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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7399388 No.7399388 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread maxed.

Feels thread!

>> No.7399417
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>planning on going to con I go to every year
>broke up with gf
>had a falling out with a con friend and all his closest friends
>not even mad, they're cunts anyway
>know I'm going to see them at some point
>want to see how awkward I can make it
>probably gonna be drunk most of the time cause fuck it, never managed to do it all day before
>my face when

I'm looking forward to this year.

>> No.7399421

>Be me
>Lost 17 pounds in a month because my job wasn't giving us breaks so I was missing two meals a day
>Quit soon after because that's fucking sketchy and I can't go losing 17 pounds each month
>Like how I look now, though, I'm now my target weight. Went from 27 1/2 inch waist to 25 1/2.
>Don't even have to watch what I eat/exercise and I keep the weight off for six months
>Look in the mirror the other day
>mfw notice slight belly pudge
>That feel

Anons, what exercises can I do to help get rid of belly fat? I've started eating healthier, but I figure I should exercise too.

>> No.7399429

Short version, cardio + weightlifting. Cardio (and diet) to take care of excess fat, weights so when the excess fat comes off you look lean and fit.

>> No.7399431

Got my first lolita dress in the last feels thread.
>spent all of last night raving about first lolita purchase
>wear it around my room and feel all princess like
>happy as hell

But it got better
>gets first second-hand dress today
>carefully cuts open box
>everything is wrapped in lilac tissue paper
>wow seller packed everything so cutely
>wait wow did she put fake flowers in her

>R-Series Dear Friends JSK
>expected it to be way too big for me, was prepared to get it tailored when I paid for it
>tries on
>bodice is perfect fit
>wtf did my boobs get bigger or something
>cute as fuck. happy as hell.
It's a little too long though. I might get the dress length tailored. might.

definitely a positive experience with my first personal transaction.
I was squealing about it for so long. My poor boyfriend was laughing at how excited I was.

>> No.7399436
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>bf and I plan to eat together today
>I message him cause we both forget things sometimes
>hours later
>he says he has class, so too late
>oh well
>a few hours later I ask if I can hang out
>nope, too much homework
>...we're probably not working out together today either, huh
>eating everything to fill the void

>> No.7399441
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>eating to fill the void
>meme reaction image

>> No.7399453

Your bf sounds like a piece of shit.
You don't just make plans with someone and then pull out a shitty excuse for why you can't hang out with them. Even if he does have classes and homework, he should have told you beforehand that he ended up busier than he thought he'd be or at least apologized.

>> No.7399456

I know, I know.

>> No.7399463

Um. We have labs. They can take a long time and can be assigned on the same day, so it's pretty understandable. Especially since we're trying to get things done before moving back home in two days.

I'm just disappointed since we haven't really seen each other to work out and stuff for the past two days. Also I dressed up today.

I should get started on my lab.

>> No.7399466

I've gotten cutesy packages before but never one with a card, that's so awesome. I'm super happy for you princess-chan~

>> No.7399492
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I have never had a lolita not send me a cute card with my dress. It's amazing and I've saved every one I've ever gotten.

>> No.7399576

I love my boyfriend but I don't really feel that attracted to him anymore. I don't know if it's because I'm depressed or because I love him as a friend instead of a boyfriend. It also doesn't help that he dresses like a hobo. We constantly fight now too, I keep acting like a bitch and that sparks his aggressive side which leads to 2 hour fights. Last night we fought for about 3 hours and both ended up crying. I think I need to go back on my meds. I shouldn't be unhappy, everything else (almost everything) is great.

>> No.7399601
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>tfw guy looking to get into cosplay for a local con
>tfw all your male friends think it's gay and stupid
>tfw all your female friends think it's gay and stupid and only for girls
>tfw no one to talk about it with

Accidentally posted as it's own thread, meant to put it here, oops.

>> No.7399626

Just don't let them see boner Robin.

>> No.7399630

Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.7399665
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>Posted an /ic/ confession in the past thread
>Someone gave me a pretty nice critique.
>Still have an art block anyway.
>Someone asked to color her pic.
>I did it and used that critique in mind.

Pic related

>> No.7399971
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>tfw you see cosplayers that started within the last year that have amazing work
>same with cosplayers that are in their teens and are sewing their own cosplays and look flawless

I don't have the time/money to cosplay or go to cons often (I make 1-3 cosplays every year) and it makes me feel like my improvement is so slow and shitty compared to people who've started just recently.

>> No.7400010
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I've never had a gf and the one time I had sex I got chlamydia

>> No.7400014

I always ad a card and a little present with my package. Once I bought a dress second hand and the girl gifted me a pair of brand socks !
Not everyone is that nice, sure, but I don't sell a whole lot of things so I do my best to make people happy c:

And congrats for your dresses, anon

>> No.7400034

> I cannot sleep.
> I cannot bring myself to shut off my conscious thoughts quickly enough to go to sleep.
> I close my eyes, and I'm still conscious, thinking about every fucking thing I can.

I really want to break out of this already and develop an early sleeping habit, for my well being, since there's no one online at these hours anyway, and to get up early for cons and other important things. What do?

>> No.7400053

>Sewing costume, everything's going good and looking exactly how I want it
>Almost finished
>Need to go out to the shops so leave it in the hands of amateur seamstress mother to finish some stuff on it
>Come back hour later
>Almost entire costume pulled apart
>"I thought it would look better if you sewed it a different way, so I started pulling it apart!!"
>3 weeks of work

>> No.7400055
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S-shit...sorry to hear that, bro.

>> No.7400058

That's why you shouldn't resort to paying for it no matter how desperate you are

>> No.7400061

This is gonna sound stupid, Anon, but...
I have a dumbass pay-app called Digipill, but I'm sure there's similar things, but it's basically a recording of a dude kind of giving you mind-tasks, things to think about, kind of a narration thing. Guy sounds like Liam Neeson. And it's weird, typical stuff like "imagine the crumbling, tumbling clay off the mountains" and so on...

You lay there basically thinking "this is the dumbest shit in the world" so aggressively until you wake up the next morning.

I have major anxiety and 3AM tends to be my 'time to think about all of your stupid actions since age five' hour, and this thing's been bizarrely effective. You might wanna give it a shot?

>> No.7400089

I have the same problem.

Use your bed for only sleep-related activities so your mind associates bed with sleep.

Have a shower before bed, then read a book until you get sleepy. Reading takes your mind off what you are thinking about. If you wake up again during the night, just read again until you drop off again.

>> No.7400097

> I have major anxiety and 3AM tends to be my 'time to think about all of your stupid actions since age five hour
God damn I had anxiety since I was about 10, know exactly how that feels.
One thing that also helps is reading fiction.

>> No.7400119
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>Be figure skater
>Ever since I was small, I trained with the same club, coach was this really nice Russian lady
>Other girls were always catty and bitchy, everyone was always trying to show someone up, ice moms are also like pageant moms but worse
>After trainings little hockey players came, they were the worst, teasing us and going "teehee GIRL SPORT" when they're the ones wearing ucking body armor and crying like little bitches when they get hit or fall, while we wear absolutely nothing
>But shiny leotards! Girly girl sport for pussies!
>Eventually advance and after winning some competitions become assistant coach
>Ice moms on my ass all the damn time: "Isn't my little Sanna SOO TALENTED?" (little Sanna can't even walk properly) "Please don't give my Julia orange blade protectors, she HATES orange" "WHY DIDN'T YOU DEFEND MY VEERA WHEN SHE WAS PUSHED BY THAT OTHER GIRL?!" (Veera pushed her and the girl doesn't have a mom helicoptering around the rink and defending her integrity) etc etc. Entitled assholes.
>Go with girls one day to an outside rink
>Bunch of boys playing hockey, ask them to move so we can train
>"Fuck off you whores"
>Nigga you what
>Grab kid and force him into headlock, tell him to apologize to the girls or he'll get his ass kicked
>Starts crying, apologizes, his friends laugh at him and they leave us, moving to the other side
>Mfw teaching other people's kids manners because their parents apparently didn't
>Fast forward to yesterday, at the gym with some middle-aged women and men, also some hockey players in their jerseys lifting
>Go on treadmill, hear them talking behind me
>Look at that cardio bunny
>She actually thinks she's gonna accomplish anything with that
>Nah man they just come here to look for attention
>I'd fuck her
>Turn around
>Tell them that if I hear them one more time I'll ram my foot up their ass
>"Okay, sorry... geez, what a bitch"
Why the fuck are people so hostile towards women
>inb4 wah wah sjw feminist

>> No.7400124

...is the 3am thing a common anxiety-related thing, or does it happen to those without it, too? It happens to me, but I've never gone to the psych about it..

