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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 400x400, period_by_kawiko-d4dru0y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7398583 No.7398583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you get through cosplaying at a con during +12 hours whilst having your period?

My cosplay is an armor with a skin-tight bodysuit under it and some pieces require the help of another person to get them on, so going to the bathroom every couple of hours to change my tampon/pad is something I definitively want to avoid. Plus, this Con's bathrooms are always disgusting, I don't want to get my cosplay dirty or wet.

Anything I can do?

I am taking birth-control pills (using them 'cause of polycystic ovary syndrome, not as a contraceptive, long story) Is there anyway I can play arround with them so I avoid getting my period during the Con?

>> No.7398585

I double up on my pills all the time. When I go on vacation or something. Just keep taking the regular pills and skip over the placebo ones.

There's also the DivaCup if you would rather not self medicate like that. They supposedly protect for up to 12 hours leak free guaranteed.

>> No.7398586

>every couple of hours
Exactly how much do you bleed?

Invest in a menstrual cup and a panty liner. You can try not taking your placebos and continuing on the next batch uninterrupted will halt your period, but I note this doesn't work for most women.

>> No.7398593

Wouldn't that be bad?
Like... the hormones have been making my ovaries get ready to let out an egg for 3 weeks.

>> No.7398605

This is the best way to do it. If you just skip the placebo pills you won't get your period.

I just wonder, are you all from the US and doesn't it says on the pills for you that this is a perfectly fine way skip your period? At least in my country this is said in the instructions for every hormone based birth control pills, and it's not dangerous in any way if you don't do it for more than three charts in a row.

>> No.7398610

The hormones in birth control pills trick your pituitary glad into thinking you're pregnant, so you don't release an egg anyway. The bleeding is just withdrawl bleeding.

Women who have been on the pill for a long time can take months to release an egg and be fertile again, sometimes they even need to take pills to "restart" the process.

>> No.7398611


Tell your doctor, "Bro, I am sick of having periods once a month." There are BC pills that prevents periods for 3 months at a time.

>> No.7398612

you know...you could have googled that.

>> No.7398609

The hormones don't get your ovaries to make an egg, that's the point. Birth-control pills make your body beilive you're already pregnant so he don't have to continue he's usual hormone cycle. As long as you keep taking it, your cycle is blocked. Plus, if you have a PCOS, you mcan just stop pills for few month and you'll be in amenorrhoea. Works for me.

>> No.7398622

Some of those companies are also getting sued for severely fucking with women's hormones and fertility.

Honestly op, just get over it and use tampons. Messing with birth control dosage without consulting a professional is a bad idea, especially if you're sexually active or particularly sensitive to hormone changes. You can get away with changing a tampon once/5 hours with a moderate flow, and chances are, if you're staying as hydrated as you should be at a con, you'll have to pee that frequently anyway. You're supposed to wash out a cup every few hours, and if you're not 100% how to use it, you could leak blood all over your precious cosplay. Just. Use common sense and use a tampon.

>> No.7398621

women are disgusting

>> No.7398624

Seconding DivaCup; I use one and I can't imagine a world without it. With a liner it's pretty much foolproof for cosplay.

>> No.7398634

Are its imitations just as good? Only thing I can find in my country is this Luna Cup which is the same thing really, but cheaper.

>> No.7398638

For me it's usually a super absorbent tampon + a panty liner just in case. Plus an extra tampon somewhere in my bag (I only need to change it every 6-8 hours, so maybe once during the con).
My periods are super unpredictable. Sometimes I have heavy flows with moderate pain, and other times there's barely any blood.
Despite that, I've never had an issue with my tampon/liner combo.

I was also on depo on and off for a number of years.
My mother forced me to go on it when I was 15 after she found out I had sex with my ex, but from 15-18 I have no period ever. Then I went on it again briefly from 20-21, but I stopped after my doctor advised me about the weight gain (it's been proven to cause 10% bf gain in women) saying that another patient gained 80 pounds from it. Plus the black box effect that decreases your bone density over time even when you stop getting it. It's nice to not get a period, but the effects from this bc are so awful....would not recommend.

