like cute shit like fairy kei and decora as well as gal (which I have no hope of achieving) and mori/dolly kei, but I feel like I'd suit the latter two better.

>> No.7411015

doesn't mesh well with most of the j-fashions, but that's some rly cool hair anon

>> No.7411021

Aw thanks. I'm growing it out into a mohawk again so it's all mottled down the back as well. There's always wigs if it doesn't fit with any j-fash when I'm done.

>> No.7411030

I know you didn't mention it, but with your face shape and dem cherubic lips, I really wanna see you in classic lolita, or possibly gothic. You've got that old-fashioned doll look going on. Also lolita is a great fashion for hiding a little chub, especially if you're pear-shaped.

>> No.7411032


People keep saying to me that I'd make a good brolita. And on top of that I actually really really like classic lolita. But as I'm losing weight, my cheekbones are becoming more prominent, and I think that (along with being a poorfag in a small town) is stopping me from dipping my toes into lolita. :(

I guess if I did go for it I could wear it to conventions and go with friends to the nearest city and change there, ala japanese lolitas.

>capcha: secretly rwears

>> No.7411051

Aww, I think prominent cheekbones look so nice in classic and gothic lolita! It's very elegant, anon... Don't fret, you would still be perfect!

>> No.7411070
File: 611 KB, 1024x1024, PhotoGrid_1394028559158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot figure out what style my body type and face best suit. I have a rectangle shaped body with a large bust, smallish waist with a small butt and small legs. I cannot get a proper coord together because I keep buying things from different styles. I love sweet loli, gothic loli, ott sweet, gyaru, and fairy kei. Help me decide on a style to stick by please?

>> No.7411076

You are adorableee! I think classic lolita would look beautiful on you. Also, I like the bangs

>> No.7411143

Definitely some brand of GAL.

On another note, you should really learn to take photos where your face doesn't look retarded. You look like you could be pretty cute, but you have a pretty hardcore derp face goin' on.

>> No.7411170

Thank you! And yes I noticed this too its a problem

>> No.7411353

Aw thank you anon!

>> No.7411369

Also, if you dont mind me asking, how would one start off to get into classic lolita?

>> No.7411398

I would say you should start out with a solid colour dress, with few frills and ruffles. The busier pieces are kind of hard to coordinate when you're first starting out, and it's easy to overwhelm yourself with motifs. A simple starting coord would be something like a dress, maybe patterned or plain tights, a natural coloured wig, without too much volume, if you're inclined to wigs, and low heeled shoes, along with a ring or two and a necklace. I've always thought >>7411327 fannierosie is good inspiration when she posts her toned down work outfits.

>> No.7411429

I think that what >>7409785 said would work really well for you!
I think you would look really good in gothic or aristocrat.
I think you would be cute in mori, gothic lolita, or akamoji!
You would look cute in otome and I think you would be cute in pop kei!
You are adorable, and mori and classic lolita seem like they would suit you well.
Your shoulders don't look big anon! And I think that you could pull off mori and you would look good in the style you posted, but maybe not with pastel pink.
I think you would look good with bangs pulled to the side, otherwise I'm not sure if it's just the lighting being slightly different but no bangs looks slightly better than with them.
Like the other anon said, you would look cuter if you shaped your eyebrows a bit, and I think classic lolita would be good!
I could see you looking good in gothic!
I could see gyaru/gal looking good on you and fairy kei!

>> No.7411505
File: 110 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20140305_101914_519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have that whole strong, aristocratic brow thing going on, but still have the soft doll face. I agree gothic would be great!

