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7402002 No.7402002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Weight-loss Cringe stories or stories in general of what you've done to fit into brand. Bonus points for embarrassing plus size incidents

>> No.7402013

When I had an eating disorder I did some really dumb shit. Probably the worst strategy I tried was dipping cotton balls in orange juice and swallowing them. I read that it helps you feel full so you won't get hunger cravings. Other then that ODing on laxatives, being too near people who are ill to catch their flu, shit like that.

>> No.7402029

i feel like so many people OD on laxitives/ lose control of their bowels for months because of laxitives.

>> No.7402035

how... did... the cotton... digest? I'm baffled by this strategy.

>> No.7402041

lose control as in cant shit or shit all the time?

>> No.7402047

I feel for you... I used to suck in my tummy everyday t appear thinner. Throw up everything I ate it was really bad. MFW One day I go outside skirt tucked into itself everyone saw my size 14 butt. XC Never eat solids for days.

>> No.7402059

Both. Some people damage the sphincter, others damage the peristalsis of the intestine itself due to over stimulating them. That's why the don't recommend using them for more than a week at a time unless you're 80 or have colitis and are at the risk of a blockage.

>> No.7402064

they shit everytime they eat (because she took it everytime either before she ate or after she ate) like when she stopped while she was at school shed shit herself if she ate lunch. She was already like a size 2-3 trying to get down to 0 so it was more embarrasing then someone who was over weight...

>> No.7402069


>> No.7402079

I don't grasp the concept of taking laxatives to lose weight. the food ends up going through your digestive tract, who knows how many calories you absorb before it exits. Same with vomiting.

Christ, if you're going to have an eating disorder, do it right and quit food.

>> No.7402096

>not understanding how eating disorders work...

>> No.7402100

I only take them when i go on vacation. For some reason my body is like "nope nope not gonna shit anywhere but your apartment toilet"
it's actually pretty frustrating. I wonder if anyone else has this issue. I know shy bladder syndrome exists, but i thought that was only for urinating and not shitting.

>> No.7402108

I have this problem also... but coffee usually solves it. I think it's amplified because I usually go camping for vacations and there's either a ohshitno toilet or nothing for miles but wilderness.

>> No.7402112

It's weird, I have the same problem with vomiting. I've only had to make myself throw up twice (once because I drank anything other than water on a really long walk in the heat, the other because period), both times my body refused to while in public, but as soon as I stepped in the door, well, you probably get it.

>> No.7402140
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>too fat to fit into favorite brand
>eat one meal a day with occasional snacks
>lose 10-15lbs
>put the money I would have put into food into brand

>> No.7402149

about $30 a week I'd spend it on getting a coffee or something from the bakery or whatever. worst idea ever

>> No.7402164

Has it ever occured to you to just inform yourself about proper nutrition and working out, in order to lose weight healthily?

>> No.7402168

Weighing every gram of food I eat. Now it's a compulsion even though my estimating for serving sizes is much better. It's often very shocking to discover how small the listed serving sizes are vs a guesstimate of a 'regular portion'. 1500 calories a day, macros of 20g carb, 200g protein, 80g fat and 50g fiber. Start working out 3x/week. Results the first week, more each week following, loosing pounds and inches so I'm sticking to it. But the food weighing is kind of weird even though I like to do it.

>> No.7402180

Are weight loss threads allowed...? I'd like to have regular ones where I can just post progress so I don't give up(as per usual)

>> No.7402185

If not, how about a Lolita Progress thread in general where we can post any lolita related goals and progress.

>> No.7402188


Usually it's 2000kcal a day for a normal-sized adult (for women it's probably 1800). But the most important thing is to work out. 3 times a week is okay, 5 times a week is better. Try to get a rotation of lifting-cardio-lifting-cardio-lifting, cardio being just running around the block once or twice and working yourself up to 30mins per day, lifting being the whole deal. Don't forget to eat carbs before you work out.

Good luck, anon. Bless you. I'm working on my weight from the other side of the fence, trying to get up from ~125lb to ~140 with sub-10% bodyfat.

>> No.7402191

I've found that if I eat less, its harder to lose weight than if I ate like normal.

>> No.7402194

I'm kinda lucky, took the stated dose for a few days once in a while, then went fuck it after a bad binge and took like ten of them. A bit of vomiting and an the obvious reaction, then blockage for a few days.

I actually have no clue. I just remember doing it. I was so desperate to stop the pain of hunger and not give in to food.

Aww anon, it's okay <3 Are you alright now?

Another thing I still have a habit of is weighing out EVERYTHING I eat, then checking it four times by taking it off the scales and putting it back on repeatedly. Think that's an OCD thing that started with the eating disorder though.

>> No.7402195

Agreed, used to eat ~800 calories per day, actually it's easier to loose weight now that's I'm at least at 1000 per day, trying to reach 1200.
I dont have that much kg to loose thought, juste 5 so I'm just working on changing my diet habits and getting myself used to do 20 min of cardio per day (calisthenics)

>> No.7402198


You don't actually have to eat less, per se. You have to vary up WHAT you eat. Little to no sweets, no soda, definitely no ice cream, more whole-grain bread less white bread, meat is a-okay but more as a side dish, more fish and veggies etc. Be smart about what you take into your system, and you'll still be able to eat big portions. And of course, keep the work-out routine. Nothing burns more calories than consistent work-out.

As a tip, just learn how to cook from raw ingredients. With raw ingredients you can control what you take in, as opposed to processed foods.

>> No.7402202

Op here! How about I post a regular support thread for those wanting to fit into brand? Maybe once a week I'll post it. Maybe people can post what utfit they are striving to fit into? We need to support our fellow Lolitas!

>> No.7402210

id read it

>> No.7402334

This sounds awfully similar to /fit/ fridays. I'm not sure why but those thread were banned with the Dakota ones. Still, I'd love if you colud make it a thing again

>> No.7402343

Had a friend who was doing all kinds of horrible things to "lose weight".
Very sad, because she had one of those tiny but insanely well muscled bodies people sometimes are born with.
She was not remotely fat, just very very sturdy.
I'm not talking about that "hurr big boned" thing either.
She started working out to "lose weight" which instead burned what little fat she had, and bulked her up a bit. At one point she looked like a midget football player, albeit with an adorable face.
Then she got onto the diuretics, laxatives and vomiting, and went from cute-but-buff to "oh god what are you doing" very quickly.

It was heartbreaking. I hope she's doing well, but I couldn't watch her destroy herself like that and began distancing myself from her.