>> No.7398639

I've recently switched to a 3 month cycle of BC for health reasons (severe endo) but before that I used the Diva cup for periods because I thought I might be allergic to tampons (painful whenever I used them). Any imitation will usually work as good, the difference between them is the length and circumference of the top of the cup. If you're familiar with your body there are lots of helpful menstrual cup charts to show the differences. Diva cup was just the easiest for me to get but I've heard good things about Luna too :)
Hope that helps.

>> No.7398653

No, bc pills are really horrible. You're messing with your ovaries and hormones and the long term damage isn't worth a low flow period. Why are women still taking bc when it's seriously dangerous?

>> No.7398654

How severe is your endo ? Why don't you take pill continuously ?

>> No.7398659
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because it's less dangerous than unexpected pregnancy ?

>> No.7398660

I had no clue. Since the polycystic ovary syndrome stops my ovaries from producing mature eggs and I had no cycle before my doctor told me to use the pill, I thought it stimulated the production of eggs. Thanks for the info!

>> No.7398664
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We are, in fact, quite disgusting.

>> No.7398665

I think this would be a good time to mention making costumes have a piece that can move to use the facilities is a life saver. I did sailor senshi with a snap down bottom. Life was easy.

>> No.7398666

Unless you have some way of magically not needing to go to the bathroom for 12 hours, why not just double up with cup/super tampon + pad/liner and just change it when you do have to go to the bathroom?
I'm one of the lucky ones that has B-Yaz bcp and it completely halted my periods in case that may work for you or someone else reading. I have heard that many brides skip their placebo pills to avoid having their period on their honeymoon so that is not uncommon. How well it works depends on the pill type you are taking.

>> No.7398674

Know the feel anon, I'm on my period right now and it ends in start march. Mine is irregular and I really hope I won't get it again at the end of the month because I'm going to a con and also seeing my boyfriend again for over 2 months urgh.

>> No.7398671

Show me a serious and concerning percentage in several reports proving that birth control pills are dangerous.

I've used them for 10 years and I'm not dead yet, so I'm very interested where I'm risking my life.

>> No.7398670

My endo is currently at a stage where it's affecting more than just my ovaries but my entire digestive system up into my stomach area, so if you know anything about the disease it's uterine lining cells growing on other organs, and when it comes time to shed they are EXTREMELY painful! I've had increasing pain since I was 12 but now at 20 I have several days, not only during my period but before and after where I cannot get out of bed due to heavy pain/nausea, and I'm taking heavy dosage anti-inflammatory drugs to keep it from being unbearable. Problem is they eat into my stomach lining and give me ulcers so I get nauseous and vomit a lot. Being on a 3 month cycle means I only get 4 periods a year, but taking it longer than 3 months rotations is very dangerous (can cause major blood clots). I would take Depo for the longer term effects but like another person said the side effects are awful, and I'm extremely sensitive (can't take it out once it's in) and I'm not exactly ready to surgically remove my ovaries. :(

>> No.7398675

You know, those pills are sold as contraceptives but they are used in lots of hormonal treatments.
Not everybody uses them to avoid pregnancy, some ppl like OP and myself (I use it to treat menorrhagia) have to take them for other reasons.

>> No.7398683

Would it be fine to continue taking the pills until the day after the Con and then go to the placebos?
Or do I have to take the whole 3 weeks of pills until I go on placebos again?

>> No.7398689
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I ate a girl out while on her period once and didn't find out till the next day

>Moral of the Story: I ain't even mad

>> No.7398690

I've done this before (not recommended if you're using it for contraceptive purposes, but then again I'm not pregnant) where I skip a day by accident and take only 1 pill the next day. This delays my period by a day or two, and since I'm not ovulating that late in the cycle I'm sure it's all right. I restart 7 days from the last pill so push your restart day 1 day back.

