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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 27 KB, 400x600, 1393265124349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7391542 No.7391542[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight then
... this chick here is apparently the reason cosplay has turned into what it is? Does she even watch anime?

If not, really I blame her fanbase for following her more than I blame her. But ladies, come on, it doesn't matter if your costume isn't perfect or you don't have a body like Kate Upton. Its supposed to be a fun way to express your fandom. Cosplay was never meant to be a high school drama popularity contest.

And for the record... does this bitch even watch anime?

>> No.7391550

Oh my god who cares?

>> No.7391559
File: 261 KB, 768x474, jessica_nigri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tee hee ^__^

>> No.7391567

I do. Kinda. I haven't been to a con in years. They seem like they've gone to shit and Id like to know why

>> No.7391580

We've had this discussion literally hundreds of times.
Now you're either JNig trying to get us to call her more names so she can cream herself on her Twitter, or you're a newfag looking for a great way to waste time.

>> No.7391579

The OP reads like a bad troll, but somehow I think it's not.

Do you lurk this board at all? We discuss the state of the community all the time... Also, just mentioning anime? Really? Fuck, the most impressive cosplayers don't even cosplay from anime that much. Also, do you honestly think the whole worldwide cosplay community revolves around Nigri?

I just... Yeah. Think a bit more about the issues in your question because they don't even begin to address the problem you're hinting at.

>> No.7391583

there have always been cosplay attention whores, anon

>> No.7391584

>Does she even watch anime?
>does this bitch even watch anime?

How does watching the Pokemon anime validate your cosplay? Not to mention, of fucking course she's seen Pokemon, is Jnig not like 20something? she undoubtedly grew up with it like the rest of us

You sound like one of those faggots who demands that female gamers who are not obviously GRRRL GAMERZ XD have to somehow 'prove' their gaming status before they can cosplay from or comment upon certain video games and such.

I don't like her interpretation of Charizard or really any of her Pokemon themed cosplays, but i don't see how one person can change cosplay into 'What is it' today

>> No.7391590

If OP is serious, one single cosplayer is not at fault for the state of the community. That would be impossible.

I don't care if she watches anime, reads comics, plays games, or whatever. She is in what I would call a subculture within this subculture. She's the "cosplay model." She's famous for looking attractive.

I follow cosplayers whose craftsmanship I admire. Like Kamui. People like her are in the tier of "cosplayer quality" where they consistently release costumes that have quality craftsmanship. I would say that Yaya is also in that tier, since you can't really argue with most of her work.

Then there are the comic cosplayers, the sci-fi cosplayers, the Disney cosplayers...

Where does everyone else fall? I think that's the issue in the community. We're too divided. You're either amazing or shit-tier but hot, but what about the people in the middle? It's hard to be noticed for your work in the community without being consistent and without putting out a lot of new costumes per year. Even then, I can think of cosplayers who fit those specifications and who are still hardly noticed.

The big problem here is oversaturation of the market. Everyone is stepping on everyone else to get that attention, to be know as the "best" of whichever character at the con. To have that one photo that goes viral.

JNig isn't the problem. We are all the problem.

>> No.7391604

Who the fuck cares?

Also, I don't think she's ever cosplayed anime. Charizard is from a game, as are most of her other well-known cosplays (AC3, Lollipop Chainsaw, MLP, Borderlands 2, FFX). So your question is somewhat invalid.

I get the impression she isn't a deep fan of any one of these video games, but has a general idea of what is going on for the role. She might play some of them. I couldn't say for sure at all.

But seriously, let the girl cosplay and shut up.

>> No.7391608

I really think its peoples mentality of needing to be notice/I deserve recognition that has cause the community to deteriorate. I don't know why some people think they are owed attention for getting dressed up in cosplay. Maybe their parents gave them too many participation badges idk. I think it has lead to what you said about >>Everyone is stepping on everyone else to get that attention, to be know as the "best" of whichever character at the con. To have that one photo that goes viral.

>> No.7391617

Shes done some anime cosplay but it really is casual level stuff. It's not hard to believe that she has watched a Ghibli film or popular anime from the early 2000s. Hell its not hard to believe that she has seen any of the crap out now because Anime is so easily available for free online.

>> No.7391626

Is it really horrible I sort of like this interpretation...?
Like, she could've done it way waaaaay sluttier, but she didn't. This is leagues above her early pokemon outfits.

>> No.7391633
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looking forward to her Blastoise?

>> No.7391648

>She could've done it waaaaay sluttier, but she didn't.
The fact that people are saying this makes me think that just because she's not buck naked she's a "good cosplayer". Does she really dress scantily often enough for you to make that comparison? I don't keep up with her shit.
Agreeing w/ other anons that this thread is fucking stupid though. There was a nearly identical one that popped up last week with even the same picture. The fact that people are so fixated on her is either sad or pathetic, or both. Let it go. She's gonna do what she does, and complaining on the internet won't change it.

>> No.7391654

I'm actually liking a lot of her newer stuff. It seems like she's putting more work/thought into it other than SKINTIGHT DRESS WITH ANIMAL EARS LOL

>> No.7391657

This is actually pretty cool. Fabric is a bit odd but I like the armor look to it.

>> No.7391662
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>or you don't have a body like Kate Upton

>> No.7391664

People do things for different reasons. Get over it. In the end it doesn't matter if you do your hobby for the fun of it or to get attention. What matters is whether or not you're getting enjoyment out of it. Don't let other people ruin your experience for you.

>> No.7391668

Actually yes, this looks pretty rad.

>> No.7391669

It's not that cosplayers feel they "deserve" recognition, but I for one think that we all want to be noticed for our hard work. It's one thing to cosplay for yourself...I wouldn't still be doing this if I didn't love the characters I choose and if I didn't love making costumes. But anyone who says they don't want some kind of slight recognition for their work, for their craft, then they are lying. And now hardly anyone gets that because there are so many cosplayers per capita at cons.

>> No.7391679

you guys are STILL talking about this?

>> No.7391688

Still waiting for the Venusaur designs~ I really like the fabrics she's been using too. They're really interesting.

>> No.7391693

>waaaah nobody pays attention to my home-made badly sewn costume with shitty wig, I bet the Jessicarchy did this!


>> No.7391700

This isn't so bad actually.

>> No.7391716

no cosplay didn't into what it is because of her

no, no

she was turned into what she is now by the cosplay scene

everyone just wants ass 'n boobs, and she delivers

>> No.7391743

I think she should have at least played the games.
Like, part of cosplay is doing it for the love of a character and how are you meant to know if you like a character if you haven't played the game they're in?
Yeah, you can wiki them, but that's not as fun as you don't get to go on an adventure with them and watch them grow as a person and see them walk and talk and stuff.

>> No.7391752

So don't hate the player, hate the game?

>> No.7391763
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This is the first result on google for "charizard gijinka"

>> No.7391835

1. I dont follow the scene or this board much. just been here for a few days

2. i can somewhat relate to /understand her.
since i'm /fit/ i plan on cosplaying and think about how to best show off.
I want to let beta girls spill their spaghetti and mire.
I even showed off to /fit/ homos on omegle (no sexual things happened) and i'm not even gay. Its just great to get attention and get validated for your hard work at the gym.
Even though she just pushs her boobs up and doesnt eat like a hippo. Women...

so yeah, its basicly just exploiting betas and attention whoring to boost the own ego.

