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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 125 KB, 630x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7407050 No.7407050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

MegaCon thread? MegaCon thread.

What are you cosplaying as? Get cosplaying tips (selfposting encouraged!) through constructive criticism.

Come on, Florifags! Lets do this!

>> No.7407211

I don't want to self post right now because my work is still looking very unfinished, but is anyone else going to be visited by Cosplay in America next week? I suggested an Orlando cosplayer to them and mentioned I also lived there, so now he'll be seeing me as well. Hopefully I won't make a complete fool of myself since I'm already not very confident in my work. Oh, well.

I'm also freaking out because of time constraints but at least having a visit like that is giving me a lot of motivation.

>> No.7407232

I just saw this on the website. Is this new, or has this rule always been in place?

Do I need a MegaCon wristband to attend after hours events if I am a vendor or an attending artist with an exhibitor/pro badge?

Yes, anyone attending after hours events is required to purchase a wristband. You will not be granted entrance without one. Your exhibitor/pro badge will only get you into events at the convention center during regular show room hours.

>> No.7407246
File: 696 KB, 1638x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrit for my "glam" Harley?
The black is crushed velvet, and the red is glittery spandex, while the collar is silk.

Everyone at the con thought I looked fabulous, but everyone online says that the materials make for an awkward combination, and that it doesn't look right.

Help, please? I take criticism quite well.

>> No.7407248

Also, I invested in better white makeup.

I was using the Mehron liquid foundation in clown white, but that looked like a natural pale nude for some reason. It didn't build without getting splotchy.

I'm going to be using Ben Nye creme makeup for Mega.

>> No.7407297

I remember seeing you there! I personally thought you're cosplayed looked fine. Though (not to be rude) the con was a pretty small college one and people even thought my cosplay was "beyond amazing" when at best it was decent.

Still I think it looks nice!

>> No.7407302

I'm not a super huge fan of the choice in black velvet, but overall, it's sewn together really well and you're a qt.

>> No.7407326

I think you're probably right. It doesnt look super great in a picture (probably also because not using the best camera). Knowing that I assume it probably looks pretty decent. I'll let you know when I see you.

>> No.7407327


Hey... what was your name again?

>> No.7407344

Hi... what was your name again?

>> No.7407346


Thank you! And yeah, don't be afraid to approach me at the con and give me advice and criticism! I wanna be the best I can be.

>> No.7407352

My cosplay name is Shelbie Savage

>> No.7407362

Cool. So what games/anime/comics you into? Besides batman obviously

>> No.7407375

I emailed them and got a response that, "your exhibitor badge is your access for the show," so I guess that answers that. No idea why it's on the FAQ though.

>> No.7407385

I recently finished SnK, .hack//quantum, Rin, and I'm a few episodes into Fairy Tail.

My girlfriend is the one who is trying to get me into anime, but I was really only into Batman and certain video games before I met her. I grew up playing GTA with my dad, and I've been playing Deadpool, Left 4 Dead, Mortal Kombat, etc.

I'm gonna try to play Borderlands 2 when I borrow it from my girl, because we really want to cosplay as Moxxi and a feminized Salvador.

>> No.7407388

Haha cool I played the first one. Fun games!

Well, gotta go. See ya around I guess. This time tomorrow maybe?

>> No.7407406

sure, why not

>> No.7407408

You are really awkward. Way to make it obvious you're jumping ship when she states she's taken.

>> No.7407422

She wouldn't be taken if she talked to me more

>> No.7407433

That was almost good, other anon, but you forgot to put the name in the email field as well. Points for trying, though.

>> No.7407560


>> No.7407730

I'm going both Saturday and Sunday this year for once.

Probably going as Naked Snake (MGS3) for Saturday, maybe Edward Kenway (AC4) if I get anything done with that in time.

>> No.7407851


>> No.7407873
File: 476 KB, 816x1088, 20130706_122412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real decent one I have at the moment, ignore how I'm holding the .45 I don't know why it was at that angle. I really just need to get a more accurate harness and radio set and I'm kinda alright. No pics of Kenway yet though, as that's still in the sewing stage.

>> No.7407962

With no general idea of how that character looks, this is pretty neat.

>> No.7407987
File: 724 KB, 720x720, collage_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is basically what im doing! I somehow got dragged into doing mami with a bunch of other girls I dont know, and know im expected to do a green arrow x black canary photoshoot with a boy ive never spoken to (I saw pics tho atleast hes cute)
And im excited to do Harley saturday, shes always been my favorite tbh

>> No.7408063
File: 54 KB, 640x960, 1393909957795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're such a cute snake!! i'll be eva all weekend hanging out with a young ocelot!! i'll be on the lookout for you

>> No.7408538
File: 336 KB, 683x1024, 12726956733_c8eff5c74b_b(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited for Mega, it's the only big con I can afford to go to each year. My costume line-up is:

Friday: San (Princess Mononoke)
Saturday: Sister of Battle (Warhammer 40k)
Sunday: Tsukimi (Princess Jellyfish)

All my costumes are done for Mega, I'm already starting to work on new things for Supercon in July.

>> No.7408555

Lol you look like you're sh!ting bricks in that pose... top lel

>> No.7408578

Sorry that I'm not as comfortable on my knees as you might be.

>> No.7408702


>> No.7408746

Going as:

1) The Scotsman from Samurai Jack
2) Him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O35vd94K_yg&feature=youtu.be&t=14s
3) Hopefully switch up the outfit from number 2 a tad to go as this with my bro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABrSYqiqvzc&feature=youtu.be&t=45s

>> No.7408878


I endorse this statement

>> No.7408896

if you dont want to cosplay something why would you?

>> No.7408894


No stupid I had to go to work

>> No.7408923

Are the parties in and around Megacon worth going to? I don't just mean the lame rave they throw.

>> No.7409018
File: 103 KB, 960x638, 1393960202717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega-con for me is filled with costumes I've been fixing up and working on over the past few months:

Friday: Madotsuki w/Poniko (Yume Nikki) (almost how i want it, except the skirt and my rain-boots haven't come in yet ;A;)

Saturday: Junko (DR) (still missing good push-up bra, but fingers crossed that the wig I'm styling at the moment will turn out nice!)

Sunday: Curly Brace w/Quote (Cave Story) (new cosplay but we've been planning it for a while)

>> No.7409138
File: 207 KB, 271x349, 1393963514847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also gonna be cosplaying Naked Snake at Mega (Don't know what day yet) so I'll be sure to meet up with both of you

>> No.7409660

heh, it looks like your cleavage is pixelated

>> No.7409675

Well here I am. See? I showed up

>> No.7411065

Stop trying. You're still awkward.