>> No.7398695

If you skip the placebos DO NOT GO BACK TO TAKING THEM. Skip them means skip them! Stay regular with the week you are on and read the packaging in your BC box if you are unsure. Take all 3 weeks of your first month, toss the placebos and start the next month like you are starting a new month normally. Do not take the sugar pills or you will mess up your bodies hormone levels and have likely breakthrough bleeding.

>> No.7398702

my gynecologist told me about this once. Do you knkw why you have four days where you don't take pills? Is to allow your body to get you trough your period. If you want to avoid it just keep taking the pills.

>> No.7398726
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I know you feel girl. I'm stage III, this shit reached all the intestines. Same has you, I couldn't get out of the bed for a whole week every month. And my crazy medieval gynecologist told me it was because i am vegetarian, so no analgesics till you eat your meat, for your own good. Fuck how could i believe him... Then I moved and got a new doctor. Since I've been operated twice. They didn't removed my ovaries ! Just adhesions and nodules. Now my cycle is continuously blocked to avoid the endo to come back and I can have a real life. I advice you to do the same.
That was my point, taking bcp for a medical purpose. It would avoid endo pain hell

>> No.7398728

I'm using the pill and I'm on my first month because I have loads of cons and concerts coming up, and because my PMS was so bad I had to take them to prevent any problems. I'm getting all the symptoms of an upcoming period but the first concert is next week, should I be worried? I'd hate to have it ruined by my awful PMS and symptoms..

>> No.7398729

Even with birth control that completely stops your period it takes a few months for your body to adjust. If you're on a pill that has a placebo week you can try and skip the placebos and go straight to a new pack, but aside from that it's probably still gonna happen.

>> No.7398730

Oh man, I had a problem with a doctor who didn't believe me either because I look a lot younger than I am, even though I've been going to them since I was born. Found out they lied to me about sending off referrals and stuff :( Got it all sorted but I am very distrusting of doctors now. My Gyno said doing the surgery for adhesion/nodule removal was more of a last resort because the risk of it coming back after 2 years was extremely high. Are you at the state where you can't have kids then?

>> No.7398738

To avoid getting my period when I was on holiday with my boyfriend, I took my week off the pill early (so I had two weeks on instead of three that time), in order to trigger my period a week earlier. Provided you have enough time for this, one week less might be preferable to having one week extra, although I think it's safe. I didn't skip the week off not because I was afraid of hormone stuff but because apparently you may still get spotting during the fourth week.

>> No.7398744

This is probably bad, but if I know in advance that my period will come about during a convention, I''ll fast for about a week and exercise a lot. That will push my period back a week or two.
This is my method and it's worked every time so far. I'm too scared to deal with a period because my next two cosplays involve white.

>> No.7398743

I'm going start the sugar tablets a day after the first concert, so do you think the period will happen after I stop taking the pill or will it happen even though I'm still on it, when I'm due on..?

>> No.7398751

Threads like this always make me think OP is 14. You just deal with it. At this point you should know how your body works. Either wear a tampon and cosplay or don't wear an extreme costume.

I like that you have to point out you're on BC for a medical condition and not as a contraceptive too, dont want /cgl/ thinking you're a slut. Protip: they already do.

>> No.7398775

Endo come back in 2-3 years if you don't block your cycle. That is why you NEED to block your cycle, until the day you want to procreate.

A year after my first operation, we decided my husband and I to give a try. We already knew it might be difficult so we tried few month by our own, but we didn't wait too long before consult. Considering my history, we went directly to IVF, which is fortunately 100% free of charge in my country. We did two tries, each time with very good fecondation result, but once embryos are transfered, they never implant. Successive treatments stimulated the endo to come back, so i had have a second operation. Now we decided to have a break to focus on other life projects and take rest, physically and morally. We will possibly go back to it in few months.

>> No.7398787

The first month I was on BC I think I started my period the day after I started taking the regular pills again after the break week. It's hard to know until it happens, really. I'd say you'd probably be okay for the first gig though.