>> No.7391912
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>> No.7391923

Sonico is hot and cute at the same time.Don't get me wrong,Jessica is sexy as hell but she's not cute.

>> No.7391925
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>since i'm /fit/

>> No.7391933

>I even showed off to /fit/ homos on omegle (no sexual things happened) and im not even gay.
>showed off to /fit/ homos on omegle
>not even gay
u sure

>> No.7391986

they asked for dick, i said no.
Im sure, yep.

>> No.7392104

When will fans stop supporting sluts in costume? Stripping for a living is equivalent to this kind of shame.

>> No.7392109

>When will fans stop supporting sluts in costume?


men will always like tits and ass

>> No.7392123
File: 171 KB, 640x480, syrio-firel-not-today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm this depressed. I've been collecting Sonico figures for years, I have a poster of her on my wall, I have her CD's, I even have a body pillow. I've been losing weight so I could finally cosplay her. Jessica even got the same circle lenses I ordered for my cosplay. There's no chance of me standing out now as one of the better Sonico cosplayers now. I'm gonna try my best though. I'm going to make some awesome headphones and get the details right. I'm going to workout even harder. Sonico is my spirit animal and god dammit, I'm going to rock it. I can't believe seeing her cosplay her made me this motivated. I guess in a way I'm thankful she did this because now I can step up my game. BRING IT ON!

>> No.7392124

It's just sad to see all the cosplayers get swept up in the efame bs. Is it that hard for girls not to sell posters of themselves degrading the community, and get an actual job?

>> No.7392139

Well, good for you, anon. I mean this sincerely. Do your best and enjoy being your favourite character, other cosplays be damned.

>> No.7392138

Don't forget about the lesbians who just loooove them boobies

>> No.7392143

So long as you're makeup doesn't look as thick as hers you should be fine. Sonico is famous because she's naturally cute, not a whore who works in the red light district.

>> No.7392150

>more efame wannabe cosplay models who use fake feminism to slut costumes up.
>for empowerment.
>defiantly not to get the neckbeards money and chances to get into mags because BOOBS.

>> No.7392155

Bro, you mad gay

>> No.7392163

>le difiantly

>> No.7392223
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, 1232499382255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im proud of you seagulls

this thread was obvious bait and for the most part there are legitimate talking points that arnt J Nig ruined cosplay

>> No.7392249

Wrong. Look I dont care about jnig specifically. She just came up in an earlier thread about the transformation of the cosplay community at cons.

When I went to cons no one cared how good a costume was. Attention whoring was at a minimum. Nobody. And I mean NOBODY was there cosplaying if they weren't true fans.

And honestlt, I don't care that much. My thing is this. I haven't been to a con in six years and I've come to realize I REALLY miss the kind of people I used to kick it with at cons. I'm just worried that everyone's changed.

>> No.7392258


If you really want to know what happened nothing did. This shit has been around even back in the day. Also that comment about not caring how people looked at con is bull.

If you want to really find at sticking point it started during the great cosplayer purge on FB that forced people to get pages.

it all went down hill from there.

Don't let nostalgia cloud your sight

>> No.7392272

Can't help it. Nostalgia's all I've got.


>> No.7392326

I agree with OP. Fuck all these attention whores who've found another thing to co-opt for the sake of shoving their tits out and having their egos fed. Being a girl that does this in the cosplay scene is like playing on easy mode, because anime & game fandoms are so full of kissless virgin desparados who will fall to the ground in worship of whores like these. Without that, Niggeri would just be another hot fuckhole that wasn't any more special than the next hot fuckhole, but the fact that she's so pathetic that she has to pander to a mostly male demographic of losers goes to show just how gaping that hole of an ego of hers truly is.

>> No.7392358

I don't mind her being sexy. I do mind the fact that now thanks to all the sexy cosplay hype the community is now flooded with perverted frat idiots looking for porn and most of my cosplay community now sell themselves in hopes of getting photographer's attention for their 5mins of fame that's ruining a hobby that was about fun before, and now is a shady business. Except for a few vets, more and more cosplayers are repeating the cycle and it's bringing in those who don't even know what the fuck anime is. Much less care. I'm convinced it's becoming more of a mental illness in this age where they feel pressured into the choice of sexy cosplays = instant fame bs. Taking care of yourself isn't a job. You should do that regardless! You need to bring something to the community if you're going to influence it so strongly, otherwise you're a waste. Which she (and others who pull the same bs) is and I hope ppl wake up from that facade one day and remember there's a real world outside the convention?

>> No.7392388

Spoken too soon.

>> No.7392395

She changed it because the original was covering her midriff and the top doesn't fit over a padded bra.

>> No.7392396 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1301x603, jniglies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ever says those boob are real is a dumb shit.

>> No.7392400
File: 215 KB, 1301x603, jniglies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ever says those boobs are real is a dumb shit.

>> No.7392411


you have bigger boobs

and not implants

you can stand out

>> No.7392416

That sonico make up is so bad.
What's with the whole emoscene kid eyes anyways

>> No.7392417

Why does she pretend that she makes her own stuff? Why is her lying about this so important to her?

>> No.7392418


I'm a 32 year old male. I've only been to one con in my life in 2001 and it was the first, last, and only time I've ever been to one. I grew up watching oldschool anime (Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Fist of the North Star, etc) so I thought it might be a cool place to meet people who shared my interests. Unfortunately, everyone who went to anime cons back then were a bunch of gross, severely autistic neckbeards, which is why I pretty much decided to never go to a con again. Now I look at cons and they're full of hot girls flaunting their stuff.

I hate to sound cliche, but I feel like I was born 10 years too early. I would have probably enjoyed seeing all the cute girls that shared my interests back when I was young enough to associate with people that age. But then again, if anime back then is anything like it is today, I probably wouldn't have been a fan in the first place.

tl;dr - It's a shitty feeling to be a relatively normal person that was on the forefront of video games and anime back when it was just the domain of only nerds & neckbeards, only to have it become this huge cultural thing that now includes hot girls that I'm probably too old to talk to.

>> No.7392432

>actually thinking any of these girls in slutty non-accurate costumes share your interest

Here is what kills me. If you actually loved something, you would think that what your cosplaying from was perfect, and you wouldn't need to change anything about it. You would try to be as accurate as possible out of respect to what you love and the creators of the show and designers of that character. If you loved something you would want to memorize every detail and want to bring that thing to life in the best and most accurate way possible.

I honestly feel like slutting up something like Pikachu or Link is extremely disrespectful. Pokemon is a franchise for kids, I started getting into Pokemon when Red came out when I was in 4th Grade. If you had any fucking actual love for the franchise and it's fans of all ages, you would just want to be Pikachu, do something cute and tasteful, not some version of it in a push-up bra and black socks with red bows that make no fucking sense.

Shit like this, overly-slutting popular characters from franchises that are aimed at children for no reason, shows no actual love for the franchise. It only shows love for yourself.

>> No.7392433

Does she always have to have nude lips? Her makeup always looks the same to me.

>> No.7392437

Because if everyone knew she has fake tits, someone else makes her costumes, and so on, she would lose a huge percentage of her followers and they will just see her as a dumb piece of walking meat and nothing else. If she can convince everyone that she is not a fake twat it would give her more attention, which leads to more money.

tl;dr Jnig is a money hungry and will do anything and lie as much as possible to get more money.

>> No.7392439

Yes. Jessica has no actual talent. That is the point. There is nothing to her. Her cosplay is about as equally complex as the kind of music Juggalos listen too.