>> No.7411184
File: 1.01 MB, 956x555, 1394034947564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta protect the children

>> No.7411333
File: 243 KB, 570x640, 1394039283487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my lineup, I still don't know what I'm doing for Sunday.
Excited for the meet!

>> No.7411566


I think you like me

>> No.7412014
File: 755 KB, 504x672, knkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided not to bring Shizue for Mega and ended up with a full KnK weekend, somehow. Mirai in full progress, expecting to see a lot of them~ Doing idol Mirai and Ai, too!

>> No.7412250

I'll be sure to look out for you guys there then! If it helps at all, I'll be walking with a Miku Hatsune

>> No.7412329

Good to see Metal Gear cosplayers coming out of the woodworks. I'll be there as Punished Snake ver. Big Boss on Saturday.

>> No.7412336
File: 425 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucy being mega cute as usual

I've got three new cosplays lined up for Mega, and two night/party outfits.

Things I should probably get to work on soon enough...

>> No.7412369
File: 2.07 MB, 1399x1280, megacon plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my plans. I'll be wearing Mirai on Friday with >>7412014 as Ai, which will be really fun, since I didn't have a group for my last con.

I'll be wearing armored Saber Alter all day Saturday most likely, which the gothic lolita version on Sunday, unless I decide to wear the former again.

I've still got a lot of work to do ughh.

>> No.7412372

>with* the gothic lolita version on Sunday

>> No.7412374

who's the bottom left character?
She's cute

>> No.7412385

Vi from League of Legends :3c
It was her concept art so it's a bit different from her usual look.

>> No.7412396

Wow, I'm a fucking idiot. I meant right.
I apologize.
That is cute concept art and I'm looking forward to pictures of your costume

>> No.7412408

Not her, but that's Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia, one of the greatest games ever. The HD remastered version just came out for PS3, with Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World packaged with it.

>> No.7412476

Thank you! I'll have to get the game if it's that good.

>> No.7412487

The Tales of series is gold; definitely worth a play :>

>> No.7413352

You're an ugly slut

>> No.7413406

Anyone ever play Tales of Vesperia?

>> No.7413408

To whom are you referring, anon?
I'm assuming this is a board misfire?

>> No.7413433

She was talking to you

>> No.7413541
File: 62 KB, 768x1024, dudley-3s-gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends.
I'm going to be cosplaying as Dudley from Street Fighter.
I'm a male, 230lbs about 6"1 with darker colored skin tone.

This is the first actual 'cosplay' that i'm going balls to the wall with. I've attended several conventions and each time I've just kind of dressed up as something to say i dressed up (not an actual character for anything)

Bottom line I come to you for help.
•I got lucky with the shirt and found it for a dollar at my local thrift shop.
•I ordered the bow-tie and cummerbund as a pair (kelly green)
•Lucky for me St. Patty's is coming up and finding kelly green suspenders was cake
•Found a good price on the boxing gloves
•Already had the shoes
•I'll be getting a haircut that matches his, fortunately my hair is long enough to achieve this perfectly i discovered. I will also be dying it black (my hair is dark brown)
•I bought blue 1 day colored contacts because apparently his eyes are blue. (mine are brown)

Which leaves two things.
The mustache, and the god damn pants.
I'm actually not super worried about the mustashe as I am the pants. I've looked EVERYWHERE for kelly green pants and I can't find them, I've been to daytona, sanford, deland, anywhere you could think of locally and can't seem to find them. I can sew the yellow line on the outside, I'm just trying to find the right color.
On to the actual questions:
•Do you guys think it would be recommend just to get white dress pants and dye them the color I want?
•Or I could just return the bow-tie/cummerbund/suspenders and get them several shades darker so I can find the correct pants?

Thank you in advance. I really want to make this look good.

>> No.7413661

dye white pants! i feel like you'd have better luck with coloring them. look on the rit color guide to see what would match best

>> No.7414479

I'll be honest, I think I might mess it up or something stupid. Can anyone recommend a reliable guide i could follow that they personally have done?

>> No.7414597

If you get white dress pants make sure they are close to 100% cotton as that will give you the best results. Synthetics like polyester don't take well to dye, so the results tend to vary.

Do you have basic sewing skills? If so, I'd recommend buying the green pants then making the cummerbund and suspenders with matching fabric, which are pretty simple.

Good luck!

>> No.7414698


yes. A+ game.
I have a full Yuri Lowell cosplay done but unworn...waiting, to have a wig added, eventually, when I feel like buying one.

>> No.7414789

Planning on War Angel from an Indy comic, Maid Mirai from Knk, Caitlyn and then I'm going to bring a lolita coord probably for sunday

>> No.7415263

Dude I know right? I didn't like the fight system much, wouldve preferred a traditional rpg battle engine. That said the characters and animation were awesome. Like watching a good anime and playing a good game combined.

>> No.7417795
File: 48 KB, 429x422, Johnny_JoestarASB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends and I are going as a tiny JoJo's Bizarre Adventure group on Saturday, hoping that I can throw together a half-decent Johnny Joestar cosplay (with a blue/white color scheme) while battling with senior thesis.
This is going to be my first time sewing pants and a hat from scratch, so I'm really nervous that it all stays together/is comfortable, and I have to put all the stars on manually since you'd be surprised how damn impossible it is to find plain blue-with-white-stars fabric (everything I've found had either red and white, or yellowy stars).

>> No.7420362

So we've got about eleven days left. Is anyone else still working on their costume, or is everyone squared away?

>> No.7420656
File: 42 KB, 935x858, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes
Welcome to the FL cos community
Where someone has come along to passive-aggressively insult someone
But couldn't even do that right

Yeah I still have a wig commission and a ton to do for my own cosplans, but I'm not sweating it yet

>> No.7420662

^oops deleted a thing in >>7420656
Phone reply game is weak

>> No.7420751

how do yall feel about kigurumis
like i have a totoro kigu but idk mane

>> No.7420754

Are all the girls on /cgl/ dykes? Such same. Pretty white girls, not having white children.

>> No.7420779
File: 2.00 MB, 276x327, 1389921449203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday I'll be one of the characters from SDR2 or Dangan Ronpa.
Saturday I'm doing Homura Akemi with a small Madoka group, and Sunday I'll probably just deck out in Kpop stuff because the other four people I was supposed to go with in an actual group are being kind of indecisive about what they want to wear.

I'm actually really excited for Mega this year!

>> No.7420798

>talking about having children
Stop being a peasant anon. Having children is for poor people.

>> No.7422900

Anyone going to the Lolita panel on Friday 4pm? We should meet there.

>> No.7423068

Yoo, unless I'm one of your friends me and some of my friends are also going to have a small JJBA group.

>> No.7423069


>> No.7424827

On Friday I'll be taking it easy and wearing Asuka in her school uniform and Saturday I'll be Filia from Skullgirls! Not sure about Sunday. I'll either rewear something or just bring some cute clothes.

