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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 58 KB, 281x301, tabaokuti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7399546 No.7399546 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7388190

FAQ (Please Read!):

Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheets:

Shopping Services Spreadsheet:

Budgeting Spreadsheet Template:

Translate text from images: newocr.com

If the above links look the same, disable add-ons (like 4chanX), clear cache, clear cookies, and/or try a new Internet browser. This problem happens sometimes.

>> No.7399552


speaking of that terrible image does anyone know why that constantly is happening to me in chrome? It happens in no other browser

>> No.7399559

I've personally only had it happen once, I use Chrome and it hasn't happened since the hiccup in the last thread.

>> No.7399583

What would you do, cgl?
This girl who is part of my order has been ignoring my FB messages and snap (while it says read and junk) I'm giving her til Saturday, if she stills ignores me I'm just gonna pay for the shipping and sell her shit.
Am I wrong for doing that?

>> No.7399596

You should give her a warning first telling her she has until Saturday before she forfeits her items unless she pays for her shipping fees.

>> No.7399612

That's what I'm also thinking.
The fact that I'm only charging her 35$ is annoying me, the fact that I paid for her part of her fee is annoying me. I'm gonna warn her a last time and after that, too bad.

>> No.7399652

You're so patient, I would have just sold it without telling her.

>> No.7399660

I would hold it hostage for a week, it's possible that something came up?

>> No.7399664

Of course you're not wrong, she already read it but hasn't replied, even to tell you "oh I don't have money atm but I wil by x". That was her responsibility, not yours. I wouldn't even care if she came up with the money afterwards, I'd still sell her shit for being uncommunicative fuck. `

>> No.7399672

I doubt it.
I mean she saw my messages, on many occasions after I told her. I even posted the pictures that were at Pruany on my FB and she had the time to comment "ARE THOSE MY THINGS?!?! YAY! =D" I don't think something did happen, so I'm gonna nag her friend and her brother.
Pretty fucking much. Everyone else in the order has either already paid or are going to pay on a confirmed date. I'm gonna go pay for the shipping and MAYBE I'll give her until it arrives here to pay, if not straight to selling.

>> No.7399783

Anyone got a custom cosplay?
If so, reviews would be nice.

>> No.7399791

I don't know why, but I'm curious what she bought, anon. How sell-able are we talking here?

>> No.7399845

She bought these cute boots which will be good for Canadian end winter.
Also bought a a AoT pillow which I can sell to a bunch of weebs I know.
Some Iron Man thing and jewerly.
I can probably get over 50$ (These pillows go for like 35$ in Chinatown)

>> No.7399885

UPDATE, she answered,

>> No.7399893


>> No.7399898

She's gonna pay, not sure how to feel really.
I mean, I'm gonna let her keep her things but I'm still pissed off and junk.

>> No.7399900

Tell her to communicate or next time it'll happen and you're not liable. Make sure you screenshot it so she doesn't pull a fast one.

..In a nice way of course.

>> No.7399954

Pretty much what other anons said. I'd warn her that I would take her stuff and sell her shit. Ultimatum status with a due date.

I'd also make her pay her part of the fee because fuck that anon. Recalculate her part of the group order (the budget spreadsheet can help).

>> No.7400075

Why do we have terms in the dictionary for fake thigh highs but not real ones?

>> No.7400121
File: 32 KB, 480x720, 1393584566643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it... but have copies of these ever been found?

>> No.7400147

Oh god, I want this.

>> No.7400158

Custom? Do you mean costumes with custom sizing?

>> No.7400160

Only found this one and it seems to be someone selling a few "authentic" ones; at least it looks like it for that price. I'm also super interested so I hope someone finds them.


>> No.7400176

Yeah, that's all I'd found too after trying a bunch of different terms... I don't think copies exist really. I don't want to pay $200 when they're so weirdly mishapen though, urgh.

>> No.7400653

If you have Yoybuy, now's a good time to use it. They gave out 50Y coupons to members.

>> No.7400654
File: 400 KB, 452x445, tumblr_n0tbe2VolK1rir2yno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone was looking for dog seifukus ages ago and this just popped up on my dash.


>> No.7400657

Oh lord. I'm going to have to train my kitten to allow me to put clothing on it, that is way too cute.

>> No.7400694

And a maid-ish one.

>> No.7400867

Yes and no. I mean did you ever ask an SS for a store to make a custom vCosplay?

>> No.7400904

I made my order through Taobaotrends on Feb. 18, they purchased it the next day. A week went by and I messaged them first on the 24th asking if there are any updates on my order and they messaged back late that night that they should be coming in later that day. Messaged them again on the 27th asking if they came in and I still haven't gotten a response. I'm getting nervous as this is my purchase. Does it usually take this long?

>> No.7401328
File: 161 KB, 800x572, 1393635214640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7401534

>snowflake tights
have you... tried searching the translation for "snowflake tights"

>gyaru wedges
you might find the exact pair under this search, but some similar-looking things crop up
可愛蝴蝶結 松糕鞋


>> No.7402550
File: 114 KB, 567x850, T23IJdXxdXXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KL claims that there're not imposing any limit on the number of reservations. I thought they're a small company, how will they manage a million lolis ordering the jellyfishs? Also will the jellyfish become so commonplace that it no longer has any desirable-value?

>starts 2 March 21:00
>reservations will open for a week
>dresses ready end of June

links to the blouse and accessories found in listings for the dresses.

>> No.7402590
File: 316 KB, 500x345, tumblr_n1q42k8eEo1sitwbko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen boots like these (or more timbaland-esque ones) but in pink?
I see chinese girls wearing them all over on my campus, but I've never seen them in a store.