Jessica Nigri is the ICP of the cosplay community.

>> No.7392440


Wow, well said. /claps

>> No.7392445

And I think this confirms Super Sonico for being the easiest attention whore cosplay of this year. Lazy Super Sonicos keep popping up and from cosplayers I know that don't even touch visual novels.

>> No.7392443

Who of her followers actually gives a shit about her making her own costumes? The kind of people who follow her and actually give a fuck about her wouldn't care about that sort of thing. In fact the people that follow her and like her think making your own costumes is elitist anyway. She would loose nothing.

>> No.7392450

Well what fucking kills me is that Sonico is known for being one of the few anime characters out there that is plump. Sonico is a big girl, and she isn't tan. Jessica is known for her body. Why would she be cosplaying a character that is known for being on the heavier side?

>> No.7392451

I think it would be hilarious if some deranged fuck went to a con and threw acid in Niggeri's face.

>> No.7392455

Her and Yaya.

>> No.7392454

Then you didn't see her Ash Ketchum costume.

>> No.7392461

She would lose any promo work. She would lose convention invites, she would lose print sales from those. You really don't know anything.

>> No.7392463

I don't want to throw acid in her face, but I do want to exploit the obvious insecurities she has. I mean the woman has to have self-esteem issues.

I'd probably go up to her and run my hands though my hair a lot while talking to her about cosplay. I'd go "Man my hair feels soft today. I'm so glad I have a full head of hair. I can't wait to go home, look my self in the mirror, and be satisfied with myself knowing that I don't lie to people on a daily bases about my body and own abilities, and that I still have a full head of luxurious and soft hair. Man, it sure feels great to do that. "

>> No.7392465


Yaya's ugly enough as it is, but yeah... I thought about that, too. Show up in costume, go up for an autograph, then POW! right in the face. Run into the nearest secluded area to change out of costume and get the hell out of there as quickly and casually as possible.

>> No.7392469

We should be friends.

>> No.7392471


That'll probably just widen the gaping hole of her insatiable ego even further.

>> No.7392472

No, fuck you. Yaya can at least sew. Don't lump her in with a talentless hack like Nigri. If JNig is the Insane Clown Posse of cosplay, Yaya is the Kanye West. Sure she may be an annoying faggot, but her work gets decent reviews and is somewhat respected.

>> No.7392475

It would also probably further widen the gaping bald spot on her giant fucking forehead.

>> No.7392479
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>> No.7392483
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Nigger, she shops the fuck out of herself and her costumes. Bother to see her at a con and you'll see how cheaply made they are and why she only rewears certain ones to meet and greets, period.

You can't call out one attention whore without calling out all of them and Yaya has done just as much if not more to ruin shit in the community. Yeah, she can sew and hot glue some lace to shit. Let's also not forget how her Weeb ass manslave of a boyfriend does the work, too.

>> No.7392485

I don't know where people keep getting 'plump' or 'big girl' for Super Sonico because she isn't. She is a true hourglass shape with big boobs and more curvy hips and thighs. She has a more mature body compared to most female anime designs but I wouldn't say it's plump or chubby or anything.

>> No.7392493
File: 114 KB, 612x408, yaya-han-0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ew, wtf... Is THIS guy her boyfriend? I mean, despite her ugly old face, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't fuck her... The fact that this dude who is clearly older than me and far uglier gives me some hope that I'll still be able to bang one of these cosplay bimbos someday. What's his secret?

>> No.7392492

Because the fan girls who are fans of her want to feel like they're attractive even though they only have huge tits BECAUSE they are fat. It happens all of the time, man.

>> No.7392499
File: 162 KB, 500x333, 2107934823_17e47fdc63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story goes that Yaya married a man to get a green card back in the day (90s) and then left him, as her old website (angelicstar.net) first states that she is happily married and her husband is one of her passions. Then, another screenie was found where the husband is completely omitted. This guy is Mark and they met when she was at college in Arizona. He basically has his own job and manages her shop, makes shit for her shop, does all of her photoshoots, helps her get dressed, etc.

They're never seen hugging, kissing, or anything. She never even talks about the guy in public or on her Facebook, so she pretty much just uses him.

>> No.7392502


It looks like she had a second boob job...wtf.

>> No.7392507


Ah, I see... That must suck, but he looks like the type that would put up with her bullshit hoping for the day where she finally lets him fuck her.

>> No.7392509

She did. I thought it was well known that she got them done twice.

>> No.7392506

>Yaya is the Kanye West.

Someone shoop shutter shades on all of Yaya's pictures from now on.

>> No.7392515

Oh, this. I saw this guy last year next to her and i thought it was only her manager, lol.

>> No.7392516

Yaya's boyfriend's name is Brian. I don't know who Mark is.

And I don't know why JNig would lie about her boobs. They have obviously been done. Just admit it. Who cares?

>> No.7392519
File: 24 KB, 421x480, 2004-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, he totally does. The bitch still works for Delta Airlines and has even said it on DeviantArt entries; Cosplay don't pay for shit like she wants everyone to think, lol.

Even on HoC, she can be seen demeaning him when he asks her for help on HER stupid ass armor for her costume. And, of course, her fans rallied around her on her FB page and said that she was justified in flipping out on him because couples fight all of the time!1!1! This is completely normal!1!!! You are all so jealous of Yaya!1!!1

>> No.7392520

Really? I didn't know that hahaha. I thought it was the magic from her bra.

>> No.7392523

My bad, nig. Maybe I'd know a nigga's name if she like, talked about him more.

>> No.7392528

The first time was when she was with her ex-fiance Vann, and the second time was early last year if I remember right.

>> No.7392531

>She never even talks about the guy in public or on her Facebook, so she pretty much just uses him.

She's probably just trying to maintain an image of not being attached like how Jnig lies about not dating anyone when shes banging a Canadian who owns a nerd tshirt line. Easier to sell yourself to men if they see you as available.

Brian and Yaya also used to partner swap in the early 00s. Hes not a victim here. If he wanted to leave her he could she obviously gives him enough to put up with her.

>> No.7392540

Hi yaya

>> No.7392548

He probably just feels bad for her sorry ass or is a desperate weeb hoping one day that she'll finally agree to marry him. She doesn't seem too far from the type who would moan about being too tired for sex because of her ~*ambassador of cocksplay*~ duties and shit.

>> No.7392556

LOL. Ok.

Please explain how Brian is a victim when he has all the power in the relationship. She lives at his house (which I believe was his moms house or they used to live with her mom.) and if their relationship ended she would be kicked out with no home and no actual income. She would have to abandon her cosplay celebrity life and get a proper job so she could pay her own bills. Who stays in a relationship like that? Hes not ugly and has a good enough job to support both of them so he probably could do better but chooses not too.

>> No.7392560

She could easily move to Germany where her parents live. She has a proper job, it's just kept under wraps.

Who stays in a relationship like that? You've clearly never been around manipulative or desperate people, honey.

>> No.7392567


They both sound very pathetic.

Anyone else ever get the impression that Yaya is a male-to-female transwoman? I've seen it a lot in her face, especially in that pic you posted there. I try not to think about it too much, cause I've definitely fapped to her before because big tits are a weakness of mine... But she's totally got the fast food porn effect. Once the fap is over and the horniness dies down, you just see all the little details you were able to look and suddenly realize just how gross, haggard, and disgusting she really is.

I don't post on this board too often but I'm really enjoying this, btw. I thought I was the only person who found these people so repugnant, but I'm glad to see there are more people who share my views.