Mori all the way. although I would love to see you in a cute lolita librarian coord too... not sure why

mori? although it really is just the hair making me say that. you have a nice face but it's hard for me to see beyond the hippie hair

qt. otome or sweet

you post on photoshop threads too, don't you? you're lovely. ega/gothic, ouji, and classic come to mind first because you have such an elegant look

I honestly have no idea. jfash and hourglass figures are a little difficult together. your coord is alright, but I think you'd look even better with something more understated. show off your waist as much as possible.

qt. sideswept bangs with layering around your chin would make your cheeks less round (although you're honestly cute already)

I think olive-skinned girls look fabulous in mori, but probably not a good choice if you're holding extra weight. in the meantime I agree that classic would look nice

I kinda want to see you in all-out OTT sweet. not sure why. I think it'd be cute especially with the little pout you have

gyaru aaaall the way. although the pictures you posted are definitely leaning that direction so it's not an unbiased opinion. has anyone ever told you you look like jennamarbles?

pic related is me. what do I do with a big nose and a long face
5"2' 110 lbs

>> No.7411509

Not that anon, but I can't take good photos for the life of me. It's the only reason I haven't posted here...

>> No.7411514

You're pretty! I could see you in gothic lolita.

>> No.7411534

You have beautiful big eyes and lips! I could definitely see you in gothic lolita.

And thankyou so much for the advice and that wonderful compliment sweetie!

>> No.7411647

It's actually like, my dream to own a bookstore and wear cute classic clothes every day to work.

>> No.7411926

That looks really nice. Ill try it out. Hopefully i can get a hang out of it. Thank you!

>> No.7411940 [DELETED] 

hi >.< been lurking for a while now and I am finally financially stable enough to start building my wardrobe.

sweet lolita

open to any suggestions

115 pounds
size six shoes

>> No.7411943
File: 78 KB, 640x426, Photo on 3-5-14 at 6.07 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi >.< been lurking for a while now and I am finally financially stable enough to start building my wardrobe.

sweet lolita

open to any suggestions

115 pounds
size six shoes

>> No.7411995

> >.<
You must be 18+ to use this board.

>> No.7412318

did someone punch you in the face?

also, weight, bra size (which is probably wrong, by the way) and height don't give anyone much to go on, you need to give actual measurements if you want people to know how your body will look in a certain style. Full bust, underbust, waist, hip, etc

>> No.7412346

you kind of look like that octo mom lady

>> No.7412483

Maybe that's why they gave her the octo sleeves bodyline luckypack!

>> No.7412551


Im not good at taking photos, very self conscious

>> No.7413149

It was bed time and its how I keep it together with hip length hair. though its true then - we kinda get our guesses from the cues already present in our selfies, which I was trying to avoid. aif I ever get the guts again I'll post with makeup and my hair up for sure.
thanks for the opinion!

Thanks for that!

Ah, I see, my objective didn't carry very well...
i chose to go bare face and have my hair minimal so there were no biases for peoples honest opinion. I remember when suggesting in the previous thread I felt like I was just choosing what looked like stuff they wore anyway and assumed it made the point of the thread redundant. I'll post a selfie with myself in my otome or lolita next time.

>> No.7413152
File: 185 KB, 400x800, color-complexion-seasons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to excuse myself from all the late night typos, sorry.
Have a useful infograph that's somewhat related once you go on your jfash journey

>> No.7413160

I wouldn't blame you tbh, you got three acerbic little comments in a row..

I associate sweeter lolitas with heart shape faces with that tapering chin so I can see you in lolita. I think more classic/mature sweet would suit you more though, dark hair + eyes kinda throws you out of pastels when it comes to flattering colour palettes, which is more important than style choice when it comes to looking good. You don't HAVE to follow this but expect those days you won't get complimented as much. Its so subtle but powerful.

Though at least with mature/classic sweet you're doing chocolate brown, cool pinks, all your whites/creams/beiges, and maybe lilac, yellow and mint as your pastels.

Mori suits a lot of people and would work with you well too!

>> No.7413289
File: 978 KB, 640x640, needahug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you that was the most helpful suggestion I've gotten on cgl. I just want to build a beautiful wardrobe that makes me feel confident and beautiful.

>> No.7413315

Yup, your worries are correct, Mori is going to make you look obese. It will eliminate your waist completely from your silhouette. You should try dolly-kei with waist belts, vintage 80s/50s/40s high waist long skirts, and dirndls. Or classic lolita. Something that emphasizes your waist line.