>> No.7400126

>Nah man they just come here to look for attention
>Implying they're not the ones doing exactly that
i knew some people like that.

>> No.7400127

Try listening to podcasts or watching videos with men who have soft, relaxing voices. I can't even tell you how many times Welcome to Night Vale has put me to sleep.

>> No.7400128

I don't know, but I used to get panic attacks almost exclusively late at night.

>> No.7400132

>be me
>get random nosebleeds
>feel stressed?
>feel happy?

during literally every exam i've taken and every con i've gone to, i've gotten nosebleeds

>> No.7400217

>deciding if I should go to a con or to a bachelor party this weekend
>there will be prostitutes on the party so I have to chance of losing my virginity and become more normal
>I really wanna go to the con though

>> No.7400219

just go to the con and fuck someone there, problem solved

>> No.7400223

haha you're funny

>> No.7400416

Actually, yes.

In the old days they'd call it witching hour or the "hour of the wolf." It's essentially when your body goes "okay, if you're up this late, I guess you gotta stay up" and pumps a whole lot of hormone into you, which usually kickstart anxious reactions.

I can't remember where I read it, but it's more chemical than situational. It's why you can have a perfectly anxiety-free day and then bomb at 4AM.

Nowadays I try to avoid that hour like the plague, force myself to sleep even an hour or two earlier and I should dodge it.

>> No.7400432

My boyfriend and I never really spend time together anymore. We live together but we haven't spoken in literally over 24 hours.

>> No.7400444

>tfw ricochet between being happy and wanting my boyfriend around all the time and being miserable and not wanting to get out of bed and isolating myself and thinking I don't love him anymore
>tfw I should get back on my meds but I hate how sick they make me
>tfw all I do is chainsmoke, listen to music, and browse 4chan
>tfw I hate myself

>> No.7400448
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super boring tl;dr ahead

I've recently started buying materials for my dream costume that I have been planning for pretty much two or three years. I want it to be perfect and have everything right, and at first I was really psyched up about it and excited to start and couldn't wait. Now that I'm waiting for some of the materials I had to buy online I kind of went from excited to anxious. What if the materials won't look as good as I had imagined? What if they don't work at all? I will then have used most of my money on fabric that I can do nothing with, but I also have to hunt down new fabric that could work and with the same colors, and the first time was already a pain in the ass. What if I fuck something up and won't be able to fix it? What if no matter how well and carefully I construct the thing, it will still look like crap?
I've managed to stress myself so much thinking about this that I feel like I don't even want to do the costume anymore in fear of fucking up something so important to me that I've postponed for several years because I wanted it to be the best. I've built so damn high expectations for myself that I'm almost positive I'll just end up disappointed no matter how hard I'd try. I really don't even think that "I did my best" is worth shit right now if the outcome isn't perfect. Right now I can just pray that when the fabric does arrive it'll be just perfect and I'll get excited again and forget all about this stupid stress over a goddamn costume.

long story short, I take this hobby way too damn seriously for my own good.

>> No.7400575
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My plan to find a boyfriend worked.
He watches anime and gave me a bunch of rare pokemons.

Pic were my tools.

>> No.7400606

That's a rough feel, anon.

>> No.7400680


>My plan to find a boyfriend
>nintendo and cosplay

Hun, you didn't "find" a boyfriend. You baited a poor guy from a sea of readily available, ready-to-eat manchildren. Just some advice, if you're going to make it work, don't let "pop-culture" be the only thing that is keeping the relationship together.

>> No.7400685

>Want to cosplay Elsa
>Start working on everything, things are going great
>Determined to not have another shitty Elsa cosplay
>Suddenly realise that I'll never be able to wear this in the winter
>TFW 5'5" and 45 kgs
>Cold really bothers me
>Shiver wearing sweaters over long sleeves with pants in 16C
>Cry inside

>> No.7400831

>Feel self-conscious about smile because my bottom teeth are crooked
>Got a yearly dentist appointment in two weeks
>Decide to look into Invisalign
>Payments for me would be about $125 a month
>tfw I can totally afford that

Can't fucking wait.

>> No.7400898

I didn't pay I was just 15 and didn't have a condom

I'm not THAT ugly or autistic

>> No.7400942

>didn't have a condom
well, you deserved it anyway

>> No.7400947

>didn't have a condom

you ever hear in the back of your head someone telling you "I told you so" because of it?

>> No.7400949

>don't let "pop-culture" be the only thing that is keeping the relationship together.
this so much. that's why con relationships tend to fail

>> No.7400955

Idk how old you are, but don't let it get you down. The quality of cosplay has risen so much in the last couple decades, and there are now tutorials for pretty much everything you could want. Less trial and error for kids getting into it now.

>> No.7400966

Wow, you sound exactly like me, except I've never been diagnosed or on meds. What do you have?

>> No.7400971

Where do you live that you use feet and inches but then kilograms and Celsius? UK?

>> No.7400973

>tfw con in two weeks
>tfw two cosplays mostly finished, one to start but it's simple
>no motivation whatsoever

>> No.7401043

Jelly much?

>> No.7401070

More likely Australia, but only for height and only occasionally (we use metric for distances). The UK uses Fahrenheit a lot of the time from what I understand. When I travelled there (via Virgin), my flight's pilot gave the temperature upon landing in Fahrenheit.

>> No.7401077

are you me

>> No.7401081

seconding AU. we like to compress syllables as much as possible, it's quicker and easier to say "five five" than "one hundred and sixty etc"

>> No.7401100

>be sweet/classic lolita
>muted, toned down, look ok enough that other lolitas and regular people have positive reactions
>have normal bf
>but a little bit shy about attention
>completely supportive of lolita
>absolutely cannot bring self to wear it around him because anon, please, no man likes that shit, and he doesn't want the attention

I keep trying, but each time, 20 min before he shows up, I just nope back into some jeans. :/ Oh well, I've got plenty of other times/places/people to wear it around, and I'll get over it eventually.

>> No.7401152

I have CFS/ME and my health has deteriorated to the point where I can't do any of the things I want to do any more. I am pretty much bedbound at this point. I am depressed, and all of my muscles ache.
I save any of my spare money and buy brand, wigs, shoes, etc. because waiting for them to arrive gives me something to look forward to.
I wait and hope that one day I will be able to wear them, but that day feels like it's never going to come.
I've drifted apart from my old friends, they never talk to me anymore. I never would have anything to say anyway because I don't do anything.

I'm just lying in bed alone all day in pain and frustrated. And increasingly I am wondering what the point is in being alive when I cannot live. Hoping that maybe an armed robber will come to my house and shoot me, or my veins get clogged and kill me, because I don't have enough energy to kill myself.
Maybe it's because I can't remember what living feels like, but I really don't feel like I want to live anymore.

Sorry for this, I just really needed to vent. The only person I talk to is my mother, and I coukd never tell her this.

>> No.7401183

Nope, we use Celsius, sorry. Boiling point of water is 100, not that foreign muck

>> No.7401606

>tfw I've considered cheating on my tall muscular boyfriend with some guy who wears anime t-shirts

Even I can't believe this is happening.

>> No.7401684

Glad you decided not to.

>> No.7401691
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>> No.7401836

my girlfriend just dumped me because I refused to identify as a feminist

>> No.7401848

Fuck her?
I'm a girl, love my girly shit, etc.
And frankly, I hate feminism.

>> No.7401857

does this poll make you feel?

especially the results - filled out 99.9% by males - and the vast majority would avenge her and bury her with their own hands

I wonder how a female variant would end up
what would you do, honestly, if you found your husbando like this?