>> No.7428586

So is a meet up still happening or what?

>> No.7428808

Yep, here's a link to the facebook event page: /events/1384153378515087/

>> No.7429081

Lets see your Asuka

>> No.7429687

Time escaped me completely this year so I'll either be whipping up something small for Friday/Saturday or I'll be going in J-fashion for most of the weekend.

>> No.7429715
File: 31 KB, 400x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro your creeper levels are showing

>> No.7430433

I might be jotaro.

>> No.7431399

I'm going to the lolita panel on Friday, will be there all day as a matter of fact. Planning on going to the magical girl panel afterwards. I'd live to meet with you!

>> No.7431692

First time going to a con, first time displaying, first time posting on /cgl/. I will be a Klingon from TOS..

>> No.7433245
File: 1.99 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-07-06 23.06.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convinced my friends to do a Hotline Miami group.

I'm going to be Jacket with the Richard mask (see pic [Supercon 2013 with Peter mask,]) my friends are going to be the Pig Butcher, Biker and one of the Russian grunts.

Might invest in a speaker to play the soundtrack as we travel around.

>> No.7433390

So I'm going to scrap Johnny and save that for Metrocon when I can get the right kind of fabric and won't be swamped from schoolwork, I'm just going to re-wear an old cosplay of Naoto from Persona 4.

>> No.7433461

Is there a Lolita panel going on Saturday as well or am I getting events mixed up..? Either way I'll be wearing lolita Friday and Saturday, maybe Sunday if I'm feeling it.

Also, magical girl panel!? How come I'm not seeing anything about this on the website?

Hell fucking yes.

>> No.7433479

It might be under the anime sushi schedule, which is completely separate for some reason.

>> No.7433541

Ohhhhhhh whoops okay, I didn't even know about this. How strange they have that separate, I thought that schedule was just for anime screenings.

>> No.7433711

I'm freaking out because there are about four days left and I'm still less than 50% done with my entire costume. I've started on each item at least, but still.

>> No.7433731

I'll be there Saturday as either fem. Luffy from One Piece or Hinata from Naruto: Road to Ninja

>> No.7434490
File: 45 KB, 500x461, 1394776314269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuckin titties that 40k is amazing. Wouldstalk/10

>> No.7434497
File: 1.59 MB, 426x319, 1388092882833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you anon

>> No.7434580

Saturday the central Florida comm is having a meet up, but no panel.

>> No.7434891

Does anyone know if there is going to be a Borderlands meetup of any kind? I know there's a DC Photoshoot, but I can't find anything about Borderlands.

I'll be going as Pajama Party Harley Quinn, Mad Moxxi and the loud half of Jay and Silent Bob.

>> No.7434921

Yeah, on Friday there is a Lolita panel at 4pm. I'd be more than happy to meet you both there. I was also eying the magical girl panel as well but figured all of the lolitas would want to loiter and chitchat after the panel so I was torn about going. I might just mention it on the facebook page and see if other women want to join us? I'll be wearing Gothic Lolita on Friday, a faun coord on Saturday and a casual coord on Sunday.

If any of you are interested in LARPing there is a vampire LARP at 7pm which could be fun~. It's mainly why I'm wearing Gothic Loli this Friday.

>> No.7434927

I'm with you anon, I want to loiter with the other lolitas, but I also really want to go to that panel.

>> No.7435121

Thank you, I'll try my best.

>> No.7435160

Would anyone like to group up on Saturday? My friends just decided they'd rather only go on Friday. TT

>> No.7435330

I'll do it, but I don't plan on doing much other than shopping. My Skype's notapupmon if you'd like to discuss this further.

>> No.7435932


Oh hey siha found ya. They're looking for you'

>> No.7438188
File: 35 KB, 613x439, 1339650019268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this will be he first time I'll go to a con without a cos.

I feel so relieved and content.

>> No.7438573
File: 127 KB, 406x512, dfgdfg43t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as Leon from RE4. No clue what day I'm going, depends I guess. I'm secretly hoping I run into that one group who took over one of the empty rooms, if anyone was around for that. That damn "Whoosh" game was the shizznit.

>> No.7438699


>> No.7439724

mega-crunch hype
how are your costumes going seagulls

>> No.7439735

Almost done with all my armor. I just need to finish sculpting a few small pieces, then paint and such, and then attach everything. Very last minute stuff will all be out of fabric which is honestly a million times simpler since I don't have to wait for things to dry.

>> No.7439739

Going to be there on Friday for the lolita panel. its going to be my first coord and first time wearing in public so I hope I dont embarass myself too much and maybe meet some lolita friends

>> No.7439748

do you have any pictures or a collage?
im excited for you!!!

>> No.7439766
File: 89 KB, 575x323, journey-game-screenshot-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I'll only be able to go on saturday this year, but i'll be cosplaying a traveler from journey. I'm verryyyy close to finishing it. All that's left for me to do is work on the hood.

>> No.7439798

You're pretty good.

>> No.7440264

This guy has been stirring the waters at conventions.
I wonder what he has to say about Megacon.

>> No.7440330
File: 1.46 MB, 1647x862, coordtry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm adding a small gold necklace and bracelet, as well as some tights. I'm concerned the tights are TOO white, since the dress is an ivory color.

>> No.7440515
File: 51 KB, 653x490, 20130725_132232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AA vendor here. Me and my partner went to a Bank of America in DrPhillips to withdraw an assload of $1's for change.

>Teller: What do you need $260 in 1's for?
>Us: We're vending at Megacon and need change
>Teller: MEGACON? My daughter is going to Megacon too! I think she said she was dressing up in some homestuck outfit (she then describes long black hair and a blue/black outfit of some kind)
>Had to catch myself from automatically apologizing to her

>> No.7440765

Are you going to be selling those buttons this weekend? I'd definitely be interested in one.

>> No.7440839

Anyone know how bad the ticket lines are and how early I should get there so I don't have to wait long?

>> No.7440934

Sure will. Table #11 in Burgundy

If you have to buy your tickets there, plan to get there an hour early if you're going Sat, otherwise, 30 mins early for Fri/Sun. The ticket areas will be completely inside of the con hall this time around, not outside.

>> No.7440945
File: 357 KB, 647x324, Meenah.Peixes.full.1324342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we still posting what we're going to be wearing for the weekend? This is my lineup and I'm mildly stressing because I haven't been able to schedule a single shoot for the weekend. I thought I wouldn't have to since I plan on entering the cosplay contest on Saturday and I thought I'd be too busy for one but now I'm seriously reconsidering and thinking of trying to get one during the daytime since thats really the only one I care about getting pics for...

>> No.7441061

Did you wear that Meenah at Katsucon by any chance or was that someone else? If so it was a very nice outfit but your horn attachment was really shitty-looking and you should probably do something about it.