>> No.7402612

They'll probably just delay release if too many orders happen.
Worst case scenario would be that there would be an "oops sorry too many orders and manufacturing fucked up" like that phantom blous or whatever.

I imagine n years time the value may increase but the immediate future it will be cheapish.

>> No.7402645

I paid through my paypal to Pruany the other day for my items, and my payment has been pending up until today where it was finally processed. However, when I go onto Pruany to see the status of my order, it still says "without payment". Should I be concerned or just keep waiting?
(babby's first Taobao order)

>> No.7402672

You're suppose to go to "without payment tab" on Pruany's website then click the squares beside each item, then when you scroll at the bottom of the order there should be something say "Pay Order" or simeshit. Unless you already did that. Then you should talk to Pruany.

>> No.7402700

Yeah, that's exactly how I paid. Looks like I'll be messaging them later when they're online.

>> No.7402835

Whenever I see this dress I think it's nice enough but overhyped. Then I see the lace and I swear if I had a penis it'd be hard.

Considering just getting the wristcuffs and headdress but that'd be lame

>> No.7402856
File: 153 KB, 567x850, krad intro whitexgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad that I'm about to miss Krad's re-release of Intro Overture because I have spent too much money recently.

that blackxsilver tho

>> No.7402972
File: 258 KB, 850x1280, amastacia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else try to get hold of this, and if so were you successful?

Quietly weeping right now, my SS was unsuccessful both times.

>> No.7403051

I'm not sure how pruany's site works, but do you still get the actual and viable option to pay? Or is it un-re-payable?

>> No.7403057

It still gives me the "go to pay" option, even though the money's already been taken out of my bank account from the first payment, yes. I sent them a message about it, though, and I'm waiting for a response.

>> No.7403067

Maybe they're still waiting on collecting it? Didn't realize that was a process like that until an order from yoybuy. Not the same company, but I figured it could be the same reason. It might be that all your items hadn't arrived at the warehouse and waiting till they arrive that they fully accept the payment? Just a thought.

>> No.7403150
File: 86 KB, 498x750, tumblr_n1p3deoTN51r3ex10o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering if anyone has ever ordered anything from this shop and if they can vouch for the quality?

Or if anyone has links to blouses that are similar to this I'd be very grateful!

>> No.7403184
File: 115 KB, 700x580, 1393717334303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been looking for some Saber boots like this in taobao with no luck for a while now

Has anybody seem any? I only ever get the full costumes and I just need the boots, I dont want to have to pay the insane prices they have them for in ebay or other cosplay sites

>> No.7403223

I can tell you right now it's going to be expensive to get them from Taobao because of how heavy they must be.

>> No.7403248

Judging from the reviews at Taobao they are perfectly fine but most things are done as preorder.

>> No.7403360

good shop for lolita's fabric?

>> No.7403725

you can also try searching using 厚底靴子 plus words for cute, princess, etc

>> No.7404218

I wouldn't recommend it. I and a few others using taobaospree have been waiting since October for them to finish a dress.

>> No.7404272

Anyone have a link to the Milk style heart bags in gold specifically? I had it and ended up not bookmarking it.

>> No.7405273
File: 200 KB, 1425x575, 1393805037600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to find either of these sweaters on taobao, but I don't even know where to start. I have the sneaking suspicion they're on there, but if anyone recognizes them, that'd be great. My boyfriend really likes this sweater and was going to buy it off an expensive storenvy shop, but I asked him to hold off on it. Pictured is a (pixelled) close up of the tag if that helps at all. It'd even help if someone could tell me it's NOT on taobao or another website even, just not $35 for this hoodie.

>> No.7405281
File: 2.89 MB, 1243x1500, ordern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple = ordered.
Red = ordering.

>> No.7405344

Found this in 2 seconds after searching for 'cat hoodie'. Did you even try?


I feel like you don't really know much about Taobao since you wondered if it would be on there (everything is) and seriously thought that pixellated as shit label would help at all.

>> No.7405364

Thank you! And I actually did search for a while, but I focused more on the name on the hanger, I'm sorry for my ignorance.

>> No.7405403

I really want this

>> No.7405489

>all dat nautical
Unf anon. Unf.

>> No.7405549 [DELETED] 

A lot of this cheapo Chinese clothing will get produced with different random labels sewn in. In the past I've bought the same items several times from the same stores and they had different labels each time. Doesn't always happen, but seriously don't focus on labels.

>> No.7405554

A lot of this cheapo Chinese clothing will get produced with random labels sewn in. In the past I've bought the same items several times from the same stores and they had different labels each time. It isn't always the case, but I wouldn't really focus on tags/hangers.

>> No.7405592

I'll keep it in mind, thank you again! And the hanger was yielding some good results, so I mostly stuck with that, but now I know.

>> No.7405645
File: 370 KB, 894x904, black-oxfords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these super cute oxfords.

>> No.7405664

aww shucks

>> No.7405673

Link to the second row, second from left sailor blouse?

>> No.7405681

not really worth the shipping weight, you can find those in a lot of places domestically

>> No.7405684

Yeah, good point. I've been trying to look for a pair like these (particularly the shape of the heel) but I haven't been able to find something that's inexpensive/cute. I'll keep looking though!

>> No.7406137

Does DHL not move on weekends? On friday my package was marked as "Shipment information received" (thru taobaotrends) and hasnt updated since

>> No.7406170
File: 735 KB, 1189x816, these fuvking tighhts .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of going through all these results of only these fucking tights.

>> No.7406196
File: 165 KB, 223x298, 102-171T (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find this clothing called Bamboo.
It's by a brand called male power but there are other brands, these are the only ones i've seen irl.
i don't care what brand it is.
but their temperature control tops and pants, etc.
i've been looking for a while. any help would be appreciated.