>> No.7401862

sorry but any man who refuses to say he agrees with feminism is probably a little entitled shit anyway
look at all the male celebrities- each and every one of them says he's a feminist
even George RR Michale

>> No.7401896

I read that thinking they were both women in a relationship... now I don't know what to think.
I need to stop watching Yuru Yuri so much, nah...

>> No.7401897

lesbians wouldn't get dumped over that, since a woman has the right to believe whatever she wants

>> No.7401903

You mean if I found my boyfirend like that?

I guess I would just call the police and eventually move on. What else is there left to do?

>> No.7401901

I'm laughing at you.

>> No.7401908

Good, she was obviously dating a neckbeard misogynerd loser anyway. I hope you never get laid again, you shitlord.

>> No.7402318
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telling them what they want to hear = pussy

telling them what you think = no pussy

>> No.7402344

Last time I went to a psych I was 16. He said I was going through a major depressive episode and I likely had MDD or some shit. I don't care to go back and find out. Also have moderate-severe ADD as well as OCD.
s/o mental illness. weed's the only thing that helps anymore. fuck psychiatric drugs

>> No.7402459

Misogynistic asshole.

>> No.7402537

I'm still having doubts.

I jerked him off a bit last time we met but we didn't have sex.

>> No.7402544

Honey, that's still cheating.

You did another person a sexual favor. You cheated. Cheating is not exclusively having sex. It's also any kind of sexual favor, romantic kissing, or even just intentionally dating someone else.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't give a shit if other people sleep around because they're only affecting their own life in that way. But cheating is not okay.

>> No.7402562

Why even be in a relationship then?

>> No.7402568

>tfw my whole life is falling apart and i can't do anything to fix it
>tfw so desperate for money just to try to hold on
>looking for jobs constantly to no avail
>strung along for months by a shitty place only to be rejected at the last minute for no reason at all
>so stressed and sad thinking of just giving up on everything

>> No.7402574
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>jerked him off
>but we didn't have sex, anon, so I'm clear for now!

>> No.7402576
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>I jerked him off a bit last time we met but we didn't have sex.
So basically you cheated on him

>> No.7402580

It's been over 48 hours now. This isn't what I thought things would be like.

>> No.7402585

Did you try to initiate conversation or randomly hug him or anything?

>> No.7402586

I know. I just wanted to post about how "absurd" the situation is.

>> No.7402588

I've been with him for over 6 years now.

>> No.7402591

Then it looks like it's time to leave. Is this the first time you've cheated?

>> No.7402593

Once we had a big fight and we broke up for a week or so and I had sex with another guy.

>> No.7402608

Are you me? I've been cosplaying for roughly ten years but I only go to two cons a year because stuff like bills and housing, food all cost money. I see teens that don't have to pay rent go to five cons a year and thus are constantly sewing. I guess I should just keep at it, but it's kind of a downer. At least I got some great con years in before the Facebook likes pages killed all the fun and turned it into a popularity contest.

>> No.7402610
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>sometimes babysit nephew on Saturday mornings without warning
>sister's boyfriend tends to knock instead of ringing
>sketching some concepts on a clipboard
>hear bell
>get up, go to set clipboard down on keyboard (tiny, tiny desk)
>edge of metal clip is somehow jabbed into LCD screen
>oh goddamn it that better have been helpless
>it's not
>small nick near the center of the screen that screams on dark colours
>answer door frustrated with myself for letting it happen
>Jehovah's Witness

>> No.7402614
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This. Holy shit. I have the worst anxiety with sleeping right before my work gives me back to back 12 hour shifts. I put on WTNV and pass out in less than an hour. Is there anyone to put the podcast to continuous play? Cecil baldwin's voice is a gift to all insomiacs.

>> No.7402615
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>your friend who only went to a couple cons thinks she's the queen of cosplay with her cheap e-bay costume
>your boyfriend keeps complimenting her and giving her ideas about cool anime to watch and characters to cosplay
Having a super pretty face and tight body makes all the difference I guess.

>> No.7402621

>Having a super pretty face and tight body makes all the difference I guess.

The jelly has escaped your belly

>> No.7402622

>Twitch beats Pokemon
>All dem feels ever

>> No.7402626
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and I thought beating Giovanni was amazing

>> No.7402630

Another thread to prove that men are fucking scum.

>> No.7402636

>not understanding what feminism is
Oh boy, you sound like one of those ignorant people who think only super masculine girls are feminists.

>> No.7402639

You sound like one of those stupid bitches who think Anal sex doesn't count as real sex/totes not cheating.

>> No.7402646

Yep, time to leave.

>> No.7402653

>not understanding 3rd wave idiotic feminism and the concept of fuck girliness

>> No.7402654

Oh no, I was just trying to confirm that I have a pussy, not that I think girly girls can't be feminists.
Sorry if I said it wrong.

>> No.7402659

My apologies then. I'm a girly feminist, so it bothers me when some people say only a certain type of girl is for women's rights.
I shall buy you a peep marshmallow.

>> No.7402660

Tumblr doesn't count for anything.

>> No.7402661

If only, if fucking only.

>> No.7402662

High blood pressure?
That's why the Japanese get nosebleeds so often. Too much salt in their diet.

>> No.7402680

>tfw I was too sad to write properly and I made a poorly phrased post in last feel thread
>People (reasonably, based on phrasing) interpret me as giving up on a friend because she was too empathetic to handle me talking about my depression
>Others didn't see my post about her being too empathetic and think she wants to see me dead
>I actually gave up on her because she never talks to me, period (I get being too busy for meeting up, but she wouldn't even text me to catch up)
>Her not being able to handle my depression was just a side note about feeling lonely
>I would never force someone to go through the incredible emotional effort that is consoling a depressed person
>Only made my depression known once when I was inebriated
>Asked her opinion about it one to two years later
>I do not constantly have my friends talking me down from suicide

>tfw people think I'm a terrible person
>tfw banned for offtopic post in a different thread
>tfw I read these misinterpretations but I can't defend myself

I'm sorry for the confusion. I hope I didn't cause too much frustration.

cgl related feels because I'm scared of being offtopic now:

>excitedly buy lolita skirts, blouses, and accessories, fifteen items total
>bank account low, but still feel good
>they arrive in mail
>tfw over half of it looks terrible on me
>tfw no longer feel good about bank account
>tfw no money for cosplay now
I'm going to see if I can alter some of the items and sell the rest. At least the items I liked, I love. I'm still disappointed though. It was a lot of money.

>> No.7402687

Go back to tumblr, you shits
4chan is not place for your kind

>> No.7402713

Butthurt shitlord, go be a virgin somewhere else.

>> No.7402721

This. Being a feminist is synonymous with supporting women's rights. Hence, not being a feminist means you're a misogynistic shit.

>> No.7402733

I'm a female
I'm sorry you're so bitter that you can't accept the fact that 4chan isn't your personal feminis hugbox where everyone caters to your prissy womyns rights needs

Not modern feminism. Most modern feminists hate men and seek to take away rights from men, no matter how much they deny it. You go on tumblr and see angry girls blabbing about WHITE MALE PRIVILEGES and talking about how much they hate men. It's very hard to agree with that mentality.
Women have all the same basic rights as men now, there's very few things that separate men from women
Men also have issues with certain rights, but things are slowly evening out

If anything, I think we should be fighting for human rights in general.

>> No.7402755

Get a trip so that I can filter you, /pol/ MRA shitlord. I'm not reading your posts anyway.

>> No.7402759

I realize that I can never really shut my mind off and stop thinking and worrying about things that shouldn't really affect me so much. It has affected my sleep, where I would stay up for hours on end because of something trivial or something that I am blowing out of proportion. It has also affected things like parties and conventions, where I should be having a great time and having fun, and I usually am, but at the end of the day, or even throughout it, I just keep thinking. "What about this? What about that? Am I doing something wrong?" And so on.

I really feel like there's something wrong with me. What do I do, seagulls?

>> No.7402760

I don't trip and I don't go on /pol/

I'm sorry to disappoint you
Really, though
Did you forget where you were?
This is 4chan. Everyone here is a degenerate motherfucker, manners and consideration for others is generally thrown out the window.