>> No.7441213

Needless to say if you dont have a speaker, and youre going to be dressed up on Friday, I'll be periocidally following you around blasting it for you. I'll be wearing baggy checkered pants. You'll know.

>> No.7441324

awesome! if I didn't have my costumes already scheduled out, I'd bring my traveler so we could co-op around.

>> No.7441508

How is the Megacon costume contest - the universal one?

I've competed in the Anime Sushi one before, but not the general one. Since there's no pre-judging for the general one, do they ask questions on stage? Are the winners mostly for popularity or construction?

>> No.7441593

Ran out of spray paint again and I still have a lot of sewing to do. Today will be fun.

>> No.7441603
File: 90 KB, 960x720, 1395329236399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend and I are cosplaying as Red Hood and Arsenal from The New 52's 'Red Hood and the Outlaws'

I'm hoping to run into a Batman and a Joker solely for fun picture purposes.

Which one am I going as?
I'm hoping the picture is enough ^_^

See you guys there!

>> No.7441820

I will be going as Rance on Saturday and possibly on Friday as well.

>> No.7441870
File: 241 KB, 219x300, vcute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats very good for a first coord.

>> No.7441945
File: 76 KB, 600x450, 1379334446735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mega really ending at 6 on Saturday?!
If this is true then that's some boolsheet!
Is any thing at least happening afterwards?
Any after parties or gatherings?

>> No.7441950

The dealers' room is closing. That's all.

>> No.7442201


>> No.7442280

Its so tacky and cheap looking.
I know its baby but damn that is some ita looking shit.

Will be on the look out to laugh at you.

>> No.7442316

You sound like a delightful person

>> No.7442328

Thank you .

I do try my best.

>> No.7442340

I can't attend the lolita panel (boo), but I might go to the CFLS meet. I'm undecided.

>> No.7442406

aw that would have been cool! who are you going to be cosplaying?

>> No.7442407

Oh god no I wasn't at Katsu. I just finished Meenah last week and I can assure you my horns are just fine. The wings are questionable but it was rushed so :\

>> No.7442546

Garrett from the new Thief.
Finishing up the claw (though it's really just a handle because of time constraints) as well as putting on the left knee-pad. Just a few more touch ups and I'll be done. Any meets I should go to?

>> No.7443084

Anyone else still up working on their cosplay?

>> No.7444494


>> No.7444877
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found you!

>> No.7445279
File: 953 KB, 3264x2448, 20140322_094954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me. This is what I have to stare at all day from my table... Hopefully 4chin doesnt sideways it.

>> No.7445281

I should have figured it would sideways it out of spite... God help all you in that horrendous line.

>> No.7445324
File: 60 KB, 540x720, 34524564364576456754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many cosplayers in florida shit?

>> No.7445601

yikes. I want to come visit you but I'm not dealing with that fucking dealers room right now.

>> No.7445610

Hopefully you are kicking ass in sales because those fucking mobs at the dealer section. People watching on the 2nd floor is much more peaceful.

>> No.7445623

All of the regret for not going I slept in way too late today. I hope any lolitas are enjoying the meet!

>> No.7445692

so fucking mad I am not there . Just finished up fixing 100 feet of fencing and about to go pass out. FML

>> No.7445884

I spent a good two hours people watching up there

>> No.7446033
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Only got a couple pics this year but I'm posting anyway

>> No.7446034
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>> No.7446037
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>> No.7446038

I sold out of a ton hooooleey shit. Also..

>Still in the fucking parking lot hour and a half after con.

>> No.7446042
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>> No.7446047
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>mfw I'm home in bed already

>> No.7446048
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>> No.7446049

good lord lol

totally missed today, hope to make it tomorrow

god the traffic is total shit if your just traveling for one day

>> No.7446052
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>> No.7446055
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>> No.7446138


Good to hear you did well. Ended up going home early to try to catch up on the fact that waking up at 5:30 really didn't agree with me today.

Took some pictures before I left that I'm going to dump. Overall I'm kinda surprised I didn't see a lot more Homestuck/ Adventure time, but that might be for the better I guess.

>> No.7446149
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The /vr/ in me thanks this group for their support.

>> No.7446153

how's the drive/parking situation?

>> No.7446156
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>> No.7446161
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>> No.7446176
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Fuck the glare and fuck the fact that I forgot my real camera.

Also, thanks to the Taiga for being Taiga(if she is a seagull). I do a yearly marathon during Toradora right before Christmas.


Drive actually isn't bad. Megacon is surprisingly close to me and is technically the closest con to me. (1 hr if I take 528)

I actually parked in the convention center Parking Garage this time, when I got there at about 8 A.M. I could actually park on the 1st floor, but I saw people taking the elevarot to their cars when I left so I could only imagine the hell for latecomers.

>> No.7446185
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>I do a yearly marathon OF Toradora right before Christmas.

I admire the electrionics work that went into this man's suit.

>> No.7446191
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Caught me by complete surprise when I see this guy walk in.

>> No.7446195

ahh ok, thx. I left pretty late and got close to exit 72 but it was like 10am; by then it was so damn packed and traffic moved like a mile per hour that i just gave up.

>> No.7446197

Any pics of those topless girls?

>> No.7446201
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>> No.7446204
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This Karthus looks fucking amazing.

>> No.7446207
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Happened to stumble upon a Kill La Kill meetup. Disappointed best Mako was not there.

The one in :

>> No.7446211

Any fun parties or meet ups tonight?

>> No.7446213


Thats all I had on my camera. Thought I took more but I noticed my card is close to full so maybe they didn't save. I know I took one of the Gardevoir Gijinka around but I can't find it now. Sorry Gardevoir.

>> No.7446215

That is an amazing 40k cosplay.

>> No.7446252
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Did you have the croc cap on?

>> No.7446257

Did you enjoy the traffic out there today? This is by far the biggest megacon since it started. Defiantly getting a room out there next time. I live about 20 mins away and spend almost three hours in traffic today.

>> No.7446267

I feel like Megacon was a good way of letting Orange County Convention Center know that their event planning procedures are horrible. I know of 2 people that managed to come in the doors that people were exiting the vendor hall from (on accident). And the parking lot was a whole 'nother level of hell. I would have rather taken a nap at my table for 2 hours to avoid leaving in that mess.

>> No.7446296


Was it a surprise to them how fucking huge Megacon was this year or something? I could believe it if they straight out said it. I've never seen them have noticeable organization issues until this year. Noticed this morning there was a lot of confusion on on how the lines worked for tickets and little to no staff to manage them.

>> No.7446295

Left at 9am this morning and it took 3 1/2 hours to get to the convention center (I live 30 minutes from the con.)