>> No.7392573

Proof that she still has a day job please. Considering she is constantly flying to cons ever weekend and complaining about all the filming she has to do with HoC I find it hard to believe that her job she tweeted about with Delta Airlines lasted.

>> No.7392577

>which I believe was his moms house or they used to live with her mom
When people give this specific personal information... Hi yaya.

>> No.7392582


Because painting her lips would make her look like a slut.


>> No.7392589

Or I'm an oldfag who ran in the same circles as Yaya that I know her past. This is old Yaya drama knowledge. When cgl was first around people used to make fun of her for living in Brian's moms house. But sure I'm Yaya. Go wait on my twitter and I will give you a shout out because you deserve one after blowing my cover.

>> No.7392610


"still flying for Delta"

As if she'd actually say she works for them on the show, dude. That would ruin HoC and make it less entertaining for those who watch it, since they market it as "nerds with no jobs who have a bunch of money and play dress up when it's not Halloween."

Come on, dude. Use your head and think like a television producer. Especially on a failing network like SyFy.

>> No.7392623

>mooches off of a guy by living in his mom's/now his house
>makes him run her shop for a hobby he has no interest in
>makes him make her cosplay shit
>bitches if he doesn't

You really aren't helping her case. She just sounds more and more like a gold digger.

>> No.7392632


What do you expect from some ugly old Chinese bitch who does everything she can to look younger/whiter/bustier than she actually is? If you took one look at Yaya and DIDN'T recognize that she was a vapid, vacuous, gold-digging piece of human garbage, I would ask if you were interested in buying some ocean-front property in the midwest.

>> No.7392652

my sides

>> No.7392673

Telling me to use my head when your posting proof from 3 years ago claiming its 'recent'. Yep.

I don't expect her to talk about it on HoC. Not sure why you went on that tangent. Regardless, considering her current convention schedule and how drastically different it is than in 2011 when she made that post I find it hard to believe she would be able to keep any job even part time. Most jobs, especially a stewardess position, would not hire someone who isnt available on weekend and takes trips to other countries ever other month. You know when she visits international cons they have here there for more than just the weekend. Its not that I don't believe she had a job its that I dont believe that she still has it because of HoC and her cosplay celebrity status making her travel all the time now. I would be super impressed if she could maintain a job outside of her cosplay stuff.

>> No.7392672

and that makes you an asshole, regardless of whether or not your image of her is true. She's a cosplayer that does things in a way you find distasteful, not goddam hitler

>> No.7392683

I'm not trying to help her case. Where did you get that from?

>> No.7392681

Not that anon, but I still think that it's hilarious. Tila Tequila got her ass served for performing at an ICP/Juggalo event when she knows she shouldn't have been there. Nigri knows that she's shitty in her own ways.

Sorry. Don't know where you live where people don't get pissed off and do shit to people who fuck around with something important to them. Don't piss people off by being a shit. Same logic as don't go into a bar and run your mouth off to people and you won't get beat the fuck up.

>> No.7392685

Get lost Jnig! we don't want your kind here

>> No.7392687

Dude, the show was already being filmed at that time. It used old events, not current. I don't know why you're acting like time frame is suddenly irrelevant when you're the one who came in here touting about an oldfag title and dropping gossip from years ago.

>> No.7392689

bull shit

>> No.7392691

Wow, calm down. You are comparing someone going into a presumably rough situation and acting aggressively to a girl putting on a skimpy outfit and sounding like you agree she deserves to have acid thrown in her face for...? Wearing costumes of fictional characters in a way you don't enjoy or agree with? She's not the first person to "fuck around" with something important to you (cosplay) by slutting up a character, she won't be the last.

>> No.7392695

>implying that Niggeri isn't stupid enough to do the same

>> No.7392697

What 2011 cons did HoC film at? All I saw was 2013 cons.

>> No.7392699

HoC aired in 2013 and there's con footage from 2011-2012, dude. It was a whole fucking thing from the MLP cosplays to Victoria's dress and when she actually debuted it to Yaya's LoL Katsucon cosplay. When she was called out on it on her FB, she was deleting comments and blocking people left and right.

>> No.7392700

>she might do something stupid
>acid to the face

>> No.7392735
File: 178 KB, 920x910, 1393298301823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder Nigiri. Obvious winner is obvious.

>I bet she didn't even make her bikini.

>> No.7392740
File: 33 KB, 251x242, 1376781159466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really ironic that you all call Nigri crazy and stupid and then go on to say how much she deserves physical harm and even go as far as to say she deserves acid to be thrown onto her face...
even if that was just one psycho bitch saying that you all then begin to agree and shit.

What the actual fuck is wrong with you girls?

Jnig isnt what is wrong with the community, its the crazy bitches in the cosplay community
Jesus christ you all need some self esteem help, because no matter what you say, her "ruining/sexulizing" cosplay isnt the same level as harassing someone, whether that be physically or just calling them ugly to their face or online

>> No.7392748


I'm a guy, I'm just able to see past Nigri's bullshit.

>> No.7392749

You're right, but if you think this comment will garner anything other than a shitstorm, you're not going to be pleased.

>> No.7392750
File: 39 KB, 403x361, 1372995440415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this chick

As if you don't know exactly who she is sweetheart.

I don't get the hate on Nigri, lots of girls do exactly what she does, she's just more famous at it.

>> No.7392751
File: 47 KB, 848x480, 1331526733592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nigri did that same ver. she would get so much shit for it for choosing a sexy charater...yet one nobody does it and its fine
also nigri isnt 10/10 but dont act like this girl is
this chicks face is a 6/10 at best
better than average but not beautiful

also dont self post please

>> No.7392756
File: 50 KB, 475x355, 1364409622200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a guy guyz

>> No.7392754
File: 57 KB, 1238x696, itwasatroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW someone falls for bait.

>> No.7392760

>KANA's face
She doesn't have a super sexy face, but her face is fucking adorable. She's cute-sexy.

>> No.7392761

whats your point? that isnt an argument
you being a guy doent justify what is happening here

>> No.7392765
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1348633233545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her face is fucking adorable. She's cute-sexy

>> No.7392767

Wat? Jessica wouldn't do that because, she can't make it, and it's not showing nearly enough skin. Kana has more skill in her pinky than Jessica does in her fake tits. Butthurt much?

>> No.7392771
File: 68 KB, 180x225, 1347614043262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well getta load of this waifufag.

It's not, and she's not.

>> No.7392770


No, I was just proving that you don't have to be some jealous ugly/fat/whatever female to find people like Nigri insufferable. I dunno, maybe I've spent too much time around women like that who influenced the way I see their bullshit. It's not like anybody's actually going to throw acid in Nigri's face, but it would be amusing to see something take her looks away, whether it be that, a car accident, or just old age... Cause without that she'd probably have little else.

>> No.7392773

nope, still an asshole

>> No.7392774

So fucking true

>> No.7392775

its a fucking nurse outfit dont act like that is fucking difficult to make
a fucking 7th grader can make that
stay mad
keep believing you have some amazing original talent

>> No.7392781
File: 71 KB, 250x250, 1330569376642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with this post
you just proved my point

you also seemed to add the male otaku stereotype of girl shaming
great job faggot

>> No.7392785


You seem quite delusional if you think that post proved anything.