>> No.7398791

That's unfortunate to hear. I'm still at a young age so I'm nowhere near ready to make any choices, but IVF isn't fully free here, it's still around 10k~ per attempt to my knowledge which is a lot of money to put on a chance. Good to hear another person's input on it though thanks.

>> No.7398815

Check with your doctor if it is safe to skip your "reminder pills", if they say it's okay, that's the best way to go.

If you end up having your cycle, carry a small baggie of feminine wipes - there's nothing like that super clean fresh feeling if you absolutely have to change a 'pon in a public restroom.

>> No.7398828




>> No.7398829
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Well, thank you too Anon. Feels good to talk about it.

>> No.7398831


Ha shut up you stupid bitch
you're probably the kind of person that doesn't vaccinate their kids and tries to cure cancer with broccoli

>> No.7398832

I use divacup and I agree, it's great, but I suggest for anyone who has heavy periods, if not 'changed' often, you're gonna be dealing with bad leakage imo. Other than that, when I'm having lighter periods I sometimes forget I'm even wearing it.

>> No.7398835

for... 12 hours? that nasty girl

>> No.7398839

Do you go 12 hours at a con without having to piss?

You go to the bathrrom after 6 hours, change the tampon, and you're good for the rest of the day. Problem solved.

>> No.7398840




>> No.7398845

Just get the depo shot, no periods ever again.

>> No.7398855

>it's been proven to cause 10% bf gain in women

Uh. No.

It's been proven that it /can/ cause weight gain, but it's the same deal with a lot of birth control since they affect the pituitary gland.

I haven't gained a pound since I started it. A lot of women don't have any problems with it at all. I haven't had any negative side effects from it at all either.

>> No.7398857

id like you to search up faulty divacups or whatever theyre called or divacup horror stories.

>> No.7398865

My mom thinks that vacinations are useless?? Thank god I can get them on my own now.

>> No.7398872
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>vaccines are useless

>> No.7398870

just because you don't experience side effects doesn't mean people don't. Every time I try to go on a pill with estrogen I get intense abdominal cramps the week of my period and after. Its way worse than my usual cramps, to they point I just don't want to eat. There are a fuck ton of women who would rather not eff around with their body chemistry just to get to fuck and have low flow periods. I'm much happier off of it and many other women are as well.

>> No.7398876

Eight hours? I change mine every four. Thats really gross to do all the time like shit, I understand when your sleeping but that is nasty. If you need to leave it in for more than five hours then you're using too high of absorbency so go down one. And dont be too lazy and gross to change your tampon only every eight hours.

>> No.7398875

shit, that was for

>> No.7398880

Ive tried to tell her that they aren't and shes like oh man I never really got you vaccinated as a child maybe like once. I do remember getting a few shots in school they gave out only with parents permission though. Because Canada.

>> No.7398883

But you should just tell someone that they shouldn't try it at all then, because as you said, everyone reacts diffeerntly. It could be the saving grace for anon but you're telling her it's definitely going to be terrible.

It won't definitely be terrible. Anon is already facing all kinds of problems and is already on birth control. If another method works better, it'll be a good thing for her. If it happens to not work out, boo hoo, switch back to whatever.

I decided on depo to stop my period completely because those intense abdominal cramps to the point where you just don't want to eat were a regular thing for me, along with my body forcibly ejecting anything I did manage to eat in one way or another.

What I'm saying is that you shouldn't tell a person to never try a certain medicine because it didn't work for /you/. It works great for a LOT of people. Unless there's some medical reason why gaining a few pounds (the most common side effect behind stopping your period) would be devastating, there's really no reason not to give it a try if it seems like it'd work for you.

>> No.7398886

*shouldn't just tell someone.

Also, you made it sound in your post like EVERYONE who takes it gains 10% BMI, but they simply don't.

>> No.7398885

Actually, some people can't go down an absorbency without a disaster. I can wear a 'super' absorbency tampon for 8 hours, but I can only wear the 'regular' absorbency one for 2 hours at the most. This is also the case for some other girls I know. I just do not have time in my day to change a tampon every 2 hours, so I wear the 'super' ones. They aren't hurting me.