>> No.7406253

It might be an issue with your search term.

>> No.7406257

Yeah, I used "thigh high socks princess" and got about 12 pages of these.

>> No.7406262

There's your problem. Probably the only princess style listed like that. Try thigh high socks and see if it directs you to a page to sort by color/style. If not, try 'socks' and sort by length and style.

>> No.7406921
File: 34 KB, 341x500, MTO0004-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with Magic Tea Party? I can't find many reviews online.

>> No.7406952
File: 5 KB, 108x170, 1393880037478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i own a brown winter coat of them(pic related) really warm and of good quality. it's not a perfect fit but that is because my schoulders are 40 cm.. but other than that is fits great.
I've been wearing it daily and it still looks great.

>> No.7406964

Thanks for the info!

>> No.7407003

How tight is it on your shoulders? In need of a good coat but hard to find nice outerwear with these linebacker shoulders.

>> No.7407289


Here you go.

>> No.7407539

Does the pink one mean that is has no brooch thing?

>> No.7407922
File: 124 KB, 500x750, 15695-1539-2014-03-04455552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where these bots might be from?
The seller just said that they're from Taobao, but I need them in a few sizes smaller.

>> No.7407970

Ask the seller for the shop link, probably sell something like them on an-tai-na too

>> No.7407980

my bet is on antaina
the wait for these shoes are for fucking ever, i heard

>> No.7407990

For these boots specifically? When I bought directly from antaina, my custom-made shoes arrived in just over a month.

>> No.7407994

Link? I just looked on antaina but didnt see them

>> No.7408407

Way to tight, I don't recommend them when you have broad shoulders like mine. Size xl only goes to 38 cm on the shoulders but it wouldn't fit at all because I have a 88cm bust and 66 cm waist. So i bought a size M.
It fits if you don't close the first botton and because of the design it doesn't look wierd. But I would look for a better fitting coat if I were you.
Good luck with finding a nice coat.

No problem.

>> No.7408596
File: 176 KB, 694x620, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in my order has arrived except for something they sent back. I kind of want to badger them about it, but...

>> No.7408766

Did you actually PAY for the items? Because on pruany you have to first put money on your account THEN pay for the items, otherwise it'll just sit there.

>> No.7408778


I was looking for sukumizu and came across... this. Translator is giving me some creepy lolicon shit for the description. Could any of you chinese anons help me out here?

>> No.7408793

the item descrip targets old lechers to buy and...fulfill whatever fantasies they have with it. the seller claims that this sukumizu was originally produced for a primary school in kansai, japan.

"this wasn't designed to be a sex product, measurements are true to the real primary school girls' swimsuit"

"back off, ladies! if you're not a pre-adolescent child, these swimsuits were made for little girls only!"

>> No.7409116

Yeah, I eventually figured that out when they messaged me back. Felt moderately stupid.

>> No.7409147 [DELETED] 

Does anyone know which taobao shop sells long underdresses or is there any in general? Any help will be much apprecited,

>> No.7409155

Does anyone know which taobao shop sells long underdresses or is there any in general? Any help will be much apprecited,

>> No.7409165
File: 259 KB, 570x791, T2o.P7Xm0aXXXXXXXX_!!56271171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita underdresses? because Little Dipper sells some (under)skirts that are longer than the average lolita dress.


>> No.7409205
File: 12 KB, 266x310, 1393965307931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a store that does the replica of this set? I had the bookmark but I lost it

>> No.7409211

Thank you! I searched for something like this!

>> No.7409312

/r/ing cardcaptor sakura's school uniform

>> No.7409319

Glad I could help.

>> No.7409424

Read the goddamn FAQ.
They have the keyword for CCS all you gotta do is add "COS" or someshit.

>> No.7409437
File: 142 KB, 600x600, T280HoXaRXXXXXXXXX_!!27820913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7410443

using taobaoring. just feeling concerned, it's my second time using taobao.

i had an order finished confirming (but they didnt ask for the first payment yet) and then i added a new item a couple of days ago.

They're still doing the confirmation on it now so i'm waiting for the first payment but i'm just worried i may have delayed it too much. i just need to receive these items in 10 days for a con but augh

just someone tell me, should i hope it'll get done in time or should i look for other stuff to use instead for the con?

>> No.7410458

>in 10 days
...you will not get it in time no matter what SS you use.

>> No.7410477

figured. thanks, needed to have the words said to me straight.

>> No.7410570

I was browsing heavily last night and when I went to look at my next store, it kept asking me to log in before it would show me 'all baby'. Its still doing it today ):

How do I stop this ?

>> No.7410625

UPDATE: A new IP address seems to have done the trick, but still, weird. Anyone had this happen to them before?

>> No.7410680

Taobaospree keeps screwing up the math when I have a big order in their spreadsheets. Does anyone else keep having this problem? I've been using them for years but I'm starting to get weary of the constant issues I keep having with almost overpaying.

>> No.7410728

I haven't used them personally but technically on their site it says you can make your own spreadsheet as long as it follows similar calculations.

If you make a good one, then you can use it.

>> No.7410734

Question for antaina shoes

Do you think it would be possible to get this shoe ( http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-2293493078.94.mCIoku&id=12469498684 ) but have the scallops on the bottom like this shoe ( http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-2293493078.52.Um2CKb&id=35428273926 ) ?

I'll ask my SS and draw a pic for them, but I normally use pruany and they arent the best with english. Wondering if anyone has any experience with antaina like this.

>> No.7410766

oddly specific,

but does anyone know how to search for chocolate, sweets, ice cream, or cake themed girly clothing?