Orange County Convention Center did a horrible job at planning this year. There were 4 events going on other than Megacon this weekend. I felt so bad for the little cheerleaders that were getting out of their cars to walk to their competition. This had to be the worst Megacon I've been to.

>> No.7446318

Part of the disorganization came from being in the South Concourse this year. It's much smaller than the West one.

>> No.7446319

I'm still pretty disappointed by having to miss the meetup. I got stuck in a situation where I had to work.
Also, Holy shit, that traffic. It was ridiculous.

>> No.7446326

Were there any decent Ivys there? Also I heard the dealer's room was ridiculously crowded all the time?

>> No.7446328

I have never seen anything like it. They were already parking people in the grass when i arrived and the traffic was bumper to bumper from the convention center to sand lake road and back the other direction all the way to john young parkway. there is no way all of those cars found spaces. I was glad we came in the back way because i know international would have been an even worse cluster. the grass was nearly completely covered by noon. just insane.

>> No.7446331

There were quite a bit of Ivys, but I only came across one that I would consider actually good though.
The dealer's room was almost impossible to make it through during the prime hours.

>> No.7446342

Did you get any pics?
I'm pretty glad I skipped out considering how crowded it seemed from what I was told from friends

>> No.7446345

I didn't go to Megacon for exactly this shit. Every year the traffic gets worse and worse. Every year there are at least 2 other events going on with one being cheer-leading.

>> No.7446444

Yes, what is up with that. Every year they are there the same time Megacon is going on. Megacon is not the same date every year so how does that happen? Maybe there is a cheap week in march and February every year?

>> No.7446459


>> No.7446468


Good god, i was stuck on sand lake road and i drove by this car where i can see they were going to the con. The passenger had a con girl cosplaying as May (pokemon). She looked so sad lol. I just bailed after that waiting outside exit 72 for like 2 hours.

Any tips on parking or ways in for tomorrow? Also tips on buying ticket? I'm gonna be leaving at 6 and get there at 7 hopefully.

>> No.7446526

Hey, the /k/ommando here. Can't say much about traffic other than I hate driving in Orlando in general. I had fun at the meetup. My friends and I had a pretty good debut today. I'm exhausted and this is the first time I've stopped moving long enough to post. Hope to see you all tomorrow!
~That breathing guy

>> No.7446553



>Get lost at Megacon, get shamed on the loudspeakers.

>> No.7446568

That guy was hilarious.

Where they really sold out of tickets though?

>> No.7446577
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>Be me
>Be the GPS of the trip there
>I'm terrible at dirrections
>everyone knows this
>I'm still the GPS
>I get us to take a wrong turn and miss sand lake
>turns out the turn leads straight to international
>mfw no traffic

>> No.7446578


>> No.7446914

I know a few people who gave up after 2-3 hours in traffic.

Please let this be a lesson to the OCCC.

>> No.7447108
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Staying in a hotel was the best decision I've ever made. Friday was excellent. We got up at nine and ate breakfast, took a 2 dollar trolly at 10, bought tickets, and was in line to enter the show room by 11. Saturday was quite busy, but I didn't get there until 12 and holy shit that mob to get into the ticket sales/show room. Here's hoping Sunday is as chill as Friday.

Really enjoyed the kill la kill group, but why do they all have blue wigs?I thought her hair was black?I didn't see any synchronize mode, but my wife said she did while in line for an autograph.
Will be headed back there in a few hours

>> No.7447130

Saturday was ridiculously packed. I don't know if there were significantly more attendees than usual and/or it was because it was in the South concourse, but it was uncomfortably full. It was difficult to get anywhere in the crowd. I was wearing a relatively small costume with armor and it was near impossible to navigate. I bumped into a lot of people on accident.

My friend and I try to attend some panels - particular the Walking Dead one. We got there a few hours early, waited in line, and didn't get into the panel.

Having the con on three separate levels was also really inconvenient - leading to back ups around the interior escalators.

Megacon needs to be in the other building - they might even need to expand to include more space in the other building.

>> No.7447139

Yea, my friend did same thing getting a hotel close by. I should of done the same; shit was cluttered that I'm just skipping that shit today.

>> No.7447146

The con was definitely a different experience if you stayed at a nearby hotel, and I'm sure I'd have given up and left if I was waiting 3+ hours on I-drive. I wish I knew it was gonna be bad, or I'd have linked the back road way that was wide open (but most taxis wouldn't take, they'd just sit on the main road and let the meter run).

I got to see part of the dealers room Friday, but Saturday my group stuck to the third floor and other areas because it was so packed. Honestly, I was way more uncomfortably crowded at Dragoncon, so this wasn't too bad, especially in a comfy costume with no breakable parts.

Did you guys see: the giant space marines? The 6 foot 4 inch movie-perfect Thranduil from the Hobbit? All those Elsa/Frozen cosplayers with tear away gowns? And the fuckwin child cosplayers? I was gonna die over the tiny borderlands chick, the little cyborg and weeping angel and DAT GODDAMNED ANIMAL FROM THE MUPPETS. Amazing con, sorry to you folks who had to put up with traffic/mob nonsense.
I'll be fairy godmother from Cinderella today, hope to see some of you assholes (and Karl Urban).

>> No.7447175

Anyone else notice that all the famous cosplayers that attended were basically all the most attention whorish or just whorish ones out right now.

>> No.7447199

yeah, when my group showed up at parking there were three different stops demanding to see our wristbands, they were sending a lot of people away.

>> No.7447210

You sound upset. I didn't notice anything of the sort.

>> No.7447353

My first Megacon, I had fun but won't be going back, I think. There were no panels I wanted to see, it took 3 hours to drive from Tampa, crowded as fuck and the dealer's room was terrible.

Good way to spend an afternoon though.

>> No.7447400

Speaking of child cosplayers, I saw the cutest little RED Scout (TF2) in the entrance room. His cosplay was more accurate than a lot of the girls in TF2 stuff, really. Got a pic with him, he was pretty cool.

On an unrelated note, anyone get pics of the titan Eren cosplayer? The one that was, well, half naked?

>> No.7447411

There was a shop of adorable plushies with the word "cartoon" in the name. Yesterday the shop owner and someone browsing there seemed to be having a disagreement, so I looked over and the shop owner as grabbing this girl by the wrist and you could see an obvious bulge in her jacket sleeve. The lady called attention to the attempted theft and told her to show what was under her sleeve, a black cat plushie from that booth. Do not fuck with shop owners or you will be publicly shamed, and rightfully.

>> No.7447534

I was there as Indy
Link to all the pics I took

>> No.7447603

News this morning said an estimated 75000 people showed up for megacon.

>> No.7447618

From what security told us, the fire marshals had to shut down sales and give refunds to those trying to attend. They went over capacity due to paople sneaking in the exits.