If you can't handle it, you should just go back to tumblr and cry to your other sjw friends and you can all circle-jerk while talking about how oppressed you are by men

>> No.7402764

No it isn't. And not being a feminist doesn't mean shit. You clearly got that off of Tumblr. Third-wave, lipstick feminism and earlier forms of feminism are apples and oranges.

>> No.7402774

No it's not, being egalitarian is. I'm all for women's rights but fuck all if you think I'm going to try to act like all men and all women go through the same things. It's just ignorance to me to assume that all women all have problems and that all problems are caused by all men.

Then again you're probably the type of idiot who thinks the bra was invented by a man in order to subjugate female sexuality or some such nonsense.

There is no reason to choose feminism over egalitarian other than to try to lengthen the gap between men and women by being sexist. Most feminists are sexist and taught to be so and don't even know it.

>> No.7402775

No need to start samefagging out of desperation.

>> No.7402778

Not samefagging
Isn't it surprising that you're on fucking 4chan and people disagree with your feminist ideologies?

I know, it's shocking
Who would have expected that?

>> No.7402779

These aren't even feminist ideologies. They're the ideologies of a fool.

>> No.7402782


>> No.7402823

It's impossible to diagnose someone based off of a paragraph, so you should talk to your general practitioner or see a therapist to see what they have to say.

The majority of mental disorders are normal human behavior that has gotten so extreme and constant that it effect their day-to-day life. Think the difference between having a blue day means you're sad, and if you're blue constantly for weeks, months, years, that's depression.

Everyone gets anxious, but it sounds like your anxiety is getting in the way of you living. There are several mental disorders that have anxiety as a symptom, so we can't really tell you 'You have Generalized Anxiety Disorder." It might be Obsessive Compulsive, or Post Traumatic Stress, or a multitude of other things. We aren't professionals, and even if one was here, they don't know your personal history and behavior.

Beyond labels, and even if you aren't at the point where you can be diagnosed, you could definitely benefit from visits to a therapist. They can give you tools and techniques to calm yourself down when you're feeling anxious. Having someone to talk to, as opposed to just reading about techniques, means that they can make personal recommendations of what will work for you and be able to learn from the techniques that don't.

Having tools to combat your thoughts is important, but sometimes it's not something you can fix through pure will. Sometimes it's your physical body chemistry that's making this happen. When your body is constantly in flight-or-fight mode, it can be a huge wear. There is medication for this.

I hope things go well for you! Especially with your thoughts coming around to give you all the worst case scenarios, it can be pretty intimidating. But you aren't going to know until you talk to some professionals. It's important. Don't let your thoughts convince you to avoid help!

>> No.7402831

I've been having daydreams of killing my boyfriend and then suicide off and on for a few months now. I'm not even thinking about it, it just kind of pops up in my mind and then it makes me really really depressed afterwards. I'm also really depressed in general because of bills and not having a job/not really being able to work.

>> No.7402834

Well worry not, you will never kill your boyfriend, because being a woman you're biologically inferior to him, no matter if he's a skinnyfat nerd. Even if you got a handgun you would prolly fuck it up.

>> No.7402841

This. Real feminists are intelligent people who can easily convince even the worst misogynerds on /cgl/ to change their ways.

>> No.7402845

Nobody here changes.

>> No.7402853

This. Islam is the religion of peace. Death to the unbelievers!

>> No.7402858


>> No.7402861

This is why we need feminism. Femanon above is perfectly capable of killign her boyfriend with her own arms and she should do it just to prove you wrong.

>> No.7402863


>this is why we need feminism

No, this is why you need to recognise >>7402834 is a troll.

>> No.7402865

Sure is fuckin sjw tumblr in here today.

>> No.7402866

>monster hunter
You're alright.

>> No.7402869

This is why you don't belong on 4chan
You can't even recognize a troll.

Seriously, get out, sjw.
Tumblr misses you.

>> No.7402872

She was obviously making a joke, you stooges.

>> No.7402876

Keep back peddling, feminist

>> No.7402880
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>> No.7402890
File: 335 KB, 676x485, 1354348869117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get out fagtron.
>absolutely cannot bring self to wear it around him because anon, please, no man likes that shit, and he doesn't want the attention

You'd be surprised by how many dudes like Lolita stuff.

>> No.7402893

I'm gonna second what this >>7402890 anon said

Dudes love lolita
Well, not all dudes, but more guys I've known have liked it
When I wear lolita, I get a lot of compliments from guys

>> No.7402910

>thinking that the guy is trolling when he states a biological fact
no anon, you are the feminist

>> No.7402915

What level were you? I spent my entire childhood and adolescence figure skating. I competed at the junior level before I quit. The farthest I made it was to Nationals. My highest jump was a triple flip, but it wasn't consistent. I'm a coach now too.

>> No.7402917

Stop posting this. You've posted the same shit like 5 times.

>> No.7402928

No no, anon. YOU are actually the feminist.

>and then anon was the feminist.

>> No.7402930

I... Literally haven't. I never posted in a feels thread before, I have had no reason to. What are you smoking?

>> No.7402931


Cool, so I can now write off all the men I killed as domestic accident? Since it all happened in the kitchen.

Truly, it was their fault they just ran headlong into my breadknife. I was just trying to make my hubby some bread in the kitchen. He certainly can't get killed by my domestic haberdashery.

>> No.7402932
File: 50 KB, 658x448, 1360018172714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7402946
File: 68 KB, 459x650, tumblr_n03sjnol011s3qld8o8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go on anon, I feel so much for you. If I knew you irl I would visit you and read cgl together

>> No.7402955

Anon, where do you live?
If you're close to me, I would visit you lots and help you put on lolita dresses and we could pretend to be princesses in your room.

>> No.7402981

sha bi

if you ran at him he would easily dodge and overpower you, take the knife and rape you

>> No.7402986

how about I come your house and have consensual sex with you?:3 will you be able to protect yourself?

>> No.7402988


Lrn2grammar. I already have killed them.

>> No.7402989
File: 119 KB, 300x562, 1393494914452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the everloving fuck is up with this thread

>> No.7402995

I might like that perhaps but I'm a bit uncomfortable telling you where I live. Where do you live?

>> No.7402997

I'm close to Toronto, Canada.

>> No.7403077

Eh, not like you have anything to lose. This might actually be one of the rare occasions you can be brave about something

>> No.7403087

Just kill yourself.
Erin Pizzey would be ashamed.

>> No.7403086
File: 13 KB, 174x177, 1348519811535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading those feels
>thinking about how I could actually help those anons if I knew them in real life
>realizing I wouldn't give a shit about them if they were actually happy, and that I'm just enjoying those stories because my lack of social interactions makes my life devoid of drama
I guess I am some kind of dementor

>> No.7403107

This (the weights will also burn calories). Keep a 300 cal deficiet, eat right so you don't feel like shit and keep track of your weight.

Joining a sport and do your research anon.

Also as a /fit/izen post on /fit/ without revealing your gender (everyfucking time this happens they spill their spaghetti), we frquently have Help threads.

>> No.7403117

given the company she keeps, thats kind of a good thing

>> No.7403120
File: 255 KB, 426x422, 1393467325518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a newcomer into these nerd things
>hear that the guys are virgin weirdos etc
>think it's just a joke
>talking to one I kinda liked
>ask him if he tells me he's still a virgin over 20
>it wasn't a joke

>> No.7403132

Same anon, here.

>Go clothes shopping
>All the size smalls are too big
>Try an extra small
>mfw it actually fit comfortably
>I haven't worn this size for nine years
>that skinny feel

I'm still going to be working on my lower belly pudge, but dat feel tho.

>> No.7403203
File: 42 KB, 480x720, mutant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this faggot >>7399429 what you should do is leave humanity behind

>> No.7403327
File: 95 KB, 1032x774, lol I met chii at AX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats where you come into play

>> No.7403346


Sounds legit.

>> No.7403371

forgive me for being obtuse, but from what series is that screenshot?

>> No.7403386


If every time you have a fight, you run away and fall onto a guys dick, it's time to quit.