>> No.7410794

I'm doing my first Taobao order ever, for a big Naruto cosplay group - around 10 kunai & shuriken, some Naruto-ninja shoes, and a couple wigs. How likely am I to have customs trouble due to the prop weapons? I just want plastic/wood props, not metal. Some of this stuff is also available on eBay but since I need so many I thought Taobao would be better...

>> No.7410808

You're going to lose it all.

>> No.7410810
File: 148 KB, 314x285, 1383689935930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just recommend not doing a naruto cosplay.

>> No.7410828

I dont know if this is old news, but I wouldnt recommend buying anything from gekkou. I just got my order in, including a costume from them, and it's absolute shit. It looks NOTHING like the photo, the material is horrible. ):

>> No.7410854

I heard they were decent so I got a costume and wig from them, which arrived at my SS today. I'll try to report back when it arrives. Not that I know shit about judging clothing or wig quality, though.

>> No.7410908

Does anyone know what the keyword for gingham is? Sorry if this has been asked before.

>> No.7410953
File: 42 KB, 720x960, 1394016565550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7410954

Ah fuck, wrong thread.

>> No.7410963

I appreciate it though thanks anon.

>> No.7410984

i've done similar things but with clothes. take the photo of the shoes you want (original photos)
then use MSpaint or PS to draw the scallop bottom over, and circle the difference
then give a link of the "sample" of the second pair of shoes
unless you're happy with your own photo, don't trust them to do it, it'll screw up

>> No.7410988
File: 112 KB, 459x460, shooes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i did it because my tablet was out.

>> No.7411095

Has anyone ever ordered satin ribbon on Aliexpress (in large amounts)? How's the quality?

>> No.7411186
File: 406 KB, 1078x875, scallop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK what's scallop edge called in chinese

>> No.7411646

More trims like this?


So I found this using the search term "皮革花边 diy" (leather lace diy)
I've seen MUCH more of these before (in many different colors) but I can't find them now.

>> No.7411678


Like the leather trim or just the punched out designs?

>> No.7411738

both are very appreciated.

>> No.7412189


I bought some punched out designs on a chiffon fabric. Not sure if it's what you are looking for, but here's the shop.


>> No.7412201

What is the word for "sukumizu"? I checked the dictionary but couldn't find it. Please help.

>> No.7412215

You can try using "Japanese Swimsuit COS" i found a few I wanted to buy with that tag

>> No.7412288
File: 73 KB, 440x586, T230xlXqlaXXXXXXXX_!!18271281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone of you bought these shoes?
They're called "swimmer" shoes, I like them but I wanted to be sure that 40 will fit me

>> No.7412295

Swimmer is the company that original made those... not the style. They're knockoffs.

>> No.7412301

Ah shit, really? That's a shame.

>> No.7412500

For some reason when I visit taobao and look at the whole store's catalog I get sent to a log in page. Is anyone having that same problem?

>> No.7412514

Apparently, yes

>> No.7412538

I just put two different listings for the same item in my cart... I kind of feel like a douchebag, but it'll be so much quicker this way. I'll delete one listing if the colour I want is available at both places.

>> No.7412817

Can anyone summarize what's being talked about in this post?

Using Google translate, it sounds like something about the wool/polyester content in the Queen Mary dresses not being the same as Krad Lanrete advertised, and saying KL blamed it on the supplier?

>> No.7412873

Thank you, the chiffon stuff is wonderful too!

>> No.7413086
File: 184 KB, 750x1101, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know these are somewhere are Taobao. Can anyone find any listings that have size 40 and 41?

>> No.7413107

Have you tried searching "Doc Martens" with the color pink?

>> No.7413133
File: 551 KB, 1144x783, KL-wool_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're willing to pay the price, i recommend little chilli lolita shop/ling_lam on ebay for shoes like this. i have a pair in black and they are crazy comfortable (same size as you anon)

they're accusing KL of lying about the material composition. They're saying it's impossible to print on materials with less than 70% wool. You could try it at 50% wool but that's about the limit.
>text replies
Fucking hell I hate chemistry.

>> No.7413153
File: 518 KB, 1144x783, KL-wool_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7413161
File: 47 KB, 355x476, 1394113987434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody help me with this dress?
What petti do I get for it? I have the Classical Puppets one pictured and it looks crap with it.

>> No.7413164
File: 220 KB, 1144x304, KL-wool_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the end there's no conclusion. some remain doubtful of KL, some remain skeptical, and some believe KL wholeheartedly.

>captcha: sulphuric aryeece
enough chemistry already...

an a-line would be good, the one in your photo is probably too poofy. I had that petticoat, I sold it.
i don't like CP's a line petticoats. either too little poof or too much poof.

>> No.7413195


Wait, so do you mind me asking how do you write the Marie and Chant dresses in chinese? That's curious, as they'll in English on Krad's site.

>> No.7413203

I may be slightly inaccurate.
MozChant - 圣咏孔雀, shortened to 圣咏
Marie - 玛丽皇后, shortened to 玛丽
Jellyfish - referred to as 水母 but the official name is aurelia (?)
Forest of Pipe Organ - 管风琴之森 shortened to 管风琴/风琴

>> No.7413218

Speaking of washing the prints, does anyone know how to clean Mozarabic Chant? I got hold of it recently and haven't worn it yet for fear of dirtying it and then destroying it. Will dry-cleaning be fine or will the gold print at the bottom melt or something like that?

>> No.7413270

I'm also having this problem

>> No.7413543
File: 330 KB, 500x526, istamori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the look of this upcoming Ista Mori dress. Has anyone gotten their other embroidered pieces who can give feedback on the quality?

>> No.7413546

Thank you so much for the translations!

>> No.7414186

Does anyone have any good shops for lolita/loliable light pink chiffon blouses? I know little dipper has a nice blouse, but it doesn't come in my size, aaand I missed the boat for KL blouses thanks to my SS ;_;.