>> No.7447652

Sounds like then need to do multi halls. maybe an outdoor location. I drive is bad but at least it is better than when they started out near the oreana or whatever it is called now. That was worse for other reasons though.

>> No.7447687

Why would I be upset? Just pointing out there weren't very many quality 'top' cosplayers there. Just the same ones that are always like buy my stuff or halfway naked
It's a different crowd than it used to be

>> No.7448026

There were some good ones but were hard to find in the sea of people. Megacon needs to understand how much they have grown and expand to adjust or it could bite them in the ass.

>> No.7448170

Just got home a few minutes ago. I was able to cosplay Saber Alter, but only for about five hours early saturday. If anyone has pictures of me, that'd be great, but I don't think I got many.

As for the con itself, it waa extremely crowded and I had a part of my skirt fall off due to someone stepping on it, though that's really a hazard of any con. The new location really didn't help though. And funneling everyone onto one or two escelators to get into the dealers room? Really?

>> No.7448222

I agree. A lot of things were kind of disorganized. If they're in the same building next year, hopefully they'll learn some things and improve it.

>> No.7448233

My friend says he saw some guy in blue with a cardboard Sonic face, I need pictures of this.

>> No.7448268

Heyo, one of the Anons from the meetup, just got home myself.

Biggest issue by far this year was the change of venue. Why the hell did the con get moved to a smaller place when every year it GROWS? Jesus Christ that whole escalator mess was such a fucking clusterfuck.

/co/ panels were pretty great, didn't go to any of the headliners because the lines were stupidly long. Felt bad for the people waiting for the Walking Dead Panel. The right side was well organized and had a good line, but on the left side, some worker dun goof'd and let people in way early on a side entrance and then decided to open another door and everyone said 'Fuck the line' and rushed the two doors into a mass crowd. That's why the third floor was just a giant crowd of people like an hour before the panel started. I felt really bad for two girls, they said they were about 50th in line but when the people just started to try to run in they got pushed out of the way and were completely in the back.

Anime panels pretty much sucked this year. Too many socially awkward people not knowing how to run panels. They were either completely monotone, mumbled or just read off of slides/papers with absolutely no interaction with the audience. Only decent one that I went to was the "Name that Anime Music" or whatever, an that was because they do it at every con they go to so they have experience.

7/10, mainly due to crowd/shit con planning.

>> No.7448287
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so yeah i was MANMA (menma with a beard from anohana) on friday which was pretty fun getting looks from people at the con like OH SHIT WTF IS THIS GUY WEARING especially when I had to use the bathroom to take a piss and the only urinal that was open was the one in the middle while 2 other people using the urinals beside me going oh shit wtf is taking a piss next to me.

saturday i went as MANKOTO (makoto with a beard from FREE!!!! )

i didn't like the new location it was a big clusterfuck in my opinion very poorly handled.

oh if you have taken any pics of me which not that many people did but if you have plz share :D ty and hope you all enjoyed the con

>> No.7448322

Whew just got home in Tampa. Feel bad for anyone that was trying to leave the con by I-4 to get to Orlando. I was Nanami from SDR2 on Friday and Nora from RWBY Saturday and today.

Our experience was ridiculous, my god the crowds were unbearable. What really pissed me off about this year was that I bought a Saturday pass and didn't have anyone ask me to show it ONCE. What's the point in buying a ticket if I didn't have to actually use it once to get in the dealers room or go to panels. Feel like I wasted 30 bucks :/ peeeeveeed

>> No.7448389
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>>7433245 here

The group cosplay was successful! Only went Sat, so I missed you >>7441213 .

First successful group cosplay on our end, and my friends definitely had fun doing multiple poses/action shots for fans of the game.

Here's one taken prior to actually walking around (Biker has the pistol in this shot because he wanted to use it for at least one picture, the rest of the con he used the butcher knife.)

Kinda wish we could see the pictures that con-goers took of us since we didn't repeat poses. We exchanged weapons throughout the day (except for Biker) and did different things.

Also the escalator and crowds were crazy, we enjoyed a good amount of relaxing and people watching midday on Sat. After reading the thread, it looks like we dodged a bullet by not going to the panels.


>> No.7448462

Don't know how many of you were there for it, but what did you think of ya ya's thing at the anime sushi contest?

>> No.7448525

Idk who the announcer was, but he was very annoying.
Ya Ya's part was fine though.

>> No.7448545

I went, I thought it was shit.

That kill la kill cosplay was bomb as fuck though, got a picture with her

>> No.7448565

I get the feeling that the China trip has something to do with HoC. Especially since it involved Yaya, and Indra is on this season's run. Not like it much matters anyway since the other two performances didn't cut it, anyway.

>> No.7448578

It was really shitty this year.

They lined people up outside the building to get in, but once you walked through the door there was no line management to the actual ticket booths. It would have been faster to skip around the line, go in through a different door, and walk to the booths.

There was also almost zero line management for any of the big events. The costume contest ended up having two lines that stretched all the way across the upper walkways in both directions.

>> No.7448596 [DELETED] 

>famous cosplayers
>attention whores

you can't be one without also being the other

>> No.7448713

So no more pics of the con? My camera broke in the beginning so I didn't get many pics.. :( First world probs....

>> No.7448926

We stayed at a nearby hotel within reasonable walking distance and honestly had a great experience. It was worth every penny. Aside from the mess on Saturday at the dealers room, we had an awesome time.

>> No.7448954

Did anybody go to the not-anime cosplay contest? I heard that the kids category was really impressive this year but I couldn't make it in time to see them.

>> No.7448977

I saw you while I was walking back towards the Hyatt, and the costume with the giant robot hands looked absolutely amazing.
I would have said something but you looked annoyed, and I didn't want to be a pest.
But, great job.

>> No.7448978

Anybody else fucking hate Homestuck fags?
Every con down here is nearly %60+ Homestuck and they're all horribly annoying shits.

This con was no different and this year had to have been the worst in almost 10+ years iv'e gone. Horribly fucking reception the entire time so I couldn't text/call anybody, waaaay too many people, infinite rude shits and fat disgusting people who didn't shower, alot of vendors had new stuff like Figuarts and shit that's easy to find elsewhere but almost 2X the price, Rude assholes all day, had to deal with almost 4-5 people in wheelchairs who thought they deserved special treatment and were pushing thru people in the dealer room and jesus the staff was pants on head retarded this year.

Luckily tho my little toku meetup was good and I managed to snag some great stuff.

>> No.7448994
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Dude, some guy threw up literal chunks in one of the bathroom sinks.

>> No.7449031

I'm not sure. I talked to the winners while we were all up on stage, it sounded like it was a separate thing, but there were rumors of HoC filming the contest. They (the two that won) were nice people, seemed very excited about the trip and a little in shock, but that's to be expected. He had awesome contacts. Looked like a very light blue that really popped well.