>> No.7403405

>not getting the joke

>> No.7403408
File: 62 KB, 636x640, abstract feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chances of me going to the next major con are slimming by the day
>all my cosplay ideas are from old/obscure series that no one will recognize
>can't fucking sew
>limited budget
>tfw planning out cosplay anyway

Foresight was never my strong suit.

>> No.7403414
File: 593 KB, 1280x720, QUALITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all my cosplay ideas are from old/obscure series that no one will recognize
What did you have in mind?

>> No.7403417

>tfw weight restored after ED
>still small and can fit into almost all brand
>tfw exercising so no longer skinnyfat
>tfw still feel fat

Feels bad, man.

>> No.7403418

>don't use common interests to try to reach out to people.
Fuck you.

Good on you, girl.

>> No.7403420

I fell deep sorrow and tragedy for ukraine

but remember all that they go tru same situation as our brothes in Syria where world has not given help to innocent citizen rebelling against oppressive regime

help Syria help Ukraine destroy Putin, American please help for sake of freedom &democracy

>> No.7403426
File: 5 KB, 284x178, 1393727298352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a vent and less of a feel. Still feelzy for me I guess?

>boyfriend and I both put on holiday weight
>he's 30~40 lbs overweight, I was 10 lbs overweight
>both decide to lose it through diet and exercise starting new years
>at first it was great, we both bought great food, I started going to my uni's gym for cardio and stamina building
>he tells me to advise him what to eat since I know more about it and whatever
>except EVERYTIME I give him advice/tell him not to eat/drink something he has a thousand excuses why he NEEDS it
>example: "anon, can I have this soda?" say no, you've had too much sugar today, get some water "oh... but anon muh ADHD I need soda" (legit excuse he's given)
>meanwhile I've lost my 10 lbs and still at it to reach my goal weight, he's lost... nothing

Groan. It's just so frustrating going through the cycle of giving him advice/having my advice rejected (even though he's requesting it)/then refusing to give further advice because it's pointless, which he gets upset about until I take it back and promise to keep helping. And everything is just excuse after excuse... if he's not committed to losing weight why can't he just tell me and stop baby-stepping around the issue...

>> No.7403432

>>he's 30~40 lbs overweight, I was 10 lbs overweight
Lol, two landwhale mating

so typical America

go eat hemburger

>> No.7403436

don't use a trip if you're gonna say something dumb as hell.

>> No.7403441

Oh, and I guess to keep it related, he wants to lose for cosplay and I want to lose for lolita.

>> No.7403444

>join cult
>spend the rest of my days destroying LCD screens

>> No.7403448

Lmao OP here and 2/10 because someone other than me replied

>> No.7403463


>> No.7403468

>not retarded
pick one

>> No.7403470
File: 78 KB, 449x600, dorohedoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obscure crap no one reads, like Dorohedoro and Alice in Hell. Tekkon Kinkreet and Panda Hero Gumi too, maybe.

>> No.7403475

Here, I made a female version:


Note some subtle changes compared to the original.

>> No.7403476
File: 402 KB, 1280x960, IMG026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't know that Pah la la la da da da da
Gotta admit I don't recognize those mangas
Never was much of a manga fan anyways
But you should still do it

>> No.7403479

>implying I will ever have a boyfriend

No one would like a flat chested girl like me~

>> No.7403490

People might not know Dorohedoro but the designs are recognizable

Tekkon kinkreet has been tumblr-core for years so that shouldn't be too bad either

>> No.7403492

What 2/10?

He's not exactly trolling, he's just saying it as it is

>> No.7403495
File: 348 KB, 1136x640, FLAT IS JUSTICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But...! But, anon!

>> No.7403498

>that feel when I close /cgl/ and turn on TV and Venus Angelic is on again
I can't get away from it!

>> No.7403501

>tfw browsing the plus-size lolita thread on tumblr
>tfw the shittiest coords and/or photos have more notes than yours just because fat/black/etc
>tfw too thin for tumblr, too fat for /cgl/

>> No.7403566

>those cynical results
proof that girls don't feel

>> No.7403588

Who actually gains that much weight and stops caring? This fat ass is on his way to obesity.
Congrats on you losing the weight though.

>> No.7403591

Tekkon has been around for a while. You're not as edgy as you'd think. Just cosplay that you like.

>> No.7403593

>deal with it, but don't consider dating for a long time
In my case, 7 years.

>> No.7403609

>knowing exactly how much your love lasts
>implying it wouldn't be 7 days

>> No.7403627

>implying I'm not talking out of experience

>> No.7403650

Who shot him?

>> No.7403651

>take a selfie with him and use it to shitpost on 4chan
my sides

>> No.7403655

It's not that he doesn't care, more like he wants to lose the weight without dropping any of his bad habits. Which isn't possible... but whatever, I guess.

>> No.7403660
File: 913 KB, 512x384, noooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get up early for an appointment (it's a long drive)
>mom is giving me a ride
>didn't put my phone on silent
>my alarm goes off

>> No.7403674

I actually have pretty low blood pressure, so I honestly cannot understand why I keep getting nosebleeds

>> No.7403681

A black man when he tried to steal his bike. Ever since then, I hate black people.

>> No.7403727

Similar feels.

>lunch break
>buddy wants to tag along with me
>we drive to some fast food spots
>grab mickey dees for him first
>drive to subway
>it's freezing outside so I leave the car on while I grab my food
>come back out
>faint music playing from the car


>> No.7403735

Who cares

>> No.7403801

Wow, way to be a racist bitch. I'm also black and I did not shoot your boyfriend in the head. Why hate me? Fuck you!

>> No.7403806

Hey a little sympathy

>> No.7403850

I was just raped in the subway... by my own father.

>> No.7403886
File: 117 KB, 585x625, 1353525573650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend going through horrible emotional issues, talking to him on the phone
>get dream dress in the mail while we are talking
>feel bad for friend
>my fucking dress though
>but my friend is in need
>wait patiently for a good time to suddenly squeal about the dress
>11 pm, dress still unopened

>> No.7403890

same here

>> No.7403903

Kidding, right?
>responding to obvious b8

>> No.7404031

You're a good friend, anon. What dress was it?

>> No.7404039

>reading greentexts on another board and find some posts I made once
>tfw my feels are saved by someone and then reposted on a thread made for the saddest greentexts they've read

at least it wasn't the worst at all but I didn't expect that feel :(

>> No.7404064

meta's rose birdcage in navy.
I ended up opening it, pretty happy

>> No.7404065

Another anon over here, I'd like to help too. If we don't live near each other we can exchange skypes or something to talk, maybe play some online games together.

>> No.7404108

It looks like most of these feels aren't even necessarily cosplay related.

>be divorced
>spend most of my days and nights working
>ex-wife comes to visit
>take some time off to hang with her
>catch up on old times, talk about life, family, fun stuff, etc.
>do a bit of finger-pointing, a bit of yelling, a bit of passive-aggressive junk, etc.
>end of visit
>drive her to airport
>it's raining
>smell of water on asphalt mixed with light car smog and jet fuel hang in the air
>bgm the sound of raindrops and passing cars
>walk with her under 1 umbrella to check in
>send her off at the gateway with hugs and kisses
>turn around to go back through the rain to my car
>rainwater washing away all the regret, jealousy, frustration, etc., leaving only memories in the rain
>tfw the city lights, shattered into watery crystal on my wind shield, fly past my car as I drive the long road home
>tfw no radio, phone, music in background; just rain, engine, and myself on the open road
>tfw the matter what path we walk down, in the end, we always walk down it by ourselves
>tfw my blog site is down and I'm too lazy to put it back up to properly blog

>> No.7404285

UK measures the weight of people in stone, but the weight of everything else in kg/g. But yes, we use feet and inches for height, and Celsius for temperature. We also use miles for distance but metres and centimetres for length. Unless you're talking about timber sheets, which are measured in feet (but contruction drawings etc are measured in millimetres).

Our units are all over the place.

>> No.7404357

Happened to me right now as well. Dammit, I hate our dads.

>> No.7404367
File: 384 KB, 960x1280, 1393771477343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking is good way to overcome those feels

>> No.7404381

>make a bid through Japonica for dream dress in non-preferred cut and colourway
>preferred cut and colourway pops up less than a day later
fml and my wallet, I'm going for both.