>I failed chemistry in high school, fyi

I passed chem in high school with flying colors and passed all my chem up to biochem, and I still don't know what they're talking about. Is China's chem game that based?

Thank you for translations btw.

>> No.7414206

Uh why the fuck would they WANT wool in their dresses?

>> No.7414212


Because KL put it in the description as a wool blend. If the cloth doesn't have wool, KL might have lied about it, which raises issue about their general ethics.

At least, that's how I see it. Saying this as someone who is a huge fan of their stuff.

>> No.7414239

Wool looks and feels nice. Also in this case, wool = more expensive. Krad is on the more expensive end for Taobao and one of the ways they justify it is that they use nice materials. If the fabric content isn't what it's supposed to be, customers might feel cheated as it's false advertising.

>> No.7414303

Does anyone have the treasure chest bag and would be willing to tell me how much it weighs? I'm trying to figure out whether my order will be under 2 kg.

>> No.7414317
File: 441 KB, 600x1088, TAOBAOb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got received my taobao order today. I had a quick glance at everything so far and I'm satisfied.

I thought I'ld share my order if people were looking for similar items and wanted linked/reviews (blurred out items weren't from taobao).

>> No.7414401
File: 33 KB, 456x459, 1394163012824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link for the shop "My Wife is a Chubby Girl"?
Or, do you recognize the dress in this picture? My fb friend wants to buy it from some reseller charging like $60.

>> No.7414412

Looks like I was guessing the wrong shop. The one I was thinking of was http://pangniu.taobao.com/ but the picture styles are different.

>> No.7414416

if you search for xxxxl i think a lot of those shops come up.

>> No.7414421

looks like its from 38miss

>> No.7414444

mfw i want those shoes but I hate being taller than my actual height.

>> No.7414528

Guys, does anyone knows where I can find these thights?

>> No.7414534
File: 68 KB, 570x358, il_570xN.511862907_77sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ops, forgot the pic

>> No.7414604

So does Krad Lanrete do custom sizing? Can I get the jellyfish print in plus size?

>> No.7414614

Link to the dress thing on the second row? Sorry, I'm not too sure what other is, I'm on my phone but it looks cute.

>> No.7414617

That's definitely the 38miss model.

>> No.7414645
File: 779 KB, 743x921, part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order is coming.
Took 2 week shipping because the PP fees and conversion rates is a hard punch to the face.

>> No.7414646
File: 1.53 MB, 1056x892, part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414650
File: 1.60 MB, 1056x892, part 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414652

Sorry for the spam, guys.

>> No.7414657
File: 1.51 MB, 1056x892, part 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dropped file.

>> No.7414658 [DELETED] 

Last one.

>> No.7414661
File: 1.03 MB, 1056x892, part 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7414681

review the wigs and pervert shirt?

>> No.7414685

When it comes, I'll tell you.
If the thread happens to change, I'll post it there.

>> No.7414691

Do you have the link or the chinese for the pervert shirt or ones similar to it?

>> No.7414706


>> No.7414710


tbh, I just write "Stylenanda"
or "Harajuku" in taobao and search for countless of hours.

>> No.7414763

i didn't study in china...i slept through my first two years of secondary school chem classes so i didn't understand anything from year 3 and onwards. i failed every class test and scraped through the finals with a pass somehow.

pretty much this is what the chinese lolis were arguing over.

seconding link for the black dress.
also what's the black x pink shorts supposed to be?

goodness taobao lords, i commend you for your patience.

>> No.7414770

Will both antaina and classical puppets (a petticoat) be ready in under 3 weeks?

>> No.7414774

Antaina takes around two weeks to make the shoes. Classical puppets is hit or miss, imo; I've had them ship out within two days, but I've also heard of people who had them ship out in two weeks.

>> No.7414775

whats the deal wih the pixels

>> No.7414776

Not to mention two MONTHS.

I wouldn't count on it, anon >>7414770

>> No.7414780

Kind of sorta related to this thread:
Has anyone ordered from clobbaonline twice and combined orders together? How did invoicing go?

I paid for one invoice but now I'm thinking I may as well add another item to the order.

>> No.7414786

Hmm. I need stuff for a con in April but I want shoes and a petticoat so I can finally star wearing all my shit, this is bamboozeling. How anyone ordered recently and know how long they are currently taking?

>> No.7414787

go elsewhere for your petticoat, and bodyline for the shoes.

>> No.7414812

CP took around three fucking months with me, give or take a day. Antaina was alright though, around 1-2 weeks. I suppose it depends on what SS you're using and how much you rush them (I only managed to get my CP stuff after asking my SS to pressure them almost every day... I've heard Clobba lights a hot enough fire under their asses though?)

>> No.7414817

I used my-lolita-dress to get some last minute Antaina shoes and I got them within a month! The site is pretty much a just like qutieland or clobba.

>> No.7414834
File: 203 KB, 307x305, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find shoes like these in over a size 44. I've been trying but 44 is the highest size I can find for it still being about 50 yuan. Thanks for the help/

>> No.7414845


Read the final sentence, fucktard.

>> No.7414853 [DELETED] 


Read the final sentence.

>> No.7414871

link to the sailor coat in the upper left?

>> No.7415020
File: 943 KB, 2000x2000, small shitty order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the new Australian agent China buy. There exchange rate is so bad but I might as well try them out with the no service fee and all. I'm going to be so broke after this, don't even want to see the shipping cost.

>> No.7415023

Oh, I also would like to know this.

>> No.7415026
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x1500, small shitty order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck that's last years order, sorry this is the right one here.