>> No.7449035

I seriously think the con got pushed around because of a cheerleading competition.

>> No.7449103

Sunday was so much better. (for shopping and maneuvering, less cosplayers though) Even easier than Friday if you had a 3 day pass and didn't need to purchase a ticket. Saturday wasn't TOO bad, seemed much less organized than last year though. All around great con and can't wait for next year!
Metrocon and Tampa Bay Comic Con will be fun this year too

>> No.7449210

Speaking of those two, I think i will be better prepared this time around with the advance planning and everything else.

Going to try to bunk with someone that lives close to the con so the commute is shorter or hotel.

>> No.7449259
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Which one? This one?

>> No.7449336

Aww cute

>> No.7449338
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Best at Show at MetroCon 2013!

Saturday was a fucking nightmare; had to leave the con for an errand and it took me an hour and a half to get back. Totally fucking nuts.

Sorry for anyone who had to park in the convention center. Its simple to park at the Red Lobster or Walgreens. They don't tow, its godlike.

Game room sucked. No BYOC, turd tournaments but some serious players, incompetent staff.

Someone said there was a Gardevoir gijinka? Post dat.

>> No.7449359
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posting more from bed

>> No.7449363
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>> No.7449367
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>> No.7449369
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>> No.7449374
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>> No.7449378

Yeah I went to it. It took forever for the room to fill and there were a lot of Warmachines. The kids were definitely pretty great this year. There was a Princess Leia Minion that I'm really surprised didn't win. The only really disapponting cosplay was some guy who claimed to be from Call of Duty Ghosts, but he was just wearing a BDU and a skull mask. He didn't even get any applause when he walked up. Everything else was pretty okay.

>> No.7449375

Awesome!! What a well done Suki

>> No.7449382
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>> No.7449388
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well last one cause 2*Mako

>> No.7449417

What a hot mess

>> No.7449547

Anyone else notice there were a bunch of those stupid "notepad" or whatever gijinkas from the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared series? Also those stupid fucking deer faun people, almost all of them wearing flowercrowns. I couldn't help but inwardly cringe at that.

>> No.7449623

Aww man I only saw that other Mako. Poo.

>> No.7449628

I share the same general complaints of the con as above. Fucking CROWDED and I don't get why those chose the smaller of the convention center sets compared to last year.

Uploading pics (slowly and steadily) here: http://patchoulihou-knowledge.tumblr.com/

otherwise I saw like 4 fucking anomylous retards and had to deal with constant homefuck and attackoncosplay retards making out and buttfucking each other in public. I hate people.

>> No.7449646
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in our defense, we were posing for people for roughly 2.5 hours (on and off) and were exhausted lol

>> No.7449677

which fag are you?

>> No.7449709

Did anyone get any photos of the few jojos cosplayers at the event?

>> No.7449733


You sound like the very assholes you detest. Everyone else was steeped in the same shit as you. So stop lashing out at cripples and gay teen bug aliens.

>> No.7449737

>That tiny Satsuki
I can't stop laughing, it's like a little kitten trying to be domineering

>> No.7449753


>parking at RL/Walgreens

They don't tow? I could swear there's signs everywhere that say it's a tow zone. Good on you, though. I usually park at the Days Inn or Clarion right behind that plaza, but it was a serious clusterfuck on Saturday. I'm sorry for anybody who sat in traffic, I heard it was about a three hour wait in some places.

>> No.7449789

Think they got different zones, some of them do have tow zones but at least half don't.

>> No.7449795

Which event? I found this post that got a couple of them on Saturday (my friend was the Diego) http://kazuichi-chi.tumblr.com/post/80477598321/jojos-bizarre-adventure-cosplayers-at-megacon

>> No.7449805


>> No.7449806

I didn't go to any events, everyone I saw was just wandering outside in the main hall areas/bridges. I saw a Joleyne, Narancia, and Guido.

>> No.7449885

I saw like one on Saturday and literally dozens on Sunday. I wonder what that was about.

Also, you sound like you get butthurt from anything related to tumblr. Fuckin relax.

>> No.7449900

We parked at Denny's but the Walgreens did tow. We were literally about to park there when a tow truck pulled up and we were like "oh shit"

>> No.7449956
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oh, shit. Red Lobster was straight about it three days in a row.

>> No.7449962
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Also, for next year, there's an empty lot right between Red Lobster and McDonalds. If youre an early bird type, thats easy, free parking a two minute walk from the center.

>> No.7449969
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>> No.7449983
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Now that I look, it seems he's having a wardrobe malfunction..

>> No.7449991

Are all female cosplayers lesbo?

>> No.7450029

I fucking hated those

>> No.7450083

Noted as faggots who hate anything "popular". But please tell me how obnoxious these people were to be on par with Narutards and Homestucks

>> No.7450088


Being honest here, I think Homestuck cosplays take no skill to make or anything of the sort. you just get grey face paint, cones that are colored like candy corn and bingo you have a homestuck cosplay.

By the way, from Saturday there were people walking around with T.Vs on their heads, what series is that from?

>> No.7450093

I don't know if you were mistaken when you read my post. I wasn't complimenting homestucks by any means.

>> No.7450108


I wasn't either, I was saying that homestuck cosplays are the laziest to make

>> No.7450401
File: 408 KB, 1280x1920, gotta go fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best guy

>> No.7450630


>still complaining about hamsteak

The Homesuck cosplay fad has ended bruh. Yeah there were a bunch this year but the 30~ that I saw paled in comparison to the Attack on Titan cosplayers I saw. Hell, I think I noticed even more Frozen cosplays than Homestuck this year.

>> No.7450648

Yeah I noticed that too. Was the cosplayer who did the gijinka the first person to do that or was there the fanart for it first? Either way it looks fucking terrible in person and the cosplayers for it need to stop.

>> No.7450669


where do you get a bike helmet like that?

>> No.7450698

At the bike helmet store

>> No.7450711

At a bike shop?

>> No.7450804

totally not surprised one of the HoC won the china thing...they announced it so close to the con that people probably didn't have time to make something for it.....since a lot of the really great cosplayers don't enter the AS contest anymore sincce it's been such a clusterfuck the last few years.

>> No.7450809

How tall is that Satsuki?

>> No.7450915

in those heels, 6'3" I've been told.

>> No.7450938


>> No.7450947
File: 467 KB, 480x660, mega01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran into this while checking the Tumblr tag. It couldn't be more true.

>> No.7450978


I got stopped for so many pictures this weekend. Your petty comments about my decision to wear something oh so cringeworthy makes me laugh. I got more pictures than ever before and was genuinely being complimented. Someone must be pissed that they didn't get as much attention for their shitty cosplays

>> No.7450993

Did anyone manage to get a picture of tiny Satsuki >>7449646 and tall Satsuki >>7449983 together? Because if not, wasted opportunity.