>> No.7404388

Treat yourself! Worst case, you keep both (and double the pretty) and best case you only win the one for your DD.

>> No.7404397
File: 982 KB, 500x235, Parks-and-rec-treat-yo-self.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me think of this.

Go for it! You can probably get your money back through selling your unpreferred one on the Western market if you want, anyway.

>> No.7404402

Meh, I wouldn't care.

Men are fucking scum. Even if he were my boyfriend he probably had it coming.

I want to live in a world where I can tell my grand daughters what "men" were.

>> No.7404408

Haha, thanks, anons.
I definitely could make my money back if I win it; I'm just worried that the other will go too high and totally break my budget for this month.

>> No.7404411

You sound like an ignorant piece of shit tumblrtard feminist.

>> No.7404415

my aunt died last week and I feel bad that I'm using her funeral as an excuse to buy goth-loliable things..

>> No.7404420

Pretty sure it's b8

>> No.7404425

I sent a lolita that committed suicide recently a long message about a year ago. I just said how much I loved her clothes, and put it all in her native language since I also happen to be learning it. I enver got a reply, but I didn't think much of it.

I just thought about it the other night, and I almost started crying thinking about whether she read it or not... I just wonder if I made her feel a little better or not. I'm suicidal, so I can empathize, although I don't know her reasons for it. It's just been bothering me a bit since I remembered. :c

>> No.7404434

My favorite coworker got erased off the schedule and I'm too easily convinced whenever I try to break up with my boyfriend. I hate seeing him mad or upset and he always does such a good job of calming me down when I'm angry and wanting to break up.

I've tried for the past two months with nothing to show for it except that he's changing a little bit, and recognizing the habits that are irritating. I just wish he'd let me go.

To make it board related, its because I feel embarrassed to wear lolita around him, and I want to be able to wear wigs and do con-related things without him passing judgement on the people who do that ("but not you anon!").

He's so good in many ways, but if I'm constantly thinking of breaking up, it should happen right? I don't even know how to bring it up anymore, considering that I've been doing so almost weekly for awhile and nothing changes.

>> No.7404446

You (slef hating women) will also become an artifact.

>> No.7404471

Do you live with him?
It sounds like this isn't something you can do in person. Sounds like you'll have to leave him a letter and jet.
He'll probably come after you, so I'd suggest staying with someone he doesn't know about who lives out of town. Bonus points for mother-hens that'll save you from yourself. You should probably call the police and let them know of the situation, too.
Not for arresting him or anything. Just so they'll know the situation beforehand if anything happens. Give them records of any questionable texts etc. Just get a record going.

Do you have school or work? See if you can tell your boss/teacher the situation and if there's any work that can be done by phone or email. He'd find you there.

Don't tell ANYONE where you'll be. Emphasise how important that is with the person you're staying with.Information gets around and he'll ask everyone.

Don't answer phone calls or texts from him or numbers you don't recognize. Do NOT let him in if he finds you. He'll change your mind. You'll have laid everything out in the letter, he has all the information he needs. Maybe include that you'll call the police if you see him. They can come escort him off premises. It's illegal to be on someone's land/home when they're unwelcome.

If you don't have a place to stay, there are these hostel-type places for women who are in this situation. See if there's one even vaguely nearby! Farther away is even better, so don't limit yourself to your immediate town.

I hope everything goes well for you and that you can just laugh at being so overly prepared. But please. You don't want to find yourself under prepared.

>> No.7404478

A local cosplayer is such a drama hound. She's not even well known but has already started some drama and has an odd number of whiteknight neckbeards for someone just starting out. I honestly can't wait for her to start getting posted here because I feel like she has the potential to bring some ridiculousness this board hasn't seen for a while.

>> No.7404476
File: 123 KB, 500x459, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave my friend my honest opinion: her boyfriend is not worthy of her. I did not tell her that "someone else" was supposed to be me, and instead said she should be with a nice boy who isn't always making excuses and pushing her to lose weight while being a hamfactory himself, not the mention being in his 30s and living the dream with a cute submissive nerd girl with critically low self esteem, and refusing to work a decent job because it makes him tired. She outright agreed with me.

They're still together. She's always trying to get me to like him. And she cosplays, watches shows and plays games with him and not me; only spares time to acknowledge me when he is busy and no one else is available. She has this habit of comparing people to characters that makes it really hard to entertain myself without thinking about her. I'm always mucking things up, saying things I shouldn't be, giving mixed signals, but I just throw tantrums to know that somebody cared for a while. I'm literally an attention deprived little kid, except I'm an adult now and I'm using the same tactics to keep her attention.

I keep trying to convince myself that all my indulging, shutting myself in, gorging on food, spending waking hours mindlessly is me treating myself because I deserve it. I hate myself, and everything about myself, and all I can do is hide. It's really hard to go out, seagulls, when you're always being a burden, confusing politeness for affection, offending someone's eyes, taking someone's spot in line who deserves it more than you, bumping into someone, or standing in their way. You find someone who doesn't mind your company, and then you just fuck it all up. I tried to like myself, but I'm unlikable. I tried to change myself, but I never change. When I dress up, I'm someone even I can like, until it's over. I'm sorry for being too stupid to live, but too selfish to die.

>> No.7404479

If you want to break up break up, it's clearly going to happen eventually. You're also making it look like he's cajoling and convincing you into staying with him by 'calming you down' which is pretty gross, I've been in a very similar situation. You're not obligated to stay with this guy, if you don't want to be with him get it out of the way so you're not wasting your own time. You don't sound like you'll have any regrets, just tell him straight out, don't turn it into a conversation and let him convince you, lay down the facts and cut as much contact as you can - that would be easiest.

>> No.7404482

...can I have a name or a location or something? This sounds oddly familiar.

>> No.7404483

Another note about don't tell anyone where you'll be:
Tell EVERYONE what's happening and tell NO ONE where you'll be. So when he starts asking around for information, people won't help him. I hope none of your friends/family sympathize with him!
He'll ask whomever he can, and if someone is helpful and tells him more people to ask, that's bad. Also why you should tell your boss, cause he'll be asking there too.

If you have a desktop computer at his house, send it off when he isn't home. Tell him it wasn't working so you sent it to be repared. Keep an easy story: It just wouldn't turn on. If you talk about viruses he might quiz you on specifics.

>> No.7404485

If she hasn't been able to keep it from becoming debate conversation for the last several months, why would this talk be any better?
When a strategy isn't working, you try something new

>> No.7404488
File: 480 KB, 600x450, 1361363435666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you recognize me I will fall out of my chair and die on the floor

Where are y-you at, anon?

>> No.7404491


I don't think its a dangerous situation--we don't live together, highschool sweethearts continuing into college, all that jazz.

I think that's what I'll have to do, just leaving him a note and not answering any calls. I just feel a little torn up about it. Sometimes I want to break up, post attempting I feel really nice. He's a sweet guy, I just need to be alone, and to not be around his negativity.

As for the convincing with calming me down, yeah, its basically that. Talks about what the problem is and how its going to change. Doesn't help that we both know my new medicine has been giving me moodswings, so a lot of things are easily explained with that. It's weird talking about it, lucidly when we're apart versus how muddled things get together.

I appreciate the support, even if I find the measures a little extreme! I'll draft out a letter.

>> No.7404521

which one of you LADIES wants to get FUCKED?

>> No.7404525
File: 551 KB, 245x220, Obama like wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7404593

Midwest. The girl I have in mind's name starts with A.

>> No.7404608

I also live in the midwest, but my name doesn't start with A. That's an awfully close call there. Not in MO is it?

>> No.7404635

I was saying not to turn it into a conversation, like sending a text then switching her phone off or something since I assume saying it in person is what's sparking discussion
Good luck anon, really, I hope things work out for you. I've been in this situation where someone's negativity was really bringing me down and they're all talk but it doesn't help. If the cons start to outweigh the pros its not worth your time anymore, high school sweethearts or not! It might be weird imagining things being different if you've been together for a long time but it'll only be short term. He could be the sweetest guy ever but if things aren't working out for you then its in your best interests to break it up before you start really pulling your hair out over things. I'm metaphorically here for you, anon.