>> No.7392787


lolllllll @ how misconstrued your understanding of my post is. Girl shaming? Wut? Apparently I'm criticizing ALL women by criticizing Niggeri? lol, that's rich. I would say the same thing whether she was male or female if she was pulling her bullshit, as plenty of men do this, too. It would seem you need to go back to tumblr :(

>> No.7392792

Excuse me?

Typical cosplay girls just cosplay so lazily and are all round bitches that only show tits and ass.

They cosplay, go shopping, get their tits done, and act so dumb all the time. Teehee, I don't know how to do X! Argh, such morons. Do they think they're cute? Because they're not, they're just stupid. But the whiteknights and thirsty nigs fall for it anyway!

Me? I actually like video games, anime, and can name all the Pokemanz, and lounge around in poke t-shirts to show just how much I love my anime and video games. I don't cosplay only tits and ass exclusively, I have serious discussions about anime with people who have over a power level of over 9000, unlike those other girls who can't talk about anything other than stupid shit like Naruto. God, they're so annoying and dumb.

I get along with REAL cosplayers so much better than fake cosplayers, because of just how ACTUALLY geeky I am. I'm not like those other typical FAKE cosplayer girls like nigri that do retarded things, I'm practically the real character in their real body!

>> No.7392793
File: 27 KB, 361x243, 1388811805683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't dramu banned on this board?

>> No.7392796

No, but it's still more than a fucking bikini. Jessica.

>> No.7392800
File: 134 KB, 100x100, 1393299837514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7392798

Grrrrrrl power

>> No.7392805
File: 265 KB, 500x369, wow great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is a trollpasta.

>> No.7392804


I'm new here. Is this copypasta?

>> No.7392810
File: 151 KB, 603x904, 1393300149961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least her face is fucking better than JNig's.

>> No.7392813 [DELETED] 


So are her boobs, at least those look real. Yummy.

>> No.7392823

Just how much spaghetti can you load into one thread? Looks like we're gonna find out.

>> No.7392830
File: 349 KB, 600x900, lust_by_dalincosplay-d66x1el.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd rather find out how much hot cum I could load into this girl's uterus..

>> No.7392831

>all that shoop

Not even defending jniggers but rly?

>> No.7392835

Makeup and photoshop, hun.

>> No.7392836
File: 998 KB, 500x274, 226918_v0_600x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares when she at least has REAL boobs, compared to, idk, the rest of the 'famous cosplayers'?

>> No.7392839

You act like thats something thats to be proud of when youre just born with it. Really?

>> No.7392842

It's a big enough deal if everyone's getting implants to get efame. Being naturally well-endowed is a god send in this day in age.

>> No.7392845

>I have serious discussions about anime
So you think because you have "serious" discussions about a fictional cartoon that your opinion is anymore valid? Or because somebody doesn't know the smallest and most trivial of character design details that that means they do not enjoy anime or can't enjoy cosplay?

Enjoyment is the entire point of hobbies. Every person is going to tailor their hobby to a point where they get enjoyment out of it. Whether that's craftsmanship or slutting up a design is nothing more than person opinion and taste.

People enjoying their hobby the way they want to enjoy it has nothing to do with you. It doesn't have any impact on your life. How sheltered does your life have to be that you have no *real* problems to deal with in life? To hate someone that you've never met that has no impact on your life and is hurting no one. And this isn't about Nigri, this applies to most drama in the community.

>> No.7392847

Not jealous of JNig but her boyfriend is hot and I would get fake tits just to fuck him

>> No.7392849


Yeah, big boobs are great and "big" and "real" in the same package seem hard to come by these days. Women should be proud of having them if they're real. I'm indifferent to fake ones, cause I've never felt any, and they look just as good, but damn if I don't love me some real boobies.

>> No.7392852

Yeah, but thats genetics and you did absolutely nothing to get it.

>> No.7392858


Why don't you just fuck somebody who's got legitimately good taste instead of doing shit to make yourself "hot" so you can fuck "hot" people and feed into the bullshit paradigm?

>> No.7392856

>butthurt buttslut detected
>butthurt whiteknight detected

Pick one.

>> No.7392859

I wonder if he genuinely likes her or if he just likes being the envy of other guys.

>> No.7392863

I enjoy her soft look more, rather than the other cosplay idols just based on the fact that she's confident in her own body and still is beautiful. Everyone else feels obligated to get surgery done due to insecurities that just aren't attractive to me.

>> No.7392865

And to think she's the dream girl of nerd guys.

Things have changed.

>> No.7392869
File: 74 KB, 1208x665, 1373304123263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, not true.

My dream girl would be one akin to pic related. Some cute-ish shut-in girl. I just can't meet them.

>> No.7392871
File: 102 KB, 600x800, Jane-Krakowski-Emmys-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica kind of looks like Jane Krakowski

>mfw they have the same amount of wrinkles and skin damage
>mfw Jane is ~20 years older than Jessica


>> No.7392874


I was shocked to see that Nigri has 1.8 million fans on Facebook. I didn't realize she had gotten that popular. While I do find her extremely fuckable, she is hardly "dream girl" material. It's pretty obvious that everything about her is fake and self-centered, both of which are total turn offs for me... Not to mention she's a total butterface. Of course, I doubt she'd even breathe in my direction, so what does my opinion matter, anyways?

>> No.7392880

>all this hate

so, for someone who is on /cgl/ the first time, is this "cosplaying"?

>> No.7392881

Nigri thread? Time to take out the lube

>> No.7392884


It's funny, because the biggest realization I've had from this thread is that when it comes to misogyny, women are experts. I don't know how I managed to make it 30 years around women for most of my life without realizing this sooner, but holy shit if it isn't all coming together now.

>> No.7392895

she is suppoed to be ugly
she has no girlish figure..and im not just talking about boobs
no curves just a bony rectangle
ugly face gross hair

try again

>> No.7392902

nice man chin

>> No.7392917

All of 4chan is this hatefull and spitefull. Get over it.

>> No.7392929


Mmm idk thing seem pretty consistent to me overall.

Plenty of nerd guys are incredibly sure they deserve a 10/10 hot as shit gf, and of course end up forever alone instead of going out with people who might work with them.

>> No.7392932

GODDAMIT THAT'S THE VERSION I'M DOING. When will my torment end?

>> No.7392937


Weird, I've only dated and slept with girls that were 6 ~ 7 out of 10 if you wanna use those sort of scales. I don't feel entitled to anything. I'd love to meet a girl who shared my interests, but girls aren't typically into oldschool anime and video games.

>> No.7392954


Girls who are into anime and video games only show interest in what's mainstream or "safe" to like. That's how women are in general; they follow the lead of other women, which is why you never have too many female inventors, scientists, architects, etc. etc. It's hard to do anything that's truly unique if you aren't willing to seek out your own individual interests.

>> No.7392955

>You'll never see Yaya-han and Nigri making out
>You'll never stick your dick between their lips

>> No.7392991

haha, holy shit, I love how she says she doesn't have fake tits but they look huge in that pic of her. Sorry, but bras alone can't do that.

>> No.7393001


>shes made 30 costumes

>> No.7393016

no no, this here is another kind of hate

this is pure evil. guess it's mostly females in here, that's why


>> No.7393017



I like how the thread just pretty much shut down after this reply, as no one had an argument against this claim because it's pretty much true.

>> No.7393025

it sounds like you're just into fat chicks dude.

>> No.7393036

Her's or Nigri's?