>> No.7415037

Source on the short sleeve blouse? I can't quite read it! Cute haul though anon, I've been eyeing those gloves for ages

>> No.7415048

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w1017-2145975877.15.QdFIky&id=10016578718& here you go, I'm so happy I found this shop, the quality doesn't look amazing but for the price who cares? I've wanted these gloves since they came out, no idea what I will wearing them with but I just need them.

>> No.7415124

Link of the shoes and the pink long socks, please.

Link of the blue and white striped long socks

Link of the fake two-pieces top (the one on the very bottom right)

Link of the hoodie dress, mini smiley diary and shoes

Link of the mask pls :3

>> No.7415129

Link of the brooches store please! Is the quality good?

>> No.7415134

Yeah they are actually really good quality I have been really happy with them and lost most of them. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=20533923908

>> No.7415137

Thanks anon!

>> No.7415146

Link to the striped lingerie pls?

>> No.7415408

Does anyone know how long that Stars Rainbow shop usually takes to ship out? My SS ordered some stuff for me from them almost two weeks ago, and they're the only items in my order that have yet to arrive.

>> No.7415415

Link to Chocolate tights.

>> No.7415515
File: 64 KB, 500x500, badge_reel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I could find a shop that has anime-themed badge reels?

>> No.7415645

You wouldnt happen to still have a link to that pink polka dota cutsew on from your old order would you?

>> No.7415691

Link for the fuck you pay me socks, thanks.

>> No.7415722

one of the reviews says they're too red but I want them anyway.
it's a bit shapeless and it's sold out, here that listing for it anyway. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17883326906

>> No.7415797
File: 54 KB, 800x800, 435915567_248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still looking for this style of safety eye. The back is convex instead of flat (like most safety eyes), with rounded washers that hug the back so the eyes appear deeply set. This type of eye is used in Yoohoo and Beanie Boos.
I've tried 眼睛 DIY which brings up flat-backed safety eyes (some of these have rounded washers for some reason), google eyes, beads.
The pic was taken from alibaba but I'd rather order somewhere without a minimum order

>> No.7416348


>> No.7416393

Is the DHL shipping tracking thingy supposed to show your whole address? Because I'm getting kind of nervous that it only shows my name and city, state, and ZIP. I don't remember if it was like this the last time I used DHL

>> No.7416578

In my country your ZIP is more usefull than only your street and city. So I can't believe it will get lost because they only miss the streetname

>> No.7416722

Anyone know anything about this dress?
Ive seen other dresses in a similar stock image pose/carpet, was wondering if they had a shop.

>> No.7416769

where does OP get all these snazzy taobao images from?

>> No.7416789

It's impossible for me to find cute/kawaii long sleeve shirts that aren't collared lolita blouses. I just want regular shirts or less formal blouses that are cute and not just black or white.

>> No.7416822

I checked and apparently they don't show the full address on international mail, so I should be fine. Although I'm not sure if the post office can figure out where to send my stuff with just my name and ZIP. I suppose I'm registered to vote so the government knows where to find me at all times.

>> No.7416851
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone found any cute fabric shops? I just bought Otome no Sewing and was hoping to find something to make some skirts with.

>> No.7417110

Why is this $16,000? ;_;

>> No.7417112

The current OP one is an error image you get with some text when taobao is broken. The texts been cropped out of course.

>> No.7417114

it's either sold out or they're waiting for their shipment to come in. Message the seller

>> No.7417122

What is the search term for those phone cases that come with a matching printed screen protector? I'm not really sure what to write cause i keep getting actual phones and screens.

>> No.7417521

not personal recommendations, btw, just stuff I found from searching 布diy

have you been looking through the otome-themed stores at all? I feel like they'd have stuff like that if nowhere else. there's a bunch of links if you search for "otome taobao" in the archive

you... didn't post an image, anon?

close as I'm getting

>> No.7417528

I'll take those fabric shops. Thanks, Anon!

>> No.7417558

I am an international student from China. I happened to know people here are interested in Taobao, and having troubles with Chinese translation. Since I can help with this, I am glad to offer help.
So what am I going to do is post my e-mail address here "fortranslatetaobao@gmail.com", and who need the translation that make more sense than google translate.
So please describe the item you are looking for as specific as you can. And I will reply you with key words like this.
Lolita=萝莉 or Loli

>> No.7417570
File: 1.57 MB, 1080x1080, 1385084540379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very kind, thank you.

>> No.7417591

That's so sweet of you! Thank you so much.

>> No.7417718

I hate the reviews.

>this shirt is the wrong color and it has holes in it and it smells odd but 5 stars very good quality praise!

>posts pic
>selfie with the actual item barely in view

>> No.7417723

I wish it was compulsory for them to put their measurements for reviews. (height/weight/foot size etc)

>> No.7417790
File: 537 KB, 461x458, seifuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a basic seifuku, i found pic related from this shop

anyone have experience with this shop or have better recommendations? pls help i never taobao before

>> No.7417875

I really don't understand that either.
Some people do that with dresses or shoes. "172cm dress too short but very cute)

>> No.7418092

I'd like to ask people that have actually dealt with the company before, how is Pruany?

>> No.7418113

yeah but only some. If there is only a few reviews, sometimes there are absolutely no measurements for it.

>> No.7418178

Anyone have stores or the chinese to collars that would match colorful sweaters? All the ones I've seen on taobao are too..sophisticated? Or just are too furry.

>> No.7418180

I have been using them for 4 orders now, no problems at all. Just thoroughly read the F.A.Q. they're really nice and will refund you if there's anything wrong or Something.

>> No.7418251

I've got a quick question about SS.
I was going to use Happybuying.com to make an order, and I am in Australia so I will be paying in AUD.
The problem is this SS will convert CNY to USD and then paypal converts USD to AUD, so I'm paying way more in exchange rate fees.
Is there anyway to skip the conversion to USD, or can you recommend an SS than will let me choose my currency before checkout?