>> No.7404638

Nope. Oh well, good luck to you, anon.

>> No.7404744

Attractive nerd boys are so hard to find.

>> No.7404751

Are you in MO?

>> No.7404811
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>> No.7404854
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There is no such thing

>> No.7404860
File: 990 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m08up3le891qg6qi8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true. All of the cute 'nerd boys' I've ended up with hid their power levels until they were comfortable with me, any outright nerd dude is either cute & spergy or ugly it seems like.
>think i'm dating a normalfag /fit/ dude
>mfw he shows me his extensie yugioh and Warhammer 40k collection a month into the relationship
>cue instant nerd bonding

>> No.7404929

There's no such thing as attractive nerds.

Nerd means something different to males and to females.

To females pretty much anything that doesn't conform to mainstream popular things is already "nerdy". Men usually understand it as the kind of things they got beat up for liking by bullies in school /or/ they beat up losers for (did the bullying); the main point is that there has to be a certain passion - any man can enjoy nerd shit (video games, card games, whatever) as long as it looks cool -- what is uncool is if they take it too seriously / have too much of a knowledge of the subject.

like, seriously. Yugioh and Warhammer? Completely normal / casual things to most men, but she considers it "nerdy". No wonder the guy was scared to reveal even that little he had.

Basically, an "attractive nerd" is just a codeword for hot Alpha guy with a hobby besides the usual conforming to society shit.

Asian guys are an exception, but there you can't really speak about attraction, since it's mostly yellow fever (which is, scientifically, a mental illness -- it's been proved for men, so it is reasonable and logical to assume that it works the same way for women, although it 's probably less to do with pedophilia and more to do with white guilt and racial stereotypes).

>> No.7404947
File: 985 KB, 450x258, 1393796357709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ever thought of disclosing your wonderful theories on a milk crate in a park? You seem to have a lot to discuss with the world at large, could do with a bit of good ol fashioned milk crating, specifically developed by westerners from 4000 B.C. onwards for people with the balls to express their opinions (you can rest assured it's almost solely a Western idea, never sullied by other cultures to hold forum and debate).

Or you could get laid. Trolling or not, you could do with getting laid.

>> No.7405009

Worst b8 ITT and that's saying something.

>> No.7405098

This is why men are fucking scum. How dare you tell her what is attractive not? You are fucking scum.

>> No.7405108

Oh shit /r9k/'s here

>> No.7405112

you know attraction can partially be based on the immune systems of you and the one you're attracted to?
Liking certain races isn't a mental illness, btw. If so, every fetish is.

>> No.7405116


>> No.7405123

There's actually nothing /r9k/ about me, I am told that I'm attractive all the time- but I said something that offends you, a special snowflake, so naturally you must project this. I actually even posted my picture in some other thread yesterday >>7403813

>you know attraction can partially be based on the immune systems of you and the one you're attracted to?
Yes I know that.

>Liking certain races isn't a mental illness, btw. If so, every fetish is.
Well it's not a mental illness per se but it is wrong in a way.

White women "prefer" Asian men because they have white guilt and low self-esteem and deep down their brain is telling them "this gook isn't very sexually attractive to other men, so if I date him, he'll stay my Beta provider forever!".

Just like black men preferring white women over their own women- it's deeply rooted social hatered towards black men that makes them hate their own race, and so they see white women as more attractive than black woman, because their potential children would be whiter, and hence suffer less racism from the whites.

>> No.7405135
File: 1.48 MB, 230x172, 1390608433809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7405139

See sisters? This is what you need feminism for. We need feminism to protect ourself from child sexual predators like this. He has literally raped the girl he responded to with his vicious and disgusting patriarchal post.

>> No.7405157

>Uncle's widow comes over to live with us
>Uncle recently passed
>Sit with dad and widow and talk about uncle
>Inexplicably start sobbing when explaining how I noticed my uncle being depressed when he didn't get to meet his kid (my cousin) and granddaughter because he has a crazy wife
>Didn't even feel sadness creeping up, lip just started shaking and voice went up and down
>Probably don't get enough emotional relief since I don't have any girl friends and I don't talk to my guy friends about emotions
>Start crying out of nowhere when my mom confronts me about any of my goals or tells me that I'm doing good for staying in school through tough times
>Still feel pretty numb, except when the stress builds up and I have to calibrate with my emotions again
>TFW kissless virgin

I just want a fucking girlfriend.

>> No.7405160

I hope you girls realize that now that I posted this, you are obliged to have sex with me.

>> No.7405164
File: 962 KB, 500x281, backbackback.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


back you go

>> No.7405165

If you were a Beta spic shit like me who sucks up to landwhales and who whores for attention, you might also get laid. But first you have to become a different race. I mean, I didn't get laid yet - but one day... one day!

>> No.7405169

Did you even look at my pic? I am better looking than any boyfriend you ever had, you fat cunt. Probably the best looking male on this board as well

>> No.7405173

You're ugly as hell

>> No.7405174

One day, brother.
I guess I'm an "aryan". I dislike attention and I've been a damn coward when it comes to talking to girls or makin moves. At least I got over freezing totally when talking to the other sex.

>> No.7405177

thats not him. he's making that shit up.
>tfw thats my friend
>tfw you just called my friend ugly as hell
post your real picture you piece of shit

>> No.7405175

You're only saying that after the fact- now that I've made you butthurt by dropping in a bunch of truths that you can't handle.

If you didn't know that face was mine, you'd be like "oh my gosh~ I just found my attractive nerd xD". Note that even though I like a lot more obscure shit than your WH40K faggot, I do not personally indentify as a nerd. I identify as an Alpha male = because this is what being Alpha means.

To get pussy without sucking up to cunts, like the namefagging trash above me tdesperately tries to.

>> No.7405176
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1356890873414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best friend moved out of state a few years ago
>works and has school so hard to find time to talk
>flying to a con there for her birthday and going to cosplay together
>mfw she's coming to my state for a kpop concert the same month

>> No.7405180

what pic?

>> No.7405183

See? Provs my point. You can't believe that someone as sexy as me "dares" to disrespect you like this by having a different opinion.

Let me give you one more truth, cunt : your precious faggot boyfriend thinks of you deep down as nothing but a shallow cumslut. Do you like Warhammer 40k? Do you like Yugioh? No you don't. You share no interests. He cares fuck all if you think his "nerdy shit" is "cute". You are nothing but a whore to fuck for him. He had to eat a lot of shit to get inside your wizened old cunt, so you had better suck his dick properly as a reward. Poor guy must really have no choice in his life if he settled for you.

>> No.7405185
File: 839 KB, 142x146, 1357962788168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you even look at my pic? I am better looking than any boyfriend you ever had, you fat cunt. Probably the best looking male on this board as well

>mfw its not even you

>> No.7405189
File: 646 KB, 295x221, Alright then.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots ruining this thread
I'll never understand why some people are such massive faggots.

>> No.7405195
File: 588 KB, 1280x960, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic.

Note the similarity to >>7405135

>> No.7405193
File: 471 KB, 1280x960, IMG097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 so much yuri it puts Sakura Trick to shame

>> No.7405198

i dunno, the guy in the .gif looks kind of cooler, with the sunglasses and all, plus he might be rich with all the Internet fame of being a memeface

>> No.7405201
File: 51 KB, 361x487, euphoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the love of god thats not him, he just used a photo of a guy he thought was attractive. congrats on defiling a photo of a random bystander though.
this guy probably looks like pic related.
oh god, when he gets back on steam I'm telling him someone wants to do him in the ass this bad this is great

>> No.7405207

Not that anonon but who's the hottest guy of /cgl/? Is there an consensus?

>> No.7405216


no one cares really. crush threads are dumb as hell

>> No.7405219
File: 87 KB, 435x722, results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfags only. If you don't know these people, you are a newfag and get out forever.

>> No.7405243
File: 48 KB, 500x334, cheeseburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I still have shirtless pictures of RedDickies saved from back in the day.

>> No.7405247


Even this guy looks better than him >>7405195. God has always been the true beauty of /cgl/.