>> No.7393038

>No girlish figure, no curves, bony
Cute as fuck
>Ugly face
Meh I dunno, I think she looks pretty cute, then again she's anime so whatever
>Gross hair
I-I like greasy hair

I wasn't even talking about the character's looks, more her lifestyle.

>> No.7393063

Kate Upton is gross and it's pathetic that you care so much about something that has so little effect on anybody.

>> No.7393086

>listening to anything pedo falcone says

>> No.7393097

i was replying to the photo i obviously replied to faggot

>> No.7393102
File: 2.02 MB, 208x345, 1393197763085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to /x/

>> No.7393105


Haha, /x/ here. I posted in that thread yesterday. That's the one that actually prompted me to jerk off to her yesterday :/

>> No.7393111

I didn't recognize her without her super racoon eyes. I always thought this sonico was "off" because of the makeup though
cute doesn't suit her, and she should get someone to do her makeup for her, because frankly, she's terrible

>> No.7393116

>jerking off to nigri
ah, these are her fans.
that low pornstar quality is what you want.
but she doesn't do porn.

>> No.7393122

The lowest of standards

>> No.7393146

>jerking off to jnig
>those horrible standards

>> No.7393178

I love how KANA does her makeup does anyone have a tut for how she does her eyes? I've tried it a couple of times but it never seems to turn out right.

>> No.7393207

Cosplay is getting more popular among casualfags.
For guys it's like one big sexy halloween party and for girls it's a cheap way to become e-famous.
Wear a pink bra, buy some pink cat-ears and then call it "sexy jigglypuff cosplay".
Though it did not start with all that attention whoring.
Look at all those videogames.
Female characters are used as a sex symbol and game magazines pay more attention to tits than the games themselves.
Sex appeal has always been used to attract more of its mainstream audience.
Especially with videogames now that medium is getting so populair, it even got it's own version of oscarbait.
All those girls are doing just making use of it.

>> No.7393220

Please stay of /x/. We don't want Nigri.

>> No.7393223

>naturally cute
>generic animu girl with red eyes/pink hair
yeah so different, so unique

>> No.7393233
File: 32 KB, 520x419, Healthy-Hair-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait to go home, look my self in the mirror, and be satisfied with myself knowing that I don't lie to people on a daily bases about my body and own abilities, and that I still have a full head of luxurious and soft hair. Man, it sure feels great to do that. "

Oh my shit.
We should be buddies. That is fucking hilarious and true.

>> No.7393245

>tfw you think Nigri looked her best brunette and flat chested

>> No.7393279

>TFW you think JNig should do more lolita
She was cute with her first little foray. also, the butthurt would be delicious.

>> No.7393284

I kind of like it..? Just needs to tone the under eyeliner down, or get rid of it.

>> No.7393334



>> No.7393360

She's cute.Is there more of her as Sonico?

>> No.7393383

You seem upset,Jess.

>> No.7393385
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 500px-Bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7393388

>mfw everyone is referring to OP as "anon"
>literally everyone is so fucking new here that they don't even remember MMillen

I feel old and disconnected... new generation is the worst thing that ever happened

>> No.7393405

Jesus what a body.

I'm seriously getting hard right now.

>> No.7393407

is this... is this real?

>> No.7393408

What's the matter with masturbation?

>> No.7393412

As an outsider, this looks fucking terrible. Not cute.

>> No.7393411

>/cgl/ always bitching about Jessica Nigri
>see their "male cosplayer" thread
>100% of the guys are showing way more skin than J Nigri

>> No.7393428

go back to >>>/a9k/ neckbeard

>> No.7393430

It's because everyone who bitches about Nigri is mad jealous. Every female on /cgl/ wishes they would get attention, they would be fit and get paid doing cosplay, but they don't so they hate her. Because she's the hero /cgl/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they'll hunt her. Because she can take it. Because she's not their hero. She's a silent guardian. A watchful protector.

>> No.7393431

Nice try. Troll

>> No.7393443
File: 199 KB, 799x762, 13932651243492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ in a nutshell

>> No.7393446

I wish I was going bald, prematurely aging and had big plastic tits that earn me no respect just like Njig. That's right.

>> No.7393447
File: 374 KB, 1258x1117, 4683963848_45316c7ac1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw both of these are tacky photoshopped shit to me

>> No.7393448

Nice try, troll. We don't want just a muscular boyfriend, he also has to have a personality, support our hobbies, be nice and sweet (but not in a nice guy way) and most importantly, be confident and he must know how to pleasure us. Also, he doesn't have to be muscular at all if he's Asian, but he *must* be if he's black.

>> No.7393449

>girls who are jealous and want to be Jnig
Girls like that already exist. They're called dirty hookers and prostitutes

>> No.7393456

I think lanky black guys are cute, but toned guys in general are really ideal for me. Though I guess this is just personal preference. Just anyone who isn't overly skinny (bones exposed) or too muscular, but well toned

>> No.7393461

Not really, liking muscular men is natural for women. Liking anything else is a fetish / mental issue. Just like men preferring flat chests and small hips (child like features) over big boobs and wide hips (fertile woman features).

>> No.7393464

Then you guys wonder why we hate virgin men

>> No.7393467

>yfw forever alone

>> No.7393469

virgin scum, get out

all male virgins above the age of 18 should be shot

>> No.7393470
File: 213 KB, 536x360, 1393297031842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this tsundere.

>> No.7393472

>but i don't see how one person can change cosplay into 'What is it' today

to be fair, JNig kinda started the trend of "lets see how much I can slut up this character and how many facebook likes I can get for it"
She was the first "famous" cosplayer I heard of that was praised for being inaccurate and slutty. Now I see tons of them on facebook with anywhere from 20 to thousands of likes.
They even get invited as "guests" to cons because enough people request them.
So in a way, she did change at least a part of the scene.

>> No.7393474


This is a cosplay board, we only talk about cosplay. Stop derailing us, we won't take your virginity, neckbeard fuck.

>> No.7393476

That's sad, because that's all you'll ever be able to get

>> No.7393479

Get a load of this loser.

I lost my virginity to the most popular guy in school when I was 12 and all my boyfriends until now have been confident charming and most of them were muscular and/or good looking.

>> No.7393480

I swear her tits get fucking bigger every time.

Does she have saline implants?

>> No.7393481

I already gave my virginity to a hot muscular man.

>> No.7393482

wow when you were 12, you mean before your tits start to sag and your skin turns to leather?

>> No.7393483

Being a female and having a dude fuck you barely constitutes anything, the key to getting fucked is to find some horny kid and be passable as female. It doesn't count at all if they refuse to acknowledge it afterwards, though.

>> No.7393487

You know I don't care for Jnigger much.
I would say she has no skill,but at least she takes the virgin beta male attention away. SO I don't have to put up with their sorry smelly ass.
Think you Jnigger for having no standers as a women.

>> No.7393500
File: 80 KB, 205x294, 1393340444400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.7393546

reminder that if you don't know who MMillen is then you are the cancer that killed /cgl/ newfags

>> No.7393586

Note the wording... "For the last time"

Did no one else catch on to this genius??? She never claims it anymore. That was actually rhe LAST time she made that claim.

>> No.7393610


I'll note her genius all right

>> No.7393619

Wtf??? Get that backwards sexist Muslim mindset out of here. You creepy fuck,

>> No.7393652

Why do we care about her?

Did you ever think that maybe if you just ignored her she will go away?

>> No.7393682

>We don't want just a muscular boyfriend, he also has to have a personality, support our hobbies, be nice and sweet

AAHAHA this is awesome

no, not JUST muscular, but also this and that, also this


>> No.7393687

We deserve the best.