Plus, I'm not going to change a tampon every 4 hours. I'm a poorfag and I can't blow the money each month on two boxes of tampons so I can constantly change them. Wearing them for 6-8 hours has been fine for me for years. It's not a matter of laziness, it's a money thing.

>> No.7398893

You and the person you replied too both argued "I do/don't experience x symptom and many other women do/don't also!" Hahaha

Obviously side effects vary, why is this such a hard thing for people to understand? It is good to have everyone's experiences out there but a lot of times everything is framed as a horror story

>> No.7398895
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> never ever ever ever using one

>> No.7398902

That's why I like to tell people about my /good/ experience, because people only ever bitch about things that went wrong.

The fact is that most women can take it without any major side effects. The problem is that you only ever hear about those who had awful catastrophically terrible things happen to them.

>> No.7398906

Oh yeah, so if it won't make you fat it'll just cause you undetected bone density loss for many years, possibly even after you stop taking it many years after.

It amazes me how people defend shitty birth control just because they haven't experienced a bad side effect, yet. Have fun being a human experiment for the bc industry.

>> No.7398908

Not them but I'm disgusting and I change mine only once it is completely drenched in blood which is usually every 8 hours with super absorbent.

>> No.7398911

Wait do you really cosplay for 12 hours? Dang I can barely last 4 or 5 in a costume, so being on my period has never been too much of a problem for me.

Otherwise yes you can skip over your placebo pills and start the next pack of bc to safely skip your period.

>> No.7398915

That's another RARE side effect. It's not commonplace, and it's not undetectable either. You can get your bone density tested if you're worried it may be a problem, but my OBGYN said that as long as you're not vegan and drink a decent amount of milk, your bones will be fine.

You sound completely uneducated on the subject, and if your doctor put you on it withour explaining all of this to you I'd suggest finding a better doctor.

>> No.7398924

>I understand when your sleeping but that is nasty
I sleep for at least six hours with my tampon in. Pads only allow the flow to leak down my buttcrack and stain my bedsheets.
It's really not nasty. Some girls just don't get super heavy flows. As long as you don't experience any symptoms of TSS or bad smells, there's really no harm being done.
I'm not going to change my tampons needlessly just to prove I'm not "lazy."

>> No.7398930

Yeah, I wear mine all night when I sleep. I know it's not great for me, but I've worn one for 10 hours already and been fine while I slept.

Also prematurely taking out an unsoaked tampon can actually be really painful so I don't know why anyone would bother.

>> No.7398935

different anon, but when it came to depo, half the people i've known to be on it have the ~*magic period disappearance no cramps errthing's great*~ and the other half get so much spotting that it's nearly constant. oddly, the girls who gained weight were also about half, but didn't necessarily have the other adverse effects.

you really shouldn't be strongly advocating for anything that needs to be discussed with a physician before use, because everyone reacts to medicine and hormone supplements differently. the US wouldn't have so many people on the wrong medications if it weren't for all the advertisements compelling them to go in and ask for a product instead of having a from-scratch consultation about symptoms.

>> No.7398937

This x1000
Why if things work really well for someone do people always try to tell them to change it and do it their way?

>> No.7398941


>> No.7398942

But to tell her to not even consider it for a second because it's definitely awful is fucking stupid.

Obviously before you start any medication you should discuss it with your doctor, and I think that's a thing people should do instead of reading someone shitting all over a medication with questionable / untrue "facts" and never even thinking about it again.

>> No.7398944

>That's another RARE side effect.
No, it's really NOT. If it were so "rare" then the FDA wouldn't have been scared so shitless into putting a warning label on every box to take away the liability factor, y'know, "just in case it happens to you." Kind of like surgeon general warnings on cigarette boxes. Can bad side effects necessarily happen to you if you smoke? No, but are they likely to with prolonged use? Fuck yeah.
>>While it has long been known that Depo-Provera causes bone loss, it has recently been discovered that the osteoporotic effects of the injection grow worse the longer Depo-Provera is administered, may remain long after the injections are stopped, and may be irreversible. For these reasons, on November 17, 2004 the United States Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer agreed to put a black box warning on Depo-Provera's label.