>> No.7405278
File: 447 KB, 1000x1900, cgl-best-looking-males.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7405287

ValleLator yes
these girls have got good taste

>> No.7405294

What year was this made in? I kinda remember when it was new.

>> No.7405295

>mfw i'm warhammer bf anon and I haven't even been replying until now
>mfw i have no face
chill dude stop derailing the thread

>> No.7405304
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>4 votes for jebus of /a/
I smell lies

>> No.7405317

That list is shit. Roko is your standard /r9k/ goer in terms of looks and probably the single least attractive person overall (not just looks-wise) to have posted here, plus he's been revealed to have been the last one to post as Johnny Bravo (a shared trip by a bunch of losers). Blue was also a joke, getting pity votes because he just started dating PrivateToaster (plus there were like 15 people to choose from back then away). And Todd I also doubt that anyone finds attractive now. He always looked just like an average Chinese dock worker dressed in expensive clothes, plus he was a cheating shit who betrayed piplup, our girl. The fact that God isn't #1 basically invalidates it alone.

>> No.7405327
File: 480 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (87).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freeman is cool as fuck

>dat fkn shirt

>> No.7405330

Men are hilarious.

>> No.7405332

They didn't put God on there so the other guys wouldn't be intimidated by his 11/10 score

I ran into Freeman at a con once, I'm pretty sure. I was caught pretty off guard cause I didn't know he lived in my area. Though maybe he traveled, though.
He was pretty nice.

>> No.7405334

Who is this pink whale?

>> No.7405339

He's cool as fuck to hang out with
That guy is a major weeb, and showed me his collection. Put my powerlvl to shame
The guy lives like 30 mins away from me

>> No.7405345
File: 208 KB, 410x530, freechu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


freeman is based

>> No.7405355

btw how many people from here met up at AX?
Freeman had invited me to the meetup and sent me a link to like some weird ass fb page
I didnt go cause I was too busy dicking around
>this is based on the assumption that you guys live in SoCal

>> No.7405378

>leave the corpse there, let the maggots have a feast on all that male privilege
>third most popular choice
Shure is Tumbler here.

>> No.7405397

the only pussy he can manage

>> No.7405400

So this is the type of girl who dates guys from /a/?

I feel like throwing up

>> No.7405405

I'm worried my sister has taken on too much for her cosplays and that I'll probably have to help her make the props so she doesn't have a meltdown. She's also going to buy more Worbla because I already bought a jumbo sheet and some Fosshape. I also bought a whole new sewing machine and I'm giving her my old one. She also wants me to split a dress form with her. She's gotta pitch in money wise because she makes money babysitting and I can't work due to my illness. I'm also paying for the hotel room.

>> No.7405422

That's just generalizing. There used to be like two or three guys from /a/ on /cgl/ that would make most seagulls' wet (even some good looking ones).

Dead anon was also pretty cute, shame he took his life.

>> No.7405455
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>> No.7405463

>that I'll probably have to help her make the props so she doesn't have a meltdown.
Sounds like she knows that you'll be there to fix any mistakes she makes.
Are you kind of protective of her? When she hesitates with how to do something do you leap in and show her yourself? Do you never turn her down when she asks you for a favor?

>> No.7405481
File: 155 KB, 450x530, [bda-scans]_free_tonari_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lol'd

>> No.7405511

I wanna go to a convention and cosplay.

The only problem is I'm going alone, and I just wanna wear the costume and not make one. This is why I wish I just had a girlfriend who would make costumes for me and for herself.

>> No.7405536


>> No.7405545

I help her because she gets really down on herself if she messes up. I've always felt I need to be there to catch her if her mood goes low. Even though I'm the younger sister, I've always felt like it was my duty to hold her up if she becomes hopeless. I guess it's how we've been since we were kids. She's a huge perfectionist and falls apart if things don't go as planned.

>> No.7405551

Yeah, I could buy one, but after posting that and actually thinking about it for a bit - I really want a girl to make a costume for me. That would be so cute and make my heart explode.

Probably would be the best feeling ever.

>> No.7405552

Friendly reminder that you only won because you proxied the shit out of it.

>> No.7405557
File: 433 KB, 1280x960, 1393813103041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking adorable
Wish I had a sister like that

My sister is fat and bitchy
Shes like a walking tumblr
the only upside is that she makes cupcakes and shit when I'm stoned

>> No.7405558

I went last year and it was alright
didn't stick around for long

>> No.7405562
File: 543 KB, 500x372, usagi-tsukino1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and i went to a local parade in lolita a few days ago,it was my first time out in lolita. we took some pictures and when i got home and looked at them,i looked horrible in all of them and i cant stop looking at them and picking out all the defects and just feeling bad about how i looked,and its seriously bringing me down. the people for the newspaper took a picture of us too,and i dont even want to think about that. its making me want to quit lolita all together.

>> No.7405676

Fun facts

I don't know how to proxy or what you nerds mean by "rigging it" as you say I did.
It was rigged by an Enzo lover to start with, hence the ugly trips (jebus) and hated trips(myself)
Either way I was a close second to Enzo (without begging for votes on Facebook like someone else did) so I was a winner winner chicken dinner either way.

Stay thirsty my friend.

>> No.7405695

Same half-butthurt half-proud response every time.

You are a goldmine. xD

>> No.7405995

I know you're trying to be edgy and insulting towards him, but it really only makes me want to punch you.

>> No.7406004


not op but look at the file name m8

>> No.7406167

I'd do him.

>> No.7407011

>Finally work up nerve to tell a very very old friend that she causes me severe anxiety
>"I understand anon, you're really bad for me too, let's not be friends anymore"
>Wha-wait, no I was trying to explain why I've been really absent and since you never just say hi, whenever you talk to me it's because something's gone really wrong-
>"I'd like it if you didn't contact me again, anon"
I don't have a reaction image for this.

>> No.7407100
File: 381 KB, 960x1280, Get well soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that bitch
I bet she was a fat whore anyways

>> No.7407336

don't give up! make a list of things you can fix and work on them. I believe in you, anon-chan

>> No.7407404
File: 81 KB, 479x558, 1337078949488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be shut-in with no social life
>leave the house only once a week to go grocery shopping with my mom
>lonely as fuck and want to change but have no idea how to make nearby friends with similar interests (anime, etc)

>> No.7407416

I'm the same way, for now I'm trying to just get in shape and reach my goal weight. I know it's a good thing I'm doing but I'm also shutting out everyone else in my life, I've only spoken to my parents for the last couple of years. I've probably set foot outside of my house like three times this year.
I'd be your friend irl

>> No.7407419
File: 1.88 MB, 300x300, 1391221141267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drink and do drugs

>> No.7407563

I keep trying to find friends on 4chan and pray to god that one lives close by. I really wish there was another /cgl/ friend thread since that would narrow it down more.

I actually did make one friend this way. It was the craziest thing.

>> No.7407594

You should make a friend thread, I could use it. Or someone make it as I'm on my phone and don't want to mess it up

>> No.7407613

Nigga lets get blazed and watch animu

>> No.7407780

Kinda turning into me
I mean I have friends, or had friends
All of the friendgroups I was in have fallen apart, and I am left in the dust. I never get asked to hang, and when I do I'm working or at school or some shit.

>> No.7408215

>tfw there's a character I love and really want to cosplay
>but the anime is sort of old and not anywhere near popular now
>tfw I'm not even petite enough to pull it off
It hurts.

>> No.7408508

Totally me as well... After high school, my main group of friends all moved away to different schools, made new friends (and the couples within the group broke up), and now no one talks to each other anymore.
It doesn't help that I don't have many friends at school (I was the only one that stayed behind and went to a small, local school) and I'm having a really hard time making "lasting" friends at cons. It's like everyone I meet already has a tight knit circle and live in the same area, which is usually a 2-3 hour transit away from me.

I'm just so tired of being lonely. All I have are "acquaintances." If I knew things would end up this way, I would've stayed friends with the weebs my "friends" made fun and told me not to hang out with back in high school. From the looks of it, they've cleaned up, regained their sanity and are all still friends. Sorry for the semi-rant.

>> No.7409561

Well now you either become normal, get a bf/gf or get internet friends
Steam and vidya help a lot for the latter