>> No.7451089

I for one loved the DHMIS cosplays. Even better when both characters were around together. One Clock even even put my AA table-partner on the spot with a question he wasn't prepared for, made us laugh.

>> No.7451103


I dont even know who the fuck you are. I just hate the gijinka's design.

>> No.7451139

It was a separate judging pool and method from the AS contest.

>> No.7451187
File: 342 KB, 1280x960, 1395709030728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through the tag on Tumblr... Nip slip or unfortunate birthmark. Discuss.

>> No.7451198

>what are pasties
>what is fashion tape

How unfortunate.

>> No.7451205
File: 865 KB, 467x325, crying ichigo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L-Lettuce... noooo....

>> No.7451333
File: 928 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that Satsuki.

>> No.7451378
File: 49 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n2yxzf0cn01qbale4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only acceptable cosplay for Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

>> No.7451493

Did anyone happen to get a picture of a blue fairy Asuna? She was there on Saturday.

>> No.7451569

they terrified me good lord

>> No.7451601

The winners weren't on HoC. It's FantasyNinja and her boyfriend.

>> No.7451670

They will be for the second season.

>> No.7451727
File: 64 KB, 960x640, 1395717669034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was our group. We felt that we did well, considering it was our first year competing (and my first convention). I didn't take this picture (obviously). I was the green one. Had serious tunnel vision in that mask. Couldn't sit properly. I never realized that cosplay can often require a handler lol.

>> No.7451805

That's a different one.

>> No.7451808

He did a review!

>> No.7451830

Pretty neat designs.

>> No.7451896

gotta say, i like this one better

>> No.7451916
File: 935 KB, 3552x2000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah,these guys were awesome! In character in everything

>> No.7452242

There's another blogger out there too now. "Welcome to Florida; the state that’s been doing it wrong at least since 2007..."
Someone's jaded to hell.

>> No.7452651
File: 487 KB, 1280x1920, satsukinardotardogardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452658

>Anyone else notice that all the famous cosplayers that attended were basically all the most attention whorish or just whorish ones out right now.

It's Florida. Home of some of the most backstabbish people in the hobby.

>> No.7452672

I got a few butt pictures around the con for the eventual ass thread. Otherwise way too crowded to do much.

>> No.7452801
File: 280 KB, 673x2022, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for more pictures

>> No.7452894

but they're too big to easily upload and then I have to upload them to tumblr, save them and post them

i'm lazy anon
can't you do it for me?

>> No.7453469

well this is the last Megacon I'm ever going to.
Lot of people talking about the same shit I went through, stupid expencive new shit (Some guy had DBZ Season 1 bluray for $60 after I left I hoped over to Best Buy and got it for $25)
Actors where wanting bunch of money and wouldn;t really talk to you unless you bought something, Chad Low. . .Lobe. . .Space Ghost gave me shit for not buying a autograph, Jason David Frank wouldn't sign my morpher cause he thought it would go on EBay and I didn't buy a ticket for his hilariously over priced $100 meet and greet. John Borrowman was nice, as was Carl Urban. Eva Miles is gorgeous in person.
But then I got a bag stolen and lost about $300 with of money and stuff.
But then I feel the weight shift in my Proton Pack and a Spider-Man (a well done one at that) hands me my Cylotron, the entire bottom of my pack fell out and smashed.
But then there where so many fucking people I literally got picked up by a wave and taken outside the building and got separated from my friends for 2 hours, with no cell signal to call them.
so yeah I'm done, never doing that again.
I did see some great cosplay though and if I can get my pics onto my laptop I'll share them

>> No.7453479
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, CAM00358_zpsaawok6dg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stats off with a steampunk Batman and Harly I was really impressed with

>> No.7453482
File: 77 KB, 768x1024, CAM00362_zpsbotbp7vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend Mark saw these guys and lost his shit.

>> No.7453485
File: 63 KB, 768x1024, CAM00364_zpsjdjygqdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute Gadget, now if only my fat ass wasn't in the way.

>> No.7453492
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, CAM00374_zpsmn0h0spj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80's Power Unite!
come on He-Man fucking smile

>> No.7453495
File: 58 KB, 768x1024, CAM00389_zpsp2hiu8ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to check Jason's PKE levels

>> No.7453499

Im still trying to figure out why so many people keep coming for saturdays only. If its the costume contest.. then mega needs to split it up or put it on Friday - the lowest traffic day. They can then shove the D list actors to saturday and popular ones to fri-sun. Big changes better happen for next year. I cant have an unhappy customer base.

>> No.7453500
File: 59 KB, 1024x768, CAM00391_zpso2hn1muf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't appreciate that.

>> No.7453505
File: 62 KB, 768x1024, CAM00395_zpshxzwc4c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the first pic as Anna was adjusting her dress :3 kindly deleted that one lol

>> No.7453510
File: 149 KB, 768x1024, CAM00396_zpsaooufvko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a really kick ass FemAsh as I was taking my broken pack back to the car

>> No.7453513
File: 84 KB, 768x1024, CAM00398_zpsykxvsjoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last serviceable pic, just had back luck with the camera all day for some reason.
These guys where out side as I was leaving, put a small smile on my face even if the rest of the day was shit.

>> No.7453599

damn she's cute

>> No.7453635

Anybody have links to Photo galleries for this Mega? Preferably with the ability to save the pics.

Also anybody have info on last years Hoemstuck shit? There was a huge group of near 200+ people loud and yelling on saturday afternoon and cops were called and everything. We remember it as "The day Mega almost got shut down early Saturday by homostuck"

>> No.7453687

While waiting in line for the Walking Dead panel on Saturday (waited for two hours and didn't get in because no staff members were managing the line, btw), my spot in the line happened to be right next to a big circle of Homestucks loudly playing spin the bottle. So many awkward half-hugs and gross kisses. I wanted to kill myself right then and there

>> No.7453692

Welcome to Homestuck.

Anybody got any Toku pictures?
I saw several people with a Sengoku Driver.

>> No.7453701
File: 162 KB, 333x503, kayla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone see Mistique? I know her ><

Will post pics she posted herself
pic related, its the one i found on a megacon gallery online, not from her personal collection
she also did Leeloo, but no full body shots were shown, if anyone saw her that'd be sweet

>> No.7453728
File: 64 KB, 960x641, kayla2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7453732
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>> No.7453775
File: 88 KB, 720x960, kayls6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7454035

Somebody make a new thread pls.

>> No.7454650

man, my friends got pics w/ them.

those thick legs, god damn. she can hit me w/ her hammer any time

>> No.7454933

New thread.

>> No.7457317

why she gotta be all slutted up =\