>> No.7393743


Looks like it got personal.

>> No.7393766


I can't ignore my dick's needs

>> No.7393774

and thats why /cgl/ spits in /fit/'s direction

>> No.7393777
File: 241 KB, 392x411, kawaiiass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there was a thread complaining about the photo on the right here a while back

>> No.7393778

If all those qualities seem outrageous to you I'm willing to bet you're single

>> No.7393779

I like slightly muscular guys but it's not too important. Just as long as he's nut chubby or fat it's fine. He does have to be sweet and caring and support/be involved with my hobbies though.
I also like guys who are pretty introverted and only talk to/hang out with a select few close people.
I don't give a shit if he know show to pleasure me either, he can learn that by being with me and learning what I like. In fact the guy should only have had sex in serious relationships. I'm not taking a manwhore.

>> No.7393782


reminds me of what happened with applemilk on /b/.

eventually they'll all do porn. always.

>> No.7393801

>*waiting to see my boyfriend's comments in another screenshot*

>> No.7393811

/biz/fag here earning $110k basic.

If you're race mixing it up then those of us with decent earning capability do not want you. End of. Who the fuck wants a womanchild weeb still in love with k-pop and j-pop fags? If you hate your own race that much you can fuck right off.

>> No.7393822

Nobody cares, /pol/

>> No.7393828

>liking anything but muscular men is a fetish
My sides

>> No.7393829

oh god my side

>> No.7393839

there are so many better things to masturbate too

>> No.7393842

It's the truth. Just look at all the Alpha girls in Hollywood/showbiz. How often do you see them with skeletons? Never. Lanky ass Asians? Almost never. The only one famous for having yellow fever (=mental disorder) is Lorde, but then again, she doesn't look really attractive herself and it is painfully obvious that she has lots of issues and that she is an overhyped hoe and also all her songs are shit.

>> No.7393843

Your dad cares bitch.

>> No.7393846

I'm sorry, I couldn't read what you were typing because my full head of soft and silky hair was in my eyes.

>> No.7393858

My dad isn't a racist /pol/tard.

And even if he did it's my life.

>> No.7393864

>my opinion is the truth guyz

>> No.7393877

I bet you're just some skeleton virgin nerd who can't handle the truth or some (below) average girl who can't deal with the fact that selling herself to ugly Asians was a bad deal.

>> No.7393879

>Implying you have a dad
>Implying the three racial pairings with the highest divorce rates in america aren't all composed of white women with non-white men
>Implying there isn't a reason for this
>Implying white men don't generally feel aversion to race mixing females of their own race

How cute, it's like she's new to the world.

>> No.7393885

I don't give a shit. I'm an individual and if I get along with a guy and like him that's not gonna stop me.

>> No.7393891

Nope, I'm an average skinny fat girl who's working out to get toned. Try again

>> No.7393892

Cry more, loser.

>> No.7393888


Not him, but plenty of asian parents are racist as fuck and will disapprove of their son's relationship with a white girl. Only a masochist tries to ingratiate themselves with those who don't want them.

I thought people generally outgrew their obnoxious weeb phase on /cgl/. Evidently not.

>> No.7393889

I don't know guys. I don't hate jnig or anything. I might mess with her a bit if I met her, but really she's whatever.

I just miss girls who are legit into anime and hate to see so many chicks sorta following this broads footsteps. Selling out, whatever you wanna call it.

>> No.7393897

>I exist in a vacuum

No you don't.

>> No.7393904

How com she has earn over 800k fans in less than 3 months? Is she using those facebook fake accounts to earn likes?

>> No.7393903
File: 44 KB, 450x418, hurr_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dresses up as anime characters
>dates men on the basis of buying into pop culture mystique about their entire race
>calls other people losers

>> No.7393906

So you're ugly then, should've said so at the start.

>> No.7393909

I feel bad for those of you who feel the urge to treat someone else poorly for a laugh. Is it because she's famous or because she's fake? Because that's pretty much any model or actor or singer, etc etc, known for sex appeal. It is what it is.

Then again, I doubt a single one of you saying you'd like to fault your hair or your natural tits in front of her in conversation would ever have the guts to do so.

>> No.7393912

*flaunt, not fault

>> No.7393911

JNigger git out

>> No.7393914

Not even her, just a lurker who thinks you're all pretty sad.

>> No.7393915

My opinion on JNIg, as a dude has always been that she may wear slutty clothes and act slutty, but she's never really come across as someone who is a literal slut.

She's had the same partner for ages for one thing, for another even before that I've never heard anything about her sleeping around. Compare this to infamous people that /cgl/ likes, such as Momoko or Ellie Idol.

Those of you who have one night stands should really reconsider being such bitches tbh.

>> No.7393919

don't forget all the whores on here who have sugar daddies.

>> No.7393921

Other male here, this is exactly my opinion too.

At least she's racially loyal too.

>> No.7393923

what's wrong with having some fun at a con? i had fun times with male visitors and cosplayers at cons, even some who were in relationships. but we always agreed to keep it a secret, just an innocent short fun hour or so and we part away again, nobody gets hurt

nobody is to call me a bitch or slut for that

>> No.7393929
File: 869 KB, 720x405, 621385879698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these angry white dudes
>mfw I took a white girl who's into anime/vidya and cosplay on a date this weekend
>mfw today I got a message from her saying that she wants to go out again this sunday
>in the meanwhile angry white dudes post on 4chan all day everyday
The best part is that I'm part black, even worse than asian.

>> No.7393931

>a roodypoo

Dude. Just kill yourself.

>> No.7393934

Nothing, but it becomes hypocritical of you to go around calling other girls sluts then, especially if you're fucking guys who have girlfriends without remorse.

>> No.7393932
File: 1.50 MB, 428x285, donshocked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hahaha, I date your women and reject my own! We're so superior!"

Does somebody else want to tell him or should I?

>> No.7393937

damn son, you took that bait so fast

>> No.7393941

dat implicit acknowledgment of genetic inferiority gets me every time, no race rejects their own women as universally as black men reject black women

>> No.7393946
File: 27 KB, 290x189, 735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody needs to tell them they can't have white children... Only a white couple can.

>> No.7393953

Yeah I like light skinned girls. So what, I'm not getting angry about it.

>> No.7393958

>Yeah I like light skinned girls.

You and a good 90% of all black dudes.

What do you think that says when a race of people reject their own women in favor of another to such an astronomical degree?

Seems to me they subconsciously find their own race unattractive.

>> No.7393959

uhhhhh not always.
if you're mixed your children can come out light enough that they can pass for white

>tfw my future white passing children will eventually become racist because they pass enough

>> No.7393965

Probably because white women are the face of nearly every beauty campaign in the States? I know how tumblr-y this sounds, I'm not sjw, but it's no secret that black women are still not made out to be attractive when compared to whites.

>> No.7393966
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>if you're mixed your children can come out light enough that they can pass for white

If you're a very rare Octoroon or if you're Eurasian to a white father, in which case we don't care. We're happy to accept you as white in that case.

But nah, your kids are almost certainly going to be shitskins dude, deal with it and get back to your backpacker rap or whatever else it is niggers on 4chan do.

>> No.7393962

well, when lightness is pushed as attractive nonstop in almost every media, yeah, it wears down on you after a while.

ever notice that people who watch american media like whites, and people who watch asian media like asians?

not a coincidence.