>> No.7418258

There's apparently a new agent Chinabuy that's based in Australia/AUD, someone above ordered from them >>7415020

>> No.7418259

So far, no SS accepts anything other than USD. (Which sucks hardcore) I go through that suffering a lot and honestly hate it.
Maybe you can avoid a few PP fees by using another payment method. I think a few places uses visa and western union.

>> No.7418268

link to shop with nails?

link to white blouses?

link to sailor coat and bag?

seconding sauce on tights

>> No.7418271

The exchange rate on that Australian SS is so bad, it was actually cheaper to pay the extra exchange rate on Happybuying.
Ah okay, so it's a normal thing, damn that really does suck.

>> No.7418276

The nail shop is really good, I loved the ones I got from there. http://conviki.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w1002-2371676888.2.wl3eOD blouse shop http://gabbana1212.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.w1002-2145975820.1.cvBHpA

>> No.7418309

I sent an order form for reservations for KL's lost in sea to clobba days ago, but as I still haven't gotten an invoice I suppose I'll just have to accept the fact that I won't be getting any dresses. If I ever end up in a situation where my normal SS doesn't reply on time again, it'd be nice to have an emergency SS to depend on who actually answers their mail. Do any of you have an SS who's been good with last minute orders? I don't care if it costs more, I just want to know that I'll be able to contact them on time.

>> No.7418312

My friends and I had a great experience with this shop. The only gripe I had was that there was one or two loose threads.

>> No.7418328

They're from http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SugarJunkieShop so probably not been replicated on taobao.
For the amount of people who tell everyone to use the search terms it sure took none of you to google 'ombre mermaid tights'.

>> No.7418364

You should do what I do. Just grab money before you even send the order off instead of nagging people for money.

Just do a rough estimate + fees and if it costs less just throw it into shipping fees.

>> No.7418534

Martin forgot mine too. I sent a reminder email and he apologized and sent the invoice.

Do it on a weekday in China time.

>> No.7418855
File: 154 KB, 500x883, T2L2IGXepaXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So looks like R-series are doing a preorder for a re-release of the To My Lovely Glutton JSK


>> No.7418911

Which option is two pierced ears?

Also, this shop has cute and strange jewelry

>> No.7418932

>Which option is two pierced ears?
Nevermind, I figured it out.

>> No.7418937

why are you ordering earrings from taobao?

>> No.7418942

why not? it's called disinfecting them, no worst than buying them from walmart or claires. if you don't have nickle allergies or sensitivity it's no big deal. plus throwing in a few tiny little things that weigh pretty much nothing never hurt.

>> No.7418956
File: 66 KB, 350x500, tumblr_m8it3prygr1r3ex10o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damnit R-series when are you going to re-release this motherfucker.

Also, is it just me or is this the year of taobao re-releases? Or do they generally do that in spring? I sort of recall last year had slightly less re-releases and a few more new releases during this time period.

>> No.7418967

I saw some post about this dress recently on yetanotherjfashionblog, so maybe really soon?

>> No.7418968

oooh I like those tights in the second row, can you link those? I tried the url in the picture but it's a bit hard to read.

>> No.7418971

they showed some 'sneak peak' shots of the rococo dress with some kind of blouse and bolero combo, but I'm not sure if it was for the dress or the other items.

>> No.7418973

Not that anon but


>> No.7419142

thank you!

>> No.7419533

Can someone help me with a translation? I'm wanting to buy these socks: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.0.0.yEAjYy&id=18640729419

but I have no idea what their size options mean:
Free, shot one pair of Size,
Size 2-3 double shot,
Size 4-5 double shot,
6 pairs per color one pair of Size,
Beat seven pairs above

>> No.7419594

Didn't a person make a post on this thread about translating a junk? I'm pretty sure she can help you find it.

>> No.7419596

i think they have some in this shop http://hu-yan.taobao.com/


bumping this


>> No.7419599

Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.7419614

anyone know the keyword for cellphone straps and keychains?

>> No.7419644


>> No.7419860

This is rather specific, but has anyone come across some loliable jewelry for classic in navy-ish colors lately? Bonus for floral-themed. I've gone through the usual accessory shops but only found the usual red, pinks, black... Not expecting anyone to go hunting for me, just if you've seen something while you were browsing.

>> No.7419893

maybe these will help?

>> No.7419913

Ahh, I did see these but not quite what I was looking for color/stylewise respectively! But thank you!

>> No.7419979

>i think they have some in this shop http://hu-yan.taobao.com/
Thank you SO much anon!!

>> No.7420232
File: 105 KB, 400x533, strawberry table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! I'm trying to find a table that's small, cute, round and close to the ground like pic related.
I'm looking for a little center table for my bedroom for charging electronics and snacking while watching TV.
Bonus points if you can find an actual strawberry table!
(Also if you find any tiny stools for sitting on, I would love to see those too)

>> No.7420251

You don't have the link for the makeup brushes, do you? How did your friend like them?

>> No.7420257

I wouldn't recommend them at all, I've had them for a year now and they started fraying outwards within a months of use and the black bristled brushes are not even usable. If you still want it though I can dig up the link.

>> No.7420274

did you try ciciwork, smoky I jewelry yet

>> No.7420283

not a pre-order! it's ready stock. in pink only

I'm actually disappointed with all these re-releases. I always look forward to creative new designs from taobao shops.

The earrings you buy in the mall could just be from taobao too anyway.

>> No.7420320
File: 202 KB, 373x460, 1394434570280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a store that sells good underskirts? Is this CP underskirt my best bet?

>> No.7420328

Little Dipper.