Your OBGYN is a bc shill who MAKES MONEY FROM YOU. Why would she tell you to stop taking shots and pills if it's making her money?
It's a shitty birth control when there are BETTER options out there.

>> No.7398950

i agree that if it's recommended to you by your doctor after a lay-out of your needs, lifestyle and overall health, that you should be willing to trust your physician. unfortunately, >>7398944 is right about the general experience of going in and asking about specific products. if your doctor thinks you've looked into it, and they are entitled a cut from pharma, they will absolutely give you a product that you ask for.

tl,dr; when it comes to birth control, it is A-OK to do your own research, but when you go in for a consultation, be wary of bringing up names of hormone treatments like they're different makeup brands.

>> No.7398949

the same way you shouldn't imply it works great for everyone because you personally haven't had side effects? Pot, I have a kettle I'd like you to meet.

>> No.7398953

Actually my OBGYN doesn't make money off of me at all. I went in for my consult and that's the only time I've had to pay for an appointment there. They administer the shot for free.

All of a medications side effects MUST be listed either on the box or on paperwork inside the box.

Black box warnings are usually the "rare but serious side effects" talked about in medication commercials. Yeah they're pretty awful, but they're not all that common. They don't happen that often, but when they do happen they're pretty fucking bad.

Just like how Zoloft can increase thoughts of suicide in depressed people, so it's a black box warning, but it helps a hell of a lot more people than it causes suicidal thoughts in.

Not to mention, for me at least, there weren't any better options. I went on depo because my periods made me unable to function, and it stops them completely, without risk of me forgetting to take a pill and fucking myself over.

>> No.7398954


Why the fuck are you asking us this? Call your doctor's office or consult with your pharmacist. Just say, "I'm going on vacation and I don't want to get my period" and they'll explain everything to you.

As an added bonus, they actually know who the fuck you are and what problems you may or may not have with different methods. You don't just want to flail around medicating yourself.

You could just end up getting your period anyway and screwing up your birth control; you could have an emotional reaction to the hormones and be a sobbing, raging mess for the con; if you are really unlucky or real fuck up, you could end up with a period from Hell with intense bleeding that last days and days, or (as a completely, utterly, worse-case scenario) hurt yourself and end up with a blot clot.

Talk to a medical professional. Since you already have a prescription you might just be able to consult over the phone with a nurse, doctor, or pharmacist.

>> No.7398960

uh...it specifically says on the box you can wear them up to 8 hours.

>> No.7398966

This x1000.
I had to travel two hours away from my local obgyn just to find someone who would be willing to administer a copper IUD or an insert like Implanon.
All of the obgyns around here kept pushing the pills, patches, and shots onto me even though I specifically declined those options. Docs have agendas, and sometimes they don't mind putting you at a bit of risk if it means they make a profit.

>> No.7398967

So I just stumbled here from /r9k/ and I have to say you girls are goddamn disgusting.

Almost makes me appreciate the fact that I've never even kissed a girl. Almost.

Carry on.

>> No.7398973

>They administer the shot for free.
I don't pay out of pocket either, but they bill my insurance. They make money even if it doesn't come from me, and unless you live in a place where they have socialized medicine they are making a profit from someone for their services.
Unless this is a free clinic you're referring to, in which case, lucky you that you have this option available.
>talked about in medication commercials
And you believe those commercials when they say "rare" side effects? Show me a source that says the black box effect is this "rare."

I'm glad that the shot is working out for you because of -your- specific circumstances concerning your period. But that doesn't make this shot safe or ethical.

>> No.7398972

Then the logical choice for you then is to never consort with women. See you at Pride Parade! We welcome and love our fabulous brethren.

>> No.7398976

You can but that's digusting. Not a lot of people do, and those who do are nasty to have cotton shoved up their vag for eight hours.

>> No.7398980
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Eww girls have cooties.