>> No.7393969

That's not true. My best friend and her younger sister are half black, half white. Friend is dark skinned, sister passes as white. It happens.

>> No.7393970

>ever notice that people who watch american media like whites, and people who watch asian media like asians?

Not really. Even amongst anime fans a preference for asian men and women is just that of a vocal minority.

Can't believe you're actually blaming the media for what you find attractive though. Responsibility really is like kryptonite to your people isn't it?

But they're not. Remember when HuffPo did that study into magazine covers and inadvertently discovered that black people are overrepresented in US pop culture? You're sure as shit overrepresented in most music fields. I don't hear any clamoring for equal representation in that.

Anyway, denying what we find beautiful has a genetic component is stupid.

>> No.7393971
File: 15 KB, 374x250, 1313684588753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me: "Most mixed black people do not pass as white, except in very rare circumstances."
>You: "That's not true, I know of one very rare circumstance in which a mixed black person passes as white"
>Niggers in charge of understanding averages

>> No.7393973

I don't give a shit.

All I care about is getting what I want. While you worry about this crap I'm asking her out and showing her my qualities and giving her a good time.

>> No.7393975

Fuck off Shaneequa.

>but it's no secret that black women are still not made out to be attractive when compared to whites.

Because your people are aesthetically fucking disgusting. Our opposition to your mixing with us isn't even for any /pol/-tier dysgenic reason but simply because brown people are boring look, uglier than their white equivalents and assuredly have uglier hair.

>> No.7393979

fuck off /pol/

>> No.7393980

>muh qualities

at most you're in college for a shitty humanities degree nig, you ain't got any qualities and your people aren't going to survive the technocratic age we're entering, where you need actual marketable skills and a dedication to hard work to get a job.

>If only the media kissed our asses more, then white and asian men would find black women attractive!

top kek

>> No.7393982


Not even him but he's right, for some reason >>7393973 wants to convince himself that any kids he has with a white woman are going to be white passing when in reality they're going to look more like him, and we already know he implicitly finds whites more attractive than his own people so this makes him buttmad

>> No.7393987

>well, when lightness is pushed as attractive nonstop in almost every media, yeah, it wears down on you after a while.

What does this even mean? Are you claiming you've been brainwashed? Sounds a little resentful on your part. Did you know the racial pairing with the highest divorce rate is BM/WF btw

>> No.7393990

It's not just the light skin though is it, it's the hair, the eyes, the morphology of the face and, well, everything.

Oh please, look at how hard the US media pushes people like Halle Berry and Beyonce as the most beautiful people. You're lucky this isn't East Asia, you'd get no such kid glove treatment, people would straight up tell you they find light skin attractive and dark skin unattractive.

>> No.7393991
File: 79 KB, 400x438, stormfront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I fucking love 4chan. Truly in this day and age of social media it's refreshing to say whatever the fuck you want about whoever you want and have zero consequences for doing so.

This website is so fucking important and special, and I love every bit of it.

>> No.7393995

>or if you're Eurasian to a white father, in which case we don't care. We're happy to accept you as white in that case.

Fuck yes, thanks /pol/.

I hate niggers too incidentally.

>> No.7393996

I'm an anime loving womanchild and I make 105k a year. Not all of us don't have decent earning capability.
I'm actually making almost as much as you.

>> No.7393997

I'm studying economics, she's studying journalism. Hate all you want.

I never said anything about children, but they're obviously going to look more white than me since I'm already mixed myself.

>> No.7394004

What do you want, a pat on the head? We don't choose women based on their earning power and never have.

>> No.7394009
File: 80 KB, 444x418, hurr_train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not all of us don't have decent earning capability.
>Not all of us don't have

The fuck?

Did all that K-Pop and race mixing melt your brain or something?

>> No.7394013

we choose woman based on which one is stupid enough to date us

>tfw no gf

>> No.7394015


He could be younger than you anon. What >>7394004 said is true as well, men generally prefer women who earn a bit less, it's emasculating otherwise.

>> No.7394037

It's not about money. It's about being family oriented.

I don't wanna get married to some woman who's gonna spend hours a day on the office and neglect our children she decided to have when she was 43.

>> No.7394041

I'm an anime loving womanchild and I make 105k a year. Not all of us don't have decent earning capability.
I'm actually making almost as much as you.

>> No.7394045

You already said that shitposter.

Ugh, yeah, the trend towards having children in 30s/40s is disgusting. Not least because of the health risks for the kid and how exponentially they increase.

>> No.7394048

Thread has turned into jnig bashing, yaya flashbacks, men's standards, angry individuals, if your not white it's not all right, and interracial racial babies can pass as white. So many different subjects in one thread.

>> No.7394074

Speak for yourself. I'd love to be a househusband. Spending more time with my (theoretical future) children instead of working a boring shitty job sounds wonderful.

>> No.7394080

Enjoy being unattractive to women.

>> No.7394084

My phone messed up. It said it didn't send my post and I tried resending it. Now everything updated.
I'm 23 so I'm still pretty young.
I don't want kids and aside from my job I still have as much time as anyone else who works...
Why would it be bad that I make money other than it being emasculating?

>> No.7394087

Yeah, I've noticed. I gotta hide that - even the successful alpha businessgirls I've dated don't want that in a man.

>> No.7394089


You just sound unattractive. Womanchild, earns a lot of money, has yellow fever. Just makes my skin crawl. Ew.

>> No.7394090

I was saying it because >>7393811 was acting like hot shit for making about the same amount as me and I'm what he would call a womanchild. So really womanchildren can be of just as much worth as him, it doesn'tt matter that some girls like anime and Jpop and etc.

>> No.7394095

The fact you earn a lot of money doesn't change the fact you have a developmental disorders.

>> No.7394098

Not really yellow fever, I never have dated an Asian actually. I just find some attractive, I mostly just watch anime and listen to a bunch of Jpop and like Jfashion styles.
And making money shouldn't make me unattractive.
Other than it being "emasculating" why would that be bad?

>> No.7394106

>be nice and sweet (but not in a nice guy way)

How does that work? Please explain.

>> No.7394110

Watching anime and listening to Jpop doesn't give you a developmental disorder. How would that make me any less developed than anyone else? Am I supposed to be watching The Walking Dead and listening to Ke$ha right now like other adults to be "more developed?"

>> No.7394113


Anon. Men do not want to date women who earn much more than they do.

>> No.7394123

Speak for yourself.

>> No.7394131

Why does it matter?
Tell me a legitimate reason why it would matter so much if your girlfriend made more money than you. Is your only worth the fact that you make more money than your girlfriend?

>> No.7394147

It means I'm not a man.

>> No.7394223
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I'm half white half black. I do well for myself. What's up with the racism? You guys would love prison.

>> No.7394243
File: 354 KB, 1288x1586, 1349030027317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, please! Like some fit, handsome, 10/10 guy with a great personality is going to date a pasty, skinnyfat, uterus-shedding legbeards like any of you on this board. The reason threads like this one even exist are because /cgl/ is full of beta males who hate people like JNigger because she's actually a hot, normal, non-legbearded woman who can enjoy doing cosplay but is also capable of living a normal, happy, full life unlike you attic dwellers. Get a fucking grip and stop thinking you're entitled to anything more than a 6/10 guy who puts up with your childish bullshit and shares some of your interests.

>> No.7394248


>beta males


>> No.7394340

I think you just wrekt the entire fucking board m8.