>> No.7413370
File: 480 KB, 640x400, aksljda;sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really trying to find my aesthetic. I have been into jfash for a while (bought some things in yappan) but have just recently secured a job so $$$~
Side note: I have a large bust (DDD) and as such, worry that lolita wouldn't fit properly on my frame. Please help if you can!!

Agreed about kpop style. Looking at Hudie scans couldn't hurt, either!

EGA! I looked up Rokku Gyaru and that really seems to suit you as well.

You have a beautiful figure and your skin looks very healthy! I think you'd look good in mori, and otome, but I think on spicier days you'd be an adooorable kogyaru!

100% B-gyaru plx

YOU'RE SO CUTE. Sailor lolita, or any of the styles you mentioned! You have a flexible body/face type. <3

Mori or otome!

Classic does sound like it suits you! Mori can be good if you find the right outfits. I feel like dolly kei could look good too.

One more vote for classic!

Deco could look great!

Definitely fairy-kei, and any type of gyaru you wanted to get into. You've got the sass, I can see it in you.

You're QT! I think you have a good face for cosplay IMO, and mori could be great! With the right up-do and/or other fixings, I think you could be a really cute woodland girl.
I think you're somehow PERFECT for pirate styles.

That's a perfect sentiment that I think encapsulates what many girls (and some boys!) want as well.

>> No.7413384

Thank you anon, you made my day. I have a very proportionate bust but it is still large so I feel for you! Have you ever tried fairy-kei or visual kei? I think you would look good in it.

>> No.7413394

I'm going to have to agree with the other anon with fairy kei or visual kei. Show off them legs girl they are gorgeous. Plus those bright colors look great on you.

>> No.7413560
File: 686 KB, 966x648, jfash reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll take the bait and see if cgl has j-fashion advice. I don't really have a style other than jeans and t-shirts, so it would be nice to branch out a bit. I apologize for the cosplay picture by the way, I didn't have any other body pics on hand. Also, my hair is usually a bit more shaggy, but I just got it cut.



More "boyish" styles, or at least styles without skirts would be great.

I agree with previous posters on fairy kei, and I think you would look great in gyaru.

Though I can't really tell with the lighting, I think mori in earthy tones (the less pastel kind) would work for you. Don't quote me on the colors scheme though.

>> No.7413597
File: 64 KB, 432x652, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but are you a girl or a boy?

Obviously you would fit boystyle, but you could also try mori style?

>> No.7413621

Girl. I like that version of mori, I usually only see the really lacy kind. I own a few ouji pieces, it just feels more like a dress-up style, rather than a more regular fashion. Though if any lolita styles cream me for some reason, those are fine too.

>> No.7413627
File: 106 KB, 493x560, tumblr_lrjclmLRvw1qai03qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree about dress-up style, that's how I feel when I dress up in lolita. So usually I wear otome for daily wear.

You should try to search mori boy for this style.

>> No.7413634
File: 9 KB, 236x297, 1394138400696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a picture of a girl in this style, but it's pretty unisex style so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.7413637

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely check it out.

>> No.7413652

Mori girls wear this stuff all the time, it's definitely unisex.

>> No.7415268


>> No.7415337
File: 1.06 MB, 765x574, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting myself
>5'8'' long legs so everything is way too short on me
>wear sweet lolita but I don't think it suits me
I'm curious what might actually suit me, lolita wise but also what type of gyaru style?

3000% classic lolita would look so perfect on you

>> No.7415346

You look like you'd be great in a sweet-classic combo, or just straight up classic in lighter colors, tans, light blues, etc.

>> No.7416216

I like your hair anon! It's cute.

>> No.7416889
File: 47 KB, 640x640, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite! I'm kinda curious. I'm the red head with blunt bangs, the other is my little sister

>> No.7417450

I could see you as a cute classic/sweet lolita n.n