>> No.7420359

Thank you!

>> No.7420397

so I have this problem where whenever I join group orders with my local comm, I still end up paying about $30+ for shipping, no matter what I order.
I ordered one blouse in a big order of stuff and payed $40 on top of it because of domestic and international shipping. I bought a wig and a rose comb and it was $20 for international shipping.
I feel like I could just order by myself and it would be faster and the same damn price, anyway.

Does anyone else feel like this?

>> No.7420402

Where are you located though?

>> No.7420403

Canada, which I understand can be more expensive than other places. But when I've ordered from Taobao in the past I've paid $30 for packages with a dress, accessories and wigs.

>> No.7420404

Sorry, I meant ordered from Taobao by myself in the past.
Maybe it's because my comm insists on EMS every time...

>> No.7420405

Are they dividing shipping/fees up equally between everyone or by your own purchases/item weights? Sounds like you might as well order alone.

>> No.7420407

Item weight, usually. Sometimes it gets split evenly if everyone is ordering small/light stuff.

I'm just wondering if other people have this experience or if my comm is calculating shipping wrong or choosing the wrong option or if I have unreal expectations of how much group ordering should bring down the cost...

>> No.7420410

Yeah that's your problem. Only do group orders if you think your package is going to be over 2kgs

>> No.7420414

So ordering small stuff with a GO usually ends up being the same cost? (just to be clear)

Good to know... now to debate if I can squeeze in an order before Sakuracon...

>> No.7420417

yep, it's better to just order heavier and more expensive stuff in a GO if everyone is splitting cost

>> No.7420491

After a lot of trouble with Happybuying (not ordering from them again). They finally send out my parcel on the 5th of march. I had too choose DHL because they told me EMS doesn't ship to my country (?). I used DHL before and It arrived in 3-4 days.
But until today the 10th I still haven't recieved the tracing code for my parcel and it worries me. I asked them today and all I got was 'The tracking number will be updated these days, wait patiently please'. But when I used DHL before they always gave me the tracing code right away.
I'm worried that something went wrong, and now I cannot trace the parcel to see if it got lost or stuck in customs.

Did somebody had a familiar experience? Or any advice.

>> No.7420493

Did a order with Frugirls recently, not sure if the price was cheaper or more expensive, but I can say the customer service is very good. They reply almost instantaneously if you use the on site messaging system, and actually try to help you solve your problem. They also purchase your items really quickly; I put in an order and all my items were purchased within five hours, though their stated time frame is 24 hours. Used EMS shipping, and they shipped out the day after all the items had arrived and I had paid. Total time was around 9 days from the time I placed the order to the time I received it in the US.

>> No.7420494

How can EMS not ship to your country...? Isn't EMS just express shipping within whatever your local postal service is/offers??

>> No.7420762

Anyone have links to cute sailor lolita/otome dresses?

Magic Tea Party has one really cute JSK, but I've been having trouble finding things I like for a decent price.

>> No.7421135

I though so too. I asked them about it 2 or 3 times but no, there way no way EMS shipped to my country.

>> No.7421139

So, CD's fees just jumped up from 10% to 15%, and this is after a raise in the exchange rate earlier this year. She was always one of the more expensive services, but this now means her rates are almost double that of say TBR or Pruany.

Personally I'm going to finish out the order that I currently have with her, but then I'll probably switch SS.


>> No.7421271
File: 202 KB, 927x579, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else having issues looking through shops? This page constantly opens for me instead of loading the shop's page, I have no idea what's going on. It's been happening to more than one shop for me.

>> No.7421277

I just made an account on Taobao

>> No.7421284

It's happening with some people idk why

>> No.7421607

Has anyone ever ordered from NASTY UNICORN? And if so, how quality is the stuff?

>> No.7421623

I'd order from them for the name alone. I don't even know what they sell.

>> No.7421630

Cosplay stuff.
It looks pretty nice if they are indeed legit. The only thing wavering seems to be their shipping speed?

>> No.7421638

Wow those are some good cosplayers.

>> No.7421675

I want the skirt. ;_;

>> No.7421682 [DELETED] 

i'm using pruany and one of my items is listed in red and the message says to pay for the freight, where can i do that? nothing shows up when i select 'need pay freight'

>> No.7421828

can't find any strawberry tables, but the term for low tables is something like 小矮桌

>> No.7422440

Thanks anon. Will note in SS after I post this.

>> No.7422744

Holy crap, that's waaaaayyy too much.

>> No.7422789


She's a lovely person and a lovely SS, but sadly I can see her losing custom over this. Her seriously loyal users are more inclined to stay, but for someone without any real loyalty like me, this has crossed her off my list. She was already one of the most expensive SS, and fees are a big deciding factor for many.

>> No.7422826
File: 317 KB, 800x687, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything sailor I know:

>> No.7422891

Not sure if this is what you're looking for but this made me think of a link I saved so hope it helps somewhat

>> No.7423042

And my order just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Do you think they'd be able to knife or box pleat the skirt instead if I asked them to?

>> No.7423142

Well, my costume arrived, ant it looks alright. The only problem, I would have to say, is that it fits so poorly that I almost want to believe they just pocketed my custom order money and gave me the regular size. Sucks for me.

>> No.7423560

she does it only as a hobby though isn't it?

>> No.7423606

Don't think so since they would have to do a new pattern.

>> No.7423635


She does, thankfully. It'd doubly blow for her if it was her main source of income.

>> No.7423650

thread will be 404ing
new thread

>> No.7424813

Thank you so much, anon! I tried lots of different combinations of words (since there wasn't anything I could find in the dictionary), but it kept coming up with coffee tables, console tables, and lap desks.
Shame there's no strawberry tables out there though